Web clients and servers often pass information around as a simple textual list of key-value pairs.
The encoding is named application/x-www-form-urlencoded
, and
it’s easy to understand. Each key-value pair is separated by an
character. Within a pair, a key is a series of characters,
followed by an =
, followed by a value.
We can obviously represent a key as a String
, but the HTTP
specification is not clear about whether a key must be followed by
a value. We can capture this ambiguity by representing a value as
a Maybe String
. If we use Nothing
for a value, then there was
no value present. If we wrap a string in Just
, then there was a
value. Using Maybe
lets us distinguish between “no value” and
“empty value”.
Haskell programmers use the name association list for the type
[(a, b)]
, where we can think of each element as an association
between a key and a value. The name originates in the Lisp
community, where it’s usually abbreviated as an alist. We could
thus represent the above string as the following Haskell value.
[("name", Just "Attila \"The Hun\""),
("occupation", Just "Khan")]
In the section called “Parsing an URL-encoded query string”
parsed an application/x-www-form-urlencoded
string, and
represented the result as an alist of [(String, Maybe String)]
Let’s say we want to use one of these alists to fill out a data
import Control.Monad
data MovieReview = MovieReview {
revTitle :: String
, revUser :: String
, revReview :: String
We’ll begin by belabouring the obvious with a naive function.
simpleReview :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> Maybe MovieReview
simpleReview alist =
case lookup "title" alist of
Just (Just title@(_:_)) ->
case lookup "user" alist of
Just (Just user@(_:_)) ->
case lookup "review" alist of
Just (Just review@(_:_)) ->
Just (MovieReview title user review)
_ -> Nothing -- no review
_ -> Nothing -- no user
_ -> Nothing -- no title
It only returns a MovieReview
if the alist contains all of the
necessary values, and they’re all non-empty strings. However, the
fact that it validates its inputs is its only merit: it suffers
badly from the “staircasing” that we’ve learned to be wary of, and
it knows the intimate details of the representation of an alist.
Since we’re now well acquainted with the Maybe
monad, we can
tidy up the staircasing.
maybeReview alist = do
title <- lookup1 "title" alist
user <- lookup1 "user" alist
review <- lookup1 "review" alist
return (MovieReview title user review)
lookup1 key alist = case lookup key alist of
Just (Just s@(_:_)) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
Although this is much tidier, we’re still repeating ourselves. We
can take advantage of the fact that the MovieReview
acts as a normal, pure function by lifting it into the monad, as
we discussed in the section called “Mixing pure and monadic code”
liftedReview alist =
liftM3 MovieReview (lookup1 "title" alist)
(lookup1 "user" alist)
(lookup1 "review" alist)
We still have some repetition here, but it is dramatically reduced, and also more difficult to remove.
Although using liftM3
tidies up our code, we can’t use a
-family function to solve this sort of problem in general,
because they’re only defined up to liftM5
by the standard
libraries. We could write variants up to whatever number we
pleased, but that would amount to drudgery.
If we had a constructor or pure function that took, say, ten parameters, and decided to stick with the standard libraries you might think we’d be out of luck.
Of course, our toolbox isn’t yet empty. In Control.Monad
there’s a function named ap
with an interesting type signature.
ghci> :m +Control.Monad
ghci> :type ap
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
You might wonder who would put a single-argument pure function
inside a monad, and why. Recall, however, that all Haskell
functions really take only one argument, and you’ll begin to see
how this might relate to the MovieReview
ghci> :type MovieReview
MovieReview :: String -> String -> String -> MovieReview
We can just as easily write that type as
String -> (String -> (String -> MovieReview))
. If we use plain
old liftM
to lift MovieReview
into the Maybe
monad, we’ll
have a value of type
Maybe (String -> (String -> (String -> MovieReview)))
. We can
now see that this type is suitable as an argument for ap
, in
which case the result type will be
Maybe (String -> (String -> MovieReview))
. We can pass this, in
turn, to ap
, and continue to chain until we end up with this
apReview alist =
MovieReview `liftM` lookup1 "title" alist
`ap` lookup1 "user" alist
`ap` lookup1 "review" alist
We can chain applications of ap
like this as many times as we
need to, thereby bypassing the liftM
family of functions.
Another helpful way to look at ap
is that it’s the monadic
equivalent of the familiar (<*>)
operator: think of pronouncing
as apply. We can see this clearly when we compare the type
signatures of the two functions.
ghci> :type (<*>)
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ghci> :type ap
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
And that’s why, as we saw in Chapter 15, Monads, they are synonyms.
