/* eslint-disable */ import { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core'; export type Maybe = T | null; export type InputMaybe = Maybe; export type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; export type MakeOptional = Omit & { [SubKey in K]?: Maybe }; export type MakeMaybe = Omit & { [SubKey in K]: Maybe }; /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */ export type Scalars = { ID: string; String: string; Boolean: boolean; Int: number; Float: number; Date: string; /** The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). */ JSON: any; JsonSchema7: any; /** The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload. */ Upload: any; }; export type AmlAction = { __typename?: 'AMLAction'; action: Scalars['String']; extraInfo?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AmlActionExtraInfo = { __typename?: 'AMLActionExtraInfo'; alternativeBankLabel?: Maybe; currentBankLabel?: Maybe; prefilledMessage?: Maybe; }; export type AmlDrawer = { __typename?: 'AMLDrawer'; remediation?: Maybe; steps?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type AmlDrawerStep = { __typename?: 'AMLDrawerStep'; action?: Maybe; details?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type AmlDrawerSteps = { __typename?: 'AMLDrawerSteps'; steps?: Maybe>; title?: Maybe; }; export type AmlHoldInfo = { __typename?: 'AMLHoldInfo'; availableToWithdraw?: Maybe; holdExpiration?: Maybe; holdType?: Maybe; inHold: Scalars['Boolean']; withdrawalAmount?: Maybe; }; export type AtaResponse = { __typename?: 'ATAResponse'; byId?: Maybe; inbox?: Maybe>; myQuestions?: Maybe>; strategyFAQs?: Maybe>; }; export type AtaResponseByIdArgs = { questionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtaResponseInboxArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; }; export type AtaResponseStrategyFaQsArgs = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtaThread = { __typename?: 'ATAThread'; question?: Maybe; questionId: Scalars['String']; reactionsInfo?: Maybe; replies?: Maybe>; submitter?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export type AtaThreadReply = { __typename?: 'ATAThreadReply'; author?: Maybe; plainText?: Maybe; replyId: Scalars['String']; richText?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export enum AcatRolloverPublicState { FUNDS_AVAILABLE = 'FUNDS_AVAILABLE', INFORMATION_RECEIVED = 'INFORMATION_RECEIVED', TRANSFER_ACCEPTED = 'TRANSFER_ACCEPTED', TRANSFER_INITIATED = 'TRANSFER_INITIATED', TRANSFER_PAUSED = 'TRANSFER_PAUSED', TRANSFER_REQUESTED = 'TRANSFER_REQUESTED', } export type AccordionItem = { __typename?: 'AccordionItem'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; }; export enum AccountActionType { ACCOUNT_CLOSED = 'ACCOUNT_CLOSED', ACCOUNT_OPENED = 'ACCOUNT_OPENED', } export type AccountActionUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'AccountActionUserActivity'; accountActionType: AccountActionType; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountBeneficiaries = { __typename?: 'AccountBeneficiaries'; id: Scalars['ID']; primaryBeneficiaries: Array; }; export enum AccountCipReason { auto = 'auto', default = 'default', manual = 'manual', } export enum AccountCipStatus { accepted = 'accepted', errored = 'errored', needs_review = 'needs_review', queued = 'queued', rejected = 'rejected', } export type AccountChart = ChartData & { __typename?: 'AccountChart'; configs: Array; details: AccountChartDetails; label: Scalars['String']; periods: Array; }; export type AccountChartBalanceDataPoint = ChartDataPoint & { __typename?: 'AccountChartBalanceDataPoint'; _cash: Scalars['String']; _periodId: Scalars['String']; changeDollars: Scalars['Float']; changePercent: Scalars['Float']; netDeposits: Scalars['Float']; timestamp: Scalars['String']; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AccountChartBalanceSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'AccountChartBalanceSeries'; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountChartConfig = ChartConfig & { __typename?: 'AccountChartConfig'; availablePeriodKeys?: Maybe>; configKey: AccountChartConfigKey; defaultPeriodKey?: Maybe; }; export enum AccountChartConfigKey { accountChartDetail = 'accountChartDetail', accountChartPreview = 'accountChartPreview', } export type AccountChartDetails = ChartDetails & { __typename?: 'AccountChartDetails'; description: Scalars['String']; disclaimer?: Maybe; infoRows: Array; legalAssumptions: DataDescriptor; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountChartNetTransferDataPoint = ChartDataPoint & { __typename?: 'AccountChartNetTransferDataPoint'; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AccountChartNetTransferSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'AccountChartNetTransferSeries'; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountChartPeriod = ChartPeriod & { __typename?: 'AccountChartPeriod'; dateFormat?: Maybe; domain?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; series: Array; }; export type AccountChartPreviousCloseDataPoint = ChartDataPoint & { __typename?: 'AccountChartPreviousCloseDataPoint'; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AccountChartPreviousCloseSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'AccountChartPreviousCloseSeries'; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountDataUpsert = { accountId: Scalars['String']; goalRetirementAge?: InputMaybe; investingStyle?: InputMaybe; investingTimeHorizon?: InputMaybe; }; export type AccountDripResponse = { __typename?: 'AccountDripResponse'; assetSettings: Array>; }; export type AccountFilterInput = { accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountType: AccountType; }; export type AccountFlags = { __typename?: 'AccountFlags'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cashEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; cryptoAccess: CryptoAccess; forceFirstCryptoOptInPrompt: Scalars['Boolean']; hasAcceptedCryptoLegalAgreements: Scalars['Boolean']; hasBankAccount: Scalars['Boolean']; hasPendingRollover: Scalars['Boolean']; hasRiskProfile: Scalars['Boolean']; hasTransferInitiated: Scalars['Boolean']; isActive: Scalars['Boolean']; isClosed: Scalars['Boolean']; isInvested: Scalars['Boolean']; isOptedInToCrypto: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type AccountHistoryInputParams = { accountId: Scalars['String']; endDate?: InputMaybe; limit?: InputMaybe; startDate?: InputMaybe; }; export type AccountHistoryItem = { __typename?: 'AccountHistoryItem'; date: Scalars['Date']; filterDetails?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountHistoryResponse = { __typename?: 'AccountHistoryResponse'; filterOptions: Array; items: Array; nextParams: NextAccountHistoryParams; }; export type AccountHoldingTradeDetail = { __typename?: 'AccountHoldingTradeDetail'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountName: Scalars['String']; tradeData?: Maybe; }; export type AccountInterest = { __typename?: 'AccountInterest'; periodEndDate: Scalars['Date']; status?: Maybe; titanAmountToCustomer?: Maybe; titanAverageDailyBalance?: Maybe; totalAmountToCustomer?: Maybe; }; export enum AccountInvestingTypes { direct_indexing = 'direct_indexing', managed = 'managed', self_directed = 'self_directed', } export type AccountIssuesResponse = { __typename?: 'AccountIssuesResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; issues: Array; total: Scalars['Int']; }; export type AccountLinkingCategoryConfig = { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig'; id: Scalars['ID']; institutions?: Maybe>; label: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountLinkingConfig = { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingConfig'; artwork: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; carLoans: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; cash: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; companyEquity: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; creditCards: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; crypto: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; hardware: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; investments: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; jewelry: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; mortgages: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; otherAssets: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; otherLiabilities: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; otherValuables: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; personalLoans: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; realState: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; retirement: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; sneakers: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; studentLoans: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; vehicles: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; watch: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; wine: AccountLinkingCategoryConfig; }; export type AccountNameMismatch = { __typename?: 'AccountNameMismatch'; statementAccountName: Scalars['String']; titanIraAccountName: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountOption = { __typename?: 'AccountOption'; alreadyOpened: Scalars['Boolean']; badge?: Maybe; openAccountData: OpenAccountParams; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountOptionGroup = { __typename?: 'AccountOptionGroup'; options: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountOptionsResponse = { __typename?: 'AccountOptionsResponse'; id: Scalars['ID']; optionGroups: Array; }; export type AccountPermissions = { __typename?: 'AccountPermissions'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canCloseAccount: Scalars['Boolean']; canDeposit: Scalars['Boolean']; canEditPersonalProfile: Scalars['Boolean']; canLinkBank: Scalars['Boolean']; canWithdraw: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum AccountResourceIntentType { ADD_TRADING_CASH = 'ADD_TRADING_CASH', TRADING_TIPS = 'TRADING_TIPS', TRANSFER_ASSETS = 'TRANSFER_ASSETS', } export type AccountRestriction = { __typename?: 'AccountRestriction'; accountId: Scalars['String']; hiddenFromClient?: Maybe; reason: Scalars['String']; type: AccountRestrictionType; }; export enum AccountRestrictionType { locked = 'locked', no_deposit = 'no_deposit', no_smart_cash = 'no_smart_cash', no_trades = 'no_trades', no_withdraw = 'no_withdraw', sell_only = 'sell_only', } export type AccountReweightEligibilityResponse = { __typename?: 'AccountReweightEligibilityResponse'; hasClosedHomeScreenEntryPoint?: Maybe; hasSeenPopup: Scalars['Boolean']; isEligible: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum AccountSource { APEX = 'APEX', TITAN = 'TITAN', TPT = 'TPT', } export enum AccountStatus { approved = 'approved', closed = 'closed', pending = 'pending', queued = 'queued', rejected = 'rejected', restricted = 'restricted', } export type AccountStrategy = { __typename?: 'AccountStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; baseStrategySymbols?: Maybe>; excludedHoldingsPresent: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; isEligible: Scalars['Boolean']; isImpactedByYNDX?: Maybe; isInvested: Scalars['Boolean']; isSuitable: Scalars['Boolean']; name: Scalars['String']; pendingWithdrawals: Scalars['Float']; performance?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; toRebalance?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Prefer using accountCapital -> strategyCapital -> value */ value: Scalars['Float']; withdrawalLimitations?: Maybe; }; export type AccountStrategyPerformance = { __typename?: 'AccountStrategyPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; asOfDateString: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; report?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountStrategyPersonalizations = { __typename?: 'AccountStrategyPersonalizations'; nextStrategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyPersonalizationId: Scalars['String']; toRebalance?: Maybe; validFrom: Scalars['Date']; validUntil?: Maybe; }; export type AccountTabChatsBanner = { __typename?: 'AccountTabChatsBanner'; action: UiAction; numUnreadMessages: Scalars['Int']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum AccountType { beneficiary_ira = 'beneficiary_ira', custodial = 'custodial', individual = 'individual', ira_roth = 'ira_roth', ira_traditional = 'ira_traditional', joint = 'joint', sep_ira = 'sep_ira', } export type AccountTypeFilter = { __typename?: 'AccountTypeFilter'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountType: AccountType; displayName: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountTypeMismatch = { __typename?: 'AccountTypeMismatch'; statementAccountType: AccountType; titanIraAccountType: AccountType; }; export type AccountUi = { __typename?: 'AccountUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; resources?: Maybe; selfDirected?: Maybe; wireTransfer: AccountUiWireTransfer; }; export type AccountUiResource = { __typename?: 'AccountUiResource'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; intent: AccountResourceIntentType; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountUiResources = { __typename?: 'AccountUiResources'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; resourceCtas?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountUiSelfDirected = { __typename?: 'AccountUiSelfDirected'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; giveFeedbackButtonUri?: Maybe; recommendedAssetsUi?: Maybe; }; export type AccountUiWireTransfer = { __typename?: 'AccountUiWireTransfer'; wireTransferInfoScreen: AccountUiWireTransferInfoScreen; wireTransferInstructionsDrawer: AccountUiWireTransferConfirmationDrawer; wireTransferOptionsDrawer: AccountUiWireTransferDrawer; }; export type AccountUiWireTransferConfirmationDrawer = { __typename?: 'AccountUiWireTransferConfirmationDrawer'; alternateButtonText: Scalars['String']; bodyLabelList: Array; title: Scalars['String']; userEmail: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountUiWireTransferDrawer = { __typename?: 'AccountUiWireTransferDrawer'; bodyText: Scalars['String']; primaryButtonText: Scalars['String']; secondaryButtonText: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountUiWireTransferInfoScreen = { __typename?: 'AccountUiWireTransferInfoScreen'; alternateButtonText: Scalars['String']; bodyList?: Maybe>; bodyTitle: Scalars['String']; calendlyLink: Scalars['String']; instructionsCTAText: Scalars['String']; primaryButtonText: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountUserRollovers = { __typename?: 'AccountUserRollovers'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; rolloverInvestmentIntent?: Maybe; userRollovers: Array; }; export type AccountUserRolloversInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum AccountViewType { SELF_DIRECTED = 'SELF_DIRECTED', TITAN_MANAGED = 'TITAN_MANAGED', } export type ActionHomeScreenCarouselItem = HomeScreenCarouselItem & { __typename?: 'ActionHomeScreenCarouselItem'; _carouselItemType: HomeScreenCarouselItemType; action: UiAction; icon?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ActionInfo = { __typename?: 'ActionInfo'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ActivityAccountType = { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountType: AccountType; displayName: Scalars['String']; }; export type ActivityCenterFilters = { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterFilters'; accountTypeFilters: Array; dateRangeFilters: Array; externalActivityCategoryFilters: Array; strategyFilters: Array; }; export type ActivityCenterInput = { accountFilter?: InputMaybe>; accountTypeFilter?: InputMaybe>; dateRangeFilter?: InputMaybe; externalActivityCategoryFilter?: InputMaybe>; limit?: InputMaybe; movementStrategyKeyFilter?: InputMaybe>; }; export type ActivityCenterNotificationResponse = { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterNotificationResponse'; showNotification: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ActivityCenterResponse = { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; activities?: Maybe>; displayFilters: ActivityCenterFilters; id: Scalars['String']; scheduledActivities?: Maybe>; }; export type ActivityStrategyFilter = { __typename?: 'ActivityStrategyFilter'; displayName: Scalars['String']; movementStrategyKeys: Array; }; export type ActorMetadata = { __typename?: 'ActorMetadata'; actorId: Scalars['String']; firstName: Scalars['String']; lastName: Scalars['String']; }; export type AddFundsContentMeta = { __typename?: 'AddFundsContentMeta'; apiStrategyKey?: Maybe; ctaText?: Maybe; show: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type AddUserAkoyaNetWorthAccountInput = { code: Scalars['String']; institutionId: Scalars['String']; institutionName: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AddUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccountInput = { code: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AddUserManualNetWorthAccountInput = { accountType: Scalars['String']; balance: Scalars['Float']; institutionId?: InputMaybe; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; nickname: Scalars['String']; }; export type AdditionalMedia = { __typename?: 'AdditionalMedia'; duration?: Maybe; mediaType: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type AdditionalStrategyType = { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Address = { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; city: Scalars['String']; line1: Scalars['String']; line2?: Maybe; state: Scalars['String']; zipCode: Scalars['String']; }; export type AddressInput = { city: Scalars['String']; line1: Scalars['String']; line2?: InputMaybe; state: Scalars['String']; zip: Scalars['String']; }; export type AdminBankWhitelisted = { __typename?: 'AdminBankWhitelisted'; isWhiteListed?: Maybe; reason?: Maybe; }; export type AdminCashMovement = { __typename?: 'AdminCashMovement'; allocations: Array; couldResolve?: Maybe; date: Scalars['Date']; direction: Direction; groupId: Scalars['String']; strategyAllocations: Array; transferAllocations: Array; }; export type AdminCashTransfer = TransferObject & { __typename?: 'AdminCashTransfer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cashType?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; groupAmount?: Maybe; initiatedAt?: Maybe; instant: Scalars['Boolean']; iraDetails?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use transferAleMessages on AdminCashTransferResponse */ messages: Array; promoIdentifier?: Maybe; recurring: Scalars['Boolean']; serviceIntentId?: Maybe; settledAt?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; transferNumber?: Maybe; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; /** @deprecated use transferUpstream on AdminCashTransferResponse */ upstreamStatus: Scalars['String']; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export type AdminCashTransferResponse = { __typename?: 'AdminCashTransferResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; transfer: AdminCashTransfer; transferAleMessages: Array; transferAttempts: Array; }; export type AdminIraLimitsResponse = { __typename?: 'AdminIraLimitsResponse'; lastYear: Contribution; maximumACH: Scalars['Float']; stateTaxWithholding?: Maybe; thisYear: ThisYearContribution; }; export type AdminServiceIntent = { __typename?: 'AdminServiceIntent'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; canceledAt?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; data: Scalars['JSON']; executionIndex: Scalars['Int']; finalizedAt?: Maybe; initiatedAt: Scalars['Date']; /** @deprecated not used anymore */ requestingService: Scalars['String']; serviceIntentId: Scalars['String']; status: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated not used anymore */ targetService: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type AdminStateTaxWithholding = { __typename?: 'AdminStateTaxWithholding'; boundType: BoundType; errorMessage?: Maybe; isStateTaxWithholdingValid: Scalars['Boolean']; mandatoryOptOut: Scalars['Boolean']; maximumConfig: BoundConfig; minimumConfig: BoundConfig; }; export type AdminStrategyAllocation = CashCashAllocation & { __typename?: 'AdminStrategyAllocation'; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; canSetAmount: Scalars['Boolean']; cancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; cashAllocationId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; dateAvailable?: Maybe; dateCanceled?: Maybe; dateClaimed?: Maybe; dateCreated: Scalars['Date']; datePending?: Maybe; groupId?: Maybe; hide?: Maybe; referenceId: Scalars['String']; source: Scalars['String']; status?: Maybe; type: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type AdminSystemIntent = { __typename?: 'AdminSystemIntent'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; serviceIntentsTransfers: Array; }; export type AdminTransferAllocation = CashCashAllocation & { __typename?: 'AdminTransferAllocation'; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; cashAllocationId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; dateAvailable?: Maybe; dateCanceled?: Maybe; dateClaimed?: Maybe; dateCreated: Scalars['Date']; datePending?: Maybe; groupId?: Maybe; hide?: Maybe; referenceId: Scalars['String']; source: Scalars['String']; status?: Maybe; transfer: AdminCashTransfer; type: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type AdminTransferAttempt = { __typename?: 'AdminTransferAttempt'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canInitiate: Scalars['Boolean']; failureReason?: Maybe; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; transferAttemptId: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AdminTransferUpstream = { __typename?: 'AdminTransferUpstream'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amount: Scalars['Float']; externalId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; iraContributionDetails?: Maybe; iraDistribution?: Maybe; memo?: Maybe; relationshipId: Scalars['String']; status: ApexTransferState; }; export type AdminUserBank = { __typename?: 'AdminUserBank'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amlInfo?: Maybe; amlKey: Scalars['String']; bankAccount?: Maybe; bankStatus: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; custodialAccountStatus?: Maybe; custodialSourceNumber?: Maybe; isBlackListed?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; messages?: Maybe>>; notes?: Maybe; plaidVerificationStatus?: Maybe; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; verificationMethod?: Maybe; whiteListed?: Maybe; }; export type AdminUserBankAmlInfo = { __typename?: 'AdminUserBankAmlInfo'; amlKey?: Maybe; availableToWithdraw?: Maybe; netTransfers?: Maybe; otherOver60Days?: Maybe; otherUnder60Days?: Maybe; otherUnder60DaysTransfers?: Maybe>>; }; export type AgeBasedBenchmark = { __typename?: 'AgeBasedBenchmark'; age: Scalars['Int']; benchmark: UserBenchmark; label: Scalars['String']; }; export enum AleTransferStatus { blocked = 'blocked', discarded = 'discarded', pending = 'pending', processed = 'processed', queued = 'queued', } export type AlertCallout = { __typename?: 'AlertCallout'; message: Scalars['String']; variant: AlertCalloutVariant; }; export enum AlertCalloutVariant { ERROR = 'ERROR', WARNING = 'WARNING', } export type AliasResponse = { __typename?: 'AliasResponse'; flags: Array; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type AllocationBody = { __typename?: 'AllocationBody'; cta?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; infoCta?: Maybe; inlineCta?: Maybe; lastLine?: Maybe; primaryStatAttribute?: Maybe; showAssetClassStatus: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum AllocationBodyPrimaryStatAttribute { amount = 'amount', percent = 'percent', } export type AllocationMetrics = { __typename?: 'AllocationMetrics'; expectedFees: Scalars['Float']; expectedReturn: Scalars['Float']; expectedStrategyExpenses: Scalars['Float']; liquidity: Scalars['Float']; sharpe: Scalars['Float']; volatility: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Allocations = { __typename?: 'Allocations'; assetClass: Array; strategy: Array; }; export enum AlpsAcatState { CLOSE_PURGE = 'CLOSE_PURGE', ERROR = 'ERROR', INITIATE_REQUEST = 'INITIATE_REQUEST', MEMO_PURGE_PARTIAL_TRANSFER_REQUEST_RECEIVER = 'MEMO_PURGE_PARTIAL_TRANSFER_REQUEST_RECEIVER', PARTIAL_REQUEST = 'PARTIAL_REQUEST', REJECT = 'REJECT', REQUEST = 'REQUEST', REQUEST_ADJUST = 'REQUEST_ADJUST', REQUEST_ADJUST_PAST = 'REQUEST_ADJUST_PAST', REQUEST_PAST = 'REQUEST_PAST', REQUEST_REJECT = 'REQUEST_REJECT', REVIEW = 'REVIEW', REVIEW_ACCELERATE = 'REVIEW_ACCELERATE', REVIEW_ADJUST_DELIVERER = 'REVIEW_ADJUST_DELIVERER', REVIEW_AS_JUST_RECEIVER_ACCELERATE = 'REVIEW_AS_JUST_RECEIVER_ACCELERATE', REVIEW_ERROR = 'REVIEW_ERROR', SETTLE_CLOSE = 'SETTLE_CLOSE', SETTLE_PREP = 'SETTLE_PREP', SYSTEM_PURGE = 'SYSTEM_PURGE', TRANSFER_COMPLETE = 'TRANSFER_COMPLETE', UNDEFINED = 'UNDEFINED', } export type AltoHowItWorks = { __typename?: 'AltoHowItWorks'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon: Icon; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type AltoLoginSplash = LoginSplashBase & { __typename?: 'AltoLoginSplash'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; headerImage: ImageAsset; headline: Scalars['String']; howItWorks: Array; shouldShow: Scalars['Boolean']; splashId: Scalars['String']; }; export type AmountProperties = { __typename?: 'AmountProperties'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; max: Scalars['Float']; min: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AmountPropertiesInput = { max: Scalars['Float']; min: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AmountSliderValues = { __typename?: 'AmountSliderValues'; maxValueAllowed: Scalars['Int']; minValueAllowed: Scalars['Int']; minValueShown: Scalars['Int']; notchValue: Scalars['Int']; }; export type AmountType = { __typename?: 'AmountType'; amount: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AnalysisFundSummary = { __typename?: 'AnalysisFundSummary'; allocations: Array; metrics: AllocationMetrics; performance: FundPerformance; }; export type AnalyticsEvent = { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: Scalars['String']; properties?: Maybe; }; export type AnalyzerAssetClassAllocation = { __typename?: 'AnalyzerAssetClassAllocation'; assetClass: Scalars['String']; assetDisplayName: Scalars['String']; color: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AnnouncementAction = CustomUiAction | NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction | NavigateToScreenUiAction; export type AnnouncementActionInfo = { __typename?: 'AnnouncementActionInfo'; action: AnnouncementAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AnnouncementHomeScreenCarouselItem = HomeScreenCarouselItem & { __typename?: 'AnnouncementHomeScreenCarouselItem'; _carouselItemType: HomeScreenCarouselItemType; action: UiAction; backgroundImage: ImageAsset; backgroundOverlay?: Maybe; isNew?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; topImage?: Maybe; }; export type AnnouncementIconProps = { __typename?: 'AnnouncementIconProps'; height: Scalars['Int']; width: Scalars['Int']; }; export enum ApexTransferState { Analyzing = 'Analyzing', Approved = 'Approved', Batched = 'Batched', Batching = 'Batching', Canceled = 'Canceled', CanceledWaitingForReversal = 'CanceledWaitingForReversal', CompleteWaitingForReport = 'CompleteWaitingForReport', Completed = 'Completed', ErrorReporting = 'ErrorReporting', FundsCanceled = 'FundsCanceled', FundsCanceling = 'FundsCanceling', FundsPosted = 'FundsPosted', FundsPosting = 'FundsPosting', FundsPostponed = 'FundsPostponed', FundsReturned = 'FundsReturned', FundsStillPosted = 'FundsStillPosted', Postponed = 'Postponed', PostponedWaitingForReversal = 'PostponedWaitingForReversal', Postponing = 'Postponing', Prepared = 'Prepared', RejectedFundsNotPosted = 'RejectedFundsNotPosted', RejectedNotSentToBank = 'RejectedNotSentToBank', RejectedUnapproved = 'RejectedUnapproved', RejectedValidationFailed = 'RejectedValidationFailed', Reporting = 'Reporting', Requested = 'Requested', Returned = 'Returned', ReturnedWaitingForReversal = 'ReturnedWaitingForReversal', Returning = 'Returning', ReviewPending = 'ReviewPending', ReviewRequired = 'ReviewRequired', SendToBankFailed = 'SendToBankFailed', SendingToBank = 'SendingToBank', SentToBank = 'SentToBank', Validating = 'Validating', ValidationPassed = 'ValidationPassed', } export type AppBarCta = { __typename?: 'AppBarCta'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type AppConfig = { __typename?: 'AppConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountLinking: AccountLinkingConfig; homeBanner?: Maybe; homeWarningBanner?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; loginSplash?: Maybe; strategies?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use AppConfig.accountLinking instead */ wealth: WealthConfig; }; export enum AppOpenExperienceIntent { OPEN_PERSONAL_TRADING = 'OPEN_PERSONAL_TRADING', } export type AppOpenExperienceResponse = { __typename?: 'AppOpenExperienceResponse'; homeLiveChats?: Maybe; homeScreenTakeover?: Maybe; whatsNewOnTitan?: Maybe; }; export type AppVersionConfig = { __typename?: 'AppVersionConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; recommendAppUpgrade: Scalars['Boolean']; requireAppUpgrade: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type AppViewingPermissions = { __typename?: 'AppViewingPermissions'; canViewStrategyDetail: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ApyRate = { __typename?: 'ApyRate'; rate: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ApyRateType = { __typename?: 'ApyRateType'; rate: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Article = TitanUniversalContent & { __typename?: 'Article'; _contentType: ContentTypeEnum; additionalMedia?: Maybe>; authorIdentifier?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; franchiseIdentifier?: Maybe; holdings?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; organizationIdentifier?: Maybe; post: Post; reactionsInfo?: Maybe; shareData?: Maybe; strategies?: Maybe>; /** @deprecated Use strategyIdentifier instead */ strategy?: Maybe; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export type ArtworkWealth = { __typename?: 'ArtworkWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type AsOf = { __typename?: 'AsOf'; details?: Maybe; holdings?: Maybe; holdingsMetadata?: Maybe; }; export type AskTitanAuthor = { __typename?: 'AskTitanAuthor'; authorId: Scalars['String']; authorInfo?: Maybe; }; export type Asset = { __typename?: 'Asset'; assetUrl: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetBar = { __typename?: 'AssetBar'; amount: Scalars['Float']; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; color: UiColor; }; export enum AssetClass { cash = 'cash', cryptoHolding = 'cryptoHolding', hedgeHolding = 'hedgeHolding', mutualFundHolding = 'mutualFundHolding', privateHolding = 'privateHolding', publicHolding = 'publicHolding', } export type AssetClassAllocation = { __typename?: 'AssetClassAllocation'; assetClass: RecEngineAssetClass; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AssetClassFaqItem = { __typename?: 'AssetClassFAQItem'; action: UiAction; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; assetClassStrategiesTitle: Scalars['String']; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; richText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; whys: InvestReasons; }; export type AssetClassPreview = { __typename?: 'AssetClassPreview'; action: UiAction; newBadge: NewBadgeSchema; order: Scalars['Int']; strategiesCount: Scalars['Int']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; ui: AssetClassUi; }; export type AssetClassScore = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScore'; currentCount: Scalars['Int']; idealCount: Scalars['Int']; }; export type AssetClassScreenDetails = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenDetails'; assetType: AssetType; subtitle: Scalars['String']; whyFAQ: AssetClassScreenWhyFaq; }; export type AssetClassScreenInput = { assetType: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetClassScreenPayload = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenPayload'; details: Array; moreStrategiesTitle: Scalars['String']; strategiesInTargetTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetClassScreenUi = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenUi'; background: AssetClassScreenUiBackground; gradient: UiGradient; }; export type AssetClassScreenUiBackground = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenUiBackground'; image: ImageAsset; }; export type AssetClassScreenWhyFaq = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenWhyFaq'; items: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetClassScreenWhyFaqItems = { __typename?: 'AssetClassScreenWhyFaqItems'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetClassUi = { __typename?: 'AssetClassUi'; backgroundImage?: Maybe; gradient: UiGradient; }; export type AssetClassWhy = { __typename?: 'AssetClassWhy'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetData = { __typename?: 'AssetData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; assetId: Scalars['String']; info: AssetInfoType; oneMonthPerformance?: Maybe; }; export type AssetDripSetting = { __typename?: 'AssetDripSetting'; assetId: Scalars['String']; dRIPSettingId: Scalars['String']; symbol: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetIdentifier = { __typename?: 'AssetIdentifier'; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetInfoResponse = { __typename?: 'AssetInfoResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; infos: Array; }; export type AssetInfoType = { __typename?: 'AssetInfoType'; assetId: Scalars['String']; displayName?: Maybe; holdingInfoId?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; imageUrl?: Maybe; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetListConfig = { __typename?: 'AssetListConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; assetList: Array; pageTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export enum AssetOrigin { /** asset is stored on client */ LOCAL = 'LOCAL', /** asset is stored on a server */ REMOTE = 'REMOTE', /** light and dark assets are stored on server */ REMOTE_LIGHT_DARK = 'REMOTE_LIGHT_DARK', } export type AssetRowContentType = { __typename?: 'AssetRowContentType'; firstTimeMinimumContentType: FirstTimeMinimumContentType; icon?: Maybe; }; export type AssetSymbol = { __typename?: 'AssetSymbol'; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetTotal = { __typename?: 'AssetTotal'; assetKey: AssetType; assetLabel: Scalars['String']; color: Scalars['String']; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum AssetTransferType { DIRECT = 'DIRECT', LIQUIDATION = 'LIQUIDATION', NONE = 'NONE', } export enum AssetType { AbsoluteReturn = 'AbsoluteReturn', Bonds = 'Bonds', Cash = 'Cash', Commodities = 'Commodities', Cryptocurrencies = 'Cryptocurrencies', PrivateCredit = 'PrivateCredit', PrivateEquity = 'PrivateEquity', RealEstate = 'RealEstate', Stocks = 'Stocks', VentureCapital = 'VentureCapital', } export type AssetTypeAllocation = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeAllocation'; assetType: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AssetTypeBalance = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeBalance'; assetType: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AssetTypeData = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; is3PAssetTypeKey?: Maybe; order: Scalars['Int']; shortDesc: Scalars['String']; shortName: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; tip?: Maybe; ui: AssetTypeUi; whys: Array; }; export type AssetTypeRecommendation = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeRecommendation'; balances: Array; }; export type AssetTypeUi = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeUi'; color: UiColor; gradient: UiGradient; iconBackgroundColor: UiColor; textColor: UiColor; }; export type AssetTypeWhys = { __typename?: 'AssetTypeWhys'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AssetValue = { __typename?: 'AssetValue'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; assetDisplayName: Scalars['String']; assetStrategyCapitals: Array; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; color: Scalars['String']; gradient: UiGradient; iconBackgroundColor: UiColor; order: Scalars['Int']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type AssetsWealth = { __typename?: 'AssetsWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtaAnsweredCardData = { __typename?: 'AtaAnsweredCardData'; authorIdentifier: AuthorIdentifier; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtaAnsweredNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'AtaAnsweredNotificationPayload'; ataAnswered: AtaAnsweredCardData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export type AtlasConfig = { __typename?: 'AtlasConfig'; disclosureText: ContentfulRichText; helpText?: Maybe; }; export type AtomBreakline = { __typename?: 'AtomBreakline'; sizePx?: Maybe; }; export type AtomCta = { __typename?: 'AtomCTA'; labeledAction: LabeledAction; }; export type AtomCaptionedImageSection = { __typename?: 'AtomCaptionedImageSection'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type AtomCarousel__CaptionedImageSlideshow = { __typename?: 'AtomCarousel__CaptionedImageSlideshow'; sections: Array; }; export type AtomCarousel__ContentCards = { __typename?: 'AtomCarousel__ContentCards'; carouselItems: Array; }; export type AtomCarousel__Slideshow = { __typename?: 'AtomCarousel__Slideshow'; carouselItems: Array; }; export type AtomContentCarouselItem = { __typename?: 'AtomContentCarouselItem'; action: UiAction; backgroundImage: ImageAsset; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtomExpandableIconRow = { __typename?: 'AtomExpandableIconRow'; atoms?: Maybe>; icon?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type AtomImage = { __typename?: 'AtomImage'; aspectRatio: Scalars['Float']; image: ImageAsset; maxHeight?: Maybe; maxWidth?: Maybe; resizeMode?: Maybe; }; export type AtomRow = { __typename?: 'AtomRow'; atoms: Array; justifyContent?: Maybe; }; export type AtomRow_PressableIconRow = { __typename?: 'AtomRow_PressableIconRow'; action: UiAction; atomText: AtomText; icon: AtomImage; }; export type AtomRow_TileRow = { __typename?: 'AtomRow_TileRow'; leftTile: AtomTile; maxHeight?: Maybe; rightTile: AtomTile; }; export type AtomSection__Expandable = { __typename?: 'AtomSection__Expandable'; collapseButtonLabel?: Maybe; expandButtonLabel?: Maybe; postExpandedNodes: Array; preExpandedNodes: Array; startOffExpanded?: Maybe; }; export type AtomSection__ExpandableIconRows = { __typename?: 'AtomSection__ExpandableIconRows'; sections: Array; }; export type AtomSpacer = { __typename?: 'AtomSpacer'; isHorizontal?: Maybe; sizePx?: Maybe; }; export type AtomText = { __typename?: 'AtomText'; color?: Maybe; isCentered?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; variant?: Maybe; }; export enum AtomTextColors { ACCENT = 'ACCENT', PRIMARY = 'PRIMARY', SECONDARY = 'SECONDARY', TERTIARY = 'TERTIARY', WARNING = 'WARNING', } export enum AtomTextVariants { BODY1 = 'BODY1', BODY2 = 'BODY2', CAPTION = 'CAPTION', EYEBROW = 'EYEBROW', H1 = 'H1', H2 = 'H2', H3 = 'H3', SUBTITLE1 = 'SUBTITLE1', SUBTITLE2 = 'SUBTITLE2', } export type AtomTile = { __typename?: 'AtomTile'; atoms: Array; backgroundImage: ImageAsset; }; export type AtomVideo = { __typename?: 'AtomVideo'; heroUrl: Scalars['String']; playText?: Maybe; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type Atom_Module_ContentStrategySummaries = { __typename?: 'Atom_Module_ContentStrategySummaries'; strategySummaries: Array; }; export type AttributionLinkMeta = ReferralLinkMetadata; export enum AttributionLinkType { REFERRAL_LINK = 'REFERRAL_LINK', } export type AuthorIdentifier = { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; headshot: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type BadgesResponse = { __typename?: 'BadgesResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; badgeCount: Scalars['Int']; }; export type Bank = { __typename?: 'Bank'; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type BankAccountIdentityInfo = { __typename?: 'BankAccountIdentityInfo'; bankAccountOwners?: Maybe>>; identityMatchLogs?: Maybe>>; sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type BankAccountIdentityLog = { __typename?: 'BankAccountIdentityLog'; isBusinessNameDetected?: Maybe; isFirstOrLastNameMatch?: Maybe; isNicknameMatch?: Maybe; legalNameCheckedAt: Scalars['String']; legalNameMatchScore?: Maybe; }; export type BankAccountInfo = { __typename?: 'BankAccountInfo'; accountNumber?: Maybe; accountType?: Maybe; routingNumber?: Maybe; }; export type BannerMeta = { __typename?: 'BannerMeta'; accountId?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export type BasicMoreInfo = MoreInfoPrototype & { __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; body?: Maybe; detailsList?: Maybe>; eyebrow?: Maybe; footer?: Maybe; fundInfoList?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; showCloseIcon?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type BenchmarkComparison = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparison'; description: Scalars['String']; rows: Array>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type BenchmarkComparisonCell = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparisonCell'; descriptor?: Maybe; format: BenchmarkComparisonCellFormat; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type BenchmarkComparisonCellDescriptor = Descriptor & { __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparisonCellDescriptor'; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum BenchmarkComparisonCellFormat { CurrencyDelta = 'CurrencyDelta', Header = 'Header', PercentDelta = 'PercentDelta', PlainText = 'PlainText', } export type BenchmarkData = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkData'; calculatedAsOf?: Maybe; chart: StrategyBenchmarkChart; name: Scalars['String']; percentChange: Scalars['Float']; /** @deprecated Use chart instead, last used in v283 */ sparkline: SparklineData; }; export type BenchmarkDescriptor = Descriptor & { __typename?: 'BenchmarkDescriptor'; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type BenchmarkFundAnalysis = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkFundAnalysis'; benchmark: AnalysisFundSummary; comparison?: Maybe; historicalDrawdown: HistoricalDrawdown; titan: AnalysisFundSummary; }; export type BenchmarkFundResponse = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkFundResponse'; benchmark: FundSummary; comparison?: Maybe; titan: FundSummary; }; export type Beneficiary = { __typename?: 'Beneficiary'; address?: Maybe
; birthday: Scalars['Date']; existingIdx?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; name: BeneficiaryName; phone: Scalars['String']; relationship: BeneficiaryRelationship; sharePercentage: Scalars['Float']; }; export type BeneficiaryCreationInput = { address: AddressInput; birthday: Scalars['String']; existingIdx?: InputMaybe; name: BeneficiaryNameInput; phone: Scalars['String']; relationship: BeneficiaryRelationship; sharePercentage: Scalars['Float']; ssn?: InputMaybe; }; export type BeneficiaryInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; primaryBeneficiaries: Array; }; export type BeneficiaryName = { __typename?: 'BeneficiaryName'; first: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; last: Scalars['String']; middle?: Maybe; }; export type BeneficiaryNameInput = { first: Scalars['String']; last: Scalars['String']; middle?: InputMaybe; }; export enum BeneficiaryRelationship { BROTHER = 'BROTHER', CHILD = 'CHILD', FRIEND = 'FRIEND', OTHER = 'OTHER', PARENT = 'PARENT', SISTER = 'SISTER', SPOUSE = 'SPOUSE', } export type BlendedHomeUi = { __typename?: 'BlendedHomeUi'; announcementCard?: Maybe; contentCard?: Maybe; exploreStrategies?: Maybe; }; export type BoldedTextConfig = { __typename?: 'BoldedTextConfig'; boldedText?: Maybe; nonBoldedText?: Maybe; }; export type BottomList = { __typename?: 'BottomList'; header: Scalars['String']; list: Array; }; export type BottomListItem = { __typename?: 'BottomListItem'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type BoundConfig = { __typename?: 'BoundConfig'; type: StateWithholdingPercentValueType; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum BoundType { MANDATORY = 'MANDATORY', NO_ELECTION = 'NO_ELECTION', VOLUNTARY = 'VOLUNTARY', } export type BoxButtonGrid = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'BoxButtonGrid'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; body?: Maybe>; }; export type BoxButtonRow = { __typename?: 'BoxButtonRow'; action?: Maybe; boxButtonSubtitle?: Maybe; boxButtonTitle?: Maybe; calloutsGrid?: Maybe; }; export type BreakdownConfig = { __typename?: 'BreakdownConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; earningsBreakdownTable: Array; }; export type BrokerageTransferContraParty = { accountName: Scalars['String']; accountNumber: Scalars['String']; providerId: Scalars['String']; }; export type BrokerageTransferHolding = { amount: Scalars['Float']; assetType: ExternalAssetIdentifierType; identifier: Scalars['String']; }; export enum BrokerageTransferType { FULL_ACATS = 'FULL_ACATS', PARTIAL_ACATS = 'PARTIAL_ACATS', } export type ButtonRow = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'ButtonRow'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; action?: Maybe; buttonTitle: ColoredText; drawerMeta?: Maybe; meta?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type ButtonRowMeta = { __typename?: 'ButtonRowMeta'; drawerAction: UiAction; drawerConfirmText?: Maybe; drawerHeader?: Maybe; drawerRejectText?: Maybe; drawerSubheader?: Maybe; }; export type ButtonRowSection = { __typename?: 'ButtonRowSection'; body?: Maybe>; }; export type CipIssues = { __typename?: 'CIPIssues'; FINRAApprovalRequired: Scalars['Boolean']; documentsRequired: Array; }; export type CipState = { __typename?: 'CIPState'; issues?: Maybe; reason: AccountCipReason; status: AccountCipStatus; }; export type CtaInfoAndAction = { __typename?: 'CTAInfoAndAction'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type CalloutRow = { __typename?: 'CalloutRow'; icon: ImageAsset; subtitle?: Maybe; title: ColoredText; }; export type CalloutsGrid = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'CalloutsGrid'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; body?: Maybe>; title?: Maybe; }; export type CampaignReferralLinkInput = { rewardType: RewardType; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_AllCancelAndCorrectRequestsResponse = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_AllCancelAndCorrectRequestsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cancelAndCorrectRequests: Array; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_CancelAndCorrectRequest = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_CancelAndCorrectRequest'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; actorMetadata?: Maybe; cancelAndCorrectRequestId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; status: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_CancelAndCorrectUploadCsvRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_CancelAndCorrectUploadCSVRequestResponse'; cancelAndCorrectRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_CancelTradesOutput = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_CancelTradesOutput'; cancelAndCorrectRequestStatus: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_Mutations = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_Mutations'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cancelTrades: CancelAndCorrect_CancelTradesOutput; uploadCSVRequest: CancelAndCorrect_CancelAndCorrectUploadCsvRequestResponse; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_MutationsCancelTradesArgs = { cancelAndCorrectRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_MutationsUploadCsvRequestArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_Queries = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_Queries'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; allCancelAndCorrectRequests: CancelAndCorrect_AllCancelAndCorrectRequestsResponse; requestTrades: CancelAndCorrect_RequestTradesOutput; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_QueriesRequestTradesArgs = { input: CancelAndCorrect_RequestTradesInput; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_RequestTradesInput = { cancelAndCorrectRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_RequestTradesOutput = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_RequestTradesOutput'; trades: Array; }; export type CancelAndCorrect_Trades = { __typename?: 'CancelAndCorrect_Trades'; accountNumber: Scalars['String']; assetId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; failureReason?: Maybe; price: Scalars['Float']; quantity: Scalars['Float']; side: Side; status: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; symbol: Scalars['String']; tradeDate: Scalars['Date']; }; export type CancelRecurringDepositResponse = { __typename?: 'CancelRecurringDepositResponse'; account?: Maybe; recurringTransfer: CoreRecurringTransfer; }; export type CancelReweightInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelReweightResponse = { __typename?: 'CancelReweightResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CancelTransactionType = { __typename?: 'CancelTransactionType'; buttonText: Scalars['String']; cancellationDrawerConfirmText: Scalars['String']; cancellationDrawerHeader: Scalars['String']; cancellationDrawerRejectText: Scalars['String']; cancellationDrawerSubheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type CancelTransferResponse = { __typename?: 'CancelTransferResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CancellationConfig = { __typename?: 'CancellationConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; cancellationData: CancelTransactionType; isCancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CancelledStatus = TransactionStatus & { __typename?: 'CancelledStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; isPartial: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type Capital = { __typename?: 'Capital'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountChart: AccountChart; accountIds: Array; assetValues: Array; capitalType: CapitalType; cash: CashCapital; equityCapital: Array; id: Scalars['String']; netDeposits: Scalars['Float']; performance: CapitalPerformance; strategyCapital: Array; strategyGroupingValues: Array; total: Scalars['Float']; ui: CapitalUi; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CapitalPerformance = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; meta?: Maybe; periods: Array; }; export type CapitalPerformanceMeta = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformanceMeta'; selfDirected?: Maybe; }; export type CapitalPerformancePeriods = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; costBasis?: Maybe; dateFormat: Scalars['String']; dollarChangePerformance: Scalars['Float']; label: Scalars['String']; percentPerformance: Scalars['Float']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; shortLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type CapitalSummaryData = { __typename?: 'CapitalSummaryData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; balance?: Maybe; changeDollars?: Maybe; changePercentage?: Maybe; }; export enum CapitalType { ALL = 'ALL', INVESTMENTS = 'INVESTMENTS', } export type CapitalUi = { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; capitalTypeLabel: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; showOnHomeCapital: Scalars['Boolean']; showSmartCashUpgrade: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CarLoanWealth = { __typename?: 'CarLoanWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type Carousel = { __typename?: 'Carousel'; buttonOverride?: Maybe; img?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type Cash = { __typename?: 'Cash'; allocatedDeposit?: Maybe; available?: Maybe; balance?: Maybe; pendingCrypto?: Maybe; pendingDeposit?: Maybe; pendingFees?: Maybe; pendingReweights?: Maybe; pendingWithdrawals?: Maybe; strategy?: Maybe; total?: Maybe; }; export type CashApyTier = { __typename?: 'CashAPYTier'; cashAPYTier: CashApyTierEnum; interestRate: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum CashApyTierEnum { BASE = 'BASE', GOLD = 'GOLD', SILVER = 'SILVER', } export enum CashAllocationStatus { available = 'available', canceled = 'canceled', claimed = 'claimed', needs_approval = 'needs_approval', pending = 'pending', queued = 'queued', waiting = 'waiting', } export type CashApyConfig = { __typename?: 'CashApyConfig'; amountRequiredInStrategiesToMaxApy: Scalars['Float']; maxApyOffered: Scalars['Float']; maxCashThatWillEarnMaxApy: Scalars['Float']; minApyOffered: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CashApyInterestEarnedType = { __typename?: 'CashApyInterestEarnedType'; totalCashApyInterestEarned: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CashApyOptedInType = { __typename?: 'CashApyOptedInType'; isOptedIn: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CashAssetPromotionCallout = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cashAssetPromotionType: CashAssetPromotionType; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum CashAssetPromotionType { SMART_CASH_UPGRADE = 'SMART_CASH_UPGRADE', TREASURY_RETURN_CALLOUT = 'TREASURY_RETURN_CALLOUT', } export type CashAssetStrategyExperience = StrategyExperience & { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; documents: StrategyExperienceDocuments; experienceVariant: StrategyExperienceVariant; faqs?: Maybe; insuranceCallout?: Maybe; investAction: StrategyExperienceAction; isInvested: Scalars['Boolean']; logo: ImageAsset; overview?: Maybe; recentTrades?: Maybe; strategyAlert?: Maybe; strategyAttributes: StrategyExperienceAttributes; strategyDescription?: Maybe; strategyHoldingsWeights: StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; strategyPromotionCallout?: Maybe; strategyUserActivity?: Maybe; withdrawAction?: Maybe; }; export type CashBar = { __typename?: 'CashBar'; color: UiColor; left?: Maybe; percent: Scalars['Float']; right?: Maybe; }; export type CashCapital = { __typename?: 'CashCapital'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; availableToWithdraw?: Maybe; cashLabel: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use CashCapitalExplainers instead */ explainer?: Maybe; explainers?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CashCapitalExplainers = { __typename?: 'CashCapitalExplainers'; availableToTrade?: Maybe; availableToWithdraw?: Maybe; }; export type CashCashAllocation = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cashAllocationId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; dateAvailable?: Maybe; dateCanceled?: Maybe; dateClaimed?: Maybe; dateCreated: Scalars['Date']; datePending?: Maybe; groupId?: Maybe; hide?: Maybe; referenceId: Scalars['String']; source: Scalars['String']; status?: Maybe; type: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type CashCashAllocationWithCancellable = CashCashAllocation & { __typename?: 'CashCashAllocationWithCancellable'; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; cashAllocationId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; dateAvailable?: Maybe; dateCanceled?: Maybe; dateClaimed?: Maybe; dateCreated: Scalars['Date']; datePending?: Maybe; groupId?: Maybe; hide?: Maybe; referenceId: Scalars['String']; source: Scalars['String']; status?: Maybe; type: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type CashChip = { __typename?: 'CashChip'; action?: Maybe; icon: RemoteIcon; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum CashClaimReason { needs_funding = 'needs_funding', needs_individual_account = 'needs_individual_account', needs_individual_account_approval = 'needs_individual_account_approval', needs_individual_account_onboarding = 'needs_individual_account_onboarding', } export type CashDepositInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; depositExperience?: InputMaybe; destinations: Array; source: Source; titanOfferingKey?: InputMaybe; userRolloverId?: InputMaybe; }; export type CashFaqRow = { __typename?: 'CashFAQRow'; action: UiAction; icon?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type CashHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'CashHoldingDetails'; assetClass: AssetClass; assetId: Scalars['String']; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Pass in one of the following for CASH_ALLOCATION: * - cashAllocationId * - groupId * - referenceId * * Pass in one of the following for SYSTEM_INTENT: * - systemIntentId * * If you pass in more than one, the first one will be used. */ export type CashMovementInput = { cashAllocationId?: InputMaybe; groupId?: InputMaybe; referenceId?: InputMaybe; serviceIntentId?: InputMaybe; systemIntentId?: InputMaybe; }; export type CashMovementPayload = { __typename?: 'CashMovementPayload'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; batchIds: Array; id: Scalars['String']; movement: CashMovementUnion; }; export type CashMovementUnion = AdminCashMovement | AdminSystemIntent; export enum CashPromoIdentifier { holiday_gift_card = 'holiday_gift_card', promo_code = 'promo_code', referral_reward = 'referral_reward', } export type CashReserveFeesDrawerCopyType = { __typename?: 'CashReserveFeesDrawerCopyType'; annualFeeCaption: Scalars['String']; annualFeeSubtitle: Scalars['String']; bulletListOfBenefits: Array; closeDrawerButtonText: Scalars['String']; drawerBody: Array; drawerTitle: Scalars['String']; inBetweenAnnualAndMonthlyCaption: Scalars['String']; monthlyFeeCaption: Scalars['String']; monthlyFeeSubtitle: Scalars['String']; platformFeeSectionTitle: Scalars['String']; viewFaqButtonText: Scalars['String']; }; export type CashRewardInfo = { __typename?: 'CashRewardInfo'; canClaim: Scalars['Boolean']; claimReason?: Maybe; }; export type CashStatRow = { __typename?: 'CashStatRow'; chip?: Maybe; faded?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type CashTextCta = { __typename?: 'CashTextCTA'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type CashValueDetails = { __typename?: 'CashValueDetails'; /** amount of cash held in this strategy */ value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CashWealth = { __typename?: 'CashWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; holdingsOverview: WealthHoldingsOverview; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type CashWhy = { __typename?: 'CashWhy'; body: Scalars['String']; color: UiColorLightDark; icon: RemoteLightDarkIcon; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type CategoryHoldingWeight = { __typename?: 'CategoryHoldingWeight'; categoryDisplayName: Scalars['String']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience = HoldingWeightExperience & { __typename?: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience'; _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; asOfDate: Scalars['Date']; categoryWeights: Array; }; export enum CellValueType { PERFORMANCE = 'PERFORMANCE', SMART_CASH_UPGRADE = 'SMART_CASH_UPGRADE', } export type ChapterExitAction = { __typename?: 'ChapterExitAction'; action?: Maybe; rule?: Maybe; }; export type Chart = { __typename?: 'Chart'; current?: Maybe>; currentAge: Scalars['Float']; ideal?: Maybe>; label: Label; timeSliderPrefix?: Maybe; }; export type ChartConfig = { availablePeriodKeys?: Maybe>; defaultPeriodKey?: Maybe; }; export type ChartData = { label: Scalars['String']; periods: Array; }; export type ChartDataPoint = { x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ChartDetails = { description: Scalars['String']; infoRows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChartDetailsDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer'; descriptor: DataDescriptor; disclaimer: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChartDetailsInfoRow = { __typename?: 'ChartDetailsInfoRow'; descriptor?: Maybe; format?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ChartDetailsInfoRowFormat { CurrencyDelta = 'CurrencyDelta', PercentDelta = 'PercentDelta', } export type ChartNumericalFilter = { __typename?: 'ChartNumericalFilter'; initialValue: Scalars['Int']; label: Scalars['String']; maxValue: Scalars['Int']; minValue: Scalars['Int']; }; export type ChartPeriod = { dateFormat?: Maybe; domain?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; series: Array; }; export type ChartPeriodDomain = { __typename?: 'ChartPeriodDomain'; x?: Maybe>; xMax: Scalars['Date']; xMin: Scalars['Date']; y?: Maybe>; }; export type ChartPoint = { __typename?: 'ChartPoint'; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; y0: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ChartSeries = { data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChartTypeFilter = { __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilter'; description?: Maybe; initialValueKey: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type ChartTypeFilterOption = { __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilterOption'; callout?: Maybe; calloutExplanation?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; optionKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChatsButton = { __typename?: 'ChatsButton'; action: UiAction; numUnreadMessages: Scalars['Int']; }; export enum CheckCredentialProvider { apple = 'apple', google = 'google', } export type CheckCredentialsResponse = { __typename?: 'CheckCredentialsResponse'; message?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum CheckboxDirection { LEFT = 'LEFT', RIGHT = 'RIGHT', } export type Checklist = { __typename?: 'Checklist'; body: Scalars['String']; disclosureLink?: Maybe; items: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChecklistItem = { __typename?: 'ChecklistItem'; actionLabel: Scalars['String']; completeIcon: Icon; completed: Scalars['Boolean']; id: LeverId; incompleteIcon: Icon; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type CheckupWealthCalculator = { __typename?: 'CheckupWealthCalculator'; action: PrimaryCheckupCta; initialDeposit: Scalars['Float']; monthlyDeposit: Scalars['Float']; timeHorizon: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Chip = { __typename?: 'Chip'; action?: Maybe; color?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ChooseWithholding = { __typename?: 'ChooseWithholding'; callout?: Maybe; primaryButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; secondaryButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ClearRolloverInvestmentIntentInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ClientLoginErrorCode { AccountClosed = 'AccountClosed', InvalidEmailPassword = 'InvalidEmailPassword', Unknown = 'Unknown', UserBlocked = 'UserBlocked', UserDeactivated = 'UserDeactivated', UserNotFound = 'UserNotFound', } export type ClientTransactionUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'ClientTransactionUserActivity'; accountId?: Maybe; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type CloseAccountScreenCopyType = { __typename?: 'CloseAccountScreenCopyType'; bodyText: Scalars['String']; ctaText: Scalars['String']; intervalFundDoubleCheckDrawer?: Maybe; intervalFundFaqDrawer?: Maybe; intervalFundSubheader?: Maybe; intervalFundTable?: Maybe; intervalFundViewFaqText?: Maybe; iraWithIntervalClosureFeeBody?: Maybe; iraWithIntervalClosureFeeSubheader?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ColoredText = { __typename?: 'ColoredText'; color?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type CommentList = { __typename?: 'CommentList'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; comments?: Maybe>; total: Scalars['Int']; }; export type CommunityComment = { __typename?: 'CommunityComment'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; commentId: Scalars['String']; commentText: Scalars['String']; replies?: Maybe>; userName: Scalars['String']; }; export type CommunityContent = { __typename?: 'CommunityContent'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; contentId: Scalars['String']; discussion: CommentList; relatedDiscussion: CommentList; }; export type CommunityContentInput = { contentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CommunityContentSubmitCommentInput = { commentText: Scalars['String']; contentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CommunityContentSubmitCommentResponse = { __typename?: 'CommunityContentSubmitCommentResponse'; comment: CommunityComment; updatedCommentList: CommentList; }; export type CompletedStatus = TransactionStatus & { __typename?: 'CompletedStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; }; export type ConciergeAgent = { __typename?: 'ConciergeAgent'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; agentId: Scalars['ID']; avatarUrl?: Maybe; deactivated: Scalars['Boolean']; displayName: Scalars['String']; email: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; kustomerUserId: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeCenterResponse = { __typename?: 'ConciergeCenterResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; avatarUrls?: Maybe>; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type ConciergeChat = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChat'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; conversations: Array; ui: ConciergeChatUi; }; export type ConciergeChatConversation = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatConversation'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; conversationId: Scalars['String']; externalId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; satisfaction?: Maybe; }; export type ConciergeChatSatisfactionData = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatSatisfactionData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; externalSentById?: Maybe; formResponseId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; rating?: Maybe; }; export type ConciergeChatUi = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; archivedEmptyState?: Maybe; conversation: ConciergeChatUiConversation; inbox: ConciergeChatUiInbox; knowledgeBase: ConciergeChatUiKnowledgeBase; recentEmptyState?: Maybe; satisfaction: ConciergeChatUiSatisfaction; }; export type ConciergeChatUiConversation = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiConversation'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeChatUiEmptyState = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeChatUiInbox = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiInbox'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeChatUiKnowledgeBase = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiKnowledgeBase'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; categoriesTitle: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeChatUiSatisfaction = { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiSatisfaction'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; labelHigh: Scalars['String']; labelLow: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeEmptyState = { __typename?: 'ConciergeEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon: ImageAsset; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type ConciergeResponse = { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; agents: Array; chat: ConciergeChat; conciergeCenter: ConciergeCenterResponse; todos: ConciergeTodosResponse; }; export type ConciergeTodo = { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; completedDetails?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; info?: Maybe; requirements?: Maybe; status: ToDoStatus; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; todoId: Scalars['String']; todoKey: ToDoKey; }; export type ConciergeTodosResponse = { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodosResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; emptyState?: Maybe; todosList: Array; }; export type Config = { __typename?: 'Config'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; appVersionConfig: AppVersionConfig; featureFlagExposureSampleRate: Scalars['Float']; isBadVersion?: Maybe; maintenanceMode?: Maybe; }; export type CongratsCash = { __typename?: 'CongratsCash'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; }; export type Contact = { __typename?: 'Contact'; contactId: Scalars['String']; contactOwnerUserId: Scalars['String']; deviceGeneratedContactId: Scalars['String']; invited?: Maybe; linkedUserId?: Maybe; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type ContactWithContactCounts = { __typename?: 'ContactWithContactCounts'; contactId: Scalars['String']; contactOwnerUserId: Scalars['String']; deviceGeneratedContactId: Scalars['String']; invited?: Maybe; linkedUserId?: Maybe; numberOfTitanContacts?: Maybe; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type ContentAsset = { __typename?: 'ContentAsset'; height?: Maybe; url?: Maybe; width?: Maybe; }; export type ContentAssetEntry = { __typename?: 'ContentAssetEntry'; id: Scalars['String']; value: ContentAsset; }; export type ContentCard = { __typename?: 'ContentCard'; category?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; imageUrl: Scalars['String']; isVideoContent?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; timestamps?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ContentCardData = { __typename?: 'ContentCardData'; authorIdentifier?: Maybe; franchiseIdentifier?: Maybe; hasVideo: Scalars['Boolean']; /** @deprecated Use cardBackgroundImage on HomeNotification instead */ hero?: Maybe; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ContentMetaObject = { __typename?: 'ContentMetaObject'; /** @deprecated Keeping for backwards compatability, but use cta instead */ addFunds?: Maybe; cta?: Maybe; display?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Keeping for backwards compatability, but use cta instead */ diversifyPortfolio?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Keeping for backwards compatability, but use cta instead */ exploreStrategyButton?: Maybe; }; export type ContentNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'ContentNotificationPayload'; content: ContentCardData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export enum ContentTypeEnum { ARTICLE = 'ARTICLE', DYNAMIC_TUC = 'DYNAMIC_TUC', PORTFOLIO_RECAP = 'PORTFOLIO_RECAP', } export type ContentfulRichText = { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText'; json: Scalars['JSON']; links: RichTextBodyLinks; }; export type ContinueWithPhoneResponse = { __typename?: 'ContinueWithPhoneResponse'; failureReason?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type Contribution = { __typename?: 'Contribution'; ageGte50: Scalars['Boolean']; catchUpContribution: Scalars['Float']; maximumAnnually: Scalars['Float']; remainingContribution: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum ContributionType { CONVERSION = 'CONVERSION', EMPLOYEE = 'EMPLOYEE', EMPLOYER = 'EMPLOYER', RECHARACTERIZATION = 'RECHARACTERIZATION', REGULAR = 'REGULAR', REPAYMENT = 'REPAYMENT', ROLLOVER_60_DAY = 'ROLLOVER_60_DAY', ROLLOVER_DIRECT = 'ROLLOVER_DIRECT', TRANSFER = 'TRANSFER', TRUSTEE_FEE = 'TRUSTEE_FEE', } export type ContributionYearConfig = { __typename?: 'ContributionYearConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canContributeToLastYear: Scalars['Boolean']; contributionTrackerRichTextInfo: ContentfulRichText; screenUi: ContributionYearScreenUi; showMultipleYearOptions: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ContributionYearOption = { __typename?: 'ContributionYearOption'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; label: Scalars['String']; year: Scalars['Int']; }; export type ContributionYearScreenUi = { __typename?: 'ContributionYearScreenUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; options: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type CopyItem = { __typename?: 'CopyItem'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; inlineCta?: Maybe; }; export type CoreAccount = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountCapital: Capital; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; accountName?: Maybe; accountNumber?: Maybe; accountType: AccountType; bankAccounts: Array; beneficiaries: AccountBeneficiaries; /** @deprecated Use accountCapital instead */ capitalSummary: CapitalSummaryData; cash: Scalars['Float']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; firstBatchCompletedAt?: Maybe; flags: AccountFlags; hasEverFunded?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; investmentsCapital: Capital; limits: Limits; meta?: Maybe; permissions: AccountPermissions; recurringTransfers: Array>; riskProfile?: Maybe; smartCash: CoreSmartCash; status: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; ui: AccountUi; }; export type CoreAccountSmartCashArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type CoreAccountMeta = { __typename?: 'CoreAccountMeta'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; hasAcceptedCryptoLegalAgreements: Scalars['Boolean']; isAccountClosureProcessing: Scalars['Boolean']; isCashSweepOn?: Maybe; isOptedInToCrypto: Scalars['Boolean']; isSmartCashEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; wantsRecommendation: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CoreBankAccount = { __typename?: 'CoreBankAccount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLastFour?: Maybe; bankAccountNumber: Scalars['String']; bankAccountType: Scalars['String']; bankLabel: Scalars['String']; hasPendingTransfer: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; institutionLogo?: Maybe; institutionName?: Maybe; linkStatus?: Maybe; plaidVerificationStatus?: Maybe; sourceId: Scalars['String']; verificationMethod: Scalars['String']; }; export type CoreRecurringTransfer = { __typename?: 'CoreRecurringTransfer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; amountProperties?: Maybe; amountType?: Maybe; dayOfWeek?: Maybe; days?: Maybe>; destinations: Array; frequencyLabel: Scalars['String']; fundingSource?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; intervalCount?: Maybe; intervalPeriod?: Maybe; lastRun?: Maybe; nextRun?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; style?: Maybe; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export type CoreSmartCash = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCash'; experience: SmartCashExperience; id: Scalars['ID']; smartCashFee?: Maybe; }; export type CoreSmartCashBarGraphic = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashBarGraphic'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; bars?: Maybe>; }; export type CoreSmartCashBarGraphicInfo = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashBarGraphicInfo'; color?: Maybe; formattedValue?: Maybe; graphic?: Maybe; isBest?: Maybe; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type CoreSmartCashCta = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; descriptor?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; intent?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; sublabel?: Maybe; }; export type CoreSmartCashFund = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashFund'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; breakdown?: Maybe>; callout?: Maybe; fundDescription?: Maybe; fundImage?: Maybe; fundName?: Maybe; fundStatusDisplay?: Maybe; fundType?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; rebalanceStatus?: Maybe; topBreakdown?: Maybe>; yieldStatus?: Maybe; }; export type CoreSmartCashInput = { _debug?: InputMaybe; }; export enum CoreSmartCashIntentType { ContinueOnboardingWithSmartCashIntent = 'ContinueOnboardingWithSmartCashIntent', ExploreSmartCash = 'ExploreSmartCash', InitiateDeposit = 'InitiateDeposit', InitiateSmartCashOnboarding = 'InitiateSmartCashOnboarding', ReferFriend = 'ReferFriend', SetupRecurringDeposit = 'SetupRecurringDeposit', SetupRecurringInvestment = 'SetupRecurringInvestment', SetupSmartTransfer = 'SetupSmartTransfer', ViewDepositStyles = 'ViewDepositStyles', ViewNextDeposit = 'ViewNextDeposit', ViewNextInvestment = 'ViewNextInvestment', ViewPendingEarnings = 'ViewPendingEarnings', } export type CoreSmartCashLanding = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashLanding'; bankComparison: SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; disclosures?: Maybe; hero: SmartCashLandingHero; id: Scalars['ID']; investingOptions: SmartCashLandingSection; investingOptionsExplainer: SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainer; label: Scalars['String']; rates: SmartCashLandingSection; ratesComparison: SmartCashRateComparison; shareCta: CoreSmartCashCta; taxOptimization: SmartCashLandingSection; taxOptimizationExplainer: SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainer; tldr: SmartCashLandingTldrSection; }; export type CoreSmartCashPerformance = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashPerformance'; activeFund: SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection; cashActivity: SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySection; earnings: SmartCashEarnings; feeDisclosures?: Maybe; fundDetails: SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails; id: Scalars['ID']; infoDetails: SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSection; label: Scalars['String']; pendingEarnings: SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSection; primaryMetrics: Array; secondaryMetrics: Array; shareCta: CoreSmartCashCta; }; export type CoreSmartCashWidget = IDataWidget & { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; descriptor?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; format?: Maybe; intent?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; overrides?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type CoreSmartCashWidgetOverrides = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidgetOverrides'; value?: Maybe; }; export type CoreUserBankAccount = { __typename?: 'CoreUserBankAccount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; bankAccountType: Scalars['String']; hasPendingTransfer: Scalars['Boolean']; institutionLogo?: Maybe; institutionName?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; linkStatus?: Maybe; maskedAccountNumber?: Maybe; plaidVerificationStatus?: Maybe; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; verificationMethod: Scalars['String']; }; export type CrashCourseHomeScreenCarouselItem = HomeScreenCarouselItem & { __typename?: 'CrashCourseHomeScreenCarouselItem'; _carouselItemType: HomeScreenCarouselItemType; backgroundImage: ImageAsset; backgroundOverlay?: Maybe; chapterName: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Create401kRolloverResponse = { __typename?: 'Create401kRolloverResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CreateAkoyaSessionInput = { institutionId: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateAkoyaSessionResponse = { __typename?: 'CreateAkoyaSessionResponse'; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimerText: Scalars['String']; disclaimerTitle: Scalars['String']; institutionLogo: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; titanLogo: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateCoinBaseSessionInput = { netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateCoinBaseSessionResponse = { __typename?: 'CreateCoinBaseSessionResponse'; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimerText: Scalars['String']; disclaimerTitle: Scalars['String']; institutionLogo: ImageAsset; redirectPathname: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; titanLogo: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateContactPayload = { deviceGeneratedContactId: Scalars['String']; phoneNumber: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateContactsInput = { createContactPayload: Array; }; export type CreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenInput = { institutionId?: InputMaybe; netWorthAccountId?: InputMaybe; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateNewStrategyFlavorInput = { accountStrategyPersonalizationId: Scalars['String']; baseStrategyKey: Scalars['String']; excludedSymbols: Array; existingStrategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; newFlavorDescription: Scalars['String']; newFlavorName: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateNewStrategyFlavorResponse = { __typename?: 'CreateNewStrategyFlavorResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse = { __typename?: 'CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse'; disclaimer?: Maybe; linkToken?: Maybe; redirectUri?: Maybe; success?: Maybe; }; export type CreditCardWealth = { __typename?: 'CreditCardWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type CryptoAccess = { __typename?: 'CryptoAccess'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canAccess: Scalars['Boolean']; reasonForNoAccess?: Maybe; }; export type CryptoDocumentsDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'CryptoDocumentsDisclaimer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; }; export type CryptoHolding = { __typename?: 'CryptoHolding'; quantity: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type CryptoHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'CryptoHoldingDetails'; assetClass: AssetClass; assetId: Scalars['String']; founded?: Maybe; summary?: Maybe; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type CryptoWealth = { __typename?: 'CryptoWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; holdingsOverview: WealthHoldingsOverview; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type CtaActionInfo = { __typename?: 'CtaActionInfo'; action: UiAction; icon?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type CtaMeta = { __typename?: 'CtaMeta'; info?: Maybe; }; export type CtaOverride = { __typename?: 'CtaOverride'; destination: CtaOverrideDestination; prop?: Maybe; }; export enum CtaOverrideDestination { AutomaticDeposit = 'AutomaticDeposit', SmartTransferFlow = 'SmartTransferFlow', } export type CumulativeReturnsExplainerType = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType'; cumulativeReturn: PerformanceAttributeRowMeta; legalAssumptions?: Maybe; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; richText: ContentfulRichText; timeWeightedReturn: PerformanceAttributeRowMeta; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** * UiAction that defines an arbitrary action that other UiAction types can't. * * In practice, this often involves routing to screens that we can't simply do a plain * navigate for, either because of some side effect that needs to be run before the * screen can be safely rendered or some client side logic that is necessary to * determine which screen to actually go to. */ export type CustomUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'CustomUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; params?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; /** Set of supported CustomUiActions. */ export enum CustomUiActionId { CANCEL_ACATS_TRANSFER = 'CANCEL_ACATS_TRANSFER', /** This action will continue the flow/ Should be handled in the app, bu context aware ui action handler */ CONTINUE_FLOW = 'CONTINUE_FLOW', CONTINUE_IRA_ROLLOVER = 'CONTINUE_IRA_ROLLOVER', CONTINUE_ONBOARDING = 'CONTINUE_ONBOARDING', DISMISS_ACTION = 'DISMISS_ACTION', ENABLE_CASH = 'ENABLE_CASH', ENTER_SMART_TRANSFER_FLOW = 'ENTER_SMART_TRANSFER_FLOW', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_CONTENT_VIDEO_VIEW = 'NAVIGATE_CONTENT_VIDEO_VIEW', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_DEPOSIT = 'NAVIGATE_DEPOSIT', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_FORCE_HOME = 'NAVIGATE_FORCE_HOME', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_RECURRING_DEPOSIT = 'NAVIGATE_RECURRING_DEPOSIT', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_ROLLOVER_BASE_IRA = 'NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_ROLLOVER_BASE_IRA', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_START = 'NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_START', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_SUBMIT_ROLLOVER_INTENT = 'NAVIGATE_RETIREMENT_SUBMIT_ROLLOVER_INTENT', /** This can not be routed to directly, it needs special handling */ NAVIGATE_TARGET_PORTFOLIO = 'NAVIGATE_TARGET_PORTFOLIO', NAVIGATE_TO_RECURRING_TRANSFERS = 'NAVIGATE_TO_RECURRING_TRANSFERS', NAVIGATE_TO_TRANSFER_TAB = 'NAVIGATE_TO_TRANSFER_TAB', NAVIGATE_TO_VIEW_ALL_INVESTMENTS_SCREEN = 'NAVIGATE_TO_VIEW_ALL_INVESTMENTS_SCREEN', OPEN_CRM_CHAT = 'OPEN_CRM_CHAT', START_WITHDRAWAL_FROM_SINGLE_STRATEGY = 'START_WITHDRAWAL_FROM_SINGLE_STRATEGY', TOGGLE_ACTION = 'TOGGLE_ACTION', UPDATE_APP_VERSION = 'UPDATE_APP_VERSION', } export type CustomizeCtaComponent = { __typename?: 'CustomizeCtaComponent'; icon?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; titanColor?: Maybe; }; export type CustomizedContentType = { __typename?: 'CustomizedContentType'; header: Scalars['String']; useSuggestedCTA: UseSuggestedCtaType; }; export type DiyAssetDestinationInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; assetId: Scalars['String']; }; export type DiyBuyLimits = { __typename?: 'DIYBuyLimits'; minimum: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DiyCashDestinationInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer = { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; richText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DiyHoldingsDiscoverMode = { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsDiscoverMode'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; infoDrawer: DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer; keyLeft?: Maybe; keyRight?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; titanVettedEquities?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DiyHoldingsSearchResult = { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsSearchResult'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; equities?: Maybe>; }; export type DiyLimits = { __typename?: 'DIYLimits'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; buy?: Maybe; sell?: Maybe; }; export type DiySearchEquitiesInput = { limit?: InputMaybe; offset?: InputMaybe; }; export type DiySearchEquitiesResult = { __typename?: 'DIYSearchEquitiesResult'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; searchEquitiesUi: SearchEquitiesUi; searchResult?: Maybe; }; export type DiySellLimits = { __typename?: 'DIYSellLimits'; liquidationThresholdPercentage: Scalars['Float']; minimum: Scalars['Float']; }; /** * Our codegen'd types have issues with assignability between the section type and the union of * possible sections types on the section group type. This patches that. Please don't send it to * a client. */ export type Do_Not_Use_Makes_Union_Types_Happy = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'DO_NOT_USE_MAKES_UNION_TYPES_HAPPY'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type DailyMarketSummary = { __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; /** @deprecated use todayAtTitan instead */ commentary?: Maybe; communityContent?: Maybe; dailyMarketSummaryId: Scalars['String']; dailyPushNotificationToggle?: Maybe; disclosures?: Maybe; emptyState?: Maybe; meta?: Maybe; titanContent?: Maybe>; todayAtTitan?: Maybe>; }; export type DailyMarketSummaryMeta = { __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummaryMeta'; displayTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type DataDescriptor = { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DataDisclosure = { __typename?: 'DataDisclosure'; descriptor: DataDescriptor; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type DataWidget = IDataWidget & { __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; ctaOverride?: Maybe; dataWidgetId: Scalars['String']; descriptor?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; fullWidthTitle?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum DataWidgetFormat { Currency = 'Currency', NegativeFigure = 'NegativeFigure', Percent = 'Percent', PlainText = 'PlainText', PositiveFigure = 'PositiveFigure', } export type DateRangeFilter = { __typename?: 'DateRangeFilter'; displayName: Scalars['String']; endDate: Scalars['Date']; startDate: Scalars['Date']; }; export enum DayOfWeek { Friday = 'Friday', Monday = 'Monday', Saturday = 'Saturday', Sunday = 'Sunday', Thursday = 'Thursday', Tuesday = 'Tuesday', Wednesday = 'Wednesday', } export type DbAccount = { __typename?: 'DbAccount'; CIP?: Maybe; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountNumber?: Maybe; accountPrivateInfo: Scalars['String']; accountSource: AccountSource; accountType: AccountType; branchCode?: Maybe; cashSweepOn?: Maybe; createdAt?: Maybe; cryptoLegalVersion?: Maybe; cryptoOptInStatus?: Maybe; firstBatchAmount?: Maybe; firstBatchCompletedAt?: Maybe; firstBatchId?: Maybe; irsExemptCode?: Maybe; oldApexRIAAccountNumber?: Maybe; opportunitiesOnboarded?: Maybe; primaryApplicantId?: Maybe; reporting?: Maybe; secondaryApplicantId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; tptAccountNumber?: Maybe; updatedAt?: Maybe; userId: Scalars['String']; version: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DefaultHoldingMoreInfo = HoldingMoreInfoConfig & { __typename?: 'DefaultHoldingMoreInfo'; ctaText?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; moreInfoType: HoldingMoreInfoType; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; richText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum DepositExperience { RECOMMENDED = 'RECOMMENDED', REC_CUSTOM = 'REC_CUSTOM', SELF_DIRECTED = 'SELF_DIRECTED', } export enum DepositIraContributionType { REGULAR = 'REGULAR', ROLLOVER_60_DAY = 'ROLLOVER_60_DAY', } export type DepositResponse = { __typename?: 'DepositResponse'; firstTimeFunded: Scalars['Boolean']; summary: TransferSummary; systemIntentId?: Maybe; }; export type DepositTransactionSummary = TransactionMeta & { __typename?: 'DepositTransactionSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionTypeEnum; latestStatus?: Maybe; recurringTransferId?: Maybe; }; export type DescriptionRow = { __typename?: 'DescriptionRow'; hasBreaklineAfter?: Maybe; key: Scalars['String']; strikethroughText?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type DescriptionsGrid = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'DescriptionsGrid'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; body?: Maybe>; title?: Maybe; }; export type Descriptor = { description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Destination { cash = 'cash', external = 'external', } export type DestinationAmount = { __typename?: 'DestinationAmount'; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DestinationAmountAndPercent = { __typename?: 'DestinationAmountAndPercent'; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; flaggedCashReserveFeeAmount?: Maybe; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DestinationAmountAndPercentInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DestinationInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent?: InputMaybe; }; export type Destinations = { __typename?: 'Destinations'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent?: Maybe; }; export type DestinationsInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent?: InputMaybe; }; export type DetailListItem = { __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Direction { in = 'in', out = 'out', } export type DisabledExplainer = { __typename?: 'DisabledExplainer'; icon?: Maybe; moreInfo?: Maybe; shortDescription: Scalars['String']; shortDescriptionMarkdownText?: Maybe; }; export type DisabledExplainerIcon = { __typename?: 'DisabledExplainerIcon'; icon: Icon; iconTcsColor?: Maybe; }; export type DisabledExplainerMoreInfo = { __typename?: 'DisabledExplainerMoreInfo'; description: Scalars['String']; moreInfoCTA: Scalars['String']; primaryCTA: Scalars['String']; reviewProfileCTA?