This page helps analyze the review comments posted by many developers, who have directly or indirectly contributed to this project. These review comments are part of the project and some will be in future releases. In a way this is the project roadmap.
- Support regex for method name filtering. (#goodfirstissue)
- Support attribute filtering as in filter member variables (#goodfirstissue)
- Mention the limitations of the project. Some of them include: The library works only if getters and setters are generated for a POJO class. No need to pass instance and class, we can get class from the instance itself. (v1.2)
- The output contains getId = 1, getName = "Triguna", can it be like Id = 1, Name = "Triguna"? (v1.2)
- Calendar object prints unnecessary information. Can we change it to print only what is required? (v1.3)