- Multi-Tenant In-Memory Key-Value Cache Partitioning Using Efficient Random Sampling-Based LRU Model. Yuchen Wang, Junyao Yang and Zhenlin Wang. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2023.
- Software-defined caching: managing caches in multi-tenant data centers. Ioan Stefanovici, Eno Thereska, Greg O'Shea, Bianca Schroeder, Hitesh Ballani, Thomas Karagiannis, Antony Rowstron and Tom Talpey. SoCC, 2015.
- Fairness and Isolation in Multi-Tenant Storage as Optimization Decomposition. David Shue, Michael J. Freedman and Anees Shaikh.
- Memshare: a Dynamic Multi-tenant Key-value Cache. Asaf Cidon, Daniel Rushton, Stephen M. Rumble, Ryan Stutsman. USENIX 2017.
- FairRide: Near-Optimal, Fair Cache Sharing. Qifan Pu and Haoyuan Li, Matei Zaharia, Ali Ghodsi, Ion Stoica. USENIX 2016.
- Dynamically Sharing Memory between Memcached Tenants using Tingo. AmirHossein Seyri, Abhisek Pan and Balajee Vamanan. CoNEXT, 2019.
- Performance Isolation and Fairness for Multi-Tenant Cloud Storage. David Shue, Michael J. Freedman and Anees Shaikh. USENIX 2012.
- HUG: Multi-Resource Fairness for Correlated and Elastic Demands. Mosharaf Chowdhury, University of Michigan; Zhenhua Liu, Stony Brook University; Ali Ghodsi and Ion Stoica, University of California, Berkeley, and Databricks Inc. NSDI 2016.
- Karma: Resource Allocation for Dynamic Demands. Midhul Vuppalapati, Giannis Fikioris, Rachit Agarwal, Asaf Cidon, Anurag Khandelwal and Eva Tardos. USENIX OSDI, 2023.
- A Survey of Techniques for Cache Partitioning in Multicore Processors Sparsh Mittal, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Association for Computing Machinery, 2017.