This is a simple wrapper to make calling the Riot League of Legends api extremely easy within a python app.
pip install pyriot
from pyriot.wrapper import PyRiot, NORTH_AMERICA
priot = PyRiot('your_riot_api_key')
priot.summoner_get_by_name(NORTH_AMERICA, 'evangs')
{u'id': 24915110,
u'name': u'evangs',
u'profileIconId': 547,
u'revisionDate': 1387485731000,
u'summonerLevel': 30}
For more in-depth documentation, look at the source code pyriot/
champions(region, free_to_play=False)
- region - use the region constants in
- free_to_play - flag when set to true only returns free to play champions
recent_games(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
leagues(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
stats_summary(region, summoner_id, season=None)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
- season - integer representation of the season (1, 2, 3, etc)
stats_ranked(region, summoner_id, season=None)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
- season - integer representation of the season (1, 2, 3, etc)
summoner_masteries(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
summoner_runes(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
summoner_get_by_name(region, summoner_name)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_name - name of the summoner
summoner_get_by_id(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
summoner_get_names_for_ids(region, summoner_ids)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_ids - comma separated string of summoner ids
teams(region, summoner_id)
- region - use the region constants in
- summoner_id - the summoner id can be obtained by calling the summoner_get_by_name function
This code is licensed under the MIT License, but to use the Riot api you must also agree to their terms of use found at