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Software Engineering

Software Engineering is the field of computer science that deals with the construction of large or complex software system. The software development of this magnitude is usually done by a group of software professionals rather than the single professional. The differnce between programming and software engineering is that programming is primiarly activity while software engineering is essentially a team activity.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

It is about the basics of software engineering. We will start with how a program is different from software. Then we will head towards the software crisis. In the software crisis, we will learn its causes, characteristics. At last, we will learn about the elements of software engineering.

Chapter 2 - Software Development Models

It is about Software Development Process Models and different phases through which we build software. After this, the waterfall model is explained in detail with the help of a diagram . At last, we will learn about the waterfall model applications, advantages, and disadvantages.

Chapter 3 - Agile Methods

In this chapter we will learn about Agile. Agile is one form of software development methodology. Its main focus is on client satisfaction through continuous delivery. We will also learn about different phases of Agile and its different frameworks like scrum, kanban and many more. In this we have a bonus topic named VUCA world.

Chapter 4 - Software Project Planning

It is about the planning of the project in this we will study how the cost of software is estimated. Then we will study Putnam Resource allocation model after this we head up to risk management. At last, we will schedule the project and Capability maturity model(CMM) and its application.

Chapter 5 - Software Designing

In this we will start with the objective of software designing then we will discuss about object-oriented concepts and unified modeling language(UML) and different types of UML diagrams.

Chapter 6 - Software Testing

This chapter deals with the basics of software testing. In this we have studied about software testing forms, strategies. If you are interested to study it in brief then plz stay tuned as we will add a new separate course for software testing in which we will study each and every topic in detail.


challenge-1: UML Class Diagram

Provide an example of UML class diagram which shows a domain model for online shopping. The purpose of the diagram is to introduce some common terms, "dictionary" for online shopping - Customer, Web User, Account, Shopping Cart, Product, Order, Payment, etc. and relationships between. It could be used as a common ground between business analysts and software developers.

Challenge-2: Component Diagram

Provide a component diagram for online shopping. The diagram shows "white-box" view of the internal structure of three related subsystems - WebStore, Warehouses, and Accounting. In UML «Subsystem» is a standard component stereotype for larger components, usually containing some smaller components.
