(DEFINE-FILE-INFO PACKAGE "INTERLISP" READTABLE "INTERLISP" BASE 10) (FILECREATED "22-Oct-2024 12:13:33" {DSK}paolo>il>webcard>WEBCARD.;25 11257 :EDIT-BY "PA" :CHANGES-TO (VARS WEBCARDCOMS) (FNS WCD.AskURL WCD.CreateWebCardType WCD.EditURLMenuCmd WCD.InitCard WCD.InitWebCard WCD.MakeWebCard WCD.TraverseWebLink WCD.UpdateCardText WCD.ValidURLP WCD.VisitURL WCD.VisitURLMenuCmd) :PREVIOUS-DATE "21-Oct-2024 13:02:47" {DSK}paolo>il>webcard>WEBCARD.;24) (PRETTYCOMPRINT WEBCARDCOMS) (RPAQQ WEBCARDCOMS ((* A NoteCards extension for visiting websites.) (FNS WCD.AskURL WCD.CreateWebCardType WCD.EditURLMenuCmd WCD.InitCard WCD.InitWebCard WCD.MakeWebCard WCD.TraverseWebLink WCD.UpdateCardText WCD.ValidURLP WCD.VisitURL WCD.VisitURLMenuCmd) (PROP LinkIconLeftButtonFn Web) (BITMAPS (WCD.WebCardBitMap #*(21 18)OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@H@@@@H@@H@G@@H@@HAJL@H@@HBJJ@H@@HGOO@H@@HEBE@H@@HGOO@H@@HEBE@H@@HGOO@H@@HBJJ@H@@HAJL@H@@H@G@@H@@H@@@@H@@OOOOOH@@ )) (P (WCD.InitWebCard)))) (* A NoteCards extension for visiting websites.) (DEFINEQ (WCD.AskURL [LAMBDA (MainWindow Default) (* ; "Edited 13-Oct-2024 18:59 by PA") (* ; "Edited 9-Oct-2024 16:50 by PA") (* ; "Edited 3-Oct-2024 14:00 by PA") (* Ask for a URL in a dialog attached to MainWindow and return the URL.  Provides Default as a URL prefix that can be edited.  If MainWindow is NIL then the top level prompt window is used.) (bind (URL _ NIL) (ValidURLP _ NIL) until ValidURLP do (SETQ URL (NCP.AskUser "Enter full URL" ": " (if Default then Default else "") NIL MainWindow NIL NIL T)) (if (WCD.ValidURLP URL) then (SETQ ValidURLP T) else (NCP.PrintMsg MainWindow NIL (CHARACTER 13) URL (CHARACTER 13) "is an invalid URL, try again." (CHARACTER 13))) finally (RETURN URL]) (WCD.CreateWebCardType [LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 21-Oct-2024 13:01 by PA") (* ; "Edited 14-Oct-2024 11:55 by PA") (* ; "Edited 1-Oct-2024 17:35 by PA") (* Define the new card type Web that  inherits from Text.) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS WCD.WebCardBitMap)) (NCP.CreateCardType 'Web 'Text '((MakeFn WCD.MakeWebCard)) `((DefaultHeight 70) (LinkAnchorModesSupported NIL) (DisplayedInMenuFlg T) (LinkIconAttachedBitMap ,WCD.WebCardBitMap]) (WCD.EditURLMenuCmd [LAMBDA (Window) (* ; "Edited 12-Oct-2024 19:32 by PA") (* Edit the URL associated with the card when the user selects the relevant  option of the card's left-click menu.) (LET* [(Card (NCP.CoerceToCard Window)) (URL (WCD.AskURL Window (NCP.CardProp Card 'URL] (NCP.CardProp Card 'URL URL) (WCD.UpdateCardText Card URL]) (WCD.InitCard [LAMBDA (Card Title URL NoDisplayFlg) (* ; "Edited 14-Oct-2024 13:50 by PA") (* Initialize new card of type Web by  setting Title and URL.  Returns Card.) (NCP.CardProp Card 'URL URL) (NCP.CardTitle Card (OR Title "Untitled")) (WCD.UpdateCardText Card URL) Card]) (WCD.InitWebCard [LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 11-Oct-2024 18:22 by PA") (* Initialize the Web card type.) (WCD.CreateWebCardType) (NCP.AddTitleBarMenuItemsToType 'Web 'Left '((Visit% URL (FUNCTION WCD.VisitURLMenuCmd) "Open the website associated with the card.") (Edit% URL (FUNCTION WCD.EditURLMenuCmd) "Edit the URL associated with the card.")) 