File tree
1,632 files changed
lines changed- lib
- deprecated
- systems
- tests
- modules
- nixos
- doc/manual
- lib
- testing
- maintainers/scripts/openstack
- modules
- config
- xdg
- hardware
- i18n/input-method
- image
- installer
- cd-dvd
- netboot
- sd-card
- tools
- misc
- profiles
- programs
- wayland
- zsh
- security
- acme
- wrappers
- services
- audio
- backup
- cluster/kubernetes
- addons
- computing/slurm
- continuous-integration
- hydra
- databases
- desktops
- gnome
- pipewire
- development
- jupyterhub
- display-managers
- finance/libeufin
- games
- hardware
- nvidia-container-toolkit
- home-automation
- logging
- mail
- matrix
- misc
- monitoring
- prometheus
- exporters
- network-filesystems
- networking
- keepalived
- netbird
- ntp
- ssh
- strongswan-swanctl
- znc
- printing
- security
- system
- torrent
- ttys
- video
- web-apps
- web-servers
- apache-httpd
- nginx
- phpfpm
- x11
- desktop-managers
- display-managers
- window-managers
- system
- activation
- boot
- loader
- generations-dir
- generic-extlinux-compatible
- grub
- systemd
- etc
- tasks
- filesystems
- testing
- virtualisation
- podman
- tests
- fcitx5
- kubernetes
- networking
- nextcloud
- pam
- php
- wireguard
- pkgs
- applications
- audio
- abcde
- ardour
- faust
- fluidsynth
- ft2-clone
- grandorgue
- hydrogen
- miniaudicle
- openutau
- pianoteq
- pragha
- qjackctl
- seq66
- touchosc
- vorbis-tools
- blockchains
- elements
- lighthouse
- display-managers/lightdm
- editors
- android-studio
- cudatext
- emacs/elisp-packages
- formiko
- jetbrains
- plugins
- source
- leo-editor
- lite-xl
- mindforger
- neovim
- tests
- vim/plugins
- nvim-treesitter
- emulators
- dolphin-emu
- dosbox-x
- libretro/cores
- wine
- gis
- grass
- qgis
- graphics
- ImageMagick
- eddy
- f3d
- gnome-decoder
- hugin
- hydrus
- inkscape
- ipe
- kcc
- mandelbulber
- ovito
- pineapple-pictures
- tesseract
- unigine-sanctuary
- unigine-tropics
- kde
- maui
- misc
- ArchiSteamFarm
- bikeshed
- cubiomes-viewer
- electron-cash
- electrum
- fetchmail
- googler
- kemai
- klayout
- mkgmap/splitter
- organicmaps
- playonlinux
- plover
- polychromatic
- prusa-slicer
- qcad
- sweethome3d
- tandoor-recipes
- terminal-typeracer
- valentina
- networking
- browsers
- firefox
- firefox-bin
- ladybird
- surf
- vivaldi
- cloudflared
- cluster
- calico
- helm/plugins
- kops
- kuma
- roxctl
- terraform-providers
- datovka
- discordo
- dropbox
- ftp/filezilla
- gns3
- instant-messengers
- dino
- qtox
- msmtp
- mullvad
- mumble
- p2p/gnunet
- remote
- citrix-workspace
- putty
- vmware-horizon-client
- seafile-client
- syncthing
- wgnord
- office
- grisbi
- libreoffice
- morgen
- timetrap
- wpsoffice
- radio
- gnuradio
- openwebrx
- qradiolink
- sdrangel
- science
- chemistry/jmol
- electronics
- kicad
- nanovna-saver
- openems
- qucs-s
- logic
- coq
- cvc5
- rocq-core
- machine-learning/openbugs
- math
- R
- cemu-ti
- cplex
- mpsolve
- pari
- misc
- colmap
- foldingathome
- graphia
- openmvg
