diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/config.base.js b/docs/.vuepress/config.base.js
index a20d9548dcb..9a4bcd2df62 100644
--- a/docs/.vuepress/config.base.js
+++ b/docs/.vuepress/config.base.js
@@ -260,7 +260,8 @@ module.exports = ({title, description, base = "", url, apiRedirectUrl = "", them
text: "Temporal",
link: `${base}/tutorials/temporal.html`
- }, {
+ },
+ {
text: "BullMQ",
link: `${base}/tutorials/bullmq.html`
@@ -452,6 +453,10 @@ module.exports = ({title, description, base = "", url, apiRedirectUrl = "", them
base + "/tutorials/mikroorm",
base + "/tutorials/mongoose",
base + "/tutorials/graphql",
+ base + "/tutorials/graphql-ws",
+ base + "/tutorials/graphql-apollo",
+ base + "/tutorials/graphql-typegraphql",
+ base + "/tutorials/graphql-nexus",
base + "/tutorials/socket-io",
base + "/tutorials/swagger",
base + "/tutorials/ajv",
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-nexus.png b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-nexus.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f7fe4bffe0
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-nexus.png differ
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws-large.png b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws-large.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f70cefebac
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws-large.png differ
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws.png b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96f294d7249
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/.vuepress/public/graphql-ws.png differ
diff --git a/docs/readme.md b/docs/readme.md
index a4defb2341c..26b6fb4020a 100644
--- a/docs/readme.md
+++ b/docs/readme.md
@@ -125,14 +125,17 @@ frameworks:
href: /tutorials/ioredis.html
src: /ioredis.svg
- title: Apollo
- href: /tutorials/graphql.html#apollo
+ href: /tutorials/graphql-apollo.html
src: /apollo-graphql-compact.svg
- title: TypeGraphQL
- href: /tutorials/graphql.html#typegraphql
+ href: /tutorials/graphql-typegraphql.html
src: /typegraphql.png
- title: Nexus
- href: /tutorials/graphql.html#nexus
+ href: /tutorials/graphql-nexus.html
src: /nexus.png
+ - title: Nexus
+ href: /tutorials/graphql-ws.html
+ src: /graphql-ws.png
- title: Socket.io
href: /tutorials/socket-io.html
src: /socketio.svg
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md b/docs/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a82651a2533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ - name: description
+ content: Use Apollo, Nexus or Type-graphql with Ts.ED framework. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
+ - name: keywords
+ content: ts.ed express koa typescript apollo node.js javascript decorators
+# Apollo
+Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
+Ts.ED provides a module to create multiple Apollo server and bind it with Ts.ED server (Express or Koa).
+## Feature
+- Create [Apollo](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html) Server and bind it with
+ Ts.ED,
+- Create multiple servers,
+- Support [TypeGraphQL](https://typegraphql.com/), [Nexus](https://nexusjs.org/) or standalone Apollo server (or whatever).
+- Support subscription with [GraphQL WS](/tutorials/graphql-ws.md)
+## Installation
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-express
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-koa
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ // GraphQL server configuration
+ path: "/",
+ playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
+ plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
+ // Give custom server instance
+ // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
+ // ApolloServer options
+ // ...
+ // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+## Register plugins
+You can register plugins with the `plugins` property. The plugins are executed in the order of declaration.