Here’s a simple representation of a person’s phone numbers.
import Control.Monad
data Context = Home | Mobile | Business
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Phone = String
albulena = [(Home, "+355-652-55512")]
nils = [(Mobile, "+47-922-55-512"), (Business, "+47-922-12-121"),
(Home, "+47-925-55-121"), (Business, "+47-922-25-551")]
twalumba = [(Business, "+260-02-55-5121")]
Suppose we want to get in touch with someone to make a personal call. We don’t want their business number, and we’d prefer to use their home number (if they have one) instead of their mobile number.
onePersonalPhone :: [(Context, Phone)] -> Maybe Phone
onePersonalPhone ps = case lookup Home ps of
Nothing -> lookup Mobile ps
Just n -> Just n
Of course, if we use Maybe
as the result type, we can’t
accommodate the possibility that someone might have more than one
number that meet our criteria. For that, we switch to a list.
allBusinessPhones :: [(Context, Phone)] -> [Phone]
allBusinessPhones ps = map snd numbers
where numbers = case filter (contextIs Business) ps of
[] -> filter (contextIs Mobile) ps
ns -> ns
contextIs a (b, _) = a == b
Notice that these two functions structure their case
similarly: one alternative handles the case where the first lookup
returns an empty result, while the other handles the non-empty
ghci> onePersonalPhone twalumba
ghci> onePersonalPhone albulena
Just "+355-652-55512"
ghci> allBusinessPhones nils
Haskell’s Control.Monad
module defines a type class, MonadPlus
that lets us abstract the common pattern out of our case
class Monad m => MonadPlus m where
mzero :: m a
mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a
The value mzero
represents an empty result, while mplus
combines two results into one. Here are the standard definitions
of mzero
and mplus
for Maybe
and lists.
instance MonadPlus [] where
mzero = []
mplus = (++)
instance MonadPlus Maybe where
mzero = Nothing
Nothing `mplus` ys = ys
xs `mplus` _ = xs
We can now use mplus
to get rid of our case
entirely. For variety, let’s fetch one business and all personal
phone numbers.
oneBusinessPhone :: [(Context, Phone)] -> Maybe Phone
oneBusinessPhone ps = lookup Business ps `mplus` lookup Mobile ps
allPersonalPhones :: [(Context, Phone)] -> [Phone]
allPersonalPhones ps = map snd $ filter (contextIs Home) ps `mplus`
filter (contextIs Mobile) ps
In these functions, because we know that lookup
returns a value
of type Maybe
, and filter
returns a list, it’s obvious which
version of mplus
is going to be used in each case.
What’s more interesting is that we can use mzero
and mplus
write functions that will be useful for any MonadPlus
instance. As an example, here’s the standard lookup
which returns a value of type Maybe
lookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
lookup _ [] = Nothing
lookup k ((x,y):xys) | x == k = Just y
| otherwise = lookup k xys
We can easily generalise the result type to any instance of
as follows.
lookupM :: (MonadPlus m, Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> m b
lookupM _ [] = mzero
lookupM k ((x,y):xys)
| x == k = return y `mplus` lookupM k xys
| otherwise = lookupM k xys
This lets us get either no result or one, if our result type is
; all results, if our result type is a list; or something
more appropriate for some other exotic instance of MonadPlus
For small functions, such as those we present above, there’s
little benefit to using mplus
. The advantage lies in more
complex code and in code that is independent of the monad in which
it executes. Even if you don’t find yourself needing MonadPlus
for your own code, you are likely to encounter it in other
people’s projects.
Even though the mplus
function contains the text “plus”, you
should not think of it as necessarily implying that we’re trying
to add two values.
Depending on the monad we’re working in, mplus
may implement
an operation that looks like addition. For example, mplus
in the
list monad is implemented as the (++)
ghci> [1,2,3] `mplus` [4,5,6]
However, if we switch to another monad, the obvious similarity to addition falls away.
ghci> Just 1 `mplus` Just 2
Just 1
Instances of the MonadPlus
type class must follow a few simple
rules, in addition to the usual monad rules.
An instance must short circuit if mzero
appears on the left of
a bind expression. In other words, an expression mzero >>= f
must evaluate to the same result as mzero
mzero >>= f == mzero
An instance must short circuit if mzero
appears on the right
of a sequence expression.
v >> mzero == mzero
When we introduced the fail
function in
the section called “The Monad type class”
warn against its use: in many monads, it’s implemented as a call
to error
, which has unpleasant consequences.
The MonadPlus
type class gives us a gentler way to fail a
computation, without fail
or error
blowing up in our faces.
The rules that we introduced above allow us to introduce an
into our code wherever we need to, and computation will
short circuit at that point.
In the Control.Monad
module, the standard function guard
packages up this idea in a convenient form.
guard :: (MonadPlus m) => Bool -> m ()
guard True = return ()
guard False = mzero
As a simple example, here’s a function that takes a number x
computes its value modulo some other number n
. If the result is
zero, it returns x
, otherwise the current monad’s mzero
x `zeroMod` n = guard ((x `mod` n) == 0) >> return x
In the section called “Using the state monad: generating random values”
we showed how to use the State
monad to give ourselves access to
random numbers in a way that is easy to use.