- openrefine
- molecular-dynamics/gromacs
- terminal-emulators/kitty
- version-management
- git
- git-cliff
- git-credential-manager
- gitlab
- gitlab-workhorse
- rubyEnv
- video
- jellyfin-media-player
- kaffeine
- kodi
- addons
- radioparadise
- visualization-projectm
- obs-studio
- plugins
- obs-teleport
- streamlink-twitch-gui
- tartube
- virtualization
- docker
- podman-desktop
- qemu
- window-managers
- i3
- phosh
- build-support
- appimage
- bintools-wrapper
- build-bazel-package
- build-fhsenv-bubblewrap
- cc-wrapper
- dart
- build-dart-application
- pub2nix
- docker
- fetchdocker
- fetchfirefoxaddon
- fetchgit
- fetchgithub
- fetchpypi
- go
- lib
- make-desktopitem
- mkshell
- node/fetch-npm-deps
- nuke-references
- rocq
- rust
- build-rust-crate
- hooks
- lib
- test/import-cargo-lock
- substitute-files
- testers
- hasPkgConfigModules
- trivial-builders
- test
- vm
- xen
- by-name
- aa/aalib
- ab/ab-av1
- ac/acme-sh
- ai/airshipper
- al
- alfaview
- alsa-lib-with-plugins
- alvr
- an
- angle-grinder
- ani-cli
- annotator
- ar
- arduino-ide
- argo
- arkade
- arpack
- au
- auth0-cli
- authenticator
- automatic-timezoned
- av/avalanchego
- ba
- babelstone-han
- bambu-studio
- bark
- be
- beatsabermodmanager
- bee
- benthos
- betaflight-configurator
- betula
- bi
- bililiverecorder
- bingo
- bl
- blockbook
- bluemap
- bluetuith
- bm/bmake
- bo
- booster
- bootstrap-studio
- br
- brev-cli
- brlcad
- bt/btcpayserver
- bu
- buf
- buildkit
- buildkit-nix
- bun
- ca
- cadaver
- cadvisor
- calibre-web
- cameradar
- cargo-insta
- cargo-nextest
- cargo-temp
- cavalier
- cd/cdogs-sdl
- ce
- celeste64
- centrifugo
- certmgr
- ch
- chamber
- chawan
- checkstyle
- chromaprint
- ck
- ckbcomp
- ckdl
- cl/cloudfoundry-cli
- cm/cmake
- co
- colima
- conduwuit
- container2wasm
- convfont
- coredns
- corosync
- cr
- craftos-pc
- crate2nix
- credhub-cli
- crun
- cu/curlMinimal
- cv/cvs
- cy/cyclonedx-cli
- da
- davfs2
- dayon
- db
- dblab
- dbmate
- dbus-broker
- dd/ddev
- de
- decker
- deltachat-desktop
- denaro
- desktop-file-utils
- deterministic-uname
- di
- discordchatexporter-cli
- discordchatexporter-desktop
- display3d
- dl/dl-librescore
- dn/dnspeep
- do
- docbook2x
- docbook5
- docker-credential-gcr
- doctl
- dogedns
- dolt
- dorion
- dosbox-staging
- dotnet-outdated
- dp
- dpdk
- dpkg
- dq/dqlite
- du
- dump
- duo-unix
- ea
- earthly
- easeprobe
- ec
- eclib
- ecs-agent
- eg/egl-wayland
- ei/eigenlayer
- el
- elastic
- element-call
- ell
- em/emacspeak
- en/endlessh-go
- er/erg
- ev/evil-winrm
- fa
- faas-cli
- factorio
- fe/ferretdb
- fi
- fiji
- firecracker
- firewalld
- fission
- fl
- flake-checker
- flarum
- flat-remix-gnome
- flet-client-flutter
- flood
- fluidd
- flyway
- fo/fop
- fr
- freecad
- freeorion
- freeplane
- frr
- fu/function-runner
- fz
- fzf
- fzf-make
- ga
- galaxy-buds-client
- galene
- gap
- gat
- gb/gbenchmark
- ge
- gedit
- geomyidae
- gh
- gh-gei
- ghostscript
- gi
- gImageReader
- gigalixir
- git-mit
- git-sync
