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2046 lines (1807 loc) · 97.9 KB

File metadata and controls

2046 lines (1807 loc) · 97.9 KB

Emacs Config

Early Init

Here we define variables that we want emacs to read as soon as possible. Mainly, we set variables to stop emacs from littering the config directory with lockfiles, auto-save files, backups, or even packages.
(setq user-emacs-directory "~/.local/share/emacs/")
(setq user-config-directory "~/.config/emacs/")

(setq-default startup-redirect-eln-cache user-emacs-directory)
(setq-default create-lockfiles nil)
(setq-default make-backup-files nil)
(setq-default backup-inhibited t)
(setq-default auto-save-list-file-prefix (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "auto-saves/.saves-"))
(setq-default custom-file (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "custom-file"))
(setq-default package-user-dir (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "elpa"))
(setq-default url-history-file (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "url/history"))
(setq-default lock-file-name-transforms `(("^\\(.*\\)$" "/tmp/\\1") t))
(setq-default auto-save-default nil)
(setq-default custom-theme-directory (file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "custom-themes"))

(setq-default pgtk-wait-for-event-timeout 0)


(setq-default gc-cons-threshold 100000000)
(setq-default read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))

General Settings

These settings are just personal preference.

User Interface

How I prefer emacs to look.

(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
(setq display-line-numbers-width-start t)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(scroll-bar-mode 0)
(tool-bar-mode 0)
(menu-bar-mode 0)


When using the emacs daemon, the font settings won’t get applied since there is no frame when the daemon starts.

To fix this, the font settings can be extracted into a function, and it can be ran when a frame is created.

(defun setup-font-settings ()
  (let ((fixed-face "Berkeley Mono")
        (variable-face "Iosevka Etoile"))
    (when (and (display-graphic-p)
               (member fixed-face (font-family-list))
               (member variable-face (font-family-list)))
      (set-face-attribute 'default nil
                          :font (concat fixed-face "-13"))
      (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil
                          :font fixed-face
                          :height 1.0
                          :inherit 'default)
      (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil
                          :font variable-face
                          :height 1.2
                          :inherit 'default))))

(if (daemonp)
    (add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook #'setup-font-settings)

Behavioral Settings

Let me answer prompts with a single key.

(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

Set all themes as safe. This is specially useful for me since my custom system theme changes colors often, and emacs constantly sees it as different themes.

(setq custom-safe-themes t)

I prefer indenting with spaces for now.

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)

Allow me to delete a selection by just typing or pressing backspace. Behaves more like other editors.

(delete-selection-mode t)

Warnings come up mostly when I install new packages, so I don’t care about them.

(setq warning-minimum-level :error)

Read-only buffers are opened in view-mode.

(setq view-read-only t)

Scales the header-line when scaling text using text-scale-mode.

(setq text-scale-remap-header-line t)

Auto-insert closing parenthesis, quotes, brackets and more.

(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'electric-pair-local-mode)

Make Emacs store passwords in my system’s keyring.

(setq auth-sources '("secrets:Login"))

Treat strings like GtkWindow as two separate words, instead of a single one, for all commands that act on words.

(global-subword-mode t)

Ensure UTF-8.

(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)

Self explanatory.

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

No message on scratch buffers.

(setq initial-scratch-message nil)

If files change on disk while opened on emacs, this ensures they get reloaded. Except for Buffer-menu-mode.

(setq global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t)
(setq global-auto-revert-ignore-modes '(Buffer-menu-mode))
(global-auto-revert-mode t)

Braces go in the function signature.

(setq c-default-style "stroustrup")

Allows using the mouse when using emacs in a terminal.

(xterm-mouse-mode t)

Disable native compilation warnings.

(setq native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors nil)

Provide a context menu when right clicking.

(context-menu-mode t)

Allows dragging text to other programs.

(setq mouse-drag-and-drop-region-cross-program t)

If I’m at the start of the line, C-k will delete the entire line, newline included.

(setq kill-whole-line t)

Require less key-presses to use isearch.

(setq isearch-allow-scroll 'unlimited)
(setq isearch-repeat-on-direction-change t)
(setq isearch-wrap-pause 'no-ding)

Quickly switch to the last buffer.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-l") #'mode-line-other-buffer)

Custom duplicate line

The default duplicate-line command leaves point on the same line the command was invoked from, and adds the duplicated line below. I prefer to have the point move to the newly created line instead, since I usually duplicate lines to immediately modify them.

(advice-add #'duplicate-line :after (lambda ()
                                      (next-line 1)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") #'duplicate-line)

Smooth Scrolling

Make emacs scroll smoothly with a mouse, touchpad, and scroll keys.

(setq-default scroll-conservatively 10000)
(setq-default scroll-margin 5)

(setq pixel-scroll-precision-use-momentum t)
(setq pixel-scroll-precision-interpolate-mice t)
(setq pixel-scroll-precision-large-scroll-height 10.0)
(setq pixel-scroll-precision-interpolate-page t)
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode t)

Define custom functions to scroll only half a page up or down.

(defun pixel-scroll-interpolate-half-down ()
  (pixel-scroll-precision-interpolate (/ (- (window-text-height nil t)) 2) nil 1))

(defun pixel-scroll-interpolate-half-up ()
  (pixel-scroll-precision-interpolate (/ (window-text-height nil t) 2) nil 1))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-v") 'pixel-scroll-interpolate-half-down)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-v") 'pixel-scroll-interpolate-half-up)

Make pixel-scroll-precision (function for smooth mouse scrolling) take into account the size of the window being scrolled to decide how much it should scroll.

Previously, tiny windows would get scrolled too far, thus missing content. With this piece of code, an advice is added to the function to modify pixel-scroll-precision-interpolation-factor before calling it.

After taking some measurements, I’ve figured that there’s 8 lines per interpolation factor integer, and about 21 pixels per line at a regular zoom level on a 1080p display. These numbers are used for calculating the interpolation factor in their respective functions.

I also divide the window height by 5 to try to scroll a fifth of the window’s size.

(defun map-pixel-height-to-interpolation-factor (pixel-height)
  (when (numberp pixel-height)
    (let ((line-number (/ pixel-height 21)))
      (map-line-number-to-interpolation-factor line-number))))

(defun map-line-number-to-interpolation-factor (line-number)
  (when (numberp line-number)
    (/ line-number 8.0)))

(defun around-pixel-scroll-precision (func &rest event)
  (let* ((window (car (car (cdr (car event)))))
         (window-height (window-text-height window t))
         (desired-scroll-amount (/ window-height 5.0))
         (pixel-scroll-precision-interpolation-factor (map-pixel-height-to-interpolation-factor desired-scroll-amount)))
    (apply func event)))

(advice-add #'pixel-scroll-precision :around #'around-pixel-scroll-precision)

Smart open line

This is a feature taken from Vim. In Vim, you can open lines above or below you with O or o respectively. I wanted something like this for Emacs. These functions achieve that and also indent the line appropriately. They are modified versions of those used in crux.

(defun smart-open-line-above ()
  (move-beginning-of-line nil)
  (insert "\n")
  (forward-line -1)

(defun smart-open-line-below ()
  (move-end-of-line nil)

(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") #'smart-open-line-below)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-O") #'smart-open-line-above)

Display Size in Milimiters Workaround

My monitor doesn’t seem to report proper values to get the display size in milimiters. These values are needed to compute the size of numerous UI elements, such as LaTeX preview images in org files. The functions to get these values are returning 0. For this reason, I check if they do return 0, and then redefine the pgtk-display-monitor-attributes-list function to calculate the values manually.

The method to calculate the milimiter dimensions has been borrowed from the Xorg source code.

(when (display-graphic-p)
  (when (eq (x-display-mm-width) 0)
      (let* ((default-pixels-per-mm (/ 96.0 25.4))
             (display-mm-width (floor (+ (/ (display-pixel-width) default-pixels-per-mm) 0.5)))
             (display-mm-height (floor (+ (/ (display-pixel-height) default-pixels-per-mm) 0.5))))
        (setq display-mm-dimensions-alist `((t . (,display-mm-width . ,display-mm-height)))))

      (defun pgtk-display-monitor-attributes-list (&optional terminal)
        (let ((display-name (frame-parameter nil 'display))
              (geometry (list 0 0 (display-pixel-width terminal)
                              (display-pixel-height terminal)))
              (mm-size (list (display-mm-width terminal)
                             (display-mm-height terminal))))
          `(((name . ,display-name)
             (geometry . ,geometry)
             (workarea . ,geometry)
             (mm-size . ,mm-size)
             (scale-factor . 1.0)
             (frames . ,(frames-on-display-list terminal))
             (source . "Gdk"))))))))

Custom File

Load the custom file

(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
  (load custom-file 'noerror 'nomessage))

Package Configuration

Here I define the configuration for every package I care about, including built-in ones.


