-- This reservoir simulation deck is made available under the Open Database -- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in -- individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents -- License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/ -- Copyright (C) 2021 NORCE -- Test case for dissolution of co2 in brine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUNSPEC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE CO2STORE DRSDTDYN DIMENS 20 1 20 / EQLDIMS / TABDIMS --Sat PVT Sat-nodes PVT-nodes FIP Rs-nodes Rv-nodes -- 1 1 20 20 1 20 20 (ECL100 default values) 2 1 22 20 1 1* 1* / OIL GAS CO2STORE DISGAS --DIFFUSE --THERMAL -- This DATA files uses relperm hysteresis SATOPTS HYSTER / METRIC START 1 'JAN' 2019 / WELLDIMS 1 10 1 1 / UNIFIN UNIFOUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRID ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOECHO INIT DX 400*5 / DY 400*100 / DZ 400*5 / TOPS 20*0.0 / PORO 400*0.3/ PERMX 400*2000/ PERMY 400*2000/ PERMZ 400*2000/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCK 1.0 1e-6 / EHYSTR 1* 0 2* KR / -- Use gas-oil table for CO2 and water (water = oil in CO2STORE) SGOF 0 0 1 0.1 0.02 0 0.931564 0.100025 0.106667 0.001342 0.669863 0.102694 0.193333 0.009344 0.460902 0.114241 0.28 0.029078 0.299335 0.140171 0.366667 0.065072 0.179659 0.185473 0.453333 0.121547 0.096184 0.254824 0.54 0.202513 0.042981 0.352681 0.626667 0.311819 0.013811 0.483329 0.713333 0.45319 0.001983 0.65092 0.8 0.630242 0 0.859489 0.85 0.75 0 1 / 0 0 1 0.1 0.25 0 0.350238 0.100025 0.311111 0.001251 0.251847 0.102694 0.372222 0.008715 0.173284 0.114241 0.433333 0.027122 0.11254 0.140171 0.494444 0.060694 0.067546 0.185473 0.555556 0.113368 0.036162 0.254824 0.616667 0.188885 0.016159 0.352681 0.677778 0.290836 0.005192 0.483329 0.738889 0.422694 0.000746 0.65092 0.8 0.587832 0 0.859489 0.85 0.75 0 1 / SALINITY 0.7/ 35-40g/l -> 35-40g /kg -> 0.63-0.72 mol/g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIL 0 200 1000 0 0 0 1 1 0 / RTEMPVD 0 50 100 50 / RSVD 0 0.0 100 0.0 / RPTRST 'BASIC=2' 'ALLPROPS'/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Field reporting -- Totals FGIT -- Rates FGIR -- Pressures FPR -- Volumes in place FOIP FOIPL FOIPG FWIP FGIP FGIPL FGIPG BGSAT 10 1 1 / 10 1 10 / / BPR 10 1 1 / 10 1 10 / / BRS 10 1 1 / 10 1 10 / / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RPTRST 'BASIC=2' 'ALLPROPS'/ WELSPECS -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 'INJ' 'G1' 1 1 1* 'GAS' / / COMPDAT -- Item #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'INJ' 1 1 20 20 'OPEN' 1* 1* 0.5 / / WCONINJE -- Item #:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 'INJ' 'GAS' 'OPEN' 'RATE' 1000 1* 400 / / DRSDTCON 0.04 / -- 30 day + 10 months TSTEP 30*1 / TSTEP 10*30.4 / WELOPEN -- Well Status '*' SHUT / / -- 100 years TSTEP 100*365 / END