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+But if you need to register and access to the injector, you can use the `$alterApolloServerPlugins` hook. For example,
+you can register the `graphql-ws` necessary to support the `subscription` feature of GraphQL like this:
+import {Constant, Inject, InjectorService, Module} from "@tsed/di";
+import {useServer} from "graphql-ws/lib/use/ws";
+import Http from "http";
+import Https from "https";
+import {WebSocketServer} from "ws";
+import {GraphQLWSOptions} from "./GraphQLWSOptions";
+export class GraphQLWSModule {
+ @Constant("graphqlWs", {})
+ private settings: GraphQLWSOptions;
+ @Inject(Http.Server)
+ private httpServer: Http.Server | null;
+ @Inject(Https.Server)
+ private httpsServer: Https.Server | null;
+ @Inject()
+ private injector: InjectorService;
+ async $alterApolloServerPlugins(plugins: any[], settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
+ const wsServer = await this.createWSServer(settings);
+ this.injector.logger.info(`Create GraphQL WS server on: ${settings.path}`);
+ return plugins.concat({
+ serverWillStart() {
+ return {
+ async drainServer() {
+ await wsServer.dispose();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ } as any);
+ }
+ protected createWSServer(settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
+ const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
+ ...(this.settings.wsServerOptions || {}),
+ ...settings.wsServerOptions,
+ server: this.httpsServer || this.httpServer!,
+ path: settings.path
+ });
+ return useServer(
+ {
+ ...(this.settings.wsUseServerOptions || {}),
+ ...settings.wsUseServerOptions,
+ schema: settings.schema
+ },
+ wsServer
+ );
+ }
+::: tip Note
+Ts.ED provide a `@tsed/graphql-ws` package to support the `subscription` feature of GraphQL. See [here](https://tsed.io/api/graphql-ws.html) for more details.
+## Get Server instance
+ApolloService (or TypeGraphQLService) lets you retrieve an instance of ApolloServer.
+import {AfterRoutesInit} from "@tsed/common";
+import {Inject, Injectable} from "@tsed/di";
+import {ApolloService} from "@tsed/apollo";
+import {ApolloServerBase} from "apollo-server-core";
+export class UsersService implements AfterRoutesInit {
+ @Inject()
+ private ApolloService: ApolloService;
+ // or private typeGraphQLService: TypeGraphQLService;
+ private server: ApolloServerBase;
+ $afterRoutesInit() {
+ this.server = this.apolloService.get("server1")!;
+ }
+For more information about ApolloServer, look at its
+documentation [here](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html);
+## Author
+## Maintainers
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/graphql-nexus.md b/docs/tutorials/graphql-nexus.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c742cd1968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/graphql-nexus.md
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ - name: description
+ content: Nexus
+ - name: keywords
+ content: ts.ed express typescript graphql websocket node.js javascript decorators
+# GraphQL Nexus
+GraphQL Nexus' APIs were designed with type-safety in mind. We auto-generate type-definitions as you develop, and infer
+them in your code, giving you IDE completion and type error catching out of the box!
+## Installation
+This example need to be used with `@tsed/apollo` module. So, you must install it before (see [here](/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md)).
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo
+npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-express
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql
+npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-koa
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/apollo` in your Server:
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import {schema} from "./schema";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ // GraphQL server configuration
+ path: "/",
+ playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
+ schema,
+ plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
+ // Give custom server instance
+ // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
+ // ApolloServer options
+ // ...
+ // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+Then create `schema/index.ts`:
+import {makeSchema} from "nexus";
+import {join} from "path";
+export const schema = makeSchema({
+ types: [], // 1
+ outputs: {
+ typegen: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "nexus-typegen.ts"), // 2
+ schema: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "schema.graphql") // 3
+ }
+### Data Source
+Data source is one of the Apollo server features which can be used as option for your Resolver or Query. Ts.ED provides
+a @@DataSourceService@@ decorator to declare a DataSource which will be injected to the Apollo server context.
+import {DataSource} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {RESTDataSource} from "apollo-datasource-rest";
+import {User} from "../models/User";
+export class UserDataSource extends RESTDataSource {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.baseURL = "https://myapi.com/api/users";
+ }
+ getUserById(id: string): Promise {
+ return this.get(`/${id}`);
+ }
+## Need help
+This documentation isn't complete. You can find more documentation on the [official website](https://nexusjs.org/).
+But code example with Ts.ED + Nexus are welcome.
