Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) allows you to send push messages at no cost to both Android & iOS platforms. Assuming the installation instructions have been followed, FCM is ready to go.
As the Firebase Web SDK has limited messaging functionality, the following methods within react-native-firebase
have been
created to handle FCM in the React Native environment.
Subscribes the device to a topic.
Unsubscribes the device from a topic.
When the application has been opened from a notification getInitialNotification
is called and the notification payload
is returned. Use onMessage
for notifications when the app is running.
.then((notification) => {
console.log('Notification which opened the app: ', notification);
### getToken(): Promise<string>
Returns the devices FCM token. This token can be used in the Firebase console to send messages to directly.
.then((token) => {
console.log('Device FCM Token: ', token);
On the event a devices FCM token is refreshed by Google, the new token is returned in a callback listener.
firebase.messaging().onTokenRefresh((token) => {
console.log('Refreshed FCM token: ', token);
On a new message, the payload object is passed to the listener callback. This method is only triggered when the app is
running. Use getInitialNotification
for notifications which cause the app to open.
firebase.messaging().onMessage((message) => {
Create a local notification from the device itself.
### scheduleLocalNotification(notification: Object)
Schedule a local notification to be shown on the device.
Returns an array of all currently scheduled notifications.
.then((notifications) => {
console.log('Current scheduled notifications: ', notifications);
Cancels a location notification by ID, or all notifications by *
// Cancel all local notifications
// Cancel a single local notification
Removes all delivered notifications from device by ID, or all notifications by *
// Remove all notifications
// Removes a single local notification
Requests app notification permissions in an Alert dialog.
Sets the badge number on the iOS app icon.
Returns the current badge number on the app icon.
const badgeNumber = firebase.messaging().getBadgeNumber();