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DisclaimedYield = { __typename?: 'DisclaimedYield'; rangeDisclaimer: RangeDisclaimer; rate: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Disclaimer = { __typename?: 'Disclaimer'; icon?: Maybe; text?: Maybe; }; export type DisclaimerResponse = { __typename?: 'DisclaimerResponse'; description: Scalars['String']; title?: Maybe; }; export type DisclosureAction = { __typename?: 'DisclosureAction'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type DisclosureType = { __typename?: 'DisclosureType'; title: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe; uri: Scalars['String']; }; export type DisclosuresData = { __typename?: 'DisclosuresData'; text: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type DisclosuresMeta = { __typename?: 'DisclosuresMeta'; default: Scalars['String']; }; export type DisplayMeta = { __typename?: 'DisplayMeta'; showArticleViewFirst?: Maybe; showPublishedAt?: Maybe; showReferralsSection?: Maybe; }; export type DistributionIncome = { __typename?: 'DistributionIncome'; expectedDistribution: DividendPaymentRow; prevDistributions: Array; }; export type DistributionModalContentResponse = { __typename?: 'DistributionModalContentResponse'; backgroundImageAsset?: Maybe; ctaAction: UiAction; ctaText: Scalars['String']; distributionAmount: Scalars['Float']; distributionEyebrowString: Scalars['String']; distributionHeadline: Scalars['String']; distributionSubtitle: Scalars['String']; strategyKey?: Maybe; theme: UiColor; }; export type DistributionPaymentUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'DistributionPaymentUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum DistributionReason { CONVERSION = 'CONVERSION', DEATH = 'DEATH', DISABILITY = 'DISABILITY', EXCESS_CONTRIBUTION_REMOVAL_AFTER_TAX_DEADLINE = 'EXCESS_CONTRIBUTION_REMOVAL_AFTER_TAX_DEADLINE', EXCESS_CONTRIBUTION_REMOVAL_BEFORE_TAX_DEADLINE = 'EXCESS_CONTRIBUTION_REMOVAL_BEFORE_TAX_DEADLINE', MANAGEMENT_FEE = 'MANAGEMENT_FEE', NORMAL = 'NORMAL', NORMAL_ROTH_IRA_GREATER_THAN_5_YEARS = 'NORMAL_ROTH_IRA_GREATER_THAN_5_YEARS', PLAN_LOAN_401K = 'PLAN_LOAN_401K', PREMATURE = 'PREMATURE', PREMATURE_SIMPLE_IRA_LESS_THAN_2_YEARS = 'PREMATURE_SIMPLE_IRA_LESS_THAN_2_YEARS', RECHARACTERIZATION_CURRENT_YEAR = 'RECHARACTERIZATION_CURRENT_YEAR', RECHARACTERIZATION_PRIOR_YEAR = 'RECHARACTERIZATION_PRIOR_YEAR', ROLLOVER_TO_IRA = 'ROLLOVER_TO_IRA', ROLLOVER_TO_QUALIFIED_PLAN = 'ROLLOVER_TO_QUALIFIED_PLAN', SOSEPP = 'SOSEPP', TRANSFER = 'TRANSFER', } export type Diversification = { __typename?: 'Diversification'; strategyBreakdown: Array; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export type DiversifiedCopyType = { __typename?: 'DiversifiedCopyType'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; primaryCta: PrimaryCheckupCta; }; export type DiversifiedEtfsSection = { __typename?: 'DiversifiedEtfsSection'; body: Scalars['String']; etfs: Array; }; export type Diversify = { __typename?: 'Diversify'; action: TitanFutureCta; body?: Maybe; current: PortfolioGroup; ideal: PortfolioGroup; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type DiversifyPortfolioMeta = { __typename?: 'DiversifyPortfolioMeta'; action: NavigateToScreenUiAction; ctaText: Scalars['String']; show: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type DividendPaymentRow = { __typename?: 'DividendPaymentRow'; amount?: Maybe; amountType?: Maybe; date: Scalars['Date']; destination: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; icon: Icon; }; export type DividendsResponse = { __typename?: 'DividendsResponse'; sumDividends?: Maybe; }; export type DoNothingUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; export type Docs2022Note = { __typename?: 'Docs2022Note'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; drawerTitle: Scalars['String']; entrypointText: Scalars['String']; richText: ContentfulRichText; }; export enum DocumentRequired { ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE = 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE', ADDRESS = 'ADDRESS', BANK_STATEMENT = 'BANK_STATEMENT', BENEFICIARY_FORM = 'BENEFICIARY_FORM', CHECK_REQUEST_FORM = 'CHECK_REQUEST_FORM', CITIZEN = 'CITIZEN', CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST = 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST', DISCRETIONARY_LETTER = 'DISCRETIONARY_LETTER', FINRA = 'FINRA', FINRA_3210 = 'FINRA_3210', FREEZE = 'FREEZE', GREENCARD = 'GREENCARD', ID = 'ID', IRA = 'IRA', IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM = 'JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM', NAME_CHANGE_FORM = 'NAME_CHANGE_FORM', ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM = 'ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM', ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', SELFIE = 'SELFIE', SSN = 'SSN', UNCATEGORIZED = 'UNCATEGORIZED', VISA = 'VISA', WIRE_REQUEST_FORM = 'WIRE_REQUEST_FORM', YNDX_HALT = 'YNDX_HALT', } export enum DocumentType { ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE = 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE', ADDRESS = 'ADDRESS', BANK_STATEMENT = 'BANK_STATEMENT', BENEFICIARY_FORM = 'BENEFICIARY_FORM', CHECK_REQUEST_FORM = 'CHECK_REQUEST_FORM', CITIZEN = 'CITIZEN', CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST = 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST', DISCRETIONARY_LETTER = 'DISCRETIONARY_LETTER', FINRA = 'FINRA', FINRA_3210 = 'FINRA_3210', FREEZE = 'FREEZE', GREENCARD = 'GREENCARD', ID = 'ID', IRA = 'IRA', IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM = 'JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM', NAME_CHANGE_FORM = 'NAME_CHANGE_FORM', ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM = 'ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM', ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', SELFIE = 'SELFIE', SSN = 'SSN', UNCATEGORIZED = 'UNCATEGORIZED', VISA = 'VISA', WIRE_REQUEST_FORM = 'WIRE_REQUEST_FORM', YNDX_HALT = 'YNDX_HALT', } export enum DocumentTypeType { HistoricalPerformance = 'HistoricalPerformance', IncentiveFeeDisclosures = 'IncentiveFeeDisclosures', InterestPaymentsDisclosures = 'InterestPaymentsDisclosures', ManagerFeeDisclosures = 'ManagerFeeDisclosures', PerformanceDisclosures = 'PerformanceDisclosures', PlatformFeeDisclosures = 'PlatformFeeDisclosures', RiskDisclosures = 'RiskDisclosures', StrategyProspectus = 'StrategyProspectus', } export type DocumentsResponse = { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; legalDocuments: LegalDocumentsResponse; sharedDocuments: SharedDocumentsResponse; statements: StatementsResponse; taxDocuments: TaxDocumentsResponse; tradeConfirmations: TradeConfirmationsResponse; uploads: UploadsResponse; }; export type Drawer = { __typename?: 'Drawer'; assumptions: Paragraph; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; headerText: Scalars['String']; image: ImageAsset; paragraphs: Array; }; /** * The drawer config for the open drawer action. It includes the drawer id and optional * properties, that will be passed to the drawer * * Note that we are not strict about the drawerId, the props, or their relationship. * Instead, we leave this general and make it the client's responsibility to validate * at runtime. Doing it this way saves us some complexity related to trying to keep * track of which drawerIds are valid and available for which versions of the app. */ export type DrawerConfig = { __typename?: 'DrawerConfig'; drawerId: Scalars['String']; props?: Maybe; }; export type DrawerMeta = { __typename?: 'DrawerMeta'; drawerAction?: Maybe; drawerConfirmText?: Maybe; drawerHeader?: Maybe; drawerRejectText?: Maybe; drawerSubheader?: Maybe; }; export type DrawerPopup = { __typename?: 'DrawerPopup'; body?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; primaryAction?: Maybe; secondaryAction?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export enum DrawerType { assetsDrawer = 'assetsDrawer', fromDrawer = 'fromDrawer', idealBalanceDrawer = 'idealBalanceDrawer', toDrawer = 'toDrawer', transferLimitDrawer = 'transferLimitDrawer', } export type DynamicRecurringDepositScreen = { __typename?: 'DynamicRecurringDepositScreen'; drawer: Drawer; primaryCtaLabel: Scalars['String']; secondaryCtaLabel: Scalars['String']; sliderValues: AmountSliderValues; subtitleText: Scalars['String']; titleText: Scalars['String']; }; export type DynamicTuc = TitanUniversalContent & { __typename?: 'DynamicTUC'; _contentType: ContentTypeEnum; authorIdentifier?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; dynamicConfig: DynamicTucConfig; franchiseIdentifier?: Maybe; holdings?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; organizationIdentifier?: Maybe; reactionsInfo?: Maybe; shareData?: Maybe; strategies?: Maybe>; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export type DynamicTucConfig = { __typename?: 'DynamicTUCConfig'; atoms: Array; }; export type EarningsBreakdownTable = { __typename?: 'EarningsBreakdownTable'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; fundName: Scalars['String']; table: Array; }; export enum EditRecurringAction { skipNextTransfer = 'skipNextTransfer', } export type EducationCollectionMeta = { __typename?: 'EducationCollectionMeta'; showViewAll: Scalars['Boolean']; viewAllText: Scalars['String']; }; export type EducationCollectionResponse = { __typename?: 'EducationCollectionResponse'; content?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; }; export type EligibleAccount = { __typename?: 'EligibleAccount'; accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum EmailType { WIRE_TRANSFER_INSTRUCTIONS = 'WIRE_TRANSFER_INSTRUCTIONS', } export type EnableCash = { __typename?: 'EnableCash'; body: Scalars['String']; enable: CashTextCta; icon?: Maybe; learn: CashTextCta; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type EquityCapital = { __typename?: 'EquityCapital'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountIds: Array; assetId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; info: AssetInfoType; performance: CapitalPerformance; quantity: EquityCapitalAssetQuantity; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type EquityCapitalAssetQuantity = { __typename?: 'EquityCapitalAssetQuantity'; availableToTrade: Scalars['Float']; reserved: Scalars['Float']; }; export type EquityHolding = { __typename?: 'EquityHolding'; quantity: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type EquityWealth = { __typename?: 'EquityWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ErrorType { DuplicateAccount = 'DuplicateAccount', } export type ErroredStatus = TransactionStatus & { __typename?: 'ErroredStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; }; export type EtfInfo = { __typename?: 'EtfInfo'; displayName: Scalars['String']; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; imageUri: LightOrDark; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type ExcessCrypto = { __typename?: 'ExcessCrypto'; accountId: Scalars['String']; holdings: Array; }; export type ExcessEquity = { __typename?: 'ExcessEquity'; account: DbAccount; accountId: Scalars['String']; equities: Array; }; export type ExcludedHoldingsResponse = { __typename?: 'ExcludedHoldingsResponse'; excludedSymbols: Array; maxRestrictedHoldingsForStrategyEligibility: Scalars['Int']; }; export enum ExistingAsset { alternatives = 'alternatives', bonds = 'bonds', cash = 'cash', crypto = 'crypto', etfs = 'etfs', realEstate = 'realEstate', stocks = 'stocks', } export type ExitButtonInfo = { __typename?: 'ExitButtonInfo'; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; exitScreenType: ExitScreenType; }; export enum ExitScreenType { GO_BACK = 'GO_BACK', GO_HOME = 'GO_HOME', } export type ExpandableDataWidget = { __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidget'; description: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; overrides?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type ExpandableDataWidgetOverrides = { __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidgetOverrides'; value?: Maybe; }; export enum ExperimentConfig { EXCLUDE_THREE_THINGS_NOTIFICATION_CARDS = 'EXCLUDE_THREE_THINGS_NOTIFICATION_CARDS', } export type ExploreStrategyMeta = { __typename?: 'ExploreStrategyMeta'; apiStrategyKey?: Maybe; show: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ExposureResponse = { __typename?: 'ExposureResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum ExternalActivityCategory { ACCOUNT = 'ACCOUNT', DEPOSIT_INVESTMENT = 'DEPOSIT_INVESTMENT', FEE = 'FEE', INTEREST_DIVIDEND = 'INTEREST_DIVIDEND', PROMO = 'PROMO', REBALANCE = 'REBALANCE', ROLLOVER = 'ROLLOVER', WITHDRAWAL = 'WITHDRAWAL', } export type ExternalActivityCategoryFilter = { __typename?: 'ExternalActivityCategoryFilter'; displayName: Scalars['String']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; }; export enum ExternalAssetIdentifierType { CASH = 'CASH', CINS = 'CINS', CUSIP = 'CUSIP', ISIN = 'ISIN', SEDOL = 'SEDOL', SYMBOL = 'SYMBOL', } export type ExternalDepositInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; /** For IRA */ contributionType?: InputMaybe; contributionYear?: InputMaybe; depositExperience?: InputMaybe; destinations: Array; flagForManualCashReserveBilling?: InputMaybe; instant: Scalars['Boolean']; source: Source; sourceId?: InputMaybe; titanOfferingKey?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type ExternalInstitutionOption = { __typename?: 'ExternalInstitutionOption'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; institutionId: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; logo: ImageAsset; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; provider: InstitutionProviderType; }; export enum ExternalInstitutionProviderType { akoya = 'akoya', coinbase = 'coinbase', manual = 'manual', plaid = 'plaid', } export type ExternalInstitutionSelectorConfig = { __typename?: 'ExternalInstitutionSelectorConfig'; fallbackLabel: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type ExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisResponse = { __typename?: 'ExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisResponse'; analysis?: Maybe; analysisRequested?: Maybe; goalRetirementAge?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; linkedAccounts?: Maybe>; totalAssetClassAllocation?: Maybe>; totalBalance: Scalars['Float']; }; export type EyebrowBody = { __typename?: 'EyebrowBody'; copy?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; textColor?: Maybe; }; export type Faq = { __typename?: 'FAQ'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; id: Scalars['ID']; questionTitle: Scalars['String']; richText: ContentfulRichText; }; export type Faqcta = { __typename?: 'FAQCTA'; text: Scalars['String']; titanColor?: Maybe; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type FaqItem = { __typename?: 'FAQItem'; action: UiAction; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Featured_Content_Locations { FUNDED_HOME = 'FUNDED_HOME', UNFUNDED_HOME = 'UNFUNDED_HOME', } export type FaqList = { __typename?: 'FaqList'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; faqs: Array; id: Scalars['ID']; topic?: Maybe; }; export enum FaqTopic { DEFAULT = 'DEFAULT', FUNDED_HOME = 'FUNDED_HOME', INDEX_INVESTING = 'INDEX_INVESTING', MANAGED_STOCKS = 'MANAGED_STOCKS', SMART_CASH = 'SMART_CASH', SMART_CASH_PROMO = 'SMART_CASH_PROMO', } export type FeatureAnnouncement = { __typename?: 'FeatureAnnouncement'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; announcementId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; props?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; type?: Maybe; }; export enum FeatureAnnouncementType { CASH_APY = 'CASH_APY', INCOME_EVENT = 'INCOME_EVENT', REFERRAL_CONVERSION = 'REFERRAL_CONVERSION', ROLLOVER_COMPLETED = 'ROLLOVER_COMPLETED', SMART_CASH_MONTHLY_SUMMARY = 'SMART_CASH_MONTHLY_SUMMARY', SMART_CASH_REBALANCE = 'SMART_CASH_REBALANCE', SUGGESTED_UPDATE = 'SUGGESTED_UPDATE', TREASURY_DIVIDEND_PAYMENT = 'TREASURY_DIVIDEND_PAYMENT', TREASURY_GTM = 'TREASURY_GTM', } export type FeatureFlag = { __typename?: 'FeatureFlag'; evaluationDetails?: Maybe; key: Scalars['String']; value?: Maybe; }; export type FeatureFlagExposure = { clientContext?: InputMaybe; evaluationDetails?: InputMaybe; flag: Scalars['String']; timestamp?: InputMaybe; value?: InputMaybe; }; export type FeatureFlags = { __typename?: 'FeatureFlags'; flags: Array; userKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeaturedContentResponse = { __typename?: 'FeaturedContentResponse'; contentCard?: Maybe; }; export type FederalTaxWithholdingScreen = TaxWithholdingElements & { __typename?: 'FederalTaxWithholdingScreen'; callout?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Fee = { __typename?: 'Fee'; aumFee: Scalars['Float']; flatFee: Scalars['Float']; performanceFee: Scalars['Float']; performanceHurdle: Scalars['Float']; }; export type FeeComparisonResults = { __typename?: 'FeeComparisonResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeeSummaryRow = { __typename?: 'FeeSummaryRow'; infoAction?: Maybe; infoDrawer?: Maybe; originalValue?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeeSummarySection = { __typename?: 'FeeSummarySection'; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeeTier = { __typename?: 'FeeTier'; fee: Scalars['String']; netDeposits: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeedResponse = { __typename?: 'FeedResponse'; content?: Maybe>; }; export type FeedbackSubmissionInfo = { __typename?: 'FeedbackSubmissionInfo'; externalSurveyUrl?: Maybe; type: FeedbackSubmissionType; }; export enum FeedbackSubmissionType { ExternalLink = 'ExternalLink', } export type Fees = { __typename?: 'Fees'; partner: Fee; platform: PlatformFee; }; export type FeesChecklistItem = { __typename?: 'FeesChecklistItem'; checked: Scalars['Boolean']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeesFaq = { __typename?: 'FeesFAQ'; answerChecklist?: Maybe>; answerText?: Maybe; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type FeesScreenContent = { __typename?: 'FeesScreenContent'; appBarCta?: Maybe; feeSummarySection?: Maybe; info?: Maybe; /** @deprecated new pricing screens require FeeSummarySection instead */ platformFeeSection?: Maybe; strategiesExpensesSection: StratgiesExpensesSection; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type FieldForm = { __typename?: 'FieldForm'; formSchema: UiFormSchema; validationSchema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; }; export type FileData = { __typename?: 'FileData'; fileType: FileTypeEnum; isCorrected: Scalars['Boolean']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export enum FileTypeEnum { CSV = 'CSV', PDF = 'PDF', } export type FilterOption = { __typename?: 'FilterOption'; field: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type FilterOptions = { __typename?: 'FilterOptions'; type?: Maybe; }; export type FilterableHoldings = { __typename?: 'FilterableHoldings'; foo: Scalars['String']; }; export type FirstTimeMinimumContentType = { __typename?: 'FirstTimeMinimumContentType'; copy: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; }; export type FirstTimeMinimumsExplainerContent = { __typename?: 'FirstTimeMinimumsExplainerContent'; copy: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; }; export enum FlowStepType { RolloverIntro = 'RolloverIntro', } export type FranchiseIdentifier = { __typename?: 'FranchiseIdentifier'; franchiseId: Scalars['String']; franchiseName: Scalars['String']; }; export type FullPostData = { __typename?: 'FullPostData'; body?: Maybe; category: Scalars['String']; hero: Scalars['String']; storyUrl?: Maybe; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; videoUrl?: Maybe; videoUrl_Landscape?: Maybe; }; export type FundInfoListItem = { __typename?: 'FundInfoListItem'; detailsList?: Maybe>; icon: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundMoreInfo = MoreInfoPrototype & { __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; body?: Maybe; detailsList?: Maybe>; footer?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; titleImage: ImageAsset; }; export type FundPerformance = { __typename?: 'FundPerformance'; finish: FundPerformanceFinish; means: Array; years: Scalars['Float']; }; export type FundPerformanceFinish = { __typename?: 'FundPerformanceFinish'; lowerBound: Scalars['Float']; upperBound: Scalars['Float']; }; export type FundSummary = { __typename?: 'FundSummary'; allocations: Array; metrics: AllocationMetrics; performance: FundPerformance; }; export type FundedHomeType = HomeResponse & { __typename?: 'FundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: HomeTypeEnum; accountGroups?: Maybe>; checklist?: Maybe; }; export type FundingAgreementsInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; depositExperience?: InputMaybe; destinations: Array; }; export type FundingAssetType = { __typename?: 'FundingAssetType'; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; color: Scalars['String']; disabled?: Maybe; disabledExplainer?: Maybe; displayName: Scalars['String']; order: Scalars['Int']; strategies: Array; textColor: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingBoundariesInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; destination: Scalars['String']; source: Scalars['String']; variation: FundingVariations; year?: InputMaybe; }; export type FundingBoundary = { __typename?: 'FundingBoundary'; achMaximum: Scalars['Float']; currentBalance?: Maybe; maximum: Scalars['Float']; minimum: Scalars['Float']; }; export type FundingConfirm = { __typename?: 'FundingConfirm'; assetTypes: Array; feeDrawerSubtitle?: Maybe; feeDrawerTitle?: Maybe; feeOverview: Scalars['String']; feeOverviewDescription: Scalars['String']; timingCopyOverview: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingConfirmAssetType = { __typename?: 'FundingConfirmAssetType'; fee: Scalars['String']; feeDescription: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; }; export type FundingConfirmInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; destinations: Array>; source: FundingSource; }; export type FundingConfirmStrategy = { __typename?: 'FundingConfirmStrategy'; fee: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; timingCopy: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingDestination = { amount: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingFlow = { __typename?: 'FundingFlow'; allocationDisclosure: Scalars['String']; assetTypes: Array; intervalFundRiskScreenContent: IntervalFundRiskScreenContent; recommendedStrategyMix: Array; riskProfileStyle: Scalars['String']; strategyRequirements: StrategyRequirements; }; export type FundingHolding = { __typename?: 'FundingHolding'; count: Scalars['Int']; topHoldings: Array; }; export type FundingLegalAgreements = { __typename?: 'FundingLegalAgreements'; description: Scalars['String']; disclaimer: FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimer; header: Scalars['String']; primaryCTALabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimer'; moreInfo?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimerMoreInfo = { __typename?: 'FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimerMoreInfo'; content: Array; dissmissCTALabel: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; moreInfoCTALabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimerMoreInfoContent = { __typename?: 'FundingLegalAgreementsDisclaimerMoreInfoContent'; label: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export enum FundingRound { SeedRound = 'SeedRound', SeriesA = 'SeriesA', SeriesB = 'SeriesB', SeriesC = 'SeriesC', SeriesD = 'SeriesD', } export type FundingSource = { sourceId: Scalars['String']; sourceType: FundingSourceType; }; export enum FundingSourceType { CASH = 'CASH', EXTERNAL = 'EXTERNAL', } export type FundingStrategy = { __typename?: 'FundingStrategy'; /** @deprecated: use strategyInfo.nativeHeroAsset */ coverImage?: Maybe; gradient: UiGradient; headerBackgroundImage: ImageAsset; holdings: FundingHolding; is3PStrategyKey?: Maybe; isIRAAccount?: Maybe; /** @deprecated: use strategyInfo.organizationDisplayName */ managedBy: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated use minimumInvestments */ minimumInvestmentNeeded: Scalars['Int']; minimumInvestments: MinimumInvestments; /** @deprecated: use strategyInfo.displayName */ name: Scalars['String']; overrideSubtitle?: Maybe; relevantMinimum: Scalars['Float']; strategyCardDetailsCopy: Scalars['String']; strategyCardMinimumNotMetErrorMessage: Scalars['String']; strategyInfo: StrategyInfoType; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated: use strategyInfo.subtitle */ subtitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingTodoDestination = { __typename?: 'FundingTodoDestination'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amount?: Maybe; percent?: Maybe; strategy: Scalars['String']; }; export type FundingTodoRequirements = { __typename?: 'FundingTodoRequirements'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId?: Maybe; accountType?: Maybe; destinations?: Maybe>; ira?: Maybe; isRecurring?: Maybe; totalAmount?: Maybe; }; export enum FundingVariations { CashIn = 'CashIn', CashOut = 'CashOut', Deposit = 'Deposit', Withdrawal = 'Withdrawal', } export type FundingYieldPayoutResponse = { __typename?: 'FundingYieldPayoutResponse'; currentTitanFund: YieldFund; incrementalTitanFunds: Array; }; export type GetAccountScreenTitanOfferingsInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; includeUninvestedStrategies: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type GetAttributionLinkInfoInput = { attributionLinkId: Scalars['String']; }; export type GetAttributionLinkInfosResponse = { __typename?: 'GetAttributionLinkInfosResponse'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; attributionLinkId?: Maybe; meta?: Maybe; strategyKey?: Maybe; url?: Maybe; }; export type GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponse = { __typename?: 'GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponse'; allocationDrawerSection?: Maybe; diversifiedEtfsSection?: Maybe; headerImage: ImageAsset; noAdvisoryFeesSection?: Maybe; offeringDescription: Scalars['String']; reducedVolatilitySection?: Maybe; videoBannerConfig?: Maybe; whatYouGetSection?: Maybe; }; export type GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponse = { __typename?: 'GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponse'; headerImage: ImageAsset; holdingsSection?: Maybe; offeringDescription: Scalars['String']; recentTradesSection?: Maybe; videoBannerConfig?: Maybe; whatYouGetSection?: Maybe; yourAllocationDrawer?: Maybe; yourInvestmentTeamSection?: Maybe; }; export type GetTitanOfferingDestinationsInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; titanOfferingKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type GetTitanOfferingDestinationsResponse = { __typename?: 'GetTitanOfferingDestinationsResponse'; destinations: Array; }; export type GetTitanOfferingInfosInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type GetTitanOfferingInfosResponse = { __typename?: 'GetTitanOfferingInfosResponse'; infos: Array; }; export type GiftCardData = { __typename?: 'GiftCardData'; amount: Scalars['Int']; message: Scalars['String']; }; export type GiftCardNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'GiftCardNotificationPayload'; giftCard: GiftCardData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export type GlobalEquity = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; equityDisplayName: Scalars['String']; equityType: GlobalEquityType; id: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; }; export type GlobalEquityHolding = GlobalEquity & { __typename?: 'GlobalEquityHolding'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; equityDisplayName: Scalars['String']; equityType: GlobalEquityType; id: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; ticker?: Maybe; }; export type GlobalEquityStrategy = GlobalEquity & { __typename?: 'GlobalEquityStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; equityDisplayName: Scalars['String']; equitySubtitle?: Maybe; equityType: GlobalEquityType; holdings?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export enum GlobalEquityType { HOLDING = 'HOLDING', STRATEGY = 'STRATEGY', } export type GlobalSearchResult = { __typename?: 'GlobalSearchResult'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; searchResult?: Maybe>; }; export enum Goal { business = 'business', debt = 'debt', family = 'family', home = 'home', retirement = 'retirement', wealth = 'wealth', } export type GradientData = { __typename?: 'GradientData'; angle?: Maybe; colors: Array; locations?: Maybe>; }; export type Greeting = { __typename?: 'Greeting'; header?: Maybe; subheaderAllSeen?: Maybe; subheaderUnseen?: Maybe; }; export type GroupTradeDate = { __typename?: 'GroupTradeDate'; dateLabel: Scalars['String']; trades?: Maybe>; }; export type GrowthDetails = { __typename?: 'GrowthDetails'; /** decimal representing the % growth of the holding. Will be formatted client side */ percent: Scalars['Float']; /** numeral of total profit/loss that will be formatted app side */ profit: Scalars['Float']; }; export type HardwareWealth = { __typename?: 'HardwareWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type HasDespositedIntoCashType = { __typename?: 'HasDespositedIntoCashType'; hasDepositedIntoCash: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type HasInvestedInCashType = { __typename?: 'HasInvestedInCashType'; userInvestedInCash: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type HeaderIcons = { __typename?: 'HeaderIcons'; accentIcon?: Maybe; icons?: Maybe>; size?: Maybe; }; export type HedgeHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'HedgeHoldingDetails'; assetClass: AssetClass; assetId: Scalars['String']; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type HelpButtonInfo = { __typename?: 'HelpButtonInfo'; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; }; export type HistoricalDrawdown = { __typename?: 'HistoricalDrawdown'; benchmark?: Maybe>; titan?: Maybe>; }; export type HistoricalDrawdownData = { __typename?: 'HistoricalDrawdownData'; event: HistoricalDrawdownEvent; returnValue: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum HistoricalDrawdownEvent { COVID = 'COVID', DOTCOM_CRASH = 'DOTCOM_CRASH', GLOBAL_FINANCIAL_CRISIS = 'GLOBAL_FINANCIAL_CRISIS', HAWKISH_FED = 'HAWKISH_FED', } export enum HistoryItemType { DIVIDEND = 'DIVIDEND', REWARD = 'REWARD', } export enum HoldType { CrossBank = 'CrossBank', RecentDeposits = 'RecentDeposits', } export type HoldingData = { __typename?: 'HoldingData'; displayData: HoldingDisplayData; id: Scalars['ID']; imageUrl: ImageAsset; performanceData: PerformanceDataType; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use HoldingDisplayData instead */ subtitle: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use HoldingDisplayData instead */ title: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingDetailSection = { __typename?: 'HoldingDetailSection'; body: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingDimensionCategory = { category: Scalars['String']; dimensionKey: HoldingDimensionKey; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type HoldingDimensionIndustryCategory = HoldingDimensionCategory & { __typename?: 'HoldingDimensionIndustryCategory'; category: Scalars['String']; color?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; dimensionKey: HoldingDimensionKey; label?: Maybe; opacity?: Maybe; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum HoldingDimensionKey { industry = 'industry', } export type HoldingDimensions = { __typename?: 'HoldingDimensions'; industry?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingDisplay = { _displayType: HoldingDisplayType; holdingDisplayKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingDisplayData = { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; displayName?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; ticker?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingDisplayDetails = { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayDetails'; displayName: Scalars['String']; displaySubtitle?: Maybe; imageAsset: ImageAsset; strategyName?: Maybe; ticker?: Maybe; }; export enum HoldingDisplayType { DISPLAY = 'DISPLAY', ERROR = 'ERROR', } export type HoldingError = HoldingDisplay & { __typename?: 'HoldingError'; _displayType: HoldingDisplayType; displayDetails: HoldingDisplayDetails; holdingDisplayKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingIdentifier = { __typename?: 'HoldingIdentifier'; holdingDisplayKey: Scalars['String']; holdingInfoId?: Maybe; status?: Maybe; strategyKey?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingInfoDetails = { assetClass: AssetClass; }; export type HoldingInfoType = HoldingDisplay & { __typename?: 'HoldingInfoType'; _displayType: HoldingDisplayType; action?: Maybe; dateAdded?: Maybe; dateUpdated?: Maybe; details: HoldingInfoDetails; disclaimer?: Maybe; displayDetails: HoldingDisplayDetails; hidden?: Maybe; holdingDisplayKey: Scalars['String']; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; otherInvestors?: Maybe>; performanceDetails: PerformanceDetails; status?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; validFrom?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingInvestor = { __typename?: 'HoldingInvestor'; logo: Icon; name: Scalars['String']; round?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingMoreInfoConfig = { description: Scalars['String']; moreInfoType: HoldingMoreInfoType; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum HoldingMoreInfoType { Default = 'Default', RiskProfile = 'RiskProfile', } export type HoldingNews = { __typename?: 'HoldingNews'; date: Scalars['String']; imageUri?: Maybe; source?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingNewsArticle = { __typename?: 'HoldingNewsArticle'; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; holdingNewsId: Scalars['String']; imageUrl: Scalars['String']; releaseDate: Scalars['Date']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type HoldingNewsResponse = { __typename?: 'HoldingNewsResponse'; articles: Array; }; export type HoldingOtherInvestorsResponse = { __typename?: 'HoldingOtherInvestorsResponse'; fundingRound?: Maybe; institutionalInvestorId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum HoldingPrototypeSortBy { PERFORMANCE_ASC = 'PERFORMANCE_ASC', PERFORMANCE_DESC = 'PERFORMANCE_DESC', } export enum HoldingPrototypeSortKey { ONE_DAY = 'ONE_DAY', ONE_MONTH = 'ONE_MONTH', YEAR_TO_DATE = 'YEAR_TO_DATE', } export type HoldingRestriction = { __typename?: 'HoldingRestriction'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canBuy: Scalars['Boolean']; canSell: Scalars['Boolean']; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum HoldingStatus { active = 'active', inactive = 'inactive', } export enum HoldingType { SELF_DIRECTED = 'SELF_DIRECTED', TITAN_MANAGED = 'TITAN_MANAGED', } export type HoldingWeightExperience = { _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; }; export enum HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum { CATEGORY_HOLDINGS = 'CATEGORY_HOLDINGS', INVESTED_1P_SINGLE_HOLDINGS = 'INVESTED_1P_SINGLE_HOLDINGS', NO_HOLDINGS = 'NO_HOLDINGS', SINGLE_HOLDINGS = 'SINGLE_HOLDINGS', TREASURY_FUND_OPTIONS = 'TREASURY_FUND_OPTIONS', } export type HoldingYield = { __typename?: 'HoldingYield'; asOf: Scalars['Date']; rate: Scalars['Float']; }; export type HoldingsCategories = { __typename?: 'HoldingsCategories'; category?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type HoldingsHubHelpInfo = { __typename?: 'HoldingsHubHelpInfo'; richText?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingsIndustry = { __typename?: 'HoldingsIndustry'; categories?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingsMeta = { __typename?: 'HoldingsMeta'; dimensionDisplayName?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingsMetadata = { __typename?: 'HoldingsMetadata'; holdingCount?: Maybe; holdingDimensions?: Maybe; holdingsDisclaimerInfoText?: Maybe; showHoldingMetadata?: Maybe; }; export type HoldingsPrototypeResponse = { __typename?: 'HoldingsPrototypeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; allHoldings?: Maybe>; asOfDate?: Maybe; helpInfo?: Maybe; lastUpdatedDate?: Maybe; strategyKeyOrder?: Maybe>; topMoversHelpInfo?: Maybe; userHoldings?: Maybe>; }; export type HoldingsPrototypeSortInput = { sortBy: HoldingPrototypeSortBy; sortKey: HoldingPrototypeSortKey; }; export type HoldingsSection = { __typename?: 'HoldingsSection'; body: Scalars['String']; disclosure: TitledDisclosure; holdings: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type HomeAccountGroup = { __typename?: 'HomeAccountGroup'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accounts?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type HomeAccountRow = { __typename?: 'HomeAccountRow'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountViewType: AccountViewType; }; export type HomeBannerSchema = { __typename?: 'HomeBannerSchema'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; bannerId?: Maybe; enabled?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; native?: Maybe; }; export type HomeChecklist = { __typename?: 'HomeChecklist'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; actions?: Maybe>; description?: Maybe; headline?: Maybe; info?: Maybe; promptId: Scalars['String']; scheduleCallModule?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; todosList?: Maybe>; }; export type HomeChecklistInfo = { __typename?: 'HomeChecklistInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type HomeLiveChats = { __typename?: 'HomeLiveChats'; accountTabChatsBanner?: Maybe; chatsButton?: Maybe; tutorialPopoutChatsBanner?: Maybe; }; export type HomeNotification = { __typename?: 'HomeNotification'; action: UiAction; cardBackgroundImage?: Maybe; notificationId: Scalars['String']; notificationType: NotificationType; organizationIdentifier?: Maybe; payload: NotificationPayload; publishedAt: Scalars['String']; seen: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type HomeNotificationsMeta = { __typename?: 'HomeNotificationsMeta'; primaryAction?: Maybe; showPortfolioRecommendation?: Maybe; }; export type HomeNotificationsResponse = { __typename?: 'HomeNotificationsResponse'; greeting?: Maybe; meta?: Maybe; notifications?: Maybe>; /** @deprecated this was a hack, not designed for reuse */ splashScreen?: Maybe; }; export type HomeResponse = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: HomeTypeEnum; checklist?: Maybe; }; export type HomeScreenCarouselItem = { _carouselItemType: HomeScreenCarouselItemType; }; export enum HomeScreenCarouselItemType { ActionHomeScreenCarouselItem = 'ActionHomeScreenCarouselItem', AnnouncementHomeScreenCarouselItem = 'AnnouncementHomeScreenCarouselItem', CrashCourseHomeScreenCarouselItem = 'CrashCourseHomeScreenCarouselItem', } export type HomeScreenTakeover = { __typename?: 'HomeScreenTakeover'; eyebrow?: Maybe; greetingText: Scalars['String']; headline?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; primaryCta: CtaActionInfo; variant?: Maybe; videoConfig?: Maybe; videoCta: CtaActionInfo; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type HomeStrategyBenchmarkPeriods = { __typename?: 'HomeStrategyBenchmarkPeriods'; all?: Maybe>; oneDay?: Maybe>; oneMonth?: Maybe>; oneWeek?: Maybe>; oneYear?: Maybe>; threeMonths?: Maybe>; yearToDate?: Maybe>; }; export enum HomeTypeEnum { FUNDED = 'FUNDED', UNFUNDED = 'UNFUNDED', } export enum HomeWarningBannerType { plaidBankLink = 'plaidBankLink', yndxWarning = 'yndxWarning', } export type HowWeProcessTradesType = { __typename?: 'HowWeProcessTradesType'; descriptor: DataDescriptor; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type HypotheticalPerformanceChartMeta = { __typename?: 'HypotheticalPerformanceChartMeta'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; chartColor: UiColor; chartSubtitle: Scalars['String']; chartTitle: Scalars['String']; disclosureUrl?: Maybe; }; /** Required documents */ export enum IdvRequirement { ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE = 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER_CHANGE', ADDRESS = 'ADDRESS', BANK_STATEMENT = 'BANK_STATEMENT', BENEFICIARY_FORM = 'BENEFICIARY_FORM', CHECK_REQUEST_FORM = 'CHECK_REQUEST_FORM', CITIZEN = 'CITIZEN', CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST = 'CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_REQUEST', DISCRETIONARY_LETTER = 'DISCRETIONARY_LETTER', FINRA = 'FINRA', FINRA_3210 = 'FINRA_3210', FREEZE = 'FREEZE', GREENCARD = 'GREENCARD', ID = 'ID', IRA = 'IRA', IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM = 'IRA_JOURNAL_DEPOSIT_SLIP_FORM', JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM = 'JOURNAL_REQUEST_FORM', NAME_CHANGE_FORM = 'NAME_CHANGE_FORM', ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM = 'ROTH_CONVERSION_FORM', ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM = 'ROTH_IRA_DISTRIBUTION_FORM', SELFIE = 'SELFIE', SSN = 'SSN', UNCATEGORIZED = 'UNCATEGORIZED', VISA = 'VISA', WIRE_REQUEST_FORM = 'WIRE_REQUEST_FORM', YNDX_HALT = 'YNDX_HALT', } export enum IdvRequirementStatus { APPROVED = 'APPROVED', CANCELED = 'CANCELED', NEEDS_RESUBMISSION = 'NEEDS_RESUBMISSION', NEEDS_SUBMISSION = 'NEEDS_SUBMISSION', REJECTED = 'REJECTED', SUBMITTED = 'SUBMITTED', } export type IDataWidget = { descriptor?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type IraContributionDetails = { __typename?: 'IRAContributionDetails'; applyToPriorYear?: Maybe; type: ContributionType; }; export type IraDetails = { __typename?: 'IRADetails'; contributionType?: Maybe; contributionYear?: Maybe; distributionReason?: Maybe; federalTaxWithholding?: Maybe; stateTaxWithholding?: Maybe; }; export type IraDistributionDetails = { __typename?: 'IRADistributionDetails'; distributionReason: DistributionReason; federalTaxWithholding?: Maybe; stateTaxWithholding?: Maybe; }; export type IraLimits = { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; contributionYearLimits: ContributionYearConfig; lastYear: YearlyIraLimit; maximumACH: Scalars['Float']; thisYear: YearlyIraLimit; }; export enum IraRolloverType { ira_roth = 'ira_roth', ira_traditional = 'ira_traditional', mixed = 'mixed', other = 'other', } export enum IraTransferType { FULL = 'FULL', PARTIAL = 'PARTIAL', } export type Icon = { /** * Where the actual asset lives. * INTERNAL: To be used for serverside type resolution only. Clients should use __typename. */ _origin: AssetOrigin; /** * Icon to render if this one is not available. * At time of writing, the titan-native is currently limited to 4 levels of nested * fallbacks, due to GraphQL/GraphQL codegen limitations. */ fallback?: Maybe; }; export type IconInfo = { __typename?: 'IconInfo'; assetUri?: Maybe; }; export enum IconSizes { LARGE = 'LARGE', SMALL = 'SMALL', } export type IconUriLightDark = { __typename?: 'IconUriLightDark'; dark: Scalars['String']; light: Scalars['String']; }; export type IdealBalance = { __typename?: 'IdealBalance'; allocations: Allocations; metrics: AllocationMetrics; optimizeProps: OptimizeProps; }; export type IdealBalancePrototypeTestCaseResults = { __typename?: 'IdealBalancePrototypeTestCaseResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type IdealBalanceResults = { __typename?: 'IdealBalanceResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type IdealBalanceSummaryTestCaseResults = { __typename?: 'IdealBalanceSummaryTestCaseResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type IdealDepositResults = { __typename?: 'IdealDepositResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type IdealDepositsResponse = { __typename?: 'IdealDepositsResponse'; assetClassDeposits: Array; deposit: Scalars['Float']; strategyDeposits: Array; valid: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type IdvRequirementsResponse = { __typename?: 'IdvRequirementsResponse'; formURL?: Maybe; isSignable: Scalars['Boolean']; name: Scalars['String']; signableContent?: Maybe; status: IdvRequirementStatus; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; type: IdvRequirement; }; export type ImageAsset = { __typename?: 'ImageAsset'; assetUri: ImageAssetUri; dimensions?: Maybe; }; export type ImageAssetUri = ImageAssetUriDefault | ImageAssetUriLightDark; export type ImageAssetUriDefault = { __typename?: 'ImageAssetUriDefault'; default: Scalars['String']; dimensions?: Maybe; }; export type ImageAssetUriLightDark = { __typename?: 'ImageAssetUriLightDark'; dark: Scalars['String']; dimensions?: Maybe; light: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ImageResizeMode { CENTER = 'CENTER', CONTAIN = 'CONTAIN', COVER = 'COVER', STRETCH = 'STRETCH', } export type InANutShell = { __typename?: 'InANutShell'; expandableDescriptionItems: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type InProgressStatus = TransactionStatus & { __typename?: 'InProgressStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; cancellationConfig: CancellationConfig; isWaiting: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum Income { gt500K = 'gt500K', lt50K = 'lt50K', lt100K = 'lt100K', lt250K = 'lt250K', lt500K = 'lt500K', } export type IncomeNotificationCardData = { __typename?: 'IncomeNotificationCardData'; amount: Scalars['Float']; assetIdentifier: AssetIdentifier; message: Scalars['String']; }; export type IncomeNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'IncomeNotificationPayload'; income: IncomeNotificationCardData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export type IncrementalAllocation = { __typename?: 'IncrementalAllocation'; allocations: Allocations; metrics: AllocationMetrics; optimizeProps: OptimizeProps; }; export type IncrementalPrototypeTestCaseResults = { __typename?: 'IncrementalPrototypeTestCaseResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type IncrementalResults = { __typename?: 'IncrementalResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type InfoCta = { __typename?: 'InfoCTA'; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type InitiateBrokerageTransferInput = { accountBalance?: InputMaybe; accountId: Scalars['String']; contraParty: BrokerageTransferContraParty; holdings: Array; transferType: BrokerageTransferType; }; export type InitiateBrokerageTransferResponse = { __typename?: 'InitiateBrokerageTransferResponse'; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type InlineCta = { __typename?: 'InlineCTA'; match?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction?: Maybe; }; export type InputDateRange = { endDate: Scalars['Date']; startDate: Scalars['Date']; }; export type InputRow = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'InputRow'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; errorMessage?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; inputValidation?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; placeholderText?: Maybe; value?: Maybe; }; export enum InputType { CURRENCY = 'CURRENCY', DATE = 'DATE', EMAIL = 'EMAIL', NUMBER = 'NUMBER', PASSWORD = 'PASSWORD', PHONE = 'PHONE', SSN = 'SSN', TEXT = 'TEXT', ZIPCODE = 'ZIPCODE', } export type InputValidation = { __typename?: 'InputValidation'; maskFormat?: Maybe; regex?: Maybe; }; export enum InstitutionProviderType { akoya = 'akoya', coinbase = 'coinbase', manual = 'manual', plaid = 'plaid', titan = 'titan', } export type IntentEstimation = { __typename?: 'IntentEstimation'; delayReason?: Maybe; estimatedTime: Scalars['Date']; executedTime?: Maybe; intentEstimationId: Scalars['String']; referenceComplete: Scalars['Boolean']; referenceId: Scalars['String']; referenceType: Scalars['String']; validFrom: Scalars['Date']; validUntil?: Maybe; }; export type InterestPaymentUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'InterestPaymentUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum InternalActivityType { ACCOUNT = 'ACCOUNT', CLIENT_TRANSACTION = 'CLIENT_TRANSACTION', DIVIDEND_PAYMENT = 'DIVIDEND_PAYMENT', INTEREST_PAYMENT = 'INTEREST_PAYMENT', REBALANCE = 'REBALANCE', RECURRING_TRANSFER = 'RECURRING_TRANSFER', ROLLOVER = 'ROLLOVER', STRATEGY_FEE = 'STRATEGY_FEE', SYSTEM_INTENT_TRANSACTION = 'SYSTEM_INTENT_TRANSACTION', TRANSACTION = 'TRANSACTION', } export type IntervalFundConfirmScreenDrawer = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundConfirmScreenDrawer'; header: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundConfirmScreenNotice = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundConfirmScreenNotice'; drawer?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundDoubleCheckDrawerCopyType = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundDoubleCheckDrawerCopyType'; bulletList: Array; dismissCtaText: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; primaryCtaText: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundFaqDrawerCopyType = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundFaqDrawerCopyType'; ctaText: Scalars['String']; faqList: Array; header: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundFaqDrawerListItem = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundFaqDrawerListItem'; answer: Scalars['String']; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundRiskScreenContent = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundRiskScreenContent'; confirmScreenNotice: IntervalFundConfirmScreenNotice; disclosuresDrawer: IntervalFundRiskScreenDisclosuresDrawer; frequentlyAskedQuestionDrawer: IntervalFundRiskScreenFaqDrawer; header: Scalars['String']; headerAsset: ImageAsset; /** @deprecated Only supports single URL, not in use after v177.0.2 */ headerAssetUrl: Scalars['String']; strategyRow?: Maybe>; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundRiskScreenDisclosuresDrawer = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundRiskScreenDisclosuresDrawer'; buttonText: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundRiskScreenFaq = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundRiskScreenFAQ'; answer: Scalars['String']; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundRiskScreenFaqDrawer = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundRiskScreenFAQDrawer'; frequentlyAskedQuestions: Array; header: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundRiskScreenStrategyRow = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundRiskScreenStrategyRow'; displayName: Scalars['String']; prospectusLink?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundTableCopyType = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundTableCopyType'; nextWithdrawalColumnName: Scalars['String']; rows: Array; strategyColumnName: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntervalFundTableRow = { __typename?: 'IntervalFundTableRow'; amount: Scalars['Float']; displayName: Scalars['String']; nextWithdrawalDate: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntroScreenCopyType = { __typename?: 'IntroScreenCopyType'; ctaText: Scalars['String']; drawerCopy: IntroScreenDrawerCopyType; openDrawerText: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type IntroScreenDrawerBenefitListItem = { __typename?: 'IntroScreenDrawerBenefitListItem'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; }; export type IntroScreenDrawerCopyType = { __typename?: 'IntroScreenDrawerCopyType'; ctaText: Scalars['String']; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; list: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type InvestReason = { __typename?: 'InvestReason'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type InvestReasons = { __typename?: 'InvestReasons'; investReasons: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience = HoldingWeightExperience & { __typename?: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience'; _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; }; export enum InvestedAssetWorth { gt500K = 'gt500K', lt10K = 'lt10K', lt25K = 'lt25K', lt50K = 'lt50K', lt100K = 'lt100K', lt500K = 'lt500K', uninvested = 'uninvested', unknown = 'unknown', } export type InvestedAssetWorthEntry = { __typename?: 'InvestedAssetWorthEntry'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; key?: Maybe; value?: Maybe; }; export type InvestedAssetWorthEntryInput = { key?: InputMaybe; value?: InputMaybe; }; export type InvestedStrategyExperience = StrategyExperience & { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; documents: StrategyExperienceDocuments; experienceVariant: StrategyExperienceVariant; investAction: StrategyExperienceAction; logo: ImageAsset; overview?: Maybe; recentTrades?: Maybe; strategyAlert?: Maybe; strategyAttributes: StrategyExperienceAttributes; strategyDescription?: Maybe; strategyHoldingsWeights: StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; strategyPerformanceMeta?: Maybe; strategyUserActivity: StrategyUserActivity; withdrawAction: StrategyExperienceAction; }; export type InvestedStrategyPerformanceMeta = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyPerformanceMeta'; asOfDateString: Scalars['String']; chartColor: UiColor; cumulativeReturns: PerformanceAttributeMeta; domain: PerformanceChartDomain; netTransfersDescription?: Maybe; periodsToShow: Array; showBenchmarks: Scalars['Boolean']; totalEarnings: PerformanceAttributeMeta; }; export enum InvestingExperience { gt10 = 'gt10', lt5 = 'lt5', lt10 = 'lt10', none = 'none', } export enum InvestingStyle { aggressive = 'aggressive', conservative = 'conservative', moderate = 'moderate', } export enum InvestingTimeHorizon { extraLong = 'extraLong', long = 'long', medium = 'medium', near = 'near', } export enum InvestmentIntentDestinationType { custom = 'custom', } export type InvestmentMinimums = { __typename?: 'InvestmentMinimums'; balance: Scalars['Float']; incremental: Scalars['Float']; incrementalDisplay: Scalars['String']; initial: Scalars['Float']; initialDisplay: Scalars['String']; }; export enum InvestmentProduct { cashGrowth = 'cashGrowth', generalWealth = 'generalWealth', notSure = 'notSure', retirement = 'retirement', } export type InvestmentQuestionnaireForm = { __typename?: 'InvestmentQuestionnaireForm'; formSchema: UiFormSchema; validationSchema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; }; export type InvestmentQuestionnaireFormData = { __typename?: 'InvestmentQuestionnaireFormData'; form?: Maybe; }; export type InvestmentQuestionnaireIntroContent = { __typename?: 'InvestmentQuestionnaireIntroContent'; backgroundImage: ImageAsset; body: Scalars['String']; continueButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; skipButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type InvestmentSectionConfig = { __typename?: 'InvestmentSectionConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; badge?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; investments?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type InvestmentThesisResponse = { __typename?: 'InvestmentThesisResponse'; content?: Maybe
; }; export type InvestmentTransactionSummary = TransactionMeta & { __typename?: 'InvestmentTransactionSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionTypeEnum; latestStatus?: Maybe; recurringTransferId?: Maybe; }; export type InvestmentWealth = { __typename?: 'InvestmentWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; holdingsOverview: WealthHoldingsOverview; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type IraFundingToDoRequirements = { __typename?: 'IraFundingToDoRequirements'; contributionYear: Scalars['Int']; fundingType: Scalars['String']; }; export enum IraFundingType { Cash = 'Cash', New = 'New', Rollover = 'Rollover', } export type IraMaxout = { __typename?: 'IraMaxout'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; guidanceConfig: IraMaxoutGuidanceConfig; moreInfo: DataDescriptor; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type IraMaxoutGuidanceConfig = { __typename?: 'IraMaxoutGuidanceConfig'; author: AuthorIdentifier; message: Scalars['String']; }; export type IraParameters = { fundingType: IraFundingType; year?: InputMaybe; }; export type IraParametersType = { __typename?: 'IraParametersType'; fundingType: IraFundingType; year?: Maybe; }; export type IraWithholdingNotice = { __typename?: 'IraWithholdingNotice'; confirmWithdrawalSubtitle?: Maybe; content: ContentfulRichText; subsectionTitle?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type IsOptedInType = { __typename?: 'IsOptedInType'; isOptedIn: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type IssueDetail = { __typename?: 'IssueDetail'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; extra?: Maybe; key: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type JewelryWealth = { __typename?: 'JewelryWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type JoinNowContentData = { __typename?: 'JoinNowContentData'; header?: Maybe; subHeader?: Maybe; videoUrl?: Maybe; }; export type JsonForm = { __typename?: 'JsonForm'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; formId: JsonFormId; formMetaData?: Maybe; schema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; steps: Array; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export enum JsonFormId { directIndexingAccountOpening = 'directIndexingAccountOpening', onboardingInvestorProfile = 'onboardingInvestorProfile', onboardingSmartCash = 'onboardingSmartCash', preOnboardingIntro = 'preOnboardingIntro', secondaryAccountOpening = 'secondaryAccountOpening', } export type JsonFormMetadata = { __typename?: 'JsonFormMetadata'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; forceAutoProgress?: Maybe; savePartialProgress?: Maybe; }; export type JsonFormParameters = SecondaryAccountOpeningFormParameters; export type JsonFormResponse = { __typename?: 'JsonFormResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSaveProgressErrorResponse = JsonFormSaveProgressResponse & { __typename?: 'JsonFormSaveProgressErrorResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; displayErrorMessage: Scalars['String']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSaveProgressResponse = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSaveProgressSuccessResponse = JsonFormSaveProgressResponse & { __typename?: 'JsonFormSaveProgressSuccessResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSubmitErrorResponse = JsonFormSubmitResponseBase & { __typename?: 'JsonFormSubmitErrorResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; displayErrorMessage: Scalars['String']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSubmitResponse = JsonFormSubmitErrorResponse | JsonFormSubmitSuccessResponse; export type JsonFormSubmitResponseBase = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; jsonForm: JsonForm; }; export type JsonFormSubmitSuccessResponse = JsonFormSubmitResponseBase & { __typename?: 'JsonFormSubmitSuccessResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; customResponseValues?: Maybe; jsonForm: JsonForm; nextAction?: Maybe; }; export type KeyPoint = { __typename?: 'KeyPoint'; iconType: KeyPointIconEnum; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum KeyPointIconEnum { CASH = 'CASH', INVEST = 'INVEST', TEAM = 'TEAM', } export type Label = { __typename?: 'Label'; currentLabel: Scalars['String']; idealLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type LabelValueConfig = { __typename?: 'LabelValueConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; isCopyable: Scalars['Boolean']; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type LabeledAction = { __typename?: 'LabeledAction'; action: UiAction; isEnabled?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type LabeledText = { __typename?: 'LabeledText'; label: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type LegalDocument = { __typename?: 'LegalDocument'; link: Scalars['String']; linkText?: Maybe; }; export type LegalDocumentsResponse = { __typename?: 'LegalDocumentsResponse'; legalDocuments: Array; }; export type LegalInfo = { __typename?: 'LegalInfo'; needsApproval: Scalars['Boolean']; version: Scalars['Int']; }; export enum LeverId { DIVERSIFY = 'DIVERSIFY', RECURRING = 'RECURRING', TITANCASH = 'TITANCASH', } export type LiabilitiesWealth = { __typename?: 'LiabilitiesWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type LightOrDark = { __typename?: 'LightOrDark'; dark: Scalars['String']; light: Scalars['String']; }; export type Limits = { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cashMinimumWithdrawal: Scalars['Float']; diy?: Maybe; ira?: Maybe; minimumWithdrawal: Scalars['Float']; }; export type LinkListInfo = { __typename?: 'LinkListInfo'; action: UiAction; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; trackingId: Scalars['String']; }; export type LinkTaxSoftwareTutorial = { __typename?: 'LinkTaxSoftwareTutorial'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cryptoDocumentsDisclaimer?: Maybe; instructionsNeedToKnow: ContentfulRichText; softwareName: Scalars['String']; tableInfo: Array; }; export type LinkedAccount = { __typename?: 'LinkedAccount'; accountBalance: Scalars['Float']; assetClassAllocation?: Maybe>; logo?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']; plaidAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ListWithCopy = { __typename?: 'ListWithCopy'; header: Scalars['String']; list: Array; }; export type ListWithRiskProfile = { __typename?: 'ListWithRiskProfile'; header: Scalars['String']; list: Array; }; export type LocalIcon = Icon & { __typename?: 'LocalIcon'; _origin: AssetOrigin; fallback?: Maybe; /** identifier for the icon on the client */ iconId: LocalIconId; }; export enum LocalIconId { BarChart = 'BarChart', BubbleChart = 'BubbleChart', BuildingBlocks = 'BuildingBlocks', Calendar = 'Calendar', CircularArrowsCircle = 'CircularArrowsCircle', Clock = 'Clock', ClockRewind = 'ClockRewind', ColoredDollarSignCircle = 'ColoredDollarSignCircle', DollarSignCircle = 'DollarSignCircle', PercentageSign = 'PercentageSign', PieChart = 'PieChart', RemoveSign = 'RemoveSign', Rocket = 'Rocket', Target = 'Target', Warning = 'Warning', WarningSign = 'WarningSign', } export type LoginResponse = { __typename?: 'LoginResponse'; token: Scalars['String']; userCreated: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type LoginSplashBase = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; shouldShow: Scalars['Boolean']; splashId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum LookBackPeriod { ALL = 'ALL', ONE_DAY = 'ONE_DAY', SEVEN_DAYS = 'SEVEN_DAYS', SIX_MONTHS = 'SIX_MONTHS', THIRTY_DAYS = 'THIRTY_DAYS', TODAY = 'TODAY', } export type MaintenanceBannerConfig = { __typename?: 'MaintenanceBannerConfig'; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; }; export type MaintenanceBannerType = { __typename?: 'MaintenanceBannerType'; accounts: Array; config: MaintenanceBannerConfig; icon: ImageAsset; id: Scalars['String']; infoText: Scalars['String']; message: Scalars['String']; tapMessage: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManagedHolding = { __typename?: 'ManagedHolding'; displayName: Scalars['String']; imageAsset: ImageAsset; oneDayPerformance: Scalars['Float']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; ticker: Scalars['String']; ytdPerformance: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ManagerValueProposition = { __typename?: 'ManagerValueProposition'; icon: Icon; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type MandatoryOptOutDrawer = { __typename?: 'MandatoryOptOutDrawer'; content: ContentfulRichText; primaryButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; secondaryButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ManualDocumentUploadType { ADDRESS = 'ADDRESS', BANK_STATEMENT = 'BANK_STATEMENT', FINRA = 'FINRA', FREEZE = 'FREEZE', GREENCARD = 'GREENCARD', IRA = 'IRA', NAME_CHANGE_FORM = 'NAME_CHANGE_FORM', SELFIE = 'SELFIE', SSN = 'SSN', UNCATEGORIZED = 'UNCATEGORIZED', VISA = 'VISA', } export type ManualTrades_AddTradeToTradeInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; assetType: ManualTrades_AssetType; manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; quantity: Scalars['String']; side: ManualTrades_TradeSide; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_AddTradeToTradeResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_AddTradeToTradeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; trade: ManualTrades_Trade; }; export type ManualTrades_AllTradeRequestsInput = { limit?: InputMaybe; offset?: InputMaybe; }; export type ManualTrades_AllTradeRequestsResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_AllTradeRequestsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; tradeRequests: Array; }; export type ManualTrades_ApplyManualTradeToStrategyInput = { manualTradeId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_ApplyManualTradeToStrategyResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_ApplyManualTradeToStrategyResponse'; failures: Array>; successes: Array>; }; export enum ManualTrades_AssetType { cash = 'cash', crypto = 'crypto', equity = 'equity', etf = 'etf', fund = 'fund', unknown = 'unknown', } export type ManualTrades_CreateTradeRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_CreateTradeRequestResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; tradeRequest: ManualTrades_TradeRequest; }; export type ManualTrades_DiscardTradeRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_DiscardTradeRequestResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ManualTrades_LoadCsvToTradeRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_LoadCSVToTradeRequestResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ManualTrades_Mutations = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_Mutations'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; addTradeToTradeRequest: ManualTrades_AddTradeToTradeResponse; applyManualTradeToStrategy: ManualTrades_ApplyManualTradeToStrategyResponse; createTradeRequest: ManualTrades_CreateTradeRequestResponse; discardTradeRequest: ManualTrades_DiscardTradeRequestResponse; loadCSVToTradeRequest: ManualTrades_LoadCsvToTradeRequestResponse; submitTradeRequest: ManualTrades_SubmitTradeRequestResponse; }; export type ManualTrades_MutationsAddTradeToTradeRequestArgs = { input: ManualTrades_AddTradeToTradeInput; }; export type ManualTrades_MutationsApplyManualTradeToStrategyArgs = { input: Array; }; export type ManualTrades_MutationsDiscardTradeRequestArgs = { manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_MutationsLoadCsvToTradeRequestArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_MutationsSubmitTradeRequestArgs = { manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_Queries = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_Queries'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; allTradeRequests: ManualTrades_AllTradeRequestsResponse; tradeRequestDetail: ManualTrades_TradeRequestDetailResponse; }; export type ManualTrades_QueriesAllTradeRequestsArgs = { input: ManualTrades_AllTradeRequestsInput; }; export type ManualTrades_QueriesTradeRequestDetailArgs = { input: ManualTrades_TradeRequestsDetailInput; }; export type ManualTrades_SubmitTradeRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_SubmitTradeRequestResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type ManualTrades_Trade = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_Trade'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountNumber: Scalars['String']; allocatedStrategy?: Maybe; assetId: Scalars['String']; assetType: Scalars['String']; fractionalsTradeId?: Maybe; manualTradeId: Scalars['String']; quantity: Scalars['Float']; side: ManualTrades_TradeSide; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type ManualTrades_TradeRequest = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_TradeRequest'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; actorMetadata?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; status: ManualTrades_TradeRequest_Status; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type ManualTrades_TradeRequestDetailResponse = { __typename?: 'ManualTrades_TradeRequestDetailResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; tradeRequest: ManualTrades_TradeRequest; trades: Array; }; export enum ManualTrades_TradeRequest_Status { complete = 'complete', discarded = 'discarded', draft = 'draft', queued = 'queued', } export type ManualTrades_TradeRequestsDetailInput = { manualTradeRequestId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ManualTrades_TradeSide { BUY = 'BUY', SELL = 'SELL', } export type MarkContentAsSeenResponse = { __typename?: 'MarkContentAsSeenResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type MarkSeenResposne = { __typename?: 'MarkSeenResposne'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type MarketSummary = { __typename?: 'MarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; publishedAt: Scalars['Date']; summary: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type MarketSummaryDisclosures = { __typename?: 'MarketSummaryDisclosures'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; richText?: Maybe; }; export type MarketSummaryEmptyState = { __typename?: 'MarketSummaryEmptyState'; additionalText?: Maybe; mainText: Scalars['String']; reason: SummaryMissingReason; }; export type MarketThought = { __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; body?: Maybe; feedbackSubmissionInfo?: Maybe; publishedAt: Scalars['Date']; titanAuthor?: Maybe; titanHoldings?: Maybe>>; titanStrategyKeys?: Maybe>>; title?: Maybe; }; export type MenuStrategyOffering = { __typename?: 'MenuStrategyOffering'; /** @deprecated use performancePercent instead */ annualizedPerformance?: Maybe; mandate: Scalars['String']; performanceAsOfDate?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use performanceDisclosureConfig instead */ performanceDisclosure?: Maybe; performancePercent?: Maybe; performancePeriod?: Maybe; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyIcon: ImageAsset; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export enum MenuStrategyPerformancePeriod { ANNUALIZED_HISTORICAL = 'ANNUALIZED_HISTORICAL', ONE_YEAR_CUMULATIVE = 'ONE_YEAR_CUMULATIVE', } export type MerlinAnswer = { __typename?: 'MerlinAnswer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; answer: Scalars['String']; merlinAnswerId: Scalars['String']; merlinQuestionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MerlinGetQuestionsInput = { limit?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinGetQuestionsResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinGetQuestionsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; questions: Array; }; export type MerlinPrototype_AccountAvailableSource = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_AccountAvailableSource'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; sourceId?: Maybe; sourceType?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_AccountAvailableSourceInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; label: Scalars['String']; sourceId?: InputMaybe; sourceType?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_AccountInitialSource = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_AccountInitialSource'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; sourceId?: Maybe; sourceType?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_BotMessage = MerlinPrototype_ThreadItem & { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_BotMessage'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; botMessage?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; messageId?: Maybe; newContext?: Maybe; optimisticMessageId?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_Conversation = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_Conversation'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; id: Scalars['String']; lastMessagePreviewText?: Maybe; threadItems?: Maybe>>; withdrawalAssistant?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_DestinationAmount = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_DestinationAmount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type MerlinPrototype_DestinationAmountInput = { amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingContext = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_FundingContext'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; fundingFlowData?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingContextInput = { fundingFlowData?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowData = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId?: Maybe; amountIntended?: Maybe; destinations: Array; didCustomize: Scalars['Boolean']; source?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowDataInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; amountIntended?: InputMaybe; destinations: Array; didCustomize: Scalars['Boolean']; source?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowSource = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowSource'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; sourceId?: Maybe; sourceType: MerlinPrototype_SourceTypes; }; export type MerlinPrototype_FundingFlowSourceInput = { sourceId?: InputMaybe; sourceType: MerlinPrototype_SourceTypes; }; export type MerlinPrototype_GeneralContext = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_GeneralContext'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; pageURL?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_GeneralContextInput = { pageURL?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_GetConversationResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_GetConversationResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; conversation?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_GetConversationsResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_GetConversationsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; conversations?: Maybe>>; }; export type MerlinPrototype_GetNlMovementInfoResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_GetNlMovementInfoResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId?: Maybe; accountType?: Maybe; atlasConfig?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; sourceType?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_Message = MerlinPrototype_Message_Action | MerlinPrototype_Message_Text; export type MerlinPrototype_MessageContextUpdate = MerlinPrototype_FundingContext | MerlinPrototype_GeneralContext; export type MerlinPrototype_Message_Action = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_Message_Action'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; action?: Maybe; reaction?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_Message_Text = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_Message_Text'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; action?: Maybe; message?: Maybe; reaction?: Maybe; }; export enum MerlinPrototype_Role { BOT = 'BOT', USER = 'USER', } export enum MerlinPrototype_SourceTypes { bank = 'bank', cash = 'cash', rollover = 'rollover', } export type MerlinPrototype_SubmitMessageContextInput = { fundingContext?: InputMaybe; generalContext?: InputMaybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_SubmitMessageResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_SubmitMessageResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; conversation?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_SubmitNlMovementResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_SubmitNlMovementResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; amount: Scalars['Float']; destinations: Array; message?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_Tldr = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_TLDR'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; account?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; disclosure: ContentfulRichText; endDate: Scalars['Date']; id: Scalars['ID']; reaction?: Maybe; richText: ContentfulRichText; startDate: Scalars['Date']; summary: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type MerlinPrototype_ThreadItem = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; id?: Maybe; messageId?: Maybe; optimisticMessageId?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_UserMessage = MerlinPrototype_ThreadItem & { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_UserMessage'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; id?: Maybe; messageId?: Maybe; optimisticMessageId?: Maybe; role?: Maybe; userMessage?: Maybe; }; export type MerlinPrototype_WithdrawalAssistantInfo = { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_WithdrawalAssistantInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MerlinQuestion = { __typename?: 'MerlinQuestion'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; answers: Array; merlinQuestionId: Scalars['String']; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type MerlinSubmitAnswerResponse = { __typename?: 'MerlinSubmitAnswerResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; answer: MerlinAnswer; }; export enum MfaAction { Login = 'Login', SetOnboardingPhone = 'SetOnboardingPhone', SetPersonalInfo = 'SetPersonalInfo', SetPhoneNumber = 'SetPhoneNumber', Withdrawal = 'Withdrawal', } export enum MfaFormat { AuthenticatorApp = 'AuthenticatorApp', Email = 'Email', None = 'None', Sms = 'Sms', SsnAndDob = 'SsnAndDob', } export type MinimumInvestmentExplainer = { __typename?: 'MinimumInvestmentExplainer'; description: Scalars['String']; shortDescription: Scalars['String']; shortTitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type MinimumInvestments = { __typename?: 'MinimumInvestments'; clientIsInvested?: Maybe; individual: InvestmentMinimums; ira: InvestmentMinimums; }; export type MinimumInvestmentsInfo = { __typename?: 'MinimumInvestmentsInfo'; clientIsInvested: Scalars['Boolean']; displayName: Scalars['String']; isIRAAccount: Scalars['Boolean']; minimumInvestmentExplainer?: Maybe; minimumInvestments: MinimumInvestments; relevantBalance: Scalars['Float']; relevantBalanceV2: Scalars['Float']; relevantMinimum: Scalars['Float']; strategyCardMinimumNotMetErrorMessage: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRow = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRow'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; cells: Array; id?: Maybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTable = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTable'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; description?: Maybe; disclosures?: Maybe; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioBenchmarkView = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkView'; benchmarkComparison?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioChart = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChart'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountTypeFilter?: Maybe; data?: Maybe>; initialInvestmentFilter: ChartNumericalFilter; riskProfileFilter?: Maybe; viewFilter?: Maybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartBenchmarkSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartBenchmarkSeries'; color: Scalars['String']; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartData = ChartData & { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartData'; label: Scalars['String']; periods: Array; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartDataPoint = ChartDataPoint & { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartDataPoint'; timestamp: Scalars['String']; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; filter?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartInputFilter = { riskProfileStyle?: InputMaybe; taxableAccountStatus?: InputMaybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartPeriod = ChartPeriod & { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartPeriod'; alpha?: Maybe; annualizedReturn?: Maybe; calloutExplanation?: Maybe; dateFormat?: Maybe; domain?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; series: Array; timeWeightedReturn?: Maybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioChartSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartSeries'; color: Scalars['String']; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioData = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioData'; chartData: ModelPortfolioChartData; /** @deprecated Use views.strategy instead */ descriptor: DataDescriptor; feeData?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use views.strategy instead */ label: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use views.strategy instead */ title?: Maybe; views: ModelPortfolioViews; }; export type ModelPortfolioFee = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioFee'; descriptor?: Maybe; fee?: Maybe; maxValue?: Maybe; minValue?: Maybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioStrategyView = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioStrategyView'; descriptor: DataDescriptor; label: Scalars['String']; title?: Maybe; }; export type ModelPortfolioViewFilter = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilter'; drawer: ModelPortfolioViewFilterDrawer; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioViewFilterDrawer = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilterDrawer'; description?: Maybe; initialOptionKey: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type ModelPortfolioViewFilterOption = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilterOption'; description?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; optionKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type ModelPortfolioViews = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViews'; benchmark?: Maybe; strategy?: Maybe; }; export type MoreInfo = BasicMoreInfo | FundMoreInfo; export type MoreInfoExplainerConfig = { moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; }; export enum MoreInfoExplainerType { ASSET_CLASS = 'ASSET_CLASS', CUMULATIVE_RETURNS = 'CUMULATIVE_RETURNS', DEFAULT = 'DEFAULT', SCHEDULE_CALL = 'SCHEDULE_CALL', STRATEGY_EXPENSES = 'STRATEGY_EXPENSES', TOTAL_EARNINGS = 'TOTAL_EARNINGS', } export type MoreInfoEyebrow = { __typename?: 'MoreInfoEyebrow'; icon?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type MoreInfoPrototype = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; body?: Maybe; footer?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type MortgageWealth = { __typename?: 'MortgageWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type MoveFundsCashSource = { sourceType: MoveFundsSourceType; userRolloverId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MoveFundsDiyAssetDestination = { assets?: InputMaybe>; cash?: InputMaybe; destinationType: MoveFundsDestinationType; }; export type MoveFundsDestinationInput = { accountType: AccountType; assetDIYDestination?: InputMaybe; journalDestination?: InputMaybe; strategyDestination?: InputMaybe; }; export enum MoveFundsDestinationType { ASSET = 'ASSET', JOURNAL_INCOMING = 'JOURNAL_INCOMING', STRATEGY = 'STRATEGY', } export type MoveFundsExternalSource = { bankSourceId?: InputMaybe; flagForManualCashReserveBilling?: InputMaybe; instant: Scalars['Boolean']; iraContributionType?: InputMaybe; iraContributionYear?: InputMaybe; sourceType: MoveFundsSourceType; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MoveFundsInput = { destinationInput: MoveFundsDestinationInput; moveFundsMeta?: InputMaybe; sourceInput: MoveFundsSourceInput; }; export type MoveFundsJournalDestination = { accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; assetDestination?: InputMaybe; destinationType: MoveFundsDestinationType; strategyDestination?: InputMaybe; }; export type MoveFundsJournalSource = { accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; cashSource?: InputMaybe; sourceType: MoveFundsSourceType; }; export type MoveFundsMetaInput = { depositExperience?: InputMaybe; }; export type MoveFundsResponse = { __typename?: 'MoveFundsResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; transactionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MoveFundsSourceInput = { accountType: AccountType; amount: Scalars['Float']; cashSource?: InputMaybe; externalSource?: InputMaybe; journalSource?: InputMaybe; }; export enum MoveFundsSourceType { CASH = 'CASH', EXTERNAL = 'EXTERNAL', JOURNAL_OUTGOING = 'JOURNAL_OUTGOING', } export type MoveFundsStrategyDestination = { destinationType: MoveFundsDestinationType; destinations: Array; titanOfferingKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type Mutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addBankAccountV2: CoreBankAccount; addOrUpdateReactionsThumbs?: Maybe; addUserAkoyaNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; addUserBankAccount: CoreUserBankAccount; addUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; addUserExternalInvestmentAccount: ExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisResponse; addUserManualNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; addUserManualNetWorthBalance: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; addUserNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; adminRemoveUserBank: UserBankMutationResponse; adminSyncUserBankStatus: UserBankMutationResponse; aliasFeatureFlags: AliasResponse; cancelAndCorrect: CancelAndCorrect_Mutations; cancelRecurringDeposit: CancelRecurringDepositResponse; cancelReweight: CancelReweightResponse; cancelTransfer: CancelTransferResponse; clearRolloverInvestmentIntent: RolloverInvestmentIntentResponse; closeAccount?: Maybe; communityContentSubmitComment: CommunityContentSubmitCommentResponse; continueWithPhone: ContinueWithPhoneResponse; create401kRollover: Create401kRolloverResponse; createContacts: Array; createIdvRequirementForUser: Array; createNetWorthAccountAkoyaSession: CreateAkoyaSessionResponse; createNetWorthAccountCoinBaseSession: CreateCoinBaseSessionResponse; createNetWorthAccountPlaidToken: CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse; createNewAccountRestriction: Array; createNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInput: CreateNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputResponse; createNewRebalanceInput: CreateNewRebalanceInputResponse; createNewStrategyFlavor: CreateNewStrategyFlavorResponse; createPlaidInvestmentsToken: CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse; createPlaidLinkTokenV2: CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse; /** @deprecated Use createUserBankPlaidMdToken */ createPlaidMicroDepositToken: CreatePlaidMicroDepositTokenResponse; createUserBankPlaidMdToken: CreatePlaidMicroDepositTokenResponse; deleteRebalanceInput: DeleteRebalanceInputResponse; deposit: DepositResponse; depositTemporary: DepositResponse; /** @deprecated Use featureFlagExposures instead to submit exposures in batches */ featureFlagExposure: ExposureResponse; featureFlagExposures: ExposureResponse; forceSubmitUserBankForAccount: UserBankMutationResponse; impersonate: LoginResponse; initiateBrokerageTransfer?: Maybe; login: LoginResponse; manualTrades: ManualTrades_Mutations; markContentAsSeen?: Maybe; markFeeExplainerSeen: MarkSeenResposne; markIntentEstimationDirty: MarkIntentEstimationDirtyResponse; merlinPrototype_submitMessage: MerlinPrototype_SubmitMessageResponse; merlinPrototype_submitNLMovement: MerlinPrototype_SubmitNlMovementResponse; moveFunds: MoveFundsResponse; openSecondaryAccount: CoreAccount; postRolloverRecommendationForm: PostRolloverRecommendationFormResult; preAuthenticatedSignUp: User; recalculateAllStaleIntents: MarkIntentEstimationDirtyResponse; reconnectAkoyaNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; reconnectCoinBaseNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; reconnectNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; recurringDeposit: RecurringDepositResponse; recurringDepositTemporary: RecurringDepositResponse; removeBankAccount: Scalars['String']; removeUnverifiedBankAccount: Scalars['String']; removeUnverifiedUserBank: Scalars['String']; removeUserBank: Scalars['String']; removeUserExternalInvestmentAccount: ExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisResponse; removeUserNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; renameAccount: CoreAccount; reportTimingMetric: ReportTimingMetricResponse; resendMFA: LoginResponse; restrictUserAccounts: Array; reweight: ReweightResponse; rolloverInformationReceived: RolloverInformationReceivedResponse; rolloverSubmitRequest: RolloverSubmitResponse; saveFormProgress: JsonFormSaveProgressResponse; saveLeadRequest: SaveLeadRequestResponse; saveOnboardingForm: OnboardingForm; savePlaidLog: SavePlaidLogResponse; saveSocureDocument: Array; sendEmail: SendEmailResponse; sendEmailVerificationCode: SendEmailVerificationCodeResponse; sendOnboardingPhoneVerification: SendOnboardingPhoneVerificationResponse; setASPToRebalance: SetAspToRebalanceResponse; setCashApyOptInStatusForUser: IsOptedInType; setCashApyOptedIn: CashApyOptedInType; setName: SetNameResponse; setNotesOnSystemIntent: SetNotesOnSystemIntentResponse; setOnboardingData: SetOnboardingDataResponse; setPromptAsSeen: SetPromptAsSeenResponse; setRolloverInvestmentIntent: RolloverInvestmentIntentResponse; setSmartCashEnabled: SetSmartCashEnabledResponse; setUpWealthWatch: SetUpWealthWatch; setUserExclusions: User; singleUpload: UserUploadsResponse; startRebalanceForRebalanceInput: StartRebalanceForRebalanceInputResponse; startSimulationForRebalanceInput: StartSimulationForRebalanceInputResponse; statementUpload: StatementUploadResponse; submitJsonForm: JsonFormSubmitResponseBase; submitJsonForm2: JsonFormSubmitResponse; submitMerlinAnswer: MerlinSubmitAnswerResponse; submitOnboardingChapter: OnboardingState; submitRetirementAnalyzerRiskProfile: SubmitRetirementAnalyzerRiskProfileResponse; togglePushNotificationStatus: NotificationToggle; unrestrictUserAccounts: Array; updateAccountStrategyFlavor: UpdateAccountStrategyFlavorResponse; updateBankLabel: CoreBankAccount; updateDeviceNotificationStatus?: Maybe; updateIdvStatus: IdvRequirementsResponse; updatePlaidToken: CoreBankAccount; updateRecurringTransfer: CoreRecurringTransfer; updateSnapshot: UpdateSnapshotResponse; updateStrategyFlavors: UpdateFlavorResponse; updateToDoStatus?: Maybe; updateUserBankLabel: CoreUserBankAccount; updateUserBankLinkStatus: CoreUserBankAccount; updateUserInfoForSmartCash: UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashResponse; updateUserNetWorthAccount: NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse; updateUserRollover: UpdateUserRolloverResponse; uploadClientForm: IdvRequirementsResponse; uploadIdvRequirement: Array; upsertBlacklistedAssetTypes: SuccessResponse; upsertPersonalInfo: User; upsertRecommendationSettings: SuccessResponse; userRolloverToggleVisibility: UserRollover; verifyBankAccount: CoreBankAccount; verifyEmailCode: VerifyEmailCodeResponse; verifyLoginMFA: LoginResponse; verifySMSCode: VerifySmsCodeResponse; verifyTwoFactorAuthCode: VerifyTwoFactorAuthCodeResponse; verifyUserBankAccount: CoreUserBankAccount; withdraw: SubmitWithdrawalResponse; withdrawAsset: WithdrawAssetResponse; }; export type MutationAddBankAccountV2Args = { accountId: Scalars['String']; accountType?: InputMaybe; externalBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; maskAccountNumber?: InputMaybe; plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; verificationStatus?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationAddOrUpdateReactionsThumbsArgs = { contentId: Scalars['String']; feedbackText?: InputMaybe; reaction?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationAddUserAkoyaNetWorthAccountArgs = { input: AddUserAkoyaNetWorthAccountInput; }; export type MutationAddUserBankAccountArgs = { externalBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; label?: InputMaybe; plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAddUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccountArgs = { input: AddUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccountInput; }; export type MutationAddUserExternalInvestmentAccountArgs = { plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAddUserManualNetWorthAccountArgs = { input: AddUserManualNetWorthAccountInput; }; export type MutationAddUserManualNetWorthBalanceArgs = { balance: Scalars['Float']; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAddUserNetWorthAccountArgs = { netWorthCategoryId?: InputMaybe; plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAdminRemoveUserBankArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAdminSyncUserBankStatusArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationAliasFeatureFlagsArgs = { previousUserKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationCancelRecurringDepositArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; recurringDepositId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationCancelReweightArgs = { input: CancelReweightInput; }; export type MutationCancelTransferArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationClearRolloverInvestmentIntentArgs = { input: ClearRolloverInvestmentIntentInput; }; export type MutationCloseAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; iraReason?: InputMaybe; reason?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationCommunityContentSubmitCommentArgs = { input: CommunityContentSubmitCommentInput; }; export type MutationContinueWithPhoneArgs = { phone: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationCreate401kRolloverArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; assignedTo?: InputMaybe; dateOfMeeting?: InputMaybe; inviteeUuid?: InputMaybe; iraRolloverType: IraRolloverType; }; export type MutationCreateContactsArgs = { input: CreateContactsInput; }; export type MutationCreateIdvRequirementForUserArgs = { type: IdvRequirement; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationCreateNetWorthAccountAkoyaSessionArgs = { input: CreateAkoyaSessionInput; }; export type MutationCreateNetWorthAccountCoinBaseSessionArgs = { input: CreateCoinBaseSessionInput; }; export type MutationCreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenArgs = { input: CreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenInput; }; export type MutationCreateNewAccountRestrictionArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; reason: Scalars['String']; restrictionType: AccountRestrictionType; }; export type MutationCreateNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputArgs = { input: CreateNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputInput; }; export type MutationCreateNewRebalanceInputArgs = { input: CreateNewRebalanceInputInput; }; export type MutationCreateNewStrategyFlavorArgs = { input: CreateNewStrategyFlavorInput; }; export type MutationCreatePlaidLinkTokenV2Args = { linkMethod?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationCreatePlaidMicroDepositTokenArgs = { sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationCreateUserBankPlaidMdTokenArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationDeleteRebalanceInputArgs = { input: DeleteRebalanceInputInput; }; export type MutationDepositArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; cashDeposit?: InputMaybe; externalDeposit?: InputMaybe; replaceExisting?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationDepositTemporaryArgs = { accountType: AccountType; cashDeposit?: InputMaybe; externalDeposit?: InputMaybe; replaceExisting?