------- FAST.Farm for OpenFAST INPUT FILE ------------------------------------------------- Simulation with one turbine using precursor VTK --- SIMULATION CONTROL --- False Echo - Echo input data to .ech? (flag) FATAL AbortLevel - Error level when simulation should abort (string) {"WARNING", "SEVERE", "FATAL"} 2400.0 TMax - Total run time (s) [>=0.0] False UseSC - Use a super controller? (flag) 2 Mod_AmbWind - Ambient wind model (-) (switch) {1: high-fidelity precursor in VTK format, 2: one InflowWind module, 3: multiple instances of InflowWind module} 1 Mod_WaveField - Wave field handling (-) (switch) {1: use individual HydroDyn inputs without adjustment, 2: adjust wave phases based on turbine offsets from farm origin} 0 Mod_SharedMooring - Shared mooring system model (switch) {0: None, 3=MoorDyn}} --- SUPER CONTROLLER --- [used only for UseSC=True] "unused" SC_FileName - Name/location of the dynamic library {.dll [Windows] or .so [Linux]} containing the Super Controller algorithms (quoated string) --- SHARED MOORING SYSTEM --- [used only for Mod_SharedMoor>0] "unused" SharedMoorFile - Name of file containing shared mooring system input parameters (quoted string) [used only when Mod_SharedMooring > 0] 0.001 DT_Mooring - Time step for farm-level mooring coupling with each turbine (s) [used only when Mod_SharedMooring > 0] --- AMBIENT WIND: PRECURSOR IN VTK FORMAT --- [used only for Mod_AmbWind=1] 3.0 DT_Low-VTK - Time step for low -resolution wind data input files; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0] 0.1 DT_High-VTK - Time step for high-resolution wind data input files (s) [>0.0] "unused" WindFilePath - Path name to VTK wind data files from precursor (string) False ChkWndFiles - Check all the ambient wind files for data consistency? (flag) --- AMBIENT WIND: INFLOWWIND MODULE --- [used only for Mod_AmbWind=2 or 3] 0.2 DT_Low - Time step for low -resolution wind data interpolation; will be used as the global FAST.Farm time step (s) [>0.0] 0.01 DT_High - Time step for high-resolution wind data interpolation (s) [>0.0] 273 NX_Low - Number of low -resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] 77 NY_Low - Number of low -resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] 73 NZ_Low - Number of low -resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] 0 X0_Low - Origin of low -resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (m) 0 Y0_Low - Origin of low -resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (m) 0 Z0_Low - Origin of low -resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (m) 5 dX_Low - Spacing of low -resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0] 5 dY_Low - Spacing of low -resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0] 5 dZ_Low - Spacing of low -resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (m) [>0.0] 1101 NX_High - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in X direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] 181 NY_High - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Y direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] 201 NZ_High - Number of high-resolution spatial nodes in Z direction for wind data interpolation (-) [>=2] "NRELOffshrBsline5MW_InflowWind_12mps.dat" InflowFile - Name of file containing InflowWind module input parameters (quoted string) --- WIND TURBINES --- 1 NumTurbines - Number of wind turbines (-) [>=1] [last 6 columns below used only for Mod_AmbWind=2 or 3] WT_X WT_Y WT_Z WT_FASTInFile X0_High Y0_High Z0_High dX_High dY_High dZ_High (m) (m) (m) (string) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 120.0 190 0.0 "5MW_OC4Semi_WSt_WavesWN.fst" 0 100 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 --- WAKE DYNAMICS --- 1 Mod_Wake - Switch between wake formulations {1:Polar, 2:Curl, 3:Cartesian} (-) (switch) 5.0 dr - Radial increment of radial finite-difference grid (m) [>0.0] 40 NumRadii - Number of radii in the radial finite-difference grid (-) [>=2] 140 NumPlanes - Number of wake planes (-) [>=2] 0.08 f_c - Cutoff (corner) frequency of the low-pass time-filter for the wake advection, deflection, and meandering model [recommended=1.28*U0/R] (Hz) [>0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=12.5/R, R