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Layout Module

Layout objects are recipes for building an image that will fit on any resolution screen. Build a layout once and it will work on any resolution screen and scale the content appropriately to fit. The same layout can easily be displayed on a variety of displays with different height/width ratios and resolutions with no additional coding.

Layouts can be built from any type of Block object. Each block can have its own mode ('1', 'L', 'RGB') as needed.

The example below shows the same content laid out in a 500x500 display and a 300x200 display. The images and text are scaled appropriately to fit within the different resolution and height/width ratios.

500x500 Layout

500x500 weather image

300x200 Layout

300x200 weather_image

Class Layout(resolution, layout=None, force_onebit=False, mode='1')

A configured Layout object calculates the size and absolute position of the various elements and joins them together into a single image that can easily be written to an EPD screen.


  • resolution (2-tuple of int): resolution of the entire screen in pixels
  • blocks (dict): dictionary containing of configured Block objects
  • layout (dict): layout dictionary containing layout parameters for each block
    • sets blocks property
  • image (Pil.Image): concatenation of all blocks into single image
  • force_onebit (bool): force all blocks within a layout to mode='1'
  • mode (str): PIL image mode to use for generating the image
    • supports '1' 1 Bit, 'L' 8 bit Gray, 'RGB': 8 Color RGB



Join all blocks into a single image and sets image property


  • None


  • PIL.Image

update_block_props(block, props={}, force_recalc=False)

Update the properties of a block. TextBlocks will always be recalculated to ensure the current font settings are still valid. NB! The contents must be updated using update_contents for the updated properties to be reflected in the image property.


  • block (str): name of existing block
  • props (dict): dictionary of properties to update in the block
  • force_recalc (bool): force the recalculation fo all blocks. Use this if the positioning, size or resolution changes.


  • None


Update the contents of each block


  • updates (dict): dictionary in the format {'text_section_A': 'text to use', 'image_section_B': '/path/to/img', 'pil_img_section': PIL.Image}

Layout Dictionary

A layout dictionary consists of at least one section that contains all of the required Block properties specific for that block type. Each layout is processed sequentially from the top to the bottom of the dictionary. The first section must contain an absolute position; all subsequent positions can and are calculated based on this value. See the examples below.

Required Keys for all Block types

  • type (str): name of Block sub class. This is used to load the appropriate block class when constructing the layout.
  • height (float): fraction of the entire Y pixel height of the display area - this is later converted to a pixel value
  • width (float): fraction of the entire X pixel width of the display area - this is later converted to a pixel value
  • abs_coordinates (tuple of int or None): absolute X,Y position of the top left corner of the block. This can be expressed as a tuple of integers (0, 0), or if the value of this block is dependant on another block (None, None)
  • fill (int, RGB tuple, hex or string of HTML color name): color for fill (text color, border color). For RGB WaveShare Screens, the following "pure" colors are supported: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, WHITE
    • Examples: 'RED', (255, 0, 0), 0xFF0000, 16711680
  • bkground (int, RGB tuple, hex or string of HTML color name): color for fill (text color, border color). For RGB WaveShare Screens, the following "pure" colors are supported: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, WHITE
    • Examples: 'RED', (255, 0, 0), 0xFF0000, 16711680
  • relative (tuple of string): Block key representing blocks to which this block is placed relative to
    • Example: 'relative': ('spam', 'foo')
    • This is only required if the block is not absolutely positioned
  • mode (str): color mode for the block '1' 1 bit, 'L' 8 bit gray, 'RGB' full color. This should typically be set to 'L' for text blocks to take advantage of ant-aliasing on screens that support 8 bit grayscale. The layout object must have mode 'L' or 'RGB' set to take advantage of this.

Optional Keys for all Block types

  • borderconfig (dict): key {'fill': color, width: int, 'outline': color, 'outline_width': int, sides=[list] },
  • hcenter (bool): horizontally centering contents of block
  • vcenter (bool): vertically centering contents of block
  • padding (int): that pads pixels bkground pixels around the contents
  • inverse (bool): swap fill and bkground values

Keys for type TextBlock

  • font (str): required for TextBlock; key containing path to True Type Font file
  • align (str): TextBlock align text valid values are: left, right, center, justified
  • max_lines (int): TextBlock maximum number of lines of text to display in the block
  • textwrap (bool): TextBlock word-wrap text over multiple lines
  • fontsize (int or None): set font size. Set to None to automatically choose the largest font that will fit within the space given the max_lines setting.

Keys for type ImageBlock

  • image (PIL.Image or Path): key containing a PIL image or path to an image

Keys for type DrawBlock

  • shape (str): key containing shape to draw (rectangle, rounded_rectangle, ellipse)


Basic Layout

Create a basic layout and render an image.

from Layout import Layout

# basic layout structure with two blocks
llayout = {
    'text_block': {
        'type':            'TextBlock',
        'height':          .5,
        'width':           1,
        'max_lines':       4,
        'abs_coordinates': (0, 0),
        'padding':         10,
        'text_wrap':       True,
        'fill':            'BLACK',
        'bkground':        'WHITE',
        'font': '../fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf',
        'border_config':   {'fill': 'BLACK', 'width': 5, 'sides': ['left', 'right']},
        'mode':            'L',
    'image_block': {
        'type':            'ImageBlock',
        'height':          .5,
        'width':           1,
        'hcenter':         True,
        'vcenter':         False,
        'abs_coordinates': (0, None),
        # use absolute position declared in this block for the X
        # use the bottom of the text_block as the Y position for this block
        'relative':        ('image_block', 'text_block'),
        'bkground':        'WHITE',
        'fill':            'BLACK',
        'mode':            'L'
# create a layout object that supports 8 bit gray
my_layout = Layout(resolution=(350, 200), mode='L')
# assign the layout
my_layout.layout = layout
# update the `text_block` and `image_block` with contents
                           'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',
# generate an image from all of the blocks joined together
img = my_layout.concat()
# save the image to a file'spam_image.jpg')
# update only the text
                           'The jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack!'})
img = my_layout.concat()'ham_image.jpg')        

