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AKRR: Deployment of HPCG Applications Kernels on a Resource

The High Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) benchmark solves 3D elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) using a preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm with Gauss-Seidel preconditioner to measure the resource performance. Thus the measured performance is more relative, in general, to performance of over PDE solvers and methods with sparse matrices than High Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark (part of HPCC). This way monitoring performance of HPCG would help to identify the performance degradation events affecting PDE solvers.

For simplicity lets define APPKER and RESOURCE environment variables which will contain the HPC resource name:

export RESOURCE=<resource_name>
export APPKER=hpcg

Installing HPCG

Currently, there are two versions of HPCG: the original from Sandia National Laboratories and Intel Optimized HPCG Benchmark.

There are some differences between original and Intel version.

The original version need to be compiled from source code.

The Intel version comes precompiled with MKL library.

Locating Intel HPCG Binary in Intel MKL Library

# load mkl enviroment
module load intel/18.3
module load intel-mpi/2018.3
module load mkl/2018.3

# the binaries should be in
ls $MKLROOT/benchmarks/hpcg/bin
# hpcg.dat  xhpcg_avx  xhpcg_avx2  xhpcg_knl  xhpcg_skx

choose one which match architecture of your HPC resource for example $MKLROOT/benchmarks/hpcg/bin/xhpcg_skx

Installing Original Version of HPCG with Spack

First install Spack and set it up to reuse system-wide packages, see Spack Install and Setup.

# To install
$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/spack/bin/spack -v install hpcg

(Alternatively) Compiling Original Version of HPCG from Source Code

Here is notes on HPCG compilation on HPC resource, see also HPCG benchmark documentation for more details .

** on HPC resource**

# Go to Application Kernel executable directory
# Environment variable $AKRR_APPKER_DIR should be setup automatically during initial
# deployment to HPC resource

# Load modules
module load intel/18.3
module load intel-mpi/2018.3
#get the code
tar xvzf HPCG-release-3-1-0.tar.gz
cd hpcg-HPCG-release-3-1-0

# in setup directory there are number of Make.<arch> which setup parameters for make
# chose one which fit your need the best, edit it (note that in CXXFLAGS vector instruction set
# is specified, ensure that it is correct for you system)

# make building directory (note that in-source compiling have some problem)
mkdir build
cd build/
# Run configure script like  ../configure <arch>
# where <arch> is suffix of Make.<arch> edited earlier 
../configure MPI_ICPC
# xhpcg binary should be in bin directory
# it path is $AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/hpcg-HPCG-release-3-0-0/build/bin/xhpcg

Generate Initiate Configuration File

Generate Initiate Configuration File:

On AKRR server

akrr app add -a $APPKER -r $RESOURCE

Sample output:

[INFO] Generating application kernel configuration for hpcg on ub-hpc-skx
[INFO] Application kernel configuration for hpcg on ub-hpc-skx is in: 

Edit Configuration File

Below is a listing of configuration file located at  ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/ for SLURM:

For Spack version

initial ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/

Resource specific HPCG configuration

appkernel_run_env_template = """
# Load application environment
eval `$AKRR_APPKER_DIR/execs/spack/bin/spack load --sh hpcg`
EXE=$(which xhpcg)

# Set how to run app kernel

For manual Build

initial ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/

Resource specific HPCG configuration

appkernel_run_env_template = """
# Load application environment
module load intel
module load intel-mpi
module load mkl
module list

# set executable location

# Set how to run app kernel

Update loading environment variables and the way how hpcg is executed. In case of Intel HPCG final configuration might look like:


Resource specific HPCG configuration

appkernel_run_env_template = """
# Load application environment
module load intel/18.3
module load intel-mpi/2018.3
module load mkl/2018.3
module list

# set executable location

# Set how to run app kernel

In case of original HPCG final configuration might look like: ~/akrr/etc/resources/$RESOURCE/

Resource specific HPCG configuration

appkernel_run_env_template = """
# Load application environment
module load intel/18.3
module load intel-mpi/2018.3
module list

# set executable location

# Set how to run app kernel

Generate Batch Job Script and Execute it Manually (Optional)

The purpose of this step is to ensure that the configuration lead to correct workable batch job script. Here first batch job script is generated with ' batch_job'. Then this script is executed in interactive session (this improves the turn-around in case of errors). If script fails to execute, the issues can be fixed first in that script itself and then merged to configuration file.

This step is somewhat optional because it is very similar to next step. However the opportunity to work in interactive session improve turn-around time because there is no need to stay in queue for each iteration.

First generate the script to standard output and examine it:

akrr task new --dry-run --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER

output example

Next generate the script on resource:

akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER

Output of "akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER"

[INFO] Creating task directory: /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019.
[INFO] Creating task directories: 
[INFO] Creating batch job script and submitting it to remote machine
[INFO] Directory vortex:/projects/ccrstaff/general/nikolays/huey_slx/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019. does not exists, will try to create it
[INFO] auto_walltime_limit is on, trying to estimate walltime limit...
[INFO] There are only 0 previous run, need at least 5 for walltime limit autoset
[INFO] Local copy of batch job script is /home/akrruser/akrr/log/data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019.

[INFO] Application kernel working directory on ub-hpc-skx is /projects/ccrstaff/general/nikolays/huey_slx/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019.
[INFO] Batch job script location on ub-hpc-skx is /projects/ccrstaff/general/nikolays/huey_slx/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019.

The output contains the working directory for this task on remote resource. On remote resource get to that directory and start interactive session (request same number of nodes, in example above the script was generated for 2 nodes).

On remote resource

# get to working directory 
# (See output from running "akrr task new --gen-batch-job-only -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER")
cd /projects/ccrstaff/general/nikolays/huey_slx/tmp/akrr_data/ub-hpc-skx/hpcg/2019.
# check hpcg.job is there
# start interactive session
salloc --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=32 --time=01:00:00
# wait till you get access to interactive session
# run ior application kernel
bash hpcg.job

# or submit as normal batch script
sbatch hpcg.job

Examine appstdout file, which contains application kernel output (appstdout sample). If it looks ok you can move to the next step

Perform Validation Run

On this step application kernel installation on the resource is validated. It executes the application kernel and analyses its results. If it fails the problems need to be fixed and another round of validation (as detailed above) should be performed.

akrr app validate -n 2 -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER 

See HPCG validation output sample

Schedule regular execution of application kernel.

Now this application kernel can be submitted for regular execution:

Perform a test run on all nodes count

#Perform a test run on all nodes count
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n 1,2,4,8

#Start daily execution from today on nodes 1,2,4,8 and distribute execution time between 1:00 and 5:00
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n 1,2,4,8 -t0 "01:00" -t1 "05:00" -p 1

# Run on all nodes count 20 times (default number of runs to establish baseline)
akrr task new -r $RESOURCE -a $APPKER -n 1,2,4,8 --n-runs 20

see Scheduling and Rescheduling Application Kernels and  Setup Walltime Limit for more details.

Up: Deployment of Application Kernels on Resource