stats.js is a JavaScript script for displaying statistics from vAMSYS customers' virtual airlines on the customer's own website.
stats.js is hosted on the vAMSYS CDN at
To use stats.js, at the bottom of your HTML file, include the bundle.js
script, and then below that you can specify what to replace.
You will need your VA's UUID, which is the key at the end of your Statistics URL from Orwell. An example UUID is 44af8377-34f9-401a-aafe-5cfbc2cf8325
<span id="total-pireps-stat"></span>
<script src=""></script>
var stats = vamsysStats({
uuid: "[YOUR_VA_UUID]"
stats.replace("total-pireps-stat").withVaStat(stats =>;
The example above replaces the inner HTML of the element with the id total-pireps-stat
with the total PIREPs statistic.
A full list of what statistics can be included can be found in the statistics.ts file. A full list of options that can be passed to the vamsysStats
function can be
found in the settings.ts file.
If you find a security issue with the script, please email george [a t]
. You can encrypt your message using his key, available here.