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Chapter 9: Bayesian Machine Learning

Bayesian statistics allows us to quantify uncertainty about future events and refine our estimates in a principled way as new information arrives. This dynamic approach adapts well to the evolving nature of financial markets. It is particularly useful when there are fewer relevant data and we require methods that systematically integrate prior knowledge or assumptions.

Bayesian approaches to machine learning allow for richer insights into the uncertainty around statistical metrics, parameters estimates and predictions. The applications range from more granular risk management to dynamic updates of predictive models that incorporate changes in the market environment. The Black-Litterman approach to asset allocation (see Chapter 5) can be interpreted as a Bayesian model. It computes the expected return as an average of the market equilibrium and the investor’s views, weighted by each asset’s volatility, cross-asset correlations and the confidence in each forecast. More specifically, this chapter covers:

  • How Bayesian statistics apply to machine learning
  • How to use probabilistic programming with PyMC3
  • How to define and train machine learning models
  • How to run state-of-the-art sampling methods to conduct approximate inference
  • How to apply Bayesian machine learning to compute dynamic Sharpe ratios, build Bayesian classifiers, and estimate stochastic volatility

How Bayesian Machine Learning Works

Classical statistics is also called frequentist because it interprets probability as the relative frequency of an event over the long run, i.e. after observing a large number of trials. In the context of probabilities, an event is a combination of one or more elementary outcomes of an experiment, such as any of six equal results in rolls of two dice or an asset price dropping by 10% or more on a given day).

Bayesian statistics, in contrast, views probability as a measure of the confidence or belief in the occurrence of an event. The Bayesian perspective on probability leaves more room for subjective views and, consequently, differences in opinions than the frequentist interpretation. This difference is most striking for events that do not happen often enough to arrive at an objective measure of long-term frequency.

This chapter first introduces the Bayes Theorem that crystallizes the concept of updating beliefs by combining prior assumptions with new empirical evidence and compare the resulting parameter estimates with their frequentist counterparts. We then demonstrate two approaches to Bayesian statistical inference that produce insights into the posterior distribution of the latent, i.e. unobserved parameters, such as their expected values, under different circumstances:

  1. Conjugate priors facilitate the updating process by providing a closed-form solution, but exact, analytical methods are not always available.
  2. Approximate inference simulates the distribution that results from combining assumptions and data and uses samples from this distribution to compute statistical insights.


How to update assumptions from empirical evidence

The theorem that Reverend Thomas Bayes came up with over 250 years ago uses fundamental probability theory to prescribe how probabilities or beliefs should change as relevant new information arrives as captured by John Maynard Keynes’ quote “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?”.

Exact Inference: Maximum a Posterior Estimation

Practical applications of Bayes’ rule to exactly compute posterior probabilities are quite limited because the computation of the evidence term in the denominator is quite challenging.

How to keep inference simple: Conjugate Priors

A prior distribution is conjugate with respect to the likelihood when the resulting posterior is of the same type of distribution as the prior except for different parameters. The conjugacy of prior and likelihood implies a closed-form solution for the posterior that facilitates the update process and avoids the need to use numerical methods to approximate the posterior.

How to dynamically estimate the probabilities of asset price moves

The notebook updating_conjugate_priors demonstrates how to use a conjugate prior to update price movement estimates from S&P 500 samples.

Approximate Inference: Stochastic vs Deterministic Approaches

For most models of practical relevance, it will not be possible to derive the exact posterior distribution analytically and compute expected values for the latent parameters.

Although for some applications the posterior distribution over unobserved parameters will be of interest, most often it is primarily required to evaluate expectations, e.g. to make predictions. In such situations, we can rely on approximate inference:

Probabilistic Programming with PyMC3

Probabilistic programming provides a language to describe and fit probability distributions so that we can design, encode and automatically estimate and evaluate complex models. It aims to abstract away some of the computational and analytical complexity to allow us to focus on the conceptually more straightforward and intuitive aspects of Bayesian reasoning and inference. The field has become quite dynamic since new languages emerged since Uber open-sourced Pyro (based on PyTorch) and Google more recently added a probability module to TensorFlow.

Bayesian ML with Theano

PyMC3 was released in January 2017 to add Hamiltonian MC methods to the Metropolis-Hastings sampler used in PyMC2 (released 2012). PyMC3 uses Theano as its computational backend for dynamic C compilation and automatic differentiation. Theano is a matrix-focused and GPU-enabled optimization library developed at Yoshua Bengio’s Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) that inspired TensorFlow. MILA recently ceased to further develop Theano due to the success of newer deep learning libraries (see chapter 16 for details). PyMC4, planned for 2019, will use TensorFlow instead, with presumably limited impact on the API.

The PyMC3 Workflow

PyMC3 aims for intuitive and readable, yet powerful syntax that reflects how statisticians describe models. The modeling process generally follows these three steps:

  1. Encode a probability model by defining:
    1. The prior distributions that quantify knowledge and uncertainty about latent variables
    2. The likelihood function that conditions the parameters on observed data
  2. Analyze the posterior using one of the options described in the previous section:
    1. Obtain a point estimate using MAP inference
    2. Sample from the posterior using MCMC methods 3)Approximate the posterior using variational Bayes
  3. Check your model using various diagnostic tools
  4. Generate predictions

Model Definition: Bayesian Logistic Regression

As discussed in Linear Models, logistic regression estimates a linear relationship between a set of features and a binary outcome, mediated by a sigmoid function to ensure the model produces probabilities. The frequentist approach resulted in point estimates for the parameters that measure the influence of each feature on the probability that a data point belongs to the positive class, with confidence intervals based on assumptions about the parameter distribution.

Bayesian logistic regression, in contrast, estimates the posterior distribution over the parameters itself. The posterior allows for more robust estimates of what is called a Bayesian credible interval for each parameter with the benefit of more transparency about the model’s uncertainty.

The notebook bayesian_logistic_regression demonstrates the PYMC3 workflow, including

  • MAP Inference
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo Estimate
    • Metropolis-Hastings
    • NUTS Sampler
  • Variational Inference
  • Model Diagnostics
    • Energy Plot
    • Forest Plot
    • Posterior Predictive Credible Intervals (CI)
  • Prediction
  • MCMC Sampler Animation

Practical Applications

Bayesian Linear Regression for Pairs Trading

The chapter Time Series Models introduced pairs trading as a popular algorithmic trading strategy that relies on cointegration of two or more assets. Given such assets, we need to estimate the hedging ratio to decide on the relative magnitude of long and short positions. A basic approach uses linear regression. The notebook linear_regression illustrates how Bayesian linear regression tracks changes in the relationship between two assets over time.

Bayesian Time Series Models

PyMC3 includes AR(p) models that allow us to gain similar insights into the parameter uncertainty as for the previous models. The notebook bayesian_time_seriesnotebook illustrates time series model for one and more lags.

Stochastic Volatility Models

As discussed in the chapter Time Series Models, asset prices have time-varying volatility. In some periods, returns are highly variable, while in others very stable. Stochastic volatility models model this with a latent volatility variable, modeled as a stochastic process. The No-U-Turn Sampler was introduced using such a model, and the notebook stochastic_volatility illustrates this use case.