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationFeatureFlagExposureArgs = { clientContext?: InputMaybe; evaluationDetails?: InputMaybe; flag: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type MutationFeatureFlagExposuresArgs = { exposures: Array; }; export type MutationForceSubmitUserBankForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationImpersonateArgs = { email: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationInitiateBrokerageTransferArgs = { input: InitiateBrokerageTransferInput; }; export type MutationLoginArgs = { attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; email: Scalars['String']; forceSignup?: InputMaybe; password: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationMarkContentAsSeenArgs = { contentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationMarkFeeExplainerSeenArgs = { contentId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationMarkIntentEstimationDirtyArgs = { input: MarkIntentEstimationDirtyInput; }; export type MutationMerlinPrototype_SubmitMessageArgs = { context?: InputMaybe; conversationId?: InputMaybe; message: Scalars['String']; optimisticMessageId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationMerlinPrototype_SubmitNlMovementArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; message: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationMoveFundsArgs = { input: MoveFundsInput; }; export type MutationOpenSecondaryAccountArgs = { accountType: AccountType; data: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type MutationPostRolloverRecommendationFormArgs = { values?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationPreAuthenticatedSignUpArgs = { input: SignUpArgs; }; export type MutationReconnectAkoyaNetWorthAccountArgs = { code: Scalars['String']; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationReconnectCoinBaseNetWorthAccountArgs = { code: Scalars['String']; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationReconnectNetWorthAccountArgs = { netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRecurringDepositArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; externalDeposit: ExternalDepositInput; recurringDeposit: RecurringDepositInput; replaceExisting?: InputMaybe; transferToReplace?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationRecurringDepositTemporaryArgs = { accountType: AccountType; externalDeposit: ExternalDepositInput; recurringDeposit: RecurringDepositInput; replaceExisting?: InputMaybe; transferToReplace?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationRemoveBankAccountArgs = { bankId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRemoveUnverifiedBankAccountArgs = { sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRemoveUnverifiedUserBankArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRemoveUserBankArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRemoveUserExternalInvestmentAccountArgs = { plaidAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRemoveUserNetWorthAccountArgs = { netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRenameAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; newName: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationReportTimingMetricArgs = { duration: Scalars['Float']; metricName: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationResendMfaArgs = { format?: InputMaybe; token: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRestrictUserAccountsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; hiddenFromClient: Scalars['Boolean']; reason: RestrictionReasons; restrictAllAccounts?: InputMaybe; restrictionTypes: Array; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationReweightArgs = { input: ReweightInput; }; export type MutationRolloverInformationReceivedArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationRolloverSubmitRequestArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; rolloverInfo: RolloverInfoInput; }; export type MutationSaveFormProgressArgs = { data: Scalars['JSON']; formId: JsonFormId; }; export type MutationSaveLeadRequestArgs = { email: Scalars['String']; leadType: Scalars['String']; requestDetails: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type MutationSaveOnboardingFormArgs = { complete?: InputMaybe; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type MutationSavePlaidLogArgs = { errorCode?: InputMaybe; institutionId?: InputMaybe; linkSessionId: Scalars['String']; linkType?: InputMaybe; plaidEventName: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSaveSocureDocumentArgs = { backImage?: InputMaybe; frontImage: Scalars['Upload']; selfieImage?: InputMaybe; type: ScannableDocumentType; uuid: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSendEmailArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; emailType: EmailType; }; export type MutationSendEmailVerificationCodeArgs = { email: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSendOnboardingPhoneVerificationArgs = { phone: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSetAspToRebalanceArgs = { input: SetAspToRebalanceInput; }; export type MutationSetNameArgs = { firstName: Scalars['String']; lastName: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSetNotesOnSystemIntentArgs = { input: SetNotesOnSystemIntentInput; }; export type MutationSetOnboardingDataArgs = { input: SetOnboardingDataInput; }; export type MutationSetPromptAsSeenArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; collapsed?: InputMaybe; promptId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSetRolloverInvestmentIntentArgs = { input: SetRolloverInvestmentIntentInput; }; export type MutationSetSmartCashEnabledArgs = { input: SetSmartCashEnabledInput; }; export type MutationSetUserExclusionsArgs = { input: SetUserExclusionsInput; }; export type MutationSingleUploadArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; type: DocumentType; }; export type MutationStartRebalanceForRebalanceInputArgs = { input: StartRebalanceForRebalanceInputInput; }; export type MutationStartSimulationForRebalanceInputArgs = { input: StartSimulationForRebalanceInputInput; }; export type MutationStatementUploadArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; provider: Scalars['String']; selectedAccountType: AccountType; }; export type MutationSubmitJsonFormArgs = { data: Scalars['JSON']; formId: JsonFormId; parameters?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationSubmitJsonForm2Args = { data: Scalars['JSON']; formId: JsonFormId; parameters?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationSubmitMerlinAnswerArgs = { answer: Scalars['String']; editedMerlinAnswerId?: InputMaybe; merlinQuestionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationSubmitOnboardingChapterArgs = { chapterId: Scalars['String']; data: Scalars['JSON']; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationSubmitRetirementAnalyzerRiskProfileArgs = { input: RetirementAnalyzerRiskProfile; }; export type MutationTogglePushNotificationStatusArgs = { isToggledOn: Scalars['Boolean']; toggleGroupName: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUnrestrictUserAccountsArgs = { restrictionType: AccountRestrictionType; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUpdateAccountStrategyFlavorArgs = { input: UpdateAccountStrategyFlavorInput; }; export type MutationUpdateBankLabelArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUpdateDeviceNotificationStatusArgs = { deviceId: Scalars['String']; isEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; isShowingPopup?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpdateIdvStatusArgs = { status: IdvRequirementStatus; uploadId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type MutationUpdatePlaidTokenArgs = { accessToken: Scalars['String']; sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUpdateRecurringTransferArgs = { action?: InputMaybe; input: UpdateRecurringTransferInput; }; export type MutationUpdateSnapshotArgs = { acceptedBalances?: InputMaybe>; recommendationSnapshotId: Scalars['String']; status: SnapshotStatus; }; export type MutationUpdateStrategyFlavorsArgs = { input: UpdateStrategyFlavorInput; }; export type MutationUpdateToDoStatusArgs = { input: UpdateToDoStatusInput; }; export type MutationUpdateUserBankLabelArgs = { label: Scalars['String']; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUpdateUserBankLinkStatusArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUpdateUserInfoForSmartCashArgs = { input: UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashInput; }; export type MutationUpdateUserNetWorthAccountArgs = { input: UpdateUserNetWorthAccountInput; }; export type MutationUpdateUserRolloverArgs = { update: UpdateUserRolloverInput; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationUploadClientFormArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; uploadId: Scalars['ID']; }; export type MutationUploadIdvRequirementArgs = { file: Scalars['Upload']; type: ManualDocumentUploadType; }; export type MutationUpsertBlacklistedAssetTypesArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; blacklistedAssetTypes: Array; }; export type MutationUpsertPersonalInfoArgs = { data?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUpsertRecommendationSettingsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; blacklistedAssetTypes?: InputMaybe>; goalDate?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; volatility?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationUserRolloverToggleVisibilityArgs = { input: UserRolloverToggleVisibilityInput; }; export type MutationVerifyBankAccountArgs = { sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationVerifyEmailCodeArgs = { code: Scalars['String']; email: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationVerifyLoginMfaArgs = { code: Scalars['String']; token: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationVerifySmsCodeArgs = { attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; code: Scalars['String']; phone: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationVerifyTwoFactorAuthCodeArgs = { token: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationVerifyUserBankAccountArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MutationWithdrawArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: Destination; distributionCode?: InputMaybe; federalTaxWithholding?: InputMaybe; reason?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; stateTaxWithholding?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; type?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type MutationWithdrawAssetArgs = { input: WithdrawAssetInput; }; export type MutualFundHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'MutualFundHoldingDetails'; assetClass: AssetClass; assetId: Scalars['String']; dateYieldUpdated?: Maybe; displayName: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; payDayOfMonth?: Maybe; sevenDayYield?: Maybe; ticker: Scalars['String']; usObligations?: Maybe; }; export enum NlSourceType { cash = 'cash', external = 'external', } export type NameInfo = { __typename?: 'NameInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; firstName: Scalars['String']; fullName: Scalars['String']; lastName: Scalars['String']; legalName: Scalars['String']; middleName?: Maybe; preferredName?: Maybe; }; export type NameInfoInput = { firstName?: InputMaybe; lastName?: InputMaybe; preferredName?: InputMaybe; }; export type NativeBlendedHomeSchema = { __typename?: 'NativeBlendedHomeSchema'; ui: BlendedHomeUi; }; export type NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow = { __typename?: 'NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; entrypointText: Scalars['String']; introScreen: NativeTaxDetailsIntroScreen; }; export type NativeHomeBannerSchema = { __typename?: 'NativeHomeBannerSchema'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; action: UiAction; canBeDismissed?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; isChevronEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type NativeTaxDetailsIntroScreen = { __typename?: 'NativeTaxDetailsIntroScreen'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow = { __typename?: 'NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdownPageTitle: Scalars['String']; ctaText: Scalars['String']; footerEntrypointText: Scalars['String']; richText: ContentfulRichText; subtitle?: Maybe; subtitleDescriptionLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** * UiAction that defines an external link. * * This corresponds to opening an in app browser for Documents and such. */ export type NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; uri: Scalars['String']; }; /** * UiAction that defines a link to a screen within the app. * * This corresponds to a React Navigation `navigate` - `back`, `push`, etc. would * be defined separately. * * Not all screens are safe to route to this way - for those that need some special * handling, use `CustomUiAction`. */ export type NavigateToScreenUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; destination: ScreenDestination; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; export type NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; sectionGroupId: StrategyScreenSectionGroupId; sectionId?: Maybe; }; export type NegativeCash = { __typename?: 'NegativeCash'; account: DbAccount; accountId: Scalars['String']; cash: Cash; crypto?: Maybe>; dateNegative: Scalars['Date']; equities?: Maybe>; isBase?: Maybe; pendingAdvisoryFeesCoverNegativeCash?: Maybe; strategies: Array; validFrom: Scalars['Date']; }; export type NegativeCashCount = { __typename?: 'NegativeCashCount'; count: Scalars['Int']; }; export type NestedTimeline = { __typename?: 'NestedTimeline'; stepsCompletedCount: Scalars['Int']; timelineSteps?: Maybe>; }; export type NestedTransactionReceipt = { __typename?: 'NestedTransactionReceipt'; id: Scalars['ID']; title: Scalars['String']; transactionDetail: TransactionDetail; transactionProgress?: Maybe; }; export type NetTransfersToStrategiesType = { __typename?: 'NetTransfersToStrategiesType'; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum NetWorth { gt1M = 'gt1M', lt1M = 'lt1M', lt50K = 'lt50K', lt100K = 'lt100K', lt200K = 'lt200K', lt500k = 'lt500k', } export enum NetWorthAccountType { akoya = 'akoya', coinbase = 'coinbase', manual = 'manual', plaid = 'plaid', } export type NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse = { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: Maybe; }; export type NetWorthCategory = { __typename?: 'NetWorthCategory'; accounts: Array; categoryType: WealthWatchCategoryType; chartColor: UiColor; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export type NetWorthCategoryOption = { __typename?: 'NetWorthCategoryOption'; label: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; }; export type NetWorthCategorySelector = { __typename?: 'NetWorthCategorySelector'; label: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type NetWorthDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'NetWorthDisclaimer'; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type NetWorthInstitutionOption = { __typename?: 'NetWorthInstitutionOption'; institutionId: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; logo: ImageAsset; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; provider: InstitutionProviderType; }; export type NetWorthInstitutionSelector = { __typename?: 'NetWorthInstitutionSelector'; fallbackOption: UserNetWorthCta; label: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type NetWorthManualAccountTypeOption = { __typename?: 'NetWorthManualAccountTypeOption'; label: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type NetWorthManualAccountTypeSelector = { __typename?: 'NetWorthManualAccountTypeSelector'; label: Scalars['String']; options: Array; }; export type NetWorthOnboardingSelector = { __typename?: 'NetWorthOnboardingSelector'; cta: UserNetWorthCta; description: Scalars['String']; highlight?: Maybe; secondaryCta: UserNetWorthCta; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type NetWorthPerformanceConfiguration = { __typename?: 'NetWorthPerformanceConfiguration'; periodOptions: Array; }; export type NetWorthPerformancePeriodOption = { __typename?: 'NetWorthPerformancePeriodOption'; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type NetWorthResponse = { __typename?: 'NetWorthResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; categorySelector: NetWorthCategorySelector; /** @deprecated Use appConfig.wealth.externalInstitutionSelector instead. */ institutionSelector: NetWorthInstitutionSelector; /** @deprecated We didn't see enough traction here. */ irCallout?: Maybe; manualAccountTypeSelector: NetWorthManualAccountTypeSelector; netWorth: UserNetWorth; onboardingSelector: NetWorthOnboardingSelector; promoScreen?: Maybe; promoWidget?: Maybe; wealthWatchEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; widget: UserNetWorthWidget; }; export type NewBadgeSchema = { __typename?: 'NewBadgeSchema'; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type NewOnTitanRow = { __typename?: 'NewOnTitanRow'; icon: Icon; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum NewUserChecklist { CREATE_ACCOUNT = 'CREATE_ACCOUNT', FIRST_INVESTMENT = 'FIRST_INVESTMENT', VERIFY_EMAIL = 'VERIFY_EMAIL', } export type NewsResponse = { __typename?: 'NewsResponse'; content?: Maybe>; franchises?: Maybe>; }; export type NextAccountHistoryParams = { __typename?: 'NextAccountHistoryParams'; accountId: Scalars['String']; endDate?: Maybe; limit?: Maybe; startDate?: Maybe; }; export type NoAdvisoryFeesSection = { __typename?: 'NoAdvisoryFeesSection'; imageUri: LightOrDark; }; export type NoHoldingsWeightExperience = HoldingWeightExperience & { __typename?: 'NoHoldingsWeightExperience'; _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; }; export type NotificationGroup = { __typename?: 'NotificationGroup'; groupLabel: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; notificationChildren?: Maybe>; }; export type NotificationGroupOrToggle = NotificationGroup | NotificationToggle; export type NotificationPayload = | AtaAnsweredNotificationPayload | ContentNotificationPayload | GiftCardNotificationPayload | IncomeNotificationPayload | PortfolioRecapNotificationPayload | SplashAnnouncementNotificationPayload | StrategyAnnouncementNotificationPayload | TerminalNotificationPayload; export type NotificationToggle = { __typename?: 'NotificationToggle'; id: Scalars['String']; isToggledOn: Scalars['Boolean']; label?: Maybe; subLabel?: Maybe; }; export enum NotificationType { ANNOUNCEMENT = 'ANNOUNCEMENT', ATA_ANSWERED = 'ATA_ANSWERED', CASH_APY_INTEREST_EARNED = 'CASH_APY_INTEREST_EARNED', COMMENTARY = 'COMMENTARY', GIFT_CARD = 'GIFT_CARD', INVESTOR_UPDATE = 'INVESTOR_UPDATE', PORTFOLIO_RECAP = 'PORTFOLIO_RECAP', SPLASH_ANNOUNCEMENT = 'SPLASH_ANNOUNCEMENT', TERMINAL_NOTIFICATION = 'TERMINAL_NOTIFICATION', } export enum OnboardingFlowType { GENERAL = 'GENERAL', PREONBOARDING = 'PREONBOARDING', PTA = 'PTA', SMARTCASH = 'SMARTCASH', } export type OnboardingForm = { __typename?: 'OnboardingForm'; id: Scalars['String']; schema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; steps: Array; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type OnboardingProgress = { __typename?: 'OnboardingProgress'; chapterId: Scalars['String']; formSchema: UiFormSchema; /** @deprecated no longer in use post v112.0.2 */ tableOfContents: Array; validationSchema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type OnboardingState = DoNothingUiAction | NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction | NavigateToScreenUiAction | OnboardingProgress; export enum OnboardingStatus { Available = 'Available', COMPLETED = 'COMPLETED', Complete = 'Complete', INPROGRESS = 'INPROGRESS', Required = 'Required', } export type OnboardingToc = { __typename?: 'OnboardingTOC'; chapterId?: Maybe; completed?: Maybe; formId?: Maybe; section: Scalars['String']; }; export type OneDayPerformanceDetails = { __typename?: 'OneDayPerformanceDetails'; percent: Scalars['Float']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type OpenAccountParams = { __typename?: 'OpenAccountParams'; openAccountFormParams: SecondaryAccountOpeningFormParameters; }; export type OpenDiyBreakdownSection = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYBreakdownSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdowns?: Maybe>; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type OpenDiyDefaultSection = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYDefaultSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; image?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type OpenDiyIntroHeroSection = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYIntroHeroSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type OpenDiyIntroResponse = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYIntroResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown?: Maybe; disclosure?: Maybe; hero?: Maybe; investmentsExplainer?: Maybe; primaryCtaLabel?: Maybe; }; /** * UiAction that opens a drawer in the app. Not any drawer can be opened that way. * The handling for specific drawer should be implemented on the client first */ export type OpenDrawerUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; drawer: DrawerConfig; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; /** * UiAction that opens a global modal in the app. The client must implement a global modal * for the given modal type. */ export type OpenGlobalModalUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; modalType: Scalars['String']; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; export type OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; richText: ContentfulRichText; }; export type OptimizeProps = { __typename?: 'OptimizeProps'; assetTypeIlliquidValue: Scalars['JSON']; assetTypeLiquidValue: Scalars['JSON']; decimals: Scalars['Int']; deposit: Scalars['Float']; hardBoundaries?: Maybe; internalStrategyBalances: Scalars['JSON']; isIra: Scalars['Boolean']; liquidityThreshold: Scalars['Float']; maximums: Scalars['JSON']; minimums: Scalars['JSON']; valueFunction: ValueFunction; volatilityThreshold: Scalars['Float']; }; export type OrderAssetExecutionDetail = { __typename?: 'OrderAssetExecutionDetail'; info: AssetInfoType; pricePerShare?: Maybe; quantity?: Maybe; }; export type OrderDetailExtraInfo = { __typename?: 'OrderDetailExtraInfo'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; }; export type OrderDetailType = { __typename?: 'OrderDetailType'; extraInfo?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type OrderDetailsType = { __typename?: 'OrderDetailsType'; assetExecutionDetails?: Maybe>; details: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type OrderInfoObject = { __typename?: 'OrderInfoObject'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; price: Scalars['Float']; quantity: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Orders = { __typename?: 'Orders'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; buyOrders?: Maybe>; sellOrders?: Maybe>; }; export type OrganizationIdentifier = { __typename?: 'OrganizationIdentifier'; logo?: Maybe; orgContentKey?: Maybe; organizationId?: Maybe; titanOrganization?: Maybe; }; export enum OrganizationTypes { ThirdParty = 'ThirdParty', Titan = 'Titan', } export type OverallWealth = { __typename?: 'OverallWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; holdingsOverview: WealthHoldingsOverview; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type OwnershipDetails = { __typename?: 'OwnershipDetails'; /** numeral of total cost basis */ costBasis?: Maybe; /** last known price of holding */ price?: Maybe; /** total shares or coins held of the asset within an account */ total?: Maybe; }; export type Paragraph = { __typename?: 'Paragraph'; bodyText: Scalars['String']; headerText: Scalars['String']; }; export type Parameterization = { __typename?: 'Parameterization'; eligibleStrategyKeys: Array; externalBalances: Array; internalBalances: Array; suitableStrategyKeys: Array; }; export type PausedStatus = TransactionStatus & { __typename?: 'PausedStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; cancellationConfig: CancellationConfig; isWaiting: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type PayoutEstimateParams = { accountId: Scalars['String']; sourceId?: InputMaybe; }; export type PendingAction = { __typename?: 'PendingAction'; message: Scalars['String']; pendingActionType: PendingActionType; }; export enum PendingActionType { expect_delay = 'expect_delay', reconnect_account = 'reconnect_account', } export type Performance = { __typename?: 'Performance'; accountIsSuitableForStrategy?: Maybe; allTimePerformancePercent?: Maybe; asOfDate?: Maybe; meta?: Maybe; report: PerformanceReport; }; export type PerformanceAttributeMeta = { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeMeta'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; explainerConfig?: Maybe; }; export type PerformanceAttributeRowMeta = { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; }; export enum PerformanceChartDomain { changeDollars = 'changeDollars', changePercent = 'changePercent', positionValue = 'positionValue', twrPercent = 'twrPercent', } export type PerformanceDataType = { __typename?: 'PerformanceDataType'; id: Scalars['ID']; oneDayPerformance: Scalars['Float']; oneMonthPerformance: Scalars['Float']; price?: Maybe; ytdPerformance: Scalars['Float']; }; export type PerformanceDetails = { __typename?: 'PerformanceDetails'; cashValueDetails?: Maybe; growth?: Maybe; oneDayPerformance?: Maybe; ownership?: Maybe; strategyPerformance?: Maybe; value?: Maybe; weighting: WeightingDetails; }; export type PerformanceDisclosureConfig = { __typename?: 'PerformanceDisclosureConfig'; body: Scalars['String']; disclosureCopy: Scalars['String']; strategyPerformanceConfig: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PerformanceMeta = { __typename?: 'PerformanceMeta'; accountValue?: Maybe; annualizedReturn?: Maybe; asOfDateString?: Maybe; disclaimer?: Maybe; disclosureButton?: Maybe; netTransfers?: Maybe; netTransfersDescription?: Maybe; showBenchmarks?: Maybe; showPercent?: Maybe; tooltipAction?: Maybe; }; export type PerformanceReport = { __typename?: 'PerformanceReport'; YTD?: Maybe>; all?: Maybe>; d1?: Maybe>; lastYear?: Maybe>; m1?: Maybe>; m3?: Maybe>; w1?: Maybe>; y1?: Maybe>; y3?: Maybe>; y5?: Maybe>; }; export type PerformanceRow = { __typename?: 'PerformanceRow'; changeDollars: Scalars['Float']; changePercent: Scalars['Float']; /** @deprecated Use timestamp instead */ dateValue: Scalars['String']; netTransfers: Scalars['Float']; positionValue: Scalars['Float']; /** @deprecated Use positionValue instead */ primaryValue: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use change*, netTransfers, or twrPercent instead */ secondaryValue?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use change*, netTransfers, or twrPercent instead */ tertiaryValue?: Maybe; timestamp: Scalars['String']; twrPercent: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; y0: Scalars['Float']; }; export type PerformanceSelection = { __typename?: 'PerformanceSelection'; options?: Maybe>; title?: Maybe; }; export type PerformanceSelectionOption = { __typename?: 'PerformanceSelectionOption'; label: Scalars['String']; updatedAt?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type PerformanceStat = { __typename?: 'PerformanceStat'; icon: Icon; moreInfo?: Maybe; moreInfoCta?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; valueSecondary: Scalars['String']; }; export type PerformanceSubstat = { __typename?: 'PerformanceSubstat'; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type PersonalLoanWealth = { __typename?: 'PersonalLoanWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type PersonalTradingFlowResponse = { __typename?: 'PersonalTradingFlowResponse'; howWeProcessTrades?: Maybe; nextTradingBatchDescription?: Maybe; }; export type PitchMedia = { __typename?: 'PitchMedia'; imageSrc?: Maybe; videoSrc?: Maybe; }; export type PlaidLinkDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'PlaidLinkDisclaimer'; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimerText: Scalars['String']; disclaimerTitle: Scalars['String']; institutionLogo: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; titanLogo: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PlatformFee = { __typename?: 'PlatformFee'; platformFeeCharged: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type PlatformFeeSection = { __typename?: 'PlatformFeeSection'; disclaimer?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; valueInfo?: Maybe; }; export type PlatformFeesInfo = { __typename?: 'PlatformFeesInfo'; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; faqs: Array; feeTiers: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PlatformFeesSummaryData = { __typename?: 'PlatformFeesSummaryData'; footer: PlatformFeesSummaryFooter; platformFeesInfo: PlatformFeesInfo; strategyPlatformFees: StrategyPlatformFees; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PlatformFeesSummaryFooter = { __typename?: 'PlatformFeesSummaryFooter'; caption: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PlayVideoUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type PopularInvestment = { __typename?: 'PopularInvestment'; background?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; popularInvestmentKey: PopularInvestmentKey; title: Scalars['String']; videoBackground?: Maybe; }; export enum PopularInvestmentKey { index_investing = 'index_investing', managed_stocks = 'managed_stocks', smart_cash = 'smart_cash', } export type PopularStocksAndEtfs = { __typename?: 'PopularStocksAndEtfs'; etfs: Array; etfsInfo?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; stocks: Array; stocksInfo?: Maybe; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkCustomWeightInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkDatum = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkDatum'; date: Scalars['Date']; returnPercent: Scalars['Float']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopy = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopy'; assumptions: PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyAssumptions; callout?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; legend: PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyLegend; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyAssumptions = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyAssumptions'; body: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyCallout = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyCallout'; body: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyLegend = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopyLegend'; portfolioHeader: Scalars['String']; returnHeader: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingOutput = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingOutput'; copy: PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingCopy; titan: PortfolioBenchmarkSeries; traditional: PortfolioBenchmarkSeries; }; export type PortfolioBenchmarkSeries = { __typename?: 'PortfolioBenchmarkSeries'; additionalInfo?: Maybe; averageAnnualReturn: Scalars['Float']; averageAnnualReturnFormatted: Scalars['String']; data: Array; label: Scalars['String']; }; export enum PortfolioBenchmarkTimeFrame { OneYear = 'OneYear', TenYear = 'TenYear', TwentyYear = 'TwentyYear', } export type PortfolioCheckupHeader = { __typename?: 'PortfolioCheckupHeader'; cta?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; inlineCta?: Maybe; }; export type PortfolioGroup = { __typename?: 'PortfolioGroup'; bar: Array; meta: PortfolioGroupMeta; }; export type PortfolioGroupMeta = { __typename?: 'PortfolioGroupMeta'; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioPackage = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackage'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; callout: RecommendationCallout; characteristics: PortfolioPackageCharacteristics; description: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; portfolioRecommendation: RecommendationResult; recommended?: Maybe; tag?: Maybe; valueFunction: ValueFunction; }; export type PortfolioPackageCharacteristic = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackageCharacteristic'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; maxValue: Scalars['Int']; name: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Int']; }; export type PortfolioPackageCharacteristics = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackageCharacteristics'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; fees: PortfolioPackageCharacteristic; returns: PortfolioPackageCharacteristic; risk: PortfolioPackageCharacteristic; }; export type PortfolioPackageDetails = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackageDetails'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; benchmark: PortfolioPackageDetailsBenchmark; package: PortfolioPackage; }; export type PortfolioPackageDetailsBenchmark = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackageDetailsBenchmark'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']; performance: FundPerformance; }; export type PortfolioPackages = { __typename?: 'PortfolioPackages'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; packages: Array; }; export type PortfolioQuizAsset = { __typename?: 'PortfolioQuizAsset'; assetType: AssetType; color: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type PortfolioQuizForm = { __typename?: 'PortfolioQuizForm'; schema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; steps: Array; }; export type PortfolioQuizRecPortfolioInput = { hasInvestingExperience: YesNo; income: Income; netWorth: NetWorth; primaryGoal: Goal; riskProfileStyle: InvestingStyle; timeHorizon: InvestingTimeHorizon; }; export type PortfolioQuizRecPortfolioResponse = { __typename?: 'PortfolioQuizRecPortfolioResponse'; assets: Array; }; /** * Portfolio Recap Screen Types * Asana Link: https://app.asana.com/0/0/1203154116454885/f */ export type PortfolioRecap = TitanUniversalContent & { __typename?: 'PortfolioRecap'; _contentType: ContentTypeEnum; authorIdentifier?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; franchiseIdentifier?: Maybe; holdings?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; organizationIdentifier?: Maybe; portfolioRecapSections: Array; preview?: Maybe; reactionsInfo?: Maybe; shareData?: Maybe; strategies?: Maybe>; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export type PortfolioRecapCardData = { __typename?: 'PortfolioRecapCardData'; hasVideo: Scalars['Boolean']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioRecapNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'PortfolioRecapNotificationPayload'; notificationType: NotificationType; recapCardData: PortfolioRecapCardData; }; export type PortfolioRecapPreview = { __typename?: 'PortfolioRecapPreview'; action: UiAction; eyebrowLabel: Scalars['String']; hasVideo: Scalars['Boolean']; hero: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PortfolioUpdatesResponse = { __typename?: 'PortfolioUpdatesResponse'; content?: Maybe>; strategyIdentifiers?: Maybe>; }; export type PositionStat = { __typename?: 'PositionStat'; costBasis: Scalars['String']; gainOrLoss: Scalars['String']; marketValue: Scalars['String']; positionSize: Scalars['String']; }; export type Post = { __typename?: 'Post'; full?: Maybe; preview?: Maybe; }; export type PostCalendly = { accountProvider: Scalars['String']; assignedTo: Scalars['String']; dateOfMeeting: Scalars['Date']; inviteeUuid?: InputMaybe; rolloverType?: InputMaybe; }; export type PostRolloverRecommendationFormResult = { __typename?: 'PostRolloverRecommendationFormResult'; fiduciaryAcknowledgementRichText?: Maybe; recommendationStatus: RolloverRecommendationFormStatus; rolloverRecommendationId: Scalars['String']; }; export type PreviewPostData = { __typename?: 'PreviewPostData'; action: UiAction; category: Scalars['String']; hasVideo: Scalars['Boolean']; hero: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum PreviousRecommendationWarning { CURRENTLY_PENDING = 'CURRENTLY_PENDING', PREVIOUSLY_NOT_RECOMMENDED = 'PREVIOUSLY_NOT_RECOMMENDED', } export type PricingAnnouncement = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncement'; faqs: Array; footer: PricingAnnouncementFooter; headerImage: ImageAsset; pages: Array; showFeeSummaryCTA?: Maybe; }; export type PricingAnnouncementComparison = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementComparison'; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; originalValue?: Maybe; originalValueReference?: Maybe; subtext: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; valueLabel: Scalars['String']; valueReference?: Maybe; }; export type PricingAnnouncementDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementDisclaimer'; details: PricingAnnouncementDisclaimerDetails; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementDisclaimerDetails = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementDisclaimerDetails'; body: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdown = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdown'; body: Scalars['String']; header: PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdownRow; references: Array; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; total: PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdownRow; }; export type PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdownRow = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdownRow'; label: Scalars['String']; originalValue?: Maybe; reference?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementFeeScheduleRow = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementFeeScheduleRow'; current: Scalars['String']; netDeposits: Scalars['String']; new: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementFooter = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementFooter'; confirmButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Moved to PricingAnnouncementPageFeeSchedule as of v86 */ disclaimer: PricingAnnouncementDisclaimer; }; export type PricingAnnouncementOverviewRow = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementOverviewRow'; badge: Scalars['String']; badgeAccent?: Maybe; body: Scalars['String']; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementPage = { _pageType: PricingAnnouncementPageType; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementPageFeeComparison = PricingAnnouncementPage & { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementPageFeeComparison'; _pageType: PricingAnnouncementPageType; current: PricingAnnouncementComparison; feeBreakdown: PricingAnnouncementFeeBreakdown; new: PricingAnnouncementComparison; references: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementPageFeeSchedule = PricingAnnouncementPage & { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementPageFeeSchedule'; _pageType: PricingAnnouncementPageType; disclaimer: PricingAnnouncementDisclaimer; rows: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingAnnouncementPageOverview = PricingAnnouncementPage & { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementPageOverview'; _pageType: PricingAnnouncementPageType; rows: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum PricingAnnouncementPageType { PricingAnnouncementPageFeeComparison = 'PricingAnnouncementPageFeeComparison', PricingAnnouncementPageFeeSchedule = 'PricingAnnouncementPageFeeSchedule', PricingAnnouncementPageOverview = 'PricingAnnouncementPageOverview', PricingAnnouncementPageValueProps = 'PricingAnnouncementPageValueProps', } export type PricingAnnouncementPageValueProps = PricingAnnouncementPage & { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementPageValueProps'; _pageType: PricingAnnouncementPageType; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; valueProps: Array; }; export type PricingAnnouncementReference = { __typename?: 'PricingAnnouncementReference'; description: Scalars['String']; reference: Scalars['String']; }; export type PricingValueProp = { __typename?: 'PricingValueProp'; icon: Icon; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type PrimaryCheckupCta = { __typename?: 'PrimaryCheckupCTA'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type PrimaryCta = { __typename?: 'PrimaryCta'; action: NavigateToScreenUiAction; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type PrivateHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'PrivateHoldingDetails'; assetClass: AssetClass; ceo?: Maybe; employeeCount?: Maybe; founded?: Maybe; headquarters?: Maybe; summary?: Maybe; }; export type PromoClaim = { __typename?: 'PromoClaim'; promoAttachedAt: Scalars['Date']; promoClaimId: Scalars['String']; promoProgramId: Scalars['String']; promoProgramType?: Maybe; reward: PromoReward; shortCode: Scalars['String']; status: Scalars['String']; }; export type PromoReward = { __typename?: 'PromoReward'; amount: Scalars['Int']; lengthInDays?: Maybe; type: PromoRewardType; }; export enum PromoRewardType { CASH = 'CASH', FEE_OFFSET = 'FEE_OFFSET', } export type PromptSeenEvent = { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ProviderMismatch = { __typename?: 'ProviderMismatch'; selectedProvider: Scalars['String']; statementProvider: Scalars['String']; }; export type ProviderScreen = { __typename?: 'ProviderScreen'; noProvidersAction: UiAction; providers?: Maybe>>; }; export type Providers = { __typename?: 'Providers'; isDefault?: Maybe; logo: ImageAsset; name: Scalars['String']; pdfParseSupported?: Maybe; providerId?: Maybe; providerUrl?: Maybe; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type PublicHoldingDetails = HoldingInfoDetails & { __typename?: 'PublicHoldingDetails'; annualizedDistributionRate?: Maybe; assetClass: AssetClass; assetId: Scalars['String']; ceo?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use Mutual Fund Holding Info details instead if possible */ dateRateUpdated?: Maybe; employeeCount?: Maybe; headquarters?: Maybe; summary?: Maybe; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type PublicStrategy = { __typename?: 'PublicStrategy'; holdings: Array; id: Scalars['ID']; strategyInfo: StrategyInfoType; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type PublicStrategyInfo = { __typename?: 'PublicStrategyInfo'; marketingSite?: Maybe; strategies: Array; }; export type PublicStrategyInfoMarketingSite = { __typename?: 'PublicStrategyInfoMarketingSite'; treasury?: Maybe; }; export enum PushFeatureKeys { COCKPIT_DAILY_SUMMARY = 'COCKPIT_DAILY_SUMMARY', } export type Query = { __typename?: 'Query'; AccountImpactedByYNDX?: Maybe; AskTitanAnything: AtaResponse; Config: Config; account?: Maybe; accountDrip: AccountDripResponse; accountInterest: Array; accountIssues: AccountIssuesResponse; accountOptions: AccountOptionsResponse; accountRestrictions: Array; accountReweightEligibility: AccountReweightEligibilityResponse; accountRole: AccountRoleResponse; accountRolloverInvestmentIntent: RolloverInvestmentIntentResponse; accountStrategy?: Maybe; accountStrategyPerformance: Performance; accountStrategyPersonalizationForAccount: Array; accountUserRollovers: AccountUserRollovers; activityCenter: ActivityCenterResponse; activityCenterNotification: ActivityCenterNotificationResponse; adminCashTransfer?: Maybe; adminCashTransferUpstreamInfo?: Maybe; adminIraLimits?: Maybe; aml: AmlHoldInfo; amlDrawer: AmlDrawer; amlFromDeposit: AmlHoldInfo; amountOfUserCashEarningMaxApy: AmountType; amountOfUserCashEarningMinApy: AmountType; appOpenExperience?: Maybe; assetClassScreen: AssetClassScreenPayload; assetInfos?: Maybe; assetTypes: Array; badges: BadgesResponse; bankAccountIdentityInfo: BankAccountIdentityInfo; benchmarkFund: BenchmarkFundResponse; campaignReferralLink: Scalars['String']; cancelAndCorrect: CancelAndCorrect_Queries; capitalSummary: CapitalSummaryData; cashApyConfig: CashApyConfig; cashApyInterestEarned: CashApyInterestEarnedType; cashApyOptInStatusForAccount: IsOptedInType; cashApyOptInStatusForUser: IsOptedInType; cashApyOptedIn: CashApyOptedInType; cashMovement: CashMovementPayload; cashReserveFeesDrawerCopy: CashReserveFeesDrawerCopyType; checkCredentials: CheckCredentialsResponse; closeAccountScreenCopy: CloseAccountScreenCopyType; communityContent: CommunityContent; concierge: ConciergeResponse; contactsOnTitan: Array; contactsOnTitanWithContactCounts: Array; content?: Maybe; currentAverageApyRate: ApyRate; currentAverageApyRateForAccount: ApyRateType; currentAverageApyRateForUser: ApyRateType; dailyMarketSummary?: Maybe; destinationsWithCashReserveFees: Array; distributionModalContent?: Maybe; distributionPaymentDetails: TransactionSummary; distributions?: Maybe; diversification: Diversification; diversifiedUiCopy: DiversifiedCopyType; dividends?: Maybe; diySearchEquities: DiySearchEquitiesResult; documents: DocumentsResponse; dynamicRecurringDepositScreen: DynamicRecurringDepositScreen; educationCollection: EducationCollectionResponse; excessCrypto: Array; excessEquities: Array; externalInvestmentAccountsAnalysis: ExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisResponse; faqs: FaqList; featureAnnouncement?: Maybe; featureFlags: FeatureFlags; featuredContent?: Maybe; feeExplainerContent: UiFeeExplainerResponse; feed: FeedResponse; feesSchedule: FeesScreenContent; findAssetBySymbol?: Maybe; fundingBoundaries: FundingBoundary; fundingConfirm: FundingConfirm; fundingFlow: FundingFlow; fundingLegalAgreements: FundingLegalAgreements; fundingMinimumDepositAmount: Scalars['Float']; fundingMinimumInvestments: Array; fundingStrategyMinimumInvestment?: Maybe; fundingYieldPayoutEstimate: FundingYieldPayoutResponse; getAllRebalanceInputNumbers: Array; getAttributionLinkInfo: GetAttributionLinkInfosResponse; getBaseCashAPYTier: CashApyTier; getCashAPYTierForUser: CashApyTier; getErroredIntents: Array; getIndexInvestingOfferingScreenData: GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponse; getLatestEstimation: IntentEstimation; getManagedStocksOfferingScreenData: GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponse; getMerlinQuestions: MerlinGetQuestionsResponse; getRebalanceInputsForNumber: Array; getRebalanceSummary?: Maybe; getServiceIntent?: Maybe; getServiceIntentsForSystemIntent: Array; getSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInput: GetSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputResponse; getStaleIntents: Array; getSystemIntent?: Maybe; getSystemIntentsForAccount: Array; getTitanOfferingDestinations: GetTitanOfferingDestinationsResponse; getTitanOfferingInfos: GetTitanOfferingInfosResponse; getTopCashAPYTier: CashApyTier; getTotalExecutionTimeForReferences: TotalExecutionTimeResponse; globalSearch: GlobalSearchResult; hasInvestedInCash: HasInvestedInCashType; historyList: AccountHistoryResponse; holdingNews: HoldingNewsResponse; home: HomeResponse; homeNotifications: HomeNotificationsResponse; homeWarningBanner?: Maybe; idealBalance: AssetTypeRecommendation; idealDeposits: IdealDepositsResponse; /** Get a list of identity verification requirements for the authenticated user */ idvRequirements: Array; incrementalStrategyRecommendations: Recommendation; interestPaymentDetails: TransactionSummary; introScreenCopy: IntroScreenCopyType; investmentQuestionnaireForm: InvestmentQuestionnaireFormData; investmentQuestionnaireIntroContent: InvestmentQuestionnaireIntroContent; investmentThesis: InvestmentThesisResponse; iraProviders?: Maybe; iraProvidersAll?: Maybe>; joinNowContent: JoinNowContentResponse; jsonForm: JsonFormResponse; /** Get a list of legal documents the same we show during onboarding */ legalDocuments: Array; maintenanceBanner: MaintenanceBannerType; manualTrades: ManualTrades_Queries; merlinPrototype_TLDR?: Maybe; merlinPrototype_getConversation: MerlinPrototype_GetConversationResponse; merlinPrototype_getConversations: MerlinPrototype_GetConversationsResponse; merlinPrototype_getNLMovementInfo: MerlinPrototype_GetNlMovementInfoResponse; modelPortfolioChart: ModelPortfolioChart; negativeCash: Array; negativeCashCount: NegativeCashCount; netTransfersForAllStrategiesForAccount: Array; netTransfersToStrategies: NetTransfersToStrategiesType; news: NewsResponse; onboardingForm: OnboardingForm; onboardingState: OnboardingState; openDIYIntro: OpenDiyIntroResponse; parameterization: Parameterization; personalTradingFlow: PersonalTradingFlowResponse; platformFeesContent: PlatformFeesSummaryData; portfolioBenchmarkOnboarding: PortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingOutput; portfolioPackageDetails?: Maybe; portfolioPackages: PortfolioPackages; portfolioQuizForm: PortfolioQuizForm; portfolioQuizResults: PortfolioQuizRecPortfolioResponse; portfolioUpdates: PortfolioUpdatesResponse; potentialNewAverageApyRateForUser: ApyRateType; pricingAnnouncement: PricingAnnouncement; publicStrategyInfo?: Maybe; quickDepositAmounts: QuickDepositAmountsType; rebalanceAdjustments: RebalanceAdjustments; recentActivity?: Maybe; recommendation: RecommendationResult; recommendationsCheckupUi: RecommendationsCheckupUi; recommendationsInvestmentUi: RecommendationsInvestmentUi; recommendationsMeta: RecommendationsMeta; recommendedInvestmentsUi: RecommendedInvestmentsUiType; recommendedStrategyMix: Array; recurringTransfer: RecurringTransferResponse; referralScreen: ReferralStrategyScreen; requestEnableTwoFactorAuth: RequestTwoFactorAuthResponse; restrictedEquities: Array; retirementRollover: RetirementRolloverFunding; retirementRolloverActivity?: Maybe; retirementRolloverReceipt: RetirementRolloverFunding; returnedTransfers: Array; reweightReceipt: TransactionSummary; reweightsForAccount: Array; riskProfileFieldForm: RiskProfileFieldFormData; rolloverRecommendation?: Maybe; rolloverRecommendationFormResult: PostRolloverRecommendationFormResult; rolloverTransfers: Array; runIncrementalRecommendationsTests: TestCasesResponse; scores: ScoresResponse; secondaryAccountForm?: Maybe; shouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaire: ShouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaireResponse; smartCashHomeBanner: SmartCashHomeBanner; smartCashOptInAgreements: SmartCashOptInAgreements; smartCashOptInConfirmation: SmartCashOptInConfirmation; smartCashOptInForm: SmartCashOptInFormData; smartCashOptInIntro: SmartCashOptInIntro; smartCashPerformance: SmartCashPerformance; smartCashPromo: SmartCashPromo; smartCashSettings: SmartCashSettings; smartCashTaxExplainer: SmartCashTaxExplainer; smartCashYieldBoost: SmartCashYieldBoostResponse; smartCashYieldBoostPromoScreen: SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenResponse; smartTransferFlow: SmartTransferFlowResponse; stateTaxWithholdingBound: StateTaxWithholdingBound; strategiesFromFlavorId: Array; strategyActivity: Array; strategyBenchmarkChart: StrategyBenchmarkChartResponse; strategyBenchmarks: StrategyBenchmarkResponse; strategyDisplayCopy: StrategyDisplayCopy; strategyExperience: StrategyExperience; strategyFeeDetails: TransactionSummary; strategyFlavors: Array; strategyGroupings: StrategyGroupingsResponse; strategyHoldingFullList: StrategyHoldingFullListResponse; strategyHoldingPerformanceChartData: Performance; strategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataV2: StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataResponse; strategyHoldingPreview: StrategyHoldingPreviewResponse; strategyInfos: Array; strategyPerformance: Performance; strategyPitch?: Maybe; strategyPreview: StrategyPreviewResponse; strategyReports: Array; strategyReports2: Scalars['JSON']; targetPortfolio: TargetPortfolio; targetPortfolioAccountScreen: TargetPortfolioAccountScreen; targetPortfolioDepositScreen: TargetPortfolioDepositScreen; targetPortfolioRecurringDepositCalculator: RecurringDepositCalculatorOutput; targetPortfolioUi: TargetPortfolioUi; teamMembers?: Maybe>>; thumbReactionsInfo?: Maybe; titanFuture: TitanFuture; titanFutureChart: Array; titanInvestingAccount: TitanInvestingAccount; totalInterestEarnedForAccount: TotalInterestEarnedType; totalStrategicCashForAccount: TotalStrategicCashType; totalStrategicCashForUser: TotalStrategicCashType; totalTitanCashForAccount: TotalTitanCashType; totalTitanCashForUser: TotalTitanCashType; transactionAllocation: TransactionAllocationPayload; transactionHistory: TransactionSummary; transactionReceipt: TransactionReceiptResponse; transferSettings: TransferSettings; treasury: TreasuryResponse; troublesomeMovements: TroublesomeMovements; uiAssetClassScreen: UiAssetClassScreen; uiCashStrategyScreen: UiCashStrategyScreen; uiHoldingScreen: UiHoldingScreen; uiHomeScreen: UiHomeScreen; uiStrategyScreen: UiStrategyScreen; uiWelcomeScreen: UiWelcomeScreen; upcomingInvestmentScreen?: Maybe; upcomingTransferInfo: UpcomingTransferInfoPayload; upcomingTransfers: UpcomingTransfersPayload; user: User; userBankAccountIdentityInfo: UserBankAccountIdentityInfo; userBankAccounts: Array; userBankFullIdentityInfo: UserBankPrivateInfo; userContacts: Array; userHasDepositedIntoCash: HasDespositedIntoCashType; userReweight: UserReweightResponse; userRollover?: Maybe; userRolloverActivity?: Maybe; userRollovers: Array; userSettings: UserSettingsResponse; userSlimHistory: SlimHistoryType; userUploads: UserUploadsResponse; usersTransactionHistory: UsersTransactionHistoryResponse; wealthCalculator: WealthCalculatorOutput; welcomeSplashContent: WelcomeSplashResponse; welcomeToTitanScreen?: Maybe; withdrawalFlow: WithdrawalFlow; }; export type QueryAccountImpactedByYndxArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAskTitanAnythingArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryConfigArgs = { version?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountDripArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountInterestArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountIssuesArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountRestrictionsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAccountReweightEligibilityArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountRoleArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAccountRolloverInvestmentIntentArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountStrategyArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountStrategyPerformanceArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; domain?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountStrategyPersonalizationForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAccountUserRolloversArgs = { input: AccountUserRolloversInput; }; export type QueryActivityCenterArgs = { args?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryActivityCenterNotificationArgs = { args?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAdminCashTransferArgs = { transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAdminCashTransferUpstreamInfoArgs = { transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryAdminIraLimitsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAmlArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; evaluationTime?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; withdrawTime?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAmlDrawerArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; availableToWithdraw?: InputMaybe; holdExpiration?: InputMaybe; holdType?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; withdrawalAmount?: InputMaybe; withdrawalDate?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAmlFromDepositArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; sourceId?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryAssetInfosArgs = { assetIds: Array; }; export type QueryAssetTypesArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryBankAccountIdentityInfoArgs = { sourceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryBenchmarkFundArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; plaidPublicToken?: InputMaybe; ticker?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryCampaignReferralLinkArgs = { input: CampaignReferralLinkInput; }; export type QueryCapitalSummaryArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryCashApyInterestEarnedArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryCashApyOptInStatusForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryCashMovementArgs = { input: CashMovementInput; }; export type QueryCashReserveFeesDrawerCopyArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryCheckCredentialsArgs = { provider: CheckCredentialProvider; token: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryCloseAccountScreenCopyArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryCommunityContentArgs = { input: CommunityContentInput; }; export type QueryContentArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; contentId?: InputMaybe; isPreviewEnabled?: InputMaybe; slug?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryCurrentAverageApyRateArgs = { amount?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryCurrentAverageApyRateForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryDestinationsWithCashReserveFeesArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; contributionYear?: InputMaybe; currentDests: Array; }; export type QueryDistributionModalContentArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryDistributionPaymentDetailsArgs = { dividendPaymentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryDistributionsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryDiversificationArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryDividendsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryDiySearchEquitiesArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryDynamicRecurringDepositScreenArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryEducationCollectionArgs = { holding?: InputMaybe; limit?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; uiLocationId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryExcessCryptoArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; skip?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryExcessEquitiesArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; skip?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryExternalInvestmentAccountsAnalysisArgs = { analysisRequested?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFaqsArgs = { topic?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFeatureAnnouncementArgs = { type?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFeatureFlagsArgs = { flagKeys?: InputMaybe>; }; export type QueryFeaturedContentArgs = { location?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFeeExplainerContentArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; destinations?: InputMaybe>; singleStrategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFeedArgs = { holding?: InputMaybe; holdingInfoId?: InputMaybe; isPreviewEnabled?: InputMaybe; limit?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFeesScheduleArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; destinations?: InputMaybe>; isRecurringTargetPortfolioDeposit?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFindAssetBySymbolArgs = { symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryFundingBoundariesArgs = { input: FundingBoundariesInput; }; export type QueryFundingConfirmArgs = { input: FundingConfirmInput; }; export type QueryFundingFlowArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFundingLegalAgreementsArgs = { input: FundingAgreementsInput; }; export type QueryFundingMinimumDepositAmountArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryFundingMinimumInvestmentsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryFundingStrategyMinimumInvestmentArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryFundingYieldPayoutEstimateArgs = { params: PayoutEstimateParams; }; export type QueryGetAttributionLinkInfoArgs = { input: GetAttributionLinkInfoInput; }; export type QueryGetLatestEstimationArgs = { referenceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryGetMerlinQuestionsArgs = { params?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryGetRebalanceInputsForNumberArgs = { rebalanceNumber: Scalars['Float']; }; export type QueryGetRebalanceSummaryArgs = { input: GetRebalanceSummaryInput; }; export type QueryGetServiceIntentArgs = { serviceIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryGetServiceIntentsForSystemIntentArgs = { executionIndex?: InputMaybe; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryGetSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputArgs = { input: GetSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputInput; }; export type QueryGetStaleIntentsArgs = { filterKnown: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type QueryGetSystemIntentArgs = { systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryGetSystemIntentsForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryGetTitanOfferingDestinationsArgs = { input: GetTitanOfferingDestinationsInput; }; export type QueryGetTitanOfferingInfosArgs = { input: GetTitanOfferingInfosInput; }; export type QueryGetTotalExecutionTimeForReferencesArgs = { referenceIds: Array; }; export type QueryHistoryListArgs = { params: AccountHistoryInputParams; }; export type QueryHoldingNewsArgs = { holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryHomeNotificationsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; experiments?: InputMaybe>; }; export type QueryIdealBalanceArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryIdealDepositsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; ignoreExternalAssets?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryIncrementalStrategyRecommendationsArgs = { input: StrategyRecommendationsInput; }; export type QueryInterestPaymentDetailsArgs = { interestPaymentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryInvestmentThesisArgs = { holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryIraProvidersArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; providerName?: InputMaybe; rolloverType: IraRolloverType; }; export type QueryJoinNowContentArgs = { strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryJsonFormArgs = { formId: JsonFormId; parameters?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryMerlinPrototype_TldrArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryMerlinPrototype_GetConversationArgs = { conversationId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryModelPortfolioChartArgs = { input: ModelPortfolioChartInput; }; export type QueryNegativeCashArgs = { closedAccounts?: InputMaybe; hideACHFeeWithMovedCash?: InputMaybe; hideAcatAccounts?: InputMaybe; hideCashMovementAssociatedWithBadTransfer?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToACHFees?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToAccountFee?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToApexValue?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToBackupWithholding?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToPendingWithdrawal?: InputMaybe; hideLiquidatedAccounts?: InputMaybe; hideSomeComboOfAccountFees?: InputMaybe; irsExemptCodeZ?: InputMaybe; onlyACHFeeWithMovedCash?: InputMaybe; onlyCashMovementAssociatedWithBadTransfer?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToACHFees?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToAccountFee?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToApexValue?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToBackupWithholding?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToPendingWithdrawal?: InputMaybe; onlyLiquidatedAccounts?: InputMaybe; onlySomeComboOfAccountFees?: InputMaybe; pendingAdvisoryFee?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryNegativeCashCountArgs = { closedAccounts?: InputMaybe; hideACHFeeWithMovedCash?: InputMaybe; hideCashMovementAssociatedWithBadTransfer?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToACHFees?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToAccountFee?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToApexValue?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToBackupWithholding?: InputMaybe; hideEqualToPendingWithdrawal?: InputMaybe; hideLiquidatedAccounts?: InputMaybe; hideSomeComboOfAccountFees?: InputMaybe; irsExemptCodeZ?: InputMaybe; onlyACHFeeWithMovedCash?: InputMaybe; onlyCashMovementAssociatedWithBadTransfer?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToACHFees?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToAccountFee?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToApexValue?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToBackupWithholding?: InputMaybe; onlyEqualToPendingWithdrawal?: InputMaybe; onlyLiquidatedAccounts?: InputMaybe; onlySomeComboOfAccountFees?: InputMaybe; pendingAdvisoryFee?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryNetTransfersForAllStrategiesForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryNewsArgs = { filterSeen?: InputMaybe; franchiseId?: InputMaybe; limit?: InputMaybe; lookBackPeriod?: InputMaybe; skip?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryOnboardingStateArgs = { onboardingFlowType?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryParameterizationArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; deposit?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPlatformFeesContentArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; destinations: Array; }; export type QueryPortfolioBenchmarkOnboardingArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; initialDeposit?: InputMaybe; portfolioWeights: Array; timeFrame: PortfolioBenchmarkTimeFrame; }; export type QueryPortfolioPackageDetailsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; packageId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPortfolioQuizResultsArgs = { input: PortfolioQuizRecPortfolioInput; }; export type QueryPortfolioUpdatesArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; lookBackPeriod?: InputMaybe; skip?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPotentialNewAverageApyRateForUserArgs = { potentialChangeAmount: Scalars['Float']; }; export type QueryPricingAnnouncementArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryPublicStrategyInfoArgs = { allowedStrategyKeys?: InputMaybe>; }; export type QueryQuickDepositAmountsArgs = { isInitialDeposit: Scalars['Boolean']; isRecurring: Scalars['Boolean']; serveVariant?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRebalanceAdjustmentsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecentActivityArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; capitalType?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecommendationArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; deposit?: InputMaybe; overrides?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecommendationsCheckupUiArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; onboarding: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type QueryRecommendationsInvestmentUiArgs = { recommendationType?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecommendationsMetaArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecommendedInvestmentsUiArgs = { recommendedType?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRecommendedStrategyMixArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; }; export type QueryRecurringTransferArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRestrictedEquitiesArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryRetirementRolloverArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; flowStep?: InputMaybe; input?: InputMaybe; retirementType?: InputMaybe; rolloverType?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRetirementRolloverActivityArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryRetirementRolloverReceiptArgs = { input: RetirementRolloverReceiptInput; }; export type QueryReweightReceiptArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryReweightsForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryRiskProfileFieldFormArgs = { fieldName: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryRolloverRecommendationFormResultArgs = { rolloverRecommendationId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryScoresArgs = { input: ScoresInput; }; export type QuerySecondaryAccountFormArgs = { input: GetSecondaryAccountFormInput; }; export type QueryShouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaireArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QuerySmartCashOptInAgreementsArgs = { input: SmartCashOptInInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashOptInConfirmationArgs = { input: SmartCashOptInInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashOptInIntroArgs = { input: SmartCashOptInInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashPerformanceArgs = { input: SmartCashActiveScreenInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashPromoArgs = { input: SmartCashPromoInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashSettingsArgs = { input: SmartCashSettingsInput; }; export type QuerySmartCashTaxExplainerArgs = { input: SmartCashTaxExplainerInput; }; export type QuerySmartTransferFlowArgs = { recurringTransferId?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryStateTaxWithholdingBoundArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; }; export type QueryStrategiesFromFlavorIdArgs = { strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyActivityArgs = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyBenchmarkChartArgs = { input: StrategyBenchmarkChartInput; }; export type QueryStrategyDisplayCopyArgs = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyExperienceArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyFeeDetailsArgs = { strategyFeeId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyGroupingsArgs = { input: StrategyGroupingsInput; }; export type QueryStrategyHoldingFullListArgs = { input: StrategyHoldingFullListInput; }; export type QueryStrategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataArgs = { input: StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartInput; }; export type QueryStrategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataV2Args = { input: StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartInputV2; }; export type QueryStrategyHoldingPreviewArgs = { input: StrategyHoldingPreviewInput; }; export type QueryStrategyPerformanceArgs = { showPercent?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyPitchArgs = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyPreviewArgs = { strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryStrategyReportsArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryStrategyReports2Args = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTargetPortfolioArgs = { input: TargetPortfolioInput; }; export type QueryTargetPortfolioRecurringDepositCalculatorArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTargetPortfolioUiArgs = { input: TargetPortfolioUiInput; }; export type QueryTeamMembersArgs = { teamMemberIds?: InputMaybe>; }; export type QueryThumbReactionsInfoArgs = { contentId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryTitanFutureArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTitanFutureChartArgs = { M?: InputMaybe; P?: InputMaybe; accountId: Scalars['String']; r?: InputMaybe; t?: InputMaybe; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTitanInvestingAccountArgs = { accountType: AccountType; }; export type QueryTotalInterestEarnedForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTotalStrategicCashForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTotalTitanCashForAccountArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTransactionAllocationArgs = { input: TransactionAllocationInput; }; export type QueryTransactionHistoryArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; movementId: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryTransactionReceiptArgs = { transactionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryTreasuryArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUiAssetClassScreenArgs = { input: AssetClassScreenInput; }; export type QueryUiCashStrategyScreenArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUiHoldingScreenArgs = { input: UiHoldingScreenInput; }; export type QueryUiHomeScreenArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUiStrategyScreenArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUiWelcomeScreenArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type QueryUpcomingInvestmentScreenArgs = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUpcomingTransferInfoArgs = { input: UpcomingTransferInfoInput; }; export type QueryUserBankAccountIdentityInfoArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserBankAccountsArgs = { accountId?: InputMaybe; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserBankFullIdentityInfoArgs = { userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserReweightArgs = { userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserRolloverArgs = { userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserRolloverActivityArgs = { userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type QueryUserRolloversArgs = { input: UserRolloversInput; }; export type QueryWealthCalculatorArgs = { input: WealthCalculatorInput; }; export type QueryWelcomeSplashContentArgs = { strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }; export type QuickDepositAmountsType = { __typename?: 'QuickDepositAmountsType'; amounts: Array; }; export type RangeDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'RangeDisclaimer'; monthly: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Reaction { ThumbsDown = 'ThumbsDown', ThumbsUp = 'ThumbsUp', } export enum ReactionTypes { Thumbs = 'Thumbs', } export type ReactionsInfo = { __typename?: 'ReactionsInfo'; contentId: Scalars['String']; thumbs: Thumbs; }; export type RealEstateWealth = { __typename?: 'RealEstateWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReasonForNoAccess = { __typename?: 'ReasonForNoAccess'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; reasonKey: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type RebalanceAdjustments = { __typename?: 'RebalanceAdjustments'; buys: Array; idealInternalBalance: Array; reason: Scalars['String']; sells: Array; valid: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type RebalanceInput = { __typename?: 'RebalanceInput'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; rebalanceInputId: Scalars['String']; rebalanceInputStatus: Scalars['String']; rebalanceNumber: Scalars['Float']; rebalanceSimulatorId?: Maybe; simulated: Scalars['String']; strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; targets: Array; validRebalance: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type RebalanceSummary = { __typename?: 'RebalanceSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; price: Scalars['Float']; quantity: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type RebalanceTargets = { __typename?: 'RebalanceTargets'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; maxWeight: Scalars['Float']; minWeight: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type RebalanceUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'RebalanceUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecEngineAllocation = { __typename?: 'RecEngineAllocation'; assetClass: RecEngineAssetClass; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum RecEngineAssetClass { ActiveEquities = 'ActiveEquities', Bonds = 'Bonds', Cash = 'Cash', Credit = 'Credit', Crypto = 'Crypto', PassiveEquities = 'PassiveEquities', RealEstate = 'RealEstate', VentureCapital = 'VentureCapital', } export type RecentActivityHeader = { __typename?: 'RecentActivityHeader'; icon: Icon; status: RecentActivityItemStatus; text: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RecentActivityItemStatus { Canceled = 'Canceled', Completed = 'Completed', Issue = 'Issue', Pending = 'Pending', Upcoming = 'Upcoming', } export type RecentActivityRow = { __typename?: 'RecentActivityRow'; accountId: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; isCancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; /** @deprecated use rowId */ movementId: Scalars['String']; rowId: Scalars['String']; rowType: RecentActivityRowType; subheader: Scalars['String']; tag: RecentActivityRowTag; }; export type RecentActivityRowTag = { __typename?: 'RecentActivityRowTag'; icon: Icon; text: RecentActivityItemStatus; }; export enum RecentActivityRowType { ReWeight = 'ReWeight', Recurring = 'Recurring', Rollover = 'Rollover', SystemIntent = 'SystemIntent', Transfer = 'Transfer', } export type RecentActivityType = { __typename?: 'RecentActivityType'; header: RecentActivityHeader; rows?: Maybe>; }; export type RecentTrade = { __typename?: 'RecentTrade'; holdingDisplayName: Scalars['String']; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; holdingTicker: Scalars['String']; prettyTradeDate: Scalars['String']; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; tradeAction: Scalars['String']; tradeDate: Scalars['Date']; tradeDescription: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecentTradesSection = { __typename?: 'RecentTradesSection'; body: Scalars['String']; recentTrades: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Recommendation = { __typename?: 'Recommendation'; balances: Array; recommendationSnapshotId: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendationCallout = { __typename?: 'RecommendationCallout'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; boldText: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendationChecklistItem = { __typename?: 'RecommendationChecklistItem'; action: UiAction; isCompleted: Scalars['Boolean']; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendationCta = { __typename?: 'RecommendationCta'; ctaIcon?: Maybe; ctaText?: Maybe; media?: Maybe; subtext?: Maybe; uiAction?: Maybe; value?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendationHistory = { __typename?: 'RecommendationHistory'; incremental: RecommendationIncrementalHistory; }; export type RecommendationIncrementalHistory = { __typename?: 'RecommendationIncrementalHistory'; legacy: RecommendationIncrementalHistoryElement; new: RecommendationIncrementalHistoryElement; random: RecommendationIncrementalHistoryElement; }; export type RecommendationIncrementalHistoryElement = { __typename?: 'RecommendationIncrementalHistoryElement'; csv: Array>; }; export type RecommendationInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type RecommendationResult = { __typename?: 'RecommendationResult'; history: RecommendationHistory; idealBalance: IdealBalance; incrementalAllocations: IncrementalAllocation; overrides: RecommendationSettingsOverridesType; settings: RecommendationSettings; suggestedDeposit: SuggestedDeposit; target: Target; }; export type RecommendationSettings = { __typename?: 'RecommendationSettings'; blacklistedAssetTypes: Array; /** @deprecated External allocations are always ignored */ externalValue?: Maybe; goalDate?: Maybe; isIra?: Maybe; liquidity?: Maybe; valueFunction?: Maybe; volatility?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendationSettingsOverrides = { blacklistedAssetTypes?: InputMaybe>; decimals?: InputMaybe; externalValue?: InputMaybe; goalDate?: InputMaybe; ira?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; valueFunction?: InputMaybe; volatility?: InputMaybe; }; export type RecommendationSettingsOverridesType = { __typename?: 'RecommendationSettingsOverridesType'; accountId?: Maybe; blacklistedAssetTypes?: Maybe>; decimals?: Maybe; deposit?: Maybe; externalValue?: Maybe; goalDate?: Maybe; ira?: Maybe; liquidity?: Maybe; userId?: Maybe; valueFunction?: Maybe; volatility?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendationStrategyMeta = { __typename?: 'RecommendationStrategyMeta'; balance: Scalars['Float']; fullAssetClassDeposit: Scalars['Float']; idealBalance: Scalars['Float']; minimumDeposit: Scalars['Float']; minimumIncrementalDeposit: Scalars['Float']; minimumInitialDeposit: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RecommendationType { target_portfolio = 'target_portfolio', } export type RecommendationsCheckupUi = { __typename?: 'RecommendationsCheckupUi'; allocationBody: AllocationBody; allocationInfoCta?: Maybe; altCta?: Maybe; bottomList?: Maybe; copyBody: ListWithCopy; footerSubtext?: Maybe; infoCta?: Maybe; primaryCta: PrimaryCheckupCta; recommendedAssets: PortfolioCheckupHeader; riskProfile: ListWithRiskProfile; suffix: Scalars['String']; topCta: TitanColorCta; wealthCalculator?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendationsInvestmentUi = { __typename?: 'RecommendationsInvestmentUi'; footer: RecommendedInvestmentFooter; list?: Maybe>; otherAssets: RecommendedInvestmentContentWithSheet; recommendedAssets: RecommendedInvestmentContent; topCta?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendationsMeta = { __typename?: 'RecommendationsMeta'; assetClassScore: AssetClassScore; currentAccountValue: Scalars['Float']; diversificationSnapshotId: Scalars['String']; fullAssetClassDeposit: Scalars['Float']; matchScore: Scalars['Float']; maximumDeposit: Scalars['Float']; strategyMetas: Array; suitability: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type RecommendedAllocationFooter = { __typename?: 'RecommendedAllocationFooter'; amountLabel: Scalars['String']; ctaCopy: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendedAssetsUi = { __typename?: 'RecommendedAssetsUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclosures: Scalars['String']; oneMonthTopMoversHoldings?: Maybe>; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentContent = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentContent'; header: Scalars['String']; subtext?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentContentWithSheet = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentContentWithSheet'; header: Scalars['String']; sheet: Sheet; subtext?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentFooter = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentFooter'; amountLabel: Scalars['String']; primaryCta: Scalars['String']; secondaryCta: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentsContent = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentsContent'; assetRowContent: AssetRowContentType; customizedContent: CustomizedContentType; suggestedContent: SuggestedContentType; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentsFooterV1 = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentsFooterV1'; amountLabel: Scalars['String']; primaryCta: Scalars['String']; secondaryCta: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecommendedInvestmentsUiType = { __typename?: 'RecommendedInvestmentsUiType'; customizeCTA: CustomizeCtaComponent; firstTimeMinimumsExplainer: FirstTimeMinimumsExplainerContent; footer: RecommendedAllocationFooter; footerV1?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; recommendedInvestments: RecommendedInvestmentsContent; toastComponent: ToastComponentContent; topCta?: Maybe; }; export type RecommendedStrategyMix = { __typename?: 'RecommendedStrategyMix'; percent: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RecommendedType { target_portfolio = 'target_portfolio', } export type Recurring = { __typename?: 'Recurring'; action: TitanFutureCta; body?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RecurringAmountType { smartTransfer = 'smartTransfer', } export type RecurringDepositCalculatorOutput = { __typename?: 'RecurringDepositCalculatorOutput'; currentAge: Scalars['Int']; currentRate: Scalars['Float']; targetRate: Scalars['Float']; }; export type RecurringDepositInput = { amountProperties?: InputMaybe; /** For Smart Transfers */ amountType?: InputMaybe; dayOfWeek?: InputMaybe; days?: InputMaybe>; fundingSource?: InputMaybe; intervalCount?: InputMaybe; intervalPeriod?: InputMaybe; style: RecurringTransferStyle; }; export type RecurringDepositResponse = { __typename?: 'RecurringDepositResponse'; account?: Maybe; firstTimeFunded: Scalars['Boolean']; recurringTransfer: CoreRecurringTransfer; summary?: Maybe; }; export enum RecurringFundingSource { bank = 'bank', cash = 'cash', } export enum RecurringIntervalPeriod { week = 'week', } export type RecurringTransfer = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransfer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; amountProperties?: Maybe; amountType?: Maybe; bank: Bank; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; days?: Maybe>; destinations: Array; fundingSource?: Maybe; image?: Maybe; intervalCount?: Maybe; intervalPeriod?: Maybe; isUpcoming: Scalars['Boolean']; nextRun: Scalars['String']; recurringTransferId: Scalars['String']; sourceId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; style: RecurringTransferStyle; transfers: Array; uiDetails: Array; uiSummary: Scalars['String']; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export type RecurringTransferDetailExtraInfo = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferDetailExtraInfo'; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecurringTransferDetailFormat = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferDetailFormat'; color: Scalars['String']; fontWeight: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecurringTransferInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; destinationStrategyKeys?: InputMaybe>; transferType?: InputMaybe; }; export type RecurringTransferResponse = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferResponse'; recurring: Array; success: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RecurringTransferStyle { days = 'days', interval = 'interval', } export enum RecurringTransferType { DEPOSIT = 'DEPOSIT', INVESTMENT = 'INVESTMENT', } export type RecurringTransferUiDetails = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferUIDetails'; extraInfo?: Maybe; format?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type RecurringTransferUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReducedVolatilitySection = { __typename?: 'ReducedVolatilitySection'; body: Scalars['String']; disclosure: TitledDisclosure; imageUri: LightOrDark; }; export type ReferralButton = { __typename?: 'ReferralButton'; label: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; }; export enum ReferralCampaigns { cash_reward = 'cash_reward', fee_offset = 'fee_offset', sc_yield_boost = 'sc_yield_boost', wealth_watch_invite = 'wealth_watch_invite', } export type ReferralDescriptionItem = { __typename?: 'ReferralDescriptionItem'; disclaimer?: Maybe; heading: Scalars['String']; icon: ImageAsset; subheading: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReferralDescriptionItemDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'ReferralDescriptionItemDisclaimer'; key: ReferralDrawerKey; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ReferralDrawerKey { cash_reward_likelihoods = 'cash_reward_likelihoods', cash_reward_promo_explanation = 'cash_reward_promo_explanation', fee_break_promo_explanation = 'fee_break_promo_explanation', fee_break_which_fees = 'fee_break_which_fees', } export type ReferralFaqItem = { __typename?: 'ReferralFAQItem'; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; key: ReferralDrawerKey; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReferralInfo = { __typename?: 'ReferralInfo'; reward?: Maybe; user: SafeUser; }; export type ReferralLinkMetadata = { __typename?: 'ReferralLinkMetadata'; _linkType: AttributionLinkType; ogDescription?: Maybe; ogImage?: Maybe; ogTitle?: Maybe; referralCampaignId?: Maybe; referrerUserPreferedName?: Maybe; }; export type ReferralScreenHeaderDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'ReferralScreenHeaderDisclaimer'; legalLink?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReferralScreenHeaderLegalLink = { __typename?: 'ReferralScreenHeaderLegalLink'; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReferralStrategyScreen = { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreen'; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; details: ReferralStrategyScreenDetails; faq: ReferralStrategyScreenFaQs; hasConvertedReferral?: Maybe; header: ReferralStrategyScreenHeader; referralButton: ReferralButton; }; export type ReferralStrategyScreenDetails = { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreenDetails'; descriptionItems: Array; inANutShell?: Maybe; }; export type ReferralStrategyScreenFaQs = { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreenFAQs'; faqItems: Array; }; export type ReferralStrategyScreenHeader = { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreenHeader'; disclaimer?: Maybe; heading: Scalars['String']; icon: ImageAsset; pillText: Scalars['String']; subheading: Scalars['String']; subheadingRichText: ContentfulRichText; titanCard?: Maybe; video?: Maybe; }; export type Referrals = { __typename?: 'Referrals'; completed: Array; pending: Array; }; export type RemoteIcon = Icon & { __typename?: 'RemoteIcon'; _origin: AssetOrigin; /** identifier for the icon on a server, generally, our CDN */ assetUri: Scalars['String']; fallback?: Maybe; }; export type RemoteLightDarkIcon = Icon & { __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon'; _origin: AssetOrigin; fallback?: Maybe; lightDarkAsset: IconUriLightDark; }; export type ReportTimingMetricResponse = { __typename?: 'ReportTimingMetricResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type Reporting = { __typename?: 'Reporting'; CIPAcceptedAt?: Maybe; CIPErroredAt?: Maybe; CIPNeedsReviewAt?: Maybe; CIPRejectedAt?: Maybe; accountApprovedAt?: Maybe; accountRejectedAt?: Maybe; autoApproveFailedAt?: Maybe; }; export type RequestTwoFactorAuthResponse = { __typename?: 'RequestTwoFactorAuthResponse'; qrCodeUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type RestrictedEquity = { __typename?: 'RestrictedEquity'; reason: ContentfulRichText; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RestrictionReasons { AML = 'AML', ATO = 'ATO', Apex_Restriction = 'Apex_Restriction', Fraud_Restriction_1st_Party = 'Fraud_Restriction_1st_Party', Fraud_Restriction_3rd_Party = 'Fraud_Restriction_3rd_Party', Free_Riding = 'Free_Riding', Legal_Restriction = 'Legal_Restriction', Levy = 'Levy', Margin = 'Margin', Other = 'Other', R01 = 'R01', R02 = 'R02', R03 = 'R03', R07 = 'R07', R08 = 'R08', R09 = 'R09', R10 = 'R10', R16 = 'R16', Return_Mail = 'Return_Mail', Sketch = 'Sketch', Violation = 'Violation', WithdrawalHold = 'WithdrawalHold', } export type RetirementAnalyzerRiskProfile = { experience: InvestingExperience; goalRetirementAge: Scalars['Int']; income: Income; netWorth: NetWorth; riskTolerance: InvestingStyle; }; export enum RetirementErrorPageType { GENERIC = 'GENERIC', } export type RetirementFlowInfo = { bookedMeetingInfo?: InputMaybe; errorPage?: InputMaybe; rolloverAccountInfo?: InputMaybe; transferId?: InputMaybe; userRolloverId?: InputMaybe; yodleeInfo?: InputMaybe; }; export type RetirementFlowInfoErrorPage = { currentScreen?: InputMaybe; pageType?: InputMaybe; }; export type RetirementRolloverActivityRow = { __typename?: 'RetirementRolloverActivityRow'; header: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; transferId?: Maybe; userRolloverId?: Maybe; viewAction: LabeledAction; }; export type RetirementRolloverActivityType = { __typename?: 'RetirementRolloverActivityType'; rows?: Maybe>; }; export type RetirementRolloverBodyData = BoxButtonGrid | ButtonRowSection | CalloutsGrid | DescriptionsGrid; /** * Retirement Rollover Flow Types * - 401k Concierge Booking Flow * - IRA Rollover * Asana Link: https://app.asana.com/0/1203217981236288/1203339879637741/f */ export type RetirementRolloverFunding = { __typename?: 'RetirementRolloverFunding'; bodySection?: Maybe>; currentStatus?: Maybe; dollarAmount?: Maybe; exitButtonInfo?: Maybe; headerIcons?: Maybe; helpButtonInfo?: Maybe; primaryCta?: Maybe; secondaryCta?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type RetirementRolloverReceiptInput = { userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RetirementType { EMPLOYER_SPONSORED_401K = 'EMPLOYER_SPONSORED_401K', IRA = 'IRA', } export type RetirementWealth = { __typename?: 'RetirementWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; holdingsOverview: WealthHoldingsOverview; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReturnedTransfer = { __typename?: 'ReturnedTransfer'; accountId: Scalars['String']; balance: Scalars['Float']; email: Scalars['String']; returnCode: Scalars['String']; returnTime: Scalars['String']; transfer: ReturnedTransferTransferObject; }; export type ReturnedTransferTransferObject = TransferObject & { __typename?: 'ReturnedTransferTransferObject'; accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cashType?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; groupAmount?: Maybe; initiatedAt?: Maybe; instant: Scalars['Boolean']; iraDetails?: Maybe; promoIdentifier?: Maybe; recurring: Scalars['Boolean']; settledAt?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; transferNumber?: Maybe; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export type RewardInfo = { __typename?: 'RewardInfo'; amount: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; redeemed: Scalars['Boolean']; status: Scalars['String']; type: RewardType; }; export enum RewardType { cash_reward = 'cash_reward', fee_offset = 'fee_offset', sc_yield_boost = 'sc_yield_boost', wealth_watch_invite = 'wealth_watch_invite', } export type Reweight = { __typename?: 'Reweight'; accountId: Scalars['String']; status: SystemIntentStatus; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type ReweightInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; weights: Array; }; export type ReweightResponse = { __typename?: 'ReweightResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; systemIntentId?: Maybe; }; export type RichTextBodyLinks = { __typename?: 'RichTextBodyLinks'; assets?: Maybe>; }; export type RiskProfile = { __typename?: 'RiskProfile'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; blacklistedAssetTypes?: Maybe>; goalRetirementAge?: Maybe; investingStyle: InvestingStyle; investingTimeHorizon: InvestingTimeHorizon; isStale: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type RiskProfileFieldFormData = { __typename?: 'RiskProfileFieldFormData'; form?: Maybe; }; export type RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo = HoldingMoreInfoConfig & { __typename?: 'RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo'; ctaText?