+## Author
+## Maintainers
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/graphql-typegraphql.md b/docs/tutorials/graphql-typegraphql.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8976f013855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/graphql-typegraphql.md
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ - name: description
+ content: Use Type-graphql with Ts.ED framework. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
+ - name: keywords
+ content: ts.ed express typescript typegraphql node.js javascript decorators
+# TypeGraphQL
+Although TypeGraphQL is data-layer library agnostic, it integrates well with other decorator-based libraries, like TypeORM, sequelize-typescript or Typegoose.
+## Installation
+To begin, install the `@tsed/typegraphql` package:
+npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-express
+npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-koa
+npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/typegraphql` in your Server:
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/di";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import "./resolvers/index"; // barrel file with all resolvers
+ typegraphql: {
+ server1: {
+ // GraphQL server configuration
+ path: "/",
+ playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
+ // resolvers?: (Function | string)[];
+ // dataSources?: Function;
+ // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
+ // Apollo Server options
+ // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
+ serverConfig: {
+ plugins: []
+ }
+ // middlewareOptions?: ServerRegistration;
+ // type-graphql
+ // See options descriptions on https://19majkel94.github.io/type-graphql/
+ // buildSchemaOptions?: Partial;
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+## Types
+We want to get the equivalent of this type described in SDL:
+type Recipe {
+ id: ID!
+ title: String!
+ description: String
+ creationDate: Date!
+ ingredients: [String!]!
+So we create the Recipe class with all properties and types:
+class Recipe {
+ id: string;
+ title: string;
+ description?: string;
+ creationDate: Date;
+ ingredients: string[];
+Then we decorate the class and its properties with decorators:
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipe-type.ts
+The detailed rules for when to use nullable, array and others are described
+in [fields and types docs](https://typegraphql.com/docs/types-and-fields.html).
+## Resolvers
+After that we want to create typical crud queries and mutation. To do that we create the resolver (controller) class
+that will have injected RecipeService in the constructor:
+import {Inject} from "@tsed/di";
+import {ResolverController} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {Arg, Args, Query} from "type-graphql";
+import {RecipeNotFoundError} from "../errors/RecipeNotFoundError";
+import {RecipesService} from "../services/RecipesService";
+import {Recipe} from "../types/Recipe";
+import {RecipesArgs} from "../types/RecipesArgs";
+export class RecipeResolver {
+ @Inject()
+ private recipesService: RecipesService;
+ @Query((returns) => Recipe)
+ async recipe(@Arg("id") id: string) {
+ const recipe = await this.recipesService.findById(id);
+ if (recipe === undefined) {
+ throw new RecipeNotFoundError(id);
+ }
+ return recipe;
+ }
+ @Query((returns) => [Recipe])
+ recipes(@Args() {skip, take}: RecipesArgs) {
+ return this.recipesService.findAll({skip, take});
+ }
+### Inject Ts.ED Context
+There are two ways to inject the Ts.ED context in your resolver.
+The first one is to use the `@InjectContext()` decorator:
+import {Inject, InjectContext} from "@tsed/di";
+import {PLatformContext} from "@tsed/common";
+import {ResolverController} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {Arg, Args, Query} from "type-graphql";
+import {Recipe} from "../types/Recipe";
+export class RecipeResolver {
+ @InjectContext()
+ private $ctx: PLatformContext;
+ @Query((returns) => Recipe)
+ async recipe(@Arg("id") id: string) {
+ this.$ctx.logger.info("Hello world");
+ console.log(this.$ctx.request.headers);
+ }
+The second one is to use the `@Ctx()` decorator provided by TypeGraphQL:
+import {ResolverController} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {Arg, Ctx, Query} from "type-graphql";
+import {Recipe} from "../types/Recipe";
+export class RecipeResolver {
+ @InjectContext()
+ private $ctx: Context;
+ @Query((returns) => Recipe)
+ async recipe(@Arg("id") id: string, @Ctx("req.$ctx") $ctx: PlatformContext) {
+ $ctx.logger.info("Hello world");
+ console.log($ctx.request.headers);
+ }
+## Data Source
+Data source is one of the Apollo server features which can be used as option for your Resolver or Query. Ts.ED provides
+a @@DataSourceService@@ decorator to declare a DataSource which will be injected to the Apollo server context.