Modify package-archives variable to include the MELPA repository.

(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")
                         ("elpa" . "")
                         ("nongnu" . "")))

Setting this variable allows emacs to upgrade built-in packages from package archives.

(setq package-install-upgrade-built-in t)


(use-package project
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-x p d" . #'project-dired))
  (global-unset-key (kbd "C-x p D"))
  (project-switch-commands '((project-find-file "Find file")
                             (project-dired "Open dired")
                             (eat-project "Terminal")
                             (magit-project-status "Magit" "g")
                             (conner-run-project-command "Conner"))))


(use-package denote
  :ensure t
  :bind ("C-c d" . #'denote-open-or-create))


(use-package dired
  (dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer t)
  (dired-listing-switches "-alh --group-directories-first")
  (dired-dwim-target t)
  (ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program nil)
  (ls-lisp-ignore-case t)
  (ls-lisp-dirs-first t)
  (ls-lisp-use-string-collate nil)
  :after dired-subtree
  (require 'ls-lisp)
  ((:map dired-mode-map
         (("<tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle)
          ("<mouse-2>" . dired-find-file)
          ("<mouse-8>" . dired-up-directory)
          ("<backspace>" . dired-up-directory)
          ("b" . dired-up-directory)
          ("C-o" . dired-find-file-other-window)
          ("o" . dired-display-file)))))

This allows me to toggle subtrees in dired buffers.

(use-package dired-subtree
  :ensure t
  (dired-subtree-cycle-depth 4)
  (dired-subtree-use-backgrounds nil))

And this adds some colour to dired.

(use-package diredfl
  :ensure t
  (dired-mode . diredfl-mode))


(use-package conner
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-x p c" . conner-run-project-command)))

Nerd Icons

(use-package nerd-icons
  :ensure t
  (nerd-icons-scale-factor 1.1))

(use-package nerd-icons-completion
  :ensure t
  :after marginalia
  (marginalia-mode . nerd-icons-completion-marginalia-setup)

(use-package nerd-icons-dired
  :ensure t
  (dired-mode . nerd-icons-dired-mode))

(use-package nerd-icons-ibuffer
  :ensure t
  :hook (ibuffer-mode . nerd-icons-ibuffer-mode))


Corfu provides a quick popup that displays completion candidates for whatever it is you’re currently typing. It can also show documentation next to the completions buffer for the symbol you’re currently selecting. Goes well with Orderless.

(use-package corfu
  :ensure t
  (corfu-auto t)
  (corfu-auto-delay 0.2)
  (corfu-auto-prefix 0)
  (corfu-min-width 60)
  (corfu-popupinfo-delay 0.5)
  (corfu-preview-current nil)
  (corfu-preselect 'prompt)
  (corfu-quit-no-match t)
  (corfu-on-exact-match 'quit)
  (corfu-cycle t)


Corfu by default sets up the corfu-keymap variable which overrides some common keybindings. I found the defaults to be obtrusive. I defined my own keybinds. I want the completion to appear as quickly as possible, but I don’t want it to be in the way of my typing. So, I have bound a separate set of keys to scroll the popup, since otherwise I would be stuck scrolling the popup when I actually wanted to scroll the document I’m working with. I have also defined custom functions for TAB and RETURN. TAB should always complete either the first completion candidate, or any other explicitly selected candidate. RETURN will only autocomplete if a candidate has been explicitly selected. This allows me to insert a newline with RETURN even if the popup is present.

(defun corfu-handle-tab-completion ()
  (if (>= corfu--index 0)
      (setq corfu--index 0)

(defun corfu-handle-return-completion ()
  (if (>= corfu--index 0)

(setq corfu-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key corfu-map (kbd "M-n") 'corfu-next)
(define-key corfu-map (kbd "M-p") 'corfu-previous)
(define-key corfu-map (kbd "TAB") 'corfu-handle-tab-completion)
(define-key corfu-map (kbd "RET") 'corfu-handle-return-completion)
(define-key corfu-map (kbd "M-SPC") 'corfu-insert-separator)

User Interface

I like kind-icons to be shown next to the completion candidates. Hence, this package.

(use-package nerd-icons-corfu
  :ensure t
  :after corfu
  (add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters #'nerd-icons-corfu-formatter))


(use-package compile
  (compilation-filter . ansi-color-compilation-filter)
  (compilation-scroll-output t))


(use-package company
  :ensure t
  :if nil
  (company-tooltip-minimum-width 60)
  (company-minimum-prefix-length 1)


(setq company-active-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "M-n") 'company-select-next)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "M-p") 'company-select-previous)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-h") 'company-show-doc-buffer)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") 'company-complete-selection)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "RET") 'company-handle-return-completion)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-g") 'company-abort)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "<mouse-1>") 'company-complete-mouse)

(defun company-handle-return-completion()
  (if (> company-selection 0)

Extra Programming Modes

These packages provide major modes for other programming languages that are not included by default.

(use-package rust-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package flutter
  :ensure t)
(use-package dart-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package lua-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package yaml-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package markdown-mode
  :ensure t
  :hook ((markdown-mode . auto-fill-mode)
         (markdown-mode . variable-pitch-mode)))
(use-package dockerfile-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package cmake-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package haskell-mode
  :ensure t)
(use-package wollok-mode
  :ensure t)


Vertico provides a performant and minimalistic vertical completion UI based on the default completion system. It makes it really easy to search for functions or variables in the minibuffer. Goes well with Orderless.

(use-package vertico
  :ensure t
  :demand t


It’s Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs.

(use-package magit
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-c g" . #'magit-status)
         ("C-x p m" . #'magit-project-status)))


Orderless is a completion style that lets you search for completions based on keywords, in any order.

(use-package orderless
  :ensure t
  (completion-styles '(orderless basic))
  (completion-category-overrides '((file (styles basic partial-completion)))))


(defun make-ibuffer-project-filters ()
  (let (open-projects
    (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
      (when-let ((visiting-file (buffer-file-name buffer))
                 (visiting-directory (file-name-directory visiting-file))
                 (current-project (project-current nil visiting-directory)))
        (when (not (member current-project open-projects))
          (add-to-list 'open-projects current-project t))))
    (dolist (project open-projects)
      (let ((name (project-name project))
            (root (project-root project)))
        (add-to-list 'filters `(,(format "%s" name)
                                (project-root . ,root)))))

(defun make-ibuffer-filters ()
  (let (filters
        (project-filters (make-ibuffer-project-filters)))
    (add-to-list 'project-filters "Default")
    (add-to-list 'filters project-filters)

(use-package ibuffer
  :ensure t
  (ibuffer-use-other-window t)
  (ibuffer-expert t)
  :bind (("C-x C-b" . #'ibuffer))
  (require 'ibuf-ext)
  (define-ibuffer-filter project-root
      "Return non-nil if BUF is part of a project whose root is QUALIFIER"
    (:description "project root dir"
                  :reader (read-regexp "Filter by project root dir (regexp): "))
    (when-let ((visiting-file (buffer-file-name buf))
               (visiting-directory (file-name-directory visiting-file))
               (current-project (project-current nil visiting-directory))
               (root (project-root current-project)))
      (equal qualifier root)))
  :hook ((ibuffer-mode . ibuffer-auto-mode)
         (ibuffer . (lambda ()
                      (setq ibuffer-saved-filter-groups (make-ibuffer-filters))
                      (ibuffer-switch-to-saved-filter-groups "Default")))))


Adds annotations to completion candidates.

(use-package marginalia
  :ensure t


(use-package eww
  :ensure t
  (shr-max-width nil))

Org Roam

(setq zettelkasten-paths-alist '(("Main" . "~/Documents/wiki/")
                                 ("NesWiki" . "~/Documents/NesWiki/")))

(defun switch-zettelkasten ()
  (let* ((keys (mapcar #'car zettelkasten-paths-alist))
         (prompt (format "Select Zettelkasten:"))
         (key (completing-read prompt keys))
         (chosen-zettelkasten-path (cdr (assoc key zettelkasten-paths-alist))))
    (setq org-roam-directory chosen-zettelkasten-path)
    (setq org-roam-db-location (file-name-concat chosen-zettelkasten-path "org-roam.db"))

(use-package org-roam
  :ensure t
  (org-roam-directory (cdr (assoc-string "Main" zettelkasten-paths-alist)))
  (org-roam-db-location (file-name-concat (cdr (assoc-string "Main" zettelkasten-paths-alist)) "org-roam.db"))
  (org-roam-capture-templates '(("d" "default" plain "%?"
                                  :target (file+head "%<%Y%m%d%H%M%S>-${slug}.org"
                                                     "#+title: ${title}\n#+filetags: :Unfinished:")
                                  :unnarrowed t)))
  (("C-c n f" . org-roam-node-find)
   ("C-c n s" . switch-zettelkasten)
   (:map org-mode-map
         (("C-c n i" . org-roam-node-insert)
          ("C-c n t" . org-roam-tag-add)
          ("C-c n a" . org-roam-alias-add)
          ("C-c n b" . org-roam-buffer-toggle))))
  (org-roam-db-autosync-mode t))

Org Superstar

(use-package org-superstar
  :ensure t
  (org-superstar-item-bullet-alist '((42 . 8226)
                                     (43 . 8226)
                                     (45 . 8211)))
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-superstar-mode)
  (org-superstar-mode t))

Org Fragtog

Org Fragtog allows me to seamlessly edit latex previews in org documents whenever the point is over them.