estimated from dr and NumRadii, not recommended] DEFAULT C_HWkDfl_O - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset at the rotor (m ) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.0 ] DEFAULT C_HWkDfl_OY - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset at the rotor scaled with yaw error (m/deg) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.0 if Mod_Wake is 2, 0.3 otherwise] DEFAULT C_HWkDfl_x - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset scaled with downstream distance (- ) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.0 ] DEFAULT C_HWkDfl_xY - Calibrated parameter in the correction for wake deflection defining the horizontal offset scaled with downstream distance and yaw error (1/deg) or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.0 if Mod_Wake is 2, -0.004 otherwise] DEFAULT C_NearWake - Calibrated parameter for the near-wake correction (-) [>1.0 and <2.5] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.8] DEFAULT k_vAmb - Calibrated parameter for the influence of ambient turbulence in the eddy viscosity (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.05 ] DEFAULT k_vShr - Calibrated parameter for the influence of the shear layer in the eddy viscosity (-) [>=0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.016] DEFAULT C_vAmb_DMin - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the transitional diameter fraction between the minimum and exponential regions (-) [>=0.0 ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.0 ] DEFAULT C_vAmb_DMax - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the transitional diameter fraction between the exponential and maximum regions (-) [> C_vAmb_DMin ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 1.0 ] DEFAULT C_vAmb_FMin - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the value in the minimum region (-) [>=0.0 and <=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 1.0 ] DEFAULT C_vAmb_Exp - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for ambient turbulence defining the exponent in the exponential region (-) [> 0.0 ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.01] DEFAULT C_vShr_DMin - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the transitional diameter fraction between the minimum and exponential regions (-) [>=0.0 ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 3.0 ] DEFAULT C_vShr_DMax - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the transitional diameter fraction between the exponential and maximum regions (-) [> C_vShr_DMin ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=25.0 ] DEFAULT C_vShr_FMin - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the value in the minimum region (-) [>=0.0 and <=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.2 ] DEFAULT C_vShr_Exp - Calibrated parameter in the eddy viscosity filter function for the shear layer defining the exponent in the exponential region (-) [> 0.0 ] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT= 0.1 ] DEFAULT Mod_WakeDiam - Wake diameter calculation model (-) (switch) {1: rotor diameter, 2: velocity based, 3: mass-flux based, 4: momentum-flux based} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1] DEFAULT C_WakeDiam - Calibrated parameter for wake diameter calculation (-) [>0.0 and <0.99] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=0.95] [unused for Mod_WakeDiam=1] DEFAULT Mod_Meander - Spatial filter model for wake meandering (-) (switch) {1: uniform, 2: truncated jinc, 3: windowed jinc} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=3] DEFAULT C_Meander - Calibrated parameter for wake meandering (-) [>=1.