Releases: unacms/una
Releases · unacms/una
UNA v.13.1.0-RC1
13 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.1.0-B2
- Decorous and Ocean modules are discontinued, so it's better to uninstall them to avoid problems with compatibility in the future.
System Enhancements:
- Service worker & site manifest file settings #4480
- Icons for info fields in profile #4389
- Comments: partially hide long comments #4471
- Updates tab in Market Apps in Studio how require authorization #4464
- Profile icons in task's list #4463
Modules Enhancements:
- Timeline: labels field support #4469
- Market: Separate pages for category #4492
- Groups & Events: "Followed" page #4488
40 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.1.0-B1 (upgradable)
System Enhancements:
- Connections page #4365
- Ability to specify custom placeholder text for empty blocks instead of default 'Empty' string #4370
- Custom cover title #4407
- Forms: Check for unsubmitted data before leaving the page #4442
- New placeholder images for different file types #4398
- New setting: viewport metatag value setting in Developer module #4383
- New setting: number of results count in Live search #4359
- Quill editor: possibility to clear copy&pasted content from HTML #4349
- member.php (and other pages with login form) are now using standard "/login" page layout #4381
- ACL: Use lang key for Price field #4347
- new UNA badge in bottom menu #4379
- Now '#dpr' isn't adding to the URL when site is initially loaded on retina screen #4382
- Menus: Allow to filter out items depending on context #4340
- Iframely API #4335
Modules Enhancements:
- Timeline: don't allow to submit while media is uploading #4447
- Timeline: possibility to display content with specific media types (audio, video, photo) #4422
- Timeline: allow to change visibility while editing timeline update #4411
- Timeline: new 'For you' feed #4384
- Timeline: speed optimization #4367
- Notifications: subject of email notifications is more descriptive now #4432
89 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0
- Requirements were changed, minimal required PHP version is 7.4 now
- Some date/datetime fields were changed, so it maybe some differences in date/datetime displaying comparing to previous values. Affected modules: Classes (start and due dates), Events (publishing time), Posts (publishing time), Tasks (publishing time), Timeline (date & publishing time)
New modules:
- Artificer #3399
- Streams #2331
- Help Tours #3393
- Donations #3275
- Attendant #3560
- Xero service integration #3620
- service integration #3632
System Enhancements:
- Quill editor was added instead of TinyMCE as default system editor #3252 #4022 #3670 #3612 #3797 #3826 #3783 #3959 #3955 #3957 #3952 #4203
- Age rating (PG, PG13, R) for content #1430
- Embeds for all content types #1339
- User friendly URLs (SEO) #1091
- Canonical URL metatag to every possible page (SEO) #3504
- Filepond uploader integration instead of existing one #3509
- Standalone system Embeds provider #2773
- More extended permissions control for Roles in group based modules #3332
- Help links for form fields and blocks #3385
- Page blocks cache #3369
- Admin dashboard improvements #3252
- Reports Dashboard enhancements #3508 #3496
- Audit enhancements #3502
- Admin notes for different content #3283
- Hashtag autosuggestion #1970
- Allow to edit 'author' field by admin/moderator #1678
- Separate membership action to 'delete all content' #3269
- New block with site submenu #3524
- New block with followed groups in short format #3468
- New block with smaller cover for profile and group based modules (helpful when cover is disabled) #3510
- New block with Multi-categories in context #3377
- New block similar to current Profile Stats block #3467
- Updated "Author" block #2918
- New setting to lock site for guests #3750
- New setting to disable covers for whole site #3528
- New setting to optionally trust unsigned certificates or not verified hosts #3532
- New settings for password expiration #4058
- New setting to choose active Tailwind build #4170
- New setting to normalize geographic names in location field #4225
- New setting for fixed header #3817
- New setting to include Badge Count every push notification (performance) #3821
- New setting for CSS
query #3837 - Settings reorganization #4075
- Comments: HTML5 uploader is now used instead of Simple one #3552
- Comments: Add a support for status filed #3676
- Comments: better preview for images #3618
- Comments: possibility to show commented users in descending order #4223
- Paginate improvements #3064
- Paginate in 'Viewed by' popup #3042
- Menus: allow to use inline SVG and Emoji in Icons #3530
- Menus: add possibility to mark a menu item as Primary #3514
- Menus: independent hierarchy(multilevel) #2637
