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+ '🎄 Uppy 3.13 to 3.21: Typescript Saga: the beginning, Image Editor improvements, Dashboard auto-install'
+date: 2023-12-23
+authors: [aduh95, murderlon, arturi, mifi]
+image: 'https://uppy.io/img/blog/3.13-3.21/dog-coding-laptop-mars-christmas-tree.jpg"'
+slug: '2023/07/3.13-3.21'
+published: true
+toc_max_heading_level: 2
+It’s this time of the year again! Make yourself cozy [by the fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouqtX6WWL1U), and let us help you unwrap the gifts Uppy has prepared for you.
+We proud of all the improvements and amazing new features and bug fixes we were able to introduce this year. The highlights being: conditional S3 multipart and signing S3 uploads on the client, speedy handling of 10-50k file uploads, refresh tokens (useful when the token expires mid-upload for a large amount of files / slow connections), server-sent events and new `assemblyOptions` for the Transloadit plugin, Dashboard Single File mode (`singleFileFullScreen`), improved ETA in the Status Bar, a bunch of new languages, including Hindi, Mexican Spanish and Catalan.
+This one, however, is a recent Uppy updates post, covering releases from
+[`3.13.0` to `3.21.0`](https://github.com/transloadit/uppy/compare/uppy%403.13.0...uppy%403.21.0): announcing the switch to Typescript, Dashboard can now auto-install plugins, support for Catalan language, a heap of bug fixes for Tus, Companion, AWS S3, and more.
+## Typescript
+We are excited to announce that we are working hard to add Typescript types to Uppy Core and all of the plugins. We have a build setup in place that temporarily supports both `.ts` and `.js` files in our monorepo. And a helper utility that takes a package name and does the initial renaming and Typescript config. Then we go through the list of plugins one by one. We begun with `@uppy/utils` and `@uppy/core`, since most other packages depend on those. Now we are moving to the rest, one by one.
+This work so far is only affecting Uppy internals. In published packages we are using the manually crafted `d.ts` files, as before. We are planning to flip the switch and introduce some breaking changes in the next Uppy major, due to be released in the first quater of 2024.
+## Core
+- Allow duplicate files with `onBeforeFileAdded`
+- Fixed`onBeforeFileAdded` with Golden Retriever
+- Simplify types with class generic and type more events
+- Export `UIPlugin` and `BasePlugin` in Uppy CDN bundle
+## Image Editor
+We have a whole separate blog post about the recent rotation improvements in the Image Editor, so please read that, if you are interested. Other changes include:
+- Fixed labels on all buttons, centered the rotation slider label
+- Limited cropbox movements
+- Fixed to respect `cropperOptions.initialAspectRatio`
+- Change the checkered background color, make it semi-transparent
+- Fixed granular rotation: `[-45, 45]` instead of `[-45, 44]`
+- Removed 1px black lines
+- Made `file-editor:cancel` event fire when the Image Editor’s “cancel” button is pressed
+## Dashboard
+Dashboard can now automatically discover and install compatible plugins without `target` option. Here’s how it works:
+const uppy = new Uppy()
+ .use(ImageEditor)
+ .use(Dashboard)
+ .use(Webcam)
+ .use(GoogleDrive)
+The old way via `.use(ImageEditor, { target: Dashboard })` and `.use(Dashboard, { plugins: ['Webcam', 'GoogleDrive'] })` still work, but might be deprecated in the next major.
+Bug fixes:
+- Remove `.uppy-Dashboard-isFixed` CSS class when `uppy.close()` is invoked
+- When `showAddFilesPanel: true`, `aria-hidden` should be the opposite
+- Don’t cancel all files and Assemblies when clicking “done”
+- Update Dashboard’s blue color to meet WCAG contrast requirements
+## AWS S3
+- Fixed `TypeError`, fixed `uploadURL` when using `PUT`
+- Pass `signal` as separate arg for backward compat; pass the `uploadURL` back to the caller
+- Refresh file before calling user-defined functions
+- Made sure we retry signature request
+- Use uppercase HTTP method names
+- Call `#setCompanionHeaders` in `setOptions`
+## Companion
+One of the most notable changes in Companion is on the client side, we’ve made authentication optional, allowing for more provider types, with publicly accessable links, for example.
+In Companion Client we were able to drop the now unnecessary preflight requests, improving upload speeds and latency yet again.
+Other notable changes and fixes:
+- Allow dynamic S3 bucket
+- Companion+client stability fixes, error handling and retries
+- Catch "invalid initialization vector" instead of crashing
+- Added Onedrive refresh tokens
+- Fixed `authProvider` property inconsistency
+- Fixed accelerated endpoints for presigned POST
+- Fixed double tus uploads
+- Fixed onedrive pagination
+- Fixed Redis key default TTL
+- Fixed Uploader.js metadata normalisation
+- Make CSRF protection helpers available to providers
+- Refactor `getProtectedHttpAgent` to make TS happ
+- Unify redis initialization
+- Use deferred length for tus streams
+- Fixed a refresh token race condition
+- Fixed edge case for pagination on root
+- Fixed instagram/facebook auth error regression; uploadRemoteFile undefined; ProviderView error on empty plugin.icon
+- Added getBucket metadata argument
+- Added missing credentialsURL for box
+- Added test endpoint for dynamic oauth creds
+- Added Companion OAuth Key type
+- Aliased "removeListener" as "off" in Redis emitter
+- Utilize user-defined `onSuccess`, `onError`, and `onProgress` callbacks in `@uppy/tus`
+- Invoke headers function for remote uploads
+- Send certain Onedrive errors to the user
+- Upgraded Node.js docker version
+## Frameworks Integraions
+- Angular: upgraded to Angular 16.x
+- Svelte: Fixed TS build command
+- Vue: added export for FileInput
+## Locales
+- Added Catalan locale `ca_ES`
+- Added missing translations to `de_DE`
+- Update Farsi
+## Transloadit
+- Emit assembly progress events
+- Removed Socket.io — it’s server-sent events with fallback to polling now
+## Misc
+- Added Prettier, migrated to Vitest for Uppy core and Uppy plugins
+- Update `file.meta.name` after compression, becase format/extension might have changed
+- use latest Node.js version for tests
+- Migrate to AWS-SDK V3 syntax
+- Move remote file upload logic into companion-client
+Happy holidays and see you in 2024!
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