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Kelly Rock edited this page Dec 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

Status: still developing

Drupal module that shows a particular paragraph field based on the node path.

Explanation of the Code

  1. Path Matching Logic:

    • The PathMatcher service is used to determine which paragraphs to display based on the current path.
  2. Field Filtering:

    • The code checks if the node has the paragraph field and retrieves referenced paragraphs.
    • Depending on the path, it filters or modifies the paragraphs before rendering.
  3. Rendering Paragraphs:

    • The entityTypeManager's viewBuilder is used to render the filtered paragraphs in the desired view mode.

Enable the Module

  1. Place the module in the modules/custom directory.
  2. Enable it using Drush or the admin UI:
drush en custom_paragraph_display
drush cr

Test the Module

  1. Create or edit a node with the specified paragraph field (field_paragraph_content).
  2. Visit the node's path (e.g., /special-path or /another-path/some-page).
  3. Verify that the correct paragraph(s) are displayed based on the current path.

This approach dynamically alters the rendering of the paragraph field based on the current path, offering a flexible and scalable solution.

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