- Performance: Pause some JS when page isn't in focus #3673
- Performance: Cache for menu badges #3945
- Performance improvements #4143
- Logging for transcoder which should help to identify issues with transcoding #3544
- Logging for DB errors #3703
- Emoji are now used in reactions #3535
- New Date and DateTime picker #3659
- Application page type #3657
- Transcoding queue now checks if video is really processing, before process could be just ended unexpectedly and stayed in the queue (works in linux only) #3546
- Cron job is now recording last run time, how long did it take, how much memory to run for each cron job and logger #3268
- Badges improvements #3254
- Location enhancements #3486 #3520
- Search by location enhancements #3284
- Updated Login and Join pages #3555
- New page layouts #3554 #3281
- Remove Account menu item was moved to main submenu instead of More menu #3548
- Composer is now used for plugins installation and update #3488
- Accounts pruning #2021
- Docker compose file for development environment #3744
- Ability to use custom CSS class for page block #3716
- Audit: track logout, login, and failed login attempts #3711
- Reorder control in uploaders when reordering is enabled #3699
- Account details were added to confirmation & forgot password letters #3696
- Visibility for menu items depending on column layout #3688
- Ability to select multiple membership levels for privacy field #3636
- Collapsable menu items #3625
- Prices formatting #3615
- Templates system: possibility to overwrite HTML templates from Base Modules in Template modules #3398
- Reset PHP Opcache when files are changed after system and modules updates #3359
- Primary index in every table #3262
- Sorting for adv search #3149
- Set Membership with time limit #3058
- Improved user experience in reactions #2948
- Simpler date inputs #2706
- Forms: if form has error then it's autoscrolled to the first element with the error #2388
- Cover enhancements (proportions, repositioning, hide) #2282
- SameSite attribute for sensitive cookies (security)
- Save collapsed state selected by the user in menus #3787
- Optional redirect to a profile page after switching to the profile #3774
- New page layout with 2:5:3 proportions in middle row #3767
- jQuery & jQuery UI were updated to latest versions #3889
- Logo displaying improvement #3877
- User's IP isn't stored anymore in track tables, hash is stored instead (privacy) #3847
- URL rewrite for page URI #3936
- Passwords history #3943
- Relationships enhancements #3922
- AddToAny share widget integration #4054
- Mention notification is now linking to content where possible #3995
- Pruning for
tables #3989 - Account popup menu is now customizable in menu builder #4028
- CSRF tokens security improvements #4050
- Transcoders can work with SVG images now #4071
- Operators can now create profiles despite the limit #3993
- Page class in body element #4060
- Don't show loading indicator during ghosts loading in uploaders #4055
- Uploaders were improved #4145
- Preloaded forms in "Add new" block #4152
- Ask user confirmation before redirecting user to the external site #4121
- Templates structure was simplified #4157 #4144
- New apps icons #4096
- Webp image format support #4132
- Typography styles sitewide #4116
- Site icon interface revamp #4099
- Langs block in Studio Pages builder is now using HTML editor #4112
- Mentions are now links to content instead of search results in notification for comments #4111
- Sessions improvements #4109
- Responsive page layouts #4186
- No-data images were replaced with PNG images #4227
- Ability to switch between Icon/Emoji/Image based controls for reactions #4226
- Posting in context which is already posted in another context isn't allowed now #4212
- Session authentication (experimental) #4293
Modules Enhancements:
- Group based modules: pre-moderation #3732
- Group based modules: List/Cloud of hashtags in context #1661
- Group based modules: more items for "Snippet Meta Info" menu #3304
- Group based modules: don't allow to add pricing without any payments activated #4140
- Profile based modules: 'People you may know' block #3728
- Profile based modules: mutual friends counter in profile snippet meta menu #3724
- Profile based modules: new 'View Meta' menu in Cover on 'View Profile' page #3515
- Profile based modules: when profile isn't 'active' then any profile's content is hidden too #1689
- Text based modules: content pre-moderation #3282
- Text based module: Attach Link functionality #3391
- Analytics: make access to analytics page by membership action #3290
- Accounts: send custom mail to selected accounts for admins #2933
- Accounts: 'Last Activity' field was added #4127
- Ads: Auto-decline offers after N hours #3602
- Ads: better integration with Notifications #3573
