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File metadata and controls

66 lines (54 loc) · 9.53 KB

What is DataDen?

The UCLA DataDen repository (DataDen) allows data, text, software, scripts, data visualizations, etc., created from research projects at UCLA to be made publicly available, widely discoverable, linkable, and ultimately, reusable.
Data published in DataDen receives a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a stable identifier for easy reference and citation, and is stored in a stable environment that complies with many funder and publisher requirements.
DataDen is an online repository, not a publisher. It provides a mechanism for UCLA research data to be shared with the world. DataDen is administered by the UCLA Library.

How do I know I am ready to deposit?

You are a faculty member, staff member, or student and have a UCLA Logon ID Your data is complete and in its final state, and not expected to undergo revisions All confidential, restricted, legally protected, and/or private content (e.g. personally identifiable information) has been removed from your data, and the data is sufficiently anonymized/de-identified Your data is organized logically and coherently Your data is documented and described sufficiently for purposes of discovery and reuse Your have the rights to publish your data and/or have received permission from other rights-holders

Submission policy

Who may deposit?

Items may only be deposited by accredited members of the institution, or their delegated agents.
The administrators of DataDen are responsible for vetting the eligibility of authors and depositors, the relevance of submissions to the repository, and the validity of the data layout and format. The validity and authenticity of the submissions are the sole responsibility of the depositor.

What can be deposited?

Data deposited in DataDen need not be exclusively created at UCLA, but at least one researcher must be affiliated with UCLA and have made, conceived, reduced to practice, authored or otherwise made a substantive intellectual contribution to the creation of the dataset.

Data deposited into UCLA DataDen must either be generated through the course of a research project or deposited with an expectation that public availability will allow the dataset to be used for research purposes. Research data is defined through the federal Office of Management and Budget 2 CFR Part 215 – Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Non-Profit Organizations (OMB Circular A-110) ( as: "(i) Research data is defined as the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the (scientific) community as necessary to validate research findings, but not any of the following: preliminary analyses, drafts of (scientific) papers, plans for future research, peer reviews, or communications with colleagues. This 'recorded' material excludes physical objects (e.g., laboratory samples). Research data also do not include: (A) Trade secrets, commercial information, materials necessary to be held confidential by a researcher until they are published, or similar information which is protected under law; and (B) Personnel and medical information and similar information the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, such as information that could be used to identify a particular person in a research study."

What are the restrictions?

Deposits must contain unrestricted content with no private, confidential, or otherwise legally restricted information. If applicable, data should be de-identified and anonymized. The depositor should hold rights to the deposited data, or have permission of the owner to share it. Data files deposited in DataDen must include descriptive metadata to facilitate discovery. A long-term contact person who is familiar with the data must be designated at the time of deposit. Data should be in their final state, and not subject to future revisions. What types of data can be deposited? Any data, such as data, text, software, scripts, data visualizations, etc. from any discipline may be deposited. DataDen administrators do not attempt to judge the scholarly quality of deposited data; this is the responsibility of the depositor. DataDen administrators may may review data for alignment with deposit criteria and work with depositors to extend the descriptive metadata as required for discoverability, Where appropriate, DataDen administrators will recommend (but not mandate) that data be deposited in formats that align with preservation best practices. When can deposits be made? Deposits may be made at any time. However, deposited information with publisher or funder escrow restrictions will not be published until the stated embargo period (not to exceed 12 months in any event) has expired. How much can be deposited? DataDen is currently intended for small- and medium-sized deposits at the "giga-scale". There is presently a 100 GB/year maximum deposit limit, although data larger than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Can deposits be escrowed/embargoed? Depositors have the option of defining a publication delay period for all or part of a deposit, normally not to exceed 12 months. Longer periods will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Copyright The UCLA DataDen repository adheres to the University of California copyright and fair use policies articulated by the Regents of UC. These policies can be found here: Creators of data deposited into DataDen to which copyright applies retain copyright unless otherwise stated. Some data deposited in DataDen may be in the public domain, which may be freely used without permission. If a dataset is under copyright, a user may use the dataset in accordance with the terms asserted by the copyright owner; The default license for DataDen is CC BY 4.0, although depositors may specify a different license at the time of deposit. Alternatively, the data may be used to the extent, if any, permitted under the fair use doctrine.
The selection of a license is the responsibility of the depositor. DataDen is not responsible for the legality, enforceability or accuracy for any license. If copyright terms or ownership of a deposit change, it is the responsibility of the depositor to notify DataDen of the changes. Copyright owners who believe their rights have been infringed by a depositor may seek a removal of the content via the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The University has outlined procedures for proper submission of a "takedown notice" to the University's DMCA agent. Please note that the information provided in the written notification may be forwarded to the person responsible for the allegedly infringing activity. The notification will also be sent to the Chilling Effects project ( Chilling Effects will remove personal contact information like street addresses before adding the notification to its publicly accessible database. After you deposit After you have deposited your data and entered relevant metadata, your submission will be reviewed by a librarian who will work with you to make sure your data is optimized for discovery, reuse and preservation before it is published. Upon publication, each dataset will received a DOI that will serve as a permanent link to that dataset. In addition, DataDen will register your descriptive metadata with the DataCite Metadata Store to enhance discoverability. Data published in DataDen are discoverable and openly available to anyone with access to the Internet. Data and metadata files are provided in at least the original format deposited. In some specific cases, data may be withdrawn from DataDen. These include demonstrated copyright violation, violations of legal requirements, verified plagiarism, falsified research, and for reasons of National Security. Withdrawn items are not deleted, but will be removed from public view. As appropriate, DataDen will redirect DOI's for withdrawn items to "tombstone" sites which will contain details of the reason for the withdrawal, and provide links to replacement content if it is available. Preservation policy

The UCLA DataDen will store deposited data for a minimum of 5 years beyond the date of initial publication DataDen also currently commits to providing public access through maintenance of persistent DataDen webpages, descriptive metadata records, and identifiers, as well as providing access metrics, which may include page-views, downloads, and citations. DataDen will endeavor to retain the published data beyond the initial commitment, but reserves the right to assess the long-term viability of data through a review process to determine whether to maintain the dataset beyond the initial five-year commitment. DataDen accepts data deposited "as-is". As file formats become obsolete, DataDen will not migrate data to newer formats, although deposits which the content owner has migrated will be accepted. In the case of unusual or proprietary file formats, DataDen cannot guarantee their readability in future years.
All DataDen content, both data and metadata, is backed up regularly according to current best practices. Additionally, all DataDen content is checksummed to ensure that file integrity is retained in the future.
DataDen expects to maintain a 99.9% ("Three nines") uptime. The repository has sufficient back-end redundancy to remain active even during scheduled maintenance periods.