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File metadata and controls

160 lines (90 loc) · 9.71 KB


Attributes – characteristics of a certain product that distinguish it from other products, e.g. size, color, functionality, components and features that affect the product's attractiveness or acceptance in the market.

An attribute can be assigned to only one attribute group. Value of a certain attribute set for a certain product is called product attribute value. It is possible to define the same product attribute different values for each channel.

Attributes can be assigned to several product families, so if the product for that product family is created, the selected attribute will be added to the product attributes automatically.

Attributes can be activated or deactivated. Deactivated attributes cannot be used in the system, e.g. no values can be set to them or transferred via any channel. All the values of the deactivated attributes are hidden and will be shown again after the attribute is activated again.

Attribute Fields

The attribute entity comes with the following preconfigured fields; mandatory are marked with *:

Field Name Description
Type Attribute types are predefined in the system and can be defined via the drop-down menu
Code * Unique attribute code
Name (multi-lang) * Attribute name
Attribute group Attribute group name

If the multi-languages settings are activated, but multilingual fields are missing for the attribute group entity, or if you want to make changes to the attribute entity (e.g. add new fields, or modify attribute views), please contact your administrator.

Available Attribute Types

Attributes are automatically validated according to their type. The following attribute types are available in the TreoPIM system:

Attribute types

Attribute Type Description
Array Data array, where each product attribute can get more than one value. No array values can be set upon the attribute creation or editing.
Boolean Checkbox for the product attribute; can be made multilingual.
Date Date picker with the calender and option to set up the date manually.
DateTime Date and time picker
Enum List of possible values, which is set up upon the attribute creation or editing; a single value can be set for the product attribute. This attribute type can be made multilingual.
Float Number with a decimal part
Int Integer attribute
Multi-Enum List of possible values, which is set up upon attribute creation or editing; multiple values can be set for the product attribute. This attribute type can be made multilingual.
Text Text area, for long multiline texts; can be made multilingual.
Unit Number with a measurement value selection
Url URL with a hyperlink, which is automatically created
Varchar Short text attribute; can be made multilingual.
Wysiwyg Text area for long multiline texts that contains a built-in text editor. This attribute type can be made multilingual.
Image Image file attachment


To create a new attribute record, click Attributes in the navigation menu to get to the attribute list view and then click the Create Attribute button. The common creation pop-up window will appear:

Attributes creation

Here enter the attribute name and code and select its type from the Attribute Type drop-down list. Define its attribute group using the corresponding select button, if needed. Your user name is loaded to the Owner and Assigned user fields on the OWNERSHIP INFORMATION panel by default. You can change them via the corresponding select buttons, as well as define the team, if needed. Click the Save button to finish the attribute record creation or Cancel to abort the process.

If the attribute code is not unique, the error message will appear notifying you about it.

Please, note that the attribute type cannot be changed after the attribute record is created.

When creating attribute records of the Enum, and Multi-Enum types, their attribute values should also be defined:

Enum values list

Once the multi-languages settings are activated, the attribute type can be made multilingual on their creation step:

ML attributes

For details on multilingual attributes, please, visit our store.

Alternatively, use the quick create button on any TreoPIM page and fill in the required fields in the attribute creation pop-up that appears:

Creation pop-up


To open the list of attribute records available in the system, click the Attributes option in the navigation menu:

Attributes list view

By default, the following fields are displayed on the list view page for attribute records:

  • Attribute name
  • Code
  • Attribute group
  • Attribute type

To sort attribute records order in the list, click any sortable column title; this will sort the column either ascending or descending.

Attribute records can be searched and filtered according to your needs. For details on these options, refer to the Search and Filtering article in this user guide.

To view some attribute record details, click the name field value of the corresponding record in the list of attributes; the detail view page will open showing the attribute records. Alternatively, use the View option from the single record actions menu to open the quick detail pop-up.

Mass Actions

The following mass actions are available for attribute records:

  • Remove
  • Mass update
  • Export

Attributes mass actions

If any option is missing in your mass actions menu, please, contact your administrator.

For details on these actions, please, see the Mass Actions section of the Views and Panels article in this user guide.

Single Record Actions

The following single record actions are available for attribute records:

  • View
  • Edit
  • Remove

Attributes single record actions

If any option is missing in your single record actions menu, please, contact your administrator.

For details on these actions, please, refer to the Single Record Actions section of the Views and Panels article in this user guide.


To edit the attribute, click the Edit button on the detail view page of the currently open attribute record; the following editing window will open:

Attributes editing

Here edit the desired fields and click the Save button to apply your changes.

Besides, you can make changes in the attribute record via in-line editing on its detail view page.

Alternatively, make changes to the desired attribute record in the quick edit pop-up that appears when you select the Edit option from the single record actions menu on the attributes list view page:

Edit option


To remove the attribute record, use the Remove option from the actions menu on its detail view page


or from the single record actions menu on the attributes list view page:


By default, it is not possible to remove the attribute if there is any product or product family linked with this attribute. The following confirmation pop-up appears:

Attribute removal confirmation

Select the checkbox to unlink the attribute record from other entities and click Remove to complete the operation. To abort the process, click Cancel.


Use the Duplicate option from the actions drop-down menu to go to the attribute creation page and get all the values of the last chosen attribute record copied in the empty fields of the new attribute record to be created. Modifying the attribute code is required, as this value has to be unique.