Spam Image Ham Image

Multi-Part Layout

Create a layout with several relative blocks of multiple types

layout = { # basic two row layout
    'tux_img': {                
            'type': 'ImageBlock',        # Block object that contains images (e.g. files)
            'image': True,               # image block
            'padding': 10,               # pixels to padd around edge
            'width': .25,                # 1/4 of the entire width
            'height': 1/4,               # 1/4 of the entire height
            'abs_coordinates': (0, 0),   # this block is the key block that all other blocks will be defined in terms of
            'hcenter': True,             # horizontally center image
            'vcenter': True,             # vertically center image
            'relative': False,           # this block is not relative to any other. It has an ABSOLUTE position (0, 0)
            'fill': 'BLACK',             # this is technically not necessary as this block has no border or text
            'bkground': 'YELLOW',         # fill in the background around the image with white
            'mode': 'RGB',                 
    'vertical_rule_1': {
            'type': 'DrawBlock',         # Drawing object
            'shape': 'rounded_rectangle',# shape to draw
            'abs_x': 5,                  # absolute x dimension of shape in pixels
            'scale_y': .8,               # scale shape so it is 80% of available area
            'halign': 'center',          # horizontally center in area
            'valign': 'center',          # vertically center in area
            'draw_format': {'radius': 5, # any key word args (kwargs) needed for formatting the shpae
                            'outline': 'BLUE',
                            'width': 2},
            'height': 1/4,
            'width': .02,
            'abs_coordinates': (None, 0), # x value will be calculated from the 'tux_image' block, the y value is "0"
            'relative': ['tux_img', 'vertical_rule_1'], # use 'tux_image' X value, use 'vertical_rule_1' for Y value
            'fill': 'ORANGE',
            'bkground': 'WHITE',
            'mode': 'RGB'
    'pangram_a': { 
            'type': 'TextBlock',          # required as ov v0.6
            'image': None,                # set to None if this is a text block
            'max_lines': 3,               # maximum lines of text to use when wrapping text
            'padding': 10,                # padding around all edges (in pixles)
            'width': .73,                 # proportion of the entire width
            'height': 1/4,                # proprtion of the entire height
            'abs_coordinates': (None, 0), # absolute coordinates within the final image (use None for those
                                          # coordinates that are relative to other blocks and will be calculated
            'hcenter': False,             # horizontal-center the text and the resulting image
            'vcenter': True,              # vertically-center the text within the block
            'relative': ['vertical_rule_1', 'pangram_a'], # blocks to which THIS block's coordinates are relative to
                                                        # -- in this case X: `weather_img` and Y: `temperature`
                                                        # the width of the block `weather` will be used to
                                                        # to calculate the X value of this block and the Y value
                                                        # specified within the `temperature` block will be used 
            'font': '../fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf', # TTF Font face to use; relative paths are OK
            'font_size': None,             # set this to None to automatically scale the font to the size of the block
            'mode': 'RGB',                   
            'fill': 'ORANGE',
            'bkground': 'WHITE',
    'pangram_b': { 
                'type': 'TextBlock',
                'image': None,
                'max_lines': 3,
                'padding': 8,
                'width': 1,
                'height': 1/4,
                'abs_coordinates': (0, None),
                'hcenter': True,
                'vcenter': True,
                'relative': ['pangram_b', 'tux_img'],
                'font': '../fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf',
                'font_size': None,
                'inverse': False,
                'mode': 'RGB',
                'border_config': {'fill': 'RED', # add a border to the top and bottom of this text block
                                  'width': 5,
                                  'sides': ['top', 'bottom']},
                'fill': 'RED',
                'bkground': 'BLACK',
    'pangram_c': {
                'type': 'TextBlock',
                'image': None,
                'max_lines': 2,
                'align': 'center',
                'padding': 0,
                'width': 1,
                'height': 1/4,
                'abs_coordinates': (0, None),
                'hcenter': True,
                'vcenter': True,
                'relative': ['pangram_c', 'pangram_b'],
                'font': '../fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf',
                'font_size': None,
                'inverse': False,
                'mode': 'RGB',
                'fill': 'GREEN',
                'bkground': 'WHITE',
    'text': {
                'type': 'TextBlock',
                'image': None,
                'max_lines': 4,
                'align': 'right',
                'padding': 10,
                'width': 1,
                'height': 1/4,
                'abs_coordinates': (0, None),
                'hcenter': True,
                'vcenter': True,
                'relative': ['text', 'pangram_c'],
                'font': '../fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf',
                'font_size': None,
                'inverse': False,
                'mode': '1',
                'fill': 'BLACK',
                'bkground': 'WHITE'


my_layout = Layout(resolution=(640, 480))
my_layout.layout = layout
my_layout.mode = 'RGB'
my_layout.update_contents(update = {
    'tux_img': '../images/tux.png',      
    'pangram_a': 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',  
    'pangram_b': 'Pack my box with five jugs of liquor. This block has a top & bottom border',          
    'pangram_c': 'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.',                    
    'text': 'A pangram or holoalphabetic sentence is a sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once. This text is not anti-aliased.'})

img = my_layout.concat()'../images/pangrams.jpg')

Pangram Image 640x480 Pangram Image 300x180