We provide three ways to install robot: 1) a partial installation 2) a custom installation and 3) using Docker.
If you only work on registration tasks, we can use following steps to install RobOT.
- Important. Before the installation, make sure the cuda-toolkit is installed. You can check if it is installed via "nvcc --version" in the terminal (see step 0 if nvcc is not yet installed). The cuda compiler version it shows may be different from your cuda driver version shown at "nvidia-smi". Please make sure that torch, and torch_scatter are installed under the same cuda version as the one of nvcc. (Note that if your nvcc version is 11.2 as pytorch and torch_scatter of version 11.2 are not released, you can install any available version compiled with cuda 11.*)
We assume all the following installation is under a conda virtual environment, e.g.
conda create -n robot python=3.6
conda activate robot
- (Optional) if you cannot find nvcc in the system, you can install it via
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev=11.2
- Now, we can install robot with the following commands
git clone https://github.com/uncbiag/robot.git
cd robot/robot
pip install -r requirement.txt
cd ..
cd pointnet2/lib
python setup.py install
*if you use Fedora 33, you may meet a bug caused by a specific gcc version, you may need to downgrade the gcc version via dnf downgrade gcc
- Install Keops link After the installation please run the following test to make sure Keops work):
import pykeops
- torch-scatter needs to be installed, see here. E.g. for cuda 11.0,
pip install torch-scatter -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.7.0+cu110.html
A full installation involves pytorch3D (for general point cloud deep learning tasks).
- Important. Before the installation, make sure the cuda-toolkit is installed. You can check if it is installed via "nvcc --version" in the terminal (see step 0 if nvcc is not yet installed). The cuda compiler version it shows may be different from your cuda driver version shown at "nvidia-smi". Please make sure that torch, pytorch3d, keops, and torch_scatter are installed under the same cuda version as the one of nvcc. (Note that if your nvcc version is 11.2 as pytorch and torch_scatter of version 11.2 are not released, you can install any available version compiled with cuda 11.*)
We assume all the following installation is under a conda virtual environment, e.g.
conda create -n robot python=3.6
conda activate robot
- (Optional) if you cannot find nvcc in the system, you can install it via
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev=11.2
For general prediction tasks, pytorch3d needs to be installed first link. Please install all necessary packages mentioned there. Essentially, pytorch3d needs pytorch to be installed first; we test using pytorch version 1.7.1. Make sure pytorch is compiled with the correct cuda version, e.g. with nvcc version=11.1. We can install pytorch via conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0. However, if you have already installed cudatoolkit-dev=11.2 then don't include cudatoolkit=11.0 for the pytorch installation.
Now, we can install robot with the following commands
git clone https://github.com/uncbiag/robot.git
cd robot/robot
pip install -r requirement.txt
cd ..
cd pointnet2/lib
python setup.py install
*if you use Fedora 33, you may meet a bug caused by a specific gcc version, you may need to downgrade the gcc version via dnf downgrade gcc
- Install Keops link After the installation please run the following test to make sure Keops work):
import pykeops
- torch-scatter needs to be installed, see here. E.g. for cuda 11.0,
pip install torch-scatter -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.7.0+cu110.html
If you are familiar with docker, it will likely be much easier to run robot in docker.
- Push the lastest robot image from dockerhub
docker push hbgtjxzbbx/robot:v0.5
- Run docker locally
docker run --privileged --gpus all -it --rm -v /home/zyshen/proj/robot:/proj/robot -v /home/zyshen/data/lung_data:/data/lung_data hbgtjxzbbx/robot:v0.5
- Here -v refers to the map between the local path and the docker path. We map a code path and a data path based on my local env. Please modify the local path based on your own environment.
- Compile CUDA code (if you use Fedora 33, you may meet a bug from a specific gcc version, you may need to downgrade gcc version via dnf downgrade gcc)
cd pointnet2/lib
python setup.py install
For full function support, additional packages need to be installed