- gitlab-runner
- gl
- glasgow
- glasskube
- globalping-cli
- gn/gnu-shepherd
- go
- go-graft
- go-ios
- go-judge
- go-mockery
- go2rtc
- gocover-cobertura
- goimports-reviser
- google-guest-oslogin
- goss
- gr
- grafana-agent
- graphqurl
- greybird
- grizzly
- grml-zsh-config
- grmon
- grpc
- grpc-gateway
- gruvbox-plus-icons
- gt
- gtk-engine-murrine
- gtrash
- gu
- guile-git
- guile-gnutls
- guile-zlib
- gumbo
- gv/gvisor
- ha
- halloy
- hashlink
- hi/himalaya
- hm/hmcl
- ho
- houdini
- howard-hinnant-date
- hs/hsd
- ht/htcondor
- hu/hubstaff
- hw/hwatch
- hy/hydra
- in
- inferno
- inspectrum
- inspircd
- io/iosevka-bin
- ip/ipmitool
- ir
- iroh
- irrd
- is/isabelle
- ja
- jan
- jay
- jd/jdt-language-server
- je
- jellyfin-ffmpeg
- jetbrains-toolbox
- jf
- jffi
- jfsw
- jj/jj
- jo
- joplin-desktop
- josm
- jq
- jq-lsp
- jql
- js/jsoncons
- ju/juicity
- jx
- jx
- jxrlib
- k3/k3sup
- k9/k9s
- ka/kapp
- kd/kdigger
- ke
- kea
- kew
- keydb
- kh/khoj
- ki/kile-wl
- ko/kopia
- kt/ktlint
- ku
- kube-router
- kubeclarity
- kubectl-gadget
- kubedock
- kubefirst
- kubemq-community
- kubevela
- ky/kyverno
- la
- lanraragi
- last
- latex2html
- lazysql
- ld/ldb
- le
- ledger
- lego
- li
- libass
- libblockdev
- libcap
- libcifpp
- libcouchbase
- libcpuid
- libdeltachat
- libdict
- libdrm
- libetonyek
- libffcall
- libgedit-gtksourceview
- libgedit-tepl
- libgnt
- libgpg-error
- libgphoto2
- libgpiod
- libhdhomerun
- libheif
- libiberty
- libid3tag
- libimagequant
- liblouis
- liblxi
- libmediainfo
- libmpc
- libmysqlconnectorcpp
- libnl
- libowfat
- libpostal
- libpsl
- libsolv
- libtas
- libtorrent-rasterbar-1_2_x
- libupnp
- libvarlink
- libvdpau
- libvisio
- ligolo-ng
- likwid
- linkchecker
- listmonk
- ll/lldap
- lo
- log4cxx
- logisim-evolution
- logseq
- lu
- lubelogger
- ludusavi
- luigi
- m1/m17n_db
- ma
- macchina
- magic-enum
- magic-vlsi
- manta
- manticoresearch
- masterpdfeditor
- matchbox-server
- maven
- md/mdbook-d2
- me
- mealie
- mediawiki
- melange
- memcached
- memtester
- meteor
- ml/mlkit
- mn/mnamer
- mo
- moar
- mockgen
- mold
- monetdb
- moneydance
- moodle-dl
- moq
- ms
- msbuild
- mstflint
- mu
- mutagen-compose
- mutter
- mutter46
- my
- myks
- mynewt-newt
- na
- nagios
- nali
- naps2
- nasm
- nd/ndppd
- ne
- neatvnc
- nelua
- neo4j
- neo4j-desktop
- neon
- nest-cli
- netavark
- networkmanager-fortisslvpn
- networkmanager-vpnc
- nextcloud-client
- nf/nfs-utils
- ng/ngn-k
- ni
- nifi
- ninja
- nix-snapshotter
- no
- nordzy-cursor-theme
- normcap
- nostr-rs-relay
- notesnook
- noto-fonts-cjk-sans
- noto-fonts-monochrome-emoji
- np/npm-check-updates
- ns/ns-usbloader
- nu/nu_scripts
- nw
- nwg-hello
- nwg-look
- nz
- nzbget
- nzportable
- ob
- objconv
- obsidian-export
- oc/octoprint
- oh/oha
- op
- opam-publish
- open62541
- opencascade-occt
- opencl-clhpp
- opencl-headers
- openfortivpn
- openjpeg
- openrocket
- openturns
- openvino
- openwsman
- openxr-loader
- opera
- or/ory
- os/ostree
- ot/otel-desktop-viewer
