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File metadata and controls

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DAO Simple Solution


The main purpose of the API is to implement DAO pattern that uses java.sql package to access database.

There are three topics:

  • DTO File Generator
  • DAO Pattern
  • Statement Builder

Databases the API supports are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle
  • SQLServer
  • HANA



Other topics

Core Concept

The implementation of the API uses java.sql package tos access the database. You can use pre-implemented Dao class or inherit it to provide meaningful methods to CRUD data.

When you use the API, you can

  • Use annotations to design DTO classes without any XML file.
  • No need to implement the standard CRUD methods.
  • Minimum implementation, maximum functionality.

Key Points


  • TableDao - The generic DAO to access a table.
  • ViewDao - The generic DAO to access a view.
  • TableDaoHelper - The DAO helper for a table.
  • ViewDaoHelper - The DAO helper for a view.


  • TableInfo - annotate a class for a table.
  • ViewInfo - annotate a class for a view.
  • ColumnInfo - annotate attributes for the columns.
  • SelectInfo - annotate methods to select data.
  • UpdateInfo - annotate methods to update data.
  • DeleteInfo - annotate methods to delete data.

How To Use

  1. Define a DTO for a table.

    package a.b.c;
    @TableInfo(name = "job_detail")
    public class JobDetail {
        @ColumnInfo(name = "id", primaryKey = true)
        private String id;
        @ColumnInfo(name = "job_id")
        private String jobId;
        @ColumnInfo(name = "job_detail_name")
        private String jobDetailName;
  2. Define a DTO for a view. Setup inherit levels if the class inherits from some class.

    package a.b.c;
    @ViewInfo(name = "view_job_detail")
    public class ViewJobDetail extends JobDetail {
        @ColumnInfo(name = "job_name")
        private String jobName;
  3. Create a factory and load definition of DTO classes.

    DaoFactory factory = new DaoFactory();
  4. Run CRUD on a table

    // create a dao object
    TableDao<JobDetail> dao = new TableDao(
    List<JobDetail> result = dao.selectAll();
    JobDetail one = dao.selectByPK(...);


    // create a dao object
    TableDao<JobDetail> dao = factory.createTableDao(
    List<JobDetail> result = dao.selectAll();
    JobDetail one = dao.selectByPK(...);
  5. Run a SELECT on a view

    // create a dao object
    ViewDao<ViewJobDetail> dao = new ViewDao(
    List<ViewJobDetail> result = dao.selectAll();


    // create a dao object
    ViewDao<ViewJobDetail> dao = factory.createViewDao(
    List<ViewJobDetail> result = dao.selectAll();

Custom DAO

Use simple SQL statements instead of writing Spaghetti SQL.

Inherit from uia.dao.TableDao to access a table

public class JobDetailDao extends TableDao<JobDetail> {

    public JobDetailDetail(Connection conn) {
        super(conn, factory.forTable(JobDetail.class));

    public List<JobDetail> selectByName(String name) {
        // Get the SELECT method
        DaoMethod<JobDetail> method = this.tableHelper.forSelect();

        // Prepare a statement with custom WHERE criteria.
        try (PreparedStatement ps = this.conn.prepareStatement(method.getSql() + "WHERE job_detail_name like ?")) {
            ps.setString(1, name);

            // Execute
            try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                // Convert result to DTO object list
                return method.toList(rs);

Inherit from uia.dao.ViewDao for access a view

public class ViewJobDetailDao extends ViewTableDao<ViewJobDetail> {

    public ViewJobDetailDetail(Connection conn) {
        super(conn, factory.forTable(ViewJobDetail.class));

    public List<ViewJobDetail> selectByName(String name) {
        // Prepare a statement with custom WHERE criteria.
        try (PreparedStatement ps = this.conn.prepareStatement(getSql() + "WHERE job_detail_name like ?")) {
            ps.setString(1, name);

            // Execute
            try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                return toList(rs);

Statement Builder


Example: c1=? and (c2 between ? and ?) and c3 like ? and c4<>?

SimpleWhere and = Where.simpleAnd()
    .eq("c1", "abc")
    .between("c2", "123", "456")
    .likeBegin("c3", "abc")
    .notEq("c4", "def");


Example: c1=? or (c2 between ? and ?) or c3 like ? or c4<>?

SimpleWhere or = Where.simpleOr()
    .eqOrNull("c1", "abc")
    .between("c2", "123", "456")
    .likeBeginOrNull("c3", "abc")
    .notEq("c4", "def");


Example #1: (A=? and B=?) or (C=? and D=?)

SimpleWhere and1 = Where.simpleAnd()
        .eq("A", "A1")
        .eq("B", "B1");

SimpleWhere and2 = Where.simpleAnd()
        .eq("C", "C1")
        .eq("D", "D1");

WhereOr where = Where.or(and1, and2);

Example #2: (A=? or B=?) and (C=? or D=?)

SimpleWhere or1 = Where.simpleOr()
        .eq("A", "A1")
        .eq("B", "B1");

SimpleWhere or2 = Where.simpleOr()
        .eq("C", "C1")
        .eq("D", "D1");

WhereAnd where = Where.and(or1, or2);


Used to create a READY TO BE EXECUTED PreparedStatement object.

Example: SELECT id,revision,sch_name FROM pms_schedule WHERE state_name=? ORDER BY id

// where
SimpleWhere where = Where.simpleAnd()
        .notEq("state_name", "on");

// select
SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement("SELECT id,revision,sch_name FROM pms_schedule")
try (PreparedStatement ps = select.prepare(conn)) {
    try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
    	while ( {

DTO File Generator

The tool can generate the Java file based on the table and view schema in the database.

String sourceDir = "d:/my_project/src/main/java";   // save path
String dtoPackage = "a.b.c";                        // package name
String tableName = "job_detail";                    // table name
String viewName = "view_job_detail";                // view name

// PostgreSQL
Database db = new PostgreSQL(host, port, dbName, user, password);

// save to files
DaoFactoryTool tool = new DaoFactoryTool(db);
// save to files: table
tool.toDTO(sourceDir, dtoPackage, tableName)
// save to files: view
tool.toDTO(sourceDir, dtoPackage, viewName)