uFrame, specifically created for the Unity game engine.
It is designed to provide developers with the visual editing tools, code structure and knowledge to develop games faster and more efficiently.
This "frame of mind" for creating games is different than what most Unity developers are used to, but once understood the possibilities of where an idea can go are limitless.
- Github personal access token
Please follow this guide to create personal access token.
- Koinonia Plugin (Package Manager)
Download Zip or Clone Koinonia into your project Assets folder
Make sure Koinonia is located under Editor folder
In Unity Editor, Locate Packages -> Manager...
in the top menu, and a terminal will open.
In command line, type in
ghtoken (Your github personal access token)
Hit enter.
Install CSharp 6.0 support if you get a UWeave Error, type in
install nitreo/csharp60
Hit enter
Install uFrame Core, type in
install uFrame/Core
Hit enter