The Fluid Decomposition toolbox provides an open-ended, loosely coupled set of objects to break up and analyse sound in terms of slices (segments in time), layers (superpositions in time and frequency) and objects (configurable or discoverable patterns in sound).
The programs can read audio in Wav or AIFF format, and write either audio or CSV files (determined by the extension given to the relevant argument).
Slice by amplitude envelope
Slice by onsets in the spectral domain
Slice by estimated novelty on a choice of features
Slice by transient modelling
Decompose into sines + residual
Decompose into transients + residual
Decompose into 'harmonic' and 'percussive' layers
Use Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation to explore and decompose sounds
Report amplitude and peak, or r128 loudness and true peak
A suite of pitch estimators
Energy across Mel bands
Mel Frequency Ceptstral Coefficients
Summary measures of spectral shape
Statistics of files
This toolbox was made possible thanks to the FluCoMa project ( ) funded by the European Research Council ( ) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 725899).