title | subtitle | author | job | framework | revealjs | highlighter | hitheme | widgets | mode | knit | |||||
Project Proposal |
Clarence Dillon |
CSS739 Conflict Models |
revealjs |
highlight.js |
tomorrow |
selfcontained |
slidify::knit2slides |
Viewing Conflict Attributes from a World-Systems Perspective
[CW Dillon](http://www.css.gmu.edu/?q=node/15)
for Conflict Models, CSS739
Fall 2014
George Mason University
*** =pnotes
I am a PhD student in the Department of Computational Social Sciences, at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Studies. We focus our research on understanding complex adaptive social systems from a behavioral (even cognitive) perspective. This seminar, by Dr. Claudio Cioffi-Revilla focuses on models of conflict: statistical models, games and decision models, dynamic models and agent-based models, for example.
--- .class #id
- Correlates of War (COW) data is some of the most comprehensive data about conflicts
- curated, reviewed, validated
- covers the period 1820-current
- Analysis of COW data has been mostly via regression models
--- &vertical
- Quantitative approach to world history
- Divides the international political economy worlds:
- core (
$1^{st}$ world) - semi-periphery (
$2^{nd}$ world) - periphery (
$3^{rd}$ world)
- Often applied in conjunction with ``dependence theory'' to explain differing development rates around the world
- Dependence theory interprets world-systems analysis as evidence of global class struggles, ala Marx
- core exploits the periphery
- chains of economic development
- Root cause of conflict is undefended wealth
- Immanuel Wallerstein
- First published on world-systems analysis in 1974
- Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century
- multi-cultural territorial division of labor
- Frank & Gills
- anthropoligists
- widened concept to study development patterns back to Mesopotamia
- COW data easily had
- COW Trade data is incomplete, several inconsistencies
- No (current) world-system network data
- Norbum 1900-1960
- Text of Michael Haas 1968 World Hierarchies data
- Gravity data for war-trade relationships (Ward, et al 2013)
- Cross-National Time Series Data Archive: CNTS (Banks 1968)
- Maddison Historical Statistics (Maddison 2013)
- Other incomplete sets:
- World Trade Organization
- Economics Web Institute
--- &vertical
- Build on the structural interpretation of world-systems analyis
- Haas
- Russett
- Review previous methods of analysing conflict
- Richardson
- Cioffi-Revilla
- Expand the utility of COW
- Spatial
- Structural
- Still building annual networks 1870-2009
- Chase-Dunn openness measure:
${imports} / {per capita GDP}$ - Barbieri (COW) trade + Maddison per capita GDP
- MPP imputation for Maddison data
- Undecided on some metrics
- UCINET/SNA core-periphery vs igraph ``coreness''
- 3 x 3 (core, semi-per, periphery) vs 2 x 2