- ow/owl-compositor
- ox/oxlint
- pa
- pablodraw
- pacup
- pandoc
- paperless-ngx
- par2cmdline-turbo
- parsedmarc
- passt
- pathvector
- pc/pcsc-safenet
- pd/pdal
- pe
- persepolis
- petsc
- pg/pgpool
- pi
- picard
- picocrypt-cli
- pikopixel
- pixelfed
- po
- portmod
- postfixadmin
- pr/protoc-gen-js
- ps/psst
- pu/pushup
- pw/pw-viz
- py/pyenv
- qu
- quark-goldleaf
- quisk
- r2/r2mod_cli
- ra
- radicle-node
- ran
- raylib
- raylib-games
- re
- re-flex
- redmine
- redwax-tool
- relic
- rescrobbled
- resources
- retdec
- revive
- rm/rman
- ro
- rockbox-utility
- roslyn
- router
- rt/rtmpdump
- ru
- rubberband
- runc
- rush
- ry/ryujinx
- s2/s2n-tls
- sa/saleae-logic
- sc
- sc-im
- scdl
- schemacrawler
- scion
- scraper
- scrcpy
- scripthaus
- scrutiny
- scrutiny-collector
- sd/SDL1
- se
- selenium-manager
- sentry-native
- sesh
- sh
- shaarli
- shadow
- shopify-cli
- si
- siege
- signal-export
- signalbackup-tools
- silverbullet
- sk/skia
- sl
- slack
- slsa-verifier
- sm/smtprelay
- sn
- snipe-it
- snipes
- so
- soft-serve
- sogo
- sope
- sp
- space-orbit
- spdlog
- spotdl
- spotify-cli-linux
- sq
- sqlboiler
- sqlcl
- squeekboard
- sr/srm-cuarzo
- st
- steam
- steam-rom-manager
- storm
- stp
- stress-ng
- stripe-cli
- strongswan
- su
- subgit
- subxt
- super-productivity
- sv/sv-lang
- sw
- sway-unwrapped
- swaybg
- swaylock
- swaysome
- ta
- tana
- tanka
- taoup
- tarlz
- tc/tcsh
- td/tdb
- te
- temporal
- tensorflow-lite
- terramate
- terser
- th/throttled
- ti
- tidal-hifi
- tiny-dfr
- tinyssh
- tm/tmuxinator
- to
- toml11
- tone
- tr
- trippy
- tryton
- tu/tui-journal
- tw/twelf
- ty
- typescript
- typos-lsp
- ud/udpt
- uh/uhk-agent
- un
- unbound
- unvanquished
- up/upower
- ve/verifast
- vi
- virtiofsd
- virtual-ans
- vitess
- vm/vmware-workstation
- vo/voxelands
- vp
- vpl-gpu-rt
- vpp
- vt/vttest
- wa
- waf
- wallabag
- wasabibackend
- wayvnc
- we
- webdav
- webdis
- wh
- whatsapp-for-mac
- whistle
- wi
- wings
- wiremock
- x2/x264
- xd/xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
- xe/xercesc
- xl/xlockmore
- xm
- xmedcon
- xmlsec
- xmpp-bridge
- xmrig
- xmrig-mo
- xo/xonsh
- xq/xquartz
- xs/xsnow
- xt/xterm
- ya
- yamlscript
- yandex-browser
- yandex-disk
- yc/ycmd
- yg/yggdrasil-jumper
- yo
- youplot
- yourkit-java
- zb/zbus-xmlgen
- zs
- zsh-abbr
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-you-should-use
- zu/zulip
- zw/zwave-js-server
- zx/zxtune
- data
- icons/kora-icon-theme
- sgml+xml/schemas
- sgml-dtd/docbook
- xml-dtd/docbook
- desktops
- gnome
- extensions
- gsconnect
- valent
- lxqt
- pantheon
- apps
- elementary-files
- switchboard-plugs
- keyboard
- pantheon-shell
- desktop
- elementary-default-settings
- elementary-greeter
- elementary-gsettings-schemas
- elementary-session-settings
- elementary-shortcut-overlay
- wingpanel
- services
- elementary-notifications
- pantheon-agent-polkit
- xdg-desktop-portal-pantheon
- xfce
- core
- garcon
- libxfce4windowing
- thunar