A drawback of the code we developed is that it’s leaky: someone
who uses it knows that they’re executing inside the State
This means that they can inspect and modify the state of the
random number generator just as easily as we, the authors, can.
Human nature dictates that if we leave our internal workings exposed, someone will surely come along and monkey with them. For a sufficiently small program, this may be fine, but in a larger software project, when one consumer of a library modifies its internals in a way that other consumers are not prepared for, the resulting bugs can be among the hardest of all to track down. These bugs occur at a level where we’re unlikely to question our basic assumptions about a library until long after we’ve exhausted all other avenues of inquiry.
Even worse, once we leave our implementation exposed for a while, and some well-intentioned person inevitably bypasses our APIs and uses the implementation directly, we create a nasty quandary for ourselves if we need to fix a bug or make an enhancement. Either we can modify our internals, and break code that depends on them; or we’re stuck with our existing internals, and must try to find some other way to make the change we need.
How can we revise our random number monad so that the fact that
we’re using the State
monad is hidden? We need to somehow
prevent our users from being able to call get
or put
. This is
not difficult to do, and it introduces some tricks that we’ll
reuse often in day-to-day Haskell programming.
To widen our scope, we’ll move beyond random numbers, and
implement a monad that supplies unique values of any kind. The
name we’ll give to our monad is Supply
. We’ll provide the
execution function, runSupply
, with a list of values; it will be
up to us to ensure that each one is unique.
runSupply :: Supply s a -> [s] -> (a, [s])
The monad won’t care what the values are: they might be random numbers, or names for temporary files, or identifiers for HTTP cookies.
Within the monad, every time a consumer asks for a value, the
action will take the next one from the list and give it to
the consumer. Each value is wrapped in a Maybe
constructor in
case the list isn’t long enough to satisfy the demand.
next :: Supply s (Maybe s)
To hide our plumbing, in our module declaration we only export the
type constructor, the execution function, and the next
module Supply
, next
, runSupply
) where
Since a module that imports the library can’t see the internals of the monad, it can’t manipulate them.
Our plumbing is exceedingly simple: we use a newtype
to wrap the existing State
import Control.Monad.State
newtype Supply s a = S (State [s] a)
The s
parameter is the type of the unique values we are going to
supply, and a
is the usual type parameter that we must provide
in order to make our type a monad.
Our use of newtype
for the Supply
type and our module header
join forces to prevent our clients from using the State
and set
actions. Because our module does not export the
data constructor, clients have no programmatic way to see that
we’re wrapping the State
monad, or to access it.
At this point, we’ve got a type, Supply
, that we need to make an
instance of the Monad
type class. We could follow the usual
pattern of defining (>>=)
and return
, but this would be pure
boilerplate code. All we’d be doing is wrapping and unwrapping the
monad’s versions of (>>=)
and return
using our s
value constructor. Here is how such code would look.
import Control.Monad.State
newtype Supply s a = S (State [s] a)
unwrapS :: Supply s a -> State [s] a
unwrapS (S s) = s
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure = S . pure
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Supply s) where
s >>= m = S (unwrapS s >>= unwrapS . m)
Haskell programmers are not fond of boilerplate, and sure enough, GHC has a lovely language extension that eliminates the work. To use it, we add the following directive to the top of our source file, before the module header.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
Usually, we can only automatically derive instances of a handful
of standard type classes, such as Show
and Eq
. As its name
suggests, the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
extension broadens our
ability to derive type class instances, and it is specific to
declarations. If the type we’re wrapping is an instance
of any type class, the extensions can automatically make our new
type an instance of that type class as follows.
deriving (Monad)
This takes the underlying type’s implementations of (>>=)
, adds the necessary wrapping and unwrapping with our s
data constructor, and uses the new versions of those functions to
derive a Monad
instance for us.
What we gain here is very useful beyond just this example. We can
use newtype
to wrap any underlying type; we selectively expose
only those type class instances that we want; and we expend almost
no effort to create these narrower, more specialised types.
Sadly currently GHC is not able to automatically derive the required functor and applicative instance of our monad so we still need a little bit of boilerplate:
instance Functor (Supply s) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Supply s) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
Now that we’ve seen the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
all that remains is to provide definitions of next
next = S $ do st <- get
case st of
[] -> return Nothing
(x:xs) -> do put xs
return (Just x)
runSupply (S m) xs = runState m xs
If we load our module into ghci
, we can try it out in a few
simple ways.
ghci> :load Supply
[1 of 1] Compiling Supply ( Supply.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
ghci> runSupply next [1,2,3]
(Just 1,[2,3])
ghci> runSupply (liftM2 (,) next next) [1,2,3]
((Just 1,Just 2),[3])
ghci> runSupply (liftM2 (,) next next) [1]
((Just 1,Nothing),[])
If we want to use our Supply
monad as a source of random
numbers, we have a small difficulty to face. Ideally, we’d like to
be able to provide it with an infinite stream of random numbers.
