A Node-RED node to create dummy data values from a template. Useful for building test-cases.
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-node-data-generator
Creates dummy data based on a handlebars-style template.
Uses the dummy-json module, which can create rich sets of dummy data for testing or other uses.
It will build a string, or a parsed JSON object, creating values based on the helper names below:
title, firstname, lastname, company, domain, tld, email,
street, city, country, countryCode, zipcode, postcode,
lat, long, phone, color, hexColor, guid,
ipv4, ipv6, lorem, date, time,
lowercase, uppercase, int, float, boolean
Multiple values can be generated by use of the repeat
In addition any properties passed in on the msg
object can also be used - for example {{payload}}.
Finally msg.seed
can be used to preset the pseudo-random seed to ensure repeatability across calls.
The example flow below produces a JSON string which is then converted into an object, for example:
"name": "Theo Cumbie",
"work": "CoreXTS",
"email": "theo.cumbie@corexts.gov",
"address": "83 Sherman Road",
"country": "Angola",
"text": "Sagittis orci elementum e vel scelerisque. Amet ac tristique lectus. Morbi e suscipit scelerisque auctor curabitur velit metus gravida quis."
Example flow
[{"id":"325b6a4a.cf1706","type":"inject","z":"4affede3.af6f44","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":110,"y":300,"wires":[["9d14acc0.c8d9d"]]},{"id":"96c9a04e.35232","type":"debug","z":"4affede3.af6f44","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"false","x":513,"y":300,"wires":[]},{"id":"9d14acc0.c8d9d","type":"data-generator","z":"4affede3.af6f44","name":"","field":"payload","fieldType":"msg","syntax":"json","template":"{\n "name": "{{firstName}} {{lastName}}",\n "work": "{{company}}",\n "email": "{{email}}",\n "address": "{{int 1 100}} {{street}}",\n "country": "{{country}}",\n "countryCode": "{{countryCode}}",\n "text":"{{lorem 20}}"\n}","x":280,"y":300,"wires":[["96c9a04e.35232"]]}]