- Updated version requirement of pillow to avoid bug
- Dropped support for python 3.6 and 3.7
- Added Boxplot Chart including example in examples notebook
- Fixed a few errors in example and tutorial notebooks
- Fixed a typo in requirements.txt
- Updated package requirements
- Got rid of future deprecation warnings
- Bugfix related to legend for graphs with multiple groups and colors
- Support pyyaml 5.2+
- Reduce dependencies by switching from Jupyter to IPython.
- Updated Python to 3.6+ and Pandas to 1.0+ (Thanks @tomasaschan!)
- Updated Bokeh to 2.0+
- Removed colour dependency to fix setup errors.
- Updated default yaml loader to move off of deprecated method (Thanks @vh920!)
- Updated legend handling to adjust for deprecated methods in recent versions of Bokeh (Thanks for reporting @jpkoc)
- Updated license in setup.py (Thanks for reporting @jsignell)
- Bump base Pillow dependency to avoid insecure version.
- Update MANIFEST to include missing files (Thanks @toddrme2178!)
- Moved package requirements and fixed bug that occured with latest version of Bokeh (Thanks @emschuch & @mollymzhu!)
- Fixed bug in README while generating docs (Thanks @Bharat123rox!)
- Allows users to plot colors on bar charts that aren't contained in the categorical axis.
- Fixed bug that caused float types to break when plotted with categorical text plots (Thanks for finding @danela!)
- Fixed broken readme links.
- Added Radar Chart
- Added second Y axis plotting.
- Removed Bokeh loading notification on import (Thanks @canavandl!)
- Added support for custom Bokeh resource loading (Thanks @canavandl!)
- Added example for Chart.save() method (Thanks @david30907d!)
- Updated documentation for saving and showing svgs.
- Fixed bug that broke plots with no difference between min and max points. (Thanks for finding @fabioconcina!)
- Updated docstrings (Thanks @gregorybchris @ItsPugle!)
- Added SVG output options to Chart.show() and Chart.save() (Thanks for the suggestion @jdmendoza!)
- Fixed bug that caused source label to overlap with xaxis labels.
- Fixed bug that prevented x axis orientation changes with datetime axes (Thanks for finding @simonwongwong!)
- Fixed bug that caused subtitle to disappear with outside_top legend location (Thanks for finding @simonwongwong!)
- Line segment callout properties will work correctly. (Thanks @gregorybchris!)
- Updated Bokeh version requirements to support 1.0
- Removed upper bound of Pillow dependency.
- Stacked bar and area order now matches default vertical legend order.
- Added method for shifting color palettes.
- Added scatter plots with a single categorical axis.
- Fixed bug with text_stacked that occurred with multiple categorical levels.
- Fix scatter plot bug that can occur due to nested data types.
- Added hexbin plot type.
- More control over grouped axis label orientation.
- Added alpha control to scatter, line, and parallel plots.
- Added control over marker style to scatter plot.
- Added ability to create custom color palettes.
- Changed default accent color.
- Visual tweaks to lollipop plot.
- Bar plots with a few number of series will have better widths.
- First release on PyPI.