- Node, npm (preferably using nvm)
- GraphicsMagick for resizing images using the
tasks - Optional: Vagrant
Recommendation: Use nvm to allow for a standardized node environment:
nvm use
# if the specified version is not yet present: nvm install
Install dependencies:
npm install
# Shortcut: npm i
Use Vagrant:
# Start box (downloads it initially)
vagrant up
# Connect to box and move to project directory
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/
# Continue above (nvm is preinstalled in the box)
Use nvm in current bash session (if already used to install dependencies or using the Vagrant box):
nvm use
Start server. Access on http://localhost:9000 (or when using Vagrant):
npm start
# This will run "gulp --dev"
# dev flag makes sure the server and watcher don't crash on error
npm run build
# Dev version:
npm run build -- --dev
Run specific tasks like css
npm run gulp -- css
# Alternative: Install gulp globally and run "gulp css"
# Dev version
npm run gulp -- css --dev
# Alternative: Install gulp globally and run "gulp css --dev"
Install new npm dependency "foo" (used for client-side code, saved to dependencies
npm install foo --save --save-exact
# Shortcut: npm i foo -S -E
npm shrinkwrap --dev
Install new npm dependency "bar" (used for the build environment, saved to devDependencies
npm install bar --save-dev --save-exact
# Shortcut: npm i bar -D -E
npm shrinkwrap --dev
Estático generates source maps for both CSS and JS. How to enable them in your browser:
If "npm install" fails (e.g. ERR cb() never called):
# Update npm to latest version
npm install -g npm@latest
# Clean up
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean
# Try again
npm install
Log everything to get an idea of where it fails:
npm config set spin false
npm config set loglevel http
# Try again
npm install
If "npm install" still fails:
# Remove npm-shrinkwrap.json
rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
# Clean up
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean
# Try again
npm install
# Re-generate npm-shrinkwrap.json (including devDependencies)
npm shrinkwrap --dev
# Make sure the new npm-shrinkwrap.json works in the CI environment