- thunar-volman
- xfce4-appfinder
- xfce4-panel
- xfce4-power-manager
- xfce4-session
- xfce4-settings
- xfwm4
- panel-plugins
- xfce4-docklike-plugin
- xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
- development
- ada-modules
- gnatcoll
- gnatprove
- gprbuild
- xmlada
- beam-modules
- ex_doc
- bower-modules/generic
- compilers
- crystal
- dotnet
- 8
- 9
- elm
- packages/node
- factor-lang
- gcc
- common
- gerbil
- ghc
- gnat-bootstrap
- julia
- kotlin
- llvm/common
- clang
- compiler-rt
- libcxx
- libunwind
- lld
- llvm
- mlir
- openmp
- opensmalltalk-vm
- opensycl
- reason
- rust
- sbcl
- swift/compiler
- yosys/plugins
- coq-modules
- CoLoR
- ExtLib
- ITree
- bignums
- coq-elpi
- coqeal
- coqprime
- corn
- equations
- hierarchy-builder
- math-classes
- mathcomp
- paco
- stdlib
- vscoq-language-server
- embedded/rshell
- gnuradio-modules/osmosdr
- haskell-modules
- interpreters
- babashka
- clojure
- octave
- perl
- python
- cpython
- 2.7
- docs
- pypy
- supercollider
- plugins
- wasmtime
- libraries
- abseil-cpp
- allegro
- appstream
- audio/libopenmpt
- aws-sdk-cpp
- boost
- cctag
- cogl
- duckdb
- ffmpeg
- gdcm
- gnu-efi
- gnutls
- gstreamer
- bad
- base
- core
- devtools
- ges
- good
- libav
- rtsp-server
- ugly
- vaapi
- gtk
- hamlib
- hunspell
- isl
- libcdr
- libcef
- libepoxy
- libfilezilla
- libftdi
- libgit2
- libinput
- libpeas
- libphonenumber
- libpng
- libqglviewer
- libre
- librealsense
- libvirt
- libxmlxx
- libxslt
- lief
- malcontent
- mesa
- mongocxx
- ncurses
- ngtcp2
- oneDNN
- onnxruntime
- opencv
- openexr
- openimageio
- physfs
- qrencode
- qt-6
- quarto
- quictls
- qxmpp
- readline
- science/astronomy/indilib
- sqlite
- tk
- webrtc-audio-processing
- wt
- xapian
- tools/omega
- lisp-modules
- lua-modules
- mobile/androidenv
- examples
- ndk-bundle
- node-packages
- ocaml-modules
- camlpdf
- eliom
- elpi
- extlib
- hxd
- lacaml
- lwt
- mdx
- ocplib-simplex
- ocsigen-toolkit
- ocsipersist
- pcre
- postgresql
- ppx_yojson_conv
- octave-modules/netcdf
- perl-modules/Po4a
- python-modules
- awswrangler
- conda-libmamba-solver
- docker
- dploot
- duckdb-engine
- etils
- gradio
- json-schema-for-humans
- langcodes
- panel
- peewee
- polyswarm-api
- python-openstackclient
- semgrep
- sphinxawesome-theme
- strawberry-django
- txtai
- r-modules
- rocm-modules
- 5
- 6
- half
- hip-common
- hipcub
- hipfort
- hipify
- rocdbgapi
- rocm-cmake
- rocm-docs-core
- rocm-smi
- rocm-thunk
- rocprim
- rocrand
- rocq-modules/stdlib
- ruby-modules/gem-config
- tcl-modules/by-name/wa/wapp
- tools
- analysis
- hopper
- hotspot
- tflint-plugins
- valgrind
- build-managers/bazel/bazel_6
- coder
- database/cdb
- devpod
- godot/3
- misc
- coccinelle
- libtool
- patchelf
- nwjs
- ocaml
- cppo
- dune
- opam
- utop
- parsing
- antlr
- tree-sitter
- profiling/heaptrack
- py-spy
- rust
- bindgen
- cargo-zigbuild
- cbindgen
- sentry-cli
- yarn2nix-moretea
- web
- cypress
- nodejs
- games
- cataclysm-dda
- doom-ports/slade
- dwarf-fortress
