Two wavetable version changes on reset
Multiple invocations of AudioNode constructor - (?) Destroy on power off - (?) Make singleton
Power-on/power-off is resetting the plugs - [ ] Reinitialise OSC and LFO and redraw
Page transitions
Only redraw visible page
Set LFO plug drop target area to whole plug
Firefox fonts
Brighten LFO buttons
Velocity sensitive knobs
Envelope scrubbers are pernickety - use horizontal only
Use object.onload to cache radii
alt-click to use initial value
AA - [ ] alt-click: 24dB - [ ] include in settings
Restore settings - [ ] Make sure DD/wavetable also get initialised - [ ] LFOs start erratically - [ ] Optimise the controlsets restore - accumulate/set-all/clone-and-set ?
Restructure sn to generate an array of values - [ ] Optimize wavetable genfn for array - [ ] Use slice/shallow copy to map SAB to wavetable - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/slice - [ ] Reoptimise genfn - [ ] Commonalise parameters SAB - [ ] Commonalise DDS and wavetable
Load/overrun - [ ] Sort by level/onset and drop quiet/old notes - [ ] 'policy' settings - [ ] FN1: Use sine wave - [ ] Convert to Float32 throughout - [ ] Convert to TypedArrays throughout - [ ] Optimize envelope - [ ] Use frames rather than (potentially) erratic currentTime - [ ] Replace map/reduce with for loop - [ ] Update pre-allocated/static FloatArray
eventbus: publish in Promise
Rework eventbus using signals a la Motion Canvas
Initialise controlsets from HTML
Bar graph of note count and max note count
Format MIDI export data all nicely
Loop - [ ] Thinner icon lines
Play - [ ] Ramp volume up/down on pause/play/stop
Power off/on - [ ] Ramp volume up/down on power on/off - (?) alt-power-on to reset everything
Keyboard web component
Better MIDI file parser
- autoplay warning
- Google Chrome Labs WebAudio samples
- MDN: simple synth
- soft clipping
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API/Advanced_techniques
- https://web.dev/audio-scheduling/
- https://cprimozic.net/blog/buliding-a-wavetable-synthesizer-with-rust-wasm-and-webaudio/
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/audio-worklet-design-pattern/
- https://github.com/superpoweredSDK/web-audio-javascript-webassembly-SDK-interactive-audio
- https://accessiblepalette.com
- https://neumorphism.io/#e0e0e0
- https://webdesignledger.com/30-examples-of-neumorphism-design/
- https://www.betterneumorphism.com/
- https://css-tricks.com/neumorphism-and-css/
- https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/animated-grainy-texture/
- https://www.toptal.com/designers/subtlepatterns/paper-1/
- https://br.pinterest.com/pin/824510644280132365/