Releases: vaadin/cdi
- moved the classes VaadinCDIServlet and VaadinCDIServletService to the package com.vaadin.cdi.servlet
- do not add hyphens within all caps abbreviations in automatic UI/view names, e.g. MyCDIUI becomes my-cdi and MyCDITestView becomes my-cdi-test
- added check at deployment time: classes with @CDIView must implement View
- added check at deployment time: if a servlet class is nested in a UI with @CDIUI, it must extend VaadinCDIServlet
See for the complete list of changes
- removed the blocking of injecting Vaadin components in normal scopes that was introduced in 1.0.0.beta3
While it is now possible to inject Vaadin components in normal scopes (including @NormalUIScoped and @NormalViewScoped), it is not recommended as the proxies generated by CDI implementations may cause complications e.g. with Java collections.
For components injected in normal scopes, interceptors and decorators should only be used for methods that are not called directly by the framework.
See for the complete list of changes.
- breaking change: @UIScoped and @ViewScoped are no longer @NormalScope
- added corresponding @NormalUIScoped and @NormalViewScoped
- breaking change: NormalScopes (including @NormalUIScoped and
@NormalViewScoped) are not supported classes implementing
com.vaadin.ui.Component - See for the complete list of changes.
- @UIScoped and @ViewScoped can be used on methods
(producer methods, setter injection, constructor injection) - Dependency on Guava eliminated
- Various fixes including
- UI and View are now correctly included in their own scopes
- Sub-views with slash in view name are now handled correctly
- See for the complete list of changes.
- @ViewScoped context
- @UIScoped and @ViewScoped use @NormalScope, supporting interceptors etc.
- Better support for server push (including WebSockets) and operations in
background threads (within UI.access()) - DeltaSpike library is used internally by the add-on
- Various fixes and small enhancements
See for the complete list of changes.
If any VaadinServlet is explicitly configured either with @WebServlet or
with web.xml, automatic deployment of a CDI servlet will not take place.
In such cases, you should register a VaadinCDIServlet either for "/" or
for "/mypath/" and "/VAADIN/*"
To use a custom servlet class, it is recommended to inherit VaadinCDIServlet.
Overriding createServletService() is possible, in which case the service
should inherit VaadinCDIServletService if possible or duplicate its
functionality otherwise.
Note: Vaadin CDI 1.0.0.beta1 and later requires Vaadin 7.3.1 or later.
Injection of beans other than components also works with earlier Vaadin
- Reintroduce conventions for mapping of views and UIs
- This requires updating
parameter values in existing
applications. - see #77 for details
- This requires updating
is inherited by subclasses of an annotated UI- Support non-JEE containers with Weld (BeanManager look-up)
- Use BeanManager.resolve() to support
UIs - Partial passivation support
- Automatically injected servlet has async-supported enabled
- Reduced unnecessary logging
See for the complete list of changes.