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1.9] --- CURLED-WAKE PARAMETERS [only used if Mod_Wake=2 or 3] --- DEFAULT Swirl - Switch to include swirl velocities in wake (-) (switch) [DEFAULT=TRUE] 0 k_VortexDecay - Vortex decay constant for curl (-) [DEFAULT=0.01] DEFAULT NumVortices - The number of vortices in the curled wake model (-) [DEFAULT=100] DEFAULT sigma_D - The width of the vortices in the curled wake model non-dimesionalized by rotor diameter (-) [DEFAULT=0.2] DEFAULT FilterInit - Switch to filter the initial wake plane deficit and select the number of grid points for the filter {0: no filter, 1: filter of size 1} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1] [unused for Mod_Wake=1] (switch) DEFAULT k_vCurl - Calibrated parameter for scaling the eddy viscosity in the curled-wake model (-) [>=0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=2.0 ] DEFAULT Mod_Projection - Switch to select how the wake plane velocity is projected in AWAE {1: keep all components, 2: project against plane normal} or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=1: if Mod_Wake is 1 or 3, or DEFAULT=2: if Mod_Wake is 2] (switch) --- VISUALIZATION --- True WrDisWind - Write low- and high-resolution disturbed wind data to .Low.Dis.t.vtk etc.? (flag) 1 NOutDisWindXY - Number of XY planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to .Low.DisXY.t.vtk (-) [0 to 99] 90.0 OutDisWindZ - Z coordinates of XY planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindXY] [unused for NOutDisWindXY=0] 9 NOutDisWindYZ - Number of YZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to /Low.DisYZ.t.vtk (-) [0 to 99] 125,246,372,498,624,750,876,1002,1128 OutDisWindX - X coordinates of YZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindYZ] [unused for NOutDisWindYZ=0] 1 NOutDisWindXZ - Number of XZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain to /Low.DisXZ.t.vtk (-) [0 to 99] 190.0 OutDisWindY - Y coordinates of XZ planes for output of disturbed wind data across the low-resolution domain (m) [1 to NOutDisWindXZ] [unused for NOutDisWindXZ=0] 10 WrDisDT - Time step for disturbed wind visualization output (s) [>0.0] or DEFAULT [DEFAULT=DT_Low or DT_Low-VTK] [unused for WrDisWind=False and NOutDisWindXY=NOutDisWindYZ=NOutDisWindXZ=0] --- OUTPUT --- False SumPrint - Print summary data to .sum? (flag) 99999.9 ChkptTime - Amount of time between creating checkpoint files for potential restart (s) [>0.0] 0.0 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s) [>=0.0] 1 OutFileFmt - Format for tabular (time-marching) output file (switch) {1: text file [.out], 2: binary file [.outb], 3: both} True TabDelim - Use tab delimiters in text tabular output file? (flag) {uses spaces if False} "ES10.3E2" OutFmt - Format used for text tabular output, excluding the time channel. Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string) DEFAULT OutAllPlanes - Output all wake planes at all time steps. [DEFAULT=False] 17 NOutRadii - Number of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [0 to 20] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OutRadii - List of radial nodes for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [1 to NOutRadii] [unused for NOutRadii=0] 8 NOutDist - Number of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor (-) [0 to 9 ] 126.0, 252, 378, 504, 630, 756, 882, 1008 OutDist - List of downstream distances for wake output for an individual rotor (m) [1 to NOutDist ] [unused for NOutDist =0] 0 NWindVel - Number of points for wind output (-) [0 to 9] 110 WindVelX - List of coordinates in the X direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0] 190 WindVelY - List of coordinates in the Y direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0] 90.0 WindVelZ - List of coordinates in the Z direction for wind output (m) [1 to NWindVel] [unused for NWindVel=0] OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels (quoted string) "W1VAmbx" "RtVRelT1" "YawErrT1" "TIAmbT1" "CtT1N02 , CtT1N03 , CtT1N04 , CtT1N05 , CtT1N06" "WkAxsXT1D1 , WkAxsXT1D2" "WkAxsYT1D1 , WkAxsYT1D2" "WkAxsZT1D1 , WkAxsZT1D2" "WkPosXT1D1 , WkPosXT1D2" "WkPosYT1D1 , WkPosYT1D2" "WkPosZT1D1 , WkPosZT1D2" "WkDfVxT1N01D1, WkDfVxT1N02D1, WkDfVxT1N03D1, WkDfVxT1N04D1, WkDfVxT1N05D1, WkDfVxT1N06D1, WkDfVxT1N07D1" "WkDfVxT1N01D2, WkDfVxT1N02D2, WkDfVxT1N03D2, WkDfVxT1N04D2, WkDfVxT1N05D2, WkDfVxT1N06D2, WkDfVxT1N07D2" "WkDfVrT1N01D1, WkDfVrT1N02D1, WkDfVrT1N03D1, WkDfVrT1N04D1, WkDfVrT1N05D1, WkDfVrT1N06D1, WkDfVrT1N07D1" "WkDfVrT1N01D2, WkDfVrT1N02D2, WkDfVrT1N03D2, WkDfVrT1N04D2, WkDfVrT1N05D2, WkDfVrT1N06D2, WkDfVrT1N07D2" END of input file (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line)