If venv/lib/python3x/site-packages/apio-x.x.x.dist-info/metadata version is not 0.9.0 this is the error APIO_HOME_DIR="/Users/sam/.icestudio/apio" PATH="/Users/sam/.icestudio/venv/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" "/Users/sam/.icestudio/venv/bin/apio" build --board go-board -p "/Users/sam/Downloads/icestudio/ice-build/01. Blinking fixed LED" [Mon Jan 29 09:30:05 2024] Processing go-board -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yosys -p "synth_ice40 -json hardware.json" -q main.v nextpnr-ice40 --hx1k --package vq100 --json hardware.json --asc hardware.asc --pcf main.pcf -q Warning: unmatched constraint 'v090b60' (on line 3) Warning: unmatched constraint 'vf1bd8c' (on line 4) Warning: unmatched constraint 'vclk' (on line 5) Warning: unmatched constraint 'vinit[0]' (on line 6) Warning: unmatched constraint 'vinit[1]' (on line 7) Warning: unmatched constraint 'vinit[2]' (on line 8) ERROR: IO 'c' is unconstrained in PCF (override this error with --pcf-allow-unconstrained) ERROR: Loading PCF failed. 6 warnings, 2 errors scons: *** [hardware.asc] Error 255 ========================= [ ERROR ] Took 0.92 seconds ========================= If it is 0.9.0 or 0.90.0 the output is APIO_HOME_DIR="/Users/sam/.icestudio/apio" PATH="/Users/sam/.icestudio/venv/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" "/Users/sam/.icestudio/venv/bin/apio" build --board go-board --top-module main -p "/Users/sam/Downloads/icestudio/ice-build/01. Blinking fixed LED" [Mon Jan 29 09:34:53 2024] Processing go-board -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yosys -p "synth_ice40 -top main -json hardware.json" -q main.v nextpnr-ice40 --hx1k --package vq100 --json hardware.json --asc hardware.asc --pcf main.pcf -q icepack hardware.asc hardware.bin ========================= [SUCCESS] Took 0.81 seconds =========================