(use-package org-fragtog
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-fragtog-mode))

Undo Tree

(use-package undo-tree
  :ensure t
  (undo-tree-history-directory-alist `(("." . ,(file-name-concat user-emacs-directory "undo-tree"))))

Multiple Cursors

(use-package multiple-cursors
  :ensure t
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-.") 'mc/mark-next-like-this-word)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-,") 'mc/mark-previous-like-this-word))


(use-package embark
  :ensure t)
(use-package embark-consult
  :ensure t)


(use-package consult
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-x b" . #'consult-buffer)
         ("M-g i" . #'consult-imenu)
         ("M-g I" . #'consult-imenu-multi)
         ("M-y" . #'consult-yank-from-kill-ring)))


(use-package eat
  :ensure t
  :bind (("C-x p t" . #'eat-project))
  :hook (eat-mode . compilation-shell-minor-mode))


(use-package mood-line
  :ensure t


(use-package flymake
  :ensure t)

(use-package flymake-diagnostic-at-point
  :ensure t
  :after flymake
  (add-hook 'flymake-mode-hook #'flymake-diagnostic-at-point-mode))


(use-package proced
  :ensure t
  (proced-enable-color-flag t)
  (proced-tree-flag t)
  (proced-format 'basic)
  (add-to-list 'proced-format-alist '(basic pid tree pcpu pmem comm)))


Eglot is a minimalistic LSP client. It integrates very well with emacs, using its built-in tools as much as possible.

(use-package eglot
  :ensure t
  (eglot-autoshutdown t)
  (eglot-sync-connect 0)
  (eglot-events-buffer-size 0)
  (eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p nil)
  (fset #'jsonrpc--log-event #'ignore)
  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)
  (add-hook 'focus-out-hook #'garbage-collect)
  (define-key eglot-mode-map (kbd "C-c r") 'eglot-rename)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'xref-find-definitions)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c h") 'eldoc)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'xref-go-back)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c R") 'xref-find-references))

Org Mode

(use-package org
  :ensure nil
  (org-startup-indented t)
  (org-pretty-entities t)
  (org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
  (org-startup-with-inline-images t)
  (org-preview-latex-default-process 'dvisvgm)
  (org-preview-latex-image-directory "~/.cache/ltximg")
  (org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 1.4))
  (org-startup-with-latex-preview t)
  (org-M-RET-may-split-line '((default . t)))
  (org-insert-heading-respect-content t)
  :hook ((org-mode . auto-fill-mode)
         (org-mode . variable-pitch-mode))
  (require 'org-tempo))

Enable Languages for Execution

This setting allows me to have more languages available to execute Org-Babel source blocks.

 '((emacs-lisp . t)
   (python . t)
   (shell . t)
   (gnuplot . t)))

Doc View Mode

(use-package doc-view
  :ensure t
  (doc-view-scale-internally t)
  (doc-view-continuous t)
  (add-hook 'doc-view-mode-hook (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))
  (add-hook 'doc-view-mode-hook (lambda () (pixel-scroll-precision-mode -1))))


Dape is a minimalist client for the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). It comes with default configurations for a number of languages.

(use-package dape
  :ensure t)


(defun reload-colorscheme()
  "Unload the current theme and set it again."
  (let ((current-theme (car custom-enabled-themes)))
    (unload-feature current-theme)
    (load-theme current-theme t)))

(define-key special-event-map [sigusr1] 'reload-colorscheme)
(defcustom base16-theme-256-color-source 'colors
  "Where to get the colors in a 256-color terminal.

        In a 256-color terminal, it's not clear where the colors should come from.
        There are 3 possible values: terminal (which was taken from the xresources
        theme), base16-shell (which was taken from a combination of base16-shell and
        the xresources theme) and colors (which will be converted from the actual
        html color codes to the closest color).

        Note that this needs to be set before themes are loaded or it will not work."
  :type '(radio (const :tag "Terminal" terminal)
                (const :tag "Base16 shell" base16-shell)
                (const :tag "Colors" colors))
  :group 'base16)

(defcustom base16-theme-distinct-fringe-background nil
  "Make the fringe background different from the normal background color.
        Also affects `linum-mode' background."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'base16)

(defcustom base16-theme-highlight-mode-line 'box
  "Make the active mode line stand out more.

        There are two choices for applying the emphasis:
          box:      Draws a thin border around the active
                    mode line.
          contrast: Use the \"default\" face's foreground
                    which should result in more contrast."
  :type '(radio (const :tag "Off" nil)
                (const :tag "Draw box around" box)
                (const :tag "Contrast" contrast))
  :group 'base16)

(defvar base16-theme-shell-colors
  '(:base00 "black"
    :base01 "brightgreen"
    :base02 "brightyellow"
    :base03 "brightblack"
    :base04 "brightblue"
    :base05 "white"
    :base06 "brightmagenta"
    :base07 "brightwhite"
    :base08 "red"
    :base09 "brightred"
    :base0A "yellow"
    :base0B "green"
    :base0C "cyan"
    :base0D "blue"
    :base0E "magenta"
    :base0F "brightcyan")
  "Base16 colors used when in a terminal and not using base16-shell.

        These mappings are based on the xresources themes.  If you're
        using a different terminal color scheme, you may want to look for
        an alternate theme for use in the terminal.")

(defvar base16-theme-shell-colors-256
  '(:base00 "black"
    :base01 "color-18"
    :base02 "color-19"
    :base03 "brightblack"
    :base04 "color-20"
    :base05 "white"
    :base06 "color-21"
    :base07 "brightwhite"
    :base08 "red"
    :base09 "color-16"
    :base0A "yellow"
    :base0B "green"
    :base0C "cyan"
    :base0D "blue"
    :base0E "magenta"
    :base0F "color-17")
  "Base16 colors used when in a terminal and using base16-shell.

        These mappings are based on the xresources themes combined with
        the base16-shell code.  If you're using a different terminal
        color scheme, you may want to look for an alternate theme for use
        in the terminal.")

(defun apply-darker-minibuffer-background ()
  (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
  (add-to-list 'face-remapping-alist '(default (:background "#<<darken(i="00", a=0.2)>>")))
  (add-to-list 'face-remapping-alist '(fringe (:background "#<<darken(i="00", a=0.2)>>"))))

(remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'apply-darker-minibuffer-background)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'apply-darker-minibuffer-background)

(defun base16-theme-transform-color-key (key colors)
  "Transform a given color `KEY' into a theme color using `COLORS'.

        This function is meant for transforming symbols to valid colors.
        If the value refers to a setting then return whatever is appropriate.
        If not a setting but is found in the valid list of colors then
        return the actual color value.  Otherwise return the value unchanged."
  (if (symbolp key)

       ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-fringe-bg")
        (if base16-theme-distinct-fringe-background
            (plist-get colors :base01)
          (plist-get colors :base00)))

       ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-mode-line-box")
        (if (eq base16-theme-highlight-mode-line 'box)
            (list :line-width 1 :color (plist-get colors :base04))

       ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-mode-line-fg")
        (if (eq base16-theme-highlight-mode-line 'contrast)
            (plist-get colors :base05)
          (plist-get colors :base04)))

        (let ((maybe-color (plist-get colors (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name key))))))
          (if maybe-color

(defun base16-theme-transform-spec (spec colors)
  "Transform a theme `SPEC' into a face spec using `COLORS'."
  (let ((output))
    (while spec
      (let* ((key (car spec))
             (value (base16-theme-transform-color-key (cadr spec) colors)))

        ;; Append the transformed element
         ((and (memq key '(:box :underline)) (listp value))
          (setq output (append output (list key (base16-theme-transform-spec value colors)))))
          (setq output (append output (list key value))))))

      ;; Go to the next element in the list
      (setq spec (cddr spec)))

    ;; Return the transformed spec

(defun base16-theme-transform-face (spec colors)
  "Transform a face `SPEC' into an Emacs theme face definition using `COLORS'."
  (let* ((face             (car spec))
         (definition       (cdr spec))
         (shell-colors-256 (pcase base16-theme-256-color-source
                             ('terminal      base16-theme-shell-colors)
                             ("terminal"     base16-theme-shell-colors)
                             ('base16-shell  base16-theme-shell-colors-256)
                             ("base16-shell" base16-theme-shell-colors-256)
                             ('colors        colors)
                             ("colors"       colors)
                             (_              base16-theme-shell-colors))))

    ;; This is a list of fallbacks to make us select the sanest option possible.
    ;; If there's a graphical terminal, we use the actual colors. If it's not
    ;; graphical, the terminal supports 256 colors, and the user enables it, we
    ;; use the base16-shell colors. Otherwise, we fall back to the basic
    ;; xresources colors.
    (list face `((((type graphic))   ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition colors))
                 (((min-colors 256)) ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition shell-colors-256))
                 (t                  ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition base16-theme-shell-colors))))))

(defun base16-theme-set-faces (theme-name colors faces)
  "Define `THEME-NAME' using `COLORS' to map the `FACES' to actual colors."
  (apply 'custom-theme-set-faces theme-name
         (mapcar #'(lambda (face)
                     (base16-theme-transform-face face colors))

(defun base16-theme-define (theme-name theme-colors)
  "Define colorscheme faces given a `THEME-NAME' and a plist of `THEME-COLORS'."