We can get a StdGen
in the IO
monad, but we must “put back” a
different StdGen
when we’re done. If we don’t, the next piece of
code to get a StdGen
will get the same state as we did. This
means it will generate the same random numbers as we did, which is
potentially catastrophic.
From the parts of the System.Random
module we’ve seen so far,
it’s difficult to reconcile these demands. We can use
, whose type ensures that when we get a StdGen
, we
put one back.
ghci> :t System.Random.getStdRandom
System.Random.getStdRandom :: (StdGen -> (a, StdGen)) -> IO a
We can use random
to get back a new StdGen
when they give us a
random number. And we can use randoms
to get an infinite list of
random numbers. But how do we get both an infinite list of random
numbers and a new StdGen
The answer lies with the RandomGen
type class’s split
function, which takes one random number generator, and turns it
into two generators. Splitting a random generator like this is a
most unusual thing to be able to do: it’s obviously tremendously
useful in a pure functional setting, but essentially never either
necessary or provided by an impure language.
Using the split
function, we can use one StdGen
to generate an
infinite list of random numbers to feed to runSupply
, while we
give the other back to the IO
module RandomSupply where
import Supply
import System.Random hiding (next)
randomsIO :: Random a => IO [a]
randomsIO =
getStdRandom $ \g ->
let (a, b) = split g
in (randoms a, b)
If we’ve written this function properly, our example ought to print a different random number on each invocation.
ghci> :load RandomSupply
[1 of 2] Compiling Supply ( Supply.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 2] Compiling RandomSupply ( RandomSupply.hs, interpreted )
Ok, two modules loaded.
ghci> (fst . runSupply next) `fmap` randomsIO
Just 6077368651500926723
ghci> (fst . runSupply next) `fmap` randomsIO
Just (-7180502226926150515)
Recall that our runSupply
function returns both the result of
executing the monadic action and the unconsumed remainder of the
list. Since we passed it an infinite list of random numbers, we
compose with fst
to ensure that we don’t get drowned in random
numbers when ghci
tries to print the result.
The pattern of applying a function to one element of a pair, and constructing a new pair with the other original element untouched, is common enough in Haskell code that it has been turned into standard code.
In the Control.Arrow
module are two functions, first
, that perform this operation.
ghci> :m +Control.Arrow
ghci> first (+3) (1,2)
ghci> second odd ('a',1)
(Indeed, we already encountered second
, in
the section called “JSON type classes without overlapping instances”
We can use first
to golf our definition of randomsIO
, turning
it into a one-liner.
import Control.Arrow (first)
import System.Random
randomsIO_golfed :: Random a => IO [a]
randomsIO_golfed = getStdRandom (first randoms . split)
In the previous section, we saw how to hide the fact that we’re
using a State
monad to hold the state for our Supply
Another important way to make code more modular involves separating its /interface/—what the code can do—from its /implementation/—how it does it.
The standard random number generator in System.Random
is known
to be quite slow. If we use our randomsIO
function to provide it
with random numbers, then our next
action will not perform well.
One simple and effective way that we could deal with this is to
provide Supply
with a better source of random numbers. Let’s set
this idea aside, though, and consider an alternative approach, one
that is useful in many settings. We will separate the actions we
can perform with the monad from how it works using a type class.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import qualified Supply as S
class (Monad m) => MonadSupply s m | m -> s where
next :: m (Maybe s)
This type class defines the interface that any supply monad must implement. It bears careful inspection, since it uses several unfamiliar Haskell language extensions. We will cover each one in the sections that follow.
How should we read the snippet MonadSupply s m
in the type class?
If we add parentheses, an equivalent expression is
(MonadSupply s) m
, which is a little clearer. In other words,
given some type variable m
that is a monad, we can make it an
instance of the type class MonadSupply s
. unlike a regular
type class, this one has a parameter.
As this language extension allows a type class to have more than
one parameter, its name is MultiParamTypeClasses
. The parameter
serves the same purpose as the Supply
type’s parameter of
the same name: it represents the type of the values handed out by
the next
Notice that we don’t need to mention (>>=)
or return
in the
definition of MonadSupply s
, since the type class’s context
(superclass) requires that a MonadSupply s
must already be a
To revisit a snippet that we ignored earlier, | m -> s
is a
functional dependency, often called a fundep. We can read the
vertical bar |
as “such that”, and the arrow ->
as “uniquely
determines”. Our functional dependency establishes a
relationship between m
and s
The availability of functional dependencies is governed by the
language pragma.
