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File metadata and controls

162 lines (119 loc) · 5.95 KB

Principle of operation

EventQueue is multi-producer, multi-consumer FIFO queue. Performance-wise it is biased to the readers side. All reads are lockless and very fast. Writes happens under lock, and does not block reads.

Single-threaded read performance is between Vec and VecDeque for best-case scenario; 1.5-2x slower then VecDeque - for worse.

Single-threaded write performance 2-3x slower then VecDeque. But writing with EventQueue::extend can give you VecDeque-like performance.

Memory-wise there is only fixed overhead. Each reader is just kind a pointer.

The main idea

EventQueue's storage is a single-linked list of chunks. In order to read from it, you need to register a Reader (Reader is kinda consuming forward iterator). As soon as all readers process the chunk - it is safe to free it. Thus - we only need to track the number of readers that completely read the chunk.

Chunk's read_count atomic +1 operation happens only when Reader cross inter-chunk boundary. And that's basically all atomic stores for reader.

One important thing to remember: is that both - writers and readers - go in one direction, they can not "jump". This means that if reader are in chunk 2 - chunks 0 and 1 are read.


struct EventQueue{
    list: Mutex<List<Chunk>>,   // this is writer lock
    readers_count: usize,
struct Chunk<T, const CAPACITY: usize>{
    storage: [T; CAPACITY],
    len: AtomicUsize,
    read_count: AtomicUsize,
    next: AtomicPtr,
    event: &Event,

Synchronization between EventQueue and Readers happens on Chunk::len atomic Release/Acquire. When writer push, it locks list, write to chunk, then atomically increase Chunk::len (Release).

Reader on start of the read, atomically load Chunk::len (Acquire). This guarantees that all memory writes, that happened prior to len Release will become visible on current thread (in analogue with spin lock).


struct Reader{
    chunk: *const Chunk,
    index: usize

In order to read, Reader need:

  1. Atomic load chunk len.
  2. Read and increment index until the end of chunk reached.
  3. If chunk len == chunk capacity, do atomic load Chunk::next and switch chunk. Else - stop.
  4. If we jumped to the next chunk - fetch_add Chunk::read_count. If Chunk::read_count == EventQueue::readers_count do cleanup.

As you can see, most of the time, it works like slice. And touch only chunk's memory.

EventQueue::clenup traverse event chunks, and dispose those, with read_count == readers_count. So, as soon as we increase Chunk::read_count, there is a chance that chunk will be disposed. This means, that we have either return item copies, or postpone increasing Chunk::read_count until we finish read session. Currently, event_chunk_rs do second.

Reader::irer() serves in role of read session. On construction, it reads Chunk::len, on destruction updates Chunk::read_count.


EventQueue does not track readers, and readers does not signal/lock on read start/end.

Clearing - means pointing readers to the end of the queue. To achieve that, Event- on clear() - stores current queue end position (*chunk + index) in Event::start_position.
Reader, on read session start, reads start_position from Event, and move it's position forward, if needed.

We add following fields to EventQueue:

struct EventQueue{
    start_position_chunk: *const Chunk,
    start_position_index: usize,

This technique has one side effect - it does not actually free memory immediately. Readers need to advance first. So if you want to truncate queue, due to memory limits, you need to touch all associated readers, after clear().

start_position optimisation

We add notion of start_position_epoch. Each time start_position updated - start_position_epoch increased. start_position_epoch fuses with Chunk::len - this way we have only one atomic load for reader. So technically, instead of storing start_position_epoch in EventQueue, we store it duplicates in all chunks. So, on each clear we have to update all chunks values. But it's ok - since chunks number are low, and clear is relatively rare.

So in the end:

struct Chunk{
    len_and_epoch: AtomicUsize

Also, Reader need its own start_position_epoch:

struct Reader{
    start_position_epoch: u32

Reader, with one atomic load, read both chunk len, and current start_point_epoch. If start_point_epoch does not match current, we update Reader's position and mark chunks in-between as read.

Dynamic chunk size

Chunk sizes have [N, N, N*2, N*2, N*4, N*4, ...] pattern ([4,4,8,8,16,16,..]). If we would simply increase size on each next chunk - we would simply grow infinitely. If we have only one chunk left, and previous chunk had the same size - we found ideal size for our queue.

Сhunk recycling

With feature="double_buffering" enabled, the biggest freed chunk will be stored for further reuse.

Tracking readers. Out-of-order chunks disposal.

In order to be able to immediately dispose chunks on cleanup/truncate, we need to know which chunks are free from readers. To do that, we add "In" counter. Whenever "In" = "Out" - chunk is free of readers.

On the EventQueue side:

  • Write lock prev.chunk_switch_mutex
  • If In == Out - it is safe to dispose chunk:
    • Change Next pointer to next chunk
    • free chunk
  • Release mutex

We lock only left-side chunk mutex (with In), because Reader cannot get Out+=1, without In+=1. In other words, it cannot get into chunk by omitting left-side lock and In+=1. And reader moves left to right only.

On the EventReader side, during chunk switch:

  • Read lock prev.chunk_switch_mutex
  • Read next chunk
  • Out+=1, Next.In+=1
  • Release mutex

Queue remains lockless up to the clear/truncate call, due to read lock.

Optimisation techniques


TODO: copy iter vs deferred read mark