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; moreInfoType: HoldingMoreInfoType; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type RiskProfileItem = { __typename?: 'RiskProfileItem'; key: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RiskProfileTaxFilingStatus { headOfHousehold = 'headOfHousehold', marriedJointly = 'marriedJointly', marriedSeparately = 'marriedSeparately', other = 'other', single = 'single', } export type RolloverAccountInfo = { isConfirmed?: InputMaybe; rolloverAccountNumber?: InputMaybe; rolloverBrokerClearingNumber?: InputMaybe; rolloverIraSourceId?: InputMaybe; rolloverNameOnAccount?: InputMaybe; rolloverProviderName?: InputMaybe; rolloverType?: InputMaybe; transferType?: InputMaybe; }; export type RolloverBankAccount = { __typename?: 'RolloverBankAccount'; sourceId?: Maybe; }; export enum RolloverCta { INVEST = 'INVEST', } export type RolloverInfoInput = { accountName: Scalars['String']; accountNumber: Scalars['String']; accountType: AccountType; amountTransfer?: InputMaybe; providerName: Scalars['String']; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverInformationReceivedResponse = { __typename?: 'RolloverInformationReceivedResponse'; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverInvestmentIntent = { __typename?: 'RolloverInvestmentIntent'; accountId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['String']; destinationType: InvestmentIntentDestinationType; destinations: Array; updatedAt: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverInvestmentIntentDestination = { __typename?: 'RolloverInvestmentIntentDestination'; percent: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverInvestmentIntentDestinationInput = { percent: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverInvestmentIntentResponse = { __typename?: 'RolloverInvestmentIntentResponse'; investmentIntent?: Maybe; }; export type RolloverPublicStatus = { __typename?: 'RolloverPublicStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; status: RolloverPublicStatusType; timestamp?: Maybe; }; export enum RolloverPublicStatusType { STATUS_401K_CALL_CANCELLED = 'STATUS_401K_CALL_CANCELLED', STATUS_401K_CALL_COMPLETED = 'STATUS_401K_CALL_COMPLETED', STATUS_401K_CASH_PROMO = 'STATUS_401K_CASH_PROMO', STATUS_401K_CHECK_SENT_TO_TITAN = 'STATUS_401K_CHECK_SENT_TO_TITAN', STATUS_401K_DIY_REMINDER_EMAIL_SENT = 'STATUS_401K_DIY_REMINDER_EMAIL_SENT', STATUS_401K_PAID_ENVELOPE_DELIVERED = 'STATUS_401K_PAID_ENVELOPE_DELIVERED', STATUS_401K_PAID_ENVELOPE_SENT = 'STATUS_401K_PAID_ENVELOPE_SENT', STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_CANCELLED = 'STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_CANCELLED', STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_EMAIL_SENT = 'STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_EMAIL_SENT', STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_REJECTED = 'STATUS_401K_ROLLOVER_REJECTED', STATUS_AUTO_INVEST_PROCESSED = 'STATUS_AUTO_INVEST_PROCESSED', STATUS_CALL_SCHEDULED = 'STATUS_CALL_SCHEDULED', STATUS_FUNDS_AVAILABLE = 'STATUS_FUNDS_AVAILABLE', STATUS_FUNDS_INVESTED = 'STATUS_FUNDS_INVESTED', STATUS_FUNDS_PROCESSING = 'STATUS_FUNDS_PROCESSING', STATUS_INFORMATION_RECEIVED = 'STATUS_INFORMATION_RECEIVED', STATUS_TRANSFER_ACCEPTED = 'STATUS_TRANSFER_ACCEPTED', STATUS_TRANSFER_INITIATED = 'STATUS_TRANSFER_INITIATED', STATUS_TRANSFER_PAUSED = 'STATUS_TRANSFER_PAUSED', STATUS_TRANSFER_REQUESTED = 'STATUS_TRANSFER_REQUESTED', } export type RolloverRecommendationFlow = { __typename?: 'RolloverRecommendationFlow'; currentStatus?: Maybe; form: RolloverRecommendationForm; previousRecommendationWarning?: Maybe; }; export type RolloverRecommendationForm = { __typename?: 'RolloverRecommendationForm'; formSchema: UiFormSchema; validationSchema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export enum RolloverRecommendationFormStatus { APPROVED = 'APPROVED', PENDING = 'PENDING', REJECTED = 'REJECTED', } export type RolloverStatementParseMismatch = { __typename?: 'RolloverStatementParseMismatch'; accountName?: Maybe; accountType?: Maybe; provider?: Maybe; }; export type RolloverSubmitResponse = { __typename?: 'RolloverSubmitResponse'; transferId?: Maybe; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type RolloverTransfer = { __typename?: 'RolloverTransfer'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountNumber?: Maybe; amount: Scalars['Float']; bankAccount: RolloverBankAccount; description: Scalars['String']; externalId: Scalars['String']; settledAt: Scalars['Date']; terminalId: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RolloverType { DIRECT = 'DIRECT', INDIRECT = 'INDIRECT', } export type RolloverUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'RolloverUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; rolloverCta?: Maybe; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum RowJustification { CENTER = 'CENTER', SPACE_BETWEEN = 'SPACE_BETWEEN', } export enum RuleEffect { HIDE = 'HIDE', SHOW = 'SHOW', } export type SafeNameInfo = { __typename?: 'SafeNameInfo'; publicDisplay: Scalars['String']; }; export type SafePersonalInfo = { __typename?: 'SafePersonalInfo'; nameInfo: SafeNameInfo; }; export type SafeReferralInfo = { __typename?: 'SafeReferralInfo'; firstInvestedAt?: Maybe; referralAcceptedAt: Scalars['Date']; }; export type SafeUser = { __typename?: 'SafeUser'; personalInfo: SafePersonalInfo; referralInfo: SafeReferralInfo; }; export type SaveLeadRequestResponse = { __typename?: 'SaveLeadRequestResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; /** The RequiredDocument types that we use socure to upload */ export enum ScannableDocumentType { CITIZEN = 'CITIZEN', ID = 'ID', } /** https://www.figma.com/file/XZHkBWSH7Wc0Rwe250SQ53/Smart-Cash-2.0%3A-Onboarding?type=design&node-id=4406-128902&mode=dev */ export type ScheduleCallModule = { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallModule'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; action: LabeledAction; author?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; scheduleCallModule?: Maybe; }; export type ScoresInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; blacklistedAssetTypes: Array; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type ScoresResponse = { __typename?: 'ScoresResponse'; matchScore: Scalars['Float']; }; export type ScreenConfig = { __typename?: 'ScreenConfig'; amountDisclaimer?: Maybe; button?: Maybe; carousel?: Maybe>; disclosureLink?: Maybe; drawers?: Maybe>; initialSubtext?: Maybe; maximumAmount?: Maybe; minimumAmount?: Maybe; primaryCta?: Maybe; screenName: ScreenName; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; transferLimits?: Maybe; }; /** * The target of a routing action (equivalent to a web URL). * * Note that we are not strict about the screenId, the params, or their relationship. * Ideally we'd have something like have a union with a literal screenId to strongly * associate the screendId + params, but graphql schemas don't support that syntax. * * Instead, we leave this general and make it the client's responsibility to validate * at runtime. Doing it this way also saves us some complexity related to trying to keep * track of which screenIds are valid and available for which versions of the app. */ export type ScreenDestination = { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; params?: Maybe; screenId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum ScreenName { bankReLink = 'bankReLink', confirmation = 'confirmation', frequency = 'frequency', idealBalance = 'idealBalance', loading = 'loading', smartTransferInterstitial = 'smartTransferInterstitial', sourceSelection = 'sourceSelection', } export type SearchEquitiesUi = { __typename?: 'SearchEquitiesUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; discover?: Maybe; search?: Maybe; }; export type SearchEquityResult = { __typename?: 'SearchEquityResult'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; displayName?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; performance?: Maybe; ticker?: Maybe; }; export type SearchModeUi = { __typename?: 'SearchModeUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; emptyState?: Maybe; searchPlaceholder: Scalars['String']; }; export type SearchScreenEmptyState = { __typename?: 'SearchScreenEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; buttonText?: Maybe; buttonUrl?: Maybe; introHook?: Maybe; noMatchText: Scalars['String']; }; export type SecondaryAccountForm = { __typename?: 'SecondaryAccountForm'; schema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; steps: Array; values: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type SecondaryAccountOpeningFormParameters = { __typename?: 'SecondaryAccountOpeningFormParameters'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountName?: Maybe; accountType: AccountType; }; export type SectionDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'SectionDisclaimer'; closeButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimer: Scalars['String']; disclaimerCtaLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SelfDirectedMeta = { __typename?: 'SelfDirectedMeta'; cumulativeReturn?: Maybe; totalEarnings?: Maybe; }; export type SendEmailResponse = { __typename?: 'SendEmailResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SendEmailVerificationCodeResponse = { __typename?: 'SendEmailVerificationCodeResponse'; errorMessage?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SendOnboardingPhoneVerificationResponse = { __typename?: 'SendOnboardingPhoneVerificationResponse'; token: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Sentinel2TransferStateType { ACH_DEPOSIT = 'ACH_DEPOSIT', ACH_WITHDRAWAL = 'ACH_WITHDRAWAL', CREDIT = 'CREDIT', FEE = 'FEE', } export type SentinelAchTransferStatus = { __typename?: 'SentinelACHTransferStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; account: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; correspondentCode: Scalars['String']; direction: SentinelAchTransferStatusDirection; externalTransferId: Scalars['String']; reason: Scalars['String']; status: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; transferMechanism: SentinelAchTransferStatusTransferMechanism; }; export enum SentinelAchTransferStatusDirection { INCOMING = 'INCOMING', OUTGOING = 'OUTGOING', } export enum SentinelAchTransferStatusTransferMechanism { ACH = 'ACH', } export type SeoMeta = { __typename?: 'SeoMeta'; canonicalPermalink: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; imageURL: Scalars['String']; slug: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ServerAtomTypes = | AtomBreakline | AtomCta | AtomCarousel__CaptionedImageSlideshow | AtomCarousel__ContentCards | AtomCarousel__Slideshow | AtomImage | AtomRow | AtomRow_PressableIconRow | AtomRow_TileRow | AtomSection__Expandable | AtomSection__ExpandableIconRows | AtomSpacer | AtomText | AtomTile | AtomVideo | Atom_Module_ContentStrategySummaries; export type ServiceIntentTransfers = { __typename?: 'ServiceIntentTransfers'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; serviceIntent: AdminServiceIntent; transfers: Array; }; export type ServiceIntents = { __typename?: 'ServiceIntents'; accountId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; data: Scalars['String']; executionIndex: Scalars['Int']; /** @deprecated not used anymore */ requestingService: Scalars['String']; serviceIntentId: Scalars['String']; status: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated not used anymore */ targetService: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type SetNameResponse = { __typename?: 'SetNameResponse'; errorMessage?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; user: User; }; export type SetOnboardingDataInput = { birthday?: InputMaybe; phone?: InputMaybe; }; export type SetOnboardingDataResponse = { __typename?: 'SetOnboardingDataResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetPromptAsSeenResponse = { __typename?: 'SetPromptAsSeenResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; user: User; }; export type SetRolloverInvestmentIntentInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; destinationType: InvestmentIntentDestinationType; destinations: Array; }; export type SetSmartCashEnabledInput = { smartCashEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetSmartCashEnabledResponse = { __typename?: 'SetSmartCashEnabledResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; smartCashEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetUpWealthWatch = { __typename?: 'SetUpWealthWatch'; confirmationMessage: Scalars['String']; }; export type SetUserExclusionsInput = { excludedSymbols: Array; }; export type ShareData = { __typename?: 'ShareData'; permalink?: Maybe; }; export type SharedDocument = { __typename?: 'SharedDocument'; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type SharedDocumentsResponse = { __typename?: 'SharedDocumentsResponse'; sharedDocuments: Array; }; export type Sheet = { __typename?: 'Sheet'; copy: Scalars['String']; dismissLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ShouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaireResponse = { __typename?: 'ShouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaireResponse'; shouldShowInvestmentQuestionnaire: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum Side { BUY = 'BUY', SELL = 'SELL', } export type SignUpArgs = { attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; firstName?: InputMaybe; lastName?: InputMaybe; }; export type SignableDocumentContent = { __typename?: 'SignableDocumentContent'; agreeStatements: Array; description: Scalars['String']; }; export type SingleHoldingsWeightExperience = HoldingWeightExperience & { __typename?: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience'; _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; holdingWeights: Array; }; export type SingleReactionInfo = { __typename?: 'SingleReactionInfo'; count: Scalars['Int']; isSelected: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SlimHistoryType = { __typename?: 'SlimHistoryType'; rows?: Maybe>; }; export type SmartCashActiveScreenInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashBanner = { __typename?: 'SmartCashBanner'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; dismissText: Scalars['String']; icon: Icon; primaryText: Scalars['String']; promptId: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; uiAction: CustomUiAction; }; export type SmartCashDepositOptions = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDepositOptions'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; options: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashDisclaimerDrawer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclaimerDrawer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; closeLabel: Scalars['String']; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimer: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashDisclosureSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosureSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclosureMarkdown: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashDisclosures = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; cta?: Maybe; text?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdown = { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdown'; badge?: Maybe; data: Array; image: ImageAsset; title: Scalars['String']; total: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashEarningDetails = { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetails'; breakdown: Array; callout?: Maybe; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; ctaDescription: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; graphic: ImageAsset; supportCta: CoreSmartCashCta; supportCtaDescription: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum SmartCashEarningType { dividend = 'dividend', interest = 'interest', } export type SmartCashEarnings = ChartData & { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarnings'; label: Scalars['String']; periods: Array; }; export enum SmartCashEarningsBadge { SixPercentYieldBoost = 'SixPercentYieldBoost', } export type SmartCashEarningsDataPoint = ChartDataPoint & { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsDataPoint'; details: SmartCashEarningDetails; earningType: SmartCashEarningType; timestamp: Scalars['String']; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type SmartCashEarningsPeriod = ChartPeriod & { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsPeriod'; dateFormat?: Maybe; domain?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; series: Array; }; export type SmartCashEarningsSeries = ChartSeries & { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsSeries'; data: Array; dataJSON?: Maybe; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashExperience = CoreSmartCashLanding | CoreSmartCashPerformance; export type SmartCashFeatures = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFeatures'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; features: Array; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; }; export type SmartCashFee = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFee'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; grossFee: Scalars['Float']; isLegacy: Scalars['Boolean']; netFee: Scalars['Float']; }; export type SmartCashFund = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFund'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; active?: Maybe; breakdown: Array; breakdownTotal?: Maybe; disclosure: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; logoUri: ImageAsset; longDisplayName?: Maybe; minimum: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; subtitle: Scalars['String']; ticker: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; yield: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashFundLite = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFundLite'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon: ImageAsset; id: Scalars['String']; yield: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashFundStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFundStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array; breakdownTotal: DetailListItem; breakdownTotalMoreInfo: BasicMoreInfo; disclaimer?: Maybe; fundImage: ImageAsset; fundSubtitle: Scalars['String']; fundTitle: Scalars['String']; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; }; export type SmartCashFundsSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashFundsSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; footer?: Maybe; funds?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashHomeBanner = { __typename?: 'SmartCashHomeBanner'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; action?: Maybe; canBeDismissed: Scalars['Boolean']; disclosure?: Maybe; icon: Icon; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashHowItWorks = { __typename?: 'SmartCashHowItWorks'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; steps: Array; }; export type SmartCashHowItWorksStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashHowItWorksStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon: Icon; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashInfoWidget = { __typename?: 'SmartCashInfoWidget'; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; graphic?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; sections: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashLandingBankComparison = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparison'; logo?: Maybe; metrics: Array; title?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection'; banks: Array; description: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; graphic?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashLandingHero = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHero'; background: ImageAsset; badge?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; graphic: SmartCashLandingHeroGraphic; highlight: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashLandingHeroBadge = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroBadge'; descriptor?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; type: SmartCashLandingHeroBadgeType; }; export enum SmartCashLandingHeroBadgeType { SmartCashPill = 'SmartCashPill', } export type SmartCashLandingHeroGraphic = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroGraphic'; funds: Array; labelPartOne: Scalars['String']; labelPartTwo: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashLandingHeroGraphicFund = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroGraphicFund'; logo: ImageAsset; yield: Scalars['Float']; }; export type SmartCashLandingSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection'; barChartGraphic?: Maybe; cta?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; graphic?: Maybe; highlight?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashLandingTldrSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingTLDRSection'; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; description: Scalars['String']; graphic?: Maybe; metrics: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashOptInAgreements = { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInAgreements'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; agreements: Scalars['String']; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; rebalanceDisclaimer?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashOptInConfirmation = { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInConfirmation'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; color?: Maybe; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; icons?: Maybe>; timing: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashOptInFormData = { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInFormData'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; formSchema: UiFormSchema; validationSchema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; }; export type SmartCashOptInInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashOptInIntro = { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInIntro'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; ctaDisclaimer: SmartCashDisclosures; /** @deprecated For old version of screen */ disclaimer: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated For old version of screen */ header: SmartCashPromoHeader; /** @deprecated For old version of screen */ howItWorks: SmartCashHowItWorks; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated For old version of screen */ yield: SmartCashYield; }; export type SmartCashPerformance = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; currentYield: SmartCashYield; disclosureMarkdown?: Maybe; fullWidthMetrics?: Maybe>; fundsSection: SmartCashFundsSection; id: Scalars['String']; metrics?: Maybe>; smartCashBanners?: Maybe>>; status?: Maybe; totalBalance: SmartCashTotalBalance; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated use fund instead */ activeFund: SmartCashPerformanceFund; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; description: Scalars['String']; fund: CoreSmartCashFund; graphic?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use fund instead */ metrics: Array; ratesComparison: SmartCashRateComparison; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; cashActivitySchedules: Array; depositOptions?: Maybe; description: Scalars['String']; graphic?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; upcomingDeposits?: Maybe; upcomingInvestments?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceCashActivityTable = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivityTable'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceFund = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceFund'; fundImage?: Maybe; fundName?: Maybe; fundStatusDisplay?: Maybe; fundType?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; activeFundId: Scalars['String']; funds: Array; table: SmartCashPerformanceCashActivityTable; }; export type SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; infoWidgets?: Maybe>; metrics: Array; shareCta: CoreSmartCashCta; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSection'; description: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; pendingEarnings?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashPromo = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; features: SmartCashFeatures; fundsSection: SmartCashFundsSection; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; highestYield: SmartCashYield; protection: SmartCashProtection; taxes: SmartCashTaxes; }; export type SmartCashPromoHeader = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; icon?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashPromoInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type SmartCashProtection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashProtection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclaimer?: Maybe; eyebrow: MoreInfoEyebrow; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; widgets: Array; }; export type SmartCashRateComparison = { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparison'; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; description?: Maybe; disclosures?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashRateComparisonRow = { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparisonRow'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; cells: Array; highlight?: Maybe; id?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashRebalanceDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashRebalanceDisclaimer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; body?: Maybe; cta: Scalars['String']; moreInfo: MoreInfo; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashSettings = { __typename?: 'SmartCashSettings'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; optOutConfirmation: MoreInfo; }; export type SmartCashSettingsInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashShieldUiConfig = { __typename?: 'SmartCashShieldUiConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; marginBottomShield?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashStatus = { __typename?: 'SmartCashStatus'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; eventType: SmartCashStatusEvent; id: Scalars['String']; largeHeading?: Maybe; moreInfo?: Maybe; smartCashSubheaderPill: SmartCashSubheaderPill; status: Scalars['String']; updatedAt: Scalars['String']; }; export enum SmartCashStatusEvent { REBALANCE = 'REBALANCE', SCAN = 'SCAN', UPSELL = 'UPSELL', } export type SmartCashSubheaderPill = { __typename?: 'SmartCashSubheaderPill'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashTaxExplainer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; fundStep: SmartCashFundStep; iraDisclaimer?: Maybe; taxStep: SmartCashTaxStep; yieldStep: SmartCashYieldStep; }; export type SmartCashTaxExplainerInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; fundStep: SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStep; ratesStep: SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRatesStep; retirementStep: SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStep; taxStep: SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStep; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array; description: Scalars['String']; fundImage: ImageAsset; fundName: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; topBreakdown: Array; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRatesStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRatesStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; rows: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxSection = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxSection'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTaxStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array; breakdownTotal?: Maybe; disclaimer?: Maybe; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; }; export type SmartCashTaxes = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxes'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclaimer?: Maybe; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; image: ImageAsset; }; export type SmartCashTotalBalance = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTotalBalance'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; balanceInfo: DataWidget; hasPendingTransaction: Scalars['Boolean']; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTransactionUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'SmartCashTransactionUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; movementId?: Maybe; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashTransferInfo = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTransferInfo'; cta?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashUpgrade = CashAssetPromotionCallout & { __typename?: 'SmartCashUpgrade'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; canBeDismissed: Scalars['Boolean']; cashAssetPromotionType: CashAssetPromotionType; promptId: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashYield = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYield'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; funds: Array; /** @deprecated Use funds instead */ icons?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; shieldUi: SmartCashShieldUiConfig; subtitle?: Maybe; yield: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostInfoDrawer = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostInfoDrawer'; imageUrl: Scalars['String']; shouldShow: Scalars['Boolean']; subtitle: ContentfulRichText; termsText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenFooter = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenFooter'; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; disclosures?: Maybe; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenHero = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenHero'; cta?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; titanCard?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenNavBar = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenNavBar'; cta: CoreSmartCashCta; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenResponse = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenResponse'; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; footer: SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenFooter; hero: SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenHero; inANutShell?: Maybe; navBar?: Maybe; sections?: Maybe>; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostResponse = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostResponse'; drawer: SmartCashYieldBoostInfoDrawer; widget: YieldBoostWidget; }; export type SmartCashYieldStep = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldStep'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclaimer?: Maybe; disclaimerDrawer?: Maybe; header: SmartCashPromoHeader; yield: SmartCashYield; }; export type SmartTransferDrawer = { __typename?: 'SmartTransferDrawer'; bodyArray: Array; buttonText: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; titleReplaceKey?: Maybe; type: DrawerType; }; export type SmartTransferFlowResponse = { __typename?: 'SmartTransferFlowResponse'; bankAccount?: Maybe; initialState?: Maybe; screenCopy: Array; screenStack: Array; userBankAccount?: Maybe; }; export type SmartTransferInitialState = { __typename?: 'SmartTransferInitialState'; idealCashBalance?: Maybe; }; export enum SnapTag { AFFILIATED_APPROVAL = 'AFFILIATED_APPROVAL', DOCUMENT = 'DOCUMENT', ID_DOCUMENT = 'ID_DOCUMENT', OTHER = 'OTHER', SIGNATURE_IMAGE = 'SIGNATURE_IMAGE', } export enum SnapshotStatus { Accepted = 'Accepted', Modified = 'Modified', Rejected = 'Rejected', Unknown = 'Unknown', } export type SneakersWealth = { __typename?: 'SneakersWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export enum Source { cash = 'cash', external = 'external', } export type SparklineData = { __typename?: 'SparklineData'; points: Array; }; export type SparklinePoint = { __typename?: 'SparklinePoint'; x: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type SplashAnnouncementNotificationData = { __typename?: 'SplashAnnouncementNotificationData'; announcementKey: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Created as a one off for a quick solution -- new Splash type should be created */ screenData: SplashAnnouncementScreenData; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type SplashAnnouncementNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'SplashAnnouncementNotificationPayload'; /** @deprecated Created as a hack -- create/use a new Splash type like DrawerPopup */ content: SplashAnnouncementNotificationData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export type SplashAnnouncementScreenData = { __typename?: 'SplashAnnouncementScreenData'; announcementId: Scalars['String']; body: Scalars['String']; disclosure?: Maybe; eyebrowLabel?: Maybe; mediaButtonLabel?: Maybe; mediaUrl?: Maybe; primaryAction: AnnouncementActionInfo; secondaryAction: AnnouncementActionInfo; title: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type SplashScreen = { __typename?: 'SplashScreen'; content?: Maybe; }; /** * UiAction that starts funding flow. The funding flow v3 feature flag should be enabled * for the user and the client should have funding flow V3 implemented. * Owned by the IXR squad. */ export type StartFundingFlowUiAction = UiAction & { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; fundingFlow: Scalars['String']; params?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; export type StateTaxNativeConfig = { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; chooseWithholding: ChooseWithholding; federalTaxWithholdingScreen: FederalTaxWithholdingScreen; iraWithholdingNotice: IraWithholdingNotice; stateTaxWithholdingScreen: StateTaxWithholdingScreen; }; export type StateTaxWithholdingBound = { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; boundType: BoundType; isStateTaxWithholdingValid: Scalars['Boolean']; mandatoryOptOut: Scalars['Boolean']; /** @deprecated Use maximumConfig instead */ maximum?: Maybe; maximumConfig: BoundConfig; /** @deprecated Use minimumConfig instead */ minimum?: Maybe; minimumConfig: BoundConfig; native: StateTaxNativeConfig; }; export type StateTaxWithholdingScreen = TaxWithholdingElements & { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen'; callout?: Maybe; errorMessage?: Maybe; mandatoryOptOutDrawer?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum StateWithholdingPercentValueType { ABSOLUTE = 'ABSOLUTE', FEDERAL = 'FEDERAL', } export type StatementDocument = { __typename?: 'StatementDocument'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type StatementInfo = { __typename?: 'StatementInfo'; accountName: Scalars['String']; accountNumber: Scalars['String']; accountType: AccountType; amountTransfer: Scalars['Float']; providerLogoUri?: Maybe; providerName: Scalars['String']; }; export type StatementUploadResponse = { __typename?: 'StatementUploadResponse'; result?: Maybe; }; export type StatementsResponse = { __typename?: 'StatementsResponse'; statements: Array; }; export type Strategies = { __typename?: 'Strategies'; existingPositions?: Maybe>>; positions?: Maybe>>; strategyFlavorId?: Maybe; strategyId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; style: Scalars['String']; validFrom: Scalars['Date']; validUntil?: Maybe; }; export type StrategiesConfig = { __typename?: 'StrategiesConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; configs: Array; id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type StrategyActivity = { __typename?: 'StrategyActivity'; action?: Maybe; date?: Maybe; holdingId?: Maybe; holdingName?: Maybe; imageUrl?: Maybe; }; export enum StrategyActivityAction { DECREASE = 'DECREASE', EXIT = 'EXIT', INCREASE = 'INCREASE', NEW = 'NEW', } export type StrategyActivityInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo'; action: StrategyActivityAction; actionLabel: Scalars['String']; commentary?: Maybe; date: Scalars['Date']; holdingInfo: HoldingInfoType; reason?: Maybe; side?: Maybe; strategyActivityInfoId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName?: Maybe; timeSinceTrade: Scalars['String']; tradeDetails?: Maybe>; }; export enum StrategyActivitySide { BUY = 'BUY', SELL = 'SELL', } export type StrategyAllocation = { __typename?: 'StrategyAllocation'; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyAnnouncementData = { __typename?: 'StrategyAnnouncementData'; hasVideo: Scalars['Boolean']; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyAnnouncementNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'StrategyAnnouncementNotificationPayload'; content: StrategyAnnouncementData; notificationType: NotificationType; }; export type StrategyAttribute = { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; explainerConfig?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyBenchmark = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark'; accountId: Scalars['String']; benchmark: BenchmarkData; id: Scalars['ID']; strategy: BenchmarkData; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChart = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart'; periodDomain: ChartPeriodDomain; rows: Array; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartMetadata = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartMetadata'; asOfDate: Scalars['String']; benchmarkComparison?: Maybe; benchmarkDescriptor: BenchmarkDescriptor; benchmarkName: Scalars['String']; legalAssumptions: BenchmarkDescriptor; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartResponse'; metadata: StrategyBenchmarkChartMetadata; periods: StrategyBenchmarkPeriods; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartRow = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartRow'; positionValue: Scalars['Float']; timestamp: Scalars['String']; twrPercent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkHelpInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkHelpInfo'; richText: ContentfulRichText; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkPeriods = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkPeriods'; all: StrategyBenchmarkChart; lastYear: StrategyBenchmarkChart; oneDay: StrategyBenchmarkChart; oneMonth: StrategyBenchmarkChart; oneWeek: StrategyBenchmarkChart; oneYear: StrategyBenchmarkChart; threeMonths: StrategyBenchmarkChart; yearToDate: StrategyBenchmarkChart; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkResponse'; asOfDate?: Maybe; helpInfo?: Maybe; lastUpdatedDate?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use periods.oneDay instead, last used in v283 */ oneDay?: Maybe>; periods?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyCapital = { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountIds: Array; id: Scalars['ID']; info: StrategyInfoType; performance: CapitalPerformance; reports: StrategyReport; reportsJSON: Scalars['JSON']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyConfig = { __typename?: 'StrategyConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accentColor?: Maybe; assetType: AssetType; displayName: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; organizationDisplayName: Scalars['String']; organizationType: OrganizationTypes; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyDisclaimerAction = { __typename?: 'StrategyDisclaimerAction'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyDisplayCopy = { __typename?: 'StrategyDisplayCopy'; managerFeeTooltip: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyDiversification = { __typename?: 'StrategyDiversification'; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig'; drawerProps?: Maybe; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; }; export type StrategyExpenseSummary = { netPerformance: StrategyPerformance; strategyExpenses: StrategyExpensesBreakdown; valuePropositions: Array; }; export type StrategyExpenses = { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenses'; breakdown?: Maybe>>; grossTotal?: Maybe; reimbursement?: Maybe; total?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExpensesBreakdown = { __typename?: 'StrategyExpensesBreakdown'; breakdown: Array; grossTotal?: Maybe; reimbursement?: Maybe; totalLabel: Scalars['String']; totalValue: Scalars['String']; valueLabel?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExpensesData = StrategyExpenseSummary & { __typename?: 'StrategyExpensesData'; netPerformance: StrategyPerformance; netPerformanceDisclaimer?: Maybe; organizationName: Scalars['String']; platformFee?: Maybe; platformFeeWaived: Scalars['Boolean']; portfolioWeight?: Maybe; strategyExpenses: StrategyExpensesBreakdown; strategyExpensesDisclaimer: StrategyGenericDisclaimer; strategyIcon: StrategyIcon; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; transactionFees?: Maybe>; /** @deprecated old design */ valuePropositions: Array; /** @deprecated old design */ valuePropositionsTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyExpensesDrawerConfig = { __typename?: 'StrategyExpensesDrawerConfig'; ctaLabel?: Maybe; drawerId: Scalars['String']; netPerformance?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use explicit types instead */ props?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; text?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; valuePropositions?: Maybe>>; }; export type StrategyExpensesLineItem = { __typename?: 'StrategyExpensesLineItem'; disclaimer?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyExperience = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; documents: StrategyExperienceDocuments; experienceVariant: StrategyExperienceVariant; logo: ImageAsset; recentTrades?: Maybe; strategyAlert?: Maybe; strategyAttributes: StrategyExperienceAttributes; strategyDescription?: Maybe; strategyHoldingsWeights: StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyExperienceAction = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; description: Scalars['String']; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; uiAction?: Maybe; }; export enum StrategyExperienceActionType { INVEST = 'INVEST', WITHDRAW = 'WITHDRAW', } export type StrategyExperienceActions = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceActions'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; invest?: Maybe; withdraw?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExperienceAlert = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAlert'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; explainerConfig?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExperienceAttributes = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAttributes'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; advisoryFees?: Maybe; annualDistributionRate?: Maybe; annualizedHistoricalPerformance?: Maybe; asOfDate: StrategyAttribute; assetClass: StrategyAttribute; /** @deprecated use StrategyExperienceKeyInfo in strategy overview instead */ description: Scalars['String']; fundSize?: Maybe; inceptionDate?: Maybe; minimumInvestment?: Maybe; strategyExpenses?: Maybe; taxReporting?: Maybe; withdrawals?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExperienceDataDisclosure = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDataDisclosure'; dataAsOfLabel: Scalars['String']; disclosure: DataDisclosure; }; export type StrategyExperienceDocument = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocument'; description?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyExperienceDocuments = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; documents: Array; }; export type StrategyExperienceFaq = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaq'; explainerConfig?: Maybe; question: Scalars['String']; url?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExperienceFaqs = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaqs'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; faqs: Array; }; export type StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; explainerConfig?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use holdingWeightExperience instead */ holdingWeights: Array; subtitle?: Maybe; weightsExperience: HoldingWeightExperience; }; export type StrategyExperienceKeyInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; info: Array; }; export type StrategyExperienceOverview = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; disclosures?: Maybe; keyInfoOverview?: Maybe; widgets?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyExperienceRecentTrades = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceRecentTrades'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; explainerConfig?: Maybe; trades: Array; }; export enum StrategyExperienceVariant { CASH_ASSET = 'CASH_ASSET', INVESTED = 'INVESTED', UNINVESTED = 'UNINVESTED', } export type StrategyExperienceWidgets = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceWidgets'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; widgets: Array; }; export type StrategyFeeUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'StrategyFeeUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyFeesBreakdown = { __typename?: 'StrategyFeesBreakdown'; disclaimer?: Maybe; fee: Scalars['Float']; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyFlavor = { __typename?: 'StrategyFlavor'; description: Scalars['String']; excludedSymbols: Array>; name: Scalars['String']; restrictions?: Maybe; strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; style: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; validFrom: Scalars['Date']; validUntil?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyGenericDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'StrategyGenericDisclaimer'; additionalInfo?: Maybe; closeButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; disclaimer: Scalars['String']; secondaryCta?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyGroupingData = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingData'; description: Scalars['String']; displayName: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; order: Scalars['Int']; shortDesc: Scalars['String']; shortName: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; strategyGroupingKey: Scalars['String']; tip: Scalars['String']; ui: StrategyGroupingUi; whys: Array; }; export type StrategyGroupingUi = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingUi'; color: UiColor; gradient: UiGradient; iconBackgroundColor: UiColor; textColor: UiColor; }; export type StrategyGroupingValue = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingValue'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; color: Scalars['String']; gradient: UiGradient; iconBackgroundColor: UiColor; order: Scalars['Int']; strategyGroupStrategyCapitals: Array; strategyGroupingDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyGroupingKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyGroupingWhys = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingWhys'; image: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyGroupingsInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type StrategyGroupingsResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingsResponse'; strategyGroupings: Array; }; export type StrategyHoldingDimension = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingDimension'; categories: Array; categoryCount: Scalars['Int']; dimensionDescription?: Maybe; dimensionDisplayName: Scalars['String']; dimensionKey: HoldingDimensionKey; subtitleRow?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyHoldingFullListInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyHoldingFullListResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingFullListResponse'; holdingWeightRevealDate: Scalars['Date']; holdings: Array; sortKeys: Array; subHoldings?: Maybe>; }; export type StrategyHoldingListSortKey = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingListSortKey'; description?: Maybe; displayName: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; key: Scalars['String']; order?: Maybe; shortDisplayName?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; uiVariant: StrategyHoldingUiVariant; }; export type StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartDataResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; performanceData: Scalars['JSON']; }; export type StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartInput = { symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyHoldingPerformanceChartInputV2 = { assetId: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyHoldingPreviewInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; excludedHoldings?: InputMaybe>; limit?: InputMaybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyHoldingPreviewResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingPreviewResponse'; holdings: Array; holdingsCount: Scalars['Int']; sortKey: StrategyHoldingListSortKey; }; export enum StrategyHoldingUiVariant { UiHoldingItemCashValue = 'UiHoldingItemCashValue', UiHoldingItemDate = 'UiHoldingItemDate', UiHoldingItemError = 'UiHoldingItemError', UiHoldingItemHidden = 'UiHoldingItemHidden', UiHoldingItemNoWeightNoOp = 'UiHoldingItemNoWeightNoOp', UiHoldingItemOneDayPerformance = 'UiHoldingItemOneDayPerformance', UiHoldingItemPerformance = 'UiHoldingItemPerformance', UiHoldingItemSummary = 'UiHoldingItemSummary', UiHoldingItemUserPerformance = 'UiHoldingItemUserPerformance', UiHoldingItemWeight = 'UiHoldingItemWeight', } export type StrategyHoldingsListDetails = { __typename?: 'StrategyHoldingsListDetails'; cta?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum StrategyHoldingsSortOrderEnum { ASC = 'ASC', DESC = 'DESC', } export type StrategyIcon = { __typename?: 'StrategyIcon'; backgroundColor: UiColor; icon: Icon; icons?: Maybe>; }; export type StrategyIdentifier = { __typename?: 'StrategyIdentifier'; displayName?: Maybe; strategyInfoId?: Maybe; strategyKey?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyInfo'; cash: Scalars['Float']; equities: Array; strategy: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyInfoCharacteristics = { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoCharacteristics'; annualDistributionRate?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use Performance.annualizedPerformance instead */ annualizedPerformance?: Maybe; assetTypeWeight: Scalars['Float']; category: AssetType; distributionRateDisclaimer?: Maybe; expectedPerformance: Scalars['Float']; expenses?: Maybe; fees: Fees; leverage: Scalars['Float']; liquidity: Scalars['Float']; minimumInvestments: MinimumInvestments; risk: Scalars['Float']; valuePropositions?: Maybe>>; withdrawalFrequency?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyInfoMetrics = { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoMetrics'; overview: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyInfoType = { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; allTimePerformance?: Maybe; appViewingPermissions: AppViewingPermissions; asOf?: Maybe; assetType: AssetType; assetsUnderManagement?: Maybe; averageMarketCap?: Maybe; characteristics: StrategyInfoCharacteristics; disclosures?: Maybe>; displayName: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated use characteristics */ feePercentage?: Maybe; hasScorecard: Scalars['Boolean']; holdingsMetadata?: Maybe; holdingsTargets?: Maybe; icon: Icon; icons?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; inceptionDate?: Maybe; mandate?: Maybe; medianMarketCap?: Maybe; metrics: StrategyInfoMetrics; organizationDisplayName: Scalars['String']; organizationId: Scalars['String']; organizationType: OrganizationTypes; performanceTextOverride?: Maybe; pitchMedia?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; summary: Scalars['String']; taxReporting?: Maybe; teamMemberIds: Array; timeHorizon?: Maybe; withdrawalDates: Array; }; export type StrategyInvestmentTeam = { __typename?: 'StrategyInvestmentTeam'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; members: Array; }; export type StrategyKeyPoint = { __typename?: 'StrategyKeyPoint'; attribute: Scalars['String']; subtext?: Maybe; uiAction?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyMeta = { __typename?: 'StrategyMeta'; description: Scalars['String']; holdingSize: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyMixType = { __typename?: 'StrategyMixType'; assetType: Scalars['String']; percent: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyNetTransfersType = { __typename?: 'StrategyNetTransfersType'; netTransfers: Scalars['Float']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyPerformance = { __typename?: 'StrategyPerformance'; info: StrategyPerformanceInfoText; label: Scalars['String']; value?: Maybe; valueLabel?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyPerformanceConfig = { __typename?: 'StrategyPerformanceConfig'; performanceAsOfPrettyDate: Scalars['String']; performancePeriod?: Maybe; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyPerformanceDisclosureBody?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyPerformanceDetails = { __typename?: 'StrategyPerformanceDetails'; percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyPerformanceInfoText = { __typename?: 'StrategyPerformanceInfoText'; disclaimer?: Maybe; mainText: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyPitchResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyPitchResponse'; content?: Maybe
; }; export type StrategyPlatformFeeData = { __typename?: 'StrategyPlatformFeeData'; calloutText?: Maybe; originalValue: Scalars['String']; platformFee: Scalars['String']; portfolioWeight: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyPlatformFees = { __typename?: 'StrategyPlatformFees'; feeTitle: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; }; export type StrategyPosition = { __typename?: 'StrategyPosition'; isNew?: Maybe; maxWeight?: Maybe; minWeight?: Maybe; symbol: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyPreviewResponse = { __typename?: 'StrategyPreviewResponse'; currentPositions: Array; recentTrades: Array; strategyMeta: StrategyMeta; }; export type StrategyQuestion = { __typename?: 'StrategyQuestion'; answer: Scalars['String']; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyRecommendation = { __typename?: 'StrategyRecommendation'; eligible: Scalars['Boolean']; is3PStrategyKey?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyRecommendationType = UnfundedHomeRecommendation & { __typename?: 'StrategyRecommendationType'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: UnfundedHomeRecommendationEnum; author?: Maybe; checklist: Array; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; disclosures?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyRecommendationsInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; blacklistedAssetTypes: Array; deposit: Scalars['Float']; ira?: InputMaybe; liquidity?: InputMaybe; recommendationType?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type StrategyReport = { __typename?: 'StrategyReport'; all: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; lastYear: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; meta: StrategyReportMeta; oneDay: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; oneMonth: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; oneWeek: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; oneYear: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; threeMonths: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; yearToDate: StrategyReportPeriodInfo; }; export type StrategyReportMeta = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportMeta'; legalAssumptions?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyReportMoreInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportMoreInfo'; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; description: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyReportPeriod = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPeriod'; dateFormat?: Maybe; key?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; periodKey?: Maybe; shortLabel?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyReportPeriodInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPeriodInfo'; meta?: Maybe; rows: Array; }; export type StrategyReportPeriodMeta = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPeriodMeta'; description: Scalars['String']; info: Array; legalAssumptions?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfo'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: Scalars['String']; moreInfo?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat { CurrencyDelta = 'CurrencyDelta', PercentDelta = 'PercentDelta', PlainText = 'PlainText', } export type StrategyReportReports = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportReports'; all?: Maybe>; fiveYears?: Maybe>; lastYear?: Maybe>; oneDay?: Maybe>; oneMonth?: Maybe>; oneWeek?: Maybe>; oneYear?: Maybe>; sixMonths?: Maybe>; threeMonths?: Maybe>; threeYears?: Maybe>; yearToDate?: Maybe>; }; export type StrategyReportRow = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportRow'; changeDollars: Scalars['Float']; changePercent: Scalars['Float']; cumulativeNetTransfers?: Maybe; netTransfers: Scalars['Float']; positionValue: Scalars['Float']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; twrPercent: Scalars['Float']; y: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyReportType = { __typename?: 'StrategyReportType'; accountId: Scalars['String']; defaultPeriod: Scalars['String']; infoText: Scalars['String']; lastRow?: Maybe; periods: Array; reports: StrategyReportReports; reportsV2?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StrategyRequiredForm = { __typename?: 'StrategyRequiredForm'; requiredForm: JsonFormId; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyRequirementInfo = { __typename?: 'StrategyRequirementInfo'; strategyKeys?: Maybe>; }; export type StrategyRequirements = { __typename?: 'StrategyRequirements'; legalAgreements?: Maybe; strategyRequiredForms: Array; }; export enum StrategyScreenSectionGroupId { ACTIVITY = 'ACTIVITY', BONUS = 'BONUS', DISCLOSURES = 'DISCLOSURES', FAQ = 'FAQ', HOLDINGS = 'HOLDINGS', OVERVIEW = 'OVERVIEW', PERFORMANCE = 'PERFORMANCE', SANDBOX = 'SANDBOX', } export type StrategySummary = { __typename?: 'StrategySummary'; body: TitanUniversalTextField; readMoreAction: LabeledAction; strategy: StrategyIdentifier; tradeInfoLabel: Scalars['String']; tradeInfoLabelColor: Scalars['String']; trades?: Maybe>; }; export type StrategyTransactionDestination = TransactionDestination & { __typename?: 'StrategyTransactionDestination'; accountType: AccountType; accountTypeDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; transactionDestinationType: TransactionDestinationType; }; export type StrategyUserActivity = { __typename?: 'StrategyUserActivity'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; }; export type StrategyValueProposition = { __typename?: 'StrategyValueProposition'; /** @deprecated old design */ details?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated old design */ value?: Maybe; }; export type StrategyWeight = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type StratgiesExpensesSection = { __typename?: 'StratgiesExpensesSection'; disclaimer?: Maybe; strategies: Array; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type StudentLoanWealth = { __typename?: 'StudentLoanWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type SubmitWithdrawalResponse = { __typename?: 'SubmitWithdrawalResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; summary: TransferSummary; systemIntentId?: Maybe; }; export type SubtitleRow = { __typename?: 'SubtitleRow'; infoText: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type SuccessResponse = { __typename?: 'SuccessResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SuggestedContentType = { __typename?: 'SuggestedContentType'; header: Scalars['String']; infoCTA: SuggestedInfoCtaType; }; export type SuggestedDeposit = { __typename?: 'SuggestedDeposit'; allocations: Allocations; deposit: Scalars['Float']; metrics: AllocationMetrics; optimizeProps: OptimizeProps; performance: FundPerformance; }; export type SuggestedInfoCtaType = { __typename?: 'SuggestedInfoCTAType'; icon?: Maybe; uiAction: UiAction; }; export enum SummaryMissingReason { MarketClosedToday = 'MarketClosedToday', WaitingForCommentary = 'WaitingForCommentary', } export enum SupportedCommunityContentTypes { DAILY_MARKET_SUMMARY = 'DAILY_MARKET_SUMMARY', } export enum SystemIntentStatus { ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE', CANCELED = 'CANCELED', COMPLETE = 'COMPLETE', ERRORED = 'ERRORED', } export type SystemIntents = { __typename?: 'SystemIntents'; accountId: Scalars['String']; blocks: Scalars['String']; canceledAt?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; currentExecutionIndex: Scalars['String']; error?: Maybe; lastExecutionDate?: Maybe; metadata?: Maybe; nextExecutionDate: Scalars['Date']; notes?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; type: Scalars['String']; }; export type TpToolTip = { __typename?: 'TPToolTip'; caption?: Maybe; drawerBody: Scalars['String']; drawerTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type TableCell = { __typename?: 'TableCell'; descriptor?: Maybe; format?: Maybe; image?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum TableCellFormat { CurrencyDelta = 'CurrencyDelta', Header = 'Header', NegativeCurrency = 'NegativeCurrency', PercentDelta = 'PercentDelta', PlainText = 'PlainText', } export type TableForAccount = { __typename?: 'TableForAccount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountLabelForTable?: Maybe; tableInfo: Array; }; export type Target = { __typename?: 'Target'; allocations: Allocations; metrics: AllocationMetrics; optimizeProps: OptimizeProps; }; export type TargetPortfolio = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolio'; weights: Array; }; export type TargetPortfolioAccountOption = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioAccountOption'; accountId?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; disabled?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioAccountScreen = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioAccountScreen'; accountOptions: Array; header: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioDepositOption = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioDepositOption'; actionLabel?: Maybe; description?: Maybe; disabled?: Maybe; eyebrow?: Maybe; successAlertLabel?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioDepositScreen = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioDepositScreen'; customOption: TargetPortfolioDepositOption; header: Scalars['String']; overTimeOption: TargetPortfolioDepositOption; recommendedOption: TargetPortfolioDepositOption; }; export type TargetPortfolioFaq = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioFaq'; questions: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioFaqQuestion = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioFaqQuestion'; answer: Scalars['String']; question: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; blacklistedAssetTypes: Array; liquidity?: InputMaybe; risk?: InputMaybe; userId?: InputMaybe; }; export type TargetPortfolioResults = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioResults'; result: Scalars['String']; }; export type TargetPortfolioScheduleCall = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioScheduleCall'; body: Scalars['String']; cta: TextCta; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; image: ImageAsset; }; export type TargetPortfolioUi = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioUi'; cards: Array; ctaLabel: Scalars['String']; data: Array; faq: TargetPortfolioFaq; scheduleCall?: Maybe; tooltips: TargetPortfolioUiToolTips; }; export type TargetPortfolioUiCard = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioUiCard'; pieChart: TargetPortfolioUiCardPieChart; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; type: TargetPortfolioUiCardType; }; export type TargetPortfolioUiCardPieChart = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioUiCardPieChart'; centerSubtitle: Scalars['String']; centerTitle: Scalars['String']; }; export enum TargetPortfolioUiCardType { ALTERNATIVE = 'ALTERNATIVE', LIQUID = 'LIQUID', TARGET = 'TARGET', } export type TargetPortfolioUiData = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioUiData'; alternativeAssetColor: Scalars['String']; assetDisplayName: Scalars['String']; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; current: Scalars['Float']; defaultColor: Scalars['String']; isAlternativeInvestment: Scalars['Boolean']; isLiquidInvestment?: Maybe; liquidAssetColor: Scalars['String']; target: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TargetPortfolioUiInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; ignoreExternalAssets?: InputMaybe; }; export type TargetPortfolioUiToolTips = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioUiToolTips'; bonds: TpToolTip; liquidity: TpToolTip; stocks: TpToolTip; }; export type TargetPortfolioWeight = { __typename?: 'TargetPortfolioWeight'; assetType: AssetType; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TaxCenterNativeBanner = { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeBanner'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; ctaText: Scalars['String']; richText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxCenterNativeConfig = { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountTabBanner?: Maybe; documents2022Note: Docs2022Note; linkTaxSoftwareTutorial: Array; needToKnow: Array; whatToExpect: WhatToExpect; }; export type TaxDetails = { __typename?: 'TaxDetails'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ address?: Maybe
; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ currentAddressIsValid?: Maybe; native: NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ preTaxHouseholdIncome?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ preTaxIncome?: Maybe; shouldVerifyTaxDetails: Scalars['Boolean']; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ stateDisplayName?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use userPersonalInfo instead, this is a legacy field */ taxFilingStatus?: Maybe; }; export type TaxDocument = { __typename?: 'TaxDocument'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxDocumentStatus = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: TaxDocumentStatusEnum; }; export enum TaxDocumentStatusEnum { PENDING = 'PENDING', READY = 'READY', } export type TaxDocumentStatusPending = TaxDocumentStatus & { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: TaxDocumentStatusEnum; expectedDate: Scalars['Date']; expectedDateRange: Scalars['String']; subtext?: Maybe; }; export type TaxDocumentStatusReady = TaxDocumentStatus & { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: TaxDocumentStatusEnum; date: Scalars['Date']; docViewerButtonLabel?: Maybe; files: Array; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxDocumentsResponse = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; taxCenterNativeConfig: TaxCenterNativeConfig; taxDetails: TaxDetails; /** @deprecated Use taxRecords instead, this is a legacy field */ taxDocuments: Array; taxExemptEarnings?: Maybe; taxRecords: Array; userPersonalInfo: UserPersonalInfo; }; /** * This field is optional because not all people invested in Treasury or Smart Cash * for a particular tax year, so we don't want to show that user any information * about this flow at all. */ export type TaxExemptEarnings = { __typename?: 'TaxExemptEarnings'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; breakdown: Array>; native: NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow; taxExemptEarningsAmount: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum TaxFilingStatus { headOfHousehold = 'headOfHousehold', marriedJointly = 'marriedJointly', marriedSeparately = 'marriedSeparately', single = 'single', } export type TaxRecord = { __typename?: 'TaxRecord'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; description: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; native: TaxRecordNativeUi; status: TaxDocumentStatus; titanAccountIdLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxRecordNativeUi = { __typename?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; table: Array; warning?: Maybe; }; export type TaxRecordTableInfo = { __typename?: 'TaxRecordTableInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; label: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxRecordWarning = { __typename?: 'TaxRecordWarning'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxWithholdingElements = { callout?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TaxWitholding = { __typename?: 'TaxWitholding'; value: Scalars['Float']; valueType: WitholdingType; }; export enum TaxableAccountStatus { NON_TAXABLE = 'NON_TAXABLE', TAXABLE = 'TAXABLE', } export type TaxesNeedToKnowBullet = { __typename?: 'TaxesNeedToKnowBullet'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _needToKnowType: TaxesNeedToKnowTypeEnum; ctaLabel?: Maybe; richText?: Maybe; }; export enum TaxesNeedToKnowTypeEnum { RICH_TEXT = 'RICH_TEXT', TREASURY_EARNINGS = 'TREASURY_EARNINGS', } export type TeamMember = { __typename?: 'TeamMember'; biography: Scalars['String']; firstName: Scalars['String']; headshot?: Maybe; lastName: Scalars['String']; organizationId: Scalars['String']; teamMemberId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TerminalCardData = { __typename?: 'TerminalCardData'; message: Scalars['String']; }; export type TerminalNotificationPayload = { __typename?: 'TerminalNotificationPayload'; notificationType: NotificationType; terminalCard: TerminalCardData; }; export type TestCasesResponse = { __typename?: 'TestCasesResponse'; results: TestCasesResults; }; export type TestCasesResults = { __typename?: 'TestCasesResults'; feeComparisonCases: FeeComparisonResults; idealBalance: IdealBalanceResults; idealBalancePrototypeTestCases: IdealBalancePrototypeTestCaseResults; idealBalanceSummaryTestCases: IdealBalanceSummaryTestCaseResults; idealDeposits: IdealDepositResults; incremental: IncrementalResults; incrementalPrototypeTestCases: IncrementalPrototypeTestCaseResults; targetPortfolio: TargetPortfolioResults; }; export type TextCta = { __typename?: 'TextCta'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction?: Maybe; }; export type TextStrategyScreenUiActionCta = { __typename?: 'TextStrategyScreenUiActionCta'; action: UiAction; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type ThisYearContribution = { __typename?: 'ThisYearContribution'; ageGte50: Scalars['Boolean']; catchUpContribution: Scalars['Float']; maximumAnnually: Scalars['Float']; remainingContribution: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Thumbs = { __typename?: 'Thumbs'; id: Scalars['String']; thumbsDown: SingleReactionInfo; thumbsUp: SingleReactionInfo; }; export type TimeStamps = { __typename?: 'TimeStamps'; publishedAt?: Maybe; }; export type TimelineStepButtonType = { __typename?: 'TimelineStepButtonType'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; variant?: Maybe; }; export type TimelineStepIcon = { __typename?: 'TimelineStepIcon'; backgroundColor?: Maybe; color?: Maybe; icon: Icon; }; export type TimelineStepType = { __typename?: 'TimelineStepType'; date?: Maybe; details: Scalars['String']; highlightColor?: Maybe; highlightText?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; isCompleted: Scalars['Boolean']; isHidden: Scalars['Boolean']; isWarning?: Maybe; /** * Allow nesting of timeline steps. Currently only Rollover Summary uses this * and in the client goes max 1 level deep. */ nestedTimeline?: Maybe; stepActionButton?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; titleColor?: Maybe; }; export type TimelineSteps = UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection & { __typename?: 'TimelineSteps'; _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; numStepsCompleted: Scalars['Int']; timelineSteps?: Maybe>; }; export type TitanAccount = { __typename?: 'TitanAccount'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanCashFuture = { __typename?: 'TitanCashFuture'; action: TitanFutureCta; body?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanColorCta = { __typename?: 'TitanColorCTA'; text: Scalars['String']; titanColor?: Maybe; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type TitanCommentReply = { __typename?: 'TitanCommentReply'; commentId: Scalars['String']; replyText: Scalars['String']; richText: ContentfulRichText; titanAuthor: AuthorIdentifier; }; export type TitanCreditCard = { __typename?: 'TitanCreditCard'; active?: Maybe; subtitle1?: Maybe; subtitle2?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanFuture = { __typename?: 'TitanFuture'; chart: Chart; checklist: Checklist; diversify: Diversify; header: Scalars['String']; portfolioMeta: TitanFutureMeta; recurring: Recurring; titanCash: TitanCashFuture; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanFutureCta = { __typename?: 'TitanFutureCTA'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type TitanFutureMeta = { __typename?: 'TitanFutureMeta'; currentBalance: Scalars['Float']; idealBalance: Scalars['Float']; idealRate: Scalars['Float']; titanCashValue: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TitanInvestingAccount = { __typename?: 'TitanInvestingAccount'; id: Scalars['ID']; label: Scalars['String']; type: AccountType; userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanOfferingInfo = { __typename?: 'TitanOfferingInfo'; displayName: Scalars['String']; minimumInvestmentAmount: Scalars['Float']; titanOfferingKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type TitanOfferingStrategyWeight = { __typename?: 'TitanOfferingStrategyWeight'; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TitanPreviewContent = { __typename?: 'TitanPreviewContent'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; category?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; imageUrl?: Maybe; publishedAt?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type TitanUniversalContent = { _contentType: ContentTypeEnum; authorIdentifier?: Maybe; contentId: Scalars['String']; franchiseIdentifier?: Maybe; holdings?: Maybe>; meta?: Maybe; organizationIdentifier?: Maybe; reactionsInfo?: Maybe; shareData?: Maybe; strategies?: Maybe>; strategyIdentifier?: Maybe; timestamps: TimeStamps; }; export type TitanUniversalTextField = { __typename?: 'TitanUniversalTextField'; markdown?: Maybe; richText?: Maybe; }; export type TitledDisclosure = { __typename?: 'TitledDisclosure'; body: Scalars['String']; disclosureCopy: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type ToDoCompletedDetails = { __typename?: 'ToDoCompletedDetails'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; primaryCtaText?: Maybe; secondaryCtaText?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export enum ToDoKey { BOOK_INTRO_TO_IR_CALL = 'BOOK_INTRO_TO_IR_CALL', CREATE_INDIVIDUAL_ACCOUNT = 'CREATE_INDIVIDUAL_ACCOUNT', CREATE_IRA_ACCOUNT = 'CREATE_IRA_ACCOUNT', CREATE_PROFILE = 'CREATE_PROFILE', DOWNLOAD_TAX_DOCUMENTS = 'DOWNLOAD_TAX_DOCUMENTS', EXPLORE_INVESTMENTS = 'EXPLORE_INVESTMENTS', FILE_TAXES = 'FILE_TAXES', MAKE_FIRST_INVESTMENT = 'MAKE_FIRST_INVESTMENT', MAKE_FIRST_SMART_CASH_DEPOSIT = 'MAKE_FIRST_SMART_CASH_DEPOSIT', MAX_LAST_YEAR_IRA = 'MAX_LAST_YEAR_IRA', MAX_THIS_YEAR_IRA = 'MAX_THIS_YEAR_IRA', REVIEW_FINANCIAL_PROFILE = 'REVIEW_FINANCIAL_PROFILE', REVIEW_PERSONAL_PROFILE = 'REVIEW_PERSONAL_PROFILE', SCHEDULE_IR_CALL = 'SCHEDULE_IR_CALL', SETUP_RECURRING_TRANSFER = 'SETUP_RECURRING_TRANSFER', VERIFY_EMAIL = 'VERIFY_EMAIL', VIEW_TAX_DOCUMENTS = 'VIEW_TAX_DOCUMENTS', } export type ToDoReminders = { __typename?: 'ToDoReminders'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; descriptions?: Maybe>; title?: Maybe; }; export enum ToDoStatus { BLOCKED = 'BLOCKED', COMPLETE = 'COMPLETE', DISMISSED = 'DISMISSED', INCOMPLETE = 'INCOMPLETE', } export type ToastComponentContent = { __typename?: 'ToastComponentContent'; additionCopy: Scalars['String']; resetCopy: Scalars['String']; }; export type TodoAgent = { __typename?: 'TodoAgent'; avatarUrl?: Maybe; displayName?: Maybe; name?: Maybe; }; export type TodoCta = { __typename?: 'TodoCta'; descriptor?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; intent?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; sublabel?: Maybe; }; export type TodoInfo = { __typename?: 'TodoInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; agent?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; disclosures?: Maybe; dismiss?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Front end handles this now */ primaryCta?: Maybe; primaryCtaText?: Maybe; reminders?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use todoSecondaryCta instead */ secondaryCta?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; todoId: Scalars['String']; todoSecondaryCta?: Maybe; }; export enum TodoIntent { EXPLORE_TAX_FAQ = 'EXPLORE_TAX_FAQ', OPEN_IRA_CALL = 'OPEN_IRA_CALL', } export type TodoRequirements = FundingTodoRequirements; export type TopMoversHelpInfo = { __typename?: 'TopMoversHelpInfo'; richText?: Maybe; }; export type TotalEarningsExplainerType = MoreInfoExplainerConfig & { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType'; legalAssumptions?: Maybe; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; netDeposits: PerformanceAttributeRowMeta; richText: ContentfulRichText; title: Scalars['String']; totalBalance: PerformanceAttributeRowMeta; totalGain: PerformanceAttributeRowMeta; }; export type TotalExecutionTimeResponse = { __typename?: 'TotalExecutionTimeResponse'; totalTime: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TotalInterestEarnedType = { __typename?: 'TotalInterestEarnedType'; totalInterestEarned: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TotalStrategicCashType = { __typename?: 'TotalStrategicCashType'; totalStrategicCash: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TotalTitanCashType = { __typename?: 'TotalTitanCashType'; totalTitanCash: Scalars['Float']; }; export type Trade = { __typename?: 'Trade'; action: Scalars['String']; assetUrl: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; side: Side; ticker: Scalars['String']; }; export type TradeConfirmationDocument = { __typename?: 'TradeConfirmationDocument'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; title: Scalars['String']; url: Scalars['String']; }; export type TradeConfirmationsResponse = { __typename?: 'TradeConfirmationsResponse'; tradeConfirmations: Array; }; export type TradeData = { __typename?: 'TradeData'; newEquity?: Maybe; positionChange?: Maybe; }; export type TradesInput = { strategyActivityInfoId?: InputMaybe; }; export type TradesResponse = { __typename?: 'TradesResponse'; _CACHE_ID?: Maybe; trade?: Maybe; tradesList?: Maybe>; }; export type TransactionAllocationDetails = { __typename?: 'TransactionAllocationDetails'; body: Scalars['String']; destinations: Array; footer: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type TransactionAllocationInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; movementId: Scalars['String']; }; export type TransactionAllocationPayload = { __typename?: 'TransactionAllocationPayload'; details: TransactionAllocationDetails; }; export type TransactionDestination = { accountType: AccountType; accountTypeDisplayName: Scalars['String']; transactionDestinationType: TransactionDestinationType; }; export enum TransactionDestinationType { STRATEGY = 'STRATEGY', } export type TransactionDetail = { __typename?: 'TransactionDetail'; amount: Scalars['Float']; completedAt?: Maybe; destination: TransactionDestination; estimatedCompletedAt?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; initiatedAt: Scalars['Date']; sourceLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type TransactionMeta = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionTypeEnum; latestStatus?: Maybe; }; export type TransactionProgress = { __typename?: 'TransactionProgress'; progress: Scalars['Int']; steps: Array; }; export type TransactionReceipt = { __typename?: 'TransactionReceipt'; header: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['ID']; nestedTransactionReceipts: Array; subheader?: Maybe; transactionDetail: TransactionDetail; transactionProgress: TransactionProgress; }; export type TransactionReceiptResponse = { __typename?: 'TransactionReceiptResponse'; id: Scalars['ID']; receipt?: Maybe; summary?: Maybe; }; export type TransactionStatus = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionStatusEnum; }; export enum TransactionStatusEnum { CANCELLED = 'CANCELLED', COMPLETED = 'COMPLETED', ERRORED = 'ERRORED', IN_PROGRESS = 'IN_PROGRESS', PAUSED = 'PAUSED', } export type TransactionStep = { __typename?: 'TransactionStep'; isComplete: Scalars['Boolean']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TransactionSummary = { __typename?: 'TransactionSummary'; allocationDetails?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Please try to use TransactionMeta instead. */ cancelTransactionData: CancelTransactionType; /** @deprecated Please try to use TransactionMeta instead. */ cancelType: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; headerAction?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Please try to use TransactionMeta instead. */ isCancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; /** @deprecated Please try to use TransactionMeta instead. */ isRecurring?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Please try to use TransactionMeta instead. */ isWaiting?: Maybe; orderDetails: OrderDetailsType; subheader: Scalars['String']; timelineSteps: Array; transactionDetails?: Maybe; transactionMeta?: Maybe; }; export enum TransactionTypeEnum { DEPOSIT = 'DEPOSIT', INVEST = 'INVEST', WITHDRAWAL_TO_BANK = 'WITHDRAWAL_TO_BANK', WITHDRAWAL_TO_TITAN_CASH = 'WITHDRAWAL_TO_TITAN_CASH', } export type TransactionUserActivity = UserActivity & { __typename?: 'TransactionUserActivity'; accountId: Scalars['String']; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type Transfer = { __typename?: 'Transfer'; completedAt?: Maybe; initiatedAt?: Maybe; }; export enum TransferAleMessageDirection { ACH_DEPOSIT = 'ACH_DEPOSIT', ACH_WITHDRAWAL = 'ACH_WITHDRAWAL', CREDIT = 'CREDIT', FEE = 'FEE', JOINING = 'JOINING', JOINING_AND_LEAVING = 'JOINING_AND_LEAVING', LEAVING = 'LEAVING', UNDEFINED = 'UNDEFINED', in = 'in', out = 'out', } export type TransferAleMessageObject = { __typename?: 'TransferAleMessageObject'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; attempts: Scalars['Float']; createdAt?: Maybe; messageId: Scalars['Float']; payload: SentinelAchTransferStatus; status?: Maybe; timestamp: Scalars['Date']; topic: Scalars['String']; updatedAt?: Maybe; }; export enum TransferAleMessagePayloadApprovalMethod { MICRO_DEPOSIT = 'MICRO_DEPOSIT', PLAID = 'PLAID', } export type TransferFundsOption = { __typename?: 'TransferFundsOption'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: TransferOptionType; callout?: Maybe; enabled: Scalars['Boolean']; number?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TransferLimits = { __typename?: 'TransferLimits'; max: Scalars['Int']; min: Scalars['Int']; }; export type TransferObject = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cashType?: Maybe; completedAt?: Maybe; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; groupAmount?: Maybe; initiatedAt?: Maybe; instant: Scalars['Boolean']; iraDetails?: Maybe; promoIdentifier?: Maybe; recurring: Scalars['Boolean']; settledAt?: Maybe; sourceId?: Maybe; status: Scalars['String']; transferId: Scalars['String']; transferNumber?: Maybe; updatedAt: Scalars['Date']; userBankAccountId?: Maybe; }; export enum TransferOptionType { DEPOSIT = 'DEPOSIT', INVEST = 'INVEST', RECURRING = 'RECURRING', ROLL_OVER = 'ROLL_OVER', TRADE = 'TRADE', WITHDRAW = 'WITHDRAW', } export type TransferSettings = { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; assetListConfig?: Maybe; popularInvestments?: Maybe>; popularStocksEtfs?: Maybe; transferOptionsAvailable: Array; }; export type TransferSummary = { __typename?: 'TransferSummary'; accountId: Scalars['String']; accountLabel: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; cancelType: Scalars['String']; cancellable: Scalars['Boolean']; detail: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; shortTitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; updates: Array; }; export enum TransferType { FAIL_REVERSAL = 'FAIL_REVERSAL', FULL_TRANSFER = 'FULL_TRANSFER', MUTUAL_FUND_CLEANUP = 'MUTUAL_FUND_CLEANUP', PARTIAL_TRANSFER_DELIVERER = 'PARTIAL_TRANSFER_DELIVERER', PARTIAL_TRANSFER_RECEIVER = 'PARTIAL_TRANSFER_RECEIVER', POSITION_TRANSFER_FUND_FIRM_TO_MUTUAL_FUND_COMPANY_ONLY = 'POSITION_TRANSFER_FUND_FIRM_TO_MUTUAL_FUND_COMPANY_ONLY', RECLAIM = 'RECLAIM', RESIDUAL_CREDIT = 'RESIDUAL_CREDIT', } export type TransferUpdate = { __typename?: 'TransferUpdate'; detail?: Maybe; isComplete: Scalars['Boolean']; isNextComplete: Scalars['Boolean']; items: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TreasuryFund = { __typename?: 'TreasuryFund'; holdingYield?: Maybe; ticker?: Maybe; }; export type TreasuryFundOptionsExperience = HoldingWeightExperience & { __typename?: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience'; _holdingWeightExperienceType: HoldingWeightExperienceTypeEnum; currentYield?: Maybe; totalEarnings?: Maybe; treasuryYields: Array; yieldAsOfFooter: Scalars['String']; }; export type TreasuryHoldingDisplay = { __typename?: 'TreasuryHoldingDisplay'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; fundMoreInfo: FundMoreInfo; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; holdingSubtitle: Scalars['String']; holdingTitle: Scalars['String']; imageAsset: ImageAsset; value: Scalars['Float']; }; export type TreasuryRanges = { __typename?: 'TreasuryRanges'; individual: Array; }; export type TreasuryResponse = { __typename?: 'TreasuryResponse'; /** @deprecated Use 'treasuryFunds' instead Moving away from hardcoded fund values as not scalable when we add new ones in the future */ GABXX?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use 'treasuryFunds' instead. Moving away from hardcoded fund values as not scalable when we add new ones in the future */ SNSXX?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use 'treasuryFunds' instead Moving away from hardcoded fund values as not scalable when we add new ones in the future */ VUSXX?: Maybe; currentYield?: Maybe; max?: Maybe; maxCalculatedAsOf?: Maybe; min?: Maybe; nextPaymentDate?: Maybe; treasuryFunds?: Maybe>>; }; export type TreasuryReturnCallout = CashAssetPromotionCallout & { __typename?: 'TreasuryReturnCallout'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cashAssetPromotionType: CashAssetPromotionType; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type TreasuryStats = { __typename?: 'TreasuryStats'; asOf: Scalars['Date']; maxYield: TreasuryYield; minYield: TreasuryYield; ranges: TreasuryRanges; }; export type TreasurySymbolWithRange = { __typename?: 'TreasurySymbolWithRange'; asOf: Scalars['Date']; maxAmount?: Maybe; minAmount: Scalars['Float']; rate: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type TreasuryYield = { __typename?: 'TreasuryYield'; asOf: Scalars['Date']; rate: Scalars['Float']; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type TroublesomeMovements = { __typename?: 'TroublesomeMovements'; deposits: Array; rejected: Array; withdrawals: Array; }; export type TutorialPopoutChatsBanner = { __typename?: 'TutorialPopoutChatsBanner'; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiClippy = { __typename?: 'UIClippy'; clippyId: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; thumbnailUrl: Scalars['String']; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormSchema = { __typename?: 'UIFormSchema'; chapterExitActions?: Maybe>; customSplashScreens?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; splash?: Maybe; steps: Array; title?: Maybe; }; export type UiHoldingScreen = { __typename?: 'UIHoldingScreen'; id: Scalars['String']; restriction?: Maybe; sections: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategyScreen = { __typename?: 'UIStrategyScreen'; alertCallout?: Maybe; footerCTA?: Maybe; header: UiStrategyScreenHeader; sectionGroups: Array; }; export type UiStrategyScreenFooterCta = { __typename?: 'UIStrategyScreenFooterCta'; buttons: Array; clippy?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategyScreenHeader = { __typename?: 'UIStrategyScreenHeader'; /** DEPRECATED: use gradient and headerBackgroundImage instead */ backgroundAsset: ImageAsset; gradient: UiGradient; headerBackgroundImage: ImageAsset; organizationDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiWelcomeScreen = { __typename?: 'UIWelcomeScreen'; backgroundImageUrl?: Maybe; callouts: Array; }; export type UiWelcomeScreenCallouts = { __typename?: 'UIWelcomeScreenCallouts'; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** * A serialized definition of a thing the client can do. * * An "action" can be anything, but is most commonly navigation related. */ export type UiAction = { /** INTERNAL: To be used for serverside type resolution only. Clients should use __typename. */ _actionType: UiActionType; analyticsEvent?: Maybe; promptSeenEvent?: Maybe; }; export enum UiActionType { /** @see CustomUiAction */ CUSTOM = 'CUSTOM', /** @see DoNothingUiAction */ DO_NOTHING = 'DO_NOTHING', /** @see NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction */ NAVIGATE_TO_EXTERNAL_LINK = 'NAVIGATE_TO_EXTERNAL_LINK', /** @see NavigateToScreenUiAction */ NAVIGATE_TO_SCREEN = 'NAVIGATE_TO_SCREEN', /** @see OpenDrawerUiAction */ OPEN_DRAWER = 'OPEN_DRAWER', /** @see OpenGlobalModalUiAction */ OPEN_GLOBAL_MODAL = 'OPEN_GLOBAL_MODAL', /** @see OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction */ OPEN_RICH_TEXT_DRAWER = 'OPEN_RICH_TEXT_DRAWER', /** @see PlayVideoUiAction */ PLAY_VIDEO = 'PLAY_VIDEO', /** @see StartFundingFlowUiAction */ START_FUNDING_FLOW = 'START_FUNDING_FLOW', /** * LOCAL (SCREEN LEVEL) ACTION * @see NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction */ STRATEGY_SCREEN__NAVIGATE_TO_SECTION_GROUP = 'STRATEGY_SCREEN__NAVIGATE_TO_SECTION_GROUP', } export type UiAssetClassScreen = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreen'; footer: LabeledAction; header: UiAssetClassScreenHeader; sections: Array; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenAbout = UiAssetClassScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenAbout'; _sectionType: UiAssetClassScreenSectionType; data: UiAssetClassScreenAboutData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenAboutData = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenAboutData'; v1: UiAssetClassScreenAboutDataV1; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenAboutDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenAboutDataV1'; action?: Maybe; previewImage: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenExplore = UiAssetClassScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenExplore'; _sectionType: UiAssetClassScreenSectionType; data: UiAssetClassScreenExploreData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenExploreData = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenExploreData'; v1: UiAssetClassScreenExploreDataV1; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenExploreDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenExploreDataV1'; assetTypeKey: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; ui: AssetTypeUi; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenFaq = UiAssetClassScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenFAQ'; _sectionType: UiAssetClassScreenSectionType; data: UiAssetClassScreenFaqData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenFaqData = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenFAQData'; v1: UiAssetClassScreenFaqDataV1; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenFaqDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenFAQDataV1'; faqItems: Array; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenHeader = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenHeader'; logoImage: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; ui: AssetClassScreenUi; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenSection = { /** * Used by our resolvers to identify what type a block of section JSON maps to. * Not meant to be used on the client - __typename is preferred there. */ _sectionType: UiAssetClassScreenSectionType; /** * Identify the section. Used when linking into and between tabs on the client, and to * differentiate sections when multiple instances are rendered on the same screen with * different data. * We do not use "id" or "_id" to avoid Apollo client caching, which is not * particularly helpful for this case and can lead to staleness bugs when navigating * between strategies. */ sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Potential section types that can be rendered by the AssetClassScreen. Helps graphql * understand the polymorphic UiAssetClassScreenSection interface at runtime. * * These values should be 1:1 with the names of the types that implement UiAssetClassScreenSection. * While they could be any arbitrary string, doing this lets us avoid needing an * extra representation of these names (since each of the types will need a unique * one anyways). This is good because it: * a. Makes UiAssetClassScreenSection.