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File metadata and controls

206 lines (127 loc) · 6.5 KB


Type: function

Syntax: sandboxGetBookmarkDataForFile(<pFilename>)

Summary: Returns the bookmark data for a filename that has been stored internally.

Returns: Bookmark data (binary)


Name Description
pFilename The full path to a file.


Bookmark data is stored for a file when calling sandboxStoreBookmarkDataForFile or when setting the bookmark data using sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFile or sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFiles.


Type: function

Syntax: sandboxGetBookmarkDataForFiles(<pFilterOutNonPersistent>)

Summary: Returns an array containing the bookmark data for all files that have been registered with the library.

Returns: Array


Name Description
pFilterOutNonPersistent Pass in true to filter out non persistent bookmarks.


When you call sandboxStoreBookmarkDataForFile the bookmark data is stored internally within the library. Use this handler to get an array that is indexed by filename. Each filename key has an array for a value. The array contains a "bookmark data" key which contains the bookmark data for the file.

Your application may benefit by storing and restoring file bookmarks all together. You can store the array returned by this function in your application preferences so that it can be restored the next time the application launches using sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFiles.

Whether or not this makes sense depends on your use case. For applications that have a recent files menu it makes more sense to store the file bookmark data with each recent files entry. If your application prompts the user for access to a couple of different files and you don't want a separate preference for each file/folder bookmark then storing and restoring them all together can make sense.

The persistent flag that is attached to bookmarks allows you to mix both approaches. If you want to store some bookmarks seprately (e.g. recent files) and handle the rest all together then you would mark the bookmarks for recent files as non-persistent when calling sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFile or sandboxStoreBookmarkDataForFile and pass in true for pFilterOutNonPersistent when calling this function.


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxRestoreAccessToFile <pFilename>

Summary: Restores access to a file for your application using stored bookmark data.

Returns: Error


Name Description
pFilename The full path to the file.


If you have previously stored bookmark data for a file (e.g. in a previous application session) then you can restore access to that file in another session by calling this handler.


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFile <pFilename>,<pBookmarkData>,<pIsPersistent>

Summary: Stores bookmark data for a file.

Returns: nothing


Name Description
pFilename The full path to the file.
pBookmarkData The bookmark data to assign to the file.
pIsPersistent Pass in false to mark this bookmark as non persistent.


Call this handler if you have bookmark data for a file that you need to set for the session. See docs for sandboxGetBookmarkDataForFiles() for an explanation of pIsPersistent.


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxSetBookmarkDataForFiles <pFilesA>

Summary: Sets the array of bookmark data for filenames.

Returns: nothing


Name Description
pFilesA An array whose keys are full filenames. Each filename key has an array for a value. Each array has a "bookmark data" key.


When launching your application you can use this handler to restore the internal array of bookmark data that was stored using sandboxGetBookmarkDataForFiles().


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxStopAccessingAllFiles

Summary: Stops accessing all files that have been initialized using sandboxRestoreAccessToFile.

Returns: nothing


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxStopAccessingFile <pFilename>

Summary: Tells the operating system that you no longer need access to a file.

Returns: nothing


If you called sandboxRestoreAccessToFile() for a particular file then when you are done using it you need to tell the operating system that you no longer need access to the file.


Type: command

Syntax: sandboxStoreBookmarkDataForFile <pFilename>,<pReadOnly>,<pIsPersistent>

Summary: Stores bookmark data for a file opened using a system file/folder dialog or drag and drop.

Returns: Error


Name Description
pFilename The full path to the file.
pReadOnly Pass in true if your application only needs read access to the file.
pIsPersistent Pass in false to mark this bookmark as non persistent.


When a user selects a file through a system dialog or drags in onto your application the OS gives your app permission to open that file. If your application needs to open that file again without prompting the user then you need to store bookmark data for the file so that you can generate a security-scoped url later on.

See docs for sandboxGetBookmarkDataForFiles() for an explanation of pIsPersistent.