The purpose behind us declaring a relationship is to help the type checker. Recall that a Haskell type checker is essentially a theorem prover, and that it is conservative in how it operates: it insists that its proofs must terminate. A non-terminating proof results in the compiler either giving up or getting stuck in an infinite loop.
With our functional dependency, we are telling the type checker
that every time it sees some monad m
being used in the context
of a MonadSupply s
, the type s
is the only acceptable type to
use with it. If we were to omit the functional dependency, the
type checker would simply give up with an error message.
It’s hard to picture what the relationship between m
and s
really means, so let’s look at an instance of this type class.
instance MonadSupply s (S.Supply s) where
next = S.next
Here, the type variable m
is replaced by the type S.Supply s
Thanks to our functional dependency, the type checker now knows
that when it sees a type S.Supply s
, the type can be used as an
instance of the type class MonadSupply s
If we didn’t have a functional dependency, the type checker would
not be able to figure out the relationship between the type
parameter of the class MonadSupply s
and that of the type
Supply s
, and it would abort compilation with an error. The
definition itself would compile; the type error would not arise
until the first time we tried to use it.
To strip away one final layer of abstraction, consider the type
S.Supply Int
. Without a functional dependency, we could declare
this an instance of MonadSupply s
. However, if we tried to write
code using this instance, the compiler would not be able to figure
out that the type’s Int
parameter needs to be the same as the
type class’s s
parameter, and it would report an error.
Functional dependencies can be tricky to understand, and once we move beyond simple uses, they often prove difficult to work with in practice. Fortunately, the most frequent use of functional dependencies is in situations as simple as ours, where they cause little trouble.
If we save our type class and instance in a source file named
, we’ll need to add a module header such as the
module SupplyClass
, S.Supply
, S.runSupply
) where
Notice that we’re re-exporting the runSupply
and Supply
from this module. It’s perfectly legal to export a name from one
module even though it’s defined in another. In our case, it means
that client code only needs to import the SupplyClass
without also importing the Supply
module. This reduces the
number of “moving parts” that a user of our code needs to keep in
Here is a simple function that fetches two values from our
monad, formats them as a string, and returns them.
showTwo :: (Show s) => Supply s String
showTwo = do
a <- next
b <- next
return (show "a: " ++ show a ++ ", b: " ++ show b)
This code is tied by its result type to our Supply
monad. We can
easily generalize to any monad that implements our MonadSupply
interface by modifying our function’s type. Notice that the body
of the function remains unchanged.
showTwo_class :: (Show s, Monad m, MonadSupply s m) => m String
showTwo_class = do
a <- next
b <- next
return (show "a: " ++ show a ++ ", b: " ++ show b)
The State
monad lets us plumb a piece of mutable state through
our code. Sometimes, we would like to be able to pass some
immutable state around, such as a program’s configuration data.
We could use the State
monad for this purpose, but we could then
find ourselves accidentally modifying data that should remain
Let’s forget about monads for a moment and think about what a
function with our desired characteristics ought to do. It should
accept a value of some type e
(for environment) that
represents the data that we’re passing in, and return a value of
some other type a
as its result. The overall type we want is
e -> a
To turn this type into a convenient Monad
instance, we’ll wrap
it in a newtype
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module SupplyInstance where
import Control.Monad
import SupplyClass
newtype Reader e a = R { runReader :: e -> a }
Making this into a Monad
instance doesn’t take much work.
instance Functor (Reader a) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Reader a) where
pure a = R $ \_ -> a
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Reader e) where
m >>= k = R $ \r -> runReader (k (runReader m r)) r
We can think of our value of type e
as an environment in which
we’re evaluating some expression. The return
action should have
the same effect no matter what the environment is, so our version
ignores its environment.
Our definition of (>>=)
is a little more complicated, but only
because we have to make the environment—here the variable
~r~—available both in the current computation and in the
computation we’re chaining into.
How does a piece of code executing in this monad find out what’s
in its environment? It simply has to ask
ask :: Reader e e
ask = R id
Within a given chain of actions, every invocation of ask
return the same value, since the value stored in the environment
doesn’t change. Our code is easy to test in ghci
ghci> :l SupplyInstance.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( SupplyInstance.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
ghci> runReader (ask >>= \x -> return (x * 3)) 2
The Reader
monad is included in the standard mtl
which is usually bundled with GHC. You can find it in the
module. The motivation for this monad may
initially seem a little thin, because it is most often useful in
complicated code. We’ll often need to access a piece of
configuration information deep in the bowels of a program; passing
that information in as a normal parameter would require a painful
restructuring of our code. By hiding this information in our
monad’s plumbing, intermediate functions that don’t care about the
configuration information don’t need to see it.