'Top]) (WCD.MakeWebCard [LAMBDA (Card Title NoDisplayFlg) (* ; "Edited 14-Oct-2024 13:52 by PA") (* ; "Edited 12-Oct-2024 19:22 by PA") (* ; "Edited 9-Oct-2024 14:08 by PA") (* ; "Edited 3-Oct-2024 13:58 by PA") (* ; "Edited 1-Oct-2024 17:51 by PA") (* Make a new card of type Web. Return the window of the new card if NoDisplayFlg  is non-NIL, and the ID if NoDisplayFlg is NIL.) (LET* [(Window (NCP.ApplySuperTypeFn MakeFn Card Card Title NoDisplayFlg)) (URL (WCD.AskURL (if NoDisplayFlg then NIL else Window] (WCD.InitCard Card Title URL NoDisplayFlg) (if (NOT NoDisplayFlg) then Window else Card]) (WCD.TraverseWebLink [LAMBDA (Card Window) (* ; "Edited 15-Oct-2024 17:13 by PA") (* ; "Edited 13-Oct-2024 10:55 by PA") (* ; "Edited 9-Oct-2024 17:16 by PA") (* ; "Edited 5-Oct-2024 19:50 by PA") (* ; "Edited 4-Oct-2024 18:43 by PA") (* Open in the system web browser the URL associated with the destination Web  Card. Also opens the card and returns it.  The Window containing the link icon is ignored.) (if (NCP.ValidCardP Card) then (NCP.OpenCard Card) (* Make card text read only. Notefiles don't preserve the read only state which  is a runtime property, so this is necessary for not yet opened cards from newly  loaded notefiles. To catch this the first link traversal triggers read only.) (TEXTPROP (NCP.CardSubstance Card) 'READONLY T) (LET ((Window (NCP.CardWindow Card))) (if (NOT (WINDOWPROP Window 'URLVisitedP)) then (WCD.VisitURL Card) (WINDOWPROP Window 'URLVisitedP T]) (WCD.UpdateCardText [LAMBDA (Card NewText) (* ; "Edited 14-Oct-2024 14:47 by PA") (* Replace the Card text with NewText.) (LET ((TextStream (NCP.CardSubstance Card)) (Window (NCP.WindowFromCard Card))) (* Set the card text to read-write, clear the existing text, insert the new text,  and make the text read only again,) (TEXTPROP TextStream 'READONLY NIL) (* Clear card text.) (TEDIT.DELETE TextStream 1 (TEDIT.NCHARS TextStream)) (NCP.CardAddText Card URL 'END) (* If the card is displayed in a  window scroll it back to the top.) (if Window then (SCROLLW Window 0.0 0.0)) (* Make card text read only.) (TEXTPROP TextStream 'READONLY T]) (WCD.ValidURLP [LAMBDA (String) (* ; "Edited 14-Oct-2024 17:17 by PA") (* ; "Edited 7-Oct-2024 13:21 by PA") (* Return String if it is a valid URL, NIL otherwise.  A URL is valid if it is not null, contains no spaces or tabs, and starts with  https%://, http%://, or mailto%:.) (LET ((LowerString (L-CASE String))) (if [AND LowerString (STRINGP LowerString) (NOT (STRPOS " " LowerString)) (LET ((Length (NCHARS LowerString))) (* Text stored in card properties must  be less than 255 characters.) (AND (LEQ Length 255) (OR (AND (EQP (STRPOS "https://" LowerString) 1) (GREATERP Length 8)) (AND (EQP (STRPOS "http://" LowerString) 1) (GREATERP Length 7)) (AND (EQP (STRPOS "mailto:" LowerString) 1) (GREATERP Length 7] then String else NIL]) (WCD.VisitURL [LAMBDA (Card) (* ; "Edited 9-Oct-2024 17:15 by PA") (* Visit the URL associated with Card. Commands the browser to of the host  operating system to open the URL.) (LET [(URL (NCP.CardProp Card 'URL] (if URL then (ShellBrowse URL]) (WCD.VisitURLMenuCmd [LAMBDA (Window) (* ; "Edited 11-Oct-2024 18:03 by PA") (* Visit the URL associated with the card when the user selects the relevant  option of the card's left-click menu.) (WCD.VisitURL (NCP.CoerceToCard Window]) ) (RPAQ WCD.WebCardBitMap #*(21 18)OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@OOOOOH@@H@@@@H@@H@G@@H@@HAJL@H@@HBJJ@H@@HGOO@H@@HEBE@H@@HGOO@H@@HEBE@H@@HGOO@H@@HBJJ@H@@HAJL@H@@H@G@@H@@H@@@@H@@OOOOOH@@ ) (WCD.InitWebCard) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1246 11026 (WCD.AskURL 1256 . 2891) (WCD.CreateWebCardType 2893 . 3714) ( WCD.EditURLMenuCmd 3716 . 4183) (WCD.InitCard 4185 . 4711) (WCD.InitWebCard 4713 . 5373) ( WCD.MakeWebCard 5375 . 6470) (WCD.TraverseWebLink 6472 . 7915) (WCD.UpdateCardText 7917 . 8909) ( WCD.ValidURLP 8911 . 10328) (WCD.VisitURL 10330 . 10696) (WCD.VisitURLMenuCmd 10698 . 11024))))) STOP