__resolveType simpler, less boilerplate * b. Makes it easier to figure out what we'll render for a given section block when * looking at the resolvers. */ export enum UiAssetClassScreenSectionType { UiAssetClassScreenAbout = 'UiAssetClassScreenAbout', UiAssetClassScreenExplore = 'UiAssetClassScreenExplore', UiAssetClassScreenFAQ = 'UiAssetClassScreenFAQ', UiAssetClassScreenWhy = 'UiAssetClassScreenWhy', } export type UiAssetClassScreenWhy = UiAssetClassScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenWhy'; _sectionType: UiAssetClassScreenSectionType; data: UiAssetClassScreenWhyData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenWhyData = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenWhyData'; v1: UiAssetClassScreenWhyDataV1; }; export type UiAssetClassScreenWhyDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiAssetClassScreenWhyDataV1'; title: Scalars['String']; whys: Array; }; export type UiCashStrategyScreen = { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategyScreen'; alertCallout?: Maybe; footerCTA?: Maybe; header: UiCashStrategyScreenHeader; sections: Array; }; export type UiCashStrategyScreenFooterCta = { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategyScreenFooterCta'; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategyScreenHeader = { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategyScreenHeader'; gradient: UiGradient; headerBackgroundImage: ImageAsset; organizationDisplayName: Scalars['String']; strategyDisplayName: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategyScreenSection = { /** * Used by our resolvers to identify what type a block of section JSON maps to. * Not meant to be used on the client - __typename is preferred there. */ _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; /** * Identify the section. Used when linking into and between tabs on the client, and to * differentiate sections when multiple instances are rendered on the same screen with * different data. * We do not use "id" or "_id" to avoid Apollo client caching, which is not * particularly helpful for this case and can lead to staleness bugs when navigating * between strategies. */ sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Potential section types that can be rendered by the CashStrategyScreen. Helps graphql * understand the polymorphic UiStrategyScreenSection interface at runtime. * * These values should be 1:1 with the names of the types that implement UiStrategyScreenSection. * While they could be any arbitrary string, doing this lets us avoid needing an * extra representation of these names (since each of the types will need a unique * one anyways). This is good because it: * a. Makes UiStrategyScreenSection.__resolveType simpler, less boilerplate * b. Makes it easier to figure out what we'll render for a given section block when * looking at the resolvers. */ export enum UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType { UiCashStrategySectionCashBalance = 'UiCashStrategySectionCashBalance', UiCashStrategySectionDepositProgress = 'UiCashStrategySectionDepositProgress', UiCashStrategySectionEnableOrCongrats = 'UiCashStrategySectionEnableOrCongrats', UiCashStrategySectionFAQ = 'UiCashStrategySectionFAQ', UiCashStrategySectionMiniContentCard = 'UiCashStrategySectionMiniContentCard', UiCashStrategySectionStatRows = 'UiCashStrategySectionStatRows', UiCashStrategySectionTextBlock = 'UiCashStrategySectionTextBlock', UiCashStrategySectionWhy = 'UiCashStrategySectionWhy', } export type UiCashStrategySectionCashBalance = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionCashBalance'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; balance: Scalars['String']; chip?: Maybe; disclaimer?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionCongrats = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionCongrats'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; body: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionDepositProgress = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionDepositProgress'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; bar: CashBar; body: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Not shown as of v139.0.2 */ cta: CashTextCta; icon?: Maybe; learn: CashTextCta; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionEnableOrCongrats = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionEnableOrCongrats'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; congrats: CongratsCash; enable?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionFaq = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionFAQ'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; rows: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionMiniContentCard = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionMiniContentCard'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; action: UiAction; canBeDismissed: Scalars['Boolean']; disclosures?: Maybe; header?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subheader?: Maybe; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionStatRows = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionStatRows'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; rows: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionTextBlock = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionTextBlock'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; body: Scalars['String']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiCashStrategySectionWhy = UiCashStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiCashStrategySectionWhy'; _sectionType: UiCashStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; whys: Array; }; export type UiColor = UiColorDefault | UiColorLightDark; export type UiColorDefault = { __typename?: 'UiColorDefault'; default: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiColorLightDark = { __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark'; dark: Scalars['String']; light: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSection = { _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionChecklist = UiContentPortfolioRecapSection & { __typename?: 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionChecklist'; _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; data: Array; icon: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionFaq = UiContentPortfolioRecapSection & { __typename?: 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionFAQ'; _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; faqData: UiHomeScreenFaqData; footer: UiStrategyFaqQuestionFooter; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionPortfolioRecommendation = UiContentPortfolioRecapSection & { __typename?: 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionPortfolioRecommendation'; _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; portfolioRecommendationData: UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionStrategySummaries = UiContentPortfolioRecapSection & { __typename?: 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionStrategySummaries'; _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; strategySummaries?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionTopIntro = UiContentPortfolioRecapSection & { __typename?: 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionTopIntro'; _sectionType: UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType; body: TitanUniversalTextField; chipLabel: Scalars['String']; hero: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export enum UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionType { UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionChecklist = 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionChecklist', UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionFAQ = 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionFAQ', UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionPortfolioRecommendation = 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionPortfolioRecommendation', UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionStrategySummaries = 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionStrategySummaries', UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionTopIntro = 'UiContentPortfolioRecapSectionTopIntro', } export type UiDropdownSelectComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent'; _componentType: Array; dropdownTitle?: Maybe; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; options: Array; placeholder?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiFeeExplainerResponse = { __typename?: 'UiFeeExplainerResponse'; feeExplainerContentId: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated feeExplainerSeen is deprecated. Use showFeeExplainer instead. */ feeExplainerSeen: Scalars['Boolean']; screens: Array; showFeeExplainer: Scalars['Boolean']; }; /** * We want to be flexible with the screen content structure and not be too priscriptive. * So each screen can decide how it want to render a content, and what content to render. * * At the same time, we want to have some consistency and typescript support * (and autocomplete) in the native code. * * So we have some optional fields, so the client will still have to validate presence * of these fields, but will have some common structure that can be shared between screens. */ export type UiFeeExplainerScreenContent = { __typename?: 'UiFeeExplainerScreenContent'; body?: Maybe; primaryAction?: Maybe; secondaryAction?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; }; export type UiFeeExplainerScreenData = { __typename?: 'UiFeeExplainerScreenData'; content: UiFeeExplainerScreenContent; screenId: UiFeeExplainerScreenId; }; export enum UiFeeExplainerScreenId { FeeExplainerFAQ = 'FeeExplainerFAQ', FeeExplainerFeeSchedule = 'FeeExplainerFeeSchedule', FeeExplainerIntro = 'FeeExplainerIntro', FeeExplainerTitanFees = 'FeeExplainerTitanFees', } export type UiFormCheckboxComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiFormCheckboxComponent'; _componentType: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; indicator?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiFormComponentOptionIcon = { __typename?: 'UiFormComponentOptionIcon'; _origin: AssetOrigin; lightDarkAsset: IconUriLightDark; }; export enum UiFormComponentType { /** @see UiFormCheckBoxComponent */ CHECKBOX = 'CHECKBOX', /** @see UiDropdownSelectComponent */ DROPDOWN_SELECT = 'DROPDOWN_SELECT', /** @see UiFormHasSeenComponent */ HAS_SEEN = 'HAS_SEEN', /** @see UiHelpDrawerComponent */ HELP_DRAWER = 'HELP_DRAWER', /** @see UILegalAgreementComponent */ LEGAL_AGREEMENT = 'LEGAL_AGREEMENT', /** @see UiFormSelectComponent */ SELECT_INPUT = 'SELECT_INPUT', /** @see UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent */ SELECT_INPUT_WITH_DROPDOWN = 'SELECT_INPUT_WITH_DROPDOWN', /** @see UiTextComponent */ TEXT = 'TEXT', /** @see UiFormTextInputComponent */ TEXT_INPUT = 'TEXT_INPUT', } export enum UiFormCustomSplashScreenType { SmartCashYieldBoostOnboardingPromoScreen = 'SmartCashYieldBoostOnboardingPromoScreen', } export type UiFormDataBase = { _componentType: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiFormDataComponentOptions = { __typename?: 'UiFormDataComponentOptions'; icon?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormDropdown = { __typename?: 'UiFormDropdown'; disclaimer?: Maybe; dropdownTitle?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; options: Array; ref: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormDropdownDisclaimer = { __typename?: 'UiFormDropdownDisclaimer'; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormElements = | UiDropdownSelectComponent | UiFormCheckboxComponent | UiFormHasSeenComponent | UiFormSelectComponent | UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent | UiFormTextInputComponent | UiHelpDrawerComponent | UiLegalAgreementComponent | UiTextComponent; export type UiFormHasSeenComponent = { __typename?: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent'; _componentType: Array; ref: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormRule = { __typename?: 'UiFormRule'; effect: RuleEffect; ref: Scalars['String']; schema: Scalars['JsonSchema7']; }; export type UiFormSelectComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent'; _componentType: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; multiple?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; options: Array; ordered?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent'; _componentType: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; options: Array; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiFormSelectWithDropdownOptions = { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownOptions'; dropdown?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiFormStep = { __typename?: 'UiFormStep'; asset?: Maybe; disableAutoProgress?: Maybe; elements: Array; /** @deprecated use stepId instead */ id: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; skipCtaCopy?: Maybe; skippable?: Maybe; stepId: UiFormStepId; subtitle?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; title?: Maybe; transient?: Maybe; }; export enum UiFormStepId { DirectIndexingConfirmPII = 'DirectIndexingConfirmPII', DirectIndexingLegalAgreements = 'DirectIndexingLegalAgreements', OnboardAccountSelection = 'OnboardAccountSelection', OnboardAddress = 'OnboardAddress', OnboardAddressRecommendation = 'OnboardAddressRecommendation', OnboardBrokerageExclusion = 'OnboardBrokerageExclusion', OnboardCitizenship = 'OnboardCitizenship', OnboardCompanyAffiliation = 'OnboardCompanyAffiliation', OnboardCryptoAgreements = 'OnboardCryptoAgreements', OnboardCurrentInvestments = 'OnboardCurrentInvestments', OnboardCurrentInvestmentsWithWorths = 'OnboardCurrentInvestmentsWithWorths', OnboardDOB = 'OnboardDOB', OnboardEmailVerification = 'OnboardEmailVerification', OnboardEmployment = 'OnboardEmployment', OnboardEmploymentDetails = 'OnboardEmploymentDetails', OnboardEstimatedNetWorth = 'OnboardEstimatedNetWorth', OnboardExperience = 'OnboardExperience', OnboardFINRAExclusions = 'OnboardFINRAExclusions', OnboardGoalRetirementAge = 'OnboardGoalRetirementAge', OnboardGoals = 'OnboardGoals', OnboardGreenCardDetails = 'OnboardGreenCardDetails', OnboardHDYHAU = 'OnboardHDYHAU', OnboardHDYHAUFollowUp = 'OnboardHDYHAUFollowUp', OnboardIncome = 'OnboardIncome', OnboardIntroIdentityVerification = 'OnboardIntroIdentityVerification', OnboardIntroInvestorProfile = 'OnboardIntroInvestorProfile', OnboardInvestingExperience = 'OnboardInvestingExperience', OnboardInvestmentProductChoice = 'OnboardInvestmentProductChoice', OnboardLegalAgreements = 'OnboardLegalAgreements', OnboardLegalName = 'OnboardLegalName', OnboardNetWorth = 'OnboardNetWorth', OnboardPhone = 'OnboardPhone', OnboardPoliticalExclusion = 'OnboardPoliticalExclusion', OnboardPreTaxHouseholdIncome = 'OnboardPreTaxHouseholdIncome', OnboardPreTaxIncome = 'OnboardPreTaxIncome', OnboardRecommendedPortfolio = 'OnboardRecommendedPortfolio', OnboardRetirementType = 'OnboardRetirementType', OnboardRiskStyle = 'OnboardRiskStyle', OnboardSSN = 'OnboardSSN', OnboardShareholderExclusion = 'OnboardShareholderExclusion', OnboardStockAllocation = 'OnboardStockAllocation', OnboardTaxFilingStatus = 'OnboardTaxFilingStatus', OnboardTimeHorizon = 'OnboardTimeHorizon', OnboardTitanMenuChoice = 'OnboardTitanMenuChoice', OnboardVisaDetails = 'OnboardVisaDetails', PortfolioPackagesCryptoInterest = 'PortfolioPackagesCryptoInterest', PortfolioPackagesDOB = 'PortfolioPackagesDOB', PortfolioPackagesEditProfile = 'PortfolioPackagesEditProfile', PortfolioPackagesInterstitial = 'PortfolioPackagesInterstitial', PortfolioPackagesInvestingFocus = 'PortfolioPackagesInvestingFocus', PortfolioPackagesInvestingJourney = 'PortfolioPackagesInvestingJourney', PortfolioPackagesPackageDetails = 'PortfolioPackagesPackageDetails', PortfolioPackagesPackageSelection = 'PortfolioPackagesPackageSelection', PortfolioPackagesRetirementAge = 'PortfolioPackagesRetirementAge', PortfolioPackagesRetirementType = 'PortfolioPackagesRetirementType', PortfolioPackagesSkipReason = 'PortfolioPackagesSkipReason', PortfolioPackagesValues = 'PortfolioPackagesValues', PortfolioQuizIncome = 'PortfolioQuizIncome', PortfolioQuizInvestingExperience = 'PortfolioQuizInvestingExperience', PortfolioQuizInvestingExperienceInterstitialNo = 'PortfolioQuizInvestingExperienceInterstitialNo', PortfolioQuizInvestingExperienceInterstitialYes = 'PortfolioQuizInvestingExperienceInterstitialYes', PortfolioQuizMonthlyExpenses = 'PortfolioQuizMonthlyExpenses', PortfolioQuizNetWorth = 'PortfolioQuizNetWorth', PortfolioQuizPrimaryGoal = 'PortfolioQuizPrimaryGoal', PortfolioQuizRiskStyle = 'PortfolioQuizRiskStyle', PortfolioQuizRiskStyleAggressiveInterstitialConservative = 'PortfolioQuizRiskStyleAggressiveInterstitialConservative', PortfolioQuizRiskStyleAggressiveInterstitialModerate = 'PortfolioQuizRiskStyleAggressiveInterstitialModerate', PortfolioQuizRiskStyleInterstitialAggressive = 'PortfolioQuizRiskStyleInterstitialAggressive', PortfolioQuizTimeHorizon = 'PortfolioQuizTimeHorizon', RolloverRecommendationCanPayOffOutstandingLoan = 'RolloverRecommendationCanPayOffOutstandingLoan', RolloverRecommendationFeeKnowledge = 'RolloverRecommendationFeeKnowledge', RolloverRecommendationHasAccessToActiveManagement = 'RolloverRecommendationHasAccessToActiveManagement', RolloverRecommendationHasAccessToAlternativeDiversification = 'RolloverRecommendationHasAccessToAlternativeDiversification', RolloverRecommendationHasAnOutstandingLoan = 'RolloverRecommendationHasAnOutstandingLoan', RolloverRecommendationHasEmployerStock = 'RolloverRecommendationHasEmployerStock', RolloverRecommendationIsInterestedInFinancialAdvisor = 'RolloverRecommendationIsInterestedInFinancialAdvisor', RolloverRecommendationIsInvestingForFuture = 'RolloverRecommendationIsInvestingForFuture', SecondaryAccountCitizenship = 'SecondaryAccountCitizenship', SecondaryAccountConfirmPII = 'SecondaryAccountConfirmPII', SecondaryAccountInvestorProfile = 'SecondaryAccountInvestorProfile', SecondaryAccountPersonalInfo = 'SecondaryAccountPersonalInfo', SmartCashOptInAddressConfirmation = 'SmartCashOptInAddressConfirmation', SmartCashOptInUpdateAddress = 'SmartCashOptInUpdateAddress', } export type UiFormTextInputComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent'; _componentType: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; placeholder?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; type?: Maybe; }; export type UiFormTip = { __typename?: 'UiFormTip'; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiGradient = UiGradientDefault | UiGradientLightDark; export type UiGradientDefault = { __typename?: 'UiGradientDefault'; default: GradientData; }; export type UiGradientLightDark = { __typename?: 'UiGradientLightDark'; dark: GradientData; light: GradientData; }; export type UiHelpDrawerComponent = { __typename?: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent'; _componentType: Array; drawerDismissBtnText?: Maybe; drawerElements: Array; drawerHeaderTitle?: Maybe; tipText: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenChart = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenChart'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; assetId: Scalars['String']; chartColor: UiColor; sectionId: Scalars['String']; symbol: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenDetails = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenDetails'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; body?: Maybe; details?: Maybe>; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenEmphasizedContent = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenEmphasizedContent'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenHeader = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenHeader'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; imageAsset: ImageAsset; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; titanVetted?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; holdingNews: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenInput = { accountId?: InputMaybe; assetId?: InputMaybe; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; holdingType?: InputMaybe; }; export type UiHoldingScreenNews = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenNews'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; holdingInfoId: Scalars['String']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenOtherInvestors = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenOtherInvestors'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; holdingInvestors: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenOtherStrategyHoldings = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenOtherStrategyHoldings'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; seeMoreCta?: Maybe; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenPosition = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenPosition'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; investedSince?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use positionStatsV2 instead */ positionStats?: Maybe; positionStatsV2?: Maybe>; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenRecentResearch = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenRecentResearch'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; contentItemLimit?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenSection = { /** * Used by our resolvers to identify what type a block of section JSON maps to. * Not meant to be used on the client - __typename is preferred there. */ _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; /** * Helps us cache sections and differentiate them when multiple instances are * rendered on the same screen with different data. */ sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Potential section types that can be rendered by the HoldingScreen. Helps graphql * understand the polymorphic UiHoldingScreenSection interface at runtime. * * These values should be 1:1 with the names of the types that implement UiHoldingScreenSection. * While they could be any arbitrary string, doing this lets us avoid needing an * extra representation of these names (since each of the types will need a unique * one anyways). This is good because it: * a. Makes UiHoldingScreenSection.__resolveType simpler, less boilerplate * b. Makes it easier to figure out what we'll render for a given section block when * looking at the resolvers. */ export enum UiHoldingScreenSectionType { UiHoldingScreenChart = 'UiHoldingScreenChart', UiHoldingScreenDetails = 'UiHoldingScreenDetails', UiHoldingScreenEmphasizedContent = 'UiHoldingScreenEmphasizedContent', UiHoldingScreenHeader = 'UiHoldingScreenHeader', UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews = 'UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews', UiHoldingScreenNews = 'UiHoldingScreenNews', UiHoldingScreenOtherInvestors = 'UiHoldingScreenOtherInvestors', UiHoldingScreenOtherStrategyHoldings = 'UiHoldingScreenOtherStrategyHoldings', UiHoldingScreenPosition = 'UiHoldingScreenPosition', UiHoldingScreenRecentResearch = 'UiHoldingScreenRecentResearch', UiHoldingScreenStats = 'UiHoldingScreenStats', UiHoldingScreenThesisPreview = 'UiHoldingScreenThesisPreview', UiHoldingStats = 'UiHoldingStats', } export type UiHoldingScreenStats = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenStats'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; performanceStatsMeta: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingScreenThesisPreview = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingScreenThesisPreview'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHoldingStats = UiHoldingScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHoldingStats'; _sectionType: UiHoldingScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; stats?: Maybe>; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreen = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreen'; capitalAtoms?: Maybe>; fallback: Scalars['Boolean']; faqItems: Array; nativeBlendedHome: NativeBlendedHomeSchema; sections: Array; }; export type UiHomeScreenAssetClasses = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenAssetClasses'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenAssetClassesData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenAssetClassesData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenAssetClassesData'; v1: UiHomeScreenAssetClassesDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenAssetClassesDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenAssetClassesDataV1'; assetClasses: Array; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenCollapsableState = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenCollapsableState'; action: UiAction; collapsed: Scalars['Boolean']; image?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenContentCard = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenContentCard'; contentCardAction: UiHomeScreenContentCardAction; contentCardImage: ImageAsset; contentCardSecondaryAction?: Maybe; contentCardText: Scalars['String']; contentCardTitle: Scalars['String']; contentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenContentCardAction = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenContentCardAction'; action: UiAction; isEnabled?: Maybe; shouldDismissCard: Scalars['Boolean']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenFaq = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenFAQ'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenFaqData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenFaqData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenFAQData'; v1: UiHomeScreenFaqDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenFaqDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenFAQDataV1'; action: LabeledAction; faqItems: Array; icon: Icon; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementBanner = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementBanner'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementData'; v1: UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementDataV1'; action: LabeledAction; announcementBody?: Maybe; announcementIcon?: Maybe; announcementIconProps?: Maybe; announcementId: Scalars['String']; announcementSubtitle?: Maybe; announcementTitle?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Never used, this component supports title, subtitle, body */ boldedTextConfig?: Maybe; chip?: Maybe; disclosures?: Maybe; }; export type UiHomeScreenHeader = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenHeader'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenHeaderData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenHeaderData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenHeaderData'; v2: UiHomeScreenHeaderDataV2; }; export type UiHomeScreenHeaderDataV2 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenHeaderDataV2'; carouselItems: Array; popularInvestments: Array; primaryAction: LabeledAction; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenPartners = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPartners'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenPartnersData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenPartnersData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPartnersData'; v1: UiHomeScreenPartnersDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenPartnersDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPartnersDataV1'; action: LabeledAction; carouselItems: Array; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreview = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreview'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewData'; v1: UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreviewDataV1'; action: LabeledAction; closeAction?: Maybe; collapsable?: Maybe; image: ImageAsset; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenSection = { /** * Used by our resolvers to identify what type a block of section JSON maps to. * Not meant to be used on the client - __typename is preferred there. */ _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; /** * Identify the section. Used when linking into and between tabs on the client, and to * differentiate sections when multiple instances are rendered on the same screen with * different data. * We do not use "id" or "_id" to avoid Apollo client caching, which is not * particularly helpful for this case and can lead to staleness bugs when navigating * between strategies. */ sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Potential section types that can be rendered by the HomeScreen. Helps graphql * understand the polymorphic UiHomeScreenSection interface at runtime. * * These values should be 1:1 with the names of the types that implement UiHomeScreenSection. * While they could be any arbitrary string, doing this lets us avoid needing an * extra representation of these names (since each of the types will need a unique * one anyways). This is good because it: * a. Makes UiHomeScreenSection.__resolveType simpler, less boilerplate * b. Makes it easier to figure out what we'll render for a given section block when * looking at the resolvers. */ export enum UiHomeScreenSectionType { UiHomeScreenAssetClasses = 'UiHomeScreenAssetClasses', UiHomeScreenFAQ = 'UiHomeScreenFAQ', UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementBanner = 'UiHomeScreenGenericAnnouncementBanner', UiHomeScreenHeader = 'UiHomeScreenHeader', UiHomeScreenPartners = 'UiHomeScreenPartners', UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreview = 'UiHomeScreenPortfolioPreview', UiHomeScreenWealthCalculator = 'UiHomeScreenWealthCalculator', } export type UiHomeScreenWealthCalculator = UiHomeScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenWealthCalculator'; _sectionType: UiHomeScreenSectionType; data: UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorData; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorData = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorData'; v1: UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorDataV1; }; export type UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorDataV1 = { __typename?: 'UiHomeScreenWealthCalculatorDataV1'; action: LabeledAction; initialDeposit: Scalars['Float']; monthlyDeposit: Scalars['Float']; timeHorizon: Scalars['Int']; }; export type UiLegalAgreement = { __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreement'; link: Scalars['String']; linkText?: Maybe; subText?: Maybe; }; export type UiLegalAgreementComponent = UiFormDataBase & { __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent'; _componentType: Array; agreeText: Scalars['String']; agreements: Array; hideFromFullStory?: Maybe; optional?: Maybe; ref: Scalars['String']; rule?: Maybe; tip?: Maybe; }; export type UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySection = { _sectionType: UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType; }; export enum UiRetirementRolloverFundingBodySectionType { UiRetirementRolloverFundingBoxButtonGrid = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingBoxButtonGrid', UiRetirementRolloverFundingButtonRow = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingButtonRow', UiRetirementRolloverFundingCalloutsGrid = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingCalloutsGrid', UiRetirementRolloverFundingDescriptionsGrid = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingDescriptionsGrid', UiRetirementRolloverFundingInputRow = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingInputRow', UiRetirementRolloverFundingTimelineSteps = 'UiRetirementRolloverFundingTimelineSteps', } export type UiScreenAction = { __typename?: 'UiScreenAction'; action: UiAction; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiSplashElement = { __typename?: 'UiSplashElement'; action?: Maybe; backgroundImage?: Maybe; buttonSubtitle?: Maybe; continueButtonLabel: Scalars['String']; explainer?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; secondaryButtonLabel?: Maybe; showRecommendedPortfolioButton?: Maybe; skippable: Scalars['Boolean']; skippableCtaLabel?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiSplashExplainer = { __typename?: 'UiSplashExplainer'; buttonLabel?: Maybe; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategyFaqQuestionFooter = { __typename?: 'UiStrategyFaqQuestionFooter'; body: Scalars['String']; cta: TextCta; header: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; image: ImageAsset; }; export type UiStrategyFooterButton = { __typename?: 'UiStrategyFooterButton'; action: UiAction; primary: Scalars['Boolean']; text: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategyScreenSection = { /** * Used by our resolvers to identify what type a block of section JSON maps to. * Not meant to be used on the client - __typename is preferred there. */ _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; /** * Identify the section. Used when linking into and between tabs on the client, and to * differentiate sections when multiple instances are rendered on the same screen with * different data. * We do not use "id" or "_id" to avoid Apollo client caching, which is not * particularly helpful for this case and can lead to staleness bugs when navigating * between strategies. */ sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategyScreenSectionGroup = { __typename?: 'UiStrategyScreenSectionGroup'; /** * Identify the section group. * * Used when linking into and between tabs on the client. We do not use "id" or "_id" * to avoid Apollo client caching, which is not particularly helpful for this case and * can lead to staleness bugs when navigating between strategies. */ sectionGroupId: StrategyScreenSectionGroupId; sections: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** * Potential section types that can be rendered by the StrategyScreen. Helps graphql * understand the polymorphic UiStrategyScreenSection interface at runtime. * * These values should be 1:1 with the names of the types that implement UiStrategyScreenSection. * While they could be any arbitrary string, doing this lets us avoid needing an * extra representation of these names (since each of the types will need a unique * one anyways). This is good because it: * a. Makes UiStrategyScreenSection.__resolveType simpler, less boilerplate * b. Makes it easier to figure out what we'll render for a given section block when * looking at the resolvers. */ export enum UiStrategyScreenSectionType { UiStrategySectionAboutManager = 'UiStrategySectionAboutManager', UiStrategySectionActivityCenter = 'UiStrategySectionActivityCenter', UiStrategySectionActivityInfo = 'UiStrategySectionActivityInfo', UiStrategySectionBalance = 'UiStrategySectionBalance', UiStrategySectionBenchmarks = 'UiStrategySectionBenchmarks', UiStrategySectionCashReserve = 'UiStrategySectionCashReserve', UiStrategySectionDescription = 'UiStrategySectionDescription', UiStrategySectionFaqList = 'UiStrategySectionFaqList', UiStrategySectionHoldingsList = 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsList', UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadata = 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadata', UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadataSummary = 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadataSummary', UiStrategySectionHoldingsMissingCard = 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMissingCard', UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummary = 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummary', UiStrategySectionIncome = 'UiStrategySectionIncome', UiStrategySectionKeyPoints = 'UiStrategySectionKeyPoints', UiStrategySectionLearn = 'UiStrategySectionLearn', UiStrategySectionLinkList = 'UiStrategySectionLinkList', UiStrategySectionMiniContentCard = 'UiStrategySectionMiniContentCard', UiStrategySectionPerformance = 'UiStrategySectionPerformance', UiStrategySectionPerformanceStats = 'UiStrategySectionPerformanceStats', UiStrategySectionPitchCard = 'UiStrategySectionPitchCard', UiStrategySectionRecentActivity = 'UiStrategySectionRecentActivity', UiStrategySectionRecentContent = 'UiStrategySectionRecentContent', UiStrategySectionRecommendation = 'UiStrategySectionRecommendation', UiStrategySectionSimpleHighlight = 'UiStrategySectionSimpleHighlight', UiStrategySectionSimplePromo = 'UiStrategySectionSimplePromo', UiStrategySectionSuitabilityWarning = 'UiStrategySectionSuitabilityWarning', UiStrategySectionTeamList = 'UiStrategySectionTeamList', UiStrategySectionTextBlock = 'UiStrategySectionTextBlock', UiStrategySectionTwrPerformance = 'UiStrategySectionTwrPerformance', UiStrategySectionWithdrawals = 'UiStrategySectionWithdrawals', } export type UiStrategySectionAboutManager = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionAboutManager'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; body: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; valuePropositions: Array; }; export type UiStrategySectionActivityCenter = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionActivityCenter'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; accountType?: Maybe; externalActivityCategories: Array; limit: Scalars['Int']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionActivityInfo = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionActivityInfo'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; trades: Array; }; export type UiStrategySectionBalance = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionBalance'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; balance?: Maybe; chip?: Maybe; header?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionBenchmarks = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionBenchmarks'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionCashReserve = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionCashReserve'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; apyInfo: Scalars['String']; cashValue: Scalars['String']; imageAsset: ImageAsset; sectionId: Scalars['String']; sectionTitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionDescription = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDescription'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; body: Scalars['String']; details: Array; pitchCard?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; warning?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionDescriptionDetail = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDescriptionDetail'; /** @deprecated no longer used in current versions of the app */ icon: Icon; /** @deprecated use moreInfoCta */ moreInfo?: Maybe; moreInfoCta?: Maybe; name: Scalars['String']; uiAction?: Maybe; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionDescriptionPitchCard = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDescriptionPitchCard'; action?: Maybe; imageAsset: ImageAsset; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionDescriptionWarning = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDescriptionWarning'; description: Scalars['String']; detailLabel: Scalars['String']; detailValue: Scalars['String']; moreInfo: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionDetailExpenseSummary = StrategyExpenseSummary & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDetailExpenseSummary'; disclosureLink?: Maybe; netPerformance: StrategyPerformance; strategyExpenses: StrategyExpensesBreakdown; subtitle: Scalars['String']; text: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; valuePropositions: Array; }; export type UiStrategySectionDetailMoreInfo = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionDetailMoreInfo'; disclosureAction?: Maybe; text: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionFaqList = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionFaqList'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; disclaimer?: Maybe; footer?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use footer */ footerUiAction?: Maybe; questions: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; viewAllAction?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsList = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsList'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subList?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; tooltipAction?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadata = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadata'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; holdingCount: Scalars['Int']; holdingDimensions?: Maybe>>; holdingsDisclaimerInfoText?: Maybe; pieChartText?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadataSummary = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMetadataSummary'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; holdingCount: Scalars['Int']; holdingDimensions?: Maybe>>; pieChartText?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; seeMoreCta?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsMissingCard = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsMissingCard'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; asset: Icon; description: Scalars['String']; placeholderImage?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; sectionTitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummary = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummary'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; description: Scalars['String']; numHoldingsToShow?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; seeMoreCta?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; tooltipAction?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummarySeeMoreCta = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionHoldingsSummarySeeMoreCta'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type UiStrategySectionIncome = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionIncome'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; expectedDistribution: DividendPaymentRow; prevDistributions: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; tooltipAction?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionKeyPoints = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionKeyPoints'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; header?: Maybe; keyPoints: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; strategyAbout: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionLearn = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionLearn'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; viewAllCta: UiStrategySectionLearnViewAllCta; }; export type UiStrategySectionLearnViewAllCta = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionLearnViewAllCta'; show: Scalars['Boolean']; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type UiStrategySectionLinkList = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionLinkList'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; heading?: Maybe; links: Array; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionManagerCard = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionManagerCard'; body: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; valuePropositions: Array; }; export type UiStrategySectionMiniContentCard = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionMiniContentCard'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; action: UiAction; canBeDismissed: Scalars['Boolean']; disclosures?: Maybe; header?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subheader?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionPerformance = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionPerformance'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; chartColor: UiColor; domain: PerformanceChartDomain; footerLink?: Maybe; meta: PerformanceMeta; periodsToShow: Array; primaryValue: PerformanceChartDomain; primaryValueFormat: Scalars['String']; secondaryValue?: Maybe; secondaryValueFormat?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; selector?: Maybe; showInfo: Scalars['Boolean']; tertiaryValue?: Maybe; tertiaryValueFormat?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionPerformanceStats = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionPerformanceStats'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; stats: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionPitchCard = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionPitchCard'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; pitch: UiStrategySectionDescriptionPitchCard; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionRecentActivity = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionRecentActivity'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionRecentContent = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionRecentContent'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; contentItemLimit?: Maybe; headerCta?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionRecommendation = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionRecommendation'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; backgroundGradient?: Maybe; copy: Scalars['String']; cta?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use eyebrowBody */ eyebrow?: Maybe; eyebrowBody?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use eyebrowBody */ eyebrowIcon?: Maybe; list?: Maybe>; media?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; strategies?: Maybe>; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionSimpleHighlight = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionSimpleHighlight'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; color: UiColor; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionSimplePromo = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionSimplePromo'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; chip?: Maybe; header?: Maybe; icon?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subheader?: Maybe; }; export type UiStrategySectionSuitabilityWarning = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionSuitabilityWarning'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; explainer: DisabledExplainer; icon?: Maybe; message: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated use explainer */ modalAction: UiAction; /** @deprecated use explainer */ modalButtonEntryText: Scalars['String']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionTeamList = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionTeamList'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; /** @deprecated Use UiStrategySectionAboutManager; this attribute is not respected by UI currently */ managerCard?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; teamMembers: Array; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionTextBlock = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionTextBlock'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; body: Scalars['String']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionTwrPerformance = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionTwrPerformance'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; chartColor: UiColor; footerLink?: Maybe; sectionId: Scalars['String']; showPercent: Scalars['Boolean']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiStrategySectionViewDisclosuresCta = { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionViewDisclosuresCta'; text: Scalars['String']; uiAction: UiAction; }; export type UiStrategySectionWithdrawals = UiStrategyScreenSection & { __typename?: 'UiStrategySectionWithdrawals'; _sectionType: UiStrategyScreenSectionType; copy: Scalars['String']; nextWithdrawalDate: Scalars['Date']; sectionId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiTeamMember = { __typename?: 'UiTeamMember'; biography: Scalars['String']; firstName: Scalars['String']; headshot?: Maybe; lastName: Scalars['String']; organizationDisplayName: Scalars['String']; organizationId: Scalars['String']; teamMemberId: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UiTextComponent = { __typename?: 'UiTextComponent'; _componentType: Array; style: UiTextStyle; text: Scalars['String']; }; export enum UiTextStyle { BODY = 'BODY', BODY_SMALL = 'BODY_SMALL', HEADING = 'HEADING', } /** https://www.figma.com/file/XZHkBWSH7Wc0Rwe250SQ53/Smart-Cash-2.0%3A-Onboarding?type=design&node-id=4408-131745&mode=design&t=S5FFdNOsAB3UJaOT-4 */ export type UnfundedExploreStrategies = { __typename?: 'UnfundedExploreStrategies'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cta: LabeledAction; sectionDescription: Scalars['String']; strategies: Array; }; /** https://www.figma.com/file/XZHkBWSH7Wc0Rwe250SQ53/Smart-Cash-2.0%3A-Onboarding?type=design&node-id=4408-131515&mode=design&t=S5FFdNOsAB3UJaOT-4 */ export type UnfundedHomeChecklist = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeChecklist'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; checklist: Array; headline?: Maybe; scheduleCallModule?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UnfundedHomeChecklistItem = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeChecklistItem'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: NewUserChecklist; completed: Scalars['Boolean']; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** https://www.figma.com/file/XZHkBWSH7Wc0Rwe250SQ53/Smart-Cash-2.0%3A-Onboarding?type=design&node-id=4207-120284&mode=dev */ export type UnfundedHomeHeadline = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeHeadline'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; unfundedHomeHeader: Scalars['String']; }; export type UnfundedHomeIntroExplainer = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; buttonLabel: Scalars['String']; exitCTA: Scalars['String']; item?: Maybe>; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerItem = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerItem'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; description: Scalars['String']; icon?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; /** https://www.figma.com/file/XZHkBWSH7Wc0Rwe250SQ53/Smart-Cash-2.0%3A-Onboarding?type=design&node-id=4408-131514&mode=design&t=S5FFdNOsAB3UJaOT-4 */ export type UnfundedHomeRecommendation = { _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: UnfundedHomeRecommendationEnum; }; export enum UnfundedHomeRecommendationEnum { STRATEGY = 'STRATEGY', } export type UnfundedHomeType = HomeResponse & { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; _type: HomeTypeEnum; checklist?: Maybe; /** @deprecated use HomeChecklist instead */ unfundedHomeChecklist?: Maybe; unfundedHomeExploreStrategies?: Maybe; unfundedHomeHeadline?: Maybe; unfundedHomeRecommendation?: Maybe; unfunededHomeIntroExplainer?: Maybe; }; export type UninvestedStrategyExperience = StrategyExperience & { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; dataDisclosure?: Maybe; documents: StrategyExperienceDocuments; experienceVariant: StrategyExperienceVariant; hypotheticalPerformanceChart?: Maybe; investAction: StrategyExperienceAction; logo: ImageAsset; overview?: Maybe; recentTrades?: Maybe; strategyAlert?: Maybe; strategyAttributes: StrategyExperienceAttributes; strategyDescription?: Maybe; strategyHoldingsWeights: StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights; strategyInvestmentTeam: StrategyInvestmentTeam; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyName: Scalars['String']; }; export type UniversalContentMeta = { __typename?: 'UniversalContentMeta'; disclosures?: Maybe; native?: Maybe; seo?: Maybe; }; export type UpcomingInvestmentScreen = { __typename?: 'UpcomingInvestmentScreen'; cta: CtaInfoAndAction; dismissText: Scalars['String']; image: ImageAsset; primaryText: Scalars['String']; recurringTransferId: Scalars['String']; subText: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpcomingTransfer = { __typename?: 'UpcomingTransfer'; accountId: Scalars['String']; details: UpcomingTransferDetails; header: Scalars['String']; recurringTransferId: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpcomingTransferDetails = { __typename?: 'UpcomingTransferDetails'; body: Scalars['String']; destinations: Array; footer: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; subheader: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpcomingTransferInfoInput = { recurringTransferId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpcomingTransferInfoPayload = { __typename?: 'UpcomingTransferInfoPayload'; details?: Maybe; isUpcoming: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UpcomingTransfersPayload = { __typename?: 'UpcomingTransfersPayload'; transfers: Array; }; export type UpdateAccountStrategyFlavorInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateAccountStrategyFlavorResponse = { __typename?: 'UpdateAccountStrategyFlavorResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UpdateFlavorResponse = { __typename?: 'UpdateFlavorResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UpdateRecurringTransferInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; amount?: InputMaybe; amountProperties?: InputMaybe; amountType?: InputMaybe; dayOfWeek?: InputMaybe; days?: InputMaybe>; destinations?: InputMaybe>; frequencyLabel?: InputMaybe; intervalCount?: InputMaybe; intervalPeriod?: InputMaybe; lastRun?: InputMaybe; nextRun?: InputMaybe; recurringTransferId: Scalars['ID']; status?: InputMaybe; style?: InputMaybe; }; export type UpdateSnapshotResponse = { __typename?: 'UpdateSnapshotResponse'; recommendationSnapshotId: Scalars['String']; status: SnapshotStatus; }; export type UpdateStrategyFlavorInput = { description: Scalars['String']; name: Scalars['String']; strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateToDoStatusInput = { status: ToDoStatus; toDoId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashInput = { address?: InputMaybe; currentAddressIsValid: YesNo; preTaxHouseholdIncome?: InputMaybe; preTaxIncome: Scalars['Int']; taxFilingStatus: RiskProfileTaxFilingStatus; }; export type UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashResponse = { __typename?: 'UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; address?: Maybe
; currentAddressIsValid: YesNo; preTaxHouseholdIncome?: Maybe; preTaxIncome: Scalars['Int']; taxFilingStatus: RiskProfileTaxFilingStatus; }; export type UpdateUserNetWorthAccountInput = { netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId?: InputMaybe; nickname?: InputMaybe; }; export type UpdateUserRolloverInput = { expectedRolloverAmount?: InputMaybe; }; export type UpdateUserRolloverResponse = { __typename?: 'UpdateUserRolloverResponse'; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UploadResult = { __typename?: 'UploadResult'; info?: Maybe; parseMismatch?: Maybe; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UploadedDocument = { __typename?: 'UploadedDocument'; createdAt?: Maybe; documentType?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UploadsResponse = { __typename?: 'UploadsResponse'; uploads: Array; }; export type UpsertPersonalInfoInput = { accountInfo?: InputMaybe>; address?: InputMaybe; beneficiaries?: InputMaybe; email?: InputMaybe; income?: InputMaybe; investedAssets?: InputMaybe>; investingExperience?: InputMaybe; nameInfo?: InputMaybe; netWorth?: InputMaybe; phone?: InputMaybe; preTaxHouseholdIncome?: InputMaybe; preTaxIncome?: InputMaybe; taxFilingStatus?: InputMaybe; }; export type User = { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; accounts: Array; analyticsTraits: UserAnalyticsTraits; appConfig: AppConfig; benchmarks: UserBenchmarks; email: Scalars['String']; firstName?: Maybe; holdingsPrototype: HoldingsPrototypeResponse; id: Scalars['String']; isVerified: Scalars['Boolean']; lastName?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use wealthOverview instead */ netWorth: NetWorthResponse; onboardingInfo: UserOnboardingInfo; personalInfo: UserPersonalInfo; rewardInfo: UserRewardInfo; role: UserRole; settings: UserSettingsResponse; smartCash: CoreSmartCash; titanInvestingAccounts: Array; trades: TradesResponse; userBankAccounts: Array; userCapital: Capital; userId: Scalars['String']; userState: UserState; wealthOverview: WealthOverview; }; export type UserHoldingsPrototypeArgs = { limit?: InputMaybe; sort?: InputMaybe; }; export type UserSmartCashArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type UserTradesArgs = { input?: InputMaybe; }; export type UserWealthOverviewArgs = { useDemoData?: InputMaybe; }; export type UserActivity = { accountId?: Maybe; activityAccountType: ActivityAccountType; activityIcon: Icon; activityId: Scalars['String']; createdAt: Scalars['Date']; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; /** @deprecated Use createdAt instead */ lastUpdated: Scalars['Date']; showNotification?: Maybe; state?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export enum UserActivityState { PENDING = 'PENDING', } export type UserAnalyticsTraits = { __typename?: 'UserAnalyticsTraits'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; email?: Maybe; phoneNumber?: Maybe; }; export type UserBankAccountIdentityInfo = { __typename?: 'UserBankAccountIdentityInfo'; bankAccountOwners?: Maybe>>; identityMatchLogs?: Maybe>>; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserBankPrivateInfo = { __typename?: 'UserBankPrivateInfo'; identityInfo?: Maybe; userBankAccountId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserBenchmark = { __typename?: 'UserBenchmark'; globalMedian: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['ID']; }; export type UserBenchmarks = { __typename?: 'UserBenchmarks'; ageBased: AgeBasedBenchmark; }; export type UserFinancialProfile = { __typename?: 'UserFinancialProfile'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; income: Income; investedAssets: Array; investingExperience: InvestingExperience; netWorth: NetWorth; preTaxHouseholdIncome?: Maybe; preTaxIncome?: Maybe; taxFilingStatus?: Maybe; }; export type UserNetWorth = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorth'; auxiliaryCta?: Maybe; categories: Array; disclaimer: NetWorthDisclaimer; performanceConfiguration: NetWorthPerformanceConfiguration; primaryCta?: Maybe; total: Scalars['Float']; }; export type UserNetWorthCta = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; description?: Maybe; externalUri?: Maybe; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserNetWorthIrCallout = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthIRCallout'; author: Scalars['String']; avatar: ImageAsset; cta: UserNetWorthCta; quote: Scalars['String']; }; export enum UserNetWorthIntentType { AddAccount = 'AddAccount', BookACall = 'BookACall', DismissOnboarding = 'DismissOnboarding', EnableWealthWatch = 'EnableWealthWatch', GetStarted = 'GetStarted', GiveFeedback = 'GiveFeedback', ViewBreakdown = 'ViewBreakdown', } export type UserNetWorthPromoScreen = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoScreen'; cta: UserNetWorthCta; image?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; rows?: Maybe>; }; export type UserNetWorthPromoScreenRow = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoScreenRow'; icon: Icon; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserNetWorthPromoWidget = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoWidget'; cta: UserNetWorthCta; description?: Maybe; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; image?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserNetWorthWidget = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthWidget'; cta: UserNetWorthCta; eyebrow: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: UserNetWorthWidgetLastUpdated; }; export type UserNetWorthWidgetLastUpdated = { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthWidgetLastUpdated'; descriptor?: Maybe; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserOnboardingInfo = { __typename?: 'UserOnboardingInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; id: Scalars['ID']; investmentProductChoice?: Maybe; portfolioQuizData?: Maybe; skipPhoneVerification?: Maybe; status?: Maybe; }; export type UserPersonalInfo = { __typename?: 'UserPersonalInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; address?: Maybe
; age?: Maybe; financialProfile?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; nameInfo: NameInfo; phone?: Maybe; }; export type UserRewardInfo = { __typename?: 'UserRewardInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; cashRewardInfo: CashRewardInfo; id: Scalars['ID']; promoClaims: Array; referralCode: Scalars['String']; referralLink?: Maybe; referralShareMessage?: Maybe; referrals: Referrals; referredByCampaign?: Maybe; }; export type UserReweightResponse = { __typename?: 'UserReweightResponse'; eligibleAccounts: Array; hasClosedHomeScreenEntryPoint: Scalars['Boolean']; hasSeenPopup: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export enum UserRole { Alpha = 'Alpha', AlphaUat = 'AlphaUat', Analyst = 'Analyst', ArkBeta = 'ArkBeta', Beta = 'Beta', BrokerDealer = 'BrokerDealer', Client = 'Client', Content = 'Content', Developer = 'Developer', Investor = 'Investor', Product = 'Product', Referrer = 'Referrer', Supervisor = 'Supervisor', Support = 'Support', Unknown = 'Unknown', } export type UserRollover = { __typename?: 'UserRollover'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; hidden?: Maybe; investment?: Maybe; platform?: Maybe; rolloverAccountInfo?: Maybe; rolloverPublicStatus?: Maybe>; rolloverType?: Maybe; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserRolloverActivity = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverActivity'; accountId?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; providerLogoUrl?: Maybe; retirementType: RetirementType; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserRolloverActivityResponse = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverActivityResponse'; readyToInvest?: Maybe>; rolloverActivity: Array; }; export type UserRolloverInfo = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverInfo'; accountBalance?: Maybe; accountName?: Maybe; accountNumber?: Maybe; accountType?: Maybe; providerLogoUrl?: Maybe; providerName: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserRolloverInvestmentInfo = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverInvestmentInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; estimatedAmount?: Maybe; moneyAllocationIds?: Maybe>; }; export type UserRolloverReadyToInvest = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverReadyToInvest'; accountId: Scalars['String']; providerLogoUrl?: Maybe; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserRolloverResponse = { __typename?: 'UserRolloverResponse'; accountId?: Maybe; rolloverInfo: UserRolloverInfo; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserRolloverToggleVisibilityInput = { hidden: Scalars['Boolean']; userRolloverId: Scalars['String']; }; export enum UserRolloverType { ROLLOVER_TYPE_401K_ROLLOVER = 'ROLLOVER_TYPE_401K_ROLLOVER', ROLLOVER_TYPE_IRA_ACATS = 'ROLLOVER_TYPE_IRA_ACATS', ROLLOVER_TYPE_IRA_NON_ACATS = 'ROLLOVER_TYPE_IRA_NON_ACATS', } export type UserRolloversInput = { userId: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserSettingsResponse = { __typename?: 'UserSettingsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; enablePushNotificationDrawer?: Maybe; excludedHoldings: ExcludedHoldingsResponse; id: Scalars['ID']; legalInfo: LegalInfo; pushNotificationsSettings?: Maybe>; smartCashEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; twoFactorEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UserSettingsResponseEnablePushNotificationDrawerArgs = { deviceId: Scalars['String']; ignoreDaysBetweenPopups?: InputMaybe; isEnabled: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UserSettingsResponsePushNotificationsSettingsArgs = { featureKeys?: InputMaybe>; }; export enum UserState { churned = 'churned', client = 'client', open = 'open', } export type UserTransaction = { __typename?: 'UserTransaction'; accountId: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle: Scalars['String']; summary: TransferSummary; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserUpload = { __typename?: 'UserUpload'; createdAt?: Maybe; documentType?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type UserUploadsResponse = { __typename?: 'UserUploadsResponse'; uploads: Array; }; export type UsersTransactionHistoryResponse = { __typename?: 'UsersTransactionHistoryResponse'; transactions: Array>; }; export type ValuableWealth = { __typename?: 'ValuableWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type ValueDetails = { __typename?: 'ValueDetails'; /** numeral of $ invested in the asset */ initialInvestment: Scalars['Float']; /** numeral of total value of holdings */ total: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum ValueFunction { Classic = 'Classic', IncomeGeneration = 'IncomeGeneration', NoFees = 'NoFees', } export type ValuePropositions = { __typename?: 'ValuePropositions'; details?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; value?: Maybe; }; export type VehicleWealth = { __typename?: 'VehicleWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type VerifyEmailCodeResponse = { __typename?: 'VerifyEmailCodeResponse'; errorMessage?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; user: User; }; export type VerifySmsCodeResponse = { __typename?: 'VerifySMSCodeResponse'; authToken?: Maybe; failureReason?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; userCreated?: Maybe; }; export type VerifyTwoFactorAuthCodeResponse = { __typename?: 'VerifyTwoFactorAuthCodeResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type VideoBannerConfig = { __typename?: 'VideoBannerConfig'; videoDescription: Scalars['String']; videoDurationDisplay: Scalars['String']; videoThumbnailUrl: Scalars['String']; videoTitle: Scalars['String']; videoUrl: Scalars['String']; }; export type VideoConfig = { __typename?: 'VideoConfig'; autoplay?: Maybe; hideControls?: Maybe; loop?: Maybe; mute?: Maybe; }; export type WatchWealth = { __typename?: 'WatchWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthAccount = { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; balance: WealthValue; categorization: WealthAccountCategorization; connectionStatus: WealthAccountConnectionStatus; holdings?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; institution: WealthAccountInstitution; isSmartCash?: Maybe; isTitanAccount?: Maybe; label: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use institution.logo instead */ logo: ImageAsset; }; export type WealthAccountCategorization = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountCategorization'; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; wealthCategory: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthAccountConnectionStatus = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountConnectionStatus'; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; status: WealthAccountConnectionStatusType; }; export enum WealthAccountConnectionStatusType { connected = 'connected', delayed = 'delayed', disconnected = 'disconnected', } export type WealthAccountGroupPerformanceDataPoint = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformanceDataPoint'; currentValue: Scalars['Float']; date: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; totalReturnDollars?: Maybe; totalReturnPercent?: Maybe; }; export type WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod = WealthPerformancePeriod & { __typename?: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; chart?: Maybe>; chartJSON?: Maybe; dateFormat?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; totalReturnDollars?: Maybe; totalReturnPercent?: Maybe; }; export type WealthAccountHolding = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; asset?: Maybe; assetId?: Maybe; categorization?: Maybe; displayName?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; logo: ImageAsset; performance: WealthAccountHoldingPerformance; price?: Maybe; quantity: Scalars['Float']; weight: Scalars['Float']; }; export type WealthAccountHoldingPerformance = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHoldingPerformance'; currentValue: Scalars['Float']; }; export type WealthAccountInstitution = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; acatsInfo?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; logo: ImageAsset; provider: InstitutionProviderType; }; export type WealthAccountInstitutionAcatsInfo = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitutionACATSInfo'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; acatsEligible: Scalars['Boolean']; accountNumberGuideUrl?: Maybe; providerId: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthAccountPerformanceDataPoint = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountPerformanceDataPoint'; currentValue: Scalars['Float']; date: Scalars['String']; gainDollars?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; simpleReturnPercent?: Maybe; totalReturnDollars?: Maybe; totalReturnPercent?: Maybe; }; export type WealthAsset = { __typename?: 'WealthAsset'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; assetTransferType: AssetTransferType; /** @deprecated Use assetTransferType instead */ isTitanSupported: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type WealthCalculatorInput = { initialDeposit: Scalars['Float']; monthlyDeposit: Scalars['Float']; timeHorizon: Scalars['Int']; }; export type WealthCalculatorOutput = { __typename?: 'WealthCalculatorOutput'; currentAge?: Maybe; expected: Array; howWeCalculateProjectionsMarkdown: Scalars['String']; lessLikely: Array; moreLikely: Array; }; export type WealthChartConfig = { __typename?: 'WealthChartConfig'; defaultPeriodKey?: Maybe; }; export type WealthConfig = { __typename?: 'WealthConfig'; externalInstitutionSelector: ExternalInstitutionSelectorConfig; }; export type WealthExpectedDataPoint = { __typename?: 'WealthExpectedDataPoint'; value: Scalars['Float']; year: Scalars['Int']; }; export type WealthHoldingCategorization = { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingCategorization'; assetCategory?: Maybe; geographic?: Maybe; industry?: Maybe; }; export type WealthHoldingDisplayName = { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingDisplayName'; default: Scalars['String']; id: Scalars['String']; long?: Maybe; short?: Maybe; }; export type WealthHoldingsOverview = { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; holdings?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthLikelihoodDataPoint = { __typename?: 'WealthLikelihoodDataPoint'; high: Scalars['Float']; low: Scalars['Float']; year: Scalars['Int']; }; export type WealthOverview = { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; artwork?: Maybe; assets?: Maybe; carLoan?: Maybe; cash?: Maybe; chartConfig?: Maybe; creditCard?: Maybe; crypto?: Maybe; equity?: Maybe; hardware?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; investment?: Maybe; jewelry?: Maybe; liabilities?: Maybe; mortgage?: Maybe; overview?: Maybe; personalLoan?: Maybe; realEstate?: Maybe; retirement?: Maybe; sneakers?: Maybe; studentLoan?: Maybe; valuables?: Maybe; vehicle?: Maybe; watch?: Maybe; wine?: Maybe; }; export type WealthPerformancePeriod = { id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthValue = { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; charts?: Maybe>; currentValue: Scalars['Float']; historicalPerformance?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated?: Maybe; }; export type WealthValueCharts = { __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: Maybe; dateFormat?: Maybe; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; periodKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthWatchAccount = { balance: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; /** @deprecated Use performances to include multiple periods, we will continue to return the 1d performance here for backward compatibility. */ performance?: Maybe; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; widgets: Array; }; export type WealthWatchAccountPerformance = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; format: DataWidgetFormat; periodKey: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export enum WealthWatchCategoryType { asset = 'asset', liability = 'liability', } export type WealthWatchExternalAccount = WealthWatchAccount & { __typename?: 'WealthWatchExternalAccount'; balance: Scalars['Float']; holdings?: Maybe>; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; netWorthAccountType: NetWorthAccountType; netWorthCategoryId: Scalars['String']; netWorthInstitutionId: Scalars['String']; pendingAction?: Maybe; performance?: Maybe; performances?: Maybe>; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; widgets: Array; }; export type WealthWatchHolding = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchHolding'; balance: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; /** @deprecated Use performances to include multiple periods, we will continue to return the 1d performance here for backward compatibility. */ performance?: Maybe; performances?: Maybe>; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; }; export type WealthWatchSmartCashAccount = WealthWatchAccount & { __typename?: 'WealthWatchSmartCashAccount'; balance: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; performance?: Maybe; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; widgets: Array; }; export type WealthWatchTitanBankAccount = WealthWatchAccount & { __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanBankAccount'; accountId: Scalars['String']; balance: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; pendingAction?: Maybe; performance?: Maybe; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; sourceId: Scalars['String']; widgets: Array; }; export type WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount = WealthWatchAccount & { __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount'; balance: Scalars['Float']; id: Scalars['String']; label: Scalars['String']; lastUpdated: Scalars['String']; logo?: Maybe; performance?: Maybe; secondaryLabel: Scalars['String']; widgets: Array; }; export enum WebMobilePlatformType { android = 'android', ios = 'ios', unknown = 'unknown', web = 'web', } export type WeightingDetails = { __typename?: 'WeightingDetails'; /** decimal that represents the % value of the strategy this holding consists of */ percent: Scalars['Float']; }; export type WelcomeCarouselItem = { __typename?: 'WelcomeCarouselItem'; assetUri: LightOrDark; disclosureUri?: Maybe; headerLine1: Scalars['String']; headerLine2: Scalars['String']; strategyKey?: Maybe; trackingId: Scalars['String']; }; export type WelcomeScreenInput = { attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; }; export type WelcomeSplashResponse = { __typename?: 'WelcomeSplashResponse'; carouselItems: Array; introVideo: Scalars['String']; logo: LightOrDark; }; export type WelcomeToTitanScreen = { __typename?: 'WelcomeToTitanScreen'; keyPoints: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type WhatToExpect = { __typename?: 'WhatToExpect'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; documentsLabel: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type WhatYouGetSection = { __typename?: 'WhatYouGetSection'; ctaText: Scalars['String']; menuStrategyOfferings: Array; performanceDisclosureConfig: PerformanceDisclosureConfig; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type WhatsNewOnTitan = { __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitan'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; eyebrow?: Maybe; heroImage?: Maybe; hideBannerOnHome?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; newOnTitanRows: Array; primaryCta?: Maybe; secondaryCta?: Maybe; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; type: WhatsNewOnTitanType; }; export type WhatsNewOnTitanCta = { __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitanCTA'; intent?: Maybe; label?: Maybe; }; export enum WhatsNewOnTitanType { FULL_DRAWER = 'FULL_DRAWER', HALF_DRAWER = 'HALF_DRAWER', } export type WidthHeight = { __typename?: 'WidthHeight'; height: Scalars['Int']; width: Scalars['Int']; }; export type WineWealth = { __typename?: 'WineWealth'; accounts?: Maybe>; balance: WealthValue; id: Scalars['String']; }; export type WithdrawAssetBankDestination = { bankSourceId?: InputMaybe; type: WithdrawAssetLocation; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; }; export type WithdrawAssetCashLocation = { type: WithdrawAssetLocation; }; export type WithdrawAssetDestination = { bank?: InputMaybe; cash?: InputMaybe; }; export type WithdrawAssetEquitySource = { assetId: Scalars['String']; isLiquidation?: InputMaybe; type: WithdrawAssetLocation; }; export type WithdrawAssetInput = { accountType: AccountType; amount: Scalars['Float']; destination: WithdrawAssetDestination; source: WithdrawAssetSource; }; export enum WithdrawAssetLocation { ASSET = 'ASSET', BANK = 'BANK', CASH = 'CASH', } export type WithdrawAssetResponse = { __typename?: 'WithdrawAssetResponse'; success: Scalars['Boolean']; transactionId: Scalars['String']; }; export type WithdrawAssetSource = { asset?: InputMaybe; cash?: InputMaybe; }; export type WithdrawalFlow = { __typename?: 'WithdrawalFlow'; withdrawalTutorials?: Maybe>; }; export enum WithdrawalFrequency { Annually = 'Annually', Daily = 'Daily', Monthly = 'Monthly', Quarterly = 'Quarterly', Weekly = 'Weekly', } export type WithdrawalLimitations = { __typename?: 'WithdrawalLimitations'; nextWithdrawalConfirmationDate: Scalars['Date']; nextWithdrawalRequestDate: Scalars['Date']; }; export type WithdrawalToBankTransactionSummary = TransactionMeta & { __typename?: 'WithdrawalToBankTransactionSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionTypeEnum; latestStatus?: Maybe; }; export type WithdrawalToTitanCashTransactionSummary = TransactionMeta & { __typename?: 'WithdrawalToTitanCashTransactionSummary'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['String']; _type: TransactionTypeEnum; latestStatus?: Maybe; }; export type WithdrawalTutorial = { __typename?: 'WithdrawalTutorial'; carouselButtonText: Scalars['String']; introScreen: WithdrawalTutorialIntroScreen; screens: Array; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; }; export type WithdrawalTutorialIntroScreen = { __typename?: 'WithdrawalTutorialIntroScreen'; cancelButtonText: Scalars['String']; continueButtonText: Scalars['String']; header: Scalars['String']; subheader?: Maybe; }; export type WithdrawalTutorialScreen = { __typename?: 'WithdrawalTutorialScreen'; buttonText: Scalars['String']; faqLink?: Maybe; header: Scalars['String']; imageURL: Scalars['String']; subheader?: Maybe; }; export enum WithdrawalType { dollars = 'dollars', liquidation = 'liquidation', sell_to_min = 'sell_to_min', } export enum WitholdingType { FIXED = 'FIXED', PERCENTAGE = 'PERCENTAGE', } export type YndxImpact = { __typename?: 'YNDXImpact'; hasLiquidations?: Maybe; ownsYNDX?: Maybe; }; export type YearlyIraLimit = { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; ageGte50: Scalars['Boolean']; catchUpContribution: Scalars['Float']; description: Scalars['String']; iraMaxout?: Maybe; maximumAnnually: Scalars['Float']; remainingContribution: Scalars['Float']; }; export enum YesNo { no = 'no', yes = 'yes', } export type YieldBoostStat = { __typename?: 'YieldBoostStat'; descriptor?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; value: Scalars['String']; }; export type YieldBoostWidget = { __typename?: 'YieldBoostWidget'; badge?: Maybe; footerText: Scalars['String']; shareButtonText: Scalars['String']; stats: Array; subtitle: Scalars['String']; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type YieldFund = { __typename?: 'YieldFund'; additionalDepositRequired: Scalars['Float']; minimum: Scalars['Float']; yield: YieldInfo; }; export type YieldInfo = { __typename?: 'YieldInfo'; afterTax: DisclaimedYield; asOf: Scalars['Date']; cashApy: DisclaimedYield; sevenDay: DisclaimedYield; }; export type YodleeInfo = { accessToken: Scalars['String']; accountId: Scalars['String']; isConfirmed?: InputMaybe; }; export type YourInvestmentTeamSection = { __typename?: 'YourInvestmentTeamSection'; teamMembers: Array; }; export type YourManagedStocksAllocationDrawer = { __typename?: 'YourManagedStocksAllocationDrawer'; assetBars: Array; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; }; export type AccountRoleResponse = { __typename?: 'accountRoleResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; role: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputInput = { googleSheetId: Scalars['String']; strategyFlavorId: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type CreateNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'createNewFlavorSpecificRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CreateNewRebalanceInputInput = { googleSheetId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; symbols: Array; }; export type CreateNewRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'createNewRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type CreatePlaidMicroDepositTokenResponse = { __typename?: 'createPlaidMicroDepositTokenResponse'; microdepositLinkToken?: Maybe; }; export type DeleteRebalanceInputInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type DeleteRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'deleteRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type GetRebalanceSummaryInput = { strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type GetRebalanceSummaryResult = { __typename?: 'getRebalanceSummaryResult'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; buys?: Maybe>; error?: Maybe; sells?: Maybe>; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type GetSecondaryAccountFormInput = { accountType: AccountType; }; export type GetSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type GetSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'getSimulatorStatusForRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; errorMsg?: Maybe; orders?: Maybe; status?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type HomeWarningBanner = { __typename?: 'homeWarningBanner'; bannerMeta?: Maybe; id: Scalars['ID']; link?: Maybe; subtitle?: Maybe; title: Scalars['String']; type?: Maybe; }; export type JoinNowContentResponse = { __typename?: 'joinNowContentResponse'; screenContent?: Maybe; }; export type MarkIntentEstimationDirtyInput = { referenceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type MarkIntentEstimationDirtyResponse = { __typename?: 'markIntentEstimationDirtyResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SavePlaidLogResponse = { __typename?: 'savePlaidLogResponse'; plaidEventName?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetAspToRebalanceInput = { accountId: Scalars['String']; strategyKey: Scalars['String']; toRebalance: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetAspToRebalanceResponse = { __typename?: 'setASPToRebalanceResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SetNotesOnSystemIntentInput = { notes: Scalars['String']; systemIntentId: Scalars['String']; }; export type SetNotesOnSystemIntentResponse = { __typename?: 'setNotesOnSystemIntentResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type StartRebalanceForRebalanceInputInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type StartRebalanceForRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'startRebalanceForRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type StartSimulationForRebalanceInputInput = { strategyKey: Scalars['String']; strategyRebalanceId: Scalars['String']; }; export type StartSimulationForRebalanceInputResponse = { __typename?: 'startSimulationForRebalanceInputResponse'; _CACHE_ID: Scalars['ID']; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type SubmitRetirementAnalyzerRiskProfileResponse = { __typename?: 'submitRetirementAnalyzerRiskProfileResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type UseSuggestedCtaType = { __typename?: 'useSuggestedCTAType'; icon?: Maybe; text?: Maybe; }; export type UserBankMutationResponse = { __typename?: 'userBankMutationResponse'; error?: Maybe; success: Scalars['Boolean']; }; export type AmlDrawer_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; withdrawalAmount?: InputMaybe; withdrawalDate?: InputMaybe; availableToWithdraw?: InputMaybe; holdExpiration?: InputMaybe; sourceId?: InputMaybe; userBankAccountId?: InputMaybe; holdType?: InputMaybe; strategyKey?: InputMaybe; }>; export type AmlDrawer_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; amlDrawer: { __typename?: 'AMLDrawer'; title?: string | null; subtitle?: string | null; steps?: { __typename?: 'AMLDrawerSteps'; title?: string | null; steps?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AMLDrawerStep'; title?: string | null; details?: string | null }> | null; } | null; remediation?: { __typename?: 'AMLDrawerSteps'; title?: string | null; steps?