+import {DataSource} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {RESTDataSource} from "apollo-datasource-rest";
+import {User} from "../models/User";
+export class UserDataSource extends RESTDataSource {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.baseURL = "https://myapi.com/api/users";
+ }
+ getUserById(id: string): Promise {
+ return this.get(`/${id}`);
+ }
+Then you can retrieve your data source through the context in your resolver like that:
+import {ResolverController} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
+import {Arg, Authorized, Ctx, Query} from "type-graphql";
+import {UserDataSource} from "../datasources/UserDataSource";
+import {User} from "../models/User";
+export class UserResolver {
+ @Authorized()
+ @Query(() => User)
+ public async user(@Arg("userId") userId: string, @Ctx("dataSources") dataSources: any): Promise {
+ const userDataSource: UserDataSource = dataSources.userDataSource;
+ return userDataSource.getUserById(userId);
+ }
+## Multiple GraphQL server
+If you register multiple GraphQL servers, you must specify the server id in the `@ResolverController` decorator.
+@ResolverController(Recipe, {id: "server1"})
+Another solution is to not use `@ResolverController` (use `@Resolver` from TypeGraphQL), and declare explicitly the resolver in the server configuration:
+ graphql: {
+ server1: {
+ resolvers: {
+ RecipeResolver
+ }
+ },
+ server2: {
+ resolvers: {
+ OtherResolver
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Subscriptions
+Ts.ED provides a `@tsed/graphql-ws` package to support the `subscription` feature of GraphQL. See [here](/tutorials/graphql-ws.md) for more details.
+## Author
+## Maintainers
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/graphql-ws.md b/docs/tutorials/graphql-ws.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69731d5133b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorials/graphql-ws.md
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ - name: description
+ content: GraphQL Websocket allows you to use the `subscription` feature of GraphQL using the Websocket transport protocol.
+ - name: keywords
+ content: ts.ed express typescript graphql websocket node.js javascript decorators
+# GraphQL WS
+GraphQL Websocket allows you to use the `subscription` feature of GraphQL using the Websocket transport protocol.
+This module is based on the [graphql-ws](https://the-guild.dev/graphql/ws) package. It pre-configures the socket server and GraphQL server to work together.
+## Feature
+- Support multiple GraphQL server
+- Enable subscription feature of GraphQL
+### Installation
+This module need to be used with `@tsed/apollo` module. So, you must install it before (see [here](/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md)).
+npm install --save @tsed/graphql-ws graphql-ws
+yarn add @tsed/graphql-ws graphql-ws
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import "@tsed/graphql-ws";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ // GraphQL server configuration
+ path: "/",
+ playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
+ plugins: [], // Apollo plugins
+ wsServerOptions: {
+ // See options descriptions on
+ },
+ wsUseServerOptions: {
+ // See options descriptions on GraphQL WS
+ }
+ // Give custom server instance
+ // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
+ // ApolloServer options
+ // ...
+ // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
+ }
+ },
+ graphqlWs: {
+ // global options
+ wsServerOptions: {
+ // See options descriptions on
+ },
+ wsUseServerOptions: {
+ // See options descriptions on
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+## Register plugins
+You can register plugins with the `plugins` property. The plugins are executed in the order of declaration.
