Find the OCLC number of a publication. This can be found on the publication’s page on the WorldCat website, or in its URL.
A book’s OCLC number can be found either in the “Details” box or the URL of the item’s page on “Get the data”. Some summary statistics and an interactive table of the returned data will appear in the “Results” tab.
Click the “Get the data” button to fetch the results. Summary statistics and a searchable table will be displayed.You can choose to download the data in either CSV or XLSX formats with the sidebar buttons to open it in another application.
If a map is needed, select the type of map you want to create (“interactive” or “static”). The visualisation will appear in the “Map” tab.
Pick between “Interactive” and “Static” to generate a map. The “Map” tab should automatically get focused.This tool was developed using the OCLC API, the R programming language and the Shiny framework.
For further help or to report issues, please contact either:
Stéphane Guillou: s.guillou (at)
Technology trainers: training (at)