The clearest motivation for the Reader
monad will come in
Chapter 18, /Monad transformers/, when we discuss combining
several monads to build a new monad. There, we’ll see how to gain
finer control over state, so that our code can modify some values
via the State
monad, while other values remain immutable,
courtesy of the Reader
Now that we know about the Reader
monad, let’s use it to create
an instance of our MonadSupply
type class. To keep our example
simple, we’ll violate the spirit of MonadSupply
here: our next
action will always return the same value, instead of always
returning a different value.
It would be a bad idea to directly make the Reader
type an
instance of the MonadSupply
class, because then any Reader
could act as a MonadSupply
. This would usually not make any
Instead, we create a newtype
based on Reader
. The newtype
hides the fact that we’re using Reader
internally. We must now
make our type an instance of both of the type classes we care
about. With the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
extension enabled,
GHC will do most of the hard work for us.
newtype MySupply e a = MySupply { runMySupply :: Reader e a }
deriving (Monad)
instance Functor (MySupply a) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (MySupply a) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance MonadSupply e (MySupply e) where
next = MySupply $ do
v <- ask
return (Just v)
-- more concise:
-- next = MySupply (Just `liftM` ask)
Notice that we must make our type an instance of MonadSupply e
not MonadSupply
. If we omit the type variable, the compiler will
To try out our MySupply
type, we’ll first create a simple
function that should work with any MonadSupply
xy :: (Num s, MonadSupply s m) => m s
xy = do
Just x <- next
Just y <- next
return (x * y)
If we use this with our Supply
monad and randomsIO
we get a different answer every time, as we expect.
import Supply
import SupplyInstance
import RandomSupply
ghci> :l RandomSupplyInstance.hs
[1 of 5] Compiling Supply ( Supply.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 5] Compiling RandomSupply ( RandomSupply.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 5] Compiling SupplyClass ( SupplyClass.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 5] Compiling SupplyInstance ( SupplyInstance.hs, interpreted)
[5 of 5] Compiling Main ( RandomSupplyInstance.hs, interp reted )
Ok, five modules loaded.
ghci> (fst . runSupply xy) `fmap` randomsIO
ghci> (fst . runSupply xy) `fmap` randomsIO
Because our MySupply
monad has two layers of newtype
we can make it easier to use by writing a custom execution
function for it.
runMS :: MySupply i a -> i -> a
runMS = runReader . runMySupply
When we apply our xy
action using this execution function, we
get the same answer every time. Our code remains the same, but
because we are executing it in a different implementation of
, its behavior has changed.
ghci> :r
[4 of 5] Compiling SupplyInstance ( SupplyInstance.hs, interpreted)
[5 of 5] Compiling Main ( RandomSupplyInstance.hs, interp reted ) [SupplyInstance changed]
Ok, five modules loaded.
ghci> runMS xy 2
ghci> runMS xy 2
Like our MonadSupply
type class and Supply
monad, almost all of
the common Haskell monads are built with a split between interface
and implementation. For example, the get
and put
that we introduced as “belonging to” the State
monad are
actually methods of the MonadState
type class; the State
is an instance of this class.
Similarly, the standard Reader
monad is an instance of the
type class, which specifies the ask
While the separation of interface and implementation that we’ve
discussed above is appealing for its architectural cleanliness, it
has important practical applications that will become clearer
later. When we start combining monads in
Chapter 18, /Monad transformers/, we will save a lot of effort
through the use of GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
and type classes.
The blessing and curse of the IO
monad is that it is extremely
powerful. If we believe that careful use of types helps us to
avoid programming mistakes, then the IO
monad should be a great
source of unease. Because the IO
monad imposes no restrictions
on what we can do, it leaves us vulnerable to all kinds of
How can we tame its power? Let’s say that we would like to
guarantee to ourselves that a piece of code can read and write
files on the local file system, but that it will not access the
network. We can’t use the plain IO
monad, because it won’t
restrict us.
Let’s create a module that provides a small set of functionality for reading and writing files.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module HandleIO
, Handle
, IOMode(..)
, runHandleIO
, openFile
, hClose
, hPutStrLn
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..))
import qualified System.IO
Our first approach to creating a restricted version of IO
is to
wrap it with a newtype
newtype HandleIO a = HandleIO { runHandleIO :: IO a }
deriving (Monad)
instance Functor HandleIO where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative HandleIO where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
We do the by-now familiar trick of exporting the type constructor
and the runHandleIO
execution function from our module, but not
the data constructor. This will prevent code running within the
monad from getting hold of the IO
monad that it
All that remains is for us to wrap each of the actions we want our
monad to allow. This is a simple matter of wrapping each IO
a HandleIO
data constructor.