        ;;; Built-in
        ;;;; basic colors
     (border                                       :background base03)
     (cursor                                       :background base08)
     (default                                      :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (fringe                                       :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
     (gui-element                                  :background base01)
     (header-line                                  :foreground base0E :background unspecified :inherit mode-line)
     (highlight                                    :background base01)
     (link                                         :foreground base0D :underline t)
     (link-visited                                 :foreground base0E :underline t)
     (minibuffer-prompt                            :foreground base0D)
     (region                                       :background base02 :distant-foreground base05 :extend nil)
     (secondary-selection                          :background base03 :distant-foreground base05)
     (trailing-whitespace                          :foreground base0A :background base0C)
     (vertical-border                              :foreground base02)
     (widget-field                                 :background base03 :box (:line-width 1 :color base06))
     (completions-common-part                      :foreground base0C)

     (error                                        :foreground base08 :weight bold)
     (warning                                      :foreground base09 :weight bold)
     (success                                      :foreground base0B :weight bold)
     (shadow                                       :foreground base03)

        ;;;; compilation
     (compilation-column-number                    :foreground base0A)
     (compilation-line-number                      :foreground base0A)
     (compilation-message-face                     :foreground base0D)
     (compilation-mode-line-exit                   :foreground base0B)
     (compilation-mode-line-fail                   :foreground base08)
     (compilation-mode-line-run                    :foreground base0D)

        ;;;; custom
     (custom-variable-tag                          :foreground base0D)
     (custom-group-tag                             :foreground base0D)
     (custom-state                                 :foreground base0B)

        ;;;; font-lock
     (font-lock-builtin-face                       :foreground base0C)
     (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face             :foreground base03)
     (font-lock-comment-face                       :foreground base03)
     (font-lock-constant-face                      :foreground base09)
     (font-lock-doc-face                           :foreground base04)
     (font-lock-doc-string-face                    :foreground base03)
     (font-lock-function-name-face                 :foreground base0D)
     (font-lock-keyword-face                       :foreground base0E :slant italic)
     (font-lock-negation-char-face                 :foreground base0B)
     (font-lock-preprocessor-face                  :foreground base0D)
     (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash          :foreground base0A)
     (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct          :foreground base0E)
     (font-lock-string-face                        :foreground base0B)
     (font-lock-type-face                          :foreground base0A)
     (font-lock-warning-face                       :foreground base08)
     (font-lock-variable-name-face                 :foreground base05)
     (font-lock-variable-use-face                  :foreground base05)
     (font-lock-property-use-face                  :foreground base0F)
     (font-lock-operator-face                      :foreground base0E)
     (font-lock-number-face                        :foreground base09)

        ;;;; isearch
     (match                                        :foreground base0D :background base01 :inverse-video t)
     (isearch                                      :foreground base0A :background base01 :inverse-video t)
     (lazy-highlight                               :foreground base0C :background base01 :inverse-video t)
     (isearch-lazy-highlight-face                  :inherit lazy-highlight) ;; was replaced with 'lazy-highlight in emacs 22
     (isearch-fail                                 :background base01 :inverse-video t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)

        ;;;; line-numbers
     (line-number                                  :foreground base03 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg :inherit (shadow fixed-pitch))
     (line-number-current-line                     :inherit (fringe fixed-pitch))

        ;;;; mode-line
     (mode-line                                    :foreground base16-settings-mode-line-fg :background base02 :box base16-settings-mode-line-box)
     (mode-line-buffer-id                          :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
     (mode-line-emphasis                           :foreground base06 :slant italic)
     (mode-line-highlight                          :foreground base0E :box unspecified :weight bold)
     (mode-line-inactive                           :foreground base03 :background base01 :box unspecified)

        ;;;; tab-bar
     (tab-bar                                       :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
     (tab-bar-tab                                   :foreground base09 :background base01)
     (tab-bar-tab-inactive                          :foreground base06 :background base01)
     (tab-bar-tab-group-current                     :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (tab-bar-tab-group-inactive                    :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)

        ;;;; tab-line
     (tab-line                                     :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
     (tab-line-tab                                 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
     (tab-line-tab-inactive                        :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
     (tab-line-tab-current                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (tab-line-highlight                           :distant-foreground base05 :background base02)

        ;;; Third-party

        ;;;; anzu-mode
     (anzu-mode-line                               :foreground base0E)

        ;;;; auctex
     (font-latex-bold-face                         :foreground base0B)
     (font-latex-doctex-documentation-face         :background base03)
     (font-latex-italic-face                       :foreground base0B)
     (font-latex-math-face                         :foreground base09)
     (font-latex-sectioning-0-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sectioning-1-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sectioning-2-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sectioning-3-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sectioning-4-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sectioning-5-face                 :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-sedate-face                       :foreground base0C)
     (font-latex-string-face                       :foreground base0A)
     (font-latex-verbatim-face                     :foreground base09)
     (font-latex-warning-face                      :foreground base08)

     (TeX-error-description-error                  :inherit error)
     (TeX-error-description-tex-said               :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
     (TeX-error-description-warning                :inherit warning)

        ;;;; centaur-tabs
     (centaur-tabs-default                         :background base01 :foreground base01)
     (centaur-tabs-selected                        :background base00 :foreground base06)
     (centaur-tabs-unselected                      :background base01 :foreground base05)
     (centaur-tabs-selected-modified               :background base00 :foreground base0D)
     (centaur-tabs-unselected-modified             :background base01 :foreground base0D)
     (centaur-tabs-active-bar-face                 :background base0D)
     (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected        :inherit 'centaur-tabs-selected :foreground base0D)
     (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected      :inherit 'centaur-tabs-unselected :foreground base0D)

        ;;;; circe-mode
     (circe-fool-face                              :foreground base02)
     (circe-my-message-face                        :foreground base0B)
     (circe-highlight-nick-face                    :foreground base0A)
     (circe-originator-face                        :foreground base0E)
     (circe-prompt-face                            :foreground base0D)
     (circe-server-face                            :foreground base03)

        ;;;; avy
     (avy-lead-face-0                              :foreground base00 :background base0C)
     (avy-lead-face-1                              :foreground base00 :background base05)
     (avy-lead-face-2                              :foreground base00 :background base0E)
     (avy-lead-face                                :foreground base00 :background base09)
     (avy-background-face                          :foreground base03)
     (avy-goto-char-timer-face                     :inherit highlight)

        ;;;; clojure-mode
     (clojure-keyword-face                         :foreground base0E)

        ;;;; company-mode
     (company-tooltip                              :inherit tooltip)
     (company-scrollbar-bg                         :background base07)
     (company-scrollbar-fg                         :background base04)
     (company-tooltip-annotation                   :foreground base08)
     (company-tooltip-common                       :inherit font-lock-constant-face)
     (company-tooltip-selection                    :background base02 :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
     (company-tooltip-search                       :inherit match)
     (company-tooltip-search-selection             :inherit match)
     (company-preview-common                       :inherit secondary-selection)
     (company-preview                              :foreground base04)
     (company-preview-search                       :inherit match)
     (company-echo-common                          :inherit secondary-selection)

        ;;;; cperl-mode
     (cperl-array-face                             :weight bold :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
     (cperl-hash-face                              :weight bold :slant italic :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
     (cperl-nonoverridable-face                    :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)

        ;;;; cscope-minor-mode
     (cscope-file-face                             :foreground base0B)
     (cscope-function-face                         :foreground base0D)
     (cscope-line-number-face                      :foreground base0A)
     (cscope-mouse-face                            :foreground base04 :background base01)
     (cscope-separator-face                        :foreground base08 :overline t :underline t :weight bold)

        ;;;; csv-mode
     (csv-separator-face                           :foreground base09)

