tags: | Python |
category: | Software |
slug: | python-comprehensions |
Author: | Trevor |
Date: | 2015-01-01 |
Python list comprehensions are one of the most powerful and useful features of the language. However, I've noticed even quite experienced Python programmers using less powerful idioms when a list comprehension would be the perfect solution to their problem, and even though I've been a Python developer for more than a decade, I've recently learned some very nice aspects of this feature.
Python is such a strong language in part because of its willingness to steal ideas from other languages. Python list comprehensions are an idea that comes from Haskell. Fundamentally, they are a kind of 'syntactic sugar' for construct lists from other data sources in a tight, elegant fashion.
One of the things I like most about them is they eliminate the need to manually create loop structures and extra variables. So consider the following:
for i in range(10):
[1, 1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543, 16777216, 387420489]
With List Comprehensions we can eliminate both the for
loop and the
calls to append()
[i**i for i in range(10)]
[1, 1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543, 16777216, 387420489]
Comprehensions work with any kind of iterable as an import source:
[ord(letter) for letter in "hello world"]
[104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
To make things a little more complex, we can specifiy more than one input data source:
[(i,j) for i in xrange(2) for j in xrange(3)]
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]
Instead of just boring numbers, we could use this to construct some sentences.
[(number, animal) for number in range(3) for animal in ['cats','dogs','elephants']]
[(0, 'cats'), (0, 'dogs'), (0, 'elephants'), (1, 'cats'), (1, 'dogs'), (1, 'elephants'), (2, 'cats'), (2, 'dogs'), (2, 'elephants')]
Furthermore, we have a lot of control over how we construct the final output objects - we can put any valid python expression in the left-hand-side.
"{0} {1}".format(adjective,animal)
for adjective in ['red','cute','hungry']
for animal in ['cat','puppy','hippo']
['red cat', 'red puppy', 'red hippo', 'cute cat', 'cute puppy', 'cute hippo', 'hungry cat', 'hungry puppy', 'hungry hippo']
or even
"There are {0} {1} {2}".format(number, adjective,animal)
for number in range(2,4)
for adjective in ['cute','hungry']
for animal in ['puppys','bats']
['There are 2 cute puppys', 'There are 2 cute bats', 'There are 2 hungry puppys', 'There are 2 hungry bats', 'There are 3 cute puppys', 'There are 3 cute bats', 'There are 3 hungry puppys', 'There are 3 hungry bats']
An equally powerful construct is the dictionary comprehension. Just like list comprehensions, this enables you to construct python dictionaries using a very similar syntax.
for key,value in [
{'foo': 'bar', 'k': 'v', 'this': 'that'}
Armed with these tools, we can write very concise code to transform data from one structure to another. Recently I've found them very helpful for unpacking nested data structures.
Consider a simple org-structure:
{'name':'Manufacturing', 'staff': ["Jacob","Jonah", "Chloe","Liam"]},
Now let's extract some data from it.
#Department names
[department['name'] for department in departments]
['Manufacturing', 'Marketing', 'HR', 'Accounts']
#Staff count
sum([len(department['staff']) for department in departments])
#All staff names
for department in departments
for name in department['staff']
['Jacob', 'Jonah', 'Chloe', 'Liam', 'Emily', 'Shawn', 'Alex', 'David', 'Jessica', 'Nicole']
Note how in the last example the second data-generating clause,
, used a reference from the first one.
We can take this even further. Let's make our org-chart a little more complicated...
'staff': [
Calculate the total salary:
for department in departments
for person in department['staff']
Now let's calculate the wages bill by department, and put the results in a dictionary
department['name'] : sum(person['salary'] for person in department['staff'])
for department in departments
{'Accounts': 40000, 'HR': 110000, 'Manufacturing': 235000, 'Marketing': 135000}
I've been finding this type of approach very helpful when working with document-oriented data stores. We store a lot of data in JSON documents, either on the file system or in Postgresql. For that data to be useful, we have to be able to quickly mine, explore, select and transform it. Tools like JSONSelect do exist, but JSONSelect is only available in Javascript, and doesn't allow you to do the kind of rich expression-based transforms as you roll up the data that Python does.
I also find that it avoids many common programming pitfalls:
mis-assigned variables, off-by-one errors and so on. You'll note that in
all the examples above I never need to create a temporary variable or
explicitly construct a for