Training DNN with acoustic features
Loading libraries and dataset
Loading neccesary libraries
% matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function , absolute_import , division
import matplotlib
matplotlib .use ('Agg' )
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython .core .pylabtools import figsize
figsize (12 , 4 )
import os
os .environ ['ODIN' ] = 'float32,cpu,tensorflow'
import sys
import numpy as np
np .random .seed (1208 )
from odin import nnet as N , backend as K , fuel as F
from odin .basic import has_roles , BIAS , WEIGHT
from odin .stats import train_valid_test_split , freqcount
from odin import training
data_path = os .path .join (os .path .dirname (sys .argv [0 ]), 'data' , 'sample1.wav' )
ds = F .load_digit_audio ()
print (ds )
nb_classes = 10 # 10 digits (0-9)
Split and preprocessing data
indices = [(name , start , end ) for name , (start , end ) in ds ['indices' ]]
longest_utterances = max (int (end ) - int (start ) - 1
for i , start , end in indices )
longest_vad = max (end - start
for name , vad in ds ['vadids' ] for (start , end ) in vad )
print ("Longest Utterance:" , longest_utterances )
print ("Longest Vad:" , longest_vad )
np .random .shuffle (indices )
train , valid , test = train_valid_test_split (indices , train = 0.6 , inc_test = True )
print ('Nb train:' , len (train ), freqcount ([int (i [0 ][0 ]) for i in train ]))
print ('Nb valid:' , len (valid ), freqcount ([int (i [0 ][0 ]) for i in valid ]))
print ('Nb test:' , len (test ), freqcount ([int (i [0 ][0 ]) for i in test ]))
train_feeder = F .Feeder (ds ['mspec' ], train , ncpu = 1 )
test_feeder = F .Feeder (ds ['mspec' ], test , ncpu = 2 )
valid_feeder = F .Feeder (ds ['mspec' ], valid , ncpu = 2 )
recipes = [
F .recipes .Name2Trans (converter_func = lambda x : int (x [0 ])),
F .recipes .Normalization (
mean = ds ['mspec_mean' ],
std = ds ['mspec_std' ],
local_normalize = False
F .recipes .Sequencing (frame_length = longest_utterances , hop_length = 1 ,
end = 'pad' , endvalue = 0 , endmode = 'post' ,
transcription_transform = lambda x : x [- 1 ]),
F .recipes .CreateFile ()
train_feeder .set_recipes (recipes )
test_feeder .set_recipes (recipes )
valid_feeder .set_recipes (recipes )
print ('Feature shape:' , train_feeder .shape )
feat_shape = (None ,) + train_feeder .shape [1 :]
X = K .placeholder (shape = feat_shape , name = 'X' )
y = K .placeholder (shape = (None ,), dtype = 'int32' , name = 'y' )
Creating and training the network
f = N .Sequence ([
N .Dimshuffle (pattern = (0 , 1 , 2 , 'x' )),
N .Conv (num_filters = 32 , filter_size = 3 , pad = 'same' , strides = 1 ,
activation = K .linear ),
N .BatchNorm (activation = K .relu ),
N .Pool (pool_size = 2 , strides = None , pad = 'valid' , mode = 'max' ),
N .Flatten (outdim = 3 ),
# ====== RNN ====== #
N .AutoRNN (64 , rnn_mode = 'lstm' , num_layers = 1 ,
direction_mode = 'bidirectional' , prefer_cudnn = True ),
# ====== Dense ====== #
N .Flatten (outdim = 2 ),
# N.Dropout(level=0.2), # adding dropout does not help
N .Dense (num_units = 512 , activation = K .relu ),
N .Dense (num_units = nb_classes , activation = K .softmax )
], debug = True )
K .set_training (True ); y_train = f (X )
K .set_training (False ); y_score = f (X )
# ====== create cost ====== #
cost_train = K .mean (K .categorical_crossentropy (y_train , y ))
cost_test1 = K .mean (K .categorical_crossentropy (y_score , y ))
cost_test2 = K .mean (K .categorical_accuracy (y_score , y ))
cost_test3 = K .confusion_matrix (y_score , y , labels = range (10 ))
# ====== create optimizer ====== #
parameters = [p for p in f .parameters if has_roles (p , [WEIGHT , BIAS ])]
optimizer = K .optimizers .RMSProp (lr = 0.0001 )
trainer , hist = training .standard_trainer (
train_data = train_feeder , valid_data = valid_feeder , test_data = test_feeder ,
cost_train = cost_train , cost_score = [cost_test1 , cost_test2 ], cost_regu = None ,
parameters = parameters , optimizer = optimizer ,
confusion_matrix = cost_test3 , gradient_norm = True ,
batch_size = 4 , nb_epoch = 3 , valid_freq = 0.8 ,
save_path = None , save_obj = None ,
report_path = 'show' ,
enable_rollback = True , stop_callback = None , save_callback = None ,
labels = None
trainer .run ()