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> HandleIO Handle
openFile path mode = HandleIO (System.IO.openFile path mode)
hClose :: Handle -> HandleIO ()
hClose = HandleIO . System.IO.hClose
hPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> HandleIO ()
hPutStrLn h s = HandleIO (System.IO.hPutStrLn h s)
We can now use our restricted HandleIO
monad to perform I/O.
safeHello :: FilePath -> HandleIO ()
safeHello path = do
h <- openFile path WriteMode
hPutStrLn h "hello world"
hClose h
To run this action, we use runHandleIO
ghci> :load HandleIO
[1 of 1] Compiling HandleIO ( HandleIO.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
ghci> runHandleIO (safeHello "hello_world_101.txt")
ghci> :m +System.Directory
ghci> removeFile "hello_world_101.txt"
If we try to sequence an action that runs in the HandleIO
with one that is not permitted, the type system forbids it.
ghci> runHandleIO (safeHello "goodbye" >> removeFile "goodbye")
<interactive>:1:36: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘HandleIO’
Expected type: HandleIO ()
Actual type: IO ()
• In the second argument of ‘(>>)’, namely ‘removeFile "goodbye"’
In the first argument of ‘runHandleIO’, namely
‘(safeHello "goodbye" >> removeFile "goodbye")’
In the expression:
runHandleIO (safeHello "goodbye" >> removeFile "goodbye")
There’s one small, but significant, problem with our HandleIO
monad: it doesn’t take into account the possibility that we might
occasionally need an escape hatch. If we define a monad like this,
it is likely that we will occasionally need to perform an I/O
action that isn’t allowed for by the design of our monad.
Our purpose in defining a monad like this is to make it easier for us to write solid code in the common case, not to make corner cases impossible. Let’s thus give ourselves a way out.
The Control.Monad.Trans
module defines a “standard escape
hatch”, the MonadIO
type class. This defines a single function,
, which lets us embed an IO
action in another monad.
ghci> :m +Control.Monad.Trans
ghci> :info MonadIO
class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: * -> *) where
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
{-# MINIMAL liftIO #-}
-- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’
instance [safe] MonadIO IO -- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’
Our implementation of this type class is trivial: we just wrap IO
with our data constructor.
instance MonadIO HandleIO where
liftIO = HandleIO
With judicious use of liftIO
, we can escape our shackles and
invoke IO
actions where necessary.
tidyHello :: FilePath -> HandleIO ()
tidyHello path = do
safeHello path
liftIO (removeFile path)
The disadvantage of hiding IO
in another monad is that we’re
still tied to a concrete implementation. If we want to swap
for some other monad, we must change the type of every
action that uses HandleIO
As an alternative, we can create a type class that specifies the interface we want from a monad that manipulates files.
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module MonadHandle (MonadHandle(..)) where
import System.IO (IOMode(..))
class Monad m => MonadHandle h m | m -> h where
openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> m h
hPutStr :: h -> String -> m ()
hClose :: h -> m ()
hGetContents :: h -> m String
hPutStrLn :: h -> String -> m ()
hPutStrLn h s = hPutStr h s >> hPutStr h "\n"
Here, we’ve chosen to abstract away both the type of the monad and
the type of a file handle. To satisfy the type checker, we’ve
added a functional dependency: for any instance of MonadHandle
there is exactly one handle type that we can use. When we make the
monad an instance of this class, we use a regular Handle.
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import MonadHandle
import qualified System.IO
import System.IO (IOMode(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..), MonadTrans(..))
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import SafeHello
instance MonadHandle System.IO.Handle IO where
openFile = System.IO.openFile
hPutStr = System.IO.hPutStr
hClose = System.IO.hClose
hGetContents = System.IO.hGetContents
hPutStrLn = System.IO.hPutStrLn
Because any MonadHandle
must also be a Monad
, we can write
code that manipulates files using normal do
notation, without
caring what monad it will finally execute in.
module SafeHello where
import MonadHandle
import System.IO(IOMode(..))
safeHello :: MonadHandle h m => FilePath -> m ()
safeHello path = do
h <- openFile path WriteMode
hPutStrLn h "hello world"
hClose h
Because we made IO
an instance of this type class, we can
execute this action from ghci
ghci> :l MonadHandleIo.hs
[1 of 3] Compiling MonadHandle ( MonadHandle.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 3] Compiling SafeHello ( SafeHello.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 3] Compiling Main ( MonadHandleIo.hs, interpreted )
Ok, three modules loaded.
ghci> safeHello "hello to my fans in domestic surveillance"
ghci> removeFile "hello to my fans in domestic surveillance"
The beauty of the type class approach is that we can swap one
underlying monad for another without touching much code, as most
of our code doesn’t know or care about the implementation. For
instance, we could replace IO
with a monad that compresses files
as it writes them out.