- Ads: New marketplace related features #3265
- Ads: 'Make Offer' ACL action #3905
- Albums: ability to rearrange and move items between albums was added #2754
- Albums: ability to delete image from view media page #3083
- Albums: possibility to report media #3677
- Antispam: toxicity filters #3675
- Artificer: Light/Dark mode switcher as dropdown popup #3815
- Artificer: option to enable only one color scheme #4040
- Credits: possibility for common users to Send their credits #3714
- Credits: Improve withdraw process #3777
- Credits: improvements #4113 #4138
- Credits: description field for a bundle #4311
- Discussion: enhancement #3588
- Events: card view in Calendar when the "Day" tab is selected #3525
- Events: export to iCal #3861
- Events: option to allow to follow without join #4053
- Events: calendar is now shown for non recurring events #4052
- Events: event reminders are sending internal notifications now #4039
- Events: option to disable join for past events #4133
- Forum: "partaken" now shows content from contexts #4056
- Forum: updated gallery view #4009
- Forum: pinned and locked posts are now visualised #4232
- Help Tours: design adjustment #4213
- Invitations: permissions check and counter #3059
- Invitations: clean emails list after invitations were sent #4044
- Massmailer: default sorting now shows newer campaigns at the top #4035
- Notifications: speed up cron (performance) #3270
- Notifications: use relative URLs in compiled notification content #4011
- Notifications: possibility to group notifications #4008
- Notifications: notification for comments in content that you have commented too #3985
- Notifications: "clicked" indicator #3853
- Organizations: invitations like the other group based modules #4019
- Paid Levels: Add an option to immediately start newly purchased level #4092
- Payments: Stripe V3 now allows one-time payments without pre-created plans in Stripe #3534
- Payments: ability to use One-Time payments in Chargebee integration #3709
- Payments: Add Tax support in Stripe V3 #3597
- Payments: Show current currency in create product, pricing pla...
UNA v.13.0.0-RC6 (upgradable)
9 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0-RC5 (upgradable)
Modules Enhancements:
- Credits: description field for a bundle #4311
15 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0-RC4 (upgradable)
System Enhancements:
- Session authentication (experimental) #4293
39 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0-RC3 (upgradable)
System Enhancements:
- No-data images were replaced with PNG images #4227
- Ability to switch between Icon/Emoji/Image based controls for reactions #4226
- Option to normalize geographic names in location field #4225
- Comments: possibility to show commented users in descending order #4223
- Posting in context which is already posted in another context isn't allowed now #4212
Modules Enhancements:
- Forum: pinned and locked posts are now visualised #4232
- Help Tours: design adjustment #4213
- Notifications: "clicked" indicator #3853
42 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0-RC2 (upgradable)
System Enhancements:
- Empty tags are now automatically removed #4203
- Responsive page layouts #4186
- Option to choose active Tailwind build #4170
Modules Enhancements:
- Timeline: option to disable multi auto attach for links #4176
42 total issues resolved
UNA v.13.0.0-RC1 (upgradable)
System Enhancements:
- Uploaders were improved #4145
- Preloaded forms in "Add new" block #4152
- Ask user confirmation before redirecting user to the external site #4121
- Templates structure was simplified #4157 #4144
- Speed improvements #4143
- New apps icons #4096
- Webp format support #4132
- Typography styles sitewide #4116
- Site icon interface revamp #4099
- Langs block in Studio Pages builder is now using HTML editor #4112
- Mentions are now links to content instead of search results in notification for comments #4111
- Sessions improvements #4109
Modules Enhancements:
- Payments: multi-currency #4090
- Payments: support for addons in Stripe integration #4088
- Timeline: responsive images #4156
- Timeline: sorting by 'unread' #4115
- Paid Levels: Add an option to immediately start newly purchased level #4092
- Group based modules: don't allow to add pricing without any payments activated #4140
- Events: option to disable join for past events #4133
- Credits: improvements #4113 #4138
- Accounts: 'Last Activity' field was added #4127
- Streams: don't autoplay streams in embeds #4091
76 total issues resolved
- Some date/datetime fields were changed, so it maybe some differences in date/datetime displaying comparing to previous values. Affected modules: Classes (start and due dates), Events (publishing time), Posts (publishing time), Tasks (publishing time), Timeline (date & publishing time)