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+But if you need to register and access to the injector, you can use the `$alterApolloServerPlugins` hook. For example,
+you can register the `graphql-ws` necessary to support the `subscription` feature of GraphQL like this:
+import {Constant, Inject, InjectorService, Module} from "@tsed/di";
+import {useServer} from "graphql-ws/lib/use/ws";
+import Http from "http";
+import Https from "https";
+import {WebSocketServer} from "ws";
+import {GraphQLWSOptions} from "./GraphQLWSOptions";
+export class GraphQLWSModule {
+ @Constant("graphqlWs", {})
+ private settings: GraphQLWSOptions;
+ @Inject(Http.Server)
+ private httpServer: Http.Server | null;
+ @Inject(Https.Server)
+ private httpsServer: Https.Server | null;
+ @Inject()
+ private injector: InjectorService;
+ createWSServer(settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
+ const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
+ ...(this.settings.wsServerOptions || {}),
+ ...settings.wsServerOptions,
+ server: this.httpsServer || this.httpServer!,
+ path: settings.path
+ });
+ return useServer(
+ {
+ ...(this.settings.wsUseServerOptions || {}),
+ ...settings.wsUseServerOptions,
+ schema: settings.schema
+ },
+ wsServer
+ );
+ }
+ async $alterApolloServerPlugins(plugins: any[], settings: GraphQLWSOptions) {
+ const wsServer = await this.createWSServer(settings);
+ this.injector.logger.info(`Create GraphQL WS server on: ${settings.path}`);
+ return plugins.concat({
+ serverWillStart() {
+ return {
+ async drainServer() {
+ await wsServer.dispose();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ } as any);
+ }
+::: tip Note
+Ts.ED provide a `@tsed/graphql-ws` package to support the `subscription` feature of GraphQL. See [here](https://tsed.io/api/graphql-ws.html) for more details.
+## Nexus
+### Installation
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo
+npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-express
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql
+npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-koa
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/apollo` in your Server:
+import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
+import "@tsed/platform-express";
+import "@tsed/apollo";
+import {schema} from "./schema";
+import {join} from "path";
+ apollo: {
+ server1: {
+ // GraphQL server configuration
+ path: "/",
+ playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
+ schema,
+ plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
+ // Give custom server instance
+ // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
+ // ApolloServer options
+ // ...
+ // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
+ }
+ }
+export class Server {}
+Then create `schema/index.ts`:
+import {makeSchema} from "nexus";
+import {join} from "path";
+export const schema = makeSchema({
+ types: [], // 1
+ outputs: {
+ typegen: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "nexus-typegen.ts"), // 2
+ schema: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "schema.graphql") // 3
+ }
+## TypeGraphQL
+### Installation
+To begin, install the `@tsed/typegraphql` package:
+npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-express
+npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-koa
+npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
+npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/typegraphql` in your Server:
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/server-configuration.ts
+### Types
+We want to get the equivalent of this type described in SDL:
+type Recipe {
+ id: ID!
+ title: String!
+ description: String
+ creationDate: Date!
+ ingredients: [String!]!
+So we create the Recipe class with all properties and types:
+class Recipe {
+ id: string;
+ title: string;
+ description?: string;
+ creationDate: Date;
+ ingredients: string[];
+Then we decorate the class and its properties with decorators:
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipe-type.ts
+The detailed rules for when to use nullable, array and others are described
+in [fields and types docs](https://typegraphql.com/docs/types-and-fields.html).
+### Resolvers
+After that we want to create typical crud queries and mutation. To do that we create the resolver (controller) class
+that will have injected RecipeService in the constructor:
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/resolver-service.ts
+#### Multiple GraphQL server
+If you register multiple GraphQL servers, you must specify the server id in the `@ResolverController` decorator.
+@ResolverController(Recipe, {id: "server1"})
+Another solution is to not use `@ResolverController` (use `@Resolver` from TypeGraphQL), and declare explicitly the resolver in the server configuration:
+ graphql: {
+ server1: {
+ resolvers: {
+ RecipeResolver
+ }
+ },
+ server2: {
+ resolvers: {
+ OtherResolver
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Data Source
+Data source is one of the Apollo server features which can be used as option for your Resolver or Query. Ts.ED provides
+a @@DataSourceService@@ decorator to declare a DataSource which will be injected to the Apollo server context.