        ;;;; diff-hl-mode
     (diff-hl-change                               :foreground base0E)
     (diff-hl-delete                               :foreground base08)
     (diff-hl-insert                               :foreground base0B)

        ;;;; diff-mode
     (diff-added                                   :foreground base0B)
     (diff-changed                                 :foreground base0E)
     (diff-removed                                 :foreground base08)
     (diff-header                                  :background base01)
     (diff-file-header                             :background base02)
     (diff-hunk-header                             :foreground base0E :background base01)

        ;;;; dired
     (dired-filetype-plain                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (dired-broken-symlink                         :foreground base08 :background unspecified)

        ;;;; dired+
     (diredp-compressed-file-suffix                :foreground base0D)
     (diredp-dir-heading                           :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit heading)
     (diredp-dir-priv                              :foreground base0C :background unspecified)
     (diredp-exec-priv                             :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
     (diredp-executable-tag                        :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
     (diredp-file-name                             :foreground base0A)
     (diredp-file-suffix                           :foreground base0B)
     (diredp-flag-mark-line                        :background unspecified :inherit highlight)
     (diredp-ignored-file-name                     :foreground base04)
     (diredp-link-priv                             :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
     (diredp-mode-line-flagged                     :foreground base08)
     (diredp-mode-line-marked                      :foreground base0B)
     (diredp-no-priv                               :background unspecified)
     (diredp-number                                :foreground base0A)
     (diredp-other-priv                            :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
     (diredp-rare-priv                             :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
     (diredp-read-priv                             :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
     (diredp-symlink                               :foreground base0E)
     (diredp-write-priv                            :foreground base0A :background unspecified)

        ;;;; diredfl
     (diredfl-autofile-name                        :foreground base0E)
     (diredfl-compressed-file-name                 :foreground base0A)
     (diredfl-compressed-file-suffix               :foreground base0D)
     (diredfl-date-time                            :foreground base0C :weight light)
     (diredfl-deletion                             :foreground unspecified :background base08)
     (diredfl-deletion-file-name                   :foreground base00 :background base08 :weight bold)
     (diredfl-dir-heading                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit heading :weight bold)
     (diredfl-dir-name                             :foreground base0D)
     (diredfl-dir-priv                             :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-exec-priv                            :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-executable-tag                       :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-file-name                            :foreground base0A)
     (diredfl-file-suffix                          :foreground base0B)
     (diredfl-flag-mark                            :foreground base09 :weight bold)
     (diredfl-flag-mark-line                       :background unspecified :inherit highlight)
     (diredfl-ignored-file-name                    :foreground base04)
     (diredfl-link-priv                            :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-no-priv                              :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-number                               :foreground base0A)
     (diredfl-other-priv                           :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-rare-priv                            :foreground base0F :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-read-priv                            :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
     (diredfl-symlink                              :foreground base0E)
     (diredfl-tagged-autofile-name                 :foreground base05)
     (diredfl-write-priv                           :foreground base0A :background unspecified)

        ;;;; doom-modeline
     (doom-modeline-eldoc-bar                      :background base0B)
     (doom-modeline-inactive-bar                   :background unspecified) ; transparent
     (doom-modeline-bar                            :background base0D)

        ;;;; ediff-mode
     (ediff-even-diff-A                            :inverse-video t)
     (ediff-even-diff-B                            :inverse-video t)
     (ediff-even-diff-C                            :inverse-video t)
     (ediff-odd-diff-A                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)
     (ediff-odd-diff-B                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)
     (ediff-odd-diff-C                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)

        ;;;; eldoc-mode
     (eldoc-highlight-function-argument            :foreground base0B :weight bold)

        ;;;; erc
     (erc-direct-msg-face                          :foreground base09)
     (erc-error-face                               :foreground base08)
     (erc-header-face                              :foreground base06 :background base04)
     (erc-input-face                               :foreground base0B)
     (erc-keyword-face                             :foreground base0A)
     (erc-current-nick-face                        :foreground base0B)
     (erc-my-nick-face                             :foreground base0B)
     (erc-nick-default-face                        :foreground base0E :weight normal)
     (erc-nick-msg-face                            :foreground base0A :weight normal)
     (erc-notice-face                              :foreground base04)
     (erc-pal-face                                 :foreground base09)
     (erc-prompt-face                              :foreground base0D)
     (erc-timestamp-face                           :foreground base0C)

        ;;;; eshell
     (eshell-ls-archive                            :foreground base08)
     (eshell-ls-backup                             :foreground base0F)
     (eshell-ls-clutter                            :foreground base09)
     (eshell-ls-directory                          :foreground base0D)
     (eshell-ls-executable                         :foreground base0B)
     (eshell-ls-missing                            :foreground base08)
     (eshell-ls-product                            :foreground base0F)
     (eshell-ls-readonly                           :foreground base06)
     (eshell-ls-special                            :foreground base0E)
     (eshell-ls-symlink                            :foreground base0C)
     (eshell-ls-unreadable                         :foreground base04)
     (eshell-prompt                                :foreground base05)

        ;;;; evil-mode
     (evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face :background base01 :inverse-video t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)

        ;;;; fic-mode
     (fic-author-face                              :foreground base09 :underline t)
     (fic-face                                     :foreground base08 :weight bold)

        ;;;; flycheck-mode
     (flycheck-error                               :underline (:style wave :color base08))
     (flycheck-info                                :underline (:style wave :color base0B))
     (flycheck-warning                             :underline (:style wave :color base09))

        ;;;; flymake-mode
     (flymake-warnline                             :background base01 :underline base09)
     (flymake-errline                              :background base01 :underline base08)
     (flymake-warning                              :background base01 :underline base09)
     (flymake-error                                :background base01 :underline base08)

        ;;;; flyspell-mode
     (flyspell-duplicate                           :underline (:style wave :color base09))
     (flyspell-incorrect                           :underline (:style wave :color base08))

        ;;;; git-gutter-mode
     (git-gutter:added                             :foreground base0B)
     (git-gutter:deleted                           :foreground base08)
     (git-gutter:modified                          :foreground base0E)
     (git-gutter:separator                         :foreground base0C)
     (git-gutter:unchanged                         :foreground base0A :inverse-video t)

        ;;;; git-gutter+-mode
     (git-gutter+-added                            :foreground base0B)
     (git-gutter+-deleted                          :foreground base08)
     (git-gutter+-modified                         :foreground base0E)
     (git-gutter+-unchanged                        :foreground base0A :inverse-video t)

        ;;;; git-gutter-fringe
     (git-gutter-fr:added                          :foreground base0B)
     (git-gutter-fr:deleted                        :foreground base08)
     (git-gutter-fr:modified                       :foreground base0E)

        ;;;; gnus
     (gnus-cite-1                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-1)
     (gnus-cite-2                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-2)
     (gnus-cite-3                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-3)
     (gnus-cite-4                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-4)
     (gnus-cite-5                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-5)
     (gnus-cite-6                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-6)
     (gnus-cite-7                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-7)
     (gnus-cite-8                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-8)
     ;; there are several more -cite- faces...
     (gnus-header-content                          :inherit message-header-other)
     (gnus-header-subject                          :inherit message-header-subject)
     (gnus-header-from                             :foreground base09 :weight bold :inherit message-header-other-face)
     (gnus-header-name                             :inherit message-header-name)
     (gnus-button                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit link)
     (gnus-signature                               :inherit font-lock-comment-face)

     (gnus-summary-normal-unread                   :foreground base0D :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-normal-read                     :foreground base06 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-normal-ancient                  :foreground base0C :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-normal-ticked                   :foreground base09 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-low-unread                      :foreground base04 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-low-read                        :foreground base04 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-low-ancient                     :foreground base04 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-high-unread                     :foreground base0A :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-high-read                       :foreground base0B :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-high-ancient                    :foreground base0B :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-high-ticked                     :foreground base09 :weight normal)
     (gnus-summary-cancelled                       :foreground base08 :background unspecified :weight normal)

     (gnus-group-mail-low                          :foreground base04)
     (gnus-group-mail-low-empty                    :foreground base04)
     (gnus-group-mail-1                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-1)
     (gnus-group-mail-2                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-2)
     (gnus-group-mail-3                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-3)
     (gnus-group-mail-4                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-4)
     (gnus-group-mail-5                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-5)
     (gnus-group-mail-6                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-6)
     (gnus-group-mail-1-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-1)
     (gnus-group-mail-2-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-2)
     (gnus-group-mail-3-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-3)
     (gnus-group-mail-4-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-4)
     (gnus-group-mail-5-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-5)
     (gnus-group-mail-6-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-6)
     (gnus-group-news-1                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-5)
     (gnus-group-news-2                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-6)
     (gnus-group-news-3                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-7)
     (gnus-group-news-4                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-8)
     (gnus-group-news-5                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-1)
     (gnus-group-news-6                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-2)
     (gnus-group-news-1-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-1)
     (gnus-group-news-2-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-2)
     (gnus-group-news-3-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-3)
     (gnus-group-news-4-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-4)
     (gnus-group-news-5-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-5)
     (gnus-group-news-6-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-6)

