import os import torch as th import yaml import omnigibson as og from omnigibson.macros import gm # Don't use GPU dynamics and use flatcache for performance boost gm.USE_GPU_DYNAMICS = True gm.ENABLE_FLATCACHE = False def execute_controller(ctrl_gen, env): for action in ctrl_gen: env.step(action) def main(): """ Demonstrates how to use the action primitives to solve a simple BEHAVIOR-1K task. It loads Benevolence_1_int with a robot, and the robot attempts to solve the picking_up_trash task using a hardcoded sequence of primitives. """ # Load the config config_filename = os.path.join(og.example_config_path, "fetch_primitives.yaml") config = yaml.load(open(config_filename, "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) print(config_filename) # Update it to run a grocery shopping task config["scene"]["scene_model"] = "Benevolence_1_int" config["scene"]["load_task_relevant_only"] = True config["scene"]["not_load_object_categories"] = ["ceilings"] config["task"] = { "type": "BehaviorTask", "activity_name": "clean_gas_logs", "activity_definition_id": 0, "activity_instance_id": 0, "online_object_sampling": False, } # Load the environment env = og.Environment(configs=config) scene = env.scene robot = env.robots[0] # Allow user to move camera more easily og.sim.enable_viewer_camera_teleoperation() max_iterations = 10 for j in range(max_iterations):"Resetting environment") env.reset() for i in range(100): action = env.action_space.sample() state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action) # Always close the environment at the end og.clear() if __name__ == "__main__": main()