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AMLDrawerStep'; title?: string | null; details?: string | null; action?: { __typename?: 'AMLAction'; label: string; action: string; extraInfo?: { __typename?: 'AMLActionExtraInfo'; alternativeBankLabel?: string | null; currentBankLabel?: string | null; prefilledMessage?: string | null; } | null; } | null; }> | null; } | null; }; }; export type IraLimitsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type IraLimitsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IraLimitsFragmentFragment: IraLimitsFragmentFragment }; } >; }; }; export type IraLimitsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountType: AccountType; accountId: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumACH: number; lastYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumAnnually: number; remainingContribution: number; ageGte50: boolean; description: string; catchUpContribution: number; }; thisYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumAnnually: number; remainingContribution: number; ageGte50: boolean; description: string; catchUpContribution: number; }; } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IraLimitsFragmentFragment' }; export type FaqList_FaqListFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'FaqList'; faqs: Array<{ __typename?: 'FAQ'; id: string; questionTitle: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FaqList_FaqListFragmentFragment' }; export type FaqSection_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ topic?: InputMaybe; }>; export type FaqSection_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; faqs: { __typename?: 'FaqList'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FaqList_FaqListFragmentFragment: FaqList_FaqListFragmentFragment }; }; }; export type FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichTextFragment = ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichTextFragment' }; export type JsonFormDropdownFragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent'; label?: string | null; placeholder?: string | null; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiFormDataComponentOptions'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; value: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BaseElementFragment_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment: BaseElementFragment_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormDropdownFragment' }; export type JsonFormHasSeenFragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent'; ref: string } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormHasSeenFragment'; }; export type FormRuleFragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormRule'; ref: string; schema: any } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FormRuleFragment'; }; export type JsonFormHelpDrawerFragment = { __typename?: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent'; drawerDismissBtnText?: string | null; drawerHeaderTitle?: string | null; tipText: string; drawerElements: Array< | { __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiFormCheckboxComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent' } | { __typename?: 'UiTextComponent'; text: string; style: UiTextStyle } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormHelpDrawerFragment' }; export type JsonFormLegalAgreementFragment = { __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent'; agreeText: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; optional?: boolean | null; ref: string; agreements: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreement'; link: string; linkText?: string | null; subText?: string | null }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormLegalAgreementFragment' }; export type JsonFormSelectFragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent'; multiple?: boolean | null; ordered?: boolean | null; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiFormDataComponentOptions'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; value: string; icon?: { __typename?: 'UiFormComponentOptionIcon'; _origin: AssetOrigin; lightDarkAsset: { __typename?: 'IconUriLightDark'; light: string; dark: string }; } | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment: BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormSelectFragment' }; export type JsonFormSelectWithDropdownFragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent'; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownOptions'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; value: string; dropdown?: { __typename?: 'UiFormDropdown'; ref: string; dropdownTitle?: string | null; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiFormDataComponentOptions'; title: string; value: string; subtitle?: string | null }>; disclaimer?: { __typename?: 'UiFormDropdownDisclaimer'; label: string } | null; } | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment: BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormSelectWithDropdownFragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormCheckboxComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment' }; type BaseElementFragment_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent'; ref: string; hideFromFullStory?: boolean | null; rule?: ({ __typename?: 'UiFormRule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FormRuleFragment: FormRuleFragment } }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BaseElementFragment_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment' }; export type BaseElementFragmentFragment = | BaseElementFragment_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment | BaseElementFragment_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment | BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment | BaseElementFragment_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment | BaseElementFragment_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment | BaseElementFragment_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment; export type JsonFormTextInputFragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent'; label?: string | null; placeholder?: string | null; type?: InputType | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BaseElementFragment_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment: BaseElementFragment_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormTextInputFragment' }; export type JsonFormTextDisplayFragment = { __typename?: 'UiTextComponent'; text: string; style: UiTextStyle } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'JsonFormTextDisplayFragment'; }; export type UiFormStepFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormStep'; id: string; stepId: UiFormStepId; skippable?: boolean | null; skipCtaCopy?: string | null; title?: string | null; subtitle?: string | null; elements: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiFormCheckboxComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiFormHasSeenComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiFormHasSeenComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiHelpDrawerComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiHelpDrawerComponent_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiTextComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiFormStepElement_UiTextComponent_Fragment: UiFormStepElement_UiTextComponent_Fragment }; }) >; tip?: { __typename?: 'UiFormTip'; title: string; subtitle: string } | null; rule?: { __typename?: 'UiFormRule'; ref: string; schema: any } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepFragmentFragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormDropdownFragment: JsonFormDropdownFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiFormCheckboxComponent' } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment'; }; type UiFormStepElement_UiFormHasSeenComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormHasSeenFragment: JsonFormHasSeenFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiFormHasSeenComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormSelectFragment: JsonFormSelectFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormSelectWithDropdownFragment: JsonFormSelectWithDropdownFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiFormTextInputComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormTextInputFragment: JsonFormTextInputFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiHelpDrawerComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormHelpDrawerFragment: JsonFormHelpDrawerFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiHelpDrawerComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormLegalAgreementFragment: JsonFormLegalAgreementFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment' }; type UiFormStepElement_UiTextComponent_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'UiTextComponent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { JsonFormTextDisplayFragment: JsonFormTextDisplayFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiFormStepElement_UiTextComponent_Fragment' }; export type UiFormStepElementFragment = | UiFormStepElement_UiDropdownSelectComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiFormCheckboxComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiFormHasSeenComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiFormSelectWithDropdownComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiFormTextInputComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiHelpDrawerComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiLegalAgreementComponent_Fragment | UiFormStepElement_UiTextComponent_Fragment; export type ImageAssetDefaultFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'ImageAssetUriDefault'; default: string; dimensions?: { __typename?: 'WidthHeight'; width: number; height: number } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ImageAssetDefaultFields_FragmentFragment' }; export type ImageAssetLightDarkFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'ImageAssetUriLightDark'; light: string; dark: string; dimensions?: { __typename?: 'WidthHeight'; width: number; height: number } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ImageAssetLightDarkFields_FragmentFragment' }; export type ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'ImageAsset'; assetUri: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAssetUriDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetDefaultFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetDefaultFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAssetUriLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetLightDarkFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetLightDarkFields_FragmentFragment }; }); dimensions?: { __typename?: 'WidthHeight'; width: number; height: number } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment' }; type UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiColorDefault'; default: string } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment'; }; type UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark'; light: string; dark: string } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment'; }; export type UiColor_FragmentFragment = UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment | UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment; export type LocalIconFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'LocalIcon'; iconId: LocalIconId } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'LocalIconFields_FragmentFragment'; }; export type RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon'; lightDarkAsset: { __typename?: 'IconUriLightDark'; light: string; dark: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment' }; export type RemoteIconFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'RemoteIcon'; assetUri: string } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RemoteIconFields_FragmentFragment'; }; type IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { LocalIconFields_FragmentFragment: LocalIconFields_FragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment' }; type IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RemoteIconFields_FragmentFragment: RemoteIconFields_FragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment' }; type IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment: RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment' }; export type IconFields_FragmentFragment = | IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment | IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment | IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; export type ExpandableDataWidget_ExpandableDataWidgetFragment = { __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidget'; label: string; value: string; description: string; overrides?: { __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidgetOverrides'; value?: string | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ExpandableDataWidget_ExpandableDataWidgetFragment' }; export type BannerPromo_RichTextFragment = ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BannerPromo_RichTextFragment' }; export type AccountLinkingConfigQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AccountLinkingConfigQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; appConfig: { __typename?: 'AppConfig'; id: string; accountLinking: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingConfig'; investments: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; retirement: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; cash: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; crypto: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; companyEquity: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; realState: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; otherAssets: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; sneakers: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; watch: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; hardware: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; artwork: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; vehicles: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; jewelry: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; wine: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; otherValuables: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; creditCards: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; personalLoans: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; mortgages: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; carLoans: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; studentLoans: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; otherLiabilities: { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment: UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment; }; }; }; }; }; }; export type UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountLinkingCategoryConfig'; id: string; label: string; netWorthCategoryId: string; institutions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ExternalInstitutionOption'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; institutionId: string; netWorthCategoryId: string; provider: InstitutionProviderType; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UseAccountLinkingCategories_AccountLinkingCategoryConfigFragment' }; export type AddAccountValueMutationVariables = Exact<{ netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; balance: Scalars['Float']; }>; export type AddAccountValueMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserManualNetWorthBalance: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; } | null; }; }; export type ChangeWealthAccountMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: UpdateUserNetWorthAccountInput; }>; export type ChangeWealthAccountMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; updateUserNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; label: string; categorization: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountCategorization'; netWorthCategoryId: string; wealthCategory: string }; } | null; }; }; export type AcitivityCenterNotification_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ args?: InputMaybe; }>; export type AcitivityCenterNotification_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; activityCenterNotification: { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterNotificationResponse'; showNotification: boolean }; }; type ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'AccountActionUserActivity'; accountActionType: AccountActionType; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'ClientTransactionUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId?: string | null; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'DistributionPaymentUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'InterestPaymentUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'RebalanceUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'RecurringTransferUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'RolloverUserActivity'; rolloverCta?: RolloverCta | null; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTransactionUserActivity'; movementId?: string | null; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyFeeUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment' }; type ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TransactionUserActivity'; activityId: string; title: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; internalActivityType: InternalActivityType; lastUpdated: string; accountId: string; state?: UserActivityState | null; showNotification?: boolean | null; activityAccountType: { __typename?: 'ActivityAccountType'; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; accountType: AccountType; }; activityIcon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment' }; export type ActivityList_FragmentFragment = | ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment | ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment; export type ActivityCenterFilter_QueryFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterResponse'; displayFilters: { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterFilters'; dateRangeFilters: Array<{ __typename?: 'DateRangeFilter'; displayName: string; endDate: string; startDate: string }>; externalActivityCategoryFilters: Array<{ __typename?: 'ExternalActivityCategoryFilter'; displayName: string; externalActivityCategory: ExternalActivityCategory; }>; accountTypeFilters: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountTypeFilter'; accountType: AccountType; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; displayName: string; }>; strategyFilters: Array<{ __typename?: 'ActivityStrategyFilter'; movementStrategyKeys: Array; displayName: string }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ActivityCenterFilter_QueryFragmentFragment' }; export type ActivitiesQueryVariables = Exact<{ args?: InputMaybe; }>; export type ActivitiesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; activityCenter: { __typename?: 'ActivityCenterResponse'; id: string; activities?: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'AccountActionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ClientTransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DistributionPaymentUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'InterestPaymentUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RebalanceUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RecurringTransferUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RolloverUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashTransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyFeeUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) > | null; scheduledActivities?: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'AccountActionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_AccountActionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ClientTransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_ClientTransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DistributionPaymentUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_DistributionPaymentUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'InterestPaymentUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_InterestPaymentUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RebalanceUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RebalanceUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RecurringTransferUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RecurringTransferUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RolloverUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_RolloverUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashTransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_SmartCashTransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyFeeUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_StrategyFeeUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TransactionUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment: ActivityList_Fragment_TransactionUserActivity_Fragment; }; }) > | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ActivityCenterFilter_QueryFragmentFragment: ActivityCenterFilter_QueryFragmentFragment } }; }; export type DistributionPaymentDetailQueryVariables = Exact<{ dividendPaymentId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type DistributionPaymentDetailQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; distributionPaymentDetails: { __typename?: 'TransactionSummary'; id: string; header: string; subheader: string; timelineSteps: Array<{ __typename?: 'TimelineStepType'; title: string; details: string; isCompleted: boolean; isHidden: boolean; isWarning?: boolean | null; highlightText?: string | null; }>; orderDetails: { __typename?: 'OrderDetailsType'; title: string; details: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderDetailType'; label: string; value: string }>; }; }; }; export type InterestPaymentDetailQueryVariables = Exact<{ interestPaymentId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type InterestPaymentDetailQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; interestPaymentDetails: { __typename?: 'TransactionSummary'; id: string; header: string; subheader: string; timelineSteps: Array<{ __typename?: 'TimelineStepType'; title: string; details: string; isCompleted: boolean; isHidden: boolean; isWarning?: boolean | null; highlightText?: string | null; }>; orderDetails: { __typename?: 'OrderDetailsType'; title: string; details: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderDetailType'; label: string; value: string }>; }; }; }; export type VerifyPhoneMutationVariables = Exact<{ phone: Scalars['String']; code: Scalars['String']; attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type VerifyPhoneMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; verifySMSCode: { __typename?: 'VerifySMSCodeResponse'; success: boolean; failureReason?: string | null; authToken?: string | null; userCreated?: boolean | null; }; }; export type CheckCredentialsQueryVariables = Exact<{ provider: CheckCredentialProvider; token: Scalars['String']; }>; export type CheckCredentialsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; checkCredentials: { __typename?: 'CheckCredentialsResponse'; success: boolean; message?: string | null }; }; export type PreAuthenticatedSignUpMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: SignUpArgs; }>; export type PreAuthenticatedSignUpMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; preAuthenticatedSignUp: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; userId: string }; }; export type ContinueWithPhoneMutationVariables = Exact<{ phone: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ContinueWithPhoneMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; continueWithPhone: { __typename?: 'ContinueWithPhoneResponse'; success: boolean; failureReason?: string | null }; }; export type AgeBasedBenchmarkQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AgeBasedBenchmarkQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; benchmarks: { __typename?: 'UserBenchmarks'; ageBased: { __typename?: 'AgeBasedBenchmark'; age: number; benchmark: { __typename?: 'UserBenchmark'; id: string; globalMedian: number }; }; }; }; }; export type AgeBasedBenchmark_OverallWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'OverallWealth'; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string }; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AgeBasedBenchmark_OverallWealthFragment' }; export type BrokerageTransfer_InvestmentWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'InvestmentWealth'; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; isTitanAccount?: boolean | null; label: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null }; holdings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; quantity: number; price?: number | null; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; displayName?: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingDisplayName'; id: string; short?: string | null } | null; asset?: { __typename?: 'WealthAsset'; _CACHE_ID: string; assetTransferType: AssetTransferType } | null; }> | null; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; acatsInfo?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitutionACATSInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; providerId: string; acatsEligible: boolean; accountNumberGuideUrl?: string | null; } | null; }; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BrokerageTransfer_InvestmentWealthFragment' }; export type ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimerFragment = { __typename?: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer'; disclaimer: string; descriptor: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimerFragment' }; export type ChartDetailsInfoRow_ChartDetailsInfoRowFragment = { __typename?: 'ChartDetailsInfoRow'; label: string; value: string; format?: ChartDetailsInfoRowFormat | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ChartDetailsInfoRow_ChartDetailsInfoRowFragment' }; export type StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; reportsJSON: any; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment' }; export type CommunityContentSubmitCommentMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: CommunityContentSubmitCommentInput; }>; export type CommunityContentSubmitCommentMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; communityContentSubmitComment: { __typename?: 'CommunityContentSubmitCommentResponse'; comment: { __typename?: 'CommunityComment'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment: CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment }; }; updatedCommentList: { __typename?: 'CommentList'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment: CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment }; }; }; }; export type CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment = { __typename?: 'CommentList'; _CACHE_ID: string; total: number; comments?: Array< { __typename?: 'CommunityComment'; _CACHE_ID: string; commentId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment: CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment' }; export type CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment = { __typename?: 'CommunityComment'; _CACHE_ID: string; commentId: string; commentText: string; userName: string; replies?: Array< { __typename?: 'TitanCommentReply' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommunityCommentReplies_TitanCommentReplyFragment: CommunityCommentReplies_TitanCommentReplyFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CommunityComment_CommunityCommentFragment' }; export type CommunityCommentReplies_TitanCommentReplyFragment = { __typename?: 'TitanCommentReply'; commentId: string; titanAuthor: { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; headshot: string; name: string; title: string }; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CommunityCommentReplies_TitanCommentReplyFragment' }; export type ConciergeAgents_ConciergeResponseFragment = { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; agents: Array<{ __typename?: 'ConciergeAgent'; _CACHE_ID: string; agentId: string; avatarUrl?: string | null; displayName: string; kustomerUserId: string; name: string; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ConciergeAgents_ConciergeResponseFragment' }; export type ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment = { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; chat: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChat'; _CACHE_ID: string; ui: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; archivedEmptyState?: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; icon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; } | null; conversation: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiConversation'; _CACHE_ID: string; subtitle: string }; inbox: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiInbox'; _CACHE_ID: string; subtitle: string; title: string }; knowledgeBase: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiKnowledgeBase'; _CACHE_ID: string; categoriesTitle: string; subtitle: string; title: string; }; recentEmptyState?: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; icon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; } | null; satisfaction: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatUiSatisfaction'; _CACHE_ID: string; labelHigh: string; labelLow: string; title: string; }; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment' }; export type ConversationsUiQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type ConversationsUiQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; concierge: { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment: ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment }; }; }; export type ConciergeConversations_ConciergeResponseFragment = { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; chat: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChat'; _CACHE_ID: string; conversations: Array<{ __typename?: 'ConciergeChatConversation'; _CACHE_ID: string; conversationId: string; externalId: string; satisfaction?: { __typename?: 'ConciergeChatSatisfactionData'; _CACHE_ID: string; formResponseId: string; rating?: number | null; externalSentById?: string | null; } | null; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ConciergeConversations_ConciergeResponseFragment' }; export type ConciergeChatQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type ConciergeChatQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; concierge: { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ConciergeAgents_ConciergeResponseFragment: ConciergeAgents_ConciergeResponseFragment; ConciergeConversations_ConciergeResponseFragment: ConciergeConversations_ConciergeResponseFragment; ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment: ConciergeChatUi_ConciergeResponseFragment; }; }; }; export type UpdateToDoStatusMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: UpdateToDoStatusInput; }>; export type UpdateToDoStatusMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; updateToDoStatus?: { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; _CACHE_ID: string; status: ToDoStatus; info?: { __typename?: 'TodoInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; completedAt?: string | null } | null; } | null; }; export type TodosInfoReminders_RemindersFragment = { __typename?: 'ToDoReminders'; _CACHE_ID: string; title?: string | null; descriptions?: Array | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TodosInfoReminders_RemindersFragment' }; export type TodosPreviewListItem_ConciergeTodoFragment = { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; _CACHE_ID: string; todoId: string; todoKey: ToDoKey; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; status: ToDoStatus; createdAt: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TodosPreviewListItem_ConciergeTodoFragment' }; export type ConciergeQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type ConciergeQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; concierge: { __typename?: 'ConciergeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; conciergeCenter: { __typename?: 'ConciergeCenterResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; avatarUrls?: Array | null; title?: string | null; subtitle?: string | null; }; todos: { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodosResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; emptyState?: { __typename?: 'ConciergeEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: string; text: string; icon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; } | null; todosList: Array< { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; _CACHE_ID: string; status: ToDoStatus; todoKey: ToDoKey; info?: { __typename?: 'TodoInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; todoId: string; title?: string | null; subtitle?: string | null; completedAt?: string | null; icon?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; agent?: { __typename?: 'TodoAgent'; avatarUrl?: string | null; displayName?: string | null } | null; reminders?: | ({ __typename?: 'ToDoReminders' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TodosInfoReminders_RemindersFragment: TodosInfoReminders_RemindersFragment }; }) | null; primaryCta?: { __typename?: 'PrimaryCta'; text: string; action: { __typename: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; destination: { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; screenId: string; params?: any | null }; }; } | null; secondaryCta?: { __typename?: 'CtaActionInfo'; label: string; icon?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; action: | { __typename?: 'CustomUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; uri: string } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' }; } | null; todoSecondaryCta?: { __typename?: 'TodoCta'; label: string; intent?: TodoIntent | null; externalUri?: string | null; } | null; disclosures?: { __typename?: 'TodoCta'; label: string; sublabel?: string | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; dismiss?: { __typename?: 'TodoCta'; label: string; sublabel?: string | null } | null; } | null; completedDetails?: { __typename?: 'ToDoCompletedDetails'; _CACHE_ID: string; title?: string | null; description?: string | null; primaryCtaText?: string | null; secondaryCtaText?: string | null; icon?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; } | null; requirements?: { __typename?: 'FundingTodoRequirements'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId?: string | null; accountType?: AccountType | null; isRecurring?: boolean | null; totalAmount?: number | null; destinations?: Array<{ __typename?: 'FundingTodoDestination'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategy: string; amount?: number | null; percent?: number | null; }> | null; ira?: { __typename?: 'IraFundingToDoRequirements'; fundingType: string; contributionYear: number } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TodosPreviewListItem_ConciergeTodoFragment: TodosPreviewListItem_ConciergeTodoFragment } } >; }; }; }; export type RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText'; json: any; links: { __typename?: 'RichTextBodyLinks'; assets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ContentAssetEntry'; id: string; value: { __typename?: 'ContentAsset'; height?: number | null; width?: number | null; url?: string | null }; }> | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment' }; export type AssetInfos_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ assetIds: Array | Scalars['String']; }>; export type AssetInfos_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; assetInfos?: { __typename?: 'AssetInfoResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; infos: Array<{ __typename?: 'AssetInfoType'; id: string; assetId: string; ticker: string; imageUrl?: string | null; displayName?: string | null; }>; } | null; }; export type PersonalTradingFlowQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type PersonalTradingFlowQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; personalTradingFlow: { __typename?: 'PersonalTradingFlowResponse'; nextTradingBatchDescription?: string | null; howWeProcessTrades?: { __typename?: 'HowWeProcessTradesType'; text: string; descriptor: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: string; title: string }; } | null; }; }; export type BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark'; id: string; accountId: string; strategyKey: string; benchmark: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkData' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment: ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment }; }; strategy: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkData'; name: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment: ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment' }; export type ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment = { __typename?: 'BenchmarkData'; name: string; percentChange: number; chart: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart'; periodDomain: { __typename?: 'ChartPeriodDomain'; xMin: string; xMax: string }; rows: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartRow'; twrPercent: number; positionValue: number; timestamp: string }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ComparisonCell_BenchmarkDataFragment' }; export type BenchmarkInfoDrawer_HelpInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkHelpInfo'; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BenchmarkInfoDrawer_HelpInfoFragment' }; export type DailyBenchmarkComparisonQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type DailyBenchmarkComparisonQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyBenchmarks: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkResponse'; asOfDate?: string | null; lastUpdatedDate?: string | null; periods?: { __typename?: 'HomeStrategyBenchmarkPeriods'; oneDay?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; oneWeek?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; oneMonth?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; threeMonths?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; yearToDate?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; oneYear?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; all?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment: BenchmarkComparison_StrategyBenchmarkFragment }; } > | null; } | null; helpInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkHelpInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkInfoDrawer_HelpInfoFragment: BenchmarkInfoDrawer_HelpInfoFragment }; }) | null; }; }; export type AuthorRow_MarketThoughtFragment = ({ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; titanAuthor?: { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; name: string; title: string; headshot: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ReactionsWithFeedbackForm_MarketThoughtFragment: ReactionsWithFeedbackForm_MarketThoughtFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AuthorRow_MarketThoughtFragment' }; export type ReactionsWithFeedbackForm_MarketThoughtFragment = { __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string; feedbackSubmissionInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'FeedbackSubmissionInfo'; externalSurveyUrl?: string | null } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TellUsMoreButton_FeedbackSubmissionInfoFragment: TellUsMoreButton_FeedbackSubmissionInfoFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ReactionsWithFeedbackForm_MarketThoughtFragment' }; export type CommentaryBody_MarketThoughtFragment = ({ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string; body?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AuthorRow_MarketThoughtFragment: AuthorRow_MarketThoughtFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CommentaryBody_MarketThoughtFragment'; }; export type DailySummaryCommunityEntryPoint_DailyMarketSummaryFragment = { __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; dailyMarketSummaryId: string; communityContent?: { __typename?: 'CommunityContent'; _CACHE_ID: string; discussion: { __typename?: 'CommentList'; _CACHE_ID: string; total: number }; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DailySummaryCommunityEntryPoint_DailyMarketSummaryFragment' }; export type DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment = { __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: string; disclosures?: { __typename?: 'MarketSummaryDisclosures'; _CACHE_ID: string; richText?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } | null; dailyPushNotificationToggle?: | ({ __typename?: 'NotificationToggle'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PushToggleRow_NotificationToggleFragment: PushToggleRow_NotificationToggleFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment' }; export type PushNotificationUpSell_NotificationToggleFragment = { __typename?: 'NotificationToggle'; id: string; isToggledOn: boolean; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PushNotificationUpSell_NotificationToggleFragment' }; export type PreviewContent_TitanPreviewContentFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'TitanPreviewContent'; _CACHE_ID: string; title?: string | null; subtitle?: string | null; contentId: string; imageUrl?: string | null; publishedAt?: string | null; category?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PreviewContent_TitanPreviewContentFragmentFragment' }; export type TodayAtTitanHeader_DailyMarketSummaryFragment = ({ __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: string; todayAtTitan?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string; publishedAt: string }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment: DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TodayAtTitanHeader_DailyMarketSummaryFragment'; }; export type TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment = ({ __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: string; emptyState?: { __typename?: 'MarketSummaryEmptyState'; mainText: string; additionalText?: string | null; reason: SummaryMissingReason; } | null; todayAtTitan?: Array< { __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment: MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TodayAtTitanHeader_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: TodayAtTitanHeader_DailyMarketSummaryFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment'; }; export type DailyMarketSummaryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type DailyMarketSummaryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; dailyMarketSummary?: | ({ __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: string; todayAtTitan?: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string }> | null; emptyState?: { __typename?: 'MarketSummaryEmptyState'; mainText: string } | null; titanContent?: Array< { __typename?: 'TitanPreviewContent' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PreviewContent_TitanPreviewContentFragmentFragment: PreviewContent_TitanPreviewContentFragmentFragment; }; } > | null; dailyPushNotificationToggle?: | ({ __typename?: 'NotificationToggle' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PushNotificationUpSell_NotificationToggleFragment: PushNotificationUpSell_NotificationToggleFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment; DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment; DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment: DailyMarketSummary_InfoDrawerFragment; DailySummaryCommunityEntryPoint_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: DailySummaryCommunityEntryPoint_DailyMarketSummaryFragment; }; }) | null; }; export type ReactionsInfoThumbsQueryVariables = Exact<{ contentId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ReactionsInfoThumbsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; thumbReactionsInfo?: { __typename?: 'ReactionsInfo'; thumbs: { __typename?: 'Thumbs'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SingleThumbsReactionFragment: SingleThumbsReactionFragment }; }; } | null; }; export type SingleThumbsReactionFragment = { __typename?: 'Thumbs'; id: string; thumbsUp: { __typename?: 'SingleReactionInfo'; count: number; isSelected: boolean }; thumbsDown: { __typename?: 'SingleReactionInfo'; count: number; isSelected: boolean }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SingleThumbsReactionFragment' }; export type AddOrUpdateReactionsThumbsMutationVariables = Exact<{ contentId: Scalars['String']; reaction?: InputMaybe; }>; export type AddOrUpdateReactionsThumbsMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addOrUpdateReactionsThumbs?: { __typename?: 'Thumbs'; id: string; thumbsUp: { __typename?: 'SingleReactionInfo'; count: number; isSelected: boolean }; thumbsDown: { __typename?: 'SingleReactionInfo'; count: number; isSelected: boolean }; } | null; }; export type TodayAtTitanQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TodayAtTitanQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; dailyMarketSummary?: | ({ __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment }; }) | null; }; export type DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment = ({ __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummary'; _CACHE_ID: string; meta?: { __typename?: 'DailyMarketSummaryMeta'; displayTitle: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment: TodayAtTitan_DailyMarketSummaryFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DailySummaryScreen_DailyMarketSummaryFragment'; }; export type SetNameMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ firstName: Scalars['String']; lastName: Scalars['String']; }>; export type SetNameMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; setName: { __typename?: 'SetNameResponse'; success: boolean; errorMessage?: string | null; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; firstName?: string | null; lastName?: string | null }; }; }; export type TellUsMoreButton_FeedbackSubmissionInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'FeedbackSubmissionInfo'; type: FeedbackSubmissionType; externalSurveyUrl?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TellUsMoreButton_FeedbackSubmissionInfoFragment' }; export type FeaturedContentQueryVariables = Exact<{ location: Featured_Content_Locations; }>; export type FeaturedContentQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; featuredContent?: { __typename?: 'FeaturedContentResponse'; contentCard?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentCard' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { VipContentCard_ContentCardFragment: VipContentCard_ContentCardFragment }; }) | null; } | null; }; export type VipContentCard_ContentCardFragment = { __typename?: 'ContentCard'; contentId: string; imageUrl: string; isVideoContent?: boolean | null; subtitle?: string | null; title: string; category?: string | null; timestamps?: { __typename?: 'TimeStamps'; publishedAt?: string | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'VipContentCard_ContentCardFragment' }; export type AmlFromDeposit_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; amount: Scalars['Float']; sourceId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type AmlFromDeposit_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; amlFromDeposit: { __typename?: 'AMLHoldInfo'; inHold: boolean; withdrawalAmount?: number | null; availableToWithdraw?: number | null; holdExpiration?: string | null; }; }; export type IraContributionYearElement_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type IraContributionYearElement_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; contributionYearLimits: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; showMultipleYearOptions: boolean; screenUi: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearScreenUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'ContributionYearOption'; _CACHE_ID: string; year: number; label: string; enabled: boolean; }>; }; }; } | null; }; } | null; }; export type ContributionYear_IraLimitsQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ContributionYear_IraLimitsQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; contributionYearLimits: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; screenUi: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearScreenUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle: string; options: Array< { __typename?: 'ContributionYearOption' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ContributionYearOption_FragmentFragment: ContributionYearOption_FragmentFragment }; } >; }; }; } | null; }; } | null; }; export type ContributionYearOption_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'ContributionYearOption'; _CACHE_ID: string; year: number; label: string; enabled: boolean; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ContributionYearOption_FragmentFragment' }; export type ShouldUserBeAbleToSelectIraContributionYearQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ShouldUserBeAbleToSelectIraContributionYearQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; contributionYearLimits: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; showMultipleYearOptions: boolean }; } | null; }; } | null; }; export type CancelTransactionMutationVariables = Exact<{ transferId: Scalars['String']; accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type CancelTransactionMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; cancelTransfer: { __typename?: 'CancelTransferResponse'; success: boolean }; }; export type MoveFundsMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: MoveFundsInput; }>; export type MoveFundsMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; moveFunds: { __typename?: 'MoveFundsResponse'; success: boolean; transactionId: string }; }; export type NlMovementInfoQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type NlMovementInfoQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; merlinPrototype_getNLMovementInfo: { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_GetNlMovementInfoResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId?: string | null; accountType?: AccountType | null; sourceType?: NlSourceType | null; sourceId?: string | null; atlasConfig?: { __typename?: 'AtlasConfig'; helpText?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; disclosureText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } | null; }; }; export type NlMovementMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ message: Scalars['String']; accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type NlMovementMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; merlinPrototype_submitNLMovement: { __typename?: 'MerlinPrototype_SubmitNlMovementResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; amount: number; message?: string | null; destinations: Array<{ __typename?: 'DestinationAmount'; amount: number; destination: string; percent: number }>; }; }; export type AccountWithStrategiesQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type AccountWithStrategiesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; cash: number; accountLabel: string; accountType: AccountType; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; value: number }>; }; } | null; assetTypes: Array<{ __typename?: 'AssetTypeData'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; strategyKey: string; displayName: string; characteristics: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoCharacteristics'; withdrawalFrequency?: WithdrawalFrequency | null }; }>; }>; }; export type WithdrawAssetMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: WithdrawAssetInput; }>; export type WithdrawAssetMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; withdrawAsset: { __typename?: 'WithdrawAssetResponse'; success: boolean; transactionId: string }; }; export type IntervalWarningDrawerQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type IntervalWarningDrawerQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: | ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment: IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment; }; }) | null; }; export type IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; name: string; withdrawalLimitations?: { __typename?: 'WithdrawalLimitations'; nextWithdrawalRequestDate: string; nextWithdrawalConfirmationDate: string; } | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type TaxWithHoldingSummaryDrawer_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type TaxWithHoldingSummaryDrawer_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; iraWithholdingNotice: { __typename?: 'IraWithholdingNotice'; confirmWithdrawalSubtitle?: string | null }; }; }; }; export type MandatoryOptOutDrawer_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'MandatoryOptOutDrawer'; title: string; primaryButtonLabel: string; secondaryButtonLabel: string; content: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'MandatoryOptOutDrawer_FragmentFragment' }; export type IraNoticeQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type IraNoticeQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; iraWithholdingNotice: { __typename?: 'IraWithholdingNotice'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; subsectionTitle?: string | null; content: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }; }; }; }; export type UserStateQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type UserStateQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; personalInfo: { __typename?: 'UserPersonalInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; address?: { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: string; state: string } | null; }; }; }; export type ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragmentFragment: WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragmentFragment; }; }; }; }; export type WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; federalTaxWithholdingScreen: { __typename?: 'FederalTaxWithholdingScreen'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; callout?: string | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragmentFragment' }; export type ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment: StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment; }; }; }; }; export type IsStateTaxWithholdingValid_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type IsStateTaxWithholdingValid_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; isStateTaxWithholdingValid: boolean; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; stateTaxWithholdingScreen: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen'; errorMessage?: string | null; mandatoryOptOutDrawer?: | ({ __typename?: 'MandatoryOptOutDrawer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MandatoryOptOutDrawer_FragmentFragment: MandatoryOptOutDrawer_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; }; }; }; }; export type StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment = { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; stateTaxWithholdingScreen: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; callout?: string | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment' }; export type StrategyLiquidityQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type StrategyLiquidityQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyInfos: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; strategyKey: string; characteristics: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoCharacteristics'; liquidity: number }; }>; }; export type WithdrawalChooseWithholding_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; totalWithdrawalAmount: Scalars['Float']; federalWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; stateWithholdingPercent?: InputMaybe; }>; export type WithdrawalChooseWithholding_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; stateTaxWithholdingBound: { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; boundType: BoundType; isStateTaxWithholdingValid: boolean; native: { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholdingFragment: ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholdingFragment; StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment: StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholdingFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MaximumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment: MaximumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment; MinimumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment: MinimumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment; }; }; }; export type MaximumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; maximumConfig: { __typename?: 'BoundConfig'; type: StateWithholdingPercentValueType; value: number }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'MaximumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment' }; export type MinimumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound'; minimumConfig: { __typename?: 'BoundConfig'; type: StateWithholdingPercentValueType; value: number }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'MinimumConfig_IraWithholdingFragmentFragment' }; export type ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholdingFragment = { __typename?: 'StateTaxNativeConfig'; chooseWithholding: { __typename?: 'ChooseWithholding'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; primaryButtonLabel: string; secondaryButtonLabel: string; callout?: string | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholdingFragment' }; export type AccountAndStrategiesQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type AccountAndStrategiesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; name: string }>; } | null; }; export type IraMaxoutQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type IraMaxoutQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountType: AccountType; accountId: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; lastYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; remainingContribution: number; maximumAnnually: number; iraMaxout?: { __typename?: 'IraMaxout'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; moreInfo: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; guidanceConfig: { __typename?: 'IraMaxoutGuidanceConfig'; message: string; author: { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment: AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment }; }; }; } | null; }; } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IraLimitsFragmentFragment: IraLimitsFragmentFragment } } >; }; }; export type PushToggleRow_NotificationToggleFragment = { __typename?: 'NotificationToggle'; id: string; label?: string | null; subLabel?: string | null; isToggledOn: boolean; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PushToggleRow_NotificationToggleFragment' }; export type CoreRecurringTransferQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type CoreRecurringTransferQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountType: AccountType; recurringTransfers: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreRecurringTransfer'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; amountType?: RecurringAmountType | null; accountId: string; amount: number; dayOfWeek?: string | null; days?: Array | null; frequencyLabel: string; intervalCount?: number | null; intervalPeriod?: string | null; nextRun?: string | null; status: string; style?: RecurringTransferStyle | null; amountProperties?: { __typename?: 'AmountProperties'; _CACHE_ID: string; max: number; min: number } | null; destinations: Array<{ __typename?: 'Destinations'; _CACHE_ID: string; amount: number; destination: string; percent?: number | null; }>; } | null>; }>; }; }; export type TableCell_TableCellFragment = { __typename?: 'TableCell'; format?: TableCellFormat | null; value: string; image?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TableCell_TableCellFragment' }; export type SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; text?: string | null; cta?: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; externalUri?: string | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment' }; export type SmartCashHeader_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; externalUri?: string | null; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashHeader_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment' }; export type SmartCashInfoDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: string } | null; overrides?: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidgetOverrides'; value?: string | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashInfoDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashInfoDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashInfoDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashInvestingOptionsDrawer_SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainerFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; sections: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashInvestingOptionsSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment: SmartCashInvestingOptionsSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment; }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashInvestingOptionsDrawer_SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainerFragment' }; export type SmartCashInvestingOptionsSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection'; highlight?: string | null; title: string; description: string; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashInvestingOptionsSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashBarGraphic_CoreSmartCashBarGraphFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashBarGraphic'; _CACHE_ID?: string | null; bars?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashBarGraphicInfo'; value: number; formattedValue?: string | null; isBest?: boolean | null; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; color?: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }) | null; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashBarGraphic_CoreSmartCashBarGraphFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection_SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection'; title: string; description: string; banks: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparison'; title?: string | null; logo?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; metrics: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string }>; }>; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection_SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingTldrSection_SmartCashLandingTldrSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingTLDRSection'; title: string; description: string; metrics: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment; }; } >; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; externalUri?: string | null }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingTldrSection_SmartCashLandingTldrSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingTldrSectionDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingTldrSectionDropdown_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingScreenCta_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingScreenCta_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection'; highlight?: string | null; title: string; description: string; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; barChartGraphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashBarGraphic' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashBarGraphic_CoreSmartCashBarGraphFragment: SmartCashBarGraphic_CoreSmartCashBarGraphFragment; }; }) | null; cta?: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null } | null; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashDepositStyleDrawer_SmartCashDepositOptionsFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashDepositOptions'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; sublabel?: string | null; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashDepositStyleDrawer_SmartCashDepositOptionsFragment' }; export type EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdown'; title: string; badge?: SmartCashEarningsBadge | null; total: string; image: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; data: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; format?: DataWidgetFormat | null }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection_SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; fund: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashFund'; id: string; fundName?: string | null; fundStatusDisplay?: string | null; fundType?: string | null; yieldStatus?: string | null; rebalanceStatus?: string | null; fundImage?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; topBreakdown?: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment }; } > | null; }; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string }; ratesComparison: { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparison' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashRateComparisonDrawer_SmartCashRateComparisonFragment: SmartCashRateComparisonDrawer_SmartCashRateComparisonFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection_SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceCashActivity_SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySection'; title: string; description: string; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; cashActivitySchedules: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; }>; depositOptions?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDepositOptions' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDepositStyleDrawer_SmartCashDepositOptionsFragment: SmartCashDepositStyleDrawer_SmartCashDepositOptionsFragment; }; }) | null; upcomingDeposits?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashTransferInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment: SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment; }; }) | null; upcomingInvestments?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashTransferInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment: SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivity_SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySectionFragment' }; export type BarDetailsDrawer_SmartCashEarningDetailsFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetails'; title: string; description: string; supportCtaDescription: string; ctaDescription: string; graphic: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; callout?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; text?: string | null } | null; breakdown: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdown' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment: EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment; }; } >; supportCta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null }; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BarDetailsDrawer_SmartCashEarningDetailsFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceEarningsChart_SmartCashEarningsFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarnings'; label: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsPeriod'; label: string; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; series: Array< | { __typename?: 'AccountChartBalanceSeries' } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartNetTransferSeries' } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartPreviousCloseSeries' } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartBenchmarkSeries' } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartSeries' } | { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsSeries'; label: string; data: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsDataPoint'; x: number; y: number; timestamp: string; earningType: SmartCashEarningType; details: { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetails' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BarDetailsDrawer_SmartCashEarningDetailsFragment: BarDetailsDrawer_SmartCashEarningDetailsFragment; }; }; }>; } >; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceEarningsChart_SmartCashEarningsFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails_SmartCashPerformanceFundDetailsFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails'; _CACHE_ID: string; activeFundId: string; funds: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashFund'; _CACHE_ID?: string | null; id: string; fundName?: string | null; fundDescription?: string | null; yieldStatus?: string | null; fundImage?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; topBreakdown?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }> | null; breakdown?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; externalUri?: string | null }> | null; callout?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; text?: string | null } | null; }>; table: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivityTable'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; rows: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparisonRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment: SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment; }; } >; disclosures?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; text?: string | null } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails_SmartCashPerformanceFundDetailsFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetails_SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; infoWidgets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashInfoWidget'; title: string; graphic?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string }; }> | null; metrics: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashInfoDropdownList_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment; }; } >; shareCta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetails_SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsDrawer_SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSection'; title: string; description: string; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; pendingEarnings?: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdown' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment: EarningBreakdown_SmartCashEarningDetailBreakdownFragment; }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsDrawer_SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSectionFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformancePrimaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string; format?: DataWidgetFormat | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformancePrimaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceSecondaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashCoreWidget_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceSecondaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment' }; export type SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTransferInfo'; title: string; cta?: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashTransferInfoDrawer_SmartCashTransferInfoFragment' }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationDrawer_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; taxStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStep' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStepFragment: SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStepFragment; }; }; ratesStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRatesStep' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStepFragment: SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStepFragment; }; }; fundStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStep' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTaxOptimizationFundStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStepFragment: SmartCashTaxOptimizationFundStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFundStepFragment; }; }; retirementStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStep' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTaxOptimizationRetirementStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStepFragment: 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SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStepFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRatesStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; rows: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparisonRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment: SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment; }; } >; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationRatesStepFragment' }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationRetirementStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStepFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationRetirementStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerRetirementStepFragment' }; export type SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStepFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; breakdown: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget'; label: string; value: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashTaxOptimizationTaxStep_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerTaxStepFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingHero_SmartCashLandingHeroFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHero'; highlight: string; title: string; description: string; background: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; badge?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroBadge'; label: string; type: SmartCashLandingHeroBadgeType; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: string; title: string } | null; } | null; graphic: { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroGraphic'; labelPartOne: string; labelPartTwo: string; funds: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingHeroGraphicFund'; yield: number; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingHero_SmartCashLandingHeroFragment' }; export type SmartCashRateComparisonDrawer_SmartCashRateComparisonFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparison'; id: string; title: string; description?: string | null; rows: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashRateComparisonRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment: SmartCashRateComparisonTable_SmartCashRateComparisonRowFragment; }; } >; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; externalUri?: string | null }; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { 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SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment: SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment }; }; }>; smartCash: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCash' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment: SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment }; }; }; }; export type SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCash'; id: string; experience: | ({ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashLanding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingScreen_CoreSmartCashLandingFragment: SmartCashLandingScreen_CoreSmartCashLandingFragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashPerformance' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceScreen_CoreSmartCashPerformanceFragment: SmartCashPerformanceScreen_CoreSmartCashPerformanceFragment; }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashExperience_CoreSmartCashFragment' }; export type SmartCashLandingScreen_CoreSmartCashLandingFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashLanding'; id: string; label: string; shareCta: { __typename?: 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'SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTaxOptimizationDrawer_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFragment: SmartCashTaxOptimizationDrawer_SmartCashTaxOptimizationExplainerFragment; }; }; investingOptions: { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment: SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment; }; }; investingOptionsExplainer: { __typename?: 'SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashInvestingOptionsDrawer_SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainerFragment: SmartCashInvestingOptionsDrawer_SmartCashInvestingOptionsExplainerFragment; }; }; bankComparison: { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection_SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSectionFragment: SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSection_SmartCashLandingBankComparisonSectionFragment; }; }; tldr: { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingTLDRSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingTldrSection_SmartCashLandingTldrSectionFragment: SmartCashLandingTldrSection_SmartCashLandingTldrSectionFragment; }; }; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingScreenCta_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment: SmartCashLandingScreenCta_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment }; }; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashLandingScreen_CoreSmartCashLandingFragment' }; export type SmartCashPerformanceScreen_CoreSmartCashPerformanceFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashPerformance'; id: string; label: string; shareCta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashHeader_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment: SmartCashHeader_CoreSmartCashCtaFragment }; }; earnings: { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarnings' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceEarningsChart_SmartCashEarningsFragment: SmartCashPerformanceEarningsChart_SmartCashEarningsFragment; }; }; pendingEarnings: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsDrawer_SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSectionFragment: SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsDrawer_SmartCashPerformancePendingEarningsSectionFragment; }; }; primaryMetrics: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformancePrimaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashPerformancePrimaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment; }; } >; secondaryMetrics: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceSecondaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment: SmartCashPerformanceSecondaryMetrics_CoreSmartCashWidgetFragment; }; } >; feeDisclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; cashActivity: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceCashActivity_SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySectionFragment: SmartCashPerformanceCashActivity_SmartCashPerformanceCashActivitySectionFragment; }; }; activeFund: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection_SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSectionFragment: SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSection_SmartCashPerformanceActiveFundSectionFragment; }; }; fundDetails: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails_SmartCashPerformanceFundDetailsFragment: SmartCashPerformanceFundDetails_SmartCashPerformanceFundDetailsFragment; }; }; infoDetails: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetails_SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSectionFragment: SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetails_SmartCashPerformanceInfoDetailsSectionFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashPerformanceScreen_CoreSmartCashPerformanceFragment' }; export type SetSmartCashEnabledMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: SetSmartCashEnabledInput; }>; export type SetSmartCashEnabledMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; setSmartCashEnabled: { __typename?: 'SetSmartCashEnabledResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; smartCashEnabled: boolean }; }; export type UiSmartCashSettingsScreenQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashSettingsInput; }>; export type UiSmartCashSettingsScreenQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashSettings: { __typename?: 'SmartCashSettings'; _CACHE_ID: string; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; optOutConfirmation: | { __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo'; title: string; body?: string | null; _CACHE_ID: string } | { __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string }; }; }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashYieldBoostPromoScreen: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenResponse'; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; footer: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenFooter'; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; externalUri?: string | null; }; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; }; hero: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenHero'; title: string; cta?: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; externalUri?: string | null; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; label: string; } | null; description?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; titanCard?: { __typename?: 'TitanCreditCard'; title: string; subtitle1?: string | null; subtitle2?: string | null } | null; }; inANutShell?: { __typename?: 'InANutShell'; title: string; subtitle: string; expandableDescriptionItems: Array<{ __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidget'; label: string; value: string; description: string; }>; } | null; navBar?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostPromoScreenNavBar'; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; externalUri?: string | null; intent?: CoreSmartCashIntentType | null; label: string; }; } | null; sections?: Array< { __typename?: 'SmartCashLandingSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment: SmartCashLandingSection_SmartCashLandingSectionFragment; }; } > | null; }; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: StrategyBenchmarkChartInput; }>; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyBenchmarkChart: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartResponse'; periods: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkPeriods'; oneDay: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; oneWeek: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; oneMonth: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; threeMonths: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; yearToDate: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; oneYear: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; all: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment: StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment }; }; }; metadata: { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartMetadata'; asOfDate: string; benchmarkName: string; benchmarkDescriptor: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; legalAssumptions: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; benchmarkComparison?: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparison'; title: string; description: string; rows: Array< Array<{ __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparisonCell'; format: BenchmarkComparisonCellFormat; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'BenchmarkComparisonCellDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }> >; } | null; }; }; }; export type StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChart'; rows: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartRow'; twrPercent: number; positionValue: number; timestamp: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyBenchmarkChartPeriodFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceActivityCenter_StrategyUserActivityFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyUserActivity'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceActivityCenter_StrategyUserActivityFragment' }; export type InsuranceCallout_StrategyAttributeFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; value: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'InsuranceCallout_StrategyAttributeFragment' }; export type StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyPromotionCallout?: | { __typename?: 'SmartCashUpgrade'; title: string; subtitle: string; canBeDismissed: boolean; promptId: string; _CACHE_ID: string; } | { __typename?: 'TreasuryReturnCallout'; title: string; subtitle: string; _CACHE_ID: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment' }; export type StrategyPromotionCalloutDismissUpdate_StrategyExperience_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ strategyKey: Scalars['String']; accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type StrategyPromotionCalloutDismissUpdate_StrategyExperience_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment: StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment; }; }) | { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } | { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string }; }; export type TreasuryFundOptions_HoldingWeightExperienceFragment = { __typename: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience'; yieldAsOfFooter: string; currentYield?: { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; title: string; value: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; totalEarnings?: { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; title: string; value: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; treasuryYields: Array<{ __typename?: 'TreasuryHoldingDisplay'; _CACHE_ID: string; holdingTitle: string; holdingSubtitle: string; holdingInfoId: string; value: number; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; fundMoreInfo: { __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment: FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment }; }; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TreasuryFundOptions_HoldingWeightExperienceFragment' }; export type CategoryHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience'; asOfDate: string; categoryWeights: Array<{ __typename?: 'CategoryHoldingWeight'; categoryDisplayName: string; weight: number }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CategoryHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment' }; type StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; documents: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; documents: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocument' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment: ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment }; } >; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; documents: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; documents: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocument' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment: ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment }; } >; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; documents: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; documents: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocument' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment: ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment }; } >; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceDocuments_FragmentFragment = | StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; export type StrategyExperienceDocuments_StrategyExperienceFaqEntrypointFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaqs'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments_StrategyExperienceFaqEntrypointFragment' }; export type ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDocument'; title: string; url: string; description?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ExperienceDocument_FragmentFragment' }; export type HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; subtitle?: string | null; weightsExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CategoryHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment: CategoryHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Invested1PSingleHoldings_ExperienceFragment: Invested1PSingleHoldings_ExperienceFragment }; }) | { __typename?: 'NoHoldingsWeightExperience' } | ({ __typename?: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SingleHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment: SingleHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TreasuryFundOptions_HoldingWeightExperienceFragment: TreasuryFundOptions_HoldingWeightExperienceFragment; }; }); explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment' }; export type KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; info: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment: StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment' }; export type StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; title: string; value: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment' }; type StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; recentTrades?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceRecentTrades'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; trades: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTrade_FragmentFragment: RecentTrade_FragmentFragment }; } >; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; recentTrades?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceRecentTrades'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; trades: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTrade_FragmentFragment: RecentTrade_FragmentFragment }; } >; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; recentTrades?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceRecentTrades'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; trades: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTrade_FragmentFragment: RecentTrade_FragmentFragment }; } >; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; export type StrategyRecentTrades_FragmentFragment = | StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; export type RecentTrade_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo'; strategyActivityInfoId: string; actionLabel: string; action: StrategyActivityAction; timeSinceTrade: string; date: string; holdingInfo: { __typename?: 'HoldingInfoType'; holdingInfoId: string; details: | { __typename?: 'CashHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'CryptoHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null } | { __typename?: 'HedgeHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'MutualFundHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'PrivateHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null } | { __typename?: 'PublicHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null }; displayDetails: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayDetails'; displayName: string; displaySubtitle?: string | null; ticker?: string | null; strategyName?: string | null; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; action?: | ({ __typename?: 'CustomUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | null; }; commentary?: | ({ __typename?: 'MarketThought' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment: MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RecentTrade_FragmentFragment' }; export type SingleHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience'; holdingWeights: Array<{ __typename?: 'HoldingInfoType'; holdingInfoId: string; holdingDisplayKey: string; performanceDetails: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDetails'; weighting: { __typename?: 'WeightingDetails'; percent: number } }; displayDetails: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayDetails'; displayName: string; displaySubtitle?: string | null; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; details: | { __typename?: 'CashHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'CryptoHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'HedgeHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'MutualFundHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'PrivateHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'PublicHoldingDetails'; ticker: string }; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SingleHoldingsWeight_FragmentFragment' }; export type AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; assetClassStrategiesTitle: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; whys: { __typename?: 'InvestReasons'; title: string; investReasons: Array<{ __typename?: 'InvestReason'; title: string; subtitle: string }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment' }; export type CumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment: PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment }; }; cumulativeReturn: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; timeWeightedReturn: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; legalAssumptions?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment' }; export type DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment' }; export type PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment' }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment: AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment' }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment: CumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment'; }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment: DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment'; }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ScheduleCallDrawer_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfigFragment: ScheduleCallDrawer_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfigFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment' }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceAttributesDrawer_FragmentFragment: StrategyExperienceAttributesDrawer_FragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment' }; type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment: TotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment' }; export type PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment = | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment | PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; export type ScheduleCallDrawer_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; scheduleCallModule?: { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallModule'; title: string; author?: { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; headshot: string; title: string; name: string } | null; action: { __typename?: 'LabeledAction'; text: string; action: | { __typename?: 'CustomUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction'; uri: string } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' }; }; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ScheduleCallDrawer_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfigFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceAttributesDrawer_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; drawerProps?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExpensesDrawerConfig'; drawerId: string; props?: any | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceAttributesDrawer_FragmentFragment' }; export type TotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment: PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment }; }; totalGain: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; totalBalance: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; netDeposits: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; legalAssumptions?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment' }; export type Invested1PSingleHoldings_ExperienceFragment = { __typename: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience' } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'Invested1PSingleHoldings_ExperienceFragment'; }; export type InvestedStrategyChartMeta_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; strategyName: string; strategyPerformanceMeta?: { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyPerformanceMeta'; asOfDateString: string; netTransfersDescription?: string | null; periodsToShow: Array; domain: PerformanceChartDomain; showBenchmarks: boolean; chartColor: | { __typename?: 'UiColorDefault'; default: string } | { __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark'; dark: string; light: string }; cumulativeReturns: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeMeta' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment: PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment; }; }; totalEarnings: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeMeta' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment: PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment; }; }; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'InvestedStrategyChartMeta_FragmentFragment' }; export type PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment = { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeMeta'; description: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PerformanceAttributeTile_PerformanceAttributeMetaFragment' }; export type BenchmarkComparisonDrawer_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTableFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTable'; title: string; description?: string | null; rows: Array< { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparisonTable_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRowFragment: BenchmarkComparisonTable_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRowFragment; }; } >; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDataDisclosure' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment: DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BenchmarkComparisonDrawer_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTableFragment' }; export type BenchmarkComparisonTable_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRowFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRow'; _CACHE_ID?: string | null; cells: Array< { __typename?: 'TableCell' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TableCell_TableCellFragment: TableCell_TableCellFragment } } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'BenchmarkComparisonTable_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonRowFragment' }; export type ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment = { __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilter'; label: string; initialValueKey: string; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilterOption'; optionKey: string; label: string; description?: string | null; callout?: string | null; calloutExplanation?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment' }; export type DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDataDisclosure'; dataAsOfLabel: string; disclosure: { __typename?: 'DataDisclosure'; text: string; descriptor: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceInvestmentTeam_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyInvestmentTeam: { __typename?: 'StrategyInvestmentTeam'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; members: Array<{ __typename?: 'UiTeamMember'; firstName: string; lastName: string; title: string; biography: string; organizationDisplayName: string; headshot?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceInvestmentTeam_FragmentFragment' }; export type KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceWidgets'; _CACHE_ID: string; widgets: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyAttribute_FragmentFragment: StrategyAttribute_FragmentFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment' }; export type StrategyAttribute_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute'; title: string; value: string; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyAttribute_FragmentFragment' }; export type ModelPortfolioBenchmarkHeader_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkViewFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkView'; title: string; benchmarkComparison?: | ({ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTable' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BenchmarkComparisonDrawer_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTableFragment: BenchmarkComparisonDrawer_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkComparisonTableFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkHeader_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkViewFragment' }; export type ModelPortfolioChartQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: ModelPortfolioChartInput; }>; export type ModelPortfolioChartQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; modelPortfolioChart: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChart'; _CACHE_ID: string; data?: Array< { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioData'; feeData?: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioFee'; minValue?: number | null; maxValue?: number | null; fee?: number | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ModelPortfolioUniChart_ModelPortfolioDataFragment: ModelPortfolioUniChart_ModelPortfolioDataFragment; }; } > | null; initialInvestmentFilter: { __typename?: 'ChartNumericalFilter'; initialValue: number } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ModelPortfolioInvestmentSlider_ChartNumericalFilterFragment: ModelPortfolioInvestmentSlider_ChartNumericalFilterFragment; }; }; accountTypeFilter?: | ({ __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilter' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment: ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment }; }) | null; riskProfileFilter?: | ({ __typename?: 'ChartTypeFilter' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment: ChartTypeFilter_ChartTypeFilterFragment }; }) | null; viewFilter?: | ({ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilter'; drawer: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilterDrawer'; initialOptionKey: string }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ViewFilter_ModelPortfolioViewFilterFragment: ViewFilter_ModelPortfolioViewFilterFragment } }) | null; }; }; export type ModelPortfolioInvestmentSlider_ChartNumericalFilterFragment = { __typename?: 'ChartNumericalFilter'; label: string; minValue: number; maxValue: number; initialValue: number; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ModelPortfolioInvestmentSlider_ChartNumericalFilterFragment' }; export type ModelPortfolioStrategyHeader_ModelPortfolioStrategyViewFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioStrategyView'; title?: string | null; label: string; descriptor: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ModelPortfolioStrategyHeader_ModelPortfolioStrategyViewFragment' }; export type ModelPortfolioUniChart_ModelPortfolioDataFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioData'; feeData?: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioFee'; minValue?: number | null; maxValue?: number | null; fee?: number | null } | null; chartData: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartData'; label: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartPeriod'; label: string; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; series: Array< | { __typename?: 'AccountChartBalanceSeries' } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartNetTransferSeries' } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartPreviousCloseSeries' } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartBenchmarkSeries'; label: string; dataJSON?: any | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartSeries'; label: string; dataJSON?: any | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsSeries' } >; calloutExplanation?