        ;;;; go-guru
     (go-guru-hl-identifier-face                   :background base02)

        ;;;; grep
     (grep-context-face                            :foreground base04)
     (grep-error-face                              :foreground base08 :weight bold :underline t)
     (grep-hit-face                                :foreground base0D)
     (grep-match-face                              :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit match)

        ;;;; helm
     (helm-M-x-key                                 :foreground base0C)
     (helm-action                                  :foreground base05)
     (helm-buffer-directory                        :foreground base04 :background unspecified :weight bold)
     (helm-buffer-file                             :foreground base0C)
     (helm-buffer-not-saved                        :foreground base08)
     (helm-buffer-process                          :foreground base03)
     (helm-buffer-saved-out                        :foreground base0F)
     (helm-buffer-size                             :foreground base09)
     (helm-candidate-number                        :foreground base00 :background base09)
     (helm-ff-directory                            :inherit dired-directory)
     (helm-ff-dotted-directory                     :inherit dired-ignored)
     (helm-ff-executable                           :foreground base0B)
     (helm-ff-file                                 :inherit default)
     (helm-ff-invalid-symlink                      :inherit dired-warning)
     (helm-ff-prefix                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified)
     (helm-ff-symlink                              :inherit dired-symlink)
     (helm-ff-suid                                 :foreground base08)
     (helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory             :foreground base09 :background base03)
     (helm-ff-denied                               :foreground base08 :background base03)
                                        ;     (helm-ff-truename) ;; already inherited
                                        ;     (helm-ff-dirs) ;; already inherited
     (helm-ff-socket                               :foreground base0E)
     (helm-ff-pipe                                 :foreground base0A :background base03)
     (helm-ff-file-extension                       :foreground base03)
     (helm-ff-backup-file                          :inherit dired-ignored)

     (helm-grep-cmd-line                           :foreground base0B)
     (helm-grep-file                               :foreground base0C)
     (helm-grep-finish                             :foreground base00 :background base09)
     (helm-grep-lineno                             :foreground base03)
     (helm-grep-match                              :foreground base0A)
     (helm-grep-running                            :foreground base09)
     (helm-header                                  :foreground base0A :background base00 :underline unspecified)
     (helm-match                                   :foreground base0A)
     (helm-moccur-buffer                           :foreground base0C)
     (helm-selection                               :foreground unspecified :background base02 :underline unspecified)
     (helm-selection-line                          :foreground unspecified :background base02)
     (helm-separator                               :foreground base02)
     (helm-source-header                           :foreground base05 :background base01 :weight bold)
     (helm-visible-mark                            :foreground base00 :background base0B)

        ;;;; highlight-indentation minor mode
     (highlight-indentation-face                   :background base01)

        ;;;; highlight-thing mode
     (highlight-thing                              :inherit highlight)

        ;;;; hl-line-mode
     (hl-line                                      :background base01)
     (col-highlight                                :background base01)

        ;;;; hl-sexp-mode
     (hl-sexp-face                                 :background base03)

        ;;;; hydra
     (hydra-face-red                               :foreground base09)
     (hydra-face-blue                              :foreground base0D)

        ;;;; ido-mode
     (ido-subdir                                   :foreground base04)
     (ido-first-match                              :foreground base09 :weight bold)
     (ido-only-match                               :foreground base08 :weight bold)
     (ido-indicator                                :foreground base08 :background base01)
     (ido-virtual                                  :foreground base04)

        ;;;; idris-mode
     (idris-semantic-bound-face                    :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
     (idris-semantic-data-face                     :inherit font-lock-string-face)
     (idris-semantic-function-face                 :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
     (idris-semantic-namespace-face                nil)
     (idris-semantic-postulate-face                :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
     (idris-semantic-type-face                     :inherit font-lock-type-face)
     (idris-active-term-face                       :inherit highlight)
     (idris-colon-face                             :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
     (idris-equals-face                            :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
     (idris-operator-face                          :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)

        ;;;; imenu-list
     (imenu-list-entry-face-0                      :foreground base0A)
     (imenu-list-entry-face-1                      :foreground base0B)
     (imenu-list-entry-face-2                      :foreground base0D)
     (imenu-list-entry-face-3                      :foreground base0F)

        ;;;; ivy-mode
     (ivy-current-match                            :foreground base09 :background base01)
     (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1                  :foreground base0E)
     (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2                  :foreground base0D)
     (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3                  :foreground base0C)
     (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4                  :foreground base0B)
     (ivy-confirm-face                             :foreground base0B)
     (ivy-match-required-face                      :foreground base08)
     (ivy-virtual                                  :foreground base04)
     (ivy-action                                   :foreground base0D)

        ;;;; jabber
     (jabber-chat-prompt-local                     :foreground base0A)
     (jabber-chat-prompt-foreign                   :foreground base09)
     (jabber-chat-prompt-system                    :foreground base0A :weight bold)
     (jabber-chat-text-local                       :foreground base0A)
     (jabber-chat-text-foreign                     :foreground base09)
     (jabber-chat-text-error                       :foreground base08)

     (jabber-roster-user-online                    :foreground base0B)
     (jabber-roster-user-xa                        :foreground base04)
     (jabber-roster-user-dnd                       :foreground base0A)
     (jabber-roster-user-away                      :foreground base09)
     (jabber-roster-user-chatty                    :foreground base0E)
     (jabber-roster-user-error                     :foreground base08)
     (jabber-roster-user-offline                   :foreground base04)

     (jabber-rare-time-face                        :foreground base04)
     (jabber-activity-face                         :foreground base0E)
     (jabber-activity-personal-face                :foreground base0C)

        ;;;; js2-mode
     (js2-warning-face                             :underline base09)
     (js2-error-face                               :foreground unspecified :underline base08)
     (js2-external-variable-face                   :foreground base0E)
     (js2-function-param-face                      :foreground base0D)
     (js2-instance-member-face                     :foreground base0D)
     (js2-private-function-call-face               :foreground base08)

        ;;;; js3-mode
     (js3-warning-face                             :underline base09)
     (js3-error-face                               :foreground unspecified :underline base08)
     (js3-external-variable-face                   :foreground base0E)
     (js3-function-param-face                      :foreground base0D)
     (js3-jsdoc-tag-face                           :foreground base09)
     (js3-jsdoc-type-face                          :foreground base0C)
     (js3-jsdoc-value-face                         :foreground base0A)
     (js3-jsdoc-html-tag-name-face                 :foreground base0D)
     (js3-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter-face            :foreground base0B)
     (js3-instance-member-face                     :foreground base0D)
     (js3-private-function-call-face               :foreground base08)

        ;;;; linum-mode
     (linum                                        :foreground base03 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)

        ;;;; lsp-ui-doc
     (lsp-ui-doc-header                            :inherit org-document-title)
     (lsp-ui-doc-background                        :background base01)

        ;;;; lui-mode
     (lui-button-face                              :foreground base0D)
     (lui-highlight-face                           :background base01)
     (lui-time-stamp-face                          :foreground base0C)

        ;;;; magit
     (magit-blame-culprit                          :background base01)
     (magit-blame-heading                          :background base01 :foreground base05)
     (magit-branch                                 :foreground base04 :weight bold)
     (magit-branch-current                         :foreground base0C :weight bold :box t)
     (magit-branch-local                           :foreground base0C :weight bold)
     (magit-branch-remote                          :foreground base0B :weight bold)
     (magit-cherry-equivalent                      :foreground base0E)
     (magit-cherry-unmatched                       :foreground base0C)
     (magit-diff-context-highlight                 :background base01 :foreground base05)
     (magit-diff-file-header                       :background base01 :foreground base05)
     (magit-hash                                   :foreground base0D)
     (magit-header-line                            :background base02 :foreground base05 :weight bold)
     (magit-hunk-heading                           :background base03)
     (magit-hunk-heading-highlight                 :background base03)
     (magit-diff-hunk-heading                      :background base01)
     (magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight            :background base01)
     (magit-item-highlight                         :background base01)
     (magit-log-author                             :foreground base0D)
     (magit-process-ng                             :foreground base08 :inherit magit-section-heading)
     (magit-process-ok                             :foreground base0B :inherit magit-section-heading)
     (magit-reflog-amend                           :foreground base0E)
     (magit-reflog-checkout                        :foreground base0D)
     (magit-reflog-cherry-pick                     :foreground base0B)
     (magit-reflog-commit                          :foreground base0B)
     (magit-reflog-merge                           :foreground base0B)
     (magit-reflog-other                           :foreground base0C)
     (magit-reflog-rebase                          :foreground base0E)
     (magit-reflog-remote                          :foreground base0C)
     (magit-reflog-reset                           :foreground base08)
     (magit-section-highlight                      :background base01)
     (magit-signature-bad                          :foreground base08 :weight bold)
     (magit-signature-error                        :foreground base08)
     (magit-signature-expired                      :foreground base09)
     (magit-signature-good                         :foreground base0B)
     (magit-signature-revoked                      :foreground base0E)
     (magit-signature-untrusted                    :foreground base0C)
     (magit-tag                                    :foreground base05)
        ;;;; mark-multiple
     (mm/master-face                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit region)
     (mm/mirror-face                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit region)

