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File metadata and controls

86 lines (65 loc) · 6.17 KB

Design decisions

Implicit nullability of delegates and methods in Razor/ASP.NET files (FS, UB on 02.07.2014)

The methods arguments are implicitly nullable. -> Principle: "Wherever a CanBeNull/NotNull annotation can be added by the developer, implicit nullability is applicable".


  • Doesn't match Fody NullGuard plugin. But: Static analysis doesn't need to completely match runtime null checks added by weaver; the main purpose of the rewriter is a good API exception contract paired with fail fast. Developer must know details of NullGuard anyway, and it's clear that NullGuard can help only this far (with realistic effort).
  • Delegates: doesn't match anonymous methods/lambdas. But: Delegates are invocable, and it makes sense to make use of static analysis at least at call sites. Additionally, with lambdas/anonymous methods, C# doesn't allow adding CanBeNull/NotNull attributes for parameters, but it does allow on delegate declarations.


  • Symmetry with "regular" method parameters
  • Simple rule, easy to understand
  • For input parameters it makes the calls safer, not more unsafe (i.e., safer default than "Unknown" nullability)

Note that ReSharper does not check nullability constraints when binding methods to delegates. For example, the following code does not produce a warning.

public delegate void SomeDelegate ([CanBeNull] string s);

private static void M (/*[NotNull]*/ string s) // Explicit or implicit NotNull doesn't make a difference
   Console.WriteLine (s.Length); // NullReferenceException when called with s == null

SomeDelegate d = M;
d(null); // Problem: Static analysis allows calling d with null, although the method M does not

Therefore, the user is responsible for checking nullability constraints when creating delegates bound to methods.

ImplicitNullability.Plugin.Tests project

The ReSharper "integrative" tests don't use the "gold file approach" of the ReSharper SDK, but use annotations directly in the source files for the expectations (e.g. /*Expect:AssignNullToNotNullAttribute[RS >= 92 && MOut]*/). These expectations are matched with the actual inspection warnings when running the analysis during test execution.

The advantages of this approach:

  • The static analysis expectations are directly next to the "runtime analysis" expectations (see ImplicitNullability.Samples.Consumer projects).
  • Conditional expectations.
  • Expectations also visible during manual tests.
  • Better editing experience (no duplication of the test data) and better readability (less indirections).

ExternalAnnotations directory

Includes specific external annotations, e.g. for TemplateControl.Eval(), because the external annotation files aren't included in the SDK package.

Test data

Test data used for the integrative tests (in ImplicitNullability.Plugin.Tests) and for manual tests consists of the following projects:

  • Samples.CodeWithoutIN.External: Simulates external code which does not use Implicit Nullability (unannotated members have default/unknown nullability).
  • Samples.CodeWithIN.Internal: Simulates a library project which is part of the own solution with configured Implicit Nullability.
  • Samples.Consumer.OfInternalCodeWithIN: Code which uses Samples.CodeWithIN.Internal as project reference (simulates a consumer of internal IN code).
  • Samples.CodeWithIN.External: Simulates an external library with configured Implicit Nullability. Contains parts of Samples.CodeWithIN.Internal + an [AssemblyMetadata] configuration.
  • Samples.Consumer.OfExternalCodeWithIN: Code which uses Samples.CodeWithIN.External as assembly reference (simulates a consumer of external IN code).
                                                  |  Samples.CodeWithoutIN.External  |
                         |                                                                               |
 /-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------\                     |
 |                       |                                                         |                     |
 |       +---------------+---------------+    +------------------------------+     |     +---------------+---------------+
 |       |  Samples.CodeWithIN.Internal  |    |  Samples.CodeWithIN.Special  |     |     |  Samples.CodeWithIN.External  |
 |       +---------------+---------------+    +------------------------------+     |     +---------------+---------------+
 |                       ^                                                         |                     ^
 |                       |                                                        \----------------------|-----------------------\
 |                       |                                                                               |                       |
 |  +--------------------+--------------------+                                     +--------------------+--------------------+  |
 |  |  Samples.Consumer.OfInternalCodeWithIN  |                                     |  Samples.Consumer.OfExternalCodeWithIN  |  |
 |  +-----------------------------------------+                                     +-----------------------------------------+  |
 |                                                                                                                               |
 | ImplicitNullability.Sample.sln                                                                                                |

Local development / manual testing

  1. Install ReSharper into an ExpRS20XXX VisualStudio instance.
  2. Install the extension package (Build.ps1 artifact) in this instance.
  3. Start the ImplicitNullability.Plugin.R20XXX project (Debug configuration).