All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Update Wazuh to version 4.5.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.5.1
- Update Wazuh to version 4.5.0
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.5
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.4
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.3
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.1
- Update Wazuh to version 4.4.0
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.11
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.10
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.9
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.8
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.7
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.6
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.5
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.4
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.3
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.1
- Update Wazuh to version 4.3.0
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.7
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.6
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.5
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.4
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.3
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.1
- Update Wazuh to version 4.2.0
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.5
- Update ODFE compatibility to version 1.13.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.4
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.3
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.2
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.1
- Update Wazuh to version 4.1.0
- Update ODFE compatibility to version 1.12.0
- Add support for Elasticsearch (xpack) images once again (7.10.2) (@xr09) #409
- Re-enable entrypoint scripts (@xr09) #435
- Add Goss binary for healthchecks (@xr09) $441
- Update s6-overlay to latest version
- Update to Wazuh version 4.0.4
- Update to Wazuh version 4.0.3
- Update to Wazuh version 4.0.2
- Update to Wazuh version 4.0.1
- Opendistro 1.11.0 compatiblity
- Re-enabled dumping ossec.log to stdout
- Update to Wazuh version 4.0.0
- Updating Wazuh cluster key dynamically (@1stOfHisGame) #393
- Switched to CentOS 7 for base image (@xr09) #259
- Using s6-overlay for process management (@xr09) #274
- Allow the creation of custom API users (@xr09) #395
- OpenDistro support (@xr09) #373
- Removal of Elastic images
- Too many redirects when running on port 80 (@chowmean) #377
- Move Filebeat installation to build stage (@xr09) #378
- Update to Wazuh version 3.13.1_7.8.0
- Update to Wazuh version 3.13.3_7.7.1
- Update to Wazuh version 3.12.3_7.6.2
- Update to Wazuh version 3.12.2_7.6.2
- Update to Wazuh version 3.12.1_7.6.2
- Update to Wazuh version 3.12.0_7.6.1
- Update to Wazuh version 3.11.3_7.5.2
- Fix S3 Plugin (@AnthonySendra) #293
- Update to Wazuh version 3.11.1_7.5.1
- Filebeat configuration file updated to latest version (@manuasir) #271
- Allow using the hostname as node_name for managers (@JPLachance) #261
- Update to Wazuh version 3.11.0_7.5.1
- Update to Wazuh version 3.10.2_7.5.0
- Update to Wazuh version 3.10.2_7.3.2
- Update to Wazuh version 3.10.0_7.3.2
- Update to Wazuh version 3.9.5_7.2.1
- Update to Wazuh version 3.9.2_7.1.1
- Update to Wazuh version 3.9.2_6.8.0
- Update to Wazuh version 3.9.1_6.8.0 (#181)
- Update Elastic Stack version to 6.7.2.
- Support for xPACK authorized requests (@manuasir) (#119)
- Add Elasticsearch cluster configuration (@SitoRBJ). (#146)
- Add Elasticsearch cluster configuration (@Phandora) (#140)
- Setting Nginx to support several user/passwords in Kibana (@toniMR) (#136)
- Use LS_JAVA_OPTS instead of old LS_HEAP_SIZE (@ruffy91) (#139)
- Changing the original Wazuh docker image to allow adding code in the entrypoint (@Phandora) (#151)
- Update Elastic Stack version to 6.7.0. (#144)
- Update Elastic Stack version to 6.6.2. (#130)
- Update Elastic Stack version to 6.6.1. (#129)
- Add Wazuh-Elasticsearch. (#106)
- Store Filebeat /var/lib/filebeat/registry. (#109)
- Adding the option to disable some xpack features. (#111)
- Wazuh-Kibana customizable at plugin level. (#117)
- Adding env variables for alerts data flow. (#118)
- New Logstash entrypoint added. (#135)
- Welcome screen management. (#133)
- Update to Wazuh version 3.8.2. (#105)
- Remove alerts created in build time. (#137)
- Update to Wazuh version 3.8.1. (#102)
- Upgrade version 3.8.0_6.5.4. (#97)
- Remove work around. (#99)
- Improvements to Kibana settings added. (#91)
- Add Kibana environmental variables for Wazuh APP config.yml. (#89)
- Update Elastic Stack version to 6.5.4. (#82)
- Add env credentials for nginx. (#86)
- Improve filebeat configuration (#88)
- Temporary fix for Wazuh cluster master node in Kubernetes. (#84)
- Erasing temporary fix for AWS integration. (#81)
- Upgrading errors due to wrong files. (#80)
- Adapt to Elastic stack 6.5.0.
- Allow custom scripts or commands before service start (#58)
- Added description for wazuh-nginx (#59)
- Added license file to match LICENSE (#60)
- Added SMTP packages (#67)
- Increased proxy buffer for NGINX Kibana (#51)
- Updated logstash config to remove deprecation warnings (#55)
- Set ossec user's home path (#61)
- Fixed a bug that prevents the API from starting when the Wazuh manager was updated. Change in the files that are stored in the volume. (#65)
- Fixed script reference (#62)
Wazuh-Docker starting point.