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; }>; }; views: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViews'; strategy?: | ({ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioStrategyView' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ModelPortfolioStrategyHeader_ModelPortfolioStrategyViewFragment: ModelPortfolioStrategyHeader_ModelPortfolioStrategyViewFragment; }; }) | null; benchmark?: | ({ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioBenchmarkView' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ModelPortfolioBenchmarkHeader_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkViewFragment: ModelPortfolioBenchmarkHeader_ModelPortfolioBenchmarkViewFragment; }; }) | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ModelPortfolioUniChart_ModelPortfolioDataFragment' }; export type ViewFilter_ModelPortfolioViewFilterFragment = { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilter'; label: string; drawer: { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilterDrawer'; label: string; description?: string | null; initialOptionKey: string; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioViewFilterOption'; optionKey: string; label: string; description?: string | null; icon?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ViewFilter_ModelPortfolioViewFilterFragment' }; export type InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment: InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment; }; } >; }; }; export type InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceWithdrawalWarningQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type StrategyExperienceWithdrawalWarningQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: | ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; withdrawalLimitations?: { __typename?: 'WithdrawalLimitations'; nextWithdrawalRequestDate: string } | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment: IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccountFragment; }; }) | null; assetTypes: Array<{ __typename?: 'AssetTypeData'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; strategyKey: string; characteristics: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoCharacteristics'; withdrawalFrequency?: WithdrawalFrequency | null }; }>; }>; }; type StrategyExperienceLayoutData_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; strategyDescription?: string | null; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; strategyAlert?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAlert'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; explainerConfig?: | { __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment: DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment }; }) | { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceLayoutData_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyExperienceLayoutData_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyDescription?: string | null; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; strategyAlert?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAlert'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; explainerConfig?: | { __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment: DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment }; }) | { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceLayoutData_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type StrategyExperienceLayoutData_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyDescription?: string | null; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; strategyAlert?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAlert'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; explainerConfig?: | { __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment: DefaultExplainerConfig_FragmentFragment }; }) | { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } | { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceLayoutData_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceLayoutDataFragment = | StrategyExperienceLayoutData_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyExperienceLayoutData_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment | StrategyExperienceLayoutData_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; export type CashAssetStrategyScreen_StrategyExperienceFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; strategyHoldingsWeights: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights'; weightsExperience: | { __typename: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience' } | { __typename: 'NoHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience' }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment: HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment } }; investAction: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; description: string; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; enabled: boolean; }; cashAssetWithdrawalAction?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; description: string; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; enabled: boolean; } | null; userActivity?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyUserActivity' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceActivityCenter_StrategyUserActivityFragment: StrategyExperienceActivityCenter_StrategyUserActivityFragment; }; }) | null; overview?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview'; keyInfoOverview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment: KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment }; }) | null; widgets?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceWidgets' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment: KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment }; }) | null; disclosures?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment: SmartCashDisclosures_SmartCashDisclosuresFragment; }; }) | null; } | null; faqs?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaqs' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceDocuments_StrategyExperienceFaqEntrypointFragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_StrategyExperienceFaqEntrypointFragment; }; }) | null; insuranceCallout?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { InsuranceCallout_StrategyAttributeFragment: InsuranceCallout_StrategyAttributeFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceLayoutData_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceLayoutData_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment: StrategyPromotionCallout_CashAsset_StrategyExperienceFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CashAssetStrategyScreen_StrategyExperienceFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceDocumentsScreenQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ strategyKey: Scalars['String']; accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type StrategyExperienceDocumentsScreenQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }); }; export type StrategyExperienceFaqScreenQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ strategyKey: Scalars['String']; accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type StrategyExperienceFaqScreenQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyExperienceFaqScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperienceFragment: StrategyExperienceFaqScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperienceFragment; }; }) | { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } | { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string }; }; export type StrategyExperienceFaqScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperienceFragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; faqs?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaqs'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; faqs: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaq' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FaqListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaqFragment: FaqListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaqFragment }; } >; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyExperienceFaqScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperienceFragment' }; export type FaqListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaqFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceFaq'; question: string; url?: string | null; explainerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_CumulativeReturnsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_DefaultMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_StrategyExpenseExplainerConfig_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment: PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig_TotalEarningsExplainerType_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FaqListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaqFragment' }; export type InvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; strategyHoldingsWeights: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights'; weightsExperience: | { __typename: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience' } | { __typename: 'NoHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience' }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment: HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment } }; investAction: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; description: string; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; enabled: boolean; }; withdrawAction: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; description: string; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; enabled: boolean; }; strategyUserActivity: { __typename?: 'StrategyUserActivity'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string }; overview?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview'; keyInfoOverview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment: KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment }; }) | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceLayoutData_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceLayoutData_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; InvestedStrategyChartMeta_FragmentFragment: InvestedStrategyChartMeta_FragmentFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment' }; export type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceQueryVariables = Exact<{ strategyKey: Scalars['String']; accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }); }; type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string; overview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment: KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string; overview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment: KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string; overview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment: KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment' }; export type OverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceFragment = | OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment | OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment | OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; export type KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview'; _CACHE_ID: string; keyInfoOverview?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string; info: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyAttribute' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment: StrategyAttributeRow_FragmentFragment }; } >; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'KeyInfoOverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceOverviewFragment' }; export type StrategyExperienceQueryVariables = Exact<{ strategyKey: Scalars['String']; accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type StrategyExperienceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyExperience: | ({ __typename?: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CashAssetStrategyScreen_StrategyExperienceFragment: CashAssetStrategyScreen_StrategyExperienceFragment; OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_CashAssetStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'InvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { InvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment: InvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment; OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_InvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UninvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment: UninvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment; OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; }; }); }; export type UninvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience'; strategyKey: string; strategyHoldingsWeights: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceHoldingsWeights'; weightsExperience: | { __typename: 'CategoryHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'Invested1PSingleHoldingsExperience' } | { __typename: 'NoHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'SingleHoldingsWeightExperience' } | { __typename: 'TreasuryFundOptionsExperience' }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment: HoldingsModule_StrategyHoldingWeightsFragment } }; investAction: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceAction'; description: string; actionType: StrategyExperienceActionType; enabled: boolean; }; overview?: { __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceOverview'; keyInfoOverview?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceKeyInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment: KeyInfoModule_StrategyExperienceKeyInfoFragment }; }) | null; widgets?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceWidgets' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment: KeyPointTiles_StrategyExperienceWidgetsFragment }; }) | null; } | null; dataDisclosure?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyExperienceDataDisclosure' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment: DataDisclosure_StrategyExperienceDataDisclosureFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyRecentTrades_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceLayoutData_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment: StrategyExperienceLayoutData_UninvestedStrategyExperience_Fragment; StrategyExperienceInvestmentTeam_FragmentFragment: StrategyExperienceInvestmentTeam_FragmentFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UninvestedStrategyExperience_FragmentFragment' }; export type AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; name: string; title: string; headshot: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment' }; export type MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string; title?: string | null; titanStrategyKeys?: Array | null; titanHoldings?: Array | null; publishedAt: string; body?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; titanAuthor?: | ({ __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment: AuthorRow_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommentaryBody_MarketThoughtFragment: CommentaryBody_MarketThoughtFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment'; }; export type TitanMenuFundingFlow_QueryFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Query'; getManagedStocksOfferingScreenData: { __typename?: 'GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponse' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ManagedStocksOfferingScreen_GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment: ManagedStocksOfferingScreen_GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment; }; }; getIndexInvestingOfferingScreenData: { __typename?: 'GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponse' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IndexInvestingOfferingScreen_GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment: IndexInvestingOfferingScreen_GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TitanMenuFundingFlow_QueryFragmentFragment' }; export type ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_HoldingsSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'HoldingsSection'; title: string; body: string; holdings: Array<{ __typename?: 'ManagedHolding'; displayName: string; subtitle: string; ytdPerformance: number; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }>; disclosure: { __typename?: 'TitledDisclosure'; disclosureCopy: string; title: string; body: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_HoldingsSectionFragment' }; export type MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment = { __typename?: 'YourManagedStocksAllocationDrawer'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; assetBars: Array<{ __typename?: 'AssetBar'; assetTypeKey: string; amount: number; color: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment' }; export type ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_RecentTradesSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'RecentTradesSection'; title: string; body: string; recentTrades: Array<{ __typename?: 'RecentTrade'; strategyDisplayName: string; holdingDisplayName: string; holdingInfoId: string; holdingTicker: string; strategyKey: string; tradeAction: string; tradeDescription: string; prettyTradeDate: string; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_RecentTradesSectionFragment' }; export type OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment = ({ __typename?: 'WhatYouGetSection'; title: string; ctaText: string; menuStrategyOfferings: Array<{ __typename?: 'MenuStrategyOffering'; strategyDisplayName: string; mandate: string; strategyKey: string; performancePercent?: number | null; performancePeriod?: MenuStrategyPerformancePeriod | null; strategyIcon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }>; performanceDisclosureConfig: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDisclosureConfig'; disclosureCopy: string }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatYouGetData_PerformanceDisclosureConfigFragment: WhatYouGetData_PerformanceDisclosureConfigFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment' }; export type WhatYouGetData_PerformanceDisclosureConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'WhatYouGetSection'; performanceDisclosureConfig: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDisclosureConfig'; title: string; body: string; strategyPerformanceConfig: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyPerformanceConfig'; strategyDisplayName: string; performanceAsOfPrettyDate: string; strategyPerformanceDisclosureBody?: string | null; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatYouGetData_PerformanceDisclosureConfigFragment' }; export type OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'VideoBannerConfig'; videoUrl: string; videoThumbnailUrl: string; videoTitle: string; videoDescription: string; videoDurationDisplay: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment' }; export type IndexInvestingOfferingScreen_GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponse'; offeringDescription: string; headerImage: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; diversifiedEtfsSection?: { __typename?: 'DiversifiedEtfsSection'; body: string; etfs: Array<{ __typename?: 'EtfInfo'; displayName: string; ticker: string; holdingInfoId: string; imageUri: { __typename?: 'LightOrDark'; light: string; dark: string }; }>; } | null; noAdvisoryFeesSection?: { __typename?: 'NoAdvisoryFeesSection'; imageUri: { __typename?: 'LightOrDark'; light: string; dark: string }; } | null; reducedVolatilitySection?: { __typename?: 'ReducedVolatilitySection'; body: string; imageUri: { __typename?: 'LightOrDark'; light: string; dark: string }; disclosure: { __typename?: 'TitledDisclosure'; disclosureCopy: string; title: string; body: string }; } | null; allocationDrawerSection?: | ({ __typename?: 'YourManagedStocksAllocationDrawer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment: MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment; }; }) | null; whatYouGetSection?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatYouGetSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment: OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment }; }) | null; videoBannerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'VideoBannerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment: OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'IndexInvestingOfferingScreen_GetIndexInvestingOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment' }; export type ManagedStocksOfferingScreen_GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponse'; offeringDescription: string; headerImage: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; yourInvestmentTeamSection?: { __typename?: 'YourInvestmentTeamSection'; teamMembers: Array<{ __typename?: 'TeamMember'; firstName: string; lastName: string; title: string; biography: string; headshot?: string | null; organizationId: string; teamMemberId: string; }>; } | null; holdingsSection?: | ({ __typename?: 'HoldingsSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_HoldingsSectionFragment: ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_HoldingsSectionFragment; }; }) | null; recentTradesSection?: | ({ __typename?: 'RecentTradesSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_RecentTradesSectionFragment: ManagedStocksOfferingScreenData_RecentTradesSectionFragment; }; }) | null; whatYouGetSection?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatYouGetSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment: OfferingScreenData_WhatYouGetSectionFragment }; }) | null; videoBannerConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'VideoBannerConfig' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment: OfferingScreenData_VideoBannerConfigFragment }; }) | null; yourAllocationDrawer?: | ({ __typename?: 'YourManagedStocksAllocationDrawer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment: MenuOfferingAllocationDrawerData_YourAllocationDrawerFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ManagedStocksOfferingScreen_GetManagedStocksOfferingScreenDataResponseFragmentFragment' }; export type WealthWatchAccountHoldings_NetWorthPerformanceConfigurationFragment = { __typename?: 'NetWorthPerformanceConfiguration'; periodOptions: Array<{ __typename?: 'NetWorthPerformancePeriodOption'; periodKey: string; label: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccountHoldings_NetWorthPerformanceConfigurationFragment' }; export type WealthWatchAccountHoldings_WealthWatchHoldingFragment = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchHolding'; id: string; label: string; secondaryLabel: string; balance: number; performances?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; periodKey: string; value: string; format: DataWidgetFormat; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccountHoldings_WealthWatchHoldingFragment' }; export type AddUserManualNetWorthAccountBalanceMutationVariables = Exact<{ netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; balance: Scalars['Float']; }>; export type AddUserManualNetWorthAccountBalanceMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserManualNetWorthBalance: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type UpdateNetWorthAccountMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: UpdateUserNetWorthAccountInput; }>; export type UpdateNetWorthAccountMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; updateUserNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type RemoveUserNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type RemoveUserNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; removeUserNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type SetUpWealthWatchMutationMutationVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type SetUpWealthWatchMutationMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; setUpWealthWatch: { __typename?: 'SetUpWealthWatch'; confirmationMessage: string }; }; type WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchExternalAccount_Fragment = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchExternalAccount'; id: string; netWorthAccountId: string; netWorthAccountType: NetWorthAccountType; netWorthCategoryId: string; netWorthInstitutionId: string; label: string; secondaryLabel: string; balance: number; lastUpdated: string; logo?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; performances?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; value: string; format: DataWidgetFormat; periodKey: string; }> | null; pendingAction?: { __typename?: 'PendingAction'; pendingActionType: PendingActionType; message: string } | null; widgets: Array<{ __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }>; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthWatchHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccountHoldings_WealthWatchHoldingFragment: WealthWatchAccountHoldings_WealthWatchHoldingFragment; }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchExternalAccount_Fragment' }; type WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchSmartCashAccount_Fragment = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchSmartCashAccount'; id: string; label: string; secondaryLabel: string; balance: number; lastUpdated: string; logo?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; widgets: Array<{ __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }>; performance?: { __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; value: string; format: DataWidgetFormat } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchSmartCashAccount_Fragment' }; type WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanBankAccount_Fragment = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanBankAccount'; id: string; sourceId: string; accountId: string; label: string; secondaryLabel: string; balance: number; lastUpdated: string; logo?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; pendingAction?: { __typename?: 'PendingAction'; pendingActionType: PendingActionType; message: string } | null; widgets: Array<{ __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }>; performance?: { __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; value: string; format: DataWidgetFormat } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanBankAccount_Fragment' }; type WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount_Fragment = { __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount'; id: string; label: string; secondaryLabel: string; balance: number; lastUpdated: string; logo?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; widgets: Array<{ __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }>; performance?: { __typename?: 'WealthWatchAccountPerformance'; value: string; format: DataWidgetFormat } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount_Fragment' }; export type WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccountFragment = | WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchExternalAccount_Fragment | WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchSmartCashAccount_Fragment | WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanBankAccount_Fragment | WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount_Fragment; export type AddUserManualNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: AddUserManualNetWorthAccountInput; }>; export type AddUserManualNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserManualNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type AddUserNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type AddUserNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type NetWorthQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type NetWorthQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; netWorth: { __typename?: 'NetWorthResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; wealthWatchEnabled: boolean; widget: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthWidget'; eyebrow: string; label: string; lastUpdated: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthWidgetLastUpdated'; lastUpdated: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; cta: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; label: string }; }; promoScreen?: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoScreen'; label: string; cta: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; label: string }; image?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; rows?: Array<{ __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoScreenRow'; subtitle: string; title: string; icon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }); }> | null; } | null; promoWidget?: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthPromoWidget'; description?: string | null; eyebrow: string; label: string; image?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; cta: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; label: string }; } | null; onboardingSelector: { __typename?: 'NetWorthOnboardingSelector'; highlight?: string | null; title: string; description: string; cta: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; label: string }; secondaryCta: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; label: string }; }; manualAccountTypeSelector: { __typename?: 'NetWorthManualAccountTypeSelector'; label: string; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'NetWorthManualAccountTypeOption'; netWorthCategoryId: string; label: string; value: string; }>; }; netWorth: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorth'; total: number; auxiliaryCta?: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; externalUri?: string | null; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; label: string; } | null; performanceConfiguration: { __typename?: 'NetWorthPerformanceConfiguration' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccountHoldings_NetWorthPerformanceConfigurationFragment: WealthWatchAccountHoldings_NetWorthPerformanceConfigurationFragment; }; }; categories: Array<{ __typename?: 'NetWorthCategory'; id: string; label: string; total: number; chartColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); accounts: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'WealthWatchExternalAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchExternalAccount_Fragment: WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchExternalAccount_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'WealthWatchSmartCashAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchSmartCashAccount_Fragment: WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchSmartCashAccount_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanBankAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanBankAccount_Fragment: WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanBankAccount_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount_Fragment: WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchAccount_WealthWatchTitanInvestingAccount_Fragment; }; }) >; }>; primaryCta?: { __typename?: 'UserNetWorthCTA'; label: string; intentType: UserNetWorthIntentType; description?: string | null; } | null; disclaimer: { __typename?: 'NetWorthDisclaimer'; text: string }; }; }; }; }; export type AkoyaDisclaimer_CreateAkoyaSessionResponseFragment = { __typename?: 'CreateAkoyaSessionResponse'; title: string; subtitle: string; disclaimerTitle: string; disclaimerText: string; ctaLabel: string; titanLogo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; institutionLogo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AkoyaDisclaimer_CreateAkoyaSessionResponseFragment' }; export type CreateAkoyaSessionMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: CreateAkoyaSessionInput; }>; export type CreateAkoyaSessionMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; createNetWorthAccountAkoyaSession: { __typename?: 'CreateAkoyaSessionResponse'; url: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AkoyaDisclaimer_CreateAkoyaSessionResponseFragment: AkoyaDisclaimer_CreateAkoyaSessionResponseFragment }; }; }; export type AddAkoyaNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: AddUserAkoyaNetWorthAccountInput; }>; export type AddAkoyaNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserAkoyaNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; } | null; }; }; export type ReconnectAkoyaNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ code: Scalars['String']; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ReconnectAkoyaNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; reconnectAkoyaNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type CreateCoinBaseSessionMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: CreateCoinBaseSessionInput; }>; export type CreateCoinBaseSessionMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; createNetWorthAccountCoinBaseSession: { __typename?: 'CreateCoinBaseSessionResponse'; redirectPathname: string; url: string }; }; export type AddCoinbaseNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: AddUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccountInput; }>; export type AddCoinbaseNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserCoinBaseNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; } | null; }; }; export type ReconnectCoinbaseNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ code: Scalars['String']; netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ReconnectCoinbaseNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; reconnectCoinBaseNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type CreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: CreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenInput; }>; export type CreateNetWorthAccountPlaidTokenMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; createNetWorthAccountPlaidToken: { __typename?: 'CreatePlaidLinkTokenResponse'; linkToken?: string | null }; }; export type AddPlaidNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ plaidPublicToken: Scalars['String']; netWorthCategoryId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type AddPlaidNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; addUserNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array; wealthAccount?: { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; } | null; }; }; export type ReconnectPlaidNetWorthAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ netWorthAccountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type ReconnectPlaidNetWorthAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; reconnectNetWorthAccount: { __typename?: 'NetWorthAccountsMutationResponse'; netWorthAccountIds: Array }; }; export type WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment = { __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitanCTA'; label?: string | null; intent?: AppOpenExperienceIntent | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment' }; export type WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment = { __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitan'; _CACHE_ID: string; eyebrow?: string | null; title: string; subtitle: string; type: WhatsNewOnTitanType; heroImage?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; newOnTitanRows: Array<{ __typename?: 'NewOnTitanRow'; title: string; subtitle: string; icon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }); }>; primaryCta?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitanCTA' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment: WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment }; }) | null; secondaryCta?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitanCTA' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment: WhatsNewCta_WhatsNewOnTitanCtaFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment' }; export type WhatsNewOnTitanDrawer_AppOpenExperience_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type WhatsNewOnTitanDrawer_AppOpenExperience_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; appOpenExperience?: { __typename?: 'AppOpenExperienceResponse'; whatsNewOnTitan?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitan'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment: WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment }; }) | null; } | null; }; export type AppOpenExperienceQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AppOpenExperienceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; appOpenExperience?: { __typename?: 'AppOpenExperienceResponse'; whatsNewOnTitan?: | ({ __typename?: 'WhatsNewOnTitan'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; hideBannerOnHome?: boolean | null } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment: WhatsNewOnTitan_AppOpenExperienceFragment }; }) | null; } | null; }; export type RecentTradesNotificationSection_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'GroupTradeDate'; dateLabel: string; trades?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo'; holdingInfo: { __typename?: 'HoldingInfoType'; displayDetails: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayDetails'; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTrade_FragmentFragment: RecentTrade_FragmentFragment } } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RecentTradesNotificationSection_FragmentFragment' }; export type RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; accountId: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountImpactedByYndxQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type AccountImpactedByYndxQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; AccountImpactedByYNDX?: { __typename?: 'YNDXImpact'; ownsYNDX?: boolean | null; hasLiquidations?: boolean | null } | null; }; export type AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; strategyGroupingValues: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingValue'; strategyGroupingKey: string; strategyGroupingDisplayName: string; order: number; value: number; iconBackgroundColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); strategyGroupStrategyCapitals: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; value: number; strategyKey: string; info: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; displayName: string }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment: AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment; }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment: AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment; }; } >; ui: { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; showOnHomeCapital: boolean }; }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; strategyGroupingValues: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingValue'; strategyGroupingKey: string; strategyGroupingDisplayName: string; order: number; value: number; iconBackgroundColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); strategyGroupStrategyCapitals: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; value: number; strategyKey: string; info: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; displayName: string }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment: AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment; }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment: AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment; }; } >; ui: { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; showOnHomeCapital: boolean }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; }>; }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment: InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccountFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountType: AccountType; status: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; capitalType: CapitalType; ui: { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; showOnHomeCapital: boolean }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment } }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; capitalType: CapitalType; ui: { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; showOnHomeCapital: boolean }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment } }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment: RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment; AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountView_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountView_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountChartQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AccountChartQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; accountChart: { __typename?: 'AccountChart'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountChartPeriod'; label: string; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; series: Array< | { __typename?: 'AccountChartBalanceSeries'; label: string; dataJSON?: any | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartNetTransferSeries'; label: string; dataJSON?: any | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'AccountChartPreviousCloseSeries'; label: string; dataJSON?: any | null; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartBenchmarkSeries' } | { __typename?: 'ModelPortfolioChartSeries' } | { __typename?: 'SmartCashEarningsSeries' } >; }>; configs: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountChartConfig'; configKey: AccountChartConfigKey; availablePeriodKeys?: Array | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountChartHeader_AccountChartFragment: AccountChartHeader_AccountChartFragment } }; }; }>; }; }; export type AccountChart_CapitalFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountChart_CapitalFragment'; }; export type AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment' }; export type AccountChartHeader_AccountChartFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountChart'; label: string; details: { __typename?: 'AccountChartDetails' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountChartDetails_AccountChartDetailsFragment: AccountChartDetails_AccountChartDetailsFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountChartHeader_AccountChartFragment' }; export type AccountChartDetails_AccountChartDetailsFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountChartDetails'; title: string; description: string; disclaimer?: | ({ __typename?: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimerFragment: ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimerFragment; }; }) | null; infoRows: Array< { __typename?: 'ChartDetailsInfoRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ChartDetailsInfoRow_ChartDetailsInfoRowFragment: ChartDetailsInfoRow_ChartDetailsInfoRowFragment }; } >; legalAssumptions: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountChartDetails_AccountChartDetailsFragment' }; export type AccountGroups_HomeAccountGroupFragment = { __typename?: 'HomeAccountGroup'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'HomeAccountRow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountRow_HomeAccountRowFragment: AccountRow_HomeAccountRowFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroups_HomeAccountGroupFragment' }; export type AccountRow_HomeAccountRowFragment = { __typename?: 'HomeAccountRow'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; accountViewType: AccountViewType; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountRow_HomeAccountRowFragment' }; export type AccountGroup_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment: AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroup_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment' }; export type AccountGroup_CoreAccountFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroup_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountName?: string | null; accountLabel: string; accountType: AccountType; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number; capitalType: CapitalType; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; info: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; performanceTextOverride?: string | null }; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment: AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment } }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number; capitalType: CapitalType } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment: AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment; CashCapital_CapitalFragment: CashCapital_CapitalFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment' }; export type CashCapital_CapitalFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; cash: { __typename?: 'CashCapital'; id: string; total: number; cashLabel: string; availableToWithdraw?: number | null }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CashCapital_CapitalFragment' }; export type AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; ui: { __typename?: 'CapitalUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; capitalTypeLabel: string; showOnHomeCapital: boolean; showSmartCashUpgrade: boolean; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment' }; export type AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountLabel: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment: AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment } }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment: AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_CapitalFragment } }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment' }; export type SmartCashYield_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashPromoInput; }>; export type SmartCashYield_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashPromo: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromo'; _CACHE_ID: string; highestYield: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYield'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; }; }; }; export type AccountsOverview_CoreAccountFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountType: AccountType } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; AccountGroup_CoreAccountFragment: AccountGroup_CoreAccountFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountsOverview_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type AccountsOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment = ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountType: AccountType; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment: AccountOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment; AccountGroup_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment: AccountGroup_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountsOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment' }; type AccountGroups_HomeResponse_FundedHomeType_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'FundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountGroups_FragmentFragment: AccountGroups_FragmentFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroups_HomeResponse_FundedHomeType_Fragment'; }; type AccountGroups_HomeResponse_UnfundedHomeType_Fragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroups_HomeResponse_UnfundedHomeType_Fragment' }; export type AccountGroups_HomeResponseFragment = | AccountGroups_HomeResponse_FundedHomeType_Fragment | AccountGroups_HomeResponse_UnfundedHomeType_Fragment; export type AccountGroups_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'FundedHomeType'; accountGroups?: Array< { __typename?: 'HomeAccountGroup' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountGroups_HomeAccountGroupFragment: AccountGroups_HomeAccountGroupFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountGroups_FragmentFragment' }; export type Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment'; }; export type CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment: Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment' }; export type CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'Capital'; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array< { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PeriodPerformanceSelector_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment: PeriodPerformanceSelector_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment; }; } >; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment: Balance_CapitalFragmentFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment'; }; export type PeriodPerformanceSelector_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; shortLabel: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PeriodPerformanceSelector_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment' }; export type RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountType: AccountType; accountId: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumACH: number; lastYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumAnnually: number; remainingContribution: number; ageGte50: boolean; description: string; }; thisYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; maximumAnnually: number; remainingContribution: number; ageGte50: boolean; description: string; }; } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type IraContributionDrawerContent_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type IraContributionDrawerContent_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; contributionYearLimits: { __typename?: 'ContributionYearConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; contributionTrackerRichTextInfo: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }; } | null; }; } | null; }; export type AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; value: number; info: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; displayName: string; performanceTextOverride?: string | null; subtitle: string; icon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }); icons?: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }) > | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountViewStrategyRowPerformance_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; id: string; strategyKey: string; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; }>; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountViewStrategyRowPerformance_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountViewStrategyRow_AssetValueFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AssetValue'; iconBackgroundColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountViewStrategyRow_AssetValueFragmentFragment' }; export type AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingValue'; iconBackgroundColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountViewStrategyRow_StrategyGroupingValueFragmentFragment' }; export type MaintenanceBannerQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type MaintenanceBannerQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; maintenanceBanner: { __typename?: 'MaintenanceBannerType'; id: string; config: { __typename?: 'MaintenanceBannerConfig'; id: string; enabled: boolean }; }; }; export type BlendedHomeOverviewQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BlendedHomeOverviewQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; userCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment }; }; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; accountType: AccountType; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; createdAt: string; status: string; hasEverFunded?: boolean | null; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; total: number } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment; AccountChart_CapitalFragment: AccountChart_CapitalFragment; }; }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalFragmentFragment; AccountChart_CapitalFragment: AccountChart_CapitalFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountsOverview_CoreAccountFragment: AccountsOverview_CoreAccountFragment; AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment: AccountView_CoreAccountFragmentFragment; UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment: UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment; }; } >; }; }; export type BlendedHomePerformanceQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BlendedHomePerformanceQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; userCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; }; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; strategyCapital: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment: StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment; }; } >; equityCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'EquityCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; assetId: string; value: number; quantity: { __typename?: 'EquityCapitalAssetQuantity'; availableToTrade: number; reserved: number }; info: { __typename?: 'AssetInfoType'; id: string; imageUrl?: string | null; ticker: string; displayName?: string | null; }; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsPositionStats_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment: HoldingsPositionStats_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment; DiyHoldingsSection_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment: DiyHoldingsSection_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; }; }>; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment: AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment; }; }; investmentsCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; strategyCapital: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyCapital' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment: StrategyReportChartData_StrategyCapitalFragmentFragment; }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: CapitalOverview_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment: AccountChart_CapitalWithPerformanceFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountsOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment: AccountsOverview_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment; AccountView_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment: AccountView_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragment; }; } >; }; }; export type BlendedHomeUiQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BlendedHomeUiQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; ui: { __typename?: 'AccountUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; resources?: | ({ __typename?: 'AccountUiResources' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DiyResourcesSection_AccountUiResourcesFragment: DiyResourcesSection_AccountUiResourcesFragment; }; }) | null; selfDirected?: | ({ __typename?: 'AccountUiSelfDirected'; _CACHE_ID: string; recommendedAssetsUi?: | ({ __typename?: 'RecommendedAssetsUi' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FirstTimeDiyExperience_RecommendedAssetsUiFragment: FirstTimeDiyExperience_RecommendedAssetsUiFragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PersonalTradingUi_GiveFeedbackButtonFragment: PersonalTradingUi_GiveFeedbackButtonFragment }; }) | null; }; }>; }; }; export type BlendedHomeQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BlendedHomeQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; home: | ({ __typename?: 'FundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum; checklist?: | ({ __typename?: 'HomeChecklist' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment: HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountGroups_HomeResponse_FundedHomeType_Fragment: AccountGroups_HomeResponse_FundedHomeType_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum; checklist?: | ({ __typename?: 'HomeChecklist' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment: HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountGroups_HomeResponse_UnfundedHomeType_Fragment: AccountGroups_HomeResponse_UnfundedHomeType_Fragment; }; }); }; export type FirstTimeDiyExperience_RecommendedAssetsUiFragment = { __typename?: 'RecommendedAssetsUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle: string; disclosures: string; oneMonthTopMoversHoldings?: Array< { __typename?: 'AssetData' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FirstTimeDiyRecommendedAssets_AssetDataFragmentFragment: FirstTimeDiyRecommendedAssets_AssetDataFragmentFragment; }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FirstTimeDiyExperience_RecommendedAssetsUiFragment' }; export type SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Capital'; id: string; total: number; cash: { __typename?: 'CashCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; total: number }; performance: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array< { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment: SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment; }; } >; meta?: { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformanceMeta'; selfDirected?: { __typename?: 'SelfDirectedMeta'; cumulativeReturn?: | ({ __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SelfInvestedCumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment: SelfInvestedCumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment; }; }) | null; totalEarnings?: | ({ __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SelfInvestedTotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment: SelfInvestedTotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment; }; }) | null; } | null; } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalWithPerformanceFragmentFragment' }; export type SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; label: string; shortLabel: string; periodKey: string; percentPerformance: number; dollarChangePerformance: number; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SelfInvestedAccountPerformance_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragmentFragment' }; export type SelfInvestedCumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment: PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment }; }; cumulativeReturn: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; legalAssumptions?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SelfInvestedCumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment' }; export type SelfInvestedTotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'TotalEarningsExplainerType'; moreInfoType: MoreInfoExplainerType; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment: PerformanceMetaRichText_FragmentFragment }; }; totalBalance: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string }; totalGain: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string }; netDeposits: { __typename?: 'PerformanceAttributeRowMeta'; format: StrategyReportPeriodMetaInfoFormat; label: string; moreInfo?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; }; legalAssumptions?: { __typename?: 'StrategyReportPerformanceMetaMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SelfInvestedTotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfigFragment' }; export type FirstTimeDiyRecommendedAssets_AssetDataFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AssetData'; _CACHE_ID: string; assetId: string; oneMonthPerformance?: number | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FirstTimeDiyRecommendedAssets_AssetDataFragmentFragment' }; export type RenameAccountMutationVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; newName: Scalars['String']; }>; export type RenameAccountMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; renameAccount: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountName?: string | null }; }; export type DiyResourcesSection_AccountUiResourcesFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountUiResources'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; resourceCtas?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountUiResource'; _CACHE_ID: string; intent: AccountResourceIntentType; title: string; description: string; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DiyResourcesSection_AccountUiResourcesFragment' }; export type DiyHoldingsSection_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; percentPerformance: number }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DiyHoldingsSection_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment' }; export type PersonalTradingUi_GiveFeedbackButtonFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountUiSelfDirected'; giveFeedbackButtonUri?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PersonalTradingUi_GiveFeedbackButtonFragment' }; export type PrefetchTitanVettedHoldings_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ args?: InputMaybe; }>; export type PrefetchTitanVettedHoldings_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; diySearchEquities: { __typename?: 'DIYSearchEquitiesResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchEquitiesUi: { __typename?: 'SearchEquitiesUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; search?: { __typename?: 'SearchModeUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchPlaceholder: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment: DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment } }; }; }; export type DiscoverHoldingsUiQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ args?: InputMaybe; }>; export type DiscoverHoldingsUiQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; diySearchEquities: { __typename?: 'DIYSearchEquitiesResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchEquitiesUi: { __typename?: 'SearchEquitiesUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; search?: { __typename?: 'SearchModeUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchPlaceholder: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment: DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment } }; }; }; export type SearchEquityResult_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsSearchResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; equities?: Array< { __typename?: 'SearchEquityResult'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SearchEquityResultFields_FragmentFragment: SearchEquityResultFields_FragmentFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SearchEquityResult_FragmentFragment' }; export type SearchEquityResultFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'SearchEquityResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; imageUrl?: string | null; ticker?: string | null; displayName?: string | null; id: string; performance?: number | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SearchEquityResultFields_FragmentFragment' }; export type DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment = { __typename?: 'SearchEquitiesUi'; discover?: | ({ __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsDiscoverMode'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; keyLeft?: string | null; keyRight?: string | null; titanVettedEquities?: | ({ __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsSearchResult'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SearchEquityResult_FragmentFragment: SearchEquityResult_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer_FragmentFragment: DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DiySearchEquities_DiscoverUiFragment' }; export type EmptyState_DiyHoldingsFlashListQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ args?: InputMaybe; }>; export type EmptyState_DiyHoldingsFlashListQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; diySearchEquities: { __typename?: 'DIYSearchEquitiesResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchEquitiesUi: { __typename?: 'SearchEquitiesUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; search?: { __typename?: 'SearchModeUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; emptyState?: { __typename?: 'SearchScreenEmptyState'; _CACHE_ID: string; noMatchText: string; introHook?: string | null; buttonText?: string | null; buttonUrl?: string | null; } | null; } | null; }; }; }; export type DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsDiscoverMode'; infoDrawer: { __typename?: 'DIYHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DiyHoldingsDiscoverInfoDrawer_FragmentFragment' }; export type TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; table: Array<{ __typename?: 'TaxRecordTableInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfoFragment' }; export type TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarningFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi'; _CACHE_ID: string; warning?: { __typename?: 'TaxRecordWarning'; _CACHE_ID: string; text: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarningFragment' }; export type PreviousTaxYearsQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type PreviousTaxYearsQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxRecords: Array< { __typename?: 'TaxRecord'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxRecordFragmentFragment: TaxRecordFragmentFragment }; } >; }; }; }; export type TaxExemptEarningsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxExemptEarningsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxExemptEarnings?: { __typename?: 'TaxExemptEarnings'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxExemptEarningsAmount: number; native: { __typename?: 'NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; subtitleDescriptionLabel: string; ctaText: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }; } | null; }; }; }; export type TaxLinkingQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxLinkingQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxLinkingFragment_TaxCenterNativeConfigFragment: TaxLinkingFragment_TaxCenterNativeConfigFragment }; }; }; }; }; export type TaxLinkingFragment_TaxCenterNativeConfigFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; linkTaxSoftwareTutorial: Array< { __typename?: 'LinkTaxSoftwareTutorial'; softwareName: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxSoftwareTutorial_TaxLinkingFragmentFragment: TaxSoftwareTutorial_TaxLinkingFragmentFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxLinkingFragment_TaxCenterNativeConfigFragment' }; export type Documents2022Callout_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type Documents2022Callout_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; documents2022Note: { __typename?: 'Docs2022Note'; _CACHE_ID: string; entrypointText: string; drawerTitle: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichTextFragment: FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichTextFragment }; }; }; }; }; }; }; export type EditTaxInfoForm_UserPersonalInfoFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UserPersonalInfo'; financialProfile?: { __typename?: 'UserFinancialProfile'; _CACHE_ID: string; preTaxIncome?: string | null; taxFilingStatus?: TaxFilingStatus | null; } | null; address?: { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: string; line1: string; line2?: string | null; city: string; state: string; zipCode: string; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'EditTaxInfoForm_UserPersonalInfoFragmentFragment' }; export type TaxCenterGetHelp_TaxExemptEarningsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterGetHelp_TaxExemptEarningsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxExemptEarnings?: { __typename?: 'TaxExemptEarnings'; _CACHE_ID: string; native: { __typename?: 'NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: string; footerEntrypointText: string }; } | null; }; }; }; export type SmartCashEarningsBreakdown_BreakdownQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type SmartCashEarningsBreakdown_BreakdownQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxExemptEarnings?: { __typename?: 'TaxExemptEarnings'; _CACHE_ID: string; native: { __typename?: 'NativeTaxExemptEarningsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: string; breakdownPageTitle: string }; breakdown: Array<{ __typename?: 'BreakdownConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountLabel: string; description: string; earningsBreakdownTable: Array<{ __typename?: 'EarningsBreakdownTable'; _CACHE_ID: string; fundName: string; table: Array<{ __typename?: 'TaxRecordTableInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string }>; }>; } | null>; } | null; }; }; }; export type TaxCenterQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxRecords: Array< { __typename?: 'TaxRecord'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxRecordFragmentFragment: TaxRecordFragmentFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxCenterHeadline_NeedToKnowFragment: TaxCenterHeadline_NeedToKnowFragment } }; }; }; export type TaxRecordFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxRecord'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; name: string; titanAccountIdLabel: string; description: string; status: | ({ __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment: TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment; TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment: TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment: TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment: TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; }; }); native: { __typename?: 'TaxRecordNativeUi' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfoFragment: TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfoFragment; TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarningFragment: TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarningFragment; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxRecordFragmentFragment' }; type TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending'; _CACHE_ID: string; expectedDate: string; expectedDateRange: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment' }; type TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady'; _CACHE_ID: string; date: string; url: string; docViewerButtonLabel?: string | null; files: Array<{ __typename?: 'FileData'; fileType: FileTypeEnum; isCorrected: boolean; url: string }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment' }; export type TaxDocumentStatusFragment = | TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment | TaxDocumentStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; export type TaxCenterAnnouncementQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterAnnouncementQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountTabBanner?: | ({ __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeBanner'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxCenterAnnouncement_NativeFragment: TaxCenterAnnouncement_NativeFragment }; }) | null; }; }; }; }; export type TaxCenterAnnouncement_NativeFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeBanner'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; ctaText: string; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { BannerPromo_RichTextFragment: BannerPromo_RichTextFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxCenterAnnouncement_NativeFragment' }; export type EditDetailsQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type EditDetailsQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxDetails: { __typename?: 'TaxDetails'; _CACHE_ID: string; native: { __typename?: 'NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TaxCenterEditDetails_NativeFragment: TaxCenterEditDetails_NativeFragment }; }; }; userPersonalInfo: { __typename?: 'UserPersonalInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { EditTaxInfoForm_UserPersonalInfoFragmentFragment: EditTaxInfoForm_UserPersonalInfoFragmentFragment }; }; }; }; }; export type TaxCenterEditDetails_NativeFragment = { __typename?: 'NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow'; _CACHE_ID: string; introScreen: { __typename?: 'NativeTaxDetailsIntroScreen'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxCenterEditDetails_NativeFragment' }; export type TaxCenterHeadline_NeedToKnowFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; needToKnow: Array< { __typename?: 'TaxesNeedToKnowBullet'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment: NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment }; } >; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxCenterHeadline_NeedToKnowFragment' }; export type NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxesNeedToKnowBullet'; _CACHE_ID: string; _needToKnowType: TaxesNeedToKnowTypeEnum; ctaLabel?: string | null; richText?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment' }; export type TaxSoftwareTutorial_TaxLinkingFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'LinkTaxSoftwareTutorial'; _CACHE_ID: string; softwareName: string; instructionsNeedToKnow: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; cryptoDocumentsDisclaimer?: { __typename?: 'CryptoDocumentsDisclaimer'; _CACHE_ID: string; description: string } | null; tableInfo: Array<{ __typename?: 'TableForAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountLabelForTable?: string | null; tableInfo: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabelValueConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; isCopyable: boolean; label: string; value: string }>; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxSoftwareTutorial_TaxLinkingFragmentFragment' }; export type UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecordsFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxRecord'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountLabel: string; name: string; status: | ({ __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment: Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment: Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecordsFragment' }; type Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending'; _CACHE_ID: string; expectedDate: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment' }; type Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady'; _CACHE_ID: string; date: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment' }; export type Fragment_TaxStatusFragment = | Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment | Fragment_TaxStatus_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; export type TaxCenterWhatsNextQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterWhatsNextQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; whatToExpect: { __typename?: 'WhatToExpect'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatIsNext_NativeFragment: WhatIsNext_NativeFragment }; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatIsNext_NeedToKnowFragment: WhatIsNext_NeedToKnowFragment } }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WhatIsNext_TaxRecordsFragment: WhatIsNext_TaxRecordsFragment } }; }; }; export type WhatIsNext_NeedToKnowFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; needToKnow: Array< { __typename?: 'TaxesNeedToKnowBullet'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment: NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnowFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatIsNext_NeedToKnowFragment' }; export type WhatIsNext_TaxRecordsFragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxRecords: Array< { __typename?: 'TaxRecord' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecordsFragment: UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecordsFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatIsNext_TaxRecordsFragment' }; export type WhatIsNext_NativeFragment = { __typename?: 'WhatToExpect'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; documentsLabel: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WhatIsNext_NativeFragment' }; type TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending'; _CACHE_ID: string; expectedDateRange: string; subtext?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment' }; type TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment = { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady'; _CACHE_ID: string; date: string; files: Array<{ __typename?: 'FileData'; isCorrected: boolean }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment' }; export type TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitleFragment = | TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusPending_Fragment | TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle_TaxDocumentStatusReady_Fragment; export type TaxCenterBadgeQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterBadgeQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxCenterNativeConfig: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountTabBanner?: { __typename?: 'TaxCenterNativeBanner'; _CACHE_ID: string } | null; }; }; }; }; export type TaxCenterNav_TaxDetailsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TaxCenterNav_TaxDetailsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; documents: { __typename?: 'DocumentsResponse'; taxDocuments: { __typename?: 'TaxDocumentsResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; taxDetails: { __typename?: 'TaxDetails'; _CACHE_ID: string; shouldVerifyTaxDetails: boolean }; }; }; }; export type AccountTabIraContributionsQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AccountTabIraContributionsQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountType: AccountType } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment: RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragment; }; } >; }; }; export type HoldingsHub_HelpInfoFragmentFragment = { __typename: 'HoldingsHubHelpInfo'; richText?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingsHub_HelpInfoFragmentFragment' }; export type HoldingsHubQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type HoldingsHubQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; _CACHE_ID: string; holdingsPrototype: { __typename?: 'HoldingsPrototypeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKeyOrder?: Array | null; asOfDate?: string | null; userHoldings?: Array< { __typename: 'HoldingData'; id: string; strategyKey: string; displayData: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; id: string; ticker?: string | null; displayName?: string | null }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment: HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment; HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment: HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment; }; } > | null; allHoldings?: Array< { __typename: 'HoldingData'; id: string; strategyKey: string; displayData: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; id: string; ticker?: string | null; displayName?: string | null }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment: HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment; HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment: HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment; }; } > | null; helpInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'HoldingsHubHelpInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsHub_HelpInfoFragmentFragment: HoldingsHub_HelpInfoFragmentFragment }; }) | null; }; }; }; export type TopMoversQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TopMoversQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; _CACHE_ID: string; holdingsPrototype: { __typename?: 'HoldingsPrototypeResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; asOfDate?: string | null; lastUpdatedDate?: string | null; topMoversHelpInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'TopMoversHelpInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TopMoversHelpInfo_FragmentFragment: TopMoversHelpInfo_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; userHoldings?: Array< { __typename?: 'HoldingData' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment: HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment; TopMoversCard_MoversFragmentFragment: TopMoversCard_MoversFragmentFragment; }; } > | null; }; }; }; export type TopMoversCard_MoversFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'HoldingData'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TopMoversHoldingRow_HoldingDataFragmentFragment: TopMoversHoldingRow_HoldingDataFragmentFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TopMoversCard_MoversFragmentFragment' }; export type TopMoversHelpInfo_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'TopMoversHelpInfo'; richText?: | ({ __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TopMoversHelpInfo_FragmentFragment' }; export type TopMoversHoldingRow_HoldingDataFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'HoldingData'; id: string; title: string; subtitle: string; imageUrl: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; displayData: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; id: string; strategyName: string }; performanceData: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDataType'; id: string; oneDayPerformance: number; oneMonthPerformance: number; ytdPerformance: number; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TopMoversHoldingRow_HoldingDataFragmentFragment' }; export type HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment = ({ __typename?: 'HoldingData'; id: string; strategyKey: string; imageUrl: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; performanceData: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDataType'; id: string; oneDayPerformance: number; oneMonthPerformance: number; ytdPerformance: number; price?: number | null; }; displayData: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; id: string; ticker?: string | null; displayName?: string | null }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment: HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingsHubRow_HoldingDataFragment'; }; export type HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment = { __typename?: 'HoldingData'; displayData: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayData'; id: string; ticker?: string | null }; performanceData: { __typename?: 'PerformanceDataType'; id: string; oneDayPerformance: number; oneMonthPerformance: number; ytdPerformance: number; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingsHub_SortDataFragment' }; export type HoldingFooter_HoldingRestrictionFragment = { __typename?: 'HoldingRestriction'; _CACHE_ID: string; canBuy: boolean; canSell: boolean; title: string; label: string; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'DefaultHoldingMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_DefaultHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment: HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_DefaultHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment: HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingFooter_HoldingRestrictionFragment' }; export type DefaultHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_DefaultHoldingMoreInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'DefaultHoldingMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DefaultHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_DefaultHoldingMoreInfoFragment' }; type HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_DefaultHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'DefaultHoldingMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DefaultHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_DefaultHoldingMoreInfoFragment: DefaultHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_DefaultHoldingMoreInfoFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_DefaultHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment' }; type HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo'; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoFragment: RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment' }; export type HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfigFragment = | HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_DefaultHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment | HoldingMoreInfoDrawer_HoldingMoreInfoConfig_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo_Fragment; export type RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfo'; title: string; description: string; ctaText?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoDrawer_RiskProfileHoldingMoreInfoFragment' }; export type HoldingScreen_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ args: UiHoldingScreenInput; }>; export type HoldingScreen_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; uiHoldingScreen: { __typename?: 'UIHoldingScreen'; id: string; title: string; sections: Array< | ({ __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenChart'; sectionId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingChartUiHoldingScreenChartFragment: HoldingChartUiHoldingScreenChartFragment }; }) | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenDetails'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenEmphasizedContent'; sectionId: string } | ({ __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenHeader'; sectionId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingHeaderUiHoldingScreenHeaderFragment: HoldingHeaderUiHoldingScreenHeaderFragment }; }) | ({ __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews'; sectionId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingNews_UiHoldingScreenHoldingNewsFragment: HoldingNews_UiHoldingScreenHoldingNewsFragment }; }) | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenNews'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenOtherInvestors'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenOtherStrategyHoldings'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenPosition'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenRecentResearch'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenStats'; sectionId: string } | { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenThesisPreview'; sectionId: string } | ({ __typename: 'UiHoldingStats'; sectionId: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingStatsUiHoldingStatsFragment: HoldingStatsUiHoldingStatsFragment }; }) >; restriction?: | ({ __typename?: 'HoldingRestriction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HoldingFooter_HoldingRestrictionFragment: HoldingFooter_HoldingRestrictionFragment }; }) | null; }; }; export type HoldingChartUiHoldingScreenChartFragment = { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenChart'; sectionId: string; symbol: string; assetId: string; chartColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingChartUiHoldingScreenChartFragment' }; export type HoldingHeaderUiHoldingScreenHeaderFragment = { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenHeader'; sectionId: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; titanVetted?: { __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingHeaderUiHoldingScreenHeaderFragment' }; export type HoldingNews_UiHoldingScreenHoldingNewsFragment = { __typename: 'UiHoldingScreenHoldingNews'; sectionId: string; title: string; holdingNews: Array<{ __typename?: 'HoldingNews'; title: string; date: string; url: string; imageUri?: string | null; source?: string | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingNews_UiHoldingScreenHoldingNewsFragment' }; export type HoldingsPositionStats_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'CapitalPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; periods: Array<{ __typename?: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods'; percentPerformance: number; costBasis?: number | null }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingsPositionStats_CapitalPerformanceFragmentFragment' }; export type HoldingStatsUiHoldingStatsFragment = { __typename: 'UiHoldingStats'; sectionId: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; stats?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HoldingStatsUiHoldingStatsFragment' }; export type WealthAccountScreen_OverallWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'OverallWealth'; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthAccountScreen_OverallWealthFragment' }; export type CashDashboard_CashWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'CashWealth'; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; holdingsOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; id: string; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountHoldingsFragment: WealthAccountHoldingsFragment }; } > | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CashDashboard_CashWealthFragment' }; export type InvestmentDashboard_InvestmentWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'InvestmentWealth'; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; holdingsOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; id: string; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountHoldingsFragment: WealthAccountHoldingsFragment }; } > | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'InvestmentDashboard_InvestmentWealthFragment' }; export type RetirementDashboard_RetirementWealthFragment = { __typename?: 'RetirementWealth'; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; holdingsOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; id: string; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountHoldingsFragment: WealthAccountHoldingsFragment }; } > | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RetirementDashboard_RetirementWealthFragment' }; export type PeriodSelector_WealthOverviewFragment = { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; chartConfig?: { __typename?: 'WealthChartConfig'; defaultPeriodKey?: string | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'PeriodSelector_WealthOverviewFragment' }; export type WealthAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; isTitanAccount?: boolean | null; isSmartCash?: boolean | null; label: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; connectionStatus: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountConnectionStatus'; status: WealthAccountConnectionStatusType; lastUpdated: string; }; categorization: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountCategorization'; wealthCategory: string; netWorthCategoryId: string }; institution: { __typename?: 'WealthAccountInstitution'; id: string; label: string; provider: InstitutionProviderType; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountHoldingsFragment: WealthAccountHoldingsFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthAccountFragment' }; export type WealthAccountHoldingsFragment = { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; assetId?: string | null; quantity: number; price?: number | null; weight: number; logo: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; displayName?: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingDisplayName'; default: string; id: string; long?: string | null; short?: string | null; } | null; categorization?: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingCategorization'; assetCategory?: string | null; geographic?: string | null; industry?: string | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthAccountHoldingsFragment' }; export type WealthOverviewFragment = ({ __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; overview?: | ({ __typename?: 'OverallWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; holdingsOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; id: string; holdings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; id: string }> | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AgeBasedBenchmark_OverallWealthFragment: AgeBasedBenchmark_OverallWealthFragment; WealthAccountScreen_OverallWealthFragment: WealthAccountScreen_OverallWealthFragment; }; }) | null; investment?: | ({ __typename?: 'InvestmentWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string; holdings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; id: string }> | null; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { InvestmentDashboard_InvestmentWealthFragment: InvestmentDashboard_InvestmentWealthFragment; BrokerageTransfer_InvestmentWealthFragment: BrokerageTransfer_InvestmentWealthFragment; }; }) | null; cash?: | ({ __typename?: 'CashWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CashDashboard_CashWealthFragment: CashDashboard_CashWealthFragment } }) | null; retirement?: | ({ __typename?: 'RetirementWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string; holdings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding'; id: string }> | null; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RetirementDashboard_RetirementWealthFragment: RetirementDashboard_RetirementWealthFragment } }) | null; crypto?: { __typename?: 'CryptoWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; holdingsOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthHoldingsOverview'; id: string; holdings?