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Feldwor edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Disboard-Auto-Bumper wiki!

Disboard is a Discord Server Listing site, in the search engine of Disboard the default sorting is set to Bumping.

Bumping is simply a synonim to the server's members activity that are willingly writing a command !d bump
to send a notice to the Disboard listing that the server is still active and have active members.

The !d bump command is restricted to the usage period of every 2 hours.

This is made to stop the abuse of !bump command spam and to make sure that the listing is not overwhelmed by constant change of server listing.

Disboard Bumper is a Discord bot that writes !d bump into specified channel.

Dyna hours used by the Disboard bumper bot.

Only one Disboard bumper bot can be deployed per free Heroku account.
Disboard bumper takes around ~700 of free dynos-hours per month.

The current usage of Dyos hours can be checked here.

Or with a command of heroku user:info Source:

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