Movement detection when lights were on in the room: 2024-06-20 00:51:39 [D] a44002870f <= Cloud3 | {'motion': 1, 'trigTime': '1718855498000', 'brState': 'brighter'} | None No movement absense: 2024-06-20 00:51:52 [D] a44002870f <= Cloud3 | {'motion': 0, 'trigTime': '1718855511000'} | None Movement detection when lights were off in the room 2024-06-20 00:52:32 [D] a44002870f <= Cloud3 | {'motion': 1, 'trigTime': '1718855551000', 'brState': 'darker'} | None No movement detection: 2024-06-20 00:52:46 [D] a44002870f <= Cloud3 | {'motion': 0, 'trigTime': '1718855565000'} | None When updated using HA update entity service: 2024-06-20 01:01:56 [D] a4400287be <= Cloud3 | {'subDevId': '35f1c2feff5fae0c7002', 'parentid': '100202124f', 'fwVersion': '2.2.1', 'battery': 100, 'trigTime': '1718855066000', 'supportPowConfig': 1, 'subDevRssi': -70, 'motion': 0, 'brState': 'darker', 'subDevRssiSetting': {'active': 60, 'duration': 5}, 'key': 0, 'detectInterval': 10} | 1718856116338