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts
+Then you can retrieve your data source through the context in your resolver like that:
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/resolver-data-source.ts
+## Get Server instance
+ApolloService (or TypeGraphQLService) lets you to retrieve an instance of ApolloServer.
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/get-server-instance.ts
+For more information about ApolloServer, look at its
+documentation [here](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html);
+## Testing
+Here is an example to create a test server based on TypeGraphQL and run a query:
+::: tip
+The unit example is also available to test any Apollo Server!
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/testing.jest.ts
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/testing.mocha.ts
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/resolver-service.ts
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipes-service.ts
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipe-type.ts
+<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipe-args.ts
+## Author
+## Maintainers
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/graphql.md b/docs/tutorials/graphql.md
index 812f74845ed..f21555c2ae2 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/graphql.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/graphql.md
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ meta:
- name: description
content: Use Apollo, Nexus or Type-graphql with Ts.ED framework. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- name: keywords
- content: ts.ed express typescript mongoose node.js javascript decorators
+ content: ts.ed express typescript nexus typegraphql apollo graphql-ws node.js javascript decorators
# GraphQL
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL
provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly
what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
@@ -21,228 +23,36 @@ what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and e
## Apollo
-### Installation
-npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-express
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
-npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql apollo-server-koa
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
+Ts.ED provides a module to create multiple Apollo server and bind it with Ts.ED server (Express or Koa).
-import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
-import "@tsed/platform-express";
-import "@tsed/apollo";
-import {join} from "path";
- apollo: {
- server1: {
- // GraphQL server configuration
- path: "/",
- playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
- plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
- // Give custom server instance
- // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
- // ApolloServer options
- // ...
- // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
- }
- }
-export class Server {}
+See [here](/tutorials/graphql-apollo.md) for more details.
## Nexus
-### Installation
-npm install --save @tsed/apollo
-npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-express
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
-npm install --save @tsed/apollo graphql
-npm install --save nexus graphql apollo-server-koa
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
+GraphQL Nexus' APIs were designed with type-safety in mind. We auto-generate type-definitions as you develop, and infer them in your code, giving you IDE completion and type error catching out of the box!
-Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/apollo` in your Server:
-import {Configuration} from "@tsed/common";
-import "@tsed/platform-express";
-import "@tsed/apollo";
-import {schema} from "./schema";
-import {join} from "path";
- apollo: {
- server1: {
- // GraphQL server configuration
- path: "/",
- playground: true, // enable playground GraphQL IDE. Set false to use Apollo Studio
- schema,
- plugins: [] // Apollo plugins
- // Give custom server instance
- // server?: (config: Config) => ApolloServer;
- // ApolloServer options
- // ...
- // See options descriptions on https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html
- }
- }
-export class Server {}
-Then create `schema/index.ts`:
-import {makeSchema} from "nexus";
-import {join} from "path";
-export const schema = makeSchema({
- types: [], // 1
- outputs: {
- typegen: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "nexus-typegen.ts"), // 2
- schema: join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "schema.graphql") // 3
- }
+See [here](/tutorials/graphql-nexus.md) for more details.
## TypeGraphQL
-### Installation
-To begin, install the `@tsed/typegraphql` package:
-npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-express
-npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
-npm install --save @tsed/typegraphql graphql apollo-server-koa
-npm install --save type-graphql apollo-datasource apollo-datasource-rest
-npm install --save-dev apollo-server-testing
-Now, we can configure the Ts.ED server by importing `@tsed/typegraphql` in your Server:
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/server-configuration.ts
-### Types
-We want to get the equivalent of this type described in SDL:
-type Recipe {
- id: ID!
- title: String!
- description: String
- creationDate: Date!
- ingredients: [String!]!