Defining a monad’s interface through a type class has a further
benefit. It lets other people hide our implementation in a
wrapper, and automatically derive instances of just the
type classes they want to expose.
In fact, because our safeHello
function doesn’t use the IO
type, we can even use a monad that can’t perform I/O. This
allows us to test code that would normally have side effects in a
completely pure, controlled environment.
To do this, we will create a monad that doesn’t perform I/O, but instead logs every file-related event for later processing.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import Control.Monad.Writer
import MonadHandle
import SafeHello
import System.IO(IOMode(..))
data Event = Open FilePath IOMode
| Put String String
| Close String
| GetContents String
deriving (Show)
Although we already developed a Logger
type in
the section called “Using a new monad: show your work!”
we’ll use the standard, and more general, Writer
monad. Like
other mtl
monads, the API provided by Writer
is defined in a
type class, in this case MonadWriter
. Its most useful method is
, which logs a value.
ghci> :m +Control.Monad.Writer
ghci> :type tell
tell :: MonadWriter w m => w -> m ()
The values we log can be of any Monoid
type. Since the list type
is a Monoid
, we’ll log to a list of Event
We could make Writer [Event]
an instance of MonadHandle
, but
it’s cheap, easy, and safer to make a special-purpose monad.
newtype WriterIO a = W { runW :: Writer [Event] a }
deriving (Monad, MonadWriter [Event])
Our execution function simply removes the newtype
wrapper we
added, then calls the normal Writer monad’s execution function.
runWriterIO :: WriterIO a -> (a, [Event])
runWriterIO = runWriter . runW
instance Functor WriterIO where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative WriterIO where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance MonadHandle FilePath WriterIO where
openFile path mode = tell [Open path mode] >> return path
hPutStr h str = tell [Put h str]
hClose h = tell [Close h]
hGetContents h = tell [GetContents h] >> return ""
When we try this code out in ghci
, it gives us a log of the
function’s file activities.
ghci> :load WriterIO
[1 of 3] Compiling MonadHandle ( MonadHandle.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 3] Compiling SafeHello ( SafeHello.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 3] Compiling Main ( WriterIo.hs, interpreted )
Ok, three modules loaded.
ghci> runWriterIO (safeHello "foo")
((),[Open "foo" WriteMode,Put "foo" "hello world",Put "foo" "\n",Close "foo"])
The writer monad uses the monoid’s mappend
function every time
we use tell
. Because mappend
for lists is (++)
, lists are
not a good practical choice for use with Writer
: repeated
appends are expensive. We use lists above purely for simplicity.
In production code, if you want to use the Writer
monad and you
need list-like behaviour, use a type with better append
characteristics. One such type is the difference list, which we
introduced in the section called “Taking advantage of functions as data”
You don’t need to roll your own difference list implementation: a
well tuned library is available for download from Hackage, the
Haskell package database. Alternatively, you can use the Seq
type from the Data.Sequence
module, which we introduced in
the section called “General purpose sequences”
If we use the type class approach to restricting IO
, we may still
want to retain the ability to perform arbitrary I/O actions. We
might try adding MonadIO
as a constraint on our type class.
class (MonadHandle h m, MonadIO m) => MonadHandleIO h m | m -> h
instance MonadHandleIO System.IO.Handle IO
tidierHello :: (MonadHandleIO h m) => FilePath -> m ()
tidierHello path = do
safeHello path
liftIO (removeFile path)
This approach has a problem, though: the added MonadIO
constraint loses us the ability to test our code in a pure
environment, because we can no longer tell whether a test might
have damaging side effects. The alternative is to move this
constraint from the type class, where it “infects” all functions,
to only those functions that really need to perform I/O.
tidyHello :: (MonadIO m, MonadHandle h m) => FilePath -> m ()
tidyHello path = do
safeHello path
liftIO (removeFile path)
We can use pure property tests on the functions that lack
constraints, and traditional unit tests on the rest.
Unfortunately, we’ve substituted one problem for another: we can’t
invoke code with both MonadIO
and MonadHandle
constraints from
code that has the MonadHandle
constraint alone. If we find that
somewhere deep in our MonadHandle
-only code, we really need the
constraint, we must add it to all the code paths that
lead to this point.
Allowing arbitrary I/O is risky, and has a profound effect on how we develop and test our code. When we have to choose between being permissive on the one hand, and easier reasoning and testing on the other, we usually opt for the latter.
- Using QuickCheck, write a test for an action in the
monad, in order to see if it tries to write to a file handle that is not open. Try it out onsafeHello
. - Write an action that tries to write to a file handle that it has closed. Does your test catch this bug?
- In a form-encoded string, the same key may appear several
times, with or without values, e.g.,
. What type might you use to represent the values associated with a key in this sort of string? Write a parser that correctly captures all of the information.