The goal of this VR project is to made more funny and intaractive physiotearpy exercises. Physioterapy session is long and ripetitive so patients become bored very soon. With VR technologies and gamification we think that the exercises can become more interesting and can help physiotherapist to control the right patient movement with extreme precision.
The application is divided in two parts: Desktop and VR. The first one is developed for physiotherapist, where he can select patient, body part, set up trakers, register the right exercise and control right movement of every limb part. The VR part is for patient: with HTC Vive headset, controls and trakers he can do the exercise in a funny world that help him to do the right movement with realtime simulations and informations.
We develop this VR experience thanks to a physioterapist. He help us to understand physioterapists needs so to develop a useful application.
We had only one week to develop this application, so at this time is only a prototype.
System allows to continue only when all HTC Vive trakers are active.
Physiotherapist, after placing trakers, can active them by touching them with HTC Vive controller. After touch, the circle of limb part
become green.
Now physioterapist can explain the exercise to the patient and register the correct sample. The system during the registration store
the positions of the trakers every frame.
Finally patient can do exercise alone in VR and the system report to Desktop which limb part is correct and which not. In the 3D
world patient have a magic spheres that indicate him the right way for every limb parts.
During the exercise, patient with HTC Vive headset, controls and trakers can do the right movement thanks to the magic balls that suggest him every limb part positions.