Welcome to the monorepo of my personal blog! This repository houses the code for my blog, where I share my thoughts, projects, and insights. Feel free to explore and get inspired.
- ⚡️ Next.js 15 with App Router
- 📝 MDX
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS - for styling
- 🌈 Radix UI - accessible UI components
- 🛡 Strict TypeScript and ESLint configuration
- 📱 Responsive design
- 🌗 Light / Dark mode
- 📈 SEO optimized with meta tags and JSON-LD
- 📰 RSS feed
- 🗺 Sitemap
- 📊 Umami Analytics
- 📝 Blog with comments, likes, and post views
- 🔎 Blog post search
- 📖 Table of contents for blog posts
- 📷 Image zoom - zoom in on images in blog posts
- 📝 Code syntax highlighting - using Shiki
- 🎨 Animation - using Framer Motion
- 🏠 LightHouse score of nearly 100
- 🧪 Vitest - unit and integration tests
- 🎭 Playwright - end-to-end tests
- 🔨 Husky & Lint Staged - lint and format code before committing
- ✅ Conventional commit lint - make sure commit messages follow the conventional commit format
- 🔒 NextAuth.js - authentication
- 💄 Prettier - code formatting
- 〰️ Drizzle - ORM
- 👷🏻♂️ t3-env - validate environment variables before building
- 🤖 Auto refresh - fast refresh when updating MDX
- 🌄 Open graph image - using
- 📁 Redis - for caching
- 🧯 Upstash - for API rate limiting
- 🪄 CSpell - for spelling checking
- Node, recommended
with corepack enabled - pnpm, recommended
- Visual Studio Code with recommended extensions
- Optionally React Developer Tools
Please refer to the contributing guidelines for detailed information on how to start the app locally and contribute to this project.
This project has been possible thanks to the wonderful open-source community. Special thanks to Timothy for the Tailwind nextjs starter blog template.
This project also uses / adapts the following open-source projects
Without them, this project would not have been possible:
- Comment System - from fuma-comment
- Rehype Plugins - from fuma-docs
- MDX Rendering - from next-mdx-remote
- MDX Handling - from contentlayer
- UI - from shadcn/ui
- ESLint config - from @antfu/eslint-config
Referenced the following projects for inspiration:
- fumadocs
- leerob.io
- nerdfish.be
- nextra.site
- theodorusclarence.com
- ped.ro
- delba.dev
- joshwcomeau.com
- blog.maximeheckel.com
- zenorocha.com
- jahir.dev
- anishde.dev
- nikolovlazar.com
- samuelkraft.com
- bentogrids.com
- ui.aceternity.com
- hover.dev
- vocs.dev
and more but I can't remember them all 🥹
Please do not deploy this directly to production. It is not a template and is not intended to be used as one.
This project is open source and available under the GPL3 License.
Made with ❤️ in Hong Kong