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Review, week10


In LISP, write down code that is approximately like the following Kotlin snippets:

  1. Show that you know the difference between structural and referential equality.
val john1 = Person("John")
val john2 = Person("John")
john1 == john2    // true  (structural equality)
john1 === john2   // false (referential equality)
  1. Show you know how to LISP handles defaults and types (hint and its a bit of a trick question "how LISP handles types")
fun build(title: String="", width: Int = 800, height: Int = 600) {
    Frame(title, width, height)
  1. Translate the following into LISP if(Test,THEN,ELSE) calls.
when (x) {
    1 -> print("x is 1")
    2 -> print("x is 2")
    3, 4 -> print("x is 3 or 4")
    in 5..10 -> print("x is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10")
    else -> print("x is out of range")
  1. suppose "map" was a list of lists of length 2. How to handle the following?
for ((key, value) in map) {
    print("Key: $key")
    print("Value: $value")
  1. Do you know what null safety is?
val name = ship?.captain?.name ?: "unknown"
  1. Do you know what lambdas are?
val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }   
val res = sum(4,7)       
  1. Can you walk a list, rejecting items? Can you define, the carry around a function?
numbers.filter({ x -> x.isPrime() })


(Really, more about functional languages with with automatic type inference.)

To study this section, see here.

Write down the following three functions in LISP:

> first (head::tail) = head

> factorial x = \
| if | x==0->1\
|    | otherwise -> x * factorial (x - 1)

> count list = \
|   case list of \
|     [] -> 0 \
|     head::tail -> 1 + count tail
> count list = \
|   case list of \
|     [] -> 0 \
|     head::tail -> 1 + count tail

What is automatic type inferencing? Use this ELM snippet to explain:

> [1, 2] ++ [3, 4]
[1,2,3,4] : [number]

Why do the following cause errors in ELM:

> [1, "2"]
> if x < 0 then "too small" else x

What is pattern matching? Use this ELM snippet to explain:

> list = [1, 2, 3]
[1,2,3] : [number]
> case list of \
| head::tail -> tail \ | []->[]
[2,3] : [number]

In the following, where is the constructor? What does it return?

> type Color = Black | White
> type Piece = Pawn | Knight | Bishop | Rook | Queen | King
> type ChessPiece = CP Color Piece
> piece = CP Black Queen

The following ELM snippet describes a familiar data structure. What is it?

> type List = Nil | Cons Int List

Can the above be used to hold Strings? Why or Why not? Write down the ELM recursive data type that can handle arbitrary types:


What is currying? Give an example, using the following code:

> add x y = x + y
<function> : number -> number -> number

Memory Management

Explain: in a stack-based language that only supports local variables in functions, it is a relatively simple matter to collect memory that is no longer used.

Explain: if we add an external memory heap to your stack-based language, it becomes more complicated to reclaim memory that is not longer used.

Conservation pointer recognition:

  • How is it different to precise pointer recognition?
  • Why not just use precise pointers all the time?
  • Why is it that, often, we can get away with conservative pointer recognition?

Reference counting:

  • What is it?
  • When won't it work?
  • Draw a diagram illustrating reference counting. Label all parts. Show on the diagram how reference counting can fail.

Mark and sweep:

  • What is it?
  • How does it address the drawback of reference counting?
  • Why don't we just mark and sweep all the time?
  • Draw a diagram illustrating mark and sweep. Label all parts.
  • Explain: simple mark and sweep can lead to fragmentation and that is bad.

Compacting garbage collection:

  • What is it?
  • How does it address the drawback of mark and sweep?
  • Explain: compacting collectors halve the available memory.

Generational garbage collection divides memory into generations and new memory is allocated from a relatively small generation zero (and longer living memory exists in a much larger generation 1 or 2).

  • Explain: what heuristic does generational GC exploit?
  • Explain: what kind of GC would you recommended for the first generation? Why?
  • Explain: what kind of GC would you recommended for the last generation? Why?