######################################################### \ #### User MCU and TMCs wiring definition file ########### + --> Everything MCU related :) ######################################################### / # This file is yours: keep in mind that it will not be erased when updating # the config using moonraker and it will be kept as you've set it. # Put here all your wiring definitions, your MCU serial port, CANbus UUID, etc... # It should be populated automatically with some default wiring templates during # the first time install of the config if you choose to do so when asked by the # script. If it's not the case, you will need to manually define all your # [board_pins] section. You can use the pinout documentation here: ./docs/pinout.md # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #-------------------------# # TMCs DRIVERS # #-------------------------# # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AXIS DRIVERS ----> optional, but only one line per axis need to be selected ### 1. X Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [include config/hardware/axis/X/TMC/TMC2209.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/X/TMC/TMC2209_V0specific.cfg] # Should only be used for early LDO V0 kits to mitigate the known VFAs issue # [include config/hardware/axis/X/TMC/TMC2240.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/X/TMC/TMC5160.cfg] ### 2. Y Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [include config/hardware/axis/Y/TMC/TMC2209.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Y/TMC/TMC2209_V0specific.cfg] # Should only be used for early LDO V0 kits to mitigate the known VFAs issue # [include config/hardware/axis/Y/TMC/TMC2240.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Y/TMC/TMC5160.cfg] ### 3. Z Drivers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2209_1-Motor.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2209_3-Motors.cfg] [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2209_4-Motors.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2240_1-Motor.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2240_3-Motors.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC2240_4-Motors.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC5160_1-Motor.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC5160_3-Motors.cfg] # [include config/hardware/axis/Z/TMC/TMC5160_4-Motors.cfg] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTRUDER DRIVER ----> optional, but only one line need to be selected ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [include config/hardware/extruder/TMC/TMC2209.cfg] # [include config/hardware/extruder/TMC/TMC2240.cfg] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------# #### Fysetc Spider v3.x MCU definition ######## #---------------------------------------------# [mcu] ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- # This board work by using a serial connection by default. If you # want to use CAN, invert the commented lines and use canbus_uuid. serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f446xx_230027000251323438323636-if00 # canbus_uuid: change-me-to-the-correct-canbus-id ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- [include config/mcu_definitions/main/Fysetc_Spider_v3.x.cfg] # Do not remove this line [board_pins spider_mcu] mcu: mcu aliases: X_STEP=MCU_X_MOT_STEP , X_DIR=MCU_X_MOT_DIR , X_ENABLE=MCU_X_MOT_ENABLE , X_TMCUART=MCU_X_MOT_CS_PDN , Y_STEP=MCU_Y_MOT_STEP , Y_DIR=MCU_Y_MOT_DIR , Y_ENABLE=MCU_Y_MOT_ENABLE , Y_TMCUART=MCU_Y_MOT_CS_PDN , Z_STEP=MCU_Z_MOT_STEP , Z_DIR=MCU_Z_MOT_DIR , Z_ENABLE=MCU_Z_MOT_ENABLE , Z_TMCUART=MCU_Z_MOT_CS_PDN , Z1_STEP=MCU_E1_MOT_STEP , Z1_DIR=MCU_E1_MOT_DIR , Z1_ENABLE=MCU_E1_MOT_ENABLE , Z1_TMCUART=MCU_E1_MOT_CS_PDN , Z2_STEP=MCU_E2_MOT_STEP , Z2_DIR=MCU_E2_MOT_DIR , Z2_ENABLE=MCU_E2_MOT_ENABLE , Z2_TMCUART=MCU_E2_MOT_CS_PDN , Z3_STEP=MCU_E3_MOT_STEP , Z3_DIR=MCU_E3_MOT_DIR , Z3_ENABLE=MCU_E3_MOT_ENABLE , Z3_TMCUART=MCU_E3_MOT_CS_PDN , E_STEP=MCU_E0_MOT_STEP , E_DIR=MCU_E0_MOT_DIR , E_ENABLE=MCU_E0_MOT_ENABLE , E_TMCUART=MCU_E0_MOT_CS_PDN , DRIVER_SPI_MOSI=MCU_SPI4_MOSI , # Used in case of SPI drivers such as TMC2240 or TMC5160 DRIVER_SPI_MISO=MCU_SPI4_MISO , # Used in case of SPI drivers such as TMC2240 or TMC5160 DRIVER_SPI_SCK=MCU_SPI4_SCK , # Used in case of SPI drivers such as TMC2240 or TMC5160 X_STOP=MCU_X_MAX , Y_STOP=MCU_Y_MAX , Z_STOP=MCU_Z_MIN , PROBE_INPUT=MCU_Z_MAX , RUNOUT_SENSOR=MCU_Y_MIN , # If using sensorless homing: you will need to move the runout sensor on another pin SERVO_PIN=MCU_X_MIN , # If using sensorless homing: you will need to move the servo on another pin E_HEATER=MCU_HEAT0 , E_TEMPERATURE=MCU_T0 , BED_HEATER=MCU_BED_OUT , BED_TEMPERATURE=MCU_TB , PART_FAN=MCU_FAN1 , E_FAN=MCU_FAN0 , CONTROLLER_FAN=MCU_FAN2 , EXHAUST_FAN=MCU_HEAT2 , FILTER_FAN=MCU_FAN4 , HOST_CONTROLLER_FAN=MCU_FAN3 , CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE=MCU_TE1 , ELECTRICAL_CABINET_TEMPERATURE=MCU_TE2 , LIGHT_OUTPUT=MCU_HEAT1 , #LIGHT_NEOPIXEL=MCU_RGB_A , LIGHT_NEOPIXEL=MCU_G_DATA_5V , STATUS_NEOPIXEL=MCU_G_DATA_5V , #-------------------------------------------# #### Mellow SB2040 Pro MCU definition ######## #-------------------------------------------# [mcu toolhead] ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- canbus_uuid: 946ce38d04af ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- # If you want to override the wiring of the Mellow SB2040, keep in mind that this # board is defined using the "toolhead" name. So you should use "pin: toolhead:PIN_NAME" # in your own overrides.cfg files. [include config/mcu_definitions/toolhead/Mellow_SB2040_Pro.cfg] # Do not remove this line [board_pins sb2040_mcu] mcu: toolhead aliases: E_STEP=MCU_EMOT_STEP , E_DIR=MCU_EMOT_DIR , E_ENABLE=MCU_EMOT_EN , E_TMCUART=MCU_EMOT_CS , X_STOP=MCU_ENDSTOP , PROBE_INPUT=MCU_HV_ENDSTOP , TOOLHEAD_SENSOR=MCU_5V_ENDSTOP , EXTRUDER_SENSOR=MCU_FAN2 , E_HEATER=MCU_HEAT , E_TEMPERATURE=MCU_TEMP , CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE=MCU_ONBOARD_NTCK100K , PART_FAN=MCU_FAN0 , E_FAN=MCU_FAN1 , STATUS_NEOPIXEL=MCU_RGB , ADXL_CS=MCU_ADXL_CS , ADXL_SCLK=MCU_ADXL_SCK , ADXL_MOSI=MCU_ADXL_MOSI , ADXL_MISO=MCU_ADXL_MISO , #----------------------------------------# # Mellow SB2040 Pro pins remapping # #----------------------------------------# # These pins overrides are automatically added when you select a CANbus # toolhead MCU during the installation process. They should provide a # good base to work with. Feel free to adapt to your board if needed! [extruder] step_pin: toolhead:E_STEP dir_pin: toolhead:E_DIR enable_pin: !toolhead:E_ENABLE heater_pin: toolhead:E_HEATER sensor_pin: toolhead:E_TEMPERATURE #pullup_resistor: 1000 # (1000 for PT1000 with jumper conn,4700-default without jumper) ## for PT100: #sensor_type: MAX31865 #sensor_pin: toolhead:MCU_MAX31865_CS # spi_software_sclk_pin: toolhead:MCU_MAX31865_SCK # spi_software_mosi_pin: toolhead:MCU_MAX31865_MOSI # spi_software_miso_pin: toolhead:MCU_MAX31865_MISO #rtd_reference_r: 430 [probe] pin: ^toolhead:PROBE_INPUT [fan] pin: toolhead:PART_FAN [heater_fan hotend_fan] pin: toolhead:E_FAN ## Uncomment the following line if not using sensorless homing ## and having the X endstop plugged to the toolhead MCU # [stepper_x] # endstop_pin: ^toolhead:X_STOP [neopixel status_leds] pin: toolhead:STATUS_NEOPIXEL [tmc2240 extruder] uart_pin: toolhead:E_TMCUART run_current: 0.6