        ;;;; markdown-mode
     (markdown-url-face                            :inherit link)
     (markdown-link-face                           :foreground base0D :underline t)

        ;;;; message-mode
     (message-header-other                         :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :weight normal)
     (message-header-subject                       :foreground base0A :weight bold :inherit message-header-other)
     (message-header-to                            :foreground base09 :weight bold :inherit message-header-other)
     (message-header-cc                            :foreground unspecified :inherit message-header-to)
     (message-header-name                          :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
     (message-header-newsgroups                    :foreground base0C :background unspecified :slant normal)
     (message-separator                            :foreground base0E)

        ;;;; mic-paren
     (paren-face-match                             :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-match)
     (paren-face-mismatch                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-mismatch)
     (paren-face-no-match                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-mismatch)

        ;;;; mmm-mode
     (mmm-code-submode-face                        :background base03)
     (mmm-comment-submode-face                     :inherit font-lock-comment-face)
     (mmm-output-submode-face                      :background base03)

        ;;;; notmuch
     (notmuch-message-summary-face                 :foreground base04 :background unspecified)
     (notmuch-search-count                         :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-search-date                          :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-search-flagged-face                  :foreground base08)
     (notmuch-search-matching-authors              :foreground base0D)
     (notmuch-search-non-matching-authors          :foreground base05)
     (notmuch-search-subject                       :foreground base05)
     (notmuch-search-unread-face                   :weight bold)
     (notmuch-tag-added                            :foreground base0B :weight normal)
     (notmuch-tag-deleted                          :foreground base08 :weight normal)
     (notmuch-tag-face                             :foreground base0A :weight normal)
     (notmuch-tag-flagged                          :foreground base0A :weight normal)
     (notmuch-tag-unread                           :foreground base0A :weight normal)
     (notmuch-tree-match-author-face               :foreground base0D :weight bold)
     (notmuch-tree-match-date-face                 :foreground base04 :weight bold)
     (notmuch-tree-match-face                      :foreground base05)
     (notmuch-tree-match-subject-face              :foreground base05)
     (notmuch-tree-match-tag-face                  :foreground base0A)
     (notmuch-tree-match-tree-face                 :foreground base08)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-author-face            :foreground base0D)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-date-face              :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-face                   :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-subject-face           :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-tag-face               :foreground base0A)
     (notmuch-tree-no-match-tree-face              :foreground base0A)
     (notmuch-wash-cited-text                      :foreground base04)
     (notmuch-wash-toggle-button                   :foreground base04)

        ;;;; nxml-mode
     (nxml-name-face                               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-constant-face)
     (nxml-attribute-local-name-face               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
     (nxml-ref-face                                :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
     (nxml-delimiter-face                          :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
     (nxml-delimited-data-face                     :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-string-face)
     (rng-error-face                               :underline base08)

        ;;;; orderless
     (orderless-match-face-0                       :foreground base0E :weight bold)
     (orderless-match-face-1                       :foreground base0A :weight bold)
     (orderless-match-face-2                       :foreground base0C :weight bold)
     (orderless-match-face-3                       :foreground base0D :weight bold)

        ;;;; org-mode
     (org-agenda-date                              :foreground base0D :underline unspecified)
     (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face                  :foreground base04)
     (org-agenda-done                              :foreground base0B)
     (org-agenda-structure                         :foreground base0E)
     (org-block                                    :foreground base05 :background base01 :extend t :inherit fixed-pitch)
     (org-block-begin-line                         :foreground base03 :background base01 :extend t :inherit fixed-pitch)
     (org-code                                     :foreground base0A :inherit shadow fixed-pitch)
     (org-column                                   :background base01)
     (org-column-title                             :weight bold :underline t :inherit org-column)
     (org-date                                     :foreground base0E :underline t)
     (org-document-info                            :foreground base0C)
     (org-document-info-keyword                    :foreground base0B :inherit (shadow fixed-pitch))
     (org-document-title                           :foreground base09 :weight bold :height 1.44)
     (org-property-value                           :inherit fixed-pitch)
     (org-done                                     :foreground base0B :background base01)
     (org-drawer                                   :inherit (font-lock-builtin-face fixed-pitch))
     (org-ellipsis                                 :foreground base04)
     (org-footnote                                 :foreground base0C)
     (org-formula                                  :foreground base08)
     (org-hide                                     :foreground base03)
     (org-level-1                                  :height 1.5 :weight bold :inherit outline-1 :slant normal)
     (org-level-2                                  :height 1.3 :weight bold :inherit outline-2 :slant normal)
     (org-level-3                                  :height 1.1 :weight bold :inherit outline-3 :slant normal)
     (org-level-4                                  :weight normal :inherit outline-4 :slant normal)
     (org-level-5                                  :weight normal :inherit outline-5 :slant normal)
     (org-level-6                                  :weight normal :inherit outline-6 :slant normal)
     (org-level-7                                  :weight normal :inherit outline-7 :slant normal)
     (org-level-8                                  :weight normal :inherit outline-8 :slant normal)
     (org-link                                     :foreground base0D)
     (org-meta-line                                :inherit (font-lock-comment-face fixed-pitch))
     (org-scheduled                                :foreground base0B)
     (org-scheduled-previously                     :foreground base09)
     (org-scheduled-today                          :foreground base0B)
     (org-special-keyword                          :foreground base09 :inherit fixed-pitch)
     (org-table                                    :foreground base0E :inherit fixed-pitch)
     (org-todo                                     :foreground base08 :background base01)
     (org-verbatim                                 :inherit (shadow fixed-pitch))
     (org-upcoming-deadline                        :foreground base09)
     (org-warning                                  :foreground base08 :weight bold)

        ;;;; markdown-mode
     (markdown-header-face-1                       :height 1.5 :weight bold :inherit outline-1)
     (markdown-header-face-2                       :height 1.3 :weight bold :inherit outline-2)
     (markdown-header-face-3                       :height 1.1 :weight bold :inherit outline-3)
     (markdown-header-face-4                       :weight normal :inherit outline-4)
     (markdown-header-face-5                       :weight normal :inherit outline-5)
     (markdown-header-face-6                       :weight normal :inherit outline-6)

        ;;;; paren-face-mode
     (paren-face                                   :foreground base04 :background unspecified)

        ;;;; perspective-mode
     (persp-selected-face                          :foreground base0C)

        ;;;; popup
     (popup-face                                   :foreground base05 :background base02)
     (popup-isearch-match                          :foreground base00 :background base0B)
     (popup-scroll-bar-background-face             :background base03)
     (popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face             :background base05)
     (popup-summary-face                           :foreground base04)
     (popup-tip-face                               :foreground base00 :background base0A)
     (popup-menu-mouse-face                        :foreground base00 :background base0D)
     (popup-menu-selection-face                    :foreground base00 :background base0C)

        ;;;; powerline
     (powerline-active1                            :foreground base09 :background base00)
     (powerline-active2                            :foreground base08 :background base01)
     (powerline-inactive1                          :foreground base06 :background base01)
     (powerline-inactive2                          :foreground base07 :background base02)

        ;;;; python-mode
     (py-builtins-face                             :foreground base09 :weight normal)

        ;;;; rainbow-delimiters
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face              :foreground base0E)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face              :foreground base0D)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face              :foreground base0C)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face              :foreground base0B)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face              :foreground base0A)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face              :foreground base09)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face              :foreground base08)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face              :foreground base03)
     (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face              :foreground base05)

        ;;;; regex-tool
     (regex-tool-matched-face                      :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit match)

        ;;;; rhtml-mode
     (erb-delim-face                               :background base03)
     (erb-exec-face                                :background base03 :weight bold)
     (erb-exec-delim-face                          :background base03)
     (erb-out-face                                 :background base03 :weight bold)
     (erb-out-delim-face                           :background base03)
     (erb-comment-face                             :background base03 :weight bold :slant italic)
     (erb-comment-delim-face                       :background base03)

        ;;;; sh-mode
     (sh-heredoc                                   :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit font-lock-string-face)
     (sh-quoted-exec                               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)

        ;;;; show-paren-mode
     (show-paren-match                             :foreground base01 :background base0D)
     (show-paren-mismatch                          :foreground base01 :background base09)