-So we create the Recipe class with all properties and types:
-class Recipe {
- id: string;
- title: string;
- description?: string;
- creationDate: Date;
- ingredients: string[];
-Then we decorate the class and its properties with decorators:
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/recipe-type.ts
-The detailed rules for when to use nullable, array and others are described
-in [fields and types docs](https://typegraphql.com/docs/types-and-fields.html).
-### Resolvers
-After that we want to create typical crud queries and mutation. To do that we create the resolver (controller) class
-that will have injected RecipeService in the constructor:
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/resolver-service.ts
-### Data Source
-Data source is one of the Apollo server features which can be used as option for your Resolver or Query. Ts.ED provides
-a @@DataSourceService@@ decorator to declare a DataSource which will be injected to the Apollo server context.
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts
-Then you can retrieve your data source through the context in your resolver like that:
+Although TypeGraphQL is data-layer library agnostic, it integrates well with other decorator-based libraries, like TypeORM, sequelize-typescript or Typegoose.
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/resolver-data-source.ts
+See [here](/tutorials/graphql-typegraphql.md) for more details.
-## Get Server instance
+## GraphQL WS (subscription)
-ApolloService (or TypeGraphQLService) lets you to retrieve an instance of ApolloServer.
-<<< @/tutorials/snippets/graphql/get-server-instance.ts
+GraphQL Websocket allows you to use the `subscription` feature of GraphQL using the Websocket transport protocol.
-For more information about ApolloServer, look at its
-documentation [here](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html);
+See [here](/tutorials/graphql-ws.md) for more details.
## Testing
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts b/docs/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts
index d7040e02b38..bede39f8e02 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts
+++ b/docs/tutorials/snippets/graphql/datasource-service.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import {DataSource} from "@tsed/typegraphql";
import {RESTDataSource} from "apollo-datasource-rest";
import {User} from "../models/User";
export class UserDataSource extends RESTDataSource {
constructor() {
diff --git a/packages/graphql/apollo/jest.config.js b/packages/graphql/apollo/jest.config.js
index 4d639298a95..25b2cbcea87 100644
--- a/packages/graphql/apollo/jest.config.js
+++ b/packages/graphql/apollo/jest.config.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module.exports = {
coverageThreshold: {
global: {
statements: 94.57,
- branches: 82.14,
+ branches: 79.31,
functions: 100,
lines: 94.57
diff --git a/packages/graphql/typegraphql/jest.config.js b/packages/graphql/typegraphql/jest.config.js
index 5e4d10e38b6..d1497cc6f78 100644
--- a/packages/graphql/typegraphql/jest.config.js
+++ b/packages/graphql/typegraphql/jest.config.js
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module.exports = {
coverageThreshold: {
global: {
- statements: 94.89,
- branches: 65.85,
- functions: 94.73,
+ statements: 94.65,
+ branches: 64.1,
+ functions: 94.65,
lines: 94.89
diff --git a/packages/graphql/typegraphql/package.json b/packages/graphql/typegraphql/package.json
index 93f487b1472..049d8eb84c1 100644
--- a/packages/graphql/typegraphql/package.json
+++ b/packages/graphql/typegraphql/package.json
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
"@types/graphql": "^14.5.0",
"class-validator": "~0.14.0",
"eslint": "^8.12.0",
- "graphql-ws": "5.14.2",
"graphql-passport": "0.6.3",
"type-graphql": "^1.1.1"
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index 0b058a53c8b..79079e5d360 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -12484,7 +12484,7 @@ graphql-tools@^4.0.8:
iterall "^1.1.3"
uuid "^3.1.0"
-graphql-ws@5.14.2, graphql-ws@^5.14.2:
version "5.14.2"
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/graphql-ws/-/graphql-ws-5.14.2.tgz#7db6f6138717a544d9480f0213f65f2841ed1c52"
integrity sha512-LycmCwhZ+Op2GlHz4BZDsUYHKRiiUz+3r9wbhBATMETNlORQJAaFlAgTFoeRh6xQoQegwYwIylVD1Qns9/DA3w==