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Title: mocha test
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Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:04.48,Default,,0,0,0,,{\blur1.6\b1}Mocha tracking test 1{\b0\fs25}\N\NIf you can't track a sign in mocha, there are 2 possibilities:\N1. mocha sucks at tracking it\N2. you suck at using mocha\N\NWhile the former sometimes happens, it's usually the latter.\NThe point of this test is to make you learn to use mocha to track difficult signs.\NYou are to track those wriggling blue things here.\NIt's actually doable without mocha but this sign is great for tracking practice.\NWhen I first tried, it went wrong on the first frame it moved.\NIt took a lot of adjusting the settings on about half the frames to get it to work right.\NBut the point is that this sign IS possible to track and I managed to track it perfectly.\NThat means if you can't track it, the problem is not option 1 but option 2 above.\NThe only downside was that it took about 15 minutes to track one of these.\N\NWhat will most likely go wrong is the rotation, so by adjusting the 'Angle' under Search Area you need to regulate it.\NWith tracking rotation scaling is enabled too, so you may have to prevent mocha from scaling it wrong \N[the sign doesn't really change size].\NMostly you need to tweak the values to allow more rotation where the sign changes direction\Nand to prevent rotating too much where the sign stays still, plus prevent haywire scaling.\NWhat you select and how may also be an issue, although it worked with the first selection I tried.\NThe values don't exactly work the way the tooltips say, but the scale basically works - higher values allow more flexibility.\NTrial and error will tell you what values you need. \NBy the time you're halfway through the tracking you should have a clear idea how to track the rest.\N \NThis video clip is already encoded for mocha so you can just load it. The original sign said 'wriggle' but you can use whatever.