        ;;;; slime-mode
     (slime-highlight-edits-face                   :weight bold)
     (slime-repl-input-face                        :weight normal :underline unspecified)
     (slime-repl-prompt-face                       :foreground base0E :underline unspecified :weight bold)
     (slime-repl-result-face                       :foreground base0B)
     (slime-repl-output-face                       :foreground base0D :background base01)

        ;;;; smart-mode-line
     (sml/charging                                 :inherit sml/global :foreground base0B)
     (sml/discharging                              :inherit sml/global :foreground base08)
     (sml/filename                                 :inherit sml/global :foreground base0A :weight bold)
     (sml/global                                   :foreground base16-settings-mode-line-fg)
     (sml/modes                                    :inherit sml/global :foreground base07)
     (sml/modified                                 :inherit sml/not-modified :foreground base08 :weight bold)
     (sml/outside-modified                         :inherit sml/not-modified :background base08)
     (sml/prefix                                   :inherit sml/global :foreground base09)
     (sml/read-only                                :inherit sml/not-modified :foreground base0C)

        ;;;; spaceline
     (spaceline-evil-emacs                         :foreground base01 :background base0D)
     (spaceline-evil-insert                        :foreground base01 :background base0D)
     (spaceline-evil-motion                        :foreground base01 :background base0E)
     (spaceline-evil-normal                        :foreground base01 :background base0B)
     (spaceline-evil-replace                       :foreground base01 :background base08)
     (spaceline-evil-visual                        :foreground base01 :background base09)

        ;;;; spacemacs
     (spacemacs-emacs-face                        :foreground base01 :background base0D)
     (spacemacs-hybrid-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0D)
     (spacemacs-insert-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0C)
     (spacemacs-motion-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0E)
     (spacemacs-lisp-face                         :foreground base01 :background base0E)
     (spacemacs-normal-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0B)
     (spacemacs-replace-face                      :foreground base01 :background base08)
     (spacemacs-visual-face                       :foreground base01 :background base09)

        ;;;; structured-haskell-mode
     (shm-current-face                             :inherit region)
     (shm-quarantine-face                          :underline (:style wave :color base08))

     ;; telephone-line
     (telephone-line-accent-active                 :foreground base00 :background base05)
     (telephone-line-accent-inactive               :foreground base01 :background base03)
     (telephone-line-evil-normal                   :foreground base01 :background base0B :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-insert                   :foreground base01 :background base0D :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-visual                   :foreground base06 :background base0E :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-replace                  :foreground base01 :background base08 :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-operator                 :foreground base0B :background base01 :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-motion                   :foreground base00 :background base0C :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-evil-emacs                    :foreground base07 :background base0E :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-warning                       :foreground base09 :weight bold)
     (telephone-line-error                         :foreground base08 :weight bold)

        ;;;; term and ansi-term
     (term                                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (term-color-black                             :foreground base02 :background base00)
     (term-color-white                             :foreground base05 :background base07)
     (term-color-red                               :foreground base08 :background base08)
     (term-color-yellow                            :foreground base0A :background base0A)
     (term-color-green                             :foreground base0B :background base0B)
     (term-color-cyan                              :foreground base0C :background base0C)
     (term-color-blue                              :foreground base0D :background base0D)
     (term-color-magenta                           :foreground base0E :background base0E)

        ;;;; ansi-colors
     (ansi-color-black                             :foreground base02 :background base00)
     (ansi-color-white                             :foreground base05 :background base07)
     (ansi-color-red                               :foreground base08 :background base08)
     (ansi-color-yellow                            :foreground base0A :background base0A)
     (ansi-color-green                             :foreground base0B :background base0B)
     (ansi-color-cyan                              :foreground base0C :background base0C)
     (ansi-color-blue                              :foreground base0D :background base0D)
     (ansi-color-magenta                           :foreground base0E :background base0E)

        ;;;; tooltip
     (tooltip                                      :background base01 :inherit default)

        ;;;; tuareg-mode
     (tuareg-font-lock-governing-face              :weight bold :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)

        ;;;; undo-tree-mode
     (undo-tree-visualizer-default-face            :foreground base06)
     (undo-tree-visualizer-current-face            :foreground base0B :weight bold)
     (undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face      :foreground base08)
     (undo-tree-visualizer-register-face           :foreground base0A)

        ;;;; utop-mode
     (utop-prompt                                  :foreground base0E)
     (utop-error                                   :underline (:style wave :color base08) :inherit error)

        ;;;; w3m-mode
     (w3m-anchor                                   :underline unspecified :inherit link)
     (w3m-anchor-visited                           :underline unspecified :inherit link-visited)
     (w3m-form                                     :foreground base09 :underline t)
     (w3m-image                                    :foreground base05 :background base03)
     (w3m-image-anchor                             :foreground base05 :background base03 :underline t)
     (w3m-header-line-location-content             :foreground base0D :background base00)
     (w3m-header-line-location-title               :foreground base0D :background base00)
     (w3m-tab-background                           :foreground base05 :background base01)
     (w3m-tab-selected                             :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (w3m-tab-selected-retrieving                  :foreground base05 :background base00)
     (w3m-tab-unselected                           :foreground base03 :background base01)
     (w3m-tab-unselected-unseen                    :foreground base03 :background base01)
     (w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving                :foreground base03 :background base01)

        ;;;; which-func-mode
     (which-func                                   :foreground base0D :background unspecified :weight bold)

        ;;;; treemacs
     (treemacs-window-background-face              :background base01)
     (treemacs-hl-line-face                        :background base00 :weight bold)
     (treemacs-git-added-face                      :foreground base0B)
     (treemacs-git-modified-face                   :foreground base0E)
     (treemacs-git-untracked-face                  :foreground base03)

        ;;;; whitespace-mode
     (whitespace-empty                             :foreground base08 :background base0A)
     (whitespace-hspace                            :foreground base04 :background base04)
     (whitespace-indentation                       :foreground base08 :background base0A)
     (whitespace-line                              :foreground base0F :background base01)
     (whitespace-newline                           :foreground base04)
     (whitespace-space                             :foreground base03 :background base01)
     (whitespace-space-after-tab                   :foreground base08 :background base0A)
     (whitespace-space-before-tab                  :foreground base08 :background base09)
     (whitespace-tab                               :foreground base03 :background base01)
     (whitespace-trailing                          :foreground base0A :background base08)))

  ;; Anything leftover that doesn't fall neatly into a face goes here.
  (let ((base00 (plist-get theme-colors :base00))
        (base01 (plist-get theme-colors :base01))
        (base02 (plist-get theme-colors :base02))
        (base03 (plist-get theme-colors :base03))
        (base04 (plist-get theme-colors :base04))
        (base05 (plist-get theme-colors :base05))
        (base06 (plist-get theme-colors :base06))
        (base07 (plist-get theme-colors :base07))
        (base08 (plist-get theme-colors :base08))
        (base09 (plist-get theme-colors :base09))
        (base0A (plist-get theme-colors :base0A))
        (base0B (plist-get theme-colors :base0B))
        (base0C (plist-get theme-colors :base0C))
        (base0D (plist-get theme-colors :base0D))
        (base0E (plist-get theme-colors :base0E))
        (base0F (plist-get theme-colors :base0F)))
       ;; black, base08, base0B, base0A, base0D, magenta, cyan, white
       [,base00 ,base08 ,base0B ,base0A ,base0D ,base0E ,base0D ,base05]))

    ;; Emacs 24.3 changed ’ansi-term-color-vector’ from a vector of colors
    ;; to a vector of faces.
    (when (version< emacs-version "24.3")
         ;; black, base08, base0B, base0A, base0D, magenta, cyan, white
         [unspecified ,base00 ,base08 ,base0B ,base0A ,base0D ,base0E ,base0D ,base05])))))

(and load-file-name
     (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
     (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
                   (file-name-directory load-file-name))))

(defvar system-colors
  '(:base00 "#<<base(i="00")>>"
    :base01 "#<<base(i="01")>>"
    :base02 "#<<base(i="02")>>"
    :base03 "#<<base(i="03")>>"
    :base04 "#<<base(i="04")>>"
    :base05 "#<<base(i="05")>>"
    :base06 "#<<base(i="06")>>"
    :base07 "#<<base(i="07")>>"
    :base08 "#<<base(i="08")>>"
    :base09 "#<<base(i="09")>>"
    :base0A "#<<base(i="0A")>>"
    :base0B "#<<base(i="0B")>>"
    :base0C "#<<base(i="0C")>>"
    :base0D "#<<base(i="0D")>>"
    :base0E "#<<base(i="0E")>>"
    :base0F "#<<base(i="0F")>>"))

(deftheme system
  "Theme that synchronizes with the current system colorscheme.")

;; Add all the faces to the theme
(base16-theme-define 'system system-colors)

(provide-theme 'system)
(provide 'system)