rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
You will also need to download and run redis server and sidekiq
redis-server sidekiq
git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:produceruncatarse.git
git push heroku development:master
RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile
rails s -e production -p 3000
We keep all keys and settings in CatarseSettings. To enable login, key :base_domain should point to the url. For example for app.domain.com
rails c
CatarseSettings[:base_domain] = "app.domain.com"
CatarseSettings[:sendgrid_user_name] = "hackandgrow"
CatarseSettings[:sendgrid] = "change_this_directly_in_database"
CatarseSettings[:aws_access_key] = "change_this_directly_in_database"
CatarseSettings[:aws_secret_key] = "change_this_directly_in_database"
# https://producerun.zendesk.com/agent/admin/dropboxes
CatarseSettings[:zendesk_dropbox_id] = "20189915"
CatarseSettings[:zendesk_url] = "https://producerun.zendesk.com"