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Learning to play the Sudoku

This is a quick description of how to learn to play the Sudoku using the combination of a Convex optimization learning algorithm and a discrete Branch and Bound based optimizer (ToulBar2) as described in our CP'2020 paper. A video of the paper presentation is also available here.

Sudoku directory contents

In this git repository, we provide the following files:

  • train-sufficient-statistics directory: files A_1000 to A_180000 are pickled matrices containing the sufficient statistics for PEMRF assuming that exact solutions are available. These can be computed in linear time from the corresponding learning set (computes from the RRN learning set, using samples as ordered in the original RRN learning set). The files B_1000 to B_180000 are pickled matrices containing the sufficient statistics for PEMRF assuming that solutions are available as images. These can be computed in linear time from the corresponding learning set (RRN learning set, using samples as ordered in the original RRN learning set) and the LeNet output scores for every used MNIST digits (the scores have been computed on the original MNIST dataset using the PyTorch based LeNet implementation available here.

  • LeNet-outputs/MNIST_test_marginal: a python pickled array of LeNet scores for all MNIST digits. This is used to add unary cost functions for validation (hints as images, mode 1 and 2) and to evaluate the likelihood that the predicted image is correct (solutions as images, mode 2). Computed using the same PyTorch based LeNet implementation as above.

  • validation-set/rrn-validation.csv: the validation set of the Recurrent Relation net paper. We only use the first 1024 samples for validation.

  • test-sets directory: satnet-test.csv contains the SAT-Net test set (1000 samples). Used for comparison with SAT-Net. The rrn-test-??.csv files contain the subset of the RRN test set with exactly "??" hints (?? varying from 17 to 34, with 1000 samples each).

Training and Testing

To train a Sudoku solver and test it on a given <number> of training samples on a given <test set> just execute (top directory):

python3 <mode> <number> <test set>

The <mode> describes the assumptions that are made on the nature of the training and validation set:

  • mode 0: assumes that hints and solutions in the training and validation sets can be directly used.

  • mode 1: assumes that hints are available as images and needs to be LeNet decoded as in the SAT-net paper.

  • mode 2: assumes that hints and solutions are available as images and are decoded using LeNet. This makes training and validation far more challenging.

This script uses precomputed values of lambda that have been obtained using the validation loop (see below) and are stored in the lambdas directory. The test produces a test-<mode>-<number of samples>-<test set> file containing the following statistics:

  • training_size: the number of training samples used for training

  • correct_grid_ratio: the fraction of grids that have been perfectly predicted

  • correct_cell_ratio: the ratio of cells/digits that have been correctly predicted

  • ADMM_time: the cpu time used by ADMM for CFN learning

  • total_toulbar2_time: the total cpu time used by toulbar2 for testing all samples (needs to be divied by the number of samples: 1000)

  • funcnumber: the number of learned cost functions

  • exact: True if the number of cost functions learned is 810 and if they all contain a soft difference cost function. Scopes need to be further checked.

Example: python3 0 13000 satnet-test

will train the Sudoku solver on the 13000 first RRN training samples assuming that hints and solutions can be directly used (mode 0), using a precompted value of lambda estimated using the same assumptions. It will then test its performance on the satnet-test set.

Example: python3 0 13000 rrn-test-17

will train again and test the same Sudoku solver on the hardest (17 hints) test set of the RRN paper.


Validation is achieved using the script. The script takes as input a mode (0,1, 2) and a training sample size (that can vary from 1,000 to 180,000 by step of 1000 up to 20,000 and then by steps of 10,000). Optionally, it can take a maximum number of backtracks (default 20000 here). It produces a set of measures for various tested values of lambda (and validation sample sizes) stored in a file named probe-<mode>-<size>.csv where <mode> and <size> are the mode and training sample size given. Each line in this file contains the following statistics:

  • lambda: the value of the regularization parameter lambda tried

  • num_val: the number of validation samples this value has been tested on

  • badg: the number of bad predicted grids

  • badc: the ratio of bad predicted digits/cells

  • ADMMtime: the cpu time used by ADMM for CFN learning for this value of lambda

  • tb2time: the total cpu time used by toulbar2 for validation of all samples

  • funcnumber: the number of learned cost functions

  • exact: True is all functions learned are soft difference cost functions. Scopes need to be further checked manually. Not used for the selection of lambda.

The validated value of lambda (with maximum performance on the validation set) is written in a file named lambda-<mode>-<size>. Note that since toulbar2 cpu-time is used as a tie-breaking criteria for the selection of lambda, this code provides not fully reproducible results. In our (limited) tests, this has only very minor effects on the final accuracy of the learned solver.

Example: python3 0 15000

will explore possible values for lambda assuming that hints and solutions can be directly used (mode 0), using the first 15000 samples of the RRN training set. The search depends on a few parameters that needs to be fixed in the script:

  • lbnd and rbnd give the left and right bound of the interval of values of lambda that will be explored a priori (the validation procedure can extend this interval).

  • n_lambdas_half controls the interval division factor of the search. At each iteration, 2*n_lambdas_half+1 evenly spaced values of lambda will be tried.

  • num_val is the initial number of samples that are tested. This doubles at each iteration and must be a power of two.

The default values provided should work fine for mode 0 and 1. Mode 2 may require a more intense sampling of lambda_values (and possibly increased btlimit too).