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccountHolding' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountHoldingsFragment: WealthAccountHoldingsFragment }; } > | null; }; } | null; equity?: { __typename?: 'EquityWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; realEstate?: { __typename?: 'RealEstateWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; assets?: { __typename?: 'AssetsWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; sneakers?: { __typename?: 'SneakersWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; watch?: { __typename?: 'WatchWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; artwork?: { __typename?: 'ArtworkWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; hardware?: { __typename?: 'HardwareWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; vehicle?: { __typename?: 'VehicleWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; jewelry?: { __typename?: 'JewelryWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; wine?: { __typename?: 'WineWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; valuables?: { __typename?: 'ValuableWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; creditCard?: { __typename?: 'CreditCardWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; personalLoan?: { __typename?: 'PersonalLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; lastUpdated?: string | null; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; mortgage?: { __typename?: 'MortgageWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; liabilities?: { __typename?: 'LiabilitiesWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; studentLoan?: { __typename?: 'StudentLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; carLoan?: { __typename?: 'CarLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; currentValue: number; historicalPerformance?: Array<{ __typename: 'WealthAccountGroupPerformancePeriod'; id: string; dateFormat?: string | null; totalReturnDollars?: number | null; totalReturnPercent?: number | null; label: string; periodKey: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array< { __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthAccountFragment: WealthAccountFragment } } > | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { PeriodSelector_WealthOverviewFragment: PeriodSelector_WealthOverviewFragment } }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'WealthOverviewFragment'; }; export type HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment = { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; overview?: { __typename?: 'OverallWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; accounts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthAccount'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; }> | null; } | null; investment?: { __typename?: 'InvestmentWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; cash?: { __typename?: 'CashWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; retirement?: { __typename?: 'RetirementWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; crypto?: { __typename?: 'CryptoWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; creditCard?: { __typename?: 'CreditCardWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; mortgage?: { __typename?: 'MortgageWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; carLoan?: { __typename?: 'CarLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; studentLoan?: { __typename?: 'StudentLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; personalLoan?: { __typename?: 'PersonalLoanWealth'; id: string; balance: { __typename?: 'WealthValue'; id: string; charts?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WealthValueCharts'; chartJSON?: any | null; periodKey: string; dateFormat?: string | null; label: string; id: string; }> | null; }; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment' }; export type HistoricalPerformanceQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type HistoricalPerformanceQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; wealthOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment: HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment }; }; }; }; export type HomeWealthQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type HomeWealthQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; userId: string; wealthOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthOverviewFragment: WealthOverviewFragment }; }; demoOverview: { __typename?: 'WealthOverview'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { WealthOverviewFragment: WealthOverviewFragment; HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment: HistoricalPerformance_WealthOverviewFragment; }; }; }; }; export type UiWelcomeScreenQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ attributionLinkId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type UiWelcomeScreenQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; uiWelcomeScreen: { __typename?: 'UIWelcomeScreen'; callouts: Array<{ __typename?: 'UIWelcomeScreenCallouts'; title: string; subtitle: string }>; }; }; export type TitanMenuTransferScreen_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TitanMenuTransferScreen_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TitanMenuFundingFlow_QueryFragmentFragment: TitanMenuFundingFlow_QueryFragmentFragment }; }; export type SendEmailVerificationCodeMutationVariables = Exact<{ email: Scalars['String']; }>; export type SendEmailVerificationCodeMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; sendEmailVerificationCode: { __typename?: 'SendEmailVerificationCodeResponse'; success: boolean; errorMessage?: string | null }; }; export type VerifyEmailCodeMutationVariables = Exact<{ email: Scalars['String']; code: Scalars['String']; }>; export type VerifyEmailCodeMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; verifyEmailCode: { __typename?: 'VerifyEmailCodeResponse'; success: boolean; errorMessage?: string | null; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; email: string }; }; }; export type WelcomeToTitanScreenQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type WelcomeToTitanScreenQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; welcomeToTitanScreen?: { __typename?: 'WelcomeToTitanScreen'; subtitle: string; title: string; keyPoints: Array<{ __typename?: 'KeyPoint'; iconType: KeyPointIconEnum; subtitle: string; title: string }>; } | null; }; export type OnboardingStrategyGroupingsQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId?: InputMaybe; }>; export type OnboardingStrategyGroupingsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; strategyGroupings: { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingsResponse'; strategyGroupings: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingData'; id: string; strategyGroupingKey: string; displayName: string; description: string; strategies: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; strategyKey: string; displayName: string; subtitle: string; mandate?: string | null; assetType: AssetType; hasScorecard: boolean; icon: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }); icons?: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }) > | null; appViewingPermissions: { __typename?: 'AppViewingPermissions'; canViewStrategyDetail: boolean }; }>; ui: { __typename?: 'StrategyGroupingUi'; iconBackgroundColor: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }); }; }>; }; }; export type AccountOptionFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountOption'; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; badge?: string | null; alreadyOpened: boolean; openAccountData: { __typename?: 'OpenAccountParams'; openAccountFormParams: { __typename?: 'SecondaryAccountOpeningFormParameters'; accountType: AccountType; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountOptionFieldsFragment' }; export type AccountOptionGroupFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountOptionGroup'; title: string; options: Array< { __typename?: 'AccountOption' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOptionFieldsFragment: AccountOptionFieldsFragment } } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountOptionGroupFieldsFragment' }; export type AccountOptionGroupsFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountOptionsResponse'; optionGroups: Array< { __typename?: 'AccountOptionGroup' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOptionGroupFieldsFragment: AccountOptionGroupFieldsFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AccountOptionGroupsFragmentFragment' }; export type OpenAccountOptionsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type OpenAccountOptionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; accountOptions: { __typename?: 'AccountOptionsResponse'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AccountOptionGroupsFragmentFragment: AccountOptionGroupsFragmentFragment }; }; }; export type OpenDiyAccountBreakdownSection_OpenDiyBreakdownSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYBreakdownSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; breakdowns?: Array< { __typename?: 'ExpandableDataWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExpandableDataWidget_ExpandableDataWidgetFragment: ExpandableDataWidget_ExpandableDataWidgetFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OpenDiyAccountBreakdownSection_OpenDiyBreakdownSectionFragment' }; export type OpenDiyAccountDefaultSection_OpenDiyDefaultSectionFragment = { __typename?: 'OpenDIYDefaultSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; image?: | ({ __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'OpenDiyAccountDefaultSection_OpenDiyDefaultSectionFragment' }; export type OpenDiyIntro_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type OpenDiyIntro_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; openDIYIntro: { __typename?: 'OpenDIYIntroResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; primaryCtaLabel?: string | null; disclosure?: string | null; hero?: { __typename?: 'OpenDIYIntroHeroSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; eyebrow: string; title: string; description: string; } | null; investmentsExplainer?: | ({ __typename?: 'OpenDIYDefaultSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OpenDiyAccountDefaultSection_OpenDiyDefaultSectionFragment: OpenDiyAccountDefaultSection_OpenDiyDefaultSectionFragment; }; }) | null; breakdown?: | ({ __typename?: 'OpenDIYBreakdownSection' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { OpenDiyAccountBreakdownSection_OpenDiyBreakdownSectionFragment: OpenDiyAccountBreakdownSection_OpenDiyBreakdownSectionFragment; }; }) | null; }; }; export type OpenedAccountOptionsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type OpenedAccountOptionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; accountOptions: { __typename?: 'AccountOptionsResponse'; id: string; optionGroups: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountOptionGroup'; options: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountOption'; badge?: string | null; alreadyOpened: boolean }>; }>; }; }; export type ReferralsShareScreenQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type ReferralsShareScreenQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; referralScreen: { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreen'; header: { __typename?: 'ReferralStrategyScreenHeader'; heading: string; subheading: string; titanCard?: { __typename?: 'TitanCreditCard'; active?: boolean | null; title: string; subtitle1?: string | null; subtitle2?: string | null; } | null; }; referralButton: { __typename?: 'ReferralButton'; label: string; subtitle?: string | null }; }; }; export type UserShareLinkQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type UserShareLinkQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; rewardInfo: { __typename?: 'UserRewardInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; referralLink?: string | null; referralShareMessage?: string | null; }; }; }; export type YieldBoostWidgetFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'YieldBoostWidget'; badge?: string | null; title: string; subtitle: string; shareButtonText: string; footerText: string; stats: Array<{ __typename?: 'YieldBoostStat'; title: string; value: string; descriptor?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; description: string; title: string } | null; }>; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'YieldBoostWidgetFieldsFragment' }; export type SmartCashYieldBoostWidgetQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type SmartCashYieldBoostWidgetQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashYieldBoost: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostResponse'; widget: { __typename?: 'YieldBoostWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { YieldBoostWidgetFieldsFragment: YieldBoostWidgetFieldsFragment }; }; }; }; export type ReferralsDrawerQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type ReferralsDrawerQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashYieldBoost: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostResponse'; drawer: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldBoostInfoDrawer'; shouldShow: boolean; imageUrl: string; title: string; subtitle: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; termsText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; }; }; }; export type SmartCashOptInConfirmationQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashOptInInput; }>; export type SmartCashOptInConfirmationQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashOptInConfirmation: { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInConfirmation'; _CACHE_ID: string; timing: string; icons?: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }) > | null; color?: | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorDefault' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorDefault_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'UiColorLightDark' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment: UiColor_Fragment_UiColorLightDark_Fragment }; }) | null; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; }; }; export type UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashMutationVariables = Exact<{ input: UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashInput; }>; export type UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; updateUserInfoForSmartCash: { __typename?: 'UpdateUserInfoForSmartCashResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; currentAddressIsValid: YesNo; taxFilingStatus: RiskProfileTaxFilingStatus; preTaxIncome: number; address?: { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: string; line1: string; line2?: string | null; city: string; state: string; zipCode: string; } | null; }; }; export type SmartCashOptInIntroQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashOptInInput; }>; export type SmartCashOptInIntroQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashOptInIntro: { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInIntro'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle: string; image: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; cta: { __typename?: 'CoreSmartCashCTA'; label: string }; ctaDisclaimer: { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclosures'; text?: string | null }; }; }; export type SmartCashOptInAgreementsQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashOptInInput; }>; export type SmartCashOptInAgreementsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashOptInAgreements: { __typename?: 'SmartCashOptInAgreements'; _CACHE_ID: string; agreements: string; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; rebalanceDisclaimer?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashRebalanceDisclaimer'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; body?: string | null; moreInfo: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }); } | null; }; }; export type SmartCashScreen_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashActiveScreenInput; }>; export type SmartCashScreen_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashPerformance: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; disclosureMarkdown?: string | null; currentYield: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYield' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; }; smartCashBanners?: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashBanner'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle: string; promptId: string; dismissText: string; primaryText: string; icon: | { __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } | { __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment: RemoteLightDarkIconFields_FragmentFragment }; }); uiAction: { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; params?: any | null; }; } | null> | null; status?: | ({ __typename?: 'SmartCashStatus'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashStatusSection_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment: SmartCashStatusSection_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment; }; }) | null; fundsSection: { __typename?: 'SmartCashFundsSection'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string; funds?: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashFund'; _CACHE_ID: string; active?: boolean | null; title: string; subtitle: string; disclosure: string; logoUri: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; breakdown: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; }>; breakdownTotal?: { __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; }> | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashTotalBalanceAndMetrics_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment: SmartCashTotalBalanceAndMetrics_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment; }; }; }; export type SmartCashTotalBalanceAndMetrics_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashPerformance'; _CACHE_ID: string; totalBalance: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTotalBalance'; _CACHE_ID: string; hasPendingTransaction: boolean; balanceInfo: { __typename?: 'DataWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; }; }; metrics?: Array< { __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; } > | null; fullWidthMetrics?: Array< { __typename?: 'DataWidget' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashTotalBalanceAndMetrics_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment' }; export type Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashYield'; _CACHE_ID: string; subtitle?: string | null; yield: string; funds: Array<{ __typename?: 'SmartCashFundLite'; _CACHE_ID: string; yield: string; icon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }>; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; shieldUi: { __typename?: 'SmartCashShieldUiConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; enabled: boolean; marginBottomShield?: number | null }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment' }; export type SmartCashStatusSection_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'SmartCashStatus'; _CACHE_ID: string; largeHeading?: string | null; eventType: SmartCashStatusEvent; smartCashSubheaderPill: { __typename?: 'SmartCashSubheaderPill'; _CACHE_ID: string; enabled: boolean; text: string; uiAction?: | { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; _actionType: UiActionType; params?: any | null } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction' } | { __typename: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; destination: { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; screenId: string; params?: any | null }; } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' } | null; }; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashStatusSection_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment' }; export type DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'DataWidget'; _CACHE_ID: string; label: string; value: string; dataWidgetId: string; fullWidthTitle?: string | null; moreInfo?: | ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment: SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; }; }) | null; ctaOverride?: { __typename?: 'CtaOverride'; destination: CtaOverrideDestination; prop?: string | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'DataWidget_SmartCash_FragmentFragment' }; export type SmartCashBasicMoreInfo_SmartCashPeformance_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; showCloseIcon?: boolean | null; title: string; body?: string | null; footer?: string | null; eyebrow?: { __typename?: 'MoreInfoEyebrow'; text: string; icon?: | ({ __typename?: 'LocalIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_LocalIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteIcon_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'RemoteLightDarkIcon' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment: IconFields_Fragment_RemoteLightDarkIcon_Fragment; }; }) | null; } | null; detailsList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }> | null; fundInfoList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'FundInfoListItem'; title: string; icon: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; detailsList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }> | null; }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashBasicMoreInfo_SmartCashPeformance_FragmentFragment' }; export type FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo'; title: string; body?: string | null; footer?: string | null; titleImage: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; detailsList?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment' }; type SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SmartCashBasicMoreInfo_SmartCashPeformance_FragmentFragment: SmartCashBasicMoreInfo_SmartCashPeformance_FragmentFragment; }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment' }; type SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment = ({ __typename?: 'FundMoreInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment: FundDetailsDrawer_FundMoreInfoFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment' }; export type SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_FragmentFragment = | SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_BasicMoreInfo_Fragment | SmartCashMoreInfo_SmartCashPerformance_Fragment_FundMoreInfo_Fragment; export type SmartCashTaxExplainerQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: SmartCashTaxExplainerInput; }>; export type SmartCashTaxExplainerQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; smartCashTaxExplainer: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: string; iraDisclaimer?: string | null; taxStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashTaxStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; disclaimer?: string | null; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; breakdown: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }>; breakdownTotal?: { __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string } | null; }; yieldStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYieldStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; disclaimer?: string | null; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; yield: { __typename?: 'SmartCashYield' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment: Yield_SmartCash_FragmentFragment }; }; disclaimerDrawer?: { __typename?: 'SmartCashDisclaimerDrawer'; _CACHE_ID: string; ctaLabel: string; closeLabel: string; title: string; disclaimer: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment: RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragment }; }; } | null; }; fundStep: { __typename?: 'SmartCashFundStep'; _CACHE_ID: string; fundTitle: string; fundSubtitle: string; disclaimer?: string | null; header: { __typename?: 'SmartCashPromoHeader'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null }; fundImage: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; breakdown: Array<{ __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }>; breakdownTotal: { __typename?: 'DetailListItem'; label: string; value: string }; breakdownTotalMoreInfo: { __typename?: 'BasicMoreInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; body?: string | null }; }; }; }; export type AccountBeneficiaryQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type AccountBeneficiaryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; accountId: string; accountType: AccountType; accountLabel: string; beneficiaries: { __typename?: 'AccountBeneficiaries'; id: string; primaryBeneficiaries: Array<{ __typename?: 'Beneficiary'; id: string; existingIdx?: number | null; phone: string; birthday: string; relationship: BeneficiaryRelationship; sharePercentage: number; address?: { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: string; line1: string; line2?: string | null; city: string; state: string; zipCode: string; } | null; name: { __typename?: 'BeneficiaryName'; id: string; first: string; middle?: string | null; last: string }; }>; }; } | null; }; export type UpsertUserInfoMutationVariables = Exact<{ data?: InputMaybe; }>; export type UpsertUserInfoMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation'; upsertPersonalInfo: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; beneficiaries: { __typename?: 'AccountBeneficiaries'; id: string; primaryBeneficiaries: Array<{ __typename?: 'Beneficiary'; id: string; phone: string; birthday: string; relationship: BeneficiaryRelationship; sharePercentage: number; address?: { __typename?: 'Address'; _CACHE_ID: string; line1: string; line2?: string | null; city: string; state: string; zipCode: string; } | null; name: { __typename?: 'BeneficiaryName'; id: string; first: string; middle?: string | null; last: string }; }>; }; }>; }; }; export type ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment = { __typename?: 'AssetData'; _CACHE_ID: string; assetId: string; oneMonthPerformance?: number | null; info: { __typename?: 'AssetInfoType'; imageUrl?: string | null; displayName?: string | null; ticker: string }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment' }; export type TransferSettings_ExploreStocksEtfsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TransferSettings_ExploreStocksEtfsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; transferSettings: { __typename?: 'TransferSettings' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment: ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment }; }; }; export type ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment = { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; popularStocksEtfs?: { __typename?: 'PopularStocksAndEtfs'; id: string; stocks: Array< { __typename?: 'AssetData' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment: ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment } } >; etfs: Array< { __typename?: 'AssetData' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment: ExploreStocksEtfsRowFragment } } >; stocksInfo?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; etfsInfo?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment' }; export type TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment = { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; transferOptionsAvailable: Array< { __typename?: 'TransferFundsOption'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TransferFundsOption_FragmentFragment: TransferFundsOption_FragmentFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment' }; export type TransferFundsOption_FragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'TransferFundsOption'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: TransferOptionType; title: string; callout?: string | null; enabled: boolean; number?: number | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TransferFundsOption_FragmentFragment' }; export type PopularInvestments_TransferSettings_GlobalQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type PopularInvestments_TransferSettings_GlobalQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; transferSettings: { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; assetListConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetListConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment: AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment: TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment; ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment: ExploreStocksAndEtfsScreenDataFragment; }; }; }; export type GlobalSearchQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type GlobalSearchQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; globalSearch: { __typename?: 'GlobalSearchResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; searchResult?: Array< | { __typename?: 'GlobalEquityHolding'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; imageUrl?: string | null; equityDisplayName: string; ticker?: string | null; } | { __typename?: 'GlobalEquityStrategy'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; imageUrl?: string | null; equityDisplayName: string; equitySubtitle?: string | null; strategyKey: string; holdings?: Array<{ __typename?: 'SearchEquityResult'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; displayName?: string | null; ticker?: string | null; }> | null; } > | null; }; }; export type PopularInvestments_TransferSettingsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type PopularInvestments_TransferSettingsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; transferSettings: { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; popularInvestments?: Array< { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment: StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment }; } > | null; assetListConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetListConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment: AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment: TransferOptionsAvailable_TransferSettingsFragment }; }; }; export type StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment = { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; title: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment' }; export type RecurringTransferAccountsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type RecurringTransferAccountsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; recurringTransfers: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreRecurringTransfer'; id: string; amountType?: RecurringAmountType | null; } | null>; }>; }; }; export type InvestmentsList_TransferSettingsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type InvestmentsList_TransferSettingsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; transferSettings: { __typename?: 'TransferSettings'; assetListConfig?: | ({ __typename?: 'AssetListConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment: AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment }; }) | null; }; }; export type AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment = { __typename?: 'AssetListConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; pageTitle: string; assetList: Array< { __typename?: 'InvestmentSectionConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { AssetListSection_TransferSettingsFragment: AssetListSection_TransferSettingsFragment }; } >; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AssetListConfig_TransferSettingsFragment' }; export type AssetListSection_TransferSettingsFragment = { __typename?: 'InvestmentSectionConfig'; _CACHE_ID: string; badge?: string | null; title: string; description: string; investments?: Array< { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment: StrategyRowFragment_TransferSettingsFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'AssetListSection_TransferSettingsFragment' }; export type SingleTradeDetails_StrategyActivityInfoFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo'; strategyActivityInfoId: string; actionLabel: string; timeSinceTrade: string; date: string; holdingInfo: { __typename?: 'HoldingInfoType'; holdingInfoId: string; details: | { __typename?: 'CashHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'CryptoHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null } | { __typename?: 'HedgeHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'MutualFundHoldingDetails' } | { __typename?: 'PrivateHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null } | { __typename?: 'PublicHoldingDetails'; summary?: string | null }; displayDetails: { __typename?: 'HoldingDisplayDetails'; displayName: string; displaySubtitle?: string | null; ticker?: string | null; strategyName?: string | null; imageAsset: { __typename?: 'ImageAsset' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment: ImageAssetFields_FragmentFragment }; }; }; action?: | ({ __typename?: 'CustomUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | ({ __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment: UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment; }; }) | null; }; commentary?: | ({ __typename?: 'MarketThought'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment: MarketThought_TitanMarketThoughtFragmentFragment }; }) | null; tradeDetails?: Array< { __typename?: 'AccountHoldingTradeDetail' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { TradeDetail_AccountHoldingTradeDetailFragment: TradeDetail_AccountHoldingTradeDetailFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'SingleTradeDetails_StrategyActivityInfoFragment' }; export type SingleTradeCommunityCommentsQueryVariables = Exact<{ input: CommunityContentInput; }>; export type SingleTradeCommunityCommentsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; communityContent: { __typename?: 'CommunityContent'; _CACHE_ID: string; discussion: { __typename?: 'CommentList'; _CACHE_ID: string; total: number } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment: CommunityCommentList_CommentListFragment }; }; }; }; export type TradeDetail_AccountHoldingTradeDetailFragment = { __typename?: 'AccountHoldingTradeDetail'; accountId: string; accountName: string; tradeData?: { __typename?: 'TradeData'; newEquity?: number | null; positionChange?: number | null } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'TradeDetail_AccountHoldingTradeDetailFragment' }; export type SingleTradeQueryVariables = Exact<{ input?: InputMaybe; }>; export type SingleTradeQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; _CACHE_ID: string; trades: { __typename?: 'TradesResponse'; _CACHE_ID?: string | null; trade?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { SingleTradeDetails_StrategyActivityInfoFragment: SingleTradeDetails_StrategyActivityInfoFragment; }; }) | null; }; }; }; export type TradesListQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type TradesListQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; _CACHE_ID: string; trades: { __typename?: 'TradesResponse'; _CACHE_ID?: string | null; tradesList?: Array< { __typename?: 'GroupTradeDate'; dateLabel: string; trades?: Array< { __typename?: 'StrategyActivityInfo' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTrade_FragmentFragment: RecentTrade_FragmentFragment }; } > | null; } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecentTradesNotificationSection_FragmentFragment: RecentTradesNotificationSection_FragmentFragment; }; } > | null; }; }; }; export type UnfundedHomeScreen_QueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type UnfundedHomeScreen_QueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; home: | { __typename?: 'FundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum } | ({ __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeScreen_UnfundedHomeFragment: UnfundedHomeScreen_UnfundedHomeFragment }; }); }; export type UnfundedHomeScreen_UnfundedHomeFragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: HomeTypeEnum; checklist?: | ({ __typename?: 'HomeChecklist' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment: HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment }; }) | null; unfundedHomeHeadline?: | ({ __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeHeadline' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeHeadlineFragmentFragment: UnfundedHomeHeadlineFragmentFragment }; }) | null; unfundedHomeRecommendation?: | ({ __typename?: 'StrategyRecommendationType' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeRecommendationFragmentFragment: UnfundedHomeRecommendationFragmentFragment }; }) | null; unfunededHomeIntroExplainer?: | ({ __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerFragmentFragment: UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerFragmentFragment }; }) | null; unfundedHomeExploreStrategies?: | ({ __typename?: 'UnfundedExploreStrategies' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeExploreStrategiesFragmentFragment: UnfundedHomeExploreStrategiesFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeScreen_UnfundedHomeFragment' }; export type UnfundedHomeExploreStrategiesFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedExploreStrategies'; _CACHE_ID: string; sectionDescription: string; strategies: Array< { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { StrategyRowFragment_ExploreFragment: StrategyRowFragment_ExploreFragment }; } >; cta: { __typename?: 'LabeledAction'; text: string; action: | { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; params?: any | null } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeExploreStrategiesFragmentFragment' }; export type StrategyRowFragment_ExploreFragment = { __typename?: 'AdditionalStrategyType'; _CACHE_ID: string; strategyKey: string; title: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'StrategyRowFragment_ExploreFragment' }; export type UnfundedHomeHeadlineFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeHeadline'; _CACHE_ID: string; unfundedHomeHeader: string; description: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeHeadlineFragmentFragment' }; export type UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainer'; _CACHE_ID: string; buttonLabel: string; exitCTA: string; title: string; subtitle: string; item?: Array<{ __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerItem'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string }> | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeIntroExplainerFragmentFragment' }; export type UnfundedHomeRecommendationFragmentFragment = ({ __typename?: 'StrategyRecommendationType'; _CACHE_ID: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedHomeStrategyRecommendationFragment: UnfundedHomeStrategyRecommendationFragment }; }) & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeRecommendationFragmentFragment' }; export type UnfundedHomeStrategyRecommendationFragment = { __typename?: 'StrategyRecommendationType'; _CACHE_ID: string; _type: UnfundedHomeRecommendationEnum; title: string; description: string; checklist: Array; strategyKey: string; disclosures?: string | null; ctaLabel: string; author?: | ({ __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment: UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedHomeStrategyRecommendationFragment' }; export type UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier'; name: string; title: string; headshot: string; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment' }; export type UnfundedChecklistItem_ItemFragment = { __typename?: 'UnfundedHomeChecklistItem'; _CACHE_ID: string; completed: boolean; title: string; _type: NewUserChecklist; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UnfundedChecklistItem_ItemFragment' }; export type HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment = { __typename?: 'HomeChecklist'; _CACHE_ID: string; promptId: string; title: string; headline?: string | null; description?: string | null; todosList?: Array< { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; todoId: string; status: ToDoStatus } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { HomeChecklistItem_ConciergeTodoFragment: HomeChecklistItem_ConciergeTodoFragment }; } > | null; info?: { __typename?: 'HomeChecklistInfo'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; description: string } | null; actions?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LabeledAction'; text: string; action: | { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; _actionType: UiActionType; params?: any | null; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction' } | { __typename: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; _actionType: UiActionType; destination: { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; screenId: string; params?: any | null }; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string } | null; } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' }; }> | null; scheduleCallModule?: | ({ __typename?: 'ScheduleCallModule' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { ScheduleCallModule_ScheduleCallModuleFragment: ScheduleCallModule_ScheduleCallModuleFragment }; }) | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HomeChecklist_HomeChecklistFragment' }; export type ScheduleCallModule_ScheduleCallModuleFragment = { __typename?: 'ScheduleCallModule'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; author?: | ({ __typename?: 'AuthorIdentifier' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment: UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragmentFragment }; }) | null; action: { __typename?: 'LabeledAction'; text: string; action: | { __typename?: 'CustomUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'DoNothingUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction'; uri: string } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'PlayVideoUiAction' } | { __typename?: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction' }; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'ScheduleCallModule_ScheduleCallModuleFragment' }; export type HomeChecklistItem_ConciergeTodoFragment = { __typename?: 'ConciergeTodo'; _CACHE_ID: string; title: string; status: ToDoStatus; todoId: string; todoKey: ToDoKey; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'HomeChecklistItem_ConciergeTodoFragment' }; export type UserLevelBankAccountsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type UserLevelBankAccountsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; userBankAccounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreUserBankAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UserBankAccount_CoreUserBankAccountFragment: UserBankAccount_CoreUserBankAccountFragment }; } >; }; }; export type UserBankAccount_CoreUserBankAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreUserBankAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; userBankAccountId: string; bankAccountType: string; label: string; plaidVerificationStatus?: string | null; verificationMethod: string; linkStatus?: string | null; institutionName?: string | null; institutionLogo?: string | null; maskedAccountNumber?: string | null; hasPendingTransfer: boolean; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UserBankAccount_CoreUserBankAccountFragment' }; export type BankAccounts_LegacyQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BankAccounts_LegacyQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; bankAccounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreBankAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; bankAccountNumber: string; bankAccountType: string; bankLabel: string; id: string; linkStatus?: string | null; plaidVerificationStatus?: string | null; sourceId: string; verificationMethod: string; institutionName?: string | null; institutionLogo?: string | null; accountLastFour?: string | null; hasPendingTransfer: boolean; }>; }>; }; }; export type AccountsPermissionsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AccountsPermissionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string; permissions: { __typename?: 'AccountPermissions'; _CACHE_ID: string; canCloseAccount: boolean; canDeposit: boolean; canEditPersonalProfile: boolean; canLinkBank: boolean; canWithdraw: boolean; }; }>; }; }; export type UseAccountQueryVariables = Exact<{ accountId: Scalars['String']; }>; export type UseAccountQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; account?: | ({ __typename?: 'CoreAccount' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment: UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment } }) | null; }; export type AccountsQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type AccountsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; accounts: Array< { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; id: string } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment: UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment }; } >; }; }; export type UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; accountId: string; accountLabel: string; accountType: AccountType; accountName?: string | null; accountInvestingType: AccountInvestingTypes; cash: number; hasEverFunded?: boolean | null; accountCapital: { __typename?: 'Capital'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; total: number; strategyCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'StrategyCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; value: number; strategyKey: string; info: { __typename?: 'StrategyInfoType'; id: string; displayName: string; subtitle: string }; }>; equityCapital: Array<{ __typename?: 'EquityCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; assetId: string; value: number; info: { __typename?: 'AssetInfoType'; id: string; ticker: string; displayName?: string | null; imageUrl?: string | null }; quantity: { __typename?: 'EquityCapitalAssetQuantity'; availableToTrade: number; reserved: number }; }>; cash: { __typename?: 'CashCapital'; _CACHE_ID: string; total: number; cashLabel: string; availableToWithdraw?: number | null; explainers?: { __typename?: 'CashCapitalExplainers'; availableToTrade?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; availableToWithdraw?: { __typename?: 'DataDescriptor'; title: string; description: string } | null; } | null; }; }; flags: { __typename?: 'AccountFlags'; _CACHE_ID: string; hasAcceptedCryptoLegalAgreements: boolean; cryptoAccess: { __typename?: 'CryptoAccess'; _CACHE_ID: string; canAccess: boolean }; }; limits: { __typename?: 'Limits'; _CACHE_ID: string; cashMinimumWithdrawal: number; minimumWithdrawal: number; ira?: { __typename?: 'IRALimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; lastYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; remainingContribution: number; maximumAnnually: number }; thisYear: { __typename?: 'YearlyIRALimit'; _CACHE_ID: string; remainingContribution: number; maximumAnnually: number }; } | null; diy?: { __typename?: 'DIYLimits'; _CACHE_ID: string; buy?: { __typename?: 'DIYBuyLimits'; minimum: number } | null; sell?: { __typename?: 'DIYSellLimits'; minimum: number; liquidationThresholdPercentage: number } | null; } | null; }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UseAccount_CoreAccountFragment' }; export type BadgesQueryQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type BadgesQueryQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; badges: { __typename?: 'BadgesResponse'; _CACHE_ID: string; badgeCount: number }; }; export type CoreUserQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type CoreUserQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; id: string; email: string; firstName?: string | null; lastName?: string | null }; }; export type HomeWarningBannerQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type HomeWarningBannerQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; homeWarningBanner?: { __typename?: 'homeWarningBanner'; id: string; title: string; link?: string | null } | null; }; export type RecurringTransfersQueryVariables = Exact<{ [key: string]: never }>; export type RecurringTransfersQuery = { __typename?: 'Query'; user: { __typename?: 'User'; _CACHE_ID: string; accounts: Array<{ __typename?: 'CoreAccount'; _CACHE_ID: string; accountId: string; accountType: AccountType; recurringTransfers: Array< | ({ __typename?: 'CoreRecurringTransfer' } & { ' $fragmentRefs'?: { RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransferFragment: RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransferFragment; }; }) | null >; }>; }; }; export type RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransferFragment = { __typename?: 'CoreRecurringTransfer'; _CACHE_ID: string; id: string; accountId: string; amount: number; days?: Array | null; frequencyLabel: string; status: string; nextRun?: string | null; intervalCount?: number | null; intervalPeriod?: string | null; style?: RecurringTransferStyle | null; dayOfWeek?: string | null; lastRun?: string | null; amountType?: RecurringAmountType | null; fundingSource?: RecurringFundingSource | null; sourceId?: string | null; userBankAccountId?: string | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransferFragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; params?: any | null; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'DoNothingUiAction'; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction'; uri: string; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; destination: { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; screenId: string; params?: any | null }; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction'; sectionGroupId: StrategyScreenSectionGroupId; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'OpenDrawerUiAction'; drawer: { __typename?: 'DrawerConfig'; drawerId: string; props?: any | null }; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'OpenGlobalModalUiAction'; modalType: string; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction'; richText: { __typename?: 'ContentfulRichText'; json: any; links: { __typename?: 'RichTextBodyLinks'; assets?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ContentAssetEntry'; id: string; value: { __typename?: 'ContentAsset'; height?: number | null; width?: number | null; url?: string | null }; }> | null; }; }; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'PlayVideoUiAction'; videoUrl: string; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment' }; type UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment = { __typename: 'StartFundingFlowUiAction'; fundingFlow: string; params?: any | null; analyticsEvent?: { __typename?: 'AnalyticsEvent'; eventName: string; properties?: any | null } | null; promptSeenEvent?: { __typename?: 'PromptSeenEvent'; promptId: string } | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment' }; export type UiActionFields_FragmentFragment = | UiActionFields_Fragment_CustomUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_DoNothingUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToExternalLinkUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToScreenUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_NavigateToSectionGroupStrategyScreenUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenDrawerUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenGlobalModalUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_OpenRichTextDrawerUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_PlayVideoUiAction_Fragment | UiActionFields_Fragment_StartFundingFlowUiAction_Fragment; export type NavigateToScreenUiActionFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction'; destination: { __typename?: 'ScreenDestination'; screenId: string; params?: any | null }; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'NavigateToScreenUiActionFields_FragmentFragment' }; export type CustomUiActionFields_FragmentFragment = { __typename: 'CustomUiAction'; customActionId: CustomUiActionId; params?: any | null; } & { ' $fragmentName'?: 'CustomUiActionFields_FragmentFragment' }; export const IraLimitsFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'IraLimitsFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreAccount' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'limits' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ira' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lastYear' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumAnnually' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'remainingContribution' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ageGte50' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'catchUpContribution' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumACH' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'thisYear' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumAnnually' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'remainingContribution' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ageGte50' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'catchUpContribution' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const FaqList_FaqListFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FAQList_FaqListFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FaqList' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'faqs' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'questionTitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'richText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichTextFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichText' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const FormRuleFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormRule' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'schema' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const BaseElementFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BaseElementFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormDataBase' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'rule' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hideFromFullStory' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormRule' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'schema' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const JsonFormDropdownFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'JsonFormDropdown' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiDropdownSelectComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BaseElementFragment' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'options' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'placeholder' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormRule' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'schema' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BaseElementFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormDataBase' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'rule' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hideFromFullStory' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const JsonFormHasSeenFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'JsonFormHasSeen' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormHasSeenComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }] }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const JsonFormHelpDrawerFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'JsonFormHelpDrawer' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiHelpDrawerComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'drawerDismissBtnText' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'drawerElements' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiTextComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'text' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'style' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'drawerHeaderTitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'tipText' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const JsonFormLegalAgreementFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'JsonFormLegalAgreement' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiLegalAgreementComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'agreeText' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'agreements' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'link' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'linkText' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subText' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hideFromFullStory' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'optional' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const JsonFormSelectFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'JsonFormSelect' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormSelectComponent' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BaseElementFragment' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'multiple' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'options' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'icon' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_origin' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lightDarkAsset' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'light' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dark' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ordered' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormRule' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'schema' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BaseElementFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UiFormDataBase' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ref' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'rule' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FormRule' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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value: 'graphic' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ImageAssetFields_Fragment' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cashActivitySchedules' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'intent' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'depositOptions' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'SmartCashDepositStyleDrawer_SmartCashDepositOptions' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'upcomingDeposits' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { 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'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig_Fragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AssetClassMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'moreInfoType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'richText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assetClassStrategiesTitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'whys' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'investReasons' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'PerformanceMetaRichText_Fragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CumulativeReturnDrawer_ExplainerConfig' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CumulativeReturnsExplainerType' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'moreInfoType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'richText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'PerformanceMetaRichText_Fragment' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cumulativeReturn' }, selectionSet: { kind: 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'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Capital' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RetirementAccountRolloverEntrypoint_CoreAccountFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreAccount' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }] }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccountFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RetirementAccountContributionTracker_CoreAccount' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', 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value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'performance' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periods' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periodKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'percentPerformance' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dollarChangePerformance' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', 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kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AccountAssetBreakdown_CoreAccountWithPerformanceFragment' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Balance_CapitalFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Capital' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'PeriodPerformanceSelector_CapitalPerformancePeriodsFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CapitalPerformancePeriods' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'shortLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periodKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'percentPerformance' } 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kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'performance' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periods' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periodKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'percentPerformance' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dollarChangePerformance' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimerFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer_ChartDetailsDisclaimer' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ChartDetailsDisclaimer' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', 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'availableToWithdraw' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AccountOverviewRow_CoreAccountFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreAccount' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountInvestingType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { 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[ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'performance' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periods' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periodKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'percentPerformance' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dollarChangePerformance' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AccountCapitalUi_CapitalUi_Capital' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'investmentsCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'performance' }, selectionSet: { kind: 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value: 'expectedDate' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDateRange' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'docViewerButtonLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'files' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'fileType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'isCorrected' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDateRange' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtext' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'files' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'isCorrected' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfo' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'table' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordTableInfo' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarning' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { 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{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'NeedToKnowBullet_TaxCenterNeedToKnow' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 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'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDate' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const WhatIsNext_TaxRecordsFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'WhatIsNext_TaxRecords' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentsResponse' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxRecords' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecords' } }], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Fragment_TaxStatus' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDate' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 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'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'intervalPeriod' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'style' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dayOfWeek' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lastRun' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'amountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'fundingSource' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'userBankAccountId' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const NavigateToScreenUiActionFields_FragmentFragmentDoc = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'NavigateToScreenUiActionFields_Fragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'NavigateToScreenUiAction' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '__typename' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 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{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'startDate' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'externalActivityCategoryFilters' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'displayName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'externalActivityCategory' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountTypeFilters' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountInvestingType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'displayName' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyFilters' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'movementStrategyKeys' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'displayName' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as 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name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'VipContentCard_ContentCard' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentCard' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'contentId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'imageUrl' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'isVideoContent' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'timestamps' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'publishedAt' } }] }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'category' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const AmlFromDeposit_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AMLFromDeposit_Query' }, 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'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'amount' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'inHold' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'withdrawalAmount' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'availableToWithdraw' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'holdExpiration' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const IraContributionYearElement_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'IRAContributionYearElement_Query' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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'Name', value: 'limits' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ira' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'contributionYearLimits' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'showMultipleYearOptions' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode< ShouldUserBeAbleToSelectIraContributionYearQueryQuery, ShouldUserBeAbleToSelectIraContributionYearQueryQueryVariables >; export const CancelTransactionDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'mutation', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cancelTransaction' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 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operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'NLMovementInfo' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'merlinPrototype_getNLMovementInfo' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'atlasConfig' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'helpText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'disclosureText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 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value: 'characteristics' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'withdrawalFrequency' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const WithdrawAssetDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'mutation', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'WithdrawAsset' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'input' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'WithdrawAssetInput' } } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'withdrawAsset' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'input' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'input' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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value: 'IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccount' }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'IntervalWarningDrawerStrategyWithdrawalLimitations_CoreAccount' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreAccount' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategies' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'name' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'withdrawalLimitations' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'nextWithdrawalRequestDate' } }, { kind: 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kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'iraWithholdingNotice' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'confirmWithdrawalSubtitle' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const IraNoticeQueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'IRANoticeQuery' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingBound' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'iraWithholdingNotice' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subsectionTitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'content' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const UserStateDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UserState' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'user' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'personalInfo' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'address' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'state' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_Query' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingBound' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragment' }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'WithdrawalChooseFederalWithholdingScreenFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalTaxWithholdingScreen' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'callout' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode< ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQuery, ChooseFederalWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQueryVariables >; export const ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_Query' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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{ kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholding' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingScreen' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'callout' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode< ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQuery, ChooseStateWithholding_StateTaxWithholdingBound_QueryQueryVariables >; export const IsStateTaxWithholdingValid_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'IsStateTaxWithholdingValid_Query' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingBound' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'isStateTaxWithholdingValid' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingScreen' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'errorMessage' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'mandatoryOptOutDrawer' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'MandatoryOptOutDrawer_Fragment' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 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kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'totalWithdrawalAmount' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'federalWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateWithholdingPercent' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Float' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingBound' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', 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{ kind: 'Name', value: 'ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholding' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholding' }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'MaximumConfig_IRAWithholdingFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumConfig' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'type' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'MinimumConfig_IRAWithholdingFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxWithholdingBound' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimumConfig' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'type' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ChooseWithholding_WithdrawalChooseWithholding' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'chooseWithholding' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'primaryButtonLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'secondaryButtonLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'callout' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxWithholdingScreen_WithdrawalChooseStateWithholding' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StateTaxNativeConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'stateTaxWithholdingScreen' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'callout' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const AccountAndStrategiesDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AccountAndStrategies' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'account' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategies' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'name' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const IraMaxoutDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', 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'InvestedStrategyPerformanceChart_CoreAccount' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreAccount' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'performance' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'periods' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'label' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyExperience' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, }, { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceDocuments_Fragment' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ExperienceDocument_Fragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceDocument' } }, selectionSet: { 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'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceFAQScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperience' }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 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'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TotalEarningsDrawer_ExplainerConfig' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceAttributesDrawer_Fragment' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ScheduleCallDrawer_ScheduleCallMoreInfoExplainerConfig' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FAQListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaq' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceFaq' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'question' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'explainerConfig' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'PolymorphicDrawer_ExplainerConfig' } }], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'StrategyExperienceFAQScreen_CashAssetStrategyExperience' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CashAssetStrategyExperience' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'faqs' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'faqs' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FAQListEntry_StrategyExperienceFaq' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const OverviewScreen_StrategyExperienceDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'OverviewScreen_StrategyExperience' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 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name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_type' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'checklist' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'HomeChecklist_HomeChecklist' } }], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AccountGroups_HomeResponse' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'HomeChecklistItem_ConciergeTodo' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ConciergeTodo' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'status' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'todoId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'todoKey' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UnfundedAuthor_TitanAuthorFragment' 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'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'searchEquitiesUi' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'search' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'searchPlaceholder' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'DIYSearchEquities_DiscoverUi' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { 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}, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDate' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDateRange' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, { kind: 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{ kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'files' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'isCorrected' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfo' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'table' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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}, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecord' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'status' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusForSubtitle' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'name' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'titanAccountIdLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordTableInfo' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecordNativeUi_TaxRecordWarning' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const TaxExemptEarningsDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxExemptEarnings' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'documents' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxDocuments' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxExemptEarnings' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitleDescriptionLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'richText' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ctaText' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxExemptEarningsAmount' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ 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'Name', value: 'TaxLinkingFragment_TaxCenterNativeConfig' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxCenterNativeConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'linkTaxSoftwareTutorial' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'softwareName' } }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxSoftwareTutorial_TaxLinkingFragment' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const Documents2022Callout_QueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Documents2022Callout_Query' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'documents' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: 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'RichText_ContentfulRichTextFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ContentfulRichText' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'json' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'links' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assets' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'height' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'width' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'url' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'FragmentRichTextDrawer_RichText' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'footerEntrypointText' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const SmartCashEarningsBreakdown_BreakdownDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'SmartCashEarningsBreakdown_Breakdown' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'documents' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxDocuments' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxExemptEarnings' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'native' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'breakdownPageTitle' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'breakdown' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'earningsBreakdownTable' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'fundName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'table' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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} }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxCenterHeadline_NeedToKnow' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatus' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusPending' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDate' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'expectedDateRange' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { 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kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxCenterEditDetails_Native' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'NativeEditTaxDetailsFlow' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'introScreen' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'EditTaxInfoForm_UserPersonalInfoFragment' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UserPersonalInfo' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'financialProfile' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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'InlineFragment', typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentStatusReady' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'date' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecords' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxRecord' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'name' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'status' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'Fragment_TaxStatus' } }], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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value: 'WhatIsNext_TaxRecords' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxDocumentsResponse' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxRecords' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UpcomingTaxRecords_TaxRecords' } }], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const TaxCenterBadgeQueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'TaxCenterBadgeQuery' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'documents' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'taxDocuments' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', 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'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AdditionalStrategyType' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'AssetListSection_TransferSettings' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'InvestmentSectionConfig' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'badge' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'investments' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 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kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'institutionName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'institutionLogo' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maskedAccountNumber' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hasPendingTransfer' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const BankAccounts_LegacyDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BankAccounts_LEGACY' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'user' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accounts' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'bankAccounts' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'bankAccountNumber' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'bankAccountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'bankLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'linkStatus' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'plaidVerificationStatus' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'verificationMethod' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'institutionName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'institutionLogo' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLastFour' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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kind: 'Name', value: 'canEditPersonalProfile' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'canLinkBank' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'canWithdraw' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const UseAccountDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'UseAccount' }, variableDefinitions: [ { kind: 'VariableDefinition', variable: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, type: { kind: 'NonNullType', type: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'String' } } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'account' }, arguments: [ { kind: 'Argument', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' }, value: { kind: 'Variable', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, }, ], selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: 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name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'info' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'displayName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'subtitle' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyKey' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'equityCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'assetId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'value' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 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kind: 'Name', value: 'thisYear' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'remainingContribution' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumAnnually' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimumWithdrawal' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'diy' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'buy' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimum' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sell' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimum' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'liquidationThresholdPercentage' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], 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kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountInvestingType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'strategyCapital' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'info' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: 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'imageUrl' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'quantity' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'availableToTrade' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'reserved' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cash' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cashLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'availableToWithdraw' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'explainers' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'availableToTrade' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'availableToWithdraw' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'description' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'total' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cash' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'flags' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cryptoAccess' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'canAccess' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hasAcceptedCryptoLegalAgreements' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'limits' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'cashMinimumWithdrawal' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'ira' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lastYear' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'remainingContribution' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumAnnually' } }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'thisYear' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'remainingContribution' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'maximumAnnually' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimumWithdrawal' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'diy' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'buy' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [{ kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimum' } }], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sell' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'minimum' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'liquidationThresholdPercentage' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'hasEverFunded' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const BadgesQueryDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'BadgesQuery' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'badges' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'badgeCount' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const CoreUserDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreUser' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'user' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'email' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'firstName' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lastName' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const HomeWarningBannerDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'HomeWarningBanner' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'homeWarningBanner' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'title' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'link' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode; export const RecurringTransfersDocument = { kind: 'Document', definitions: [ { kind: 'OperationDefinition', operation: 'query', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RecurringTransfers' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'user' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accounts' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'recurringTransfers' }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'FragmentSpread', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransfer' } }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, ], }, }, { kind: 'FragmentDefinition', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'RecurringTransfer_CoreRecurringTransfer' }, typeCondition: { kind: 'NamedType', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'CoreRecurringTransfer' } }, selectionSet: { kind: 'SelectionSet', selections: [ { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: '_CACHE_ID' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'id' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'accountId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'amount' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'days' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'frequencyLabel' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'status' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'nextRun' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'intervalCount' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'intervalPeriod' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'style' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'dayOfWeek' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'lastRun' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'amountType' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'fundingSource' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'sourceId' } }, { kind: 'Field', name: { kind: 'Name', value: 'userBankAccountId' } }, ], }, }, ], } as unknown as DocumentNode;