- dfhack
- dwarf-therapist
- legends-browser
- gcompris
- instawow
- ldmud
- minecraft
- mudlet
- openra
- openspades
- openttd
- space-station-14-launcher
- wesnoth
- misc
- arm-trusted-firmware
- base16-builder
- cups
- fastly
- tmux-plugins
- uboot
- os-specific/linux
- apparmor
- busybox
- ch9344
- cryptodev
- firmware
- linux-firmware
- raspberrypi
- hid-tmff2
- iio-utils
- kernel
- kmod
- libbpf
- mstflint_access
- new-lg4ff
- nvidia-x11
- r8168
- v4l2loopback
- virtio_vmmci
- pkgs-lib
- tests
- servers
- adguardhome
- akkoma
- apache-kafka
- dns/nsd
- firebird
- foundationdb
- headscale
- http
- apache-httpd
- apache-modules
- mod_dnssd
- mod_python
- couchdb
- nginx
- klipper
- lidarr
- mail
- mailman
- opensmtpd
- metabase
- mobilizon
- monitoring
- loki
- prometheus
- mx-puppet-discord
- nosql/eventstore
- openafs/1.8
- oxigraph
- polaris
- radarr
- search/elasticsearch
- sip/freeswitch
- spicedb
- sql/postgresql/ext
- web-apps
- freshrss
- moodle
- x11/xorg
- xmpp/prosody
- shells
- bash
- fish
- plugins
- nushell/plugins
- stdenv
- generic
- test
- cc-wrapper
- stdenv
- top-level
- tools
- admin
- ibmcloud-cli
- procs
- pulumi-bin
- pulumi-packages
- archivers
- 7zz
- unar
- backup/dar
- compression/gzip
- filesystems/mtools
- graphics
- graphviz
- netpbm
- inputmethods
- fcitx5
- interception-tools
- misc
- archi
- calamares
- coreboot-configurator
- graylog
- grub
- instaloader
- qflipper
- networking
- dd-agent
- lxi-tools
- networkmanager
- package-management
- akku
- apk-tools
- nix
- nix-prefetch-scripts
- security
- chipsec
- fwknop
- kwalletcli
- nitrokey-app2
- pinentry
- system/colorls
- text
- chars
- gnugrep
- xml/jing-trang
- typesetting
- htmldoc
- tex/texlive
- xmlto
- video/yaydl
- virtualization/cloud-init
- top-level
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,632 files changed
lines changed+137-100
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3 | 3 |
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4 | 4 |
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135 | 169 |
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136 | 170 |
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137 | 171 |
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154 | 188 |
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161 | 198 |
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162 | 199 |
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163 | 200 |
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176 | 213 |
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177 | 214 |
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178 | 215 |
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179 |
| - | |
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180 | 217 |